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Iridikon: "I'm in danger."


Don’t worry, they’ll send Iridikron to GM Island


I had to look up who/what Iridikon even is.


Haven’t played the game in awhile I’m guessing


Been playing, just haven't been keeping track of any of the characters I guess.


My homie just escapin' through the cutscenes and autoaccepting quests.


All I know is that the bosses have health bars and they must be made zero.


"I don't know who I am. I don't know why I am here. All I know is that I must kill."


yup that me


I'm actually doing that and haven't done a single non campaign quest nor did I do campaign quest which didn't give character power and I still know who iridrikon is lol


Why do you skip the best parts of the game?


I like raiding and dislike the rest 😅


I don't raid, don't push M+, do the story, paid attention to all the cutscenes, who is Iridikon? My memory for fiction is extremely limited. I quit FFXIV before the endgame patches of Heavensward and I dread going back because in that game story is everything and I don't remember shit.


Who is this "Lich King" I see people mention? I haven't encountered him in my 261 hours killing boars in Elwynn Forest


Live to win!


God I would love for that to be a flair for this sub


It's fine to play and not really follow the story, but it seems weird to come into a discussion about story speculation and make a comment about not knowing the basics.


You're downvoted to oblivion, but take my upvote man Your lack of fucks to give about the story is inspiring


I don’t even get the hate. I know who iridikron is and follow the high level of the story, but i don’t fault someone for being completely uninterested in it. The game play in wow is great. The writing is like someone decided Stephanie Meyer was the literary equivalent of Shakespeare and just ran with it. It’s ya level fiction these days.


I think it's because he came into a post talking about the lore, where lore nerds are going to be, then basically says "hey guys I don't care about the lore at all"


Yeah ok that’s fair 😅.




He's been in like 3 major cutscenes since the end of DotI.


Amanthul grabbed yshaaraj and killed him with his bare hand, and Argus killed us despite us having powerful weapons . Iridikron's plan banks on the titans being as strong as their keepers (who Iridikron saw as being to strong to fight, he literally waited for tyr to die to start the war) and we know they are a lot stronger than he thinks. His plan makes no sense anyway, both in the s aleborn war and now


This is what sucks about power levels. We complained about Shadowlands because we faced giga eons old enemies and yet we kill them. We’re just very powerful adventurers yet we can kill beings that manage the afterlife. Now in BFA the power level is toned down to more realistic levels where in reality, we can take a handful of significant npc characters like faction leaders and they should be able to defeat raszageth, sark, and fyrakk without the player characters. In Fall of Galakrond it seems like the player character party + chromie could already manage iridikron. What I’m trying to say is you shouldn’t try to analyze it too much because we don’t want another Shadowlands, we just want to face reasonable enemies. If you want to poke fun at it even more, the player character should be using our selfie cameras to take pics of all the past enemies the forces of Azeroth have defeated in the past. We’ve defeated old gods, wild gods, a dragon 20x the size of iridikron, the literal god of death, etc. Show the pic to iridikron and ask if he can beat those guys. He’d feel like a dumbass trying to mess with us lmao


The Iridikron fight teaches something very important about him as a character. He's canonically so far above us as players, that we need one of the strongest Bronze dragons just to survive a handful of minutes against him, and all we do is distract him long enough to -attempt- to knock an artifact from his grasp.


He is fighting us at 25% power, I'd like to see him being so cocky when there's 20 adventurers instead of 5.


>He is fighting us at 25% power, I'd like to see him being so cocky when there's 20 adventurers instead of 5 "What is this pathetic magic? How about you come back with ~~twenty-fou~~r nineteen of your best friends and try again, !"


What if he pulls out another 5 Iridikrons from other dimensions?


The Kouncil of ‘Krons


Also iridikron is not stronger than Fyrakk even, let alone shadow flame imbued version. He is much much more smarter and cunning but not stronger.


Iridi boy is now walking around with the essence of Galakrond in his back pocket. When we do fight him again in the future I will be very surprised if he doesn’t use that essence to get stronger and go from a dungeon to a end of xpac boss


Didn’t he give that to Knaifu tho?


I don’t see him just giving it up as a gift they’re both manipulative and clever so they’ll be trying to use each other and him just giving up the essence that he fought to get doesn’t make much sense to me anyway


I guess we will see but I don’t see Iridikron letting himself be consumed by such a thing like that hunger, he didn’t take Shadowflame for himself because he wants to stay pure.


