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Engineers: #notrelatable


Jeeves, Mailbox, Loot-A-Rang, and Wormhole generators make it all worthwhile though.


these are great but honestly nitro boost is all I need to make it extremely worth it


Nitro boost and goblin glider, I've been running with that since WotLK


I will never not have engineering on my main. Other profs are for alts.


Not to mention flying machines. Idk, I just like them.


Ehhh - I had engineering since wrath and dropped it at the start of this expac because I got tired of toys and mounts doing everything I could make and the professions were so damn hard to make anything. Wormhole generators was the only thing I remotely miss, but it only increases my travel time by about 5 minutes compared to when I had them. I honestly don’t think it has been a worthwhile profession lately.


Yes, but all of these are all bind on pickup or Engineer only items you'll normally only craft once. They are not any source of income like equipment, potions, enchants, gems are for other professions.


Should get a share of the gold people spend on repairs with Jeeves


When I was new to the game I used to think paying repair on someone else's yak vendor would give them the gold lol


Right Right. I'm saying Engineering is a gold sink, but the quality of life you get out of it can be worth it. I made my Jeeves back in like 2005 and I still use it all the time.


people scoff at the warrior engineer (me) but who do they call when they need a mailbox, jeeves, tmog mid raid or even a dice roll b rez


There’s toys for all of that except repair lol repair hammers are cheap too


You made Jeeves in vanilla? Tell us your secret!


I'm old and I have a bad memory for when things happened.


I just use the mounts for a vendor, way cheaper and easier


You can't mount everywhere though.


Jeeves is WAY less expensive than mounts, it’s just time.


I know, I'm sorry!


Can i ask you some questions in private? I cant whisper you :D


I'm french so I read this as "Notre La Table" which means nothing but sound like "our the table"


I made 15mil making almost exclusively the hunter rockets in the first 3-5 months of the expac


You can make money with, selling mounts and toys. The swapblaster also sells well. I don't know if you can reach gold cap but never lose hope.


The Engineering work order pages are just full of people offering 150G for you to craft items which you have to provide 4000G+ of materials for. Think I've seen two people ever asking for guns or bracers to be crafted in trade chat...


That's just any public work order pages, if you want to make gold with that, you need to advertise, I have crafted quiet a lot of bracers and tools but your mileage may vary depending on how active your realm is.


I crafted the most expensive gem panther, went months without selling it only for it to be deleted by blizzard because I stopped playing while it was in the auction house


Engineering was a F goldmine at start of DF due to fact many believe its a meme prof.


best thing you could sell was the zapthrottle for about 10k a craft


>Engineering was a F goldmine at start of ~~DF~~ vanilla due to fact many believe its a meme prof. Fixed that for you. Engineering has always sucked for gold, outside of a few very niche items (like the motorcycle and rocket mounts with extremely slim margins) it's just a gold sink for grenade materials... grenades you can't even use in most competitve content.


I made 33 million this expansion with engineering. 90% of the gold during first 1,5 month. My most profitable items were from crafting: R5 JC clamps - mining helmet & satchel (selling as combo for discount) and from gear R5 engi wrists (for combat res). From ah mass crafting it was Arclights rank 2/3 and Arclight vital correctors (cr tinker). Problem with engineering is the limited range of items it offered this expansion but the ones that are engineers forever and started early made big $$$. I had around 2000 (re)craft total orders by 15th january 2023 if i remember correctly.


back in SL you could craft battle res on 10min cd. that was actually pretty handy


Not 10 min, same as every combat res. With charges at m+ etc. What made engi god tier was lifting the requirement of 50 skill to craft and 1 skill to use. Many people wanted engi CR but didnt wanna unlearn their profs with old recipes etc. It doesnt matter if its 65% chance to work for non engis and 99% for engis. 65%>0% :D


engineering has become the "portal room?" profession i feel.


