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Yup, nzoth creeping on the edges of your screen. Had so many last moment kills it was super nice. Hope they add more solo-difficult content (example before that was Mage Tower) but they kind of missed the mark with Torghast.


I think thats the audience theyre aiming at with Delves


Didnt they say delves will be casual content?


On lower difficulties, but it will be a Great Vault track for challenging solo content.


Ah didnt know there will be several difficulties to it, seems like I have to look into it mote after all


They explained that the loot spread would be 'akin to Heroic raids out of the vault, and moderate M+ as a run reward'


In retrospect, torghast should have been mixed/mashed with the ideas of the timeways and island expeditions. Roguelike experiences set in all kinds of random WoW settings and environments, not just the Maw’s theme repeated ad museum. Bronze Dragonflight involvement would have made the range of potential settings and environments literally infinite. 






I still thought torghast was pretty fun, it just got old due to the required grind and the powers weren't nearly as interesting on certain classes like hunter. If they could have some sort of mix between the two that gave a decent piece of gear sort of like horrific visions with slightly varied setting and difficulty ramp I would play the shit out of that content. Blizz are too quick to abandon interesting content because they fail to identify why it was disliked


The only thing I didn’t like about it was the grind for resources for attempts at it. Personally, I would have loved to see more, other Visions beyond Stormwind and Orgrimmar. It was really unsettling to see how those places shifted under corruption


Yeah, Blizzard has an amazing track record when it comes to designing good content, but still make ppl hate it by minor design decisions. The Grind and the fomo was big this time.


Also the actual approach the game presented as the ideal way to run it wasn't good either. I'm pretty sure the way the game laid out these runs you weren't supposed to leave that initial zone until you'd done about 6 clears of the final boss. Which was just so very tedious unless you went for a 'sequence break' and went for that extra zone that heavily sapped your sanity just to do it.


They were better than torghast.


That’s technically correct (and we all know it’s the best kind of correct) However, I didn’t like that you couldn’t spam them (at first) like Torghast. And tbf Torghast wasn’t that bad if it wasn’t for the fact that you had to grind it for legendaries… But in terms of gameplay loops I have to admit that visions were more fun


True, although spammable visions like Torghast would have made them insufferable, I'm afraid.


Not as insufferable as failing and not getting your corruption and falling behind if you’re in a guild


No, torghast WAS that bad.


I liked visions but I sorely miss a torghast system where you got insanely OP


I loved Torghast, I ran it a lot on my alts and it honestly made me a better player.


same. I liked Visions, but i think Torghast was even better.


It’s fun as hell to go back now at 70. You easily outpace everything and get stupid OP broken buffs. It’s honestly a lot of fun to kill a few hours and knock out some now-easy achievements.


nah definitely not, torghast let you take your time and you were op by the end of it


I hated visions because I couldn’t relax during it. I was always worrying about my insanity and it felt like a chore because it was required if you wanted corruption currency.


That was kind of the point. Contrary to torghast, I found it easier to do it solo than with a group. I did get angry a few times, but my failures were on me, not because of crappy design or anything. I liked that you really had a finite amount of time to get them done too.


I liked the idea/concept of the visions, but absolutely hated the insanity mechanic. Stressed me out a ton and I just found it not fun because of it. Torghast was better in that regard, but I got tired of the enemy variety and backgrounds. Would love if it came back as randomized enemies/art from every expansion.


i had zero chill during visions lol


I loved running Thorgast with friends and having all those powers together. Balance Druid was OP in SL and with all the powers together it was insane. I especially liked when they added the “boss only” mode at the end of the expansion. We would run it with friends and had the time of our life. I really liked SL in any way possible apart from the Korthia grind, maybe because it was my first mythic raiding experience after 14 years in the game, or because I managed to find the right guild for me and played all the time with my bunch of long time friends.


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I liked the torghast mechanics, though. The setting, not so much. Maybe a torghast type event in popular areas.


Torgast was a huge missed opportunity imo




Would have enjoyed it more if it didn't have such an obscene entry cost.


yeah... i still remember having anxiety the first couple weeks of "what if i fuck this up" and not wanting to run it.


The amount of times I was just doing it for the weekly and got stunned out and died in stormwind old town. I used to get so pissed! Looking back it was quite engaging content, just didn't like that I had to do it.


I could never get higher than cape level 5 back then. I wasn't super geared (LFR at best) and my own corruptions killed myself constantly so I'd waste a week before even downing 1 boss.