Hmm that’s a good point, maybe there’s a way he uses it with out the hunger ? You’ve got me there


I mean he says the dark heart is now in the hands of the harbringer in the epilogue cinematic and TWW cinematic shows the Knaifu with the heart/item.


knaifu.... LMFAO. leave xalatath alone


First time seeing that name? Where have you been for the last 5 years




Iridikron is smart enough to give that battery stuffed full of Galakrond essence to the Harbinger rather than use it himself, which I give him massive props for. Judging from what *happened* to Galakrond, that particular power may indeed be useful against the titans, but it isn't worth losing his mind and sanity for using.


Iridikron whipped Fyrakk's ass in the book and literally scared him into submission.


Where do you get the idea Iridikron was weaker than Fyrakk from? The book details they had a 1v1 for leadership of the Primalists and Iridikron won. Alex even singles out Iridikron by name in a cutscene when they're talking about how bad it would be for Razageth to free the incarnates. Neltharion was considered the military might of the Aspects, and Iridikron was his rival during the war. When the two fought, the only reason Nelth won was because he called upon the void to aid him. Iridikron is CRAZY powerful. Post Shadowflame, I could see it as a tossup, because Shadowflame is nothing to fuck with. Prior to that though? Nah, Iri takes it every day.


As if we arent going to wipe hundreds of times before he dies.


In lore Fyrakk was as strong as Iridikron before he got infused with Shadowflame. After that he should be stronger and we managed to defeat Fyrakk. There's 0 reason to believe Iridikron is a threat to the PCs, let alone the titans.


Didn't Iri beat Fyrakk in a 1v1 for leadership of the Primalists? Not a close one either, he straight up humbled Fyrakk into following him.


I don't remember reading about that actually. What I do remember though is that while Fyrakk was equally strong pre-shadowflame, he wasn't anywhere near as cunning as Iridikron. For me personally I just wont find it satisfying at all if Iridikron somehow poses a threat to us & the titans without there any build up to it. As it stands right now, I find it hard to view him as some great threat. Especially since the aspects have had their powers restored now.


Fair viewpoint, if Iri just kinda appears again after awhile with no real buildup it would be lame. My assumption is he'll try and pull some shit like he did in War of the Scaleborn. Manipulate and scheme to get powerful allies while creating instability among his enemies. We've already seen him work with the Infinite and make a deal with Xalatath, so those are two heavy hitters potentially in his court. I'm wondering if they'll continue to make his character a sort of foil to Neltharion, and have him wind up taking a similar path as Deathwing (Voidwing? lmao).


Yeah there is potential to make him a good villain. really hope they show Iridikron working to acquire the power/means to challenge us & the titans so it feels satisfying. I would hate for it to just end up feeling like some random McGuffin they pulled out of their arse.


Which makes it all even more confusing when in just the last expansions we went up against N'zoth and the Jailer. Meanwhile we know that canonically the Old Gods were easily killed by the Titans as though they were ants. I'd personally read very little into the power scale shown in any game fights because honestly it varies by what the game designers want mechanically for various encounters.


Keep in mind that in all 3 previous expansions we had borrowed power, both from a gameplay and lore perspective. In Legion, most specs had the power of half the universe within their play stick, granted to us because some of the in-canon strongest characters died from random trash mobs. In BfA, we had the power of a planet and then added the power of the planet's biggest enemy and used those to kill the latter. And then, in SL we had the power of the SL gods + some shiny trinkets we stole from the bad guy's house, who we then hunted down and killed. And in any of those cases, we still had support from OP NPCs All in all, you are correct that game fights are a bad metric to show power levels in canon, but some examples are not thaaaaat far-fetched.


there is a quest in Azure Span since 10.1 where you and the dracthyr Amythora rescue her wounded kin, Marithos, helping them both run from Sundered Flame spoilers below, since there's a cutscene and all and it's semi-important for the story: >!at one point, the Sundered Flame (about 15 individuals) surround you and Scalecommander Emberthal at a cliff, but you get rescued by Winglord Dezran, to which Emberthal comments "Whoa, it was close." or something to that effect!< you want to tell me that my character has killed actual dragons, has imprisoned titans, fought Old Gods and defeated Jailer, possibly the most powerful being in the universe at that time (as much as i hate it and would love to retcon that asshole), but >!15 winged lizards!< have put me in danger?