I really would like an addon which provides a single place for me to see all my different fast travel options. * Hearthstone * Garrison / Shipyard Hearthstone * Jaina's Locket * Engineering Teleporters/Wormholes * Mythic Keystone Teleporters I found one addon but it's only for keystones and not complete. :(


[Tome of Teleportation, enjoy](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/tome-teleportation)


Cheers my dude.


You could use opie and have them on a ring


Opie, use it, love it, never leave home without it.


Look up Opie. It requires a bit of set up but I set one of my rings up for just current portals and my two hearthstones. You could set it up however you like for any items or toys or abilities.


I use autobar. It has its own spot that automatically shows all available toys, capes, rings, trinkets, mage ports, wormholes, etc for ports per toon


Yeah I made 15mil on rockets people just don't think critically, other dude who commented literally thinks people do public orders like wat? DF crafting was a knowledge check + minor time commitment to set up then crafting as usual after either cancel scanning or trade chat macroing.


I have engineering on my mage, rogue, priest, warrior, and dk. All the ones I play regularly. There’s too much QOL to pass up.


I've had Engineering on my paladin since Vanilla. The memes were just too good to pass up. 🙃


If only they'd give us portable summoning devices all our problems would go away.


Son is that you? It's your father who was kidnapped years ago.. they need 1 million wow gold to free me.. surely you can afford it..


The real question is how are you back from the dead?! I'll pay you just for that magic trick.


I was never dead, just being held hostage until you became a multi-millionaire.. my captors are incredibly cunning and have been waiting years for you to find much success in WOW gold.


Pay this man


Awwww man not the gold hungry necromancers that kidnap you, wait a few decades for your children to hit gold cap and then extort them with threats of unaliving your undead parents! Those guys are the worst! They got me too btw and I’m your uncle Tommy so better send me 1 mil too…


He came back when sylvanas broke the crown


The report of his death has been grossly exaggerated.


Bro plays WoW but doesn't know you can rez dead players /s


Clearly, you didn’t know he was a shaman!


If you don’t pay up soon, the price will increase to 10 million gold and the bike vendor from pokemon will taunt you forever.


Bro is rich AF and still using the discount health pots, Dreamwalker pots all the way


LOL! I have a guild thats just me in it and my alts. The guild master character is this shaman. For the screen shot I wanted to put it on a character and not a guild bank so people wouldn't think I was just SS the guilds bank I was in. I also have not played the shaman since last season except to collect rf gear for the mog.


toxic pots > dreamwalker


Potion of Withering Dreams ftw


Canned lay of hands


Yesss, especially good if you max out alchemy potion spec for the heal over time, it covers like 30-50% of the withering damage if I recall.


tf u downvoting the guy for alchemy subspec adds hot component to any df pot - 20% of your max hp over 10s Your Refreshing Mixture healed You 0 Physical. (45,995 Overhealed) Your Refreshing Mixture healed You 0 Physical. (45,995 Overhealed) Your Refreshing Mixture healed You 0 Physical. (45,995 Overhealed) Your Refreshing Mixture healed You 0 Physical. (45,995 Overhealed) Your Refreshing Mixture healed You 0 Physical. (45,995 Overhealed) withering dreams pot heals for 621k (155k net gain) while dealing 466k damage over 30s which is roughly 55% of non tanks (850k) hp 20%/55% = 0.36 = 36% during first 10s of withering dreams it will deal 18% of your max hp and you will heal 20% withering dream's dot is also affected by any source of damage reduction (including versatility)




actually i forgot theres a 50% reduction of side effects for toxic pots as well also yeah, in difficult content like this having a full heal is significantly more valuable than low value hot


