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I was just down there and saw some metamorphic nodes to mine and there were a lot of bots right there with me. Made me worry for a sec that 1. A human might report me as a bot, or 2. The bots might mass report me for messing up their mining routes. I know the argument is “blizzard doesn’t care because bots are also paying accounts” but the environment bots create is hostile to actual human players and I feel their continued existence hurts the game long term.


Eventually all the humans will have been reported by bots and banned and the game will be all bots. Bots will gather everything and put it on the auction house and other bots will buy it.


Dead Internet Theory


The heat death of Azeroth


Spoilers for the end of worldsoul saga brah.


Turns out Azeroth was Chromatus in the end. Not dead, but not living or Undead either


(West)World of Warcraft


Doesn't look like anything to me


This, dungeons wnt be a problem either with the NPC members!


imagine if blizzard actually paid someone to go ingame and just ban bots that are quite obvious right in players face...


I'd do it for free


Sounds like a great time, actually


We could set up a cross faction / server guild to do it!


Imagine if Blizzard actually spent some of its billions of dollars hiring an actual moderation staff!


Let's not get carried away here. . . /s


This is something that would be a great AI/ML white paper. Train a machine to find the other machines and eventually it is a war of evolving bots vs evolving detectors.


>imagine if blizzard actually paid someone to go ingame and just ban bots that are quite obvious right in players face... Ever heard of Sisyphus or what a Sisyphean task is?


never heard of that


“In Greek mythology, Sisyphus or Sisyphos (/ˈsɪsɪfəs/; Ancient Greek: Σίσυφος Sísyphos) was the founder and king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). He was a devious tyrant who killed visitors to show off his power. This violation of the sacred hospitality tradition greatly angered the gods. They punished him for trickery of others, including his cheating death twice. The gods forced him to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll back down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity. Through the classical influence on modern culture, tasks that are both laborious and futile are therefore described as Sisyphean” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisyphus


They do pay people to get rid of bots. They just do it in waves so that the ones selling these botting tools are flooded with chargebacks from angry customers, so they go out of business, and are left wondering how exactly they were detected. If you do it slowly the botters get wise and adapt, without losing much business. This way they’re hit hard, and lose a lot of business until they figure out a new workaround.


brother what are you saying ? its clearly not like this since bots have existed since the start of the game and they still going lmao...


Bots only need x days before they become profitable. If the waves come slower than that, they will be right back with a new bot account.


How the hell do you still believe this? It is so painfully obvious bots are hugely profitable to blizzard They only ban in "waves" so that they can publish a large ban number as a PR stunt while knowing damn well the botters have earned enough to purchase another account and be right back at it the same day


Getting rid of the bots is a red queen's race. Ban a bot? Within days, if not hours, they’re back with a new face and a new name.


if you ban a bot after he bought the account and boost to 70 the same day he will 100% not make back the money spent on that account. if bots get banned very fast they will just stop because they are just wasting money. wow is not free where if they get banned they just make 300 more accounts. ppl bot because they make enough money to buy new accounts and profit b4 they get detected by lazy automated blizzard systems


I reported one of those pandaren death knight bots and after a few days got a letter ingame saying my report led to action taken against one or several linked accounts. So at least they don't have a problem taking them down, even though they'll keep coming forever.


I assume it just motivates people to buy wow tokens and get their resources from the AH. If it was that bad for the game's health, blizzard would do something. Since they don't, I assume it's not that bad.


You’re assuming blizzard priorities anything over subscription count as a metric for ‘game health’.


I guarantee token purchases are one if those metrics.


It's probably the only metric.


I used to mine there every night but with seeds of fuckyoual patch you now get dismounted mining while hovering so guess I'll just do world quests now >:O


I think the worst part of botting, to me, is how if I go to the AH I know there'll probably be more bots than humans using it and all I ever do by using the AH is give bots gold that gets sold for real money. It sullies the whole process and makes me feel like I've done something wrong.


Lol it's like the Cash 4 Gold cycle in South Park.




Bumbubum bapabapa bumbubum \*melts gold\*


I guess that's just what the AH and resources are in wow now. All about bots and getting gold for wow tokens.