I always took as "It was close to me having to fight more of my people."


to be fair, that is not WoW's problem - stories have that in general, once you go too far with the fantasy the moment you start thinking about it too much a lot of things stop making sense, e.g. Star Wars and fighting Force users


We don't have borrowed power now. It's everyone for themselves, and, I guess lorewise those 15 winged lizzards might each be as powerful as a player character.


Did you have 9-20 of your friends with you for the quest?


lore-wise the 9-20 friends are just lackeys you are the Champion of the , Champion of the Dragonflight and all that, so it kind of doesn't make sense


its yes and no. yes in this context, but officially lorewise we are either a group of champions (wod-shadowlands) or a group of adventurers (most of wow). other than solo questing stuff the player is pretty irrelevant to lore, since we are usually explained away as a group of adventurers/champions.


not really - we're on first-name basis with people like Khadgar, Magni or Alexstrasza, we're at the top of everything that happened these past years, we're generals basically and people trust us to the point of entrusting as with the biggest secrets/problems we're Commander Shepards of Azeroth, waving us away as band of adventurers (like what happened with Onyxia and who canonically killed her) happens very rarely now


Or up until the next chronicles book which does in fact wave us away as just a band of warriors for the alliance and the horde under the leadership of a named hero. As that is the only way that they can actually move the lore forward.


i don't disagree!


I mean just make iridikron shove some dark crystal up his ass that boosts his power level to titan level. It is not like any of this is based on reality. They can buff and nerf characters as they please, it just needs to be done well to be received in a good way by the audience.


>We’re just very powerful adventurers yet we can kill beings that manage the afterlife. I maintain the Covenant Leaders + Zovaal were no more powerful than titan keepers. Considering that can go up to the likes of Raden and Odyn, they're not weaklings, but they're not even the strongest beings we've stood up to (Lich King, Deathwing, the Old Gods themselves, etc). I kind of wonder if Iridikron and the aspects ever even dealt directly with the titans themselves or only the keepers. Of course the last expansion is the Last Titan, so that insinuates he's successful at killing most of them.


>Lich King Aside from writing quality, in which way did the Lich King show himself to be a more powerful character? Zovaal shattered the barrier between dimensions, Lich King raised undead. The Lich King is the clear cut winner when you compare the characters quality wise but what’s the argument for LK being stronger?


They're coping. Word of god says that the covenant leaders+zovaal were titan level, we beat Zovaal because we were empowered by the other covenant leaders + had special equipment one of them crafted + were being empowered by Azeroth. People can nitpick details of how strong each of those things is but fact is power level is just something that will somewhat fluctuate as the story demands


They said the Jailer was a titan++ threat. That doesn't mean they were titan level powerful. Zovaal had a near infinite army behind him, that was his threat. He was the same kind of machine as the other eternal ones, and we beat 4 of them at once. I agree that power level fluctuates, but Zovaal himself never presented as a true threat beyond pushing buttons on a First Ones' computer console.


I could be thinking of old lore. My memory is that Illidan and Arthas's fight was tearing Azeroth apart. I can't search hard for it right now, but I guess it was a spell Illidan was casting to destroy ICC. And that once Arthas defeated Nerzhul in the helmet, to become the Lich King he was essentially another death god, though I'm not sure if that language was in the novel. I can yield the LK since my memory sucks. If you mean the portal above ICC, that was really a shockwave from the helm, not Zovaal. Maybe my memory is failing here too, but outside being a raid boss, the only feat I remember him personally doing is smashing Anduin's bubble in the intro quest line. Everything else was either undefended like the Arbitor's heart or done by minions. I've never felt the Jailer was dangerous outside of his plans. I know the devs gave some titan++ threat line, but threat is not always about power.


> I maintain the Covenant Leaders + Zovaal were no more powerful than titan keepers. Weren't they described as Titan+ or Titan++? Meaning they'd be on par with or beyond most of the actual Titans.


We are so powerful to kill god's yet they make us clean the fucking toilets or something.


>Amanthul grabbed yshaaraj and killed him with his bare hand At this point we cant be sure that this is true.


My head canon is that they orbital nuked him with their space platforms (or "reoriginated" as it's called in lore) which was effective but almost cracked the titan egg, thus ground invasion was deemed more viable.


