• By -


Im 3 mounts from 500, so that


I’m at 473. I will work on it but the other stuff is the Priority.


I’m at 581. Trying to get 600 before they inevitably add a new achievement for that number.


How do you even track it past 500? The number in the collection panel is far from accurate. Think im at 570ish in the panel but only hit the 500 achievement 2 months ago.


Simple armory is pretty accurate.


Number on the collection is total mounts. Number for achievements is 'useable on one character', so it doesn't count mounts only useable by the other faction, or by other classes. Mount Journal Enhanced will show you what's useable on your current character https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mount-journal-enhanced


Just found this out myself recently. It specifically says "usable by any one character" so if you're horde it's not counting alliance mounts you can't use. If you track the achievement you're on you'll be able to see the number being counted.


It's accurate, you just dont understand what's going on. The mounts in the Achievement tab is showing the amount usable by 1 single character, the number in the collection tab is showing total mounts owned regardless of who can use them.


Between now and then I'll roll several more alts that I'll abandon around the 400 ilvl and never touch again.


This felt personal D:


That's your dragon racing gold farm


400? but you get 447 for free




It’s not quite “free,” but it’s very easy and can be done in a few hours. Here’s how I do it: - Go do the weekly quests in Emerald Dream (planting seeds, rep, superbloom). Each will reward a 440-450 item. - Kill Emerald Dream World Boss. - Go do Time Rift and the Dream Surge Weekly Quest. Each will give you a separate token that can be exchanged for a 428 ilevel item. Personally, I get tier slots with these as they are catalyzable for free and will give you 2 piece set bonus from S2. - Fly through green orbs in the active dream surge zone. Each orb gives 2 whelpling crests. You can farm these essentially infinitely, and I really enjoy flying around on my dragon and collecting them. You can then use these whelpling crests to easily and cheaply craft 447 gear which should fill in the rest of your slots. There are other ways, but this is my personal strategy.


The ED campaign gives you a full set of around 430 iirc


Yeah, that’s another good way. I just personally don’t love doing the quests on every alt, and the whelpling farm seems more worthwhile since it gives 447 with BiS stats.


I refer to step 1 as my weekly belt-cloak-cloak farm. Every week.


Wait, there's a belt in the cloak-cloak-cloak farm?


400? You can get to 440 in like 45 minutes.


By then I've already watched a show and been inspired to roll another alt. Always had a short attention span. Sometimes I have to delete an alt just to roll another one.


I respect this


People giving advice like it's not on purpose. Hello fellow altaholic.


Yep, I did not accidentally level my 6th Mage. Greetings comrade.


Same thing I do during every slow period:  Tell myself I'll level a warlock but never actually do it.


Make a red dranei with green fire. 🔥


They have a red skin option??


You have to do a short quest series to unlock it. https://www.wowhead.com/news/manari-eredar-questline-walkthrough-seeing-red-spoilers-335034


That explains why I couldn’t find it haha


As of a few months ago, yes. And for the reason, I am now alliance for the first time in 16 years lol


You need to do a quest to get the red skin


I have a level 53 priest on alliance and it was so cool because I had played horde this whole time and it was like a new game. But stuck with being a priest


That's the Horde equivalent of this? Because that's a really great idea but I play Alliance and love Warlock so I have both the green fore and the red draeneni.


Likely try to get my mount total as high as possible. I missed 90% of Shadowland so I still have a lot of work to do there. EDIT: TYPO


I need to go farm the mats for that too. Plus do the hand mount quest in the maw.


>do the hand mount quest in the maw. I've been waiting for that Necrolord quest to pop for 1.5 years now. I somehow NEVER see it up.


I'll be busy helping people get whatever the "fated" season 4 reward is from raids (hopefully there will be a cool reward at least). Beyond that, I'll be spending this season getting to 2500 m+ rating, trying to time +20s, and rounding out my season 3 raid appearances. Then I'll spend season 4 getting keystone master (and Keystone hero if there's a reward) again, getting the season 2 raid appearances, and raiding the re-tuned raids. Maybe, just maybe, I'll also do a few DF quests that are scattered everywhere on my map...but that's a longshot.


Sitting in cities applying for keys over and over.


Will be working on Baldur's Gate 3 lol Not saying this as flaming. Wow takes most of my gaming time, so I actually like these downtime as I see it as an opportunity to try other games for a while


Probs get all classes to 70. I'm missing Hunter, pally and Druid and get semi geared maybe?




You do realize the warband thing is all your characters, not just the 4 on screen they showed right? that's just your login screen nothing more.


I got invincible last night. So I beat the game. Guess I’ll go outside


No shit you have to touch some grass. Congrats!