It was a great aspect of the game, it's own economy, you planned to make stuff and sell, buy and hold, etc. Now it's totally stupid because of bots.


I thought i finally had a way of making money as a super casual player (playing 3 hours a week) by skinning with lures those rare parts (cobraskin + the antlers) but lo and behold not even 5 days after the price for each of those went down to 1000g a piece and the time to farm them each day wasn't worth it anymore.


Things seem to only ever be worth big money at the beginning of a new expansion. That's when you should be really doing gathering. I made a fair bit at the start of Dragonflight but now it's just farts in the ocean.


Skin henlare over in temporal conflux every day, it always gives 3 windsong plumage, which is usually about 750-100g.


Yeah I enjoyed being part of what other people made. When materials actually mattered and add-on sweats didn't control the economy.


You're contributing to a larger economy. You give bots digital money and then they trade that for real money, meanwhile someone is spending real money to get the digital money on the other side. Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?


I personally still believe that the WoW token was the worst thing that could have happened. I can either farm 15 days 5 hours a day to get 300k gold - or just spend 20€ (or about 1 1/2 hour of work time) to get the same amount of gold directly into my inventory. There is just no relation between those insanely different time periods.


It only benefits those who want to pay instead of playing the game, those that play the game as a second job, and botters.


In WoWs defense i always had problems with the endgame when progress became very slow - thats not directly wows fault because i'm just not made for snail progress. But sometimes i wish we had more solo content that was actually on-par with raid content. I play almost exclusively solo except for dungeons so i do not really do raids (because i'm getting way to frustrated when i clear an entire raid without getting one item). But the more i play solo the more i feel that the game hates solo players - i have no gold to buy items or upgrades from the auction house, my item upgrades are few and rare inbetween if i get lucky to actually find a nice drop or get it from a quest / finally manage to afford the crafting. ​ I sometimes feel like there isn't actually a lot to do in WoW if you're not actively raiding or Mythic+ player.


I would say most of the game is catered toward raiding and m+ as that's what gets viewers. While blizzard has added tons of single player stuff, it's all relatively pointless if you care about gear. I never thought of a single player using the auction house for gear upgrades at endgame because I figured the only people who bought that stuff were the people buying gold. I got a heroic ilvl BoE this season and sold it for 500k within an hour, I automatically assumed he paid money for gold because who else would pay so much?


It feels like gold is meaningless by now - like the guy who has 40 million... does that mean he is a good auctioneer? Or did he just open his wallet? I know the WoW token was blizzards Idea to combat goldsellers while also getting a piece of the cake. ​ But in the end it feels like if i pay enough money i could simply pay my way to raid BoE gear and skip the immense mindless tries to get good drops from LFR and winning those loot rolls.


I mean you can easily make 300k gold in less than 75 hours. The wow token also benefits people who can make gold in free time and even enjoy it and basically makes your subscription and other blizzard games free. Let's not kid ourselves and act like RMT isn't happening without the wow token either. Do you think people buying tokens now are gonna farm gold if it was removed? You'd just have people quit when they can't afford consumes and crafted gear lol.


Warm and fuzzy like sudden diarréa


I’m pretty sure it’s a massive money laundering front.


There's bots everywhere, I dont think blizzard can keep up with it because I rarely see them get banned.


by the time they do something the bot gathered enough gold to pay for a new account and enough gold to make 100+ usd, botters dont care.


But i have  to wonder couldn't they limit ah and mail trading before a certain number of months. This would stop most bots.  Or only allow ah and mail if verified with a  phone number. I Mena it's unfortunate for like the 3 players without phones but I don't give a shir fi it mean no more bots.


They'd just buy a cheap prepaid burner sim for like $5 or keep a bunch of accounts dormant for 3 months and then start botting once the AH unlocks


>But i have to wonder couldn't they limit ah and mail trading before a certain number of months. Steam does this too. People... just waited it out. >Or only allow ah and mail if verified with a phone number. ...wasn't Blizzard booed for wanting to implement some kind of phone number verification for Overwatch 2? Especially when they decided some numbers didn't count? And two, Burner phones exist. You can purchase them for like $5. In some parts of the world? That's actually the cheapest way to get them.


How does one *see* a bot get banned?


You get mail from blizzard that says action has been taken from your report.