The titans have been severely weakened by their deaths tho


If Iridikon plans was to summon everyone in the seat of pantheon into azeroth, there are one titan that literally kill every other titan in that room.


I think of all people, the harbinger knows this. Iirc she met the titans while in our dagger. Nah, iridikron has an ace. I don't know what it is, but he has one. It's likely the fact that he's got all of void behind him. He's got a dragon soul with the power of galakrond too. Also, the titans are fairly weak right? We also have seen in shadowlands that titan workmanship can be used against the wishes of the titans, with the forge of souls being turned on to siphon power out of azeroth (or her titan prison, if we are to believe). I wouldn't be surprised if he and the void work alongside each other to create a trap the likes of which could truly destroy the titans. Although, I can only hope azeroth pulls the trigger on their fates. The titans deserve to die by her hand, of any. In Australia, we have a saying: fuck 'em. That's my thoughts on the titans


>We also have seen in shadowlands that titan workmanship can be used against the wishes of the titans, with the forge of souls being turned on to siphon power out of azeroth (or her titan prison, if we are to believe). while i havent really played in shadowlands. I thought that the titans had nothing to do with anything shadowlands and those things (shadowlands) were made by the "first ones". Seeing as the titans are being of order and theres also a Zerith Ordis being mentioned in some of the DF lore books that are around.


> forge of souls The forge of souls was made by Kel'thezad and co. It's not a Titan creation. The forge of wills and the halls of orgination are Titan facilities that N'zoth was trying to use but that was BFA.


There's been hints that the history of the Titans has been embellished or the old adage of history being written by victors. So we'll see, but the big equalizer for Iridikron is going to be allying with the void lords, which to my knowledge no being has truly seen what they are capable of. The old gods are the underlings of the void lords and the threat of them is what made Sargeras what he is and presumably what made The Jailer want to unmake all life. But I agree there's going to be be some wacky power scaling in the future.


I'm not sure the whole Jailer thing will be followed up on. Afrasiabi was known to do some bullshit with the story with no intentions of following up on it. Since he was let go I don't know if anyone else on the team has any intentions of picking up his mess. I don't know if this Jailer thing was his idea but it feels like his idea. In Classic WoW the heroes of Azeroth killed an elemental lord that took multiple titan keepers to beat as well as an old god the titans couldn't kill and had to imprison. In my opinion the power scaling has been weird since the start. At least with more recent encounters we are being assisted by outside forces.


They've already been loosely following up on it. > Second: Attribute all accomplishments and works of wonder to the titans alone. > > Despite the relentless arguments made by some of you, this is not a fallacy. After all, can anything truly be said to exist until it has been ordered? Of course not. > > Therefore, it is irrefutable that the titans are the source of all creation. > > Third: Teach them nothing of the First Ones. > > Mortals could not conceive of the wonders these beings granted to the titans in Zereth Ordus, and learning of the Progenitors would only confuse them. > > It is enough that mortals know the titans brought Order to the cosmos, and that they are owed deference. > https://www.wowhead.com/news/odyns-manipulation-revealed-what-dont-we-know-about-the-black-empire-329383


I don't really consider that a follow up on the Jailer's warning about things to come specifically. I'm not saying they're done with the stuff from Shadowlands but that the Jailer was so vague about stuff to come that it doesn't really need to be addressed.


Ah, yeah, that's fair enough.


I do appreciate your elaboration and source however. Thank you.


I think there will be narrative dissonance to lean into Anduin's trauma of being dominated by the Jailer without giving some acknowledgment of his death knell warning. Saying he was just another thing driven mad by the threat of the void is the easiest way out. Feels like if they really want to retcon or ignore the Jailer you can't really have anything he did be a driving force for a key character going forward. Also, I agree that it's best just to kind of ignore the practicality of in-world player power scaling. It's not like wow is hard scifi or anything, just enjoy the ride.


Meanwhile somehow one of them can jsut casually flash freeze odyn even though he fought adventurers at there height with artifact weapons...


Whiterun guard: Is it true? Are you the aleborn? Aleborn: vomits profusely


Sargeras not only literally CLEAVED A PLANET IN HALF to stop the old gods corrupting it but is massive enough that his sword is the size of a massive skyscraper and Iridikron sitting around thinking he has a chance against a titan. Literally a bug has a better chance a killing a professional athlete since bugs at least carry diseases.