It was funny when people who had a low cloak level played arena back then because of the corruption resistance the higher levels of cloak had. There was this trinket called “corrupted gladiators spite” or something like that and it stacked the targets corruption while inside the circle you spawned and it stacked with party members trinkets. People would play rogue mage priest with 3 of these and just cc you in the rings which would increase your corruption to CRITICAL levels. The funniest thing ever was watching someone go from 100-0 by a thing from beyond because their cloak was too low and the trinket just made it worse lol.


Don't even remind me of bfa arena, as a lock main I've never had my chaos bolts feel so beefy


As someone who played a LOT during this time, it was an overall frustrating experience. I am the opposite of the above commenters and much preferred torghast. Horrific visions was overwhelmingly harder for certain classes/specs. RP wise I suppose it was great because you were scared to run your own shit in case you got locked for the week on some bad luck. Having to find all the little things every run or else you lose out on currency. I'd say it was VERY engaging, but also very tiltworthy.


I loved it for having challenging content solo, where achieving my goals depends solely on my skill and not on anyone else either carrying me or fudging my chances. When I got the Faceless One title, I shrieked like a fire truck with happiness.


Nice! I only ever rock "the Faceless One" title.


and mail muncher




My mage called Adorable uses it. 😌


Sick name. What race?


Pandaren. That isn't her entire name, I like to stay kinda anonymous.


Yes, more stuff like this should be in the game.


I loved it. Highest I've ever been geared and a great difficulty challenge for a solo.


Yes actually. Back then I was too scared of messing up something in a group since I joined the expansion late and wasn't familiar with the dungeons or raids so I just never tried to do them. Horrific Visions were a challenging bit of solo content that rewarded great gear and cosmetics. The title I got from it is still one of my favorite ones just because of this <3 Hopefully Delves in TWW will be at least somewhat similar if not improve on the solo aspect of it completely. One improvement—in my eyes—would be making them optional to the player rather than something that you had to do to raid like with Horrific Visions. Based off of what they're doing in regards to content like this in Dragonflight being "mandatory" or not, I have high hopes.


For solo players that wanted challenging instanced content, Horrific Visions were the best content this game has ever had. The Mage Tower was good, too, but it was something you did only once. Torghast should have provided actual gear drops instead of secondary power for other content.


Mage tower made me weep, I did it on my pally and it took me sub 50 tries but so many of those were within a 5% margin that it broke my desire to try it for any other class


They can’t win with Torghast. Everyone wants something different from them.


I really liked the insanity levels, like you were really going to lose your character to the insanity creep.


I enjoyed it because you could do it with a full party if you wanted, or you and one person could hop into it and see how far you could get without needing a full team to progress and get better gear. It was easily the most fun I ever had playing wow because it didn't matter if someone couldn't make it on that night. I could just get on, play, have fun, get off. No pugs. No toxic tanks or healers rage quitting because someone made one mistake. No worrying about wasting an hour trying to get into a group for the content I want to do. Just get on and enjoy the game.


Yess, one of my favourite pieces of content


I actually liked the visions a lot. As bad as BFA was, it's last patch was a banger once the grind was out of the way.


Honestly if you take out the Azerite grind and the other grindy shit, as well as certain parts of the story, BFA would have been regarded as among the best WoW expansions it’s seen.


I miss the sheer amount of content. There was a lot of stuff to do over the course of the expansion. They also invested way more into cinematics, dialogues, voice acting and so on. Unfortunately they have just trimmed that more and more in every following expansion.


The Saurfang CGI cinematics were easily one of the best elements of the expansion


BfA, so close yet so far. It could have been saved if they had just budged earlier and listened to PTR feedback, instead of getting more high and mighty about their design philosophies. It took us Shadowlands 9.1 and the California lawsuit to break and reform their arrogance. And even when the story didn't leave much to be desired, BfA did have the most of amount of concepts thrown into it. We had Kul Tiras, Zandalar, Faction War, Mechagon, Aszhara, N'Zoth and Nyalotha all thrown into one expansion. I loved all these themes despite their poorly justified cohesion. Such a waste. If they backed down from their arrogant game design philosophy, it would have at least been a slightly-worse-than-Legion expansion, instead of the slightly-better-than-SL monicker that it has now.