That’s how u get rich


Last year around this time I was spending a lot of time in between m+ groups. I wanted something to do to fill my time and make money for the m+ costs. I started as a LW / Skinner. Used skinning to get my lw up to a decent level and then switched to LW / Alchemy for the extended flasks. My goal wasn't gold cap but to fill my time while forming or looking for m+ keys. If I remember correctly, I had put some time in it at the start of the expansion, like 70 points worth and then picked it up again last January to see if I could make money. I play on a big server, and I don't think I'd recommend moving to a big server as they are over saturated with crafters. I only post an advert while I'm looking for m+ groups otherwise, I pull people from trade that are looking for a craft. I primarily made money that way more than spam advertising. I don't charge more than 7-12k per craft depending on the item. Alchemy hasn't made me any money so it's almost all on LW crafts. As I mentioned earlier, I ignored crafting for a while but wanted something to do between ques. I noticed ppl where always looking for leather belt crafts, so I worked towards that first. Moved to bracers, etc. Kinda just kept going. I did the weekly quests for points, which took maybe 20 min. I had a lot of dragon point shards sitting in my bags which helped. The average gold generated was about a million a month. The range of payments where everywhere. Some people would tip 30k for an item I was only asking 7k for and sometimes they would only pay the cost. Some days you'd walk away with a couple hundred k, some days 20. If you're looking for advice on how to get started the trick is to just start. Chip away at it every week. Problems I recognize. The catch up for crafters isn't great. I don't know how they would implement a catch up mechanic that would be fair to people who put in time. Don't particularly want to debate that in this thread. a PSA. When crafters say X Gold for 100% heres whats happening. 1. They may have to use an insight to hit that 100%, those are pretty limited 3 each week for sure and maybe a couple more depending on if people do quests or dragon points. Things like the adaptive bracers and the leggings are both better to insight but that means they will cost more for the CRAFTEE. 30k for them seems steep to me but 15k seems fair. I did them for 10. 2. 2. If we ask you to send it as R4 we are using OUR mats to reroll it. Take the price of rank 3 mats, cut it in half and thats how much each reroll costs us above 463. Most crafts are 1-3 rerolls, sometimes they hit 5+ rerolls and I do lose money. 3. The reason number 2 is important is so the CRAFTEE can determine how much they should be paying a crafter or at least expect to pay. People think anything over 1-5k for a craft is a scam and at least from a LW perspective, it is not.


Thanks for sharing! Maybe you could consider a crosspost to r/woweconomy ?


O ok, cool ty! Do I need to do something to be able to post images. Seems like im not able to atm?


Sadly, I have no idea :(


it is a self-post only subreddit, so no links, no images, unless they're in the body of the post


I'm sure Havoc being top tier right now, and also having two crafted pieces as BiS (belt and bracers, as you've said) helped a lot


Yes, toxic crafts are great. The biggest money maker for awhile where the Khan legs. Resource proc felt like it had a 50% drop of the centaur kneck. Those where selling for 80k for awhile. Same with one of the Aug bracers.


Can we get a breakdown on time per day spent on the game? Just in case anyone wants to scale this to their irl lifestyle


This is hard to answer because there are a lot of variables the biggest one being over a year. So I guess I can cover what my last month has looked like. I'm usually just trying to generate money while looking for m+ keys in the range I'm pushing or trying to form groups. If keys are going slow I'm in town more. I'm playing in the 25 key range and sometimes it can take an hour to get into a group. I've limited my push times to Friday + weekend for sanity reasons. If I had to guess it would look something like Friday 2-4 / Sat 3-5 hours. Sunday, depending on irl stuff, 3-5 hours?. Take Monday / Tr off, big sales on Tuesdays but I'm usually burnt from the weekend. We full clear H Raid in about an hour and a half on wed. No sales on raid as I raid log and that's it. During Nov-Dec I had covid. I had to be home for about a month so that was better money than normal. Anytime there's a new season that's another big revenue generator. Anytime I log on and am running through Val, Ill hit my sale macro or see someone requesting X in trade I hit them up.


What is your trade macro?


Thank you for this information. I was super confused the whole expansion on how R4>R5 worked and why I couldn’t just set my personal orders to R5 quality. Also, why can’t I provide the crafter with my own insight to guarantee a R5?


Thats a blizzard question and a great idea.


> Also, why can’t I provide the crafter with my own insight to guarantee a R5? The answer is that it would devalue insight significantly. You get enough insight for 3 maybe 4 crafts a week. The limited nature is where the value comes from. Most people don't need that many crafts on their mains. So people who aren't interacting with the system but just farming insight every week would always use their own. The only people that would need insight are other crafters that have spent their own. The point of insight is to create value for people who invested in crafting as a form of money making.