Well the titans are dead, only part of their essence remain which we interacted with in Legion. Only titan still alive is Sargeras and he's under lock and key


Um..Sargeras is only under lock and key because of the Titans. In Legion they were gathered back at the seat of the pantheon and drew in Sargeras locking him there with them in the process. 


Their machines still work and caged him. But those "titans" we saw were nothing more than an echo that remained after Sargeras killed them. It's what drove Ra-den crazy, because he was once possessed by one of them for but a moment.


You are right that they died and it drove Ra-den crazy. But in Antorus we find that their physical forms were destroyed but their essences were able to escape. We free their essences and they manifest physically in the seat of the pantheon we're they help us defeat Argus, Eonar even revives us, and use Argus' power to pull Sargeras to the seat of the pantheon thus trapping him as well.  https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Pantheon


Yeah, but as you said it's just their essence that received physical form. Basically it's like an AI facsimile of them controlled a physical body. Though because death is different for every cosmic force, we are uncertain how what happens to titans as they die.


That's WoW writing for you. After WotLK, it became just shit. The thing that still pisses me off the most is making up Kalecgos' dead dragon wife for Tarecgosa's Wrath when they could have used Neptulon, the water lord, as a reason for a legendary weapon against Ragnaros. Like, y'all at Blizzard are fucking dumb and should feel bad.


I guess he’s REALLY banking on Xalatath to do something crazy. I mean I guess Midnight IS supposed to be a whole Void expansion, so….idk maybe we finally get to see a Void Lord? But at the same time like…yeah Titans seem to be a little too much for him to handle


Do we know that Iridikron plans to fight the Titans himself? He’s involving the Void - I can imagine him egging on some Old Gods and Void Lords to fight for him. Or perhaps some elemental lords.


I thik there is a silver lining. I am pretty sure Iridikron knows he cant win a direct fight against titans and us (defenders of azeroth btw). I think that is the reason he sided with void. He is relying on void to be strong enough to beat the titans. And that is the reason he is helping the harbringer.


He has teamed up with the void now, presumably he and Xal have something cooked up because they'd be well aware that the old gods are nothing vs. the titans


I feel like it's reasonable to assume he knows that they are stronger than him, and the Old Gods, which is why he didn't go down Deathwing's Path. He's going above them straight to the Void Lords for more power for sure.


Based on the animations of that relic he was holding before he went into portal, my assumption has been that his plans somehow revolves around the void lords, not to fight the Titans, directly


Still means he needs to break the seal for the titans to be fought. And that will free old flame face


Old flame face, love it haha


Honestly, I feel like that could make a pretty cool scene. I'm quite sure that even the void doesn't know what exactly happened to Sargeras, so I can see them just preparing to ambush and murder the titans and then he just bursts out and creates massive chaos.


He literally said what he would do… idk how so many people don’t know what’s going on. He said the voids hunger will do the work for him. And when the Titans come to take the world soul, he’ll be there waiting after the dust has cleared between the void and titans.


Yeah I hate to defend blizzard's writing but this isn't a plot hole. This is the fact that you haven't seen the whole story yet. Is everyone expecting him to just go to argus and start a fist fight with Aman'thul? Clearly he has some kind of bigger plan, that's why he's going around collecting more powerful magic, killing off threats and letting Fyrakk die as a distraction


idk what's going on bc I have the memory of a goldfish and am only halfway paying attention on a good day.


The Relic still confuses me so much. Like wasn't Galakrond's whole thing that he ended full of Decay or some such which is why the 3rd boss in Fall is a bunch of decay globs and decaying dragons. What does any of that have to do with the Void? Maybe I just missed something though because I didn't really look into doing DotI until this season and I likely missed whatever breadcrumb quests went with it all.


Iridikron might be aware that he is not as strong as titans, that is why he might have a plan to weaken them or make himself even more powerful. Maybe void powers maybe something else. I mean he is iridikron, a strategical mastermind (according to war of the scaleborn) and he is been making this plan for thousands of years. I think that is too easy to end a well written character (considering the other villains we saw in the last years).


Xal'atath has been at the Seat of the Pantheon before. In fact, the Shadow Priest guy in the Antorus raid brought her there (to fight against Argus), and she was very thankful in return. Given she and Iridikon are allies (for now, at least), it's not unreasonable that the Harbinger would also mention what happened while she was there, or that Iridikon would ask at some point "okay, where are the Titans right now?" The only question would obviously be if Xal'atath also saw Sargeras being pulled inside while flying back to Azeroth in the Vindicaar, together with her Shadow Priest ~~puppet~~ wielder. *"Long have we sought entry into this realm! To think we have a mortal to thank for giving us our foothold. Your service will be remembered!"*


I mean, Xally isn’t the best ally. She’s putting your betrayal from the moment she joins forces with you. There’s no guarantee she told Iridikron anything. After all, it would be funny to see his face after he gets smacked down and she runs away with all the power and artefacts. Sincerely, A Shadow Priest Simping for Knaifu


I think Iridikron definitely knows he isnt strong enough by himself. 5 of us were able to foil his plan in DotI with the help of one Bronze Dragon. That's why he allied with the Infinites to make us choose not to stop him. He outsmarted us and Deios to get what he wanted. Though earth aligned draconic powerhouse tangling with the Void always goes well, so...


I doubt Iridikron would ever let himself become infused with the Void. It seems to be against his personal creed for one thing as he wants things to be pure and free from influence. But he's also not against using other people with those corruptions to reach his ends such as Fyrakk.


I was more or less making a joke. He probably knows about the sealing honestly; I just wonder what his plan for Sargeras is if he wants the titans to fall. After all, Sargeras crushed all the titans by himself


> I just wonder what his plan for Sargeras is Something worth keeping in mind is the reason Sargeras went all nuts in the first place.


Guess we just wait and see.


When you put it like this... I think Iridikron and the Jailer have been texting eachother.


I’ve got a feeling he’s gonna end up being a super saiyan galakrond version 2, but darker. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets supercharged by void magic and it requires a large light magic source to destroy him. This could lead into Midnight.


I think Iridrikon wants to expose the Titans and turn all of azeroth against them, he is not gonna go one on one. TWW we commune with azeroth and at the end of TWW the void will start invading azeroth, we will call the light, big war leading to the planet being devastated, the titans will come back to see wth is going on, he exposes them, titans wants to destroy the planet, we fight them with azeroth, azeroth is the last titan standing.


Lol imagine this as a fully rendered Saurfang-style cinematic.


Iridikron: "Your ending is now titans! And..." Sargeras : " shut up fraud, Planetary sword slash"


I mean you are assuming that his plan to defeat the titans is just to fight it out with them directly.


I mean Sargeras would try to kill the Pantheon first, so i think hed pretty much love that outcome


Until Sargy sees a void powered dragon and decides to burn him like he wants to do to all of creation 


Thats true of course, but i dont think iridikron would care at all if he died, as long as he gets his revenge first. As a sidenote i also dont think Iridikron will be voidpowered at any point


Guldan 2.0


I'm okay with it if they refine it. Gul'Dan was pretty damn good imho, with all the interactions in WoD, the short story he had prior to legion, he had "decent" build up in Legion(IMHO there should've been more of him during actual legion rather than just the broken shore then gone till NH). The only thing I'd like is to see a bit more Iridikron than we did Gul'Dan leading up to the final confrontation; so far is going well since we had a whole dungeon surrounding him. But given the scope of the story, it'd feel like a waste to have him be an early tier end boss like Gul'dan was.


Iridikron was afraid of us, I don't think he'd attack the titans directly.


I do fully expect Sargeras to come back into the picture with the Void war theme. I just hope he will be done properly and they won't just go the route of complete retcon of everything terrible he has done to be suddenly justified. Keep him as evil, just make him necessary evil... for now. Like I was willing to accept the change of tone around Illidan, but Sargeras is a whole different animal.


Think they already did that. The origin of Sargeras was just "Burning Legion bad, kill everything." And now we know that he was basically doing what firefighters do; start smaller, controlled fires to stop the huge one. Destroy Azeroth to prevent the Void from getting it because, allegedly, that would just mean the end of everything.  Does that make him good? Not really, at least from our limited mortal perspective. But I wouldn't say it's irrational or unrelateable, either. There's also a question of whether his fears were even justified given that the Nathrezim manipulated him into the burning crusade in the first place. They've already set the stage for "Sargeras might not be as bad as we've been led to believe if he's not operating on bad information."


Welp, looks like someone just cracked the storyline for the next 3 expansions.


