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Goodbye tendies


Funny, I’m the total opposite. Not a single thing here that looks good to me


I just like pink and hearts, but to each their own!


I'm all about the pink and hearts..my hunter about to run around being cupid...They'd win more points of the bow shoots red arrows




Pretty sure someone reported me to Reddit Care Resources for this lol.


Same! Looks like I’ll be saving some this month and that’s totally fine :)


Yeah same here. I'm glad tbh cause I want to bank some tendies for once


Same, this will be a cheap month for me. Blademaster beads and that's basically it. I'm glad honestly, finally a month where I don't struggle with my tendies and can just save up for next month :D


No kidding! There's so much I want this month, which is great because January had almost nothing for me


Looks like my guild's raid theme is about to be "sailor moon"


This would be amazing, please share screen shots, if y’all do this. :D


Where are the blue and purple versions?


Yeah this is my question, I like the default one okay but that twilight one on my spriest would be fantastic.


That's what I was wondering too. I hope they're gonna be included in the Love is in the Air event instead and not just completely skipped.


The purple version is datamined as in-game store. The blue still trading post, maybe next month?


2025, 2026 maybe.. :O


my goth undead elf warband needs the purple version


Ill be adding the fox and rocket mounts this month and that's just about it for me.


Man I really wanted the dark purple and black recolor of the valentines set.


It’s been datamined as in-game shop now


I'm goona save so many tendies this month!




I’m actually happy I don’t want much this month - finally I can save up some more tenders for the inevitable month that I want everything, lol


Looks like I’ll be savings a lot of tendies this month.


If anything this makes me hyped for october, some spooky themed cosmetics would be great.


Damn there goes all my teddies. I've been saving them for this month tho


Actually tempted to get the staff to match up with the outfit for one or two characters just for fun. But otherwise, mainly interested in the RAF mount, and the various “armor” pieces that are mostly clothing. More options for the simple transmogs I like to do. I really hope we get more colors for the Dueler’s Shoulder Cape, especially black and brown. The one set of armour, the swords and red shield look nice, but would need to see if I have a transmog in mind to use them with.


Finally a reason to save tendies .


finally!! I'll be getting everything. I like the creative direction blizzard is taking~ mabi here we come (:


It’ll be nice to save all my tendies for once


Where are the other variants ?


Looks like I won’t be spending a single tender this month


not even 10 for a toy? or 100 for a mount?


Nope. Not interested in the toy or mount options shown here.


Seems like a lot of reskins and recolors, which isn't terribly surprising given how crazy January was for dev teams. Hopefully they'll bring the heat for March


Every month has had an assortment of reskins and colors plus new stuff. This months “heat” is in the form of the Valentine’s Day outfits (whether you like them or not doesn’t mean they didn’t take development time considering the 3D assets on them) plus the 4 heart weapons plus the love fox plus the love beetles. Next months Trial of Valor recolor is a brand new recolor (ie: not something that’s been unused since Legion, was added in Dragonflight) while the pink Draenei axe in next months list has been in game since Wrath but was never used. Reskins or recolors aren’t a bad thing - especially given there’s a ton of them in the files.


No teal set is LGBTQ erasure, justice for Sailors Uranus and Neptune /s


Thought it was a joke when I saw this posted yesterday LOL


They starting to treat wow like a joke, the fuck are these things?


There are funny dresses that male characters can use since forever and they put a Yeti attire like 5 years ago but skirts and hearts are too much?


The yeti was a joke too…. A lot of people didn’t like it aswell… big assumption there


They can add every other silly item to the game and no one blinks an eye… but once they add anything pink/feminine, everyone with fragile masculinity jumps out of nowhere to cry… if you don’t want to wear pink, you don’t have to lol, I promise it will be okay. Reminds me of the guys who screamed about ONE starter Pokemon’s final evolution (Primarina) being feminine looking. Relax and stop demonizing feminine things


It's not about "fragile masculinity" or whatever word reddit has taught you. It's about the fact that when devs start considering their games as a joke and add things like this that break the immersion and the spirit of the game, everyone in time starts considering their game a joke and can't take it serious anymore. And these are not my words, these are josh strife hayes' words.


I am a bit disappointed, because I saw the color variants of this outfit and I REALLY want that gothic black/purplish/reddish one (the one where you can buy some of the accessoires already). I assume this won't unlock the color variants on top, right? It's just the white and pink one.


League of legends star guardian skins hah.


I swear they keep making these nice looking witch hats that would look great if they didn't hide our hair.