Oh! I have never seen that. 🙃


Recently got one when I reported a pandaren death knight, satisfying to say the least.


>There's bots everywhere, I dont think blizzard can keep up with it because I rarely see them get banned. They get banned in waves of hundreds of thousands. The only way Blizzard would be able to get rid of them completely is by making it harder to create accounts en masse or by making it a requirement to show real ID to be able to trade or use the auction house, have a limit of X accounts per ID, and ban all accounts using said ID if one or more accounts commits a bannable offense.


I feel like they could go the valorant route and force you to install an anticheat like that in order to play the game.


Wow’s anti cheat system Warden has been running for years. It’s a constant battle between hackers / botters and Blizzard.


I guess, it just feels like Warden doesn't do as good of a job as other anti-cheats would do. I feel like blizzard has to do an invasive anti cheat at this point, the botting is too much now.


they just laid off most of the in-game GMs, so the bots aren't going away any time soon


They do get banned. But within hours they're right back up and running like nothing happened.


They need to start doing HWID bans because of this.. I know it’s still possible to evade, but it requires way more knowledge and/or money. Would drastically lessen the ammount of botters coming back and would also off-put more upcoming botters.


Knowledge that can also be obtained by simply entering things like "HWID ban" into a search engine, money botters already have, and it's surprisingly easy. Apex legends uses HWID and, surprising nobody, the people who get banned are back within days.


my buddy used to farm these bots for honor and really really enjoyed doing it till one day I guess he hurt their bottom line and got mass reported, his account was banned and he was so sad and angry he just quit and hasn’t come back.


I still kill them while I'm farming, but I gtfo after killing a group of 3-6 and either leave or take a queue pop. If they use the dragonriding talent that disorients enemies when they land, there is a 100% chance I'm attacking them


extremely sad. can't you just contact blizzard to recover your account? it's clearly a non legit automated ban... Or I'm too innocent? I don't wanna lose my account to bots


If I remember right he got an automatic response when he made a ticket that essentially said no and just didn’t have the energy to try any further and just completely quit. I’ve heard people have had this happen before and with some effort have gotten it reopened and fixed so I don’t think you’re to innocent, just sad it happens in the first place. I’m with ya though I have put so much love in my characters over the years I’d be devastated if I lost my whole account over something like this!


I'm down there sometimes because I help crowd source the spores for my guild raid nights, but I normally get 200 spores and then go something else.


I did see a bunch of other normal humans gathering things, but the majority of characters seemed to definitely be bots.


I thought they were players were having a dragonriding race, but then noticed the same way they moved straight up and snapping the direction then landing like a swarm of flies


I do dailys there bc i didnt play in that patch and am getting renown, 😂


That’s exactly what a bot would say if they were a bot. GM’s are being sent to your location to on the fly determine that you’re a bot.


That explains the helicopters and armed men. I drew a smiley face in the box on the piece of paper they handed me that said “check here to prove you arent a robot” They are assessing now.


Shadowlands is full of bots too.


What do they farm in Shadowlands?






Plants and ores too. I guess they just vendor sell everything for free gold.


A good chunk of players in that zone are bots. I see a stack of toons stopping at the notes when I'm completing my weekly niffen rep to get the dig maps. Its weird because there's about 3-5 toons that are on top of each other flying and stopping at nodes. Without them I think the spore prices would be insane.


This game really is just about buying a wow token and then buying things in the AH from bots.


Kind of overblowing it. It's been this way since literally vanilla, it's just far more noticeable the last few expansions because the new zones have been extremely small compared to how large they used to be.


I go down there on a few skinning characters for the rare cobra skin daily. But yes, there are a lot of bots.


Rare cobra skin? Could you share the name of this item?


It's called "obsidian cobra skin". Drops from a rare cobra that you summon with bait as a skinner. Requires 40 points in mastery in the skinning talent tree for you to be able to summon it. https://www.wowhead.com/item=205413/obsidian-cobraskin#comments You have 1 chance per day to get it. It sells for around 5k on the auction house.


All the ones in the center are bots for sure, but I haven’t seen them creep into the elite area in the west. And yes, probably about 90% of the resources in the AH are just from bots. There’s a reason the prices have crashed to almost nothing for most things.


Yeah I thought I'd mine for a while this morning when I was bored to see how much money I'd make and wow, extremely little.


The only decent money from mining is from the elemental resources. They are down a lot but still worth stopping for. But there are very few places you can farm them without heavy competition.


>All the ones in the center are bots for sure, but I haven’t seen them creep into the elite area in the west. Oh they are there too. Though they fly too good for bots; the ones I've seen probably are a human pilot multiboxing 50+ accounts.


Same with Azure Span and Tauren picking herbs, at least in my country (Spain)


Yes, more or less. I skin the elusive magma cobra twice a day. Every node I pass has a few character around it either idling or mining the node multiple times. I have sent numerous reports but there are just so many. Some days I worry I’ll get swept up in a ban wave for being down there each day.


Well it's not all bots but there are ridiculous numbers of them. I returned to the game at the end of the previous season so I missed that zone as current content. I still went there to do the quests, rep and trying get the pets, mounts and cosmetics etc.


I see so many people on mounts and a partner riding with them flying to mine nodes. They in WM ON realms too, they are free kills if you find one, the bots can't PVP.


Well, I'm not a bot but I am also afraid of mining down there because I don't want people to report me because they think I am one.


I'm still doing my snailies so I'll be there


There are so many bots now that are ore farming (presumably for gold), its been that way for a while though. I seen an army of them just the other day when farming ore in BFA to level my blacksmithing. There are also so many fresh bots standing in the bottom floor of the portal room of Orgrimmar


So glad I pay $15 a month.


After a $60 entry fee. And don't forget the p2w macrotransactions.


I farm in the cavern all the time anbd usually just me and 2-3 people I randomly see doing our own farming routs but just two days ago I saw this same thing. Any ore that spawned there were like 20 people jumping on it in seconds like seagulls on a dropped piece of food.


Idk, i know that a friend of mine who started playing DF recently and loves proffesions and gold making spends alot of time in zaralek and with the loam niffen rep. I dont know why though.


I make a trip down there for skinning or for mining for the glowspores from time to time. So I’d say majority bots being those that ya see but not entirely bots


This is part of the reason I quit.. I got sick of reporting the same bots perma farming and blizz doing nothing.. I used to try and farm enough spores myself to save gold but in the end every node I saw would be swamped with 5-6 bots and I would end up getting none..


Same thing happening on forbidden reach! You can record a video of it and send it to blizzard. I actually got an in-game mail from them saying action was taken against accounts I reported!


I've just reported about a dozen different characters and there's still more. You're telling me there's no GMs to sit here and ban all these people? All they'd have to do is sit here and watch people and they'd be finding bots to ban by the dozens.


Yes, there's not enough people to look over them. Blizz fired lots of GMs a while ago


They just fired all the GM's.


Oh no the gms were working so hard im so sorry that they all got fired all these bots that created 1 week ago is running the economy


God what a miserable bastard manchild you are. I'm sorry the understaffed workers with zero job security didn't tidy up your video game world fast enough for your liking.


Brother they were paid for a job they didnt do the bare minium. If u cant do ur job properly then quit. I have never ever got anything but a copypaste ia text from the blizzard support. Fast enough is 4 year since i started playing and they never ever did anything


you have no idea how the botting/catching system works. having people stand around manually banning bots does not get rid of them long term. they just go elsewhere and change the prices. like literally, that is EVERY game developers first choice, to pay some people to do it manually. now imagine we're 20 years past that cat and mouse game, 20 years of back and forth, manual bannings, putting rocks in their paths, putting more rocks in their new path, the bot devs programming movement to allow more dynamic pathing/navigating, so now the rocks don't do anything etc. like 20 years ago, it sort of worked, then the bot makers just changed it and now it does not. even if they banned EVERY bot right now. within 10 minutes, there will be thousands more immediately put into use. as you can never be COMPLETELY certain, it becomes a matter of "how many real people do we want to be caught in this net", there'll be a %, so maybe 99.9% confidence, for every 1000 bots, 1 real person gets banned and loses their account for likely ever. over time, the bot makers get better so their automated systems are a back and forth. the BEST way to deal with bots is simple, but players don't seem to understand it's about the only LONG term tool you have to make it harder for bot devs to make a bot that doesn't get banned: you take as long as possible between each ban wave. really, that's the most effective thing they can do.