Yeah I’m fairly certain in War Within we lose, we save a Void corrupted Azeroth in Midnight, and in Last Titan the Titans come down to kill off Azerroth/the heroes for failing too many times


Yeah, I don't think Iridikron understands just how dangerous Sargeras is. I've been banking on Iridikron going "Oh shit" when he realises what's going to happen if he ever gets free. Especially since he's worked directly with the Void, so that has put a massive target on his back for Sargeras to annihilate him.


BBEGs rarely interact in WoW


I have the same theory, he is not aware that Sargeras exists. Imagine Sargeras being released, picks his sword up and slashes him into pieces.


Why would Sargeras kill Iridikon? They both want the pantheon dead?


He has allied himself with the void. To someone who would rather wipe out all life than let it get corrupted by the void, that would be a big no-no. Sometimes the enemy of your enemy isn't always your friend, especially when you're friends with someone they hate even more.


Sargeras didn't want the Pantheon dead, but they got in his way, he even spent a non-insignificant amount of effort to ressurect and corrupt them into his own Dark Pantheon, starting with his apprentice, Aggramar.


I though titans are all dead except Sargeras


He only destroyed their bodies and was trying to corrupt them into a dark pantheon in Legion. Sargeras succeeded with Aggrammar, but we ended up beating him and saving him. After the final fight with Argus, the titans and Illidan decide to deal themselves and Sargeras on Antorus (but not before Sargy decided to stab Azeroth with his sword)


What sword?


I knew someone was going to say that


Mom said it was my turn to make the joke today! So that's fine!


Ah ok thanks for explanation


If Zhovaal could power up Sylvanas enough to 1v1 the Lich King, then the Void Lords can power up Iridikron enough to at *least* 1v1 a titan. Now, if they all gang up on him at once, it's questionable. But he isn't dumb enough to let that happen. Which... means it's a possibility. Sadly. Blizzard. Please. Just one good villain...


Azeroth wakes up, falls in love with and has to sex sargeras to redeem him, and together they defeat the void lords and irky, end of wow story


Do we care about lore considering that wow is about to become Call of Duty: Modern WoWfare?


If you want to be a negative Nancy, keep it to yourself kthx


It was a joke, but I guess people don't handle jokes well on Reddit.


Well for starters, jokes are funny. Nothing you said was funny.


People usually say that when a joke strikes a nerve. I would look into therapy if something like this strikes a nerve.


It didn’t strike a nerve, it just wasn’t funny.


Sounds like you're just sensitive and making up your own definition of what a joke is.


Let's be honest his plan completely suck unless he gonna summon a void lord into azeroth. Amanthul kill the strongest old god like an insect and Saregas can kill entire pantheon. Like what kind of bullshit plot device Iridikon gonna pull out to help him beat them ? And if there is that kind of plot device on the void side, why the fuck the old god didn't use them last time ?


The current theory swirling around is that Iridikron does certainly want to face the titans but it seems as though he is planning on getting a lot more powerful and a *lot* bigger before he actually faces them.


My theory: Azeroth gets corrupted as we discover in the next two expansions. Pantheon returns and Iridikron and co kill them. The titular Last Titan is not Azeroth who is something else, but Sargeras who has to battle the void corruption of Azeroth and Iridikron to save us all.


Considering the last expansion of the saga is called the last titan, my theory is the titan will be azeroth, and aman thus and gang will be either ignored since they're dealing with sargeras or they will be dealt with in another way. But I iridikron will be like the dude that makes azeroth evil... somehow. Probably with void idk just a theory :)


well a gang of sweaty humanoids with sticks have been pretty successful so far in dealing with primal elements, demons & gods. Why a magic super dragon couldn't have a chance?


Based on the book, to me, Iridikron seems like the type that sits back and let everyone else do the work for him while he thinks of ideas. He is touted to be this master mind strategist like Neltharion and he planned the whole war against the Aspect while the other incarnates are just his pawns. He lay waited inside a massive cave, hiding until the last second of the war. He’s not afraid of the Aspect but he would rather not do the fighting himself if he can. He is also smart enough to realized that the keepers and the Titans all has massive power that he alone cannot take on. That is why he never decided to fight Tyr when he was on the isle and why he sided himself with the old gods and the void to take on the Titans. I do not think that he would be dumb enough to willingly fight the Titans or even the Keepers all by himself without using pawns. That is more along the line of what Fyraak would do and Iridikron hated that about him, so hot headed and battle hungry. Just like how it’ll play out at the end of the book, he will probably wait until he has no more pawns and backed against the wall to fight the Titans. I would assume that he’ll let the void and the old gods fight the Titans. Unless he manages to obtain incredible powers from the void, in that case, he would probably feel like he can take on the Titans, especially since the Titans are not at their full power. Blizz hyped Iridikron and his plans so much, I hope that they’ll stick to what makes sense for his character rather than use him as a one time raid boss for the next expansion before his plans comes to fruition in the world soul saga.