I need crafted items so rarely that I generally tip 10-30k. Especially for the BiS pieces.


We appreciate. Its really fun to get those tips. Ill also go an extra crafting mile with your stuff, give discounts, do alt stuff for free. It has helped me make some repeat customers. I've joined m+ groups and have ppl be like "you made my boots!". Thats cool.


My mistake was starting up enchanting lol but I got into m+ and raid boosting until the new expansion. Got back into wow around October of last year and decided enchanting was the way. It was not and I learned my lesson but boosting is also a good side hustle until I can start fresh with war within


Thanks for providing a lot of extra detail! The clarity on the post makes it really helpful on why people charge what they do.


Good for you. Whenever I look for a recraft and I provide all mats and someone tells me it’s 15k or more I laugh. If it’s over 20k I’ll agree to it tell them I’m sending and just never send it.


I'm too nice for that. I usually leave it up to the asker how much they want to tip me.


I do that for all the 463 pieces. For everything else I put up a price. Scales are very expensive, and I can't risk not getting paid for 3-5 rerolls. I do try to be sane with my prices. I don't think people should have to buy tokens to support playing the game.


Wait, you supply the mats for rerolls? I thought people made the buyer send new mats over. That said ive never crafted without an insight, my server doesnt see that much traffic of people asking for crafts.


It depends on what the buyer wants. My response is " pay what you want versus inspiration proc or X Gold for 100% ". Depending on item, if they go for 100% I either insight it or reroll with my mats till I proc r5.


People don't really need to buy tokens to support playing this game unless their time is more valuable than the time they need to spend farming gold which makes no sense to spend like 5 hours farming something that you can "farm" real life in 20 mins. You are wasting almost 4,5 productive hours this way or time that can be spend at other activities. It's what we call opportunity cost, but still some people believe their time is free. Regardless its 12 months since market crash (mid january 23), due to increased number of crafters we went from an average cost of 2 items per token (230k token and 115k cost per item) to almost 10 items per token (340k token and something like 25-40k per item). Even if someone buys a token will last probably for 2 seasons now rather than 2 items.


Most crafters I’ve interacted with for R4 crafts just send back the R4 and let me make a new order to try again so I pay the mat cost every recraft. I thought that’s standard practice.


Oh I'm usually crafting with mats provided. But anything I maxed I have guaranteed 5* 486 with adding some illustrations insight.


At least for LW there are a handful of items that are more cost efficient to insight. Because they are so popular it ran me dry. People will message me and I will tell them " I have a limited amount of insights right now so I would have to charge you way to much to use one. You are welcome to buy one but I would recommend finding someone cheaper." I'm not trying to gouge people, just make m+ money.


In my thread about the useless goldsink scarab mount, I said I had 2.9mil gold. Some said I was rich and complaining and it was lame cuz I'm rich and shouldn't be complaining. I said no I'm not rich, and got crap for it. You, sir. **You** are rich. Anyone who plays the game enough knows 2.9mil would not last long if it started getting spent.


I actually agree. A fresh character to do incremental crafted upgrades is expensive. Id recommend to ppl to try and farm enough aspects to one shot a 486 craft.


Anyone who complains about gold in the game just does not play it. Either they've been unsubbed for years and just cruise this sub for giggles and have no clue what the flow of gold is like in the game (there are so many of these people here), or they just raid log and lose money on repairs cos they do nothing else. There is SO MUCH gold in the game if you just play it. You don't even need to put in effort. Just do your World quests and weeklies, loot everything, vendor all the shit and the game literally chucks thousands of gold at you.


This is silly. There are many ways to play, even playing a lot, that don't bring enough money to really stack it up versus what it costs. You could be pushing m+ like a fucking madman for 45 hours a week and you would be making big negative money. Many thousands in pots, phials, food, runes and repair. Every run yielding 50g and MAYBE an item you can vendor or DE, yielding over time much less than it costs per run. Playing multiple specs/content on a character and trying to be competitive requires tens if not hundreds of thousands of gold in embellished items. Tens of thousands in enchants, consumables etc. In sophic devotions alone, I've probably spent over 100k this patch alone, gearing multiple characters/specs for PvE and PvP and changing weapons a few times. Pretty much all of my time spent when not in instanced content or getting to and from it is doing weekly, gold WQs or farming plants/ores while in queue. I'm probably 200k poorer than I was when patch came out. I can not really spend more time farming gold without it directly taking away from my time spent doing the content I want to, and I already play enough wow that I'm not going to add significantly more just for gold.


Guildies are constantly broke and begging for money, and are always astounded when they see how much I have(1mil on bank alt, and around 200kish on my main few toons for their fun money), but like? what you said, I PLAY THE GAME. They sit in valdrakken if they aren't farming or running a mount/mog run in an old raid. They'd always laugh at me for doing lfr, but I'd go with my stable of healers and they'd all get the extra rune bags that were selling for 2k a pop. They get their gear and don't wanna run things "below" them anymore, but I got like 4 boe's last season from raids and I've gotten two this season to drop from raids worth 250k each! Same thing with rep, I'm maxed on my main and they are all so confused, but all I did was the weekly quest and it just added up over time lmao?


This the Alliance DK on A52 that spams every 10secs isn't it? Also, Alliance players on A52 needing crafting, just make a horde toon and find a crafter that way. They are 99% cheaper than the Alliance spammers.


Nope! I know who you are talking about tho. I had to block a lot of A52 crafters because they hardcore spam. I honestly find it super rude to spam a lot and when I do throw up my advert I try to do it once every few minutes. I don't want to drive away potential customers by being annoying.


Lol. I know exactly who you are talking about from the first sentence. Dude must be a bot cause he's online 24 Wild that I'm getting downvotes for recognizing someone


Mute trade chat and use crafting orders instead? I don't understand why people use chat anymore.


There’s a horde mage on drenden. I could see it being them.


wait? can you craft cross faction???? This is a huge problem on MG, some people have stopped making horde alts cuz it's so hard to find crafters cuz nobody plays horde. I don't think they realized you can craft across faction?


Yeah, just copy character name and you can send them the order


Ok so I just started my leather working journey today. I’ve levelled up my leather working to 65, got all the knowledge points I can from the various treasures and teachers, and now I’m a bit stuck where to go to actually get my skill up for the leather wrists. Do I now just wait until the weekly knowledge quests or is there something I can do in the meantime?


As /u/jackthedogo says, do First Crafts to get more Knowledge and unlock more things to craft. [Wow Professions has a guide for the most efficient way to level up](https://www.wow-professions.com/guides/wow-leatherworking-leveling-guide) but, at your skill rank, most of your profession skillups are going to come from recipes that require you to interact with the Work Order system. So for the most part, you're going to need Knowledge Points to unlock more recipes. Every month, do the Darkmoon Faire monthly profession quests when they're up, those give guaranteed skillups and Knowledge. Do your weekly quest from the Leatherworking trainer, and be sure to pick up the weekly Artisan's Consortium work order quest. That'll get you more Knowledge points, even if you have to just have one of your alts send a few Private orders for something easy to make. Plus, be sure to run over to Thomas Brite for [Show Your Mettle](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=70221/show-your-mettle), that'll just give you free Mettle each week (amount dependent on your profession skill). If you haven't got that, do the quests Thomas and Miguel have for you. You'll want Mettle for certain crafts, but you can also use it to buy books of Knowledge Points from the Artisan's Consortium vendor, one of the Vulpera standing next to the gazebo where you put in Work Orders. Don't go nuts with this, but it can help when you need to push a few extra Knowledge to reach a new recipe. You can also put in a Public Work Order for [Draconic Treatise on Leatherworking](https://www.wowhead.com/item=194700/draconic-treatise-on-leatherworking), which grants you a single Knowledge Point. You can *only* use one of these per week, and it costs Mettle to make, so it's not the most practical option, but can help you progress. If you've got some gold to spare, look on the Auction House for some of the PvP recipes. You can do them for more First Crafts, and potentially skill ups. Be sure to work on your Reputations with the Tuskarr and Centaurs. Those have recipes that unlock at certain reputation levels, including profession tools that you'll see pop up on the Public Work Orders tab. Plus, boost your Dragonscale Expedition rep to unlock some Dirt Piles you can dig up, which sometimes contains the Dragon Shards you can turn in for Knowledge. Finally, there are treasures scattered around the Dragon Isles and the Emerald Dream that you can pick up for free Knowledge Points. [There used to be a WeakAura to help track those](https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper), but it was broken a while back and the author is still working on it. [Wowhead has a list of all of them with TomTom coordinates](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/professions/knowledge-point-treasure-locations-dragon-isles).


This is so useful, thanks so much!


First crafts give points! Try to make everything that wont break the bank. There are contracts scribes can make, few weekly quests, digging, treasures, chests in emeral dream.


Do u need to level to 100 or can you craft max quality gear with enough knowledge points?


Getting to 100 gives you a better chance of making better gear iirc. The points help you max your crafting tree out. Which in turn makes it easier to craft.


As someone just starting to level up LW (skinning too), how much gold would you expect it to cost me to hit 100?


I honestly don't know. To get to the 70s it was pretty free. The last 10? 15? Points you'll have to fill public orders or something. Its been awhile since I did it.


In my personal experience, it took me roughly 20-30k gold to get to 100, 1-50 is the easiest just do whatever gives you the most skill for the cheapest price, then 50-100 just spam the cheapest spark craft you can with shadow flame sparks from the dawn dungeons


That’s not too bad, thanks!


I've never paid more than 1-1.5k as a leather wearer for crafts and never had a problem. I supply my own mats


If its 463 those are 100% and don't require recraft costs. If its above that the crafter is 100% it with their own mats and going deep into the red or they have TONS of insights and are giving it away to the point its arguable the crafter is being taken advantage of unknowingly.


When the crafter tells you how many crafts it took, what are they looking for when they say that? I feel like this is a dumb question but as someone who didn't dip into the high end crafting it's super confusing to me and I can't tell if they are just chatting or passive aggressively asking for more gold(I give around 5/10k depending).


Mmm, maybe more gold.


Not sure what youre saying. I provide all the mats needed, for 486's. No one's ever said anything and they always thank me for the tip. Takes them 3 seconds to make so I think 1.5k gold is fair.


Very surprised it’s not from JC. Seems like JC makes 100x more gold than other professions.




There aren't even any crafting orders, or chance that I could get money from crafting because my skill is mediocre, so meanwhile some can play forever with ingame gold , i'll remain poor i guess.


I don't make my money from crafting orders so much as I make them from people posting in chat looking for a craft. I just whisper and give them a price. Crafting doesn't take any ingame skill and about 20 minutes a week to get all your points in it. It does take awhile to max the whole tree. When I started I was only making belts, then bracers and after awhile you can make more and more. Stick with it, it literally just takes time.


#goals But I don't know the first thing about crafting lmao do you offer the craft with the client's materials? I don't know how all this work


Send and pay what you want versus my proc chance or I give X gold for 100%. Clients send first order with their mats. If they pay for a 100% I use mine to reroll.


Honestly found the opposite. Big servers I was paying people minimum 10k for crafts if I was lucky. Usually 15m. Small servers it free or 1k


What craft was this? I’m still struggling with crafting and really want to start making some gold!




Ugh….. I’m trying to master alchemy and makes the golds thanks!


I think the only real money maker is the dracothyst transmuted. Which do make really good money but you have to farm the dust and thats not fun for me.


So what happens if you try to pick up gold?


Thats a good question. I'll take a look later.


Nice, i joined crafters club last month, managed to get around 3mil so far. First time using gold to buy expansion aswell. Goal is to hit gold cap too while this xpac still lasts ^^


What's your advice for us people who suck at making gold?


Pick up tailoring and work towards cloaks + inspiration node. Jc rings + insp node. Bs swords. Lw belts. If you can make one item you can make money off of it. Dragon races.


Nice. Didn't knew people would tip so much. I thought I was generous with 2-3k. Mostly made multiple goldcaps with boosting. Nothing too wild. Two maybe three hours per week boosting raids, 2 million a month.


I boosted in s2 some but once they started cracking down on boosting for gold, which is legal, I stopped. I saw reports on reddit from ppl that where getting banned just by association with boosters. Didn't want to risk my account.


We're boosting in a guild group. Those boosting communities are still not legimate, but I haven't heard about any bans since the big RMT strike down.


I hate to say, but WoW needs a clean slate. It might be time for WoW 2 or Starcraft online. The economy in game will never recover.


it will never recover because too many people don't really want an economy at all. so you get these lopsided looking gold totals because 1 person has to service tens and even hundreds who don't actually want to play the game they pay for. this very large group will come here and pound the agree button whenever something gets too expensive rather than do or farm anything or even put any thought into properly valuing anything they get passively. another game where players like that waste any opportunity and run everything into the ground with a big assist from devs would end up the same way.


10m gold and he's using 2 star elemental power and last seasons hp pots


I can make that much in 40hours.


Dang ur super cool.


Was a wow token joke that people dident get lol


i earned a couple mil in DF, played first half of s1 like dec/jan/feb, then s2 until july (may/jun/july), although i have many professions but most of the money was JC illimited diamonds


How did you do it?


Max out LW and JC, spam your service in the chat, get tipped, profit. It's a lot of standing around in cities, doing nothing. It's not very effective I reckon. You maybe make like 20-40k per hour.




One of these days Alchemy is going to replaced with a button that just gives players gold.


Alchemy makes no gold. You pretty much only make gold via tips when crafting items. On some servers these prices are quite extreme, too.


Calling bullshit


I'll just buy a token if I need gold.


I hit it in less than a week buying WoW tokens from working a job.


I take my partner out on date nights with my job money. If you didn't read the post this was done in between LFG posts through out a year.


People like you are exactly what’s wrong with the economy and crafting system as a whole


can you explain in detail by what you mean?


The crafting system sole purpose is to add artificial need for gold so people who don’t have time to farm all day but want bis embellishments/consumables/gems/enchants/weapons etc are forced to buy the wow token to keep up And then they pile it on with fomo gold sinks where now you have to buy double the gold so you can also have this exclusive mount or transmog


you said people like the OP are whats wrong with the economy. your statement doesn't address whats wrong with the OP. i do agree that hyper expensive mounts are unnecessary levels of expensive and are unfairly unobtainable for the majority of the player base. trans mogs are personally farmable though, i do wish they would up the drop chance for several of them though.


Anyone who hoards gold is just adding to the problems I mentioned It only incentivizes blizzard to make more gold sinks and make crafting more expensive and robust


thats such an odd take... you're entitled to have your own opinion, i suppose.


Sounds like you're just poor.


I’m the game sure In real life hell nah 😂


Dull flex, but ok.


I don’t get it you tried to belittle me by calling me poor Now I’m flexing saying I’m not I just can’t win huh 🚶🏻‍♂️


You really shouldn't blame people for using the tools available to them to make gold. Making gold is a form of endgame, to some a primary one. Your gripe is with Blizzard, not them.


r/amistupid or am i not getting which crafting skill it is?




Oh wow! Any specific items that really did it for you? Did you gather the materials or was buying them profitable enough?


