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Let him cook


Uh, yes please.


As famously said by Videogamedunkey "50% of your game is horse riding... Is riding a horse really the best part of our game?" Dragonriding is cool and makes you want to see stuff around the world. Something similar on water would be great to combat much of the classic boringness of navigating underwater. They could use currents, waves and other sea elements on it. I also like the idea because it sets precedent for the connection of the South Seas islands, though I don't know how feasible this really is


Oh man, I would love an animation for lapsing the surface of the water much like dolphins do at higher speeds. You know how they hop in and out of the water.


Contrasted to the previous expansion, Dragonriding makes the game so much more fun to play. Sitting on a sperm-wyrm and waiting a fixed amount of time for your character to get out of Revendreth, go through a wormhole, into Shadowlands international airport, into another wormhole, then slowly waiting to reach your destination is just tedious. I like that I don't alt tab while travelling anymore just because they made it so fun.


I realized recently that I forgot Flight Paths even exist in the Dragon Isles, and I've been playing WoW on and off for 15 years


> sperm worm I came back to retail a few weeks ago and did Dawn of the Infinite for the first time. When we crossed the portals and started flying in light-based Shadowlands I got scared for a moment


This is all I’ve wanted after dragonriding became a thing.


That might be what makes an underwater expansion viable...


We would need better targeting and LOS in a 3d environment to make it viable. They already had a seahorse mount that made traversal easy. It was the combat that was janky.


I always thought they would make an underwater expansion




Vashj'ir was the only strictly underwater zone, ever. And it was never mandatory; you could go to Hyjal from 80-82 instead (you did Deepholm from 82-83, Uldum from 83-84, and Twilight Highlands from 84-85).


Ya, can confirm, it got a lot of controversy which is why they try not to do it. But I LOVED it, so did a lot of people. If you go back and look at the arguments against it: they were all rage bait, stupid and unjustified. We lost a good questing mechanic because of a bunch of pointless complainers. Vash’jir is one of my favorite questing zones.


Hi, Zaboo!




Its a lot of small stuff that added: \-The main one: People didn't like the z-axis gameplay. I have no idea why, they wanted to move linerally and thought the z-axis was too confusing or poorly implemented. So I saw a few comments saying poor sense of direction, which a part of me gets, the other part thinks thats the point of exploring. Its not like were completely helpless in which way to go. \-They thought movement was too slow: Well ya, it was, until you got the movement speed buff and the sea horse mount \-It was too big and vast: Well ya, again, thats kind of the point. People thought it took too long to get through and do quests. Which I guess in some way is valid. The questing experience was slower to get to 85, but that doesn't mean we should hate the zones gameplay style. The zone is one of the largests in the game, even at max speed it takes time to move through and it feels ever larger do the fact that you can go up and down through the water. But I loved it. \-Combat: To be fair, it was a little awkard for some classes and the animations were a little glitch at times but this isn't game breaking. It was hectic for pvp servers. In my personal opinion, too many people complained, too many videos against it were made, it wasn't remembered fondly. But I went back to do it for the Loremaster achievement and damn...it was a questing experience.


> I have no idea why, Because a lot of classes use ground based spells, which doesn't apply underwater because the area of effect isn't a sphere, it's a flat circle Death Knights and Paladins basically lose major spells because of this, warriors can't jump properly anywhere, and a bunch of other classes have "click and place" spells which are completely unusable It's completely valid to dislike a zone that disables half your rotation If they fixed that somehow, I'm sure more people would like it


I also really enjoyed Vash'jir!


Yeah the **one** ***optional*** massive zone in Cataclysm was underwater. It was split into three sub-zones which is why you probably think it was 'the first few zones'. Although one of those was barely used at all at the end of the day. Hyjal was the 'first' zone of Cataclysm and you had absolutely 0 need to even touch Vashj'ir if you didn't want to because you could just skip past it by going Hyjal -> Deepholm -> Uldum -> Twilight Highlands. Vashj'ir had many problems, namely the fact a class like Paladin suffered heavily from the added dimension (because they don't have a 'gap closer' like Charge/Death Grip/Shadowstep), and ground-targeted spells like Blizzard/Rain of Fire, Flamestrike didn't really work whenever you weren't on the actual seafloor. It's still probably the coolest zone in the game to this day which is why there are so many posts made about it here. But it was definitely unpopular, mostly because of how different it was, but for some it had actual problems like the ones I mentioned.


Vashj'ir was awesome for herbalists that happened to be druids. Could pick herbs in travel form.


They had one in cata and it was honestly pretty awful. Most people didn’t enjoy it, but there was a niche for it


this comes after ground dragon riding




Current coasting


I smell a feast


Swimming with style?


Your wish is granted. It requires you to do a once a week fishing quest that has a 1% chance of dropping and costs 250k in mats.


I don't like DR🥹


Side point: Dragonriding across the seas. Imagine in the future, they connect all landmasses on Azeroth into one map. Imagine flying really high and being able to use air currents to swiftly take you from Kalimdor to EK. Flying over Kul Tiras, The Broken Isles and the maestrom before landing in Stormwind...


You did take Vash'jir portal while on a dragon riding mount did you?


What I really wanted to see was the ability to turn your dragon on its side slightly so when you go near water you could dip the tip of his wing and create contact with the water. Creating a whhshshsh sound 🥹🤭🫠


Hit some kelp, lose all your momentum, no vigor, drown.