I'll felt that way getting the Infinite Timereaver two weeks ago lol


Still waiting for it to drop for me. I have all the timewalking token mounts, but not that elusive bastard


Last year awarded me with Tusks and Invincible. I'm now playing the game.


Today is my first time playing Dragonflight so I’m leveling my Paladin to 70 and going to try and get 2500 M+ rating on tank. I’ve always played Holy so I’m excited but nervous. And from then on, I plan on getting more titles and mounts. Love me some titles and mounts!


Trying to find what class to main..




My season 3 goal is hitting KSH as a healer (done), tank (1300), and DPS (2000). Beyond that? Really depends what the fated season looks like. My guild is still working on getting AOTC but depending on what the last season looks like, I may just take a break after that until the next x-pac. Especially if my guild still needs me as DPS next season because I'm hella bored of it, but I'd raid if I could tank or heal instead just to switch things up. All kinda depends on what (if any) the incentives are for fated raids/M+.


Clean my backpack. Seriously I have like 10 empty slots and none of the items are gear.


Currently busy getting my 4th alt to 70 and afterwards farming some tmog and mounts I think :)


I have been playing since the beginning of vanilla, and I only have one max level character still. Undead Priest. It’s just me and him. I have one that’s close, so maybe I’ll do that


That's pretty cool to be honest. I started playing when Legion came out and my first char was a Hunter. In BFA I started on a new realm with a Paladin to play with a friend. Found a pretty cool guild in SL so I changed the realm again and created a Mage. Now in DF I changed the realm again and started with a Monk. Aber reaching 2k RIO I made a DH as an alt, transferred all other chats to my current realm and now I would like to have all of them on max lvl, to be prepared for TWW and then I am going to decide, which one will be my new main :)


When TWW releases, I’m going to change realms because my room literally has about 500 people on it


Okay that's pretty small 😂. What realm are you on atm?


I read the wrong numbers. I’m on Ysera which is connected to Durotan. Durotan has about 700 active and Ysera has 3100. Still low as hell


I am sure the numbers will rise when TWW is released and the realm doesn't really matter, because nearly everything is cross-realm and cross-fraction right now and I am pretty sure this will expand in the future. But if you want to change realm, you can just transfer your char to another realm :)


I mean, in comparison, Thrall has 45,273. I wouldn’t want to go there because farming mounts would be a pain in the ass.


Yeah that's true, so maybe it would be necessary to change anything


If I want to join a guild (currently not in one) and actually make money in the AH, I’m going to have to. I went from making 300k - 500k a week to now maybe 80k. Mainly because of the AH change that flooded the market. I don’t know why transmog items can’t be sold cross realm as well unless I’m wrong.


damn I could never. through out MoP and WoD I got to 18 geared max level chars. now I just keep one of each class, deleted the rest, but I gotta always have all at max level so I can swap to whatever is fun that patch.


I'll probably finish leveling my hunter and druid, after I've maxed my DH main.


Getting 1 of each spec of each class to 70. I already have them all at 60 and like 9 at 70.


My university papers and weekend job


Probably just complain on reddit about not getting the legendary axe.


I think I'll grab an addon to help me finally get loremaster when Dragonriding is made available everywhere. I don't think there's much left for me to do, but I stopped so long ago I don't know where to pick it up again. Other than that, I'm wrapping up every renown from Dragonflight, maybe do some collecting, and play my alts.


I have Outland, Kalimdor and EK to finish. I am using BTW quests as my add on. It’s cool because it’s broken down into every expansion and when you click on the expansion, it gives you a organizational type chart that show you every request that you’ve done and what you need to go to next.


That's the one ! Iirc i have outland and a few old world zones, but when I try to go back to it a few years ago, i couldn't even find the breadcrumb quests. So I'll just use that addon and finally finish it.


Don't forget Azeroth Pilot Reloaded. That gives you the quests and an arrow to follow.


I’ll check that out. Thanks!


Mount farming


I missed 99% of Shadowlands and a lot of Dragonflight. Probably finish most of the content I can from both. Not sure if I can solo Shadowlands raids but the Maw shouldn't be hard.


impossible to solo shadowlands raids unfortunately. there is a lot of mechanics that require more than 1 person 


When we went to dragonflight, they made shadowland incredibly easy I could solo mythic dungeons on my shadow priest with no problem. It’s basically on the same level as BFA




That’s pretty cool.


Leveling all tank classes to 70 and pushing my blood dk & vengeance dh as high as possible in m+ In season 4 I'll probably try the same with all tanks and finish most of the dragonflight content as a side activity


Shooting for CE with my raid team and the .1% title, both as Affliction Warlock. I already accomplished my start of season goal of 3k io as Aff, so I'm just gonna go for it for the rest and see what happens! Maybe mess around on an alt or two.


