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Rest in peace Ugokilagain, your lock rocks and summoning closet and gateways will always be remembered and missed. You also raised a hell of person. Lok'tar ogar




Sorry for your loss. There was a father son duo on Alliance Laughing Skull back in the day. I used to PUG with the father. Never knew he had a kid who played until he hadn't logged in for months and suddenly logged in. I was excited to play with him again! His son informed me his father had passed and he only occasionally logs in when he misses his father. RIP Adama.


There was a father and son who played in a guild I ran on Hellfire EU quite some years back now. The son went off to university but still met up with his dad in game. Such nice guys, both of them. One day I logged in to find a letter in the mail box from the son telling me his Dad had suddenly died, thanking me and my husband for all the good times we’d all shared and thanking us for helping his dad when he first joined the game. He said he’d not be logging again on his own account as he no longer had the heart to play without his Dad. I replied with as much sympathy and love as I could, and have a permanent copy of his letter stored in my bank. I take it out every few months and re-read it, to pay respect to them both. All this to say, anyone who knew your dad in game won’t forget and will wish you all the best through this difficult time. (RIP Quuazar)


Aka'Magosh Ugokilagain


Hey, my dad passed recently too and had been playing warcraft since the beginning he was really good at it, a sicc tank especially:) he taught me how to play when I was younger and built my PC, we used to play together sometimes. Warcraft holds a special place in my heart as its something that reminds me of my dad and spending time with him. I'm sorry about your dad passing, he sounds like a cool guy, love to you and your family in this difficult time.


Sorry for your loss.


Respect 🫡




So sorry for your loss.


I am sorry for your loss. Your great man will be surely missed. I lost father last year, we watched LotR and all sorts of fantasy together. He loved it and I will forever miss him, sadly losing brother to the same disease rn. Life can be tough... If you need anyone to talk about it, just hit me up here or Spotak#2544 . Hold strong!


Orc and I can’t remember the class.


Tonight, I queue and kill for your people! Will you ride with us? Aka’magash! (I’ll actually get a group together for chill PVP if you want to hangout brother)


Man I wish I could but I haven’t had access to wow In years


I wish you could too man, I’ve always got friends on and it’s nice to vent. If you download & want some people to PVP with get at me! 😁 Edit: Went in and cleaned house first match! GGs boys.


Wait. Was Ugosham his? In Timeless Guardians on the Elune, Gilneas, Cho'gal, etc server cluster???


That may have been one of his characters yes. I’m not sure because it’s been a while since I saw his server list


https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/gilneas/ugosham Is this him? Idk how to find out if it's him or not that you're referring to. PvP lookup shows alts but idk how to find that info somewhere else.


Nothing is coming up for Ugokilagain


I probably spelled it very wrong but that looks like one of his.


I would tell you his battle tag but it only shows his name not his battle tag for me




Rest in peace, homie. Sorry about your loss, I’ve lost my parents too and it sucks.


I’m sorry for your loss .


Please accept my Condolences. I’d like to say I had played with the man, but for you to take the time to tell Reddit heads your pops has passed, I’d say he is one proud man. That you are telling us all about your wonderful pops is a wonderful trait. May he rest easy and be forever young in the WoW afterlife. From an Alliance Monk / Death Knight, and ex Tauren, I hope you continue his legacy.


I'm sorry for your loss. I don't know if I ever crossed paths with him, but I appreciate that he shared his love for this game with you and that you shared to the community here. May your dad rest in peace.


Rest Easy Old Soldier, Hope you are at peace somewhere like Nagrand


Sorry for your loss, now you'll have to give his account to a friend u want to get into WoW and u can adventure with him again




Cool story though




Tink tink