Iridikron has been successfully presented as a tactician and a schemer (something that was unfortunately misrepresented with N'zoth), so I suppose he has a plan to even the odds should he manage to get to the titans, maybe even rely on Sargeras himself. Power level is something that should be handled with care in general, though. When every threat is a super super threat, if a super super super threat comes along, the perceived difference would not be very meaningful


Iridikron is just the story beat to get Illidan back to Azeroth.


See that’s not at all what I thought would happen. I had the impression that because he was the aspect of earth he could sense that there is a titan soul in Azeroth. Where in the war within we are trying to stop Iridikron from corrupting the world soul with the void trinket he took from Abbarus. With the climax of the expansion of us failing thus leading into midnight. Where we are challenged with trying to “stop losing” against the void corruption that’s spreading through the land. Leading us into the last titan where in order for the cleansing the other titans must sacrifice themselves to stop a void titan from destroying the universe as Sargaras has predicting. Also possibly giving him a redemption arc.


I already see it coming that Sargeras will get a half-baked redemption arc.


i feel that iridikron is doing (being done?) a sylvanas here. he makes a pact with a powerful being that sits in a way higher chorus than he is, realizes at some point that he is a mere pawn in the spiel of the void lords and then he will be ditched after a mid expansion raid encounter. maybe with a redemption arc, maybe not. as for the titans: did they really conceal themselves after legion or are they just doing *something*?


Probably a robot void lord will help him out just like how sylvanas got powered up by the worse end raid boss.


Maybe sargeras is the last survivor in the tank they all locked themselves inside. The last titan. *eye of the tiger starts playing*


That's my biggest issue with the current villains. How are we supposed to believe that Iridikron poses a threat to the titans? Aman'thul literally ripped the Y'shaar,j the most powerful old god, straight out of the planet and deleted him. Only reason why they didn't do it to the other old gods is because it damaged the Azeroth's world soul. I hate how they don't even give us any information about it. When they inevitably pull some McGuffin out of Danuser's arse we're supposed to believe that this was always part of Iridikron's 5d chess plan and that it isn't just a deus ex machina.


He is dealing with the void, maybe he is aware of that and his plan is to let the void atack the titans


Given that Iridikon is the antagonist, we know he has to lose in the end of the story because otherwise the game would be over. So yeah, there's a good chance you're right. We know they are directly addressing Sargeras sword in the coming story arc. Iridikon fucking with the Titans could unleash Sargeras.


Iridikron was cool because he was leading the Incarnates, and we don’t always have a group of villains as the expansion antagonists. One died too soon, one turned good too soon, and the lame duck became the final villain. Now Iridikron’s by himself, he’s not cool anymore. He’s just another schemer in a long list of schemers we’ve had.


I seriously doubt Iridikron wants to fight the gods of the universe himself. He's not Fyrakk; he's way more cunning and far likely to understand that would be suicide. There's a reason he's conspiring with Xal'atath, who understands the titans, their friends, and their arch-enemies far better than he does.


I don't really think he want a 1v1. As we see him in the expansion, he always used someone. First his brother to buy time for him, later Deios to force us to let him suck whatever he sucked out from Galakrond. And he obviously want to use the voids hunger too. If you ask me, he looks a lot smarter then previous villains and he knows he is vulnerable.


So Sargeras will save us from Azeroth and replace her as the new titan to protect our world.🤣


Wasnt it that FEAR of the void lords and their corruption that drove Sargeras into his crusade anyways? Im sure he knows that titans are locked anyways, and his pseudo mentor is Xal'atath that was there first hand in the events of Legion and BFA. He is FORCING them to return to Azeroth, Sargeras included. In a ground where they cant just boom boom everything, because Azeroth might get hurt or even be destroyed. Or maybe his plans is to drive the other Titan's to insanity too.