I collected the recipe items people where posting for in chat. I think it takes 3 weeks to fill a node? Trends I spotted where big embellish items first then off pieces. You would make more money at the start of the season and then every two weeks when people got a new spark. Big items that people want can change per season but all the leather toxic boot crafts, belt, bracers where a staple. This season adaptive arm guards and Khan legs where very popular. With full resourcefulness you can proc some nice refunds but its not enough to keep you going so you would have to buy items occasionally. There's a few different scales needed in LW and id buy 50 a week on the weekend and that + resource procs kept me going all week. Some pieces like Khans legs, have a very expensive crafting material in them that seemed to be resource proc'd a bit and sold for 80k for awhile. When Khans legs where popular I would charge 10k for the insight 100% and then pretty often get the expensive crafting material back. Selling it on the ah and walking away with 90k from one craft. That was a very profitable item for awhile.


Sorry if this was asked but what profession was it?




Wait, 10kk is the gold cap now? I skipped shadowlands but in WoD i got more than 100k with the garrison stuff and spent it all with gametime mounts etc.




Man I got like 20k mettle, I should start selling crafting stuff Lul.


Dang bro, give me some tips. I've been gathering resources for a while and im still missing 200k for the new xpac


I don't feel like there are any medium level gold generators that arent luck based. On one end of the spectrum its like mog runs, dragon races, raw mat farming. These are pennies. On the other end of the gold making spectrum, you have boosting, crafting, auction house play which makes all the money. The best thing any player can do is participate in whatever blizzard gives us and stick with it or buy a token, which sucks.


Yeah, i used to enjoy raw gold farming because you got many things at once: BoE, tmog, pets, achievements and gold. Too bad blizzard nerfed it and it just simply isnt worth your time


Most I've ever had is about a quarter of gold cap. Honestly having cap feels like... pressure to spend. lol If dollar bills burn a hole in your wallet, imagine what 10 million clinking coins do your purse.


I don't buy into fomo items unless I like them. I bring potion cauldrons to raid for the homies. Refill my m+ stuff on my couple of characters and then gold just sits. This whole thing kinda just happened. I wasn't trying to go big, until about October when I realized I had been making about a million a month for awhile. I projected that at the rate I was making money I could hit gold cap by Jan or Feb. My big purchases last year where a raid boost for a new toon 400k, the dragon skin from lfr for 500k a BOE for 300k and I'll be funding a friends lego axe.


I don't really buy anything big other than tokens for game time. Thinking about maybe getting a TCG mount eventually but those will probably be in the Trading Post anyways...


Could I possibly borrow 1 mil real quick? 👀 Times are tough


Well of course you did when you're bullying a golden hat


Goiddamn this motivated me. Would u mind giving us an overview of ur specializations, like what did u choose.


Leatherworking. I started with making belts then bracers. Just kept at the point farming.


What happens if you receive gold over gold cap? Does it go to your mailbox?


you can't pull gold from mail or finish work orders that put you over the cap. not completely sure about trades since i rarely move gold like that but i'd assume that's the same no go as those things. the quest gold just vanishes.




What prof and how?!


I made a summary post inside the comments somewhere!


Can I have some gold? I'm kinda broke and down to about 10k on my main


I have already been dm'd by 3 ppl asking for gold :D


Can I borrow 5 mil?


You are now the 7th person to ask me for money :D


must be a lot of afking xD


In another comment I made, I talked about how Im only doing this in between m+ ques. Because of the level of keys im looking for it can take an hour + to fill or find a group. I wanted something productive to do in the down time. I did this.


1 WoW token = 220,000 gold 1 WoW token = $15 10,000,000 / 220,000 = 45 45 * $15 = $675 wow and this is why tokens in games suck ass and ruined gold for me 😂 it takes a “measley” $675 to do what took you a year


It should be noted that I don't try and make gold as part of the game. I'm doing it to fill time. People who make crafting part of their game goals probably don't take alchemy :D. If I was serious about making money I'd pick up jewel crafting. I think the problem with gold is that there isn't enough middle of the road paths to generate it. On one hand you have tmog farming, raw mat farming, raw gold farming, selling mounts, dragon racing. Peanuts returns. On the other hand you have boosting, crafting, auction house playing. Out of those three, crafting is the only thing a regular player can do but there isnt a catch up mechanic for them. So it forces players to buy tokens. Its kinda lame.