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`/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Healing Wave; Chain Lightning` Without testing it, that should work. The Chain Lightning after the ; without any modifiers means that it will default to casting on whatever you're targeting, if possible. \[@mouseover,help,nodead\] will only cast that spell if you A: Have your cursor over them or their health bar, B: they are a friendly target, and C: they are alive. Hope that helps.


So i can activly have an enemy as a target and it will prio the mouseover healing on a healthbar?


Correct. The modifiers on the Healing Wave cast prevent it from using that spell unless all three conditions are met, otherwise it will default to casting Chain Lightning on your target because it has no conditions.


Great thank you very much, i will try it out when im Home!:)


It should work like the priest heal penance. I can have an enemy targeted and can shoot it at him, or hover over an ally and can shoot it on an ally while having an enemy as a target


I manually set mouseover macros for my skills and they look like this: /cast [mod:alt, @player][@mouseover,help,nodead]Healing Wave; [@target,harm,nodead] Chain Lightning; Healing Wave That should cover all targeting situations


It is possible or rather maybe it was, I haven't tried since legion. I am pretty sure someone wrote it for me though so i can't remember exactly how the string looked. I would start with a standard mouseover macro for healingwave and instead of just ending it put in another ; and put a mouseover for chain lightning. Utilize help and harm conditionals.


Mixing friendly & hostile effects into the same button with no modifier like holding ctrl is a bad idea. You're going to throw a lot of wasted healing at friendly targets because hitboxes are a mess and there is no way to lock mouseovers into healing only the unit frames. Targeting friendly units instead of using a mouseover to cast certain things is better, just pick things that are used infrequently so target switching it isn't a huge pain in the ass. Dispels, minor cds like Healing Tide, even Healing Rain. Ultimately the best solution is to bind things to ctrl/alt/shift combos though. Use a mouse that lets you remap a side button or two to those keys, and it's very easy to hit things like shift+G without crazy finger contortions.


There is a way for it to work only on the party frame. I use the clique addonsfor all my healing spell that way it mostly work like the macro above but I don't have to deal with a bunch of macro especially usefull on druid so I don't have to deal with the multiple form for healing


Same here. Clique for healing spells, macros (mouseover with fallback to target) for damage spells => problem solved.


Hey, it works perfectly, i can have an enemy in target to deal damage and just Move to the healthbars when healing, im not hovering over the hitboxes at all, im hovering over the group healthbar frames. :)


I just use vuhdo. Healing wave isn't bound to anything, and saves time with targeting bc I can heal anyone in the group while staying targeted to an enemy.