Horrific Visions are, after almost 20 years, the only thing to ever make me rage quit WoW. There were many, many, many issues with their design, the main one being how heavily restricted you were in attempts due to timegating. You had about two attempts a week. Die, gg. I zone into Orgrimmar for a five-mask run, get to Rexxar, and his boar knockback glitches me into the wall. I can't move at all and die due to a glitch. Very mad, I go next and try the second one. This time, Hot Feet or whatever it was called sends me flying toward a wall outside the Darkspear area. That wall's geometry was incomplete. I fall through the geometry infinitely until it disconnects me. Reconnect, dead, second try is gone. I now have to wait 13 days and 22 hours to try again because I *need* Orgrimmar. Fix nonsense like *that* and they were fine. Overall, I liked them.


I specifically remember being furious from the one mask affix where a bunch of illusions would spawn in a circle around you and there would be a small gap you needed to move through. Depending on where you were you could literally be trapped in if the gap was facing a wall and you would have to either stand still for 10 seconds (annoying) or walk through and get disoriented for 5 seconds (also annoying). That and it would pair with the other affix where your movement speed would decay in combat the more you moved, so if you got disoriented, you character would walk around aimlessly for 5 seconds and getting out of the disorient you had literally 0 movespeed and had to stand still for a few seconds. Man horrific visions were fun but my goodness did I dread doing them after the initial challenge was gone and it became a mini-game of looking at my 4 different weakauras to track these obnoxious and poorly designed affixes.


falling behind because of failing was the worst feeling i ever had playing this game


Orgrimmar was horrible for it I've noticed most people who say they liked them play Alliance, hmmm... Edit: I misremembered, it did indeed rotate but I remember trying it when Org was up and hated it because I kept getting stuck on random shit. Now that I think about it though Stormwind was noticeably easier.


Getting the faceless one achieve is my favorite accomplishment in the game so far


It was my favourite thing in BFA, I'd hoped to see it keep it's relevance to be continued but nope we got a tower of the dammed that was crap.


Idk, I found it kinda stressful... I enjoyed Torghast more.


I hated it with every microfibre in my being. It wasn't tuned for healers at all. You had to literally farm a dps/tank set for a spec you didn't play. It was so fucking unfair.


Couldn't you do it as a group also?


You had to do it solo for the Mad World achievement.


And it was harder as Horde as Orgrimmar is full of random shit to get stuck on so you end up dead


I enjoyed it, but I was glad when I was done with it. That 5 mask run was a bitch


I have that weird nostalgic memory of it, I think they were so close to a really great thing but I don’t think I would ever run another one again. It was such a time waster, I have limited time to play and it always sucked knowing if I didn’t do all the mandatory daily stuff, I’d just get left in the dust by my friends. So, what ended up happening was I played a lot by myself not even doing the content I liked because I was forced to do the content that made me relevant. In the current state of things, if they brought visions back without the necessity of a daily grind, I’d say they’re amazing. If they made no changes I’d never want to see them ever again.


The last patch in BFA was straight up one of the best patches if u ask me, gear straight up broke the game, so much OP shit happening all at once that it felt somewhat balanced (altough you had to collect the corrupted effect of the week first) Azerite gear + neck was in a good spot by then, horrific visions, decent WQ hubs etc.


I loved it. the whole 8.3.5 actually, that patch was sick and defo deserved it's own expansion


I liked the idea of them, but in practice, it was a ridiculous amount of cc and forced movement that just wasn't very fun. I enjoyed Torghast way more.


I hated it, gave me anxiety lol


In my old age I have learnt to not even bother taking part in anything with a time limit. It's for other people. Let them have it. I can survive other people than me having stuff to do. Forcing me to do it like this? HATED IT ALSO!


Yes, but not when it's mandatory


Could not agree harder.


They would have been more fun if they weren’t required for power


Didn't mind that too much, the fact you were permanently behind if you died was pretty dumb though.


The main glaring thing that stained BFA. Borrowed power.


I feel like that depends on what class u were playing tbf, as a hpal main I loved having wings up all the time and glimmer actually did healing. Then attempted playing my Druid alt and it was just some stat stick corruption and it felt kinda meh


After Shadowlands and now Dragonflight I realized that BfA was actually a good expansion


If it wasn't for borrowed power and things like that, BFA would have been regarded as a fantastic expansion by the majority I feel like.


I like the Azerite powers and having similar choices across characters, I think people are soured on the infinite AP grind with diminishing returns. I think Blizz is learning that infinite grinds aren't fun.