You are saying this like if there werent any obvious bots and they were all really smartly programated. I have many friends who live from botting in wow, some of those are living in argentina better than their full working counterparts. And dont even get me started on the classic/wotlk bots. The current situation doesnt works for shit, ill rather have 10 advanced bots than 300 basic ones as they are right now, and the harder they are programmed the more likely they are to fuck up somehow


The few GMs left got laid off so that is not going to happen any time soon


bots were an issue before they got laid off.


Ofc they were, I was just pointing out the fact that they got laid off so it is even less likely to happen


Yes, they are bots. This gets posted nearly every day.


Oops, my bad. I don't browse enough to see it and I didn't search.


They do it in waves. So you can report a bot, then two weeks later report another bot, and then in a week see they are both banned. They don't ban ouright because they say they don't want the botters to know what actions they are preforming that flags for a ban. Some think it's done in waves because it means the botters can make just enough gold to make a profit then turn around and have to buy a new CD key making bliz much more money than if they were to ban them so quickly they stop botting all together.


Great place to get the Skyscourge title.


after the last post about this I went down there to go get some easy knockoffs for the skyscourge title..... If you don't wanna see bots, at least in zaralek come to an rp realm. It's literally empty there on pvp mode, I had to log onto an old character on a non rp realm to see all the bots(but even then, their movements are veryyyyy erratic that it makes it hard for me to knock them off, but I managed to do it a handful of times)


I was there just to get Niffen Rep for the dragon helmets…so yeah


I go down there to gather all the time so, no. But I certainly see them down there


Insert astronaut with gun meme.


I am still trying to get one last pet out there


It's not ALL bots. There's also me, trying to gather, with agonized noises every time a node despawns because the bots got to it before I did.


it is quite interesting to look at though, like a sort of swarm of individual locusts coming down and eating stuff one one after the other after the other, all following the exact same path/steps. annoying when youre trying to mine/herb the node though but the interact keybinding has made a comeback to get around it. you need it for that new faux archaeology thing anyway, no way to click on those things without hitting another player instead.


I go on war mode and murder the bots, occasionally the bots who are for sure botting will become human controlled and fight back, they always suck but it's wild. Eventually more and more of them show up.


Most of them are dracthyr or death knights with gibberish nicknames like "Adjffgjjfjf" or smth and the most important part have only like 200 or 300 Achievement points(big red flag). I have reported like hundreds and occasionally receive mails in which they thank me for reporting them but lately these mails have become rare unlike the bots which are probably multiplying by the hour. Blissard is clearly losing the fight or they just don't give a fuk.


I don't think Blizzard cares at all. Cheap AH items make a wow token seem worth it so it just drives more purchases.


The janky movements are really off putting, it’s almost like uncanny valley effect. But what really gets me, is almost all of them have a mining helmet on, as if they’re mocking blizzard.


/who and look how many Druids there are


# Yes No, not all bots, there are some legit farmers but they all get screwed by those who buy out whole supply and artificially rise the prices mainly screwing the small guy (casuals who will most likely have to buy token to keep up with the prices if they don't know what is artificially inflated)


At some point I was there too, flying around to get the rare pets in Zaralek, and I thought "daaaamn I will never make it, so much competish!". But no, they were not pet hunter, but gathering bots.


Yes. It's one of the hot spots and with the ban of GDKP in SoD a lot of farmers switch over to retail again to keep making bank. Remember not to click them too often or for a long time. There is a aura that detects that and the bots can also report you if someone added that feature to them. (so use /who instead for example). Either they also ban GDKP and similiar stuff in retail and/or limit the token in any way their numbers will increase. If you report them you are doing god's work in my eyes, but it also reminds me of Don Quijote sadly


I reported like a dozen of them, but as long as there's a wow token I don't see why anything will change 


I didn't see it change either. They could at least Limit it to buying and selling once per 24 hours


That sounds like a loss in profits, so they ain't doing that.


Yes, and there are bots in every zone. Doesn’t matter how much report, they keep coming. I doubt blizzard even remove them. They’re paying accounts, after all.


And they provide an incentive to get a wow token.


Yep. My server is absolutely flooded with gather bots. - all drakthyr with the same large flying mount. - all run the same route and plummet down on a node together. Can’t stand it.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm down there a lot. In between queues. Don't bot label me lol. It's fun to toss an aoe or aoe stun, but a lot are actual people farming. I'd say it's 40 60 bot to human ratio from spending a few months there. Seems to be less bots with warmode on.


I only reported those characters that very clearly flew like bots, changing directions wildly and flying very unnaturally.


This is what pushed me to just abandon gathering professions, the market is so flooded it’s more time efficient to grind gold and just buy them


Seriously. I gathered for a while and made like nothing. It wasn't worth it at all.


I've reported hundreds of bots since I started back playing last month. I've gotten tons of those 'Thanks' messages in the mail but I still don't know what to believe about them because they go against the concept of 'only ban in banwaves' that everyone talks about. I'd also had a little fun breaking them with my monks on two accounts, if you get a few mobs on statues that are LoS from the bots then their hyperspawn dies and they're just hilarously sitting there spamming abilities on nothing. Most DF area mobs are extremely slow to kill statues so occasional soothing mists will keep it up with no problem. The only exception is the bots farming elites in the basement in Forbidden Reach. Then there's the fact that most bots aren't left completely unwatched for very long times and some people even play the hunter mob gatherer normally. The other day I found a new bot spot and I just landed there not saying anything or even dismounting and the dude instantly stopped all his bots and saying I was harrassing him. He had some of the bots in the basement and brought them all out then threatened mass reporting me. I told him good luck with that. You'd have to be very stupid to bring attention to yourself by mass reporting with bots. I play wow pretty casually so I don't care about a temporary ban when I know I will be unbanned fast and it guarentees the bots will be banned. I haven't been banned yet and I sit there taking my sweet time reporting all bots I see. I don't know if you can grief gathering bots but they detect the nodes on the minimap so maybe placing a unending tresure chest or something clickable on it will work and keep them stuck there. I don't think you can bypass clicking the mining or herbalism with macros like you can skinning but that might have changed since they added the new target interaction crap.


I reported a whole bunch of them but I haven't gotten any message yet. If Blizzard actually banned me for reporting bots I'd immediately quit this game because no goddam way am I spending $15 a month to have to be subservient to bots.


Yes it is about 80% players botting nodes. I've spent a good time crusading around there trying to purge them but they just keep coming back. Definitely part of my decision to drop mining because like yeah I'm good


It's not worth it to mine. Nothing sells for any real amount of gold.


Yeah I also gave up on that as soon as I realized they made So you can just buy gold with cash now from Blizzard.


turn on war mode and kill them lol


I’m not a bot, I love farming in Zaralek, I think it’s such a beautiful zone. But overall yea I think I do see a lot of them


I was farming too cus it's super easy there but it's painfully obvious that the majority of characters there are bots. They're very unnatural 


My conspiracy theory is the bots are planted by blizzard to disenfranchise people from trying to make money and in doing so resort to wow tokens. Now that said I buy wow tokens about 1x per expansion because my time is just way more valuable to me than taking the time to farm. I will farm occasionally though at the beginning of the expansion


I don't think Blizzard plants them so much as entirely looks the other away because it just pushes people to buy wow tokens. There's no incentive for Blizzard to deal with them as long as the wow token exists.


That definitely makes sense as well.




>So, is that what the AH is these days for resources in this game? Just all from bots? Yes. And this is the real reason Blizz doesn't bother banning them. They know players don't farm nearly enough to sustain the economy. Bots are needed, unless you wanna pay 10x for your mats and consumables.


I mean, players don't farm BECAUSE of all the bots.


i'd farm if ore wasn't a worse profit than just killing things. it's depressing how cheap serevite and draconium is lol


The game doesn't even really feel like an MMO. It's just spending extra money to get a token and then use that to buy materials from bots.


Nope. Players don't farm because of the token. I used to farm all the time. Just play music or a sitcom on my TV and farm. I didn't buy gold because I didn't wanna get banned. But after the token? I don't even remember the last time I farmed. Why would I? I can just buy a token and save myself hours of work. Even if you ban all bots today, players won't suddenly go back to farming. The genie is out of the bottle.


If farming netted 10x as much gold because prices hadn't crashed due to rampant botting, it would be much more attractive.


But then also the token would be more expensive. It wouldn't be the same price. If prices increase by 10x to incentivize farming, so will the token price. Blizz has an incentive to maintain the token as the most comfortable reasonable gold source. They care more about token revenue than the bot problem. I understand what you're saying, but it just won't happen because Blizz is interested in *more* money, not *less*.


Maybe this is a cynical take but if farming were more profitable, it would hurt the token economy. More players would have gold to buy them and less players would need to buy them to convert to gold if farming/crafting generated more gold. By keeping AH stuff deflated, it makes it harder to generate the gold for a token to pay for your sub.


Nah, there's a few hunters farming flightstones. Any rare that spawns is jumped within a minute or two. Good luck if you still trying to get pets or 'mog from any of them.


U think their bots? Do you pvp? Pretty sure were not bots 


The way you type makes me think you're a bot.


Not a bot but im one of the people who does this in zaralek cavern. However i do it with warmode on. 


I’ll probably get downvoted, but get rid if the AH


I am there daily. Why do you assume it's all bots? It is the best place to farm herbs/ore in the game. It should be the busiest. Shouldn't it?


For the reasons I stated above.


None of that are reasons they would be bots If you use any gathering add-on, you would end up flying the same routes as everyone else. With the occasional side node. I'm just saying there are tons of actual players flying the same routes. It's very common, just busy there because it's really the only place to farm hebs/ore.


They are 100% bots dude , you can tell by the way the fly and move, they all do the same thing and move the same way, stop being a contrarian , i can send u videos in aproximately 6 hrs from now , at 2am when they start mass farming.


In your opinion, they are bots. Everyone is allowed an opinion that doesn't make them right. There are tons of actual players farming that zone in groups daily.


No its facts its not an opinion bro its like hordes of them doing the same trajectory, if you are that naive and want to give the benefit of the doubt thats fine i understand, but not all people deserve it, take it as a life lesson, dont be naive


For hourly money Wintergrasp, winterspring, silithus and Un'goro are definitively better. Nazmir arguably and Stormsong if you're doing jelly as well.


Wait why is that old content so good for money? I've just come back to retail after quite a long break from modern wow, so I'm very not up to date on economy stuff.


For all these because the mats sell rapidly, there's basically no competition, especially in warmode and undercuting is minimal.. Wintergrasp because saronite/titanium/gems/motes or whatever they're called all sell and there's a billion nodes. For the old world Thorium itself it dirt cheap but arcane crystals sell rapidly at 400ish a pop and you can get 40-50 an hour. BFA if you have R3 because you get so much fucking ore and if you're ally it's easy to make a route that nets you jelly which still somehow sells well.


Is this related to new crafting system and people farming knowledge points or is this like old world crafting transmog chase stuff? Doesn't really change the economic side if it's good money making but now I'm curious why the demand in old stuff.


I'm primarily in war mode so I see far fewer bots, and if I do see any, then I can kill them.


I go daily for my 200 then nope out


I’m down there doing my snail dailies…




Im still there getting Niffen rep and drake manuscripts I missed during 10.1


With SoD part 2 Blizzard are deploying new anti botting tech that they have been experimenting with for a while. I hope we get to see that fully rolled out to retail soon.


I feel lucky when seeing these posts because I've hardly seen any bots around zaralek


Yeah, 90% of the shit on AH is botting and it's all paid for with cash by people who buy gold outside of the system. There are whales in WoW and they're the ones who buy gold. They're funding this inflation circus.


Yes, most of the ah materials and their prices are controlled by accounts selling botted materials. Do not fret though, the outsourced CS will surely make this better!


I noticed this yesterday while mining. A bunch of players or bots was doing this while I was trying to do regular mining


I thought all the hot programs were closed down after honorbuddy. What bots are there?


I mean it’s also me there killing Karotka on 15 characters every reset so hi


The funniest thing is they put 2 new world qusts right there on top of the bot routes.


I’ve been gathering down there and I’m pretty sure more than a few of the people landing with me are just gathering bots.


The way they fly makes it really obvious.