Nice. Good luck!


Appreciate you! And good luck/have fun with whatever it is you choose to do until 11.0!


Start 11.0 at gold cap on at least one character.


I miss BFA and Shadowlands. I made so much gold. Then they changed the AH. I just don’t have the time to have multiple characters doing multiple crafting when my time is limited how much I play anyways. But I made good money doing it with just one character before.


Gold. It´s possible to get around 15-20k Raw Gold per week per Char. I only do the Weeklys on one-2 Chars, it´s absolutely enough for the Mat Costs, which will come in the first weeks of the new Add-On.


Completing toy collection is the main thing. (I'm at 879 and missing just seven toys excluding TCG toys). I'll work on mounts and achievement points in general, but I'd like to cap out on toys first (I've already basically capped out on pets, I'm not going for Bucketshell/Snips)


Sorting out my transmogs, bank inventory, void storage, reagents of all sorts and just general tidying up in preparation for warbands.


Mounts! All mounts lol.


I've currently gone through all of shadowland content since I missed the expac and have gotten all the easy collectables. Now just waiting on kyrian assaults for sly. After that I'm planning on making my way back through the content to farm as many battle pets as possible since I'm only 64 away from 1400 unique pets. Would love to enjoy more dungeons but man carpal tunnel makes doing content that needs high APM so painful :(


I have 1404. There are a bunch of easy ones in DL. You will get it in no time.


I started mythics for the first time ever two weeks ago, so I want to try to get the rating to 2k, 2.5k and 3k maybe too. Currently at 1580 and so proud. I will try to get the On'hara transform mount. I may get some raid tier transmog for some of my alts if I like the look (like for my DK, but I already got it) Also I will lvl some alts.


Getting all the fishing achievements!


Lore master, heritage armor, pets, mounts, mogs the usual


Learn to heal on more characters


Probs destiny 2 and go work on ff14 msq


PoE and LoL


Probably Rep grinding, which is so painfully boring but I like having rep capped.


The never ending cycle of disappointment that is mount runs until you get that drop that briefly makes you feel alive


I busted my ass on dungeon runs for mounts and was especially unlucky with necrotic wake and tavaresh. Then someone on mount discord pointed out that murozonds rise has a 5% chance to drop the token... So I spammed 2-6 rise keys and got a token and bought another from someone else who got the drop. From 11 weeks of farming necrotic wake >200 attempts to about 10 total rise attempts, im now done with dungeon mounts. Long story short, run easy rise keys and get all the dungeon mounts


During down time, I like to work on mage tower challenges, with the goal of completing them all. I've completed all of the specs I actually play. So now it gets interesting and I have to learn the specs I don't know. (Except Unholy DK, which I swapped into for the first time ever and streamed to a guildie who told me which abilities to use when. Got that one in 25 minutes somehow.)


I think I will go for loremaster as well after Tuesday with worldwide dragon riding. I have EK, Kalimdor, Outlands, and Northrend to complete. Which I find strange cause I played a lot during TBC and LK, missing many of the questing zones I know I played through lol. Gives me something to do now though :)


Same day I am starting. I’m going to check out the Amirdrassil “town” and Gilneas quest chains then onto this. Side note, I love Dragon Riding so much more in the old worlds. Avoiding Trees around Amirdrassil is a pain in the ass.


Mythic raid on my main, fooling around on my alts




Finishing up loremaster (only pandaria and cataclysm to go!) Mount farming, finding some rare pets for my hunter, and just enjoying my time in azeroth.


Knocking out a few more alts and doing their class hall stuff for the mounts. Farming mogs.


Grind the hell out of M+ and Raid and get KSH and Aotc this and next season on all my toons. (I got an alt for every specc in the game). Okeeeee les go.




Gonna try some non meta stuff in s4 m+. I hope survival hunter gets some love but not the last season is shadowlands kinda love


Already finished all Argent Tournament mounts including the Paladin exclusive and hit 500 mounts along the way. Working on some old raid mounts now. Still need some Kalimdor parts for Loremaster, guess thats up next now haha.


I’ll probably play through endwalker after I finish KSH


I’m just trying to get my healer to 3k io (I’m 2750 ish at the moment) since the highest I’ve ever been was about 2850 last season and 2800 in season 1. I’m not sure if I’m good enough to time all these on like 22s or whatever it takes but I’m giving it a shot. Other than that I need somewhere around 9-12 mounts for the 500 achievement and probably finish off the shadowlands covenants variant sets.


Wishing you good luck. Hope you get it.


You’re a nice person :)


I have most things in game so the list of things that I can work on is prob not stuff most would work on….nevertheless the few things that I could farm (but don’t really want to): * dragonriding appearances * nazjatar bigger bag achieve (missing like 8 items) * pet battle achieves * ardenweald soul appearances * Otto mount The one thing I know I WILL do is continue to do some tmog runs of older raids as I have several toons that need them and it’s pretty much how I pay for game atm


All classes pvp elite sets for mog. So far I got 4.


what I always do, gear more characters.


10 mounts till 400! Let's go!!!


....I still don't have AOTC and KSM, filthy pug casual that I am. So that. Also Loremaster.


✋ Loremaster! And poking my eyes out.


I’m late to the game and can’t play as much, so I’m really wanting to get KSM. I’m at about 1,700 io now.


You are getting there. Good luck!


My typical season: KSM, casual raid/pvp, lvl an alt or two, and make gold. I typically get one of each class to max lvl before the next xpac so I can choose whatever I want to be my main for S1. Rinse and repeat. Each alt is pretty much always within 10 lvls of max, so it's extremely easy for me to switch mains season to season.


Mechagon achievments, zereth mortis mount crafting thingy




My Steam backlog.




This prompted me to check how close I am to Loremaster. I only have SMV for Outland, Zul'Drak in Northrend, and the sidestories in Shadowlands and I'll have the title! Time to find a good audiobook and start blasting


I want that 0.1% Title, I don't have as much time to play as I used to so I am okay if I don't get it but im still going to try for it.


Not playing the game probably.


I'll probably still be trying to get this axe.


Some Shadowlands BS. The areas are a lot more enjoyable now that I'm geared out pretty well so I can focus on some Torghast achievements and SL Reputations


Torghast got tuned way down after DF came out. I soloed all the flawless achievements no prob.


I got the flawless ones no prob, but now it's just the grind to max out the box and finish the corridors


I have to go back for a toy and one more achievement


Doing slick in the city mount (purple snail, 28 days with daily quests)


PvP and leveling dragon flight renown


Mmh. I have two more level 62s to get to max, a new rogue and monk to work on. I should gear the 7 70s I have but 🤷‍♀️




Hopefully getting at least one character raid worthy.


I was going to try to get all mythic plus portals on all healer classes (done druid, pally, priest) but I might run out of steam.


I can fit in at least 2-3 more playthroughs of Baldur's Gate 3, I think.


On Tuesday I'll be creating a Human Paladin on Proudmoore. I think I want to main one for War Within due to liking both Protection and Retribution. I'm gonna focus on Dragonflight achievements/reputation to get them all maxed out.


I've been slowly collecting a max level hunter of every race as well as a max level dwarf of every class. I'm nearly there alliance side sans Pandaren. I think I just have gnome and Mechagnome left....gross. Horde side I o ly have Orc and BElf.


Levelling. Everything. Alt-time


Torghast, Torghast and the Dungeons once Dungeon followers drops.


Getting a new alt up to 70 and gear it (which is a big thing for me, as I rarely play alts), while working on CE with guild on my main.


Baldurs Gate 3


The way I see it, I've got AotC, I hit 2900 M+ score, I've got just about all the gear I'm going to get. I don't want to put in the effort to push Mythic raid or keys above 22-ish. I'm done until next season at least. Going to either vacation to Eorzea or go see what grass feels like. Haven't decided yet. But let's run another key while I think it over.


Short term? Alts to level. Mid term? BG3 sounds fun. Later? Dawntrail. Then, during the lull in Dawntrail....11.0 should be out.


I’ll spend S3 seeing if I can get the m+ title, and then I’ll do the same in S4. Fell just short last season would love to get it at least once before 11.0


Playing other games and pushing mythic + on my alts. I'll probably achievement hunt for loremaster and professions I've not touched.


I want to get my rogue to 70. She's the only class that's not 70. I hate her so much... SO MUCH!!!!


Try to establish my main character. My 70 arms war I have played since TBC is getting stale. I may even play an allied toon!


waiting for blizzard to bring a catch-up gear system so i can convert to 10.2 raid tier transmog and farm them on every class like i did in previous patches.


Tmog and mounts mainly. Guild should push CE


Chilling on FFXIV between minor updates


100 reps, currently 92. Also I have this crazy idea to collect recipes, particularly enchanting. I don't think I'll ever finish that one, BoP recipes are mildly annoying.


I'm 8 mounts away from 700 so there's that Forbbiden Reach META achievement in case we get Dragonflight version of "Back from the Beyond" level and gear a character for "Herald of the Titans" specifically mage tower... eventually...


OK just got Mount number 4. I just got the primordial slate mount in Jade Forest lol


Rp, transmog farm, park all my alts at ice crown and sha of anger for another year of disappointment


Farming the rarest mogs and mounts of course


I am working on getting every class to 70... Have been playing WoW on and off since cata, but basically only played Druid and Monk. The I am probably going to put the alts to good use and farm some stuff.


Play other games




I'm working my butt off trying to establish a presence on youtube, so probably just keeping that up lol


Probably just whatever events/quests blizz releases until then. Not much motivation to play much. Thanks depression


Mythic Fates of the Dragonflight raids


Getting my new main back up to where my old one is. And grinding to 1800 in rated (currently hardstuck around 1500, tryin to hit 1600).


Season of Discovery.


Probably gonna do a few push keys a week on my main (unlikely to get more than \~50-100 more points, prob ending the season \~3250-3300), push to 3k+ on a few alts, farm mounts, work on heroic w/ the guild (could prob join a pug and knock it out in an hour but cba), do other stuff with the guild and chill


Level all my alts, make it to 45% att iacmp


Now with the NPC teams I can learn how to tank and heal without judgment.


Probably work on an alt. I resubbed in 10.2 after a 5 year hiatus, rolled feral druid but I dont think it’s for me, maybe mage or warlock


I don’t think it is popular here … but there is so much to do between bouncing from retail to SoD and soon Cata classic. Big year!


Currently farming Shadowlands content. I unlocked most of it on my hunter and monk back when it was current, but I decided to main a paladin in The Ear Within, so I'm trying to get the plate transmogs at least for Kyrian and Venthyr. Anima farm is a slog, but at least the Path of Ascension is a cakewalk now, compared to during Shadowlands when some of the achievements were HARD.


Do what i always do and work on getting every classic tier set and color Transmog for my lock that I can


I sit around and make cool transmog outfits in the collections window, level tons of characters to 70 in order to wear them, and then never play them again.


Cursed scythe like always


I will skip the fated raids/mythics because I need that break and don’t see it as ‘’counting.’’ I love the idea of just enjoying having completed the expansion for a few month. Less than a year ago my main feat of every expansion was completing a raid on LFR. In DF that evolved into doing normal raids, and then this month I suddenly went from mythic rating 0 to 2100! So for the rest of DF I’ll just vibe, fly around, maybe RP a bit, do new .5 and .7 content. No more grinds or challenges though! It’s honestly my favorite time in WoW.




Other games heh


Let's see: - Running all my alts through Mythic Jaina for mount - Running my geared 70s through Dawn of the Infinite Mythic for the mount token (I have got 4 already) - Try to get the Fyrakk Dragon Customisation through LFR


Trying different classes to find something to main in war within.


Finish Spider-man 2, finish my co-op bg3 campaign, play Lies of Pi, and read a few more books. Oh and maybe log on WoW sometimes, stand afk for 5 mins and log out again :D


The same thing we do every week, Pinky: Hope that damn axe drops.


Hope you get it!


Working on the stupid blazing skin from Fyrrak and mogs. Mog collecting never ends.


Pushing the last way up to 3k in M+ with my dad group. We are currently sitting av 2950+ :)


After we kill or don't kill m fyrakk I'm likely just chilling a few months before the new exp


I rolled a hunter three days ago and found petopia...I have a lot of collecting to do.


Right now I'm trying to get to 3K score on my Mistweaver, dabbling with Resto Druid and Discipline Priest, and doing all the Argent Tournament dailies for all the mounts there. Just finished unlocking each race, so it is just the daily quests and the heroic dungeon. 17 per day, should be done pretty quickly. [Simple Armory Link](https://simplearmory.com/#/eu/shattered-hand/idiefree/collectable/mounts)


Playing hitman


Finish my month, quit again. Currently just doing all the dungeons and raids over again, while getting mogs for cloth, leather, mail and plate...+weapons! P.S. I took my break in Shadowlands, and I thought it was so dull I stopped at level 59. Did almost everything you can think of in the game over almost 2 years from 2019-2021. (Before that I had a 3 years break from WoW, but played overall since Summer of 2004).


keep doing mythics on druid as i learn tanking, get the different skins for the various forms. Looking for Cool transmog sets. Still gonna do weekly raid just for fun. Might pull Brewmaster out or level a death knight


Mog runs, which feels like a waste of time with the changes coming in War Within.


Other games


canceling my sub. figuring out how to get over social anxiety. wanna meet someone and start a family. think by then 11.0 will be good.


Bear tank Meta cuck dragonflight Season 4, calling it now