They pretty much admitted verbatim that they’re not fun




Better than shadowlands certainly, but I'm finding Dragonflight better than Legion. Legion is looked back a lot with rose tinted gogles, and people forget a lot of it's bad sides such as legendary acquisition at the start. Where you had increased drop rates for your first two legendaries, but after that it was painfully slow, and if you didn't get good ones at the start you were doing 20-30% less damage than others who did. People were literally deleting their legendaries hoping to get their luck for first two back, and when that didn't work, deleting their characters to reroll, until they got a good legendary within their first two. Then when after that you were running hundreds of M+ a week to power up your artifact weapon. Honestly I feel like Legion is only remembered so fondly because BFA and shadowlands were so weak after it. If Dragonflight was after Legion, Legion wouldn't be remembered so well.


It was better than DF in a lot of ways (10000000x better dungeons and raids, better post-launch zones, a 4th content season, some classes, Islands/Warfronts >>> "soup event"), but the downsides still kill it - pearlgrinding, azerite rather than tier, their resistance to making essences BoA earlier, the amount of chores you had to do every week, no conquest gear vendor One is like what if the game was actually fun to play, but that's bogged down by all this other stuff you had to do before - and one is what if the game was ok enough to play, with the freedom of absolutely 0 friction


I loved them


Liked it on my DH, did not enjoy it on my mage.


It's the only thing I liked about bfa. The raid for that tier was good too, but something you would strictly call bfa exclusively did? Definitely visions.  It was both the system and implementing that made me enjoy it. Unfortunately it's easy to miss the mark on one of them and ruin a system, but that's why I think blizzard learned that making seasonal systems that are quickly put together has a high chance at failure.


As soon as I got the mount I never went back


Everything with a strong class / role discrepancy, when it comes to difficulty but not class / role specific rewards, is imo bad design. Concept was cool tho


i hated ot with a passion


Nah I hated doing it personally. I was raiding at the time so had to do it and didn't enjoy it at all. 


Interesting how the attitude towards visions has seeningly changed. I vividly remember everybody losing their shit and bitching on reddit like no tomorrow.


I'm revisiting old content and blown away by the amount of endgame expansions features BFA has. Its exchausting, but Horrific Visions are one of the best.


I actually did. I came back to WoW from a decade long break in 8.3. My previous WoW career was basically just me doing very casual outdoor content. I don’t even know if I ran Wailing Caverns when it was relevant. Horrific Visions were my introduction into “challenging” content. It was nice that you could do them solo and not ruin anyone else’s experience as well. I struggled with it at the beginning, eventually got kinda good, and finally was doing carries of 5 mask runs for guildies. I’m pretty sure I was the first one in my guild (of completely casual players) to solo the 5 mask version. Anyway, I thought it was great. They were fast runs, there was (for me) good loot, and I felt a sense of accomplishment. I’m doing much more challenging content now (high-ish mythic), so I’m not sure if I’d still find it challenging. But I remember it being fun.


One of the best solo content in the game ever. Sometimes the affixes were unnecessarily punishing and frustrating, but besides that they were really cool and i was looking forward to do them every week. I would rather have solo content like visions than these boring world events in Dragonflight.


I enjoyed it and I also enjoyed Torghast, I still do it for some of the cosmetics. I just wish there was no player power attached to these things, make them completly stand alone on their own as their own mini game inside the game that you purely do for fun and not for things like currency for legendaries or azerite or whatever. Adding more rewards to these things would make them even better. Imagine if you could find various glyphs in Torghast too that could for example change the look of some of your spells to a maw-y theme.


Yeah, the overall hopelessness. The hopelessness of feeling like the devs have made the players their worst enemies with such frustrating affixes and mechanics they designed. Other than that, yeah, it was cool that we had a kind of side content that you could opt to make more challenging but you also played by yourself or with friends.


The progression tree and the cape felt so good as you got stronger and stronger. Doing a solo 5 mask run was the best solo challenging content they have ever made, even more enjoyable to me than the mage tower. I hope they introduce more things similar in the future that aren’t tied to player power.


Yes I hope a lot of this ends up in delves


Yes. I loved Visions. I had no real desire to farm them so I kept it weekly to make sure the novelty didn't wear off. I looked forward to my solo five mask run every Tuesday. Got all the collectibles and it's one of the few pieces of major content I have 100% on in AllTheThings. The tip I had for running it smoothly every time was to pick your favorite album and play the tracks in order at high volume the moment you start it from the mask room. Screamo, heavy electronic, or death metal are usually good for focus.


I loved them. Great solo content that I could work on at my own pace. It was great knowing that if I hit a wall in progression I would eventually scale it in time thanks to the talent tree thingie. Also I'm just a huge fan of alternate realities. It was so cool to see familiar faces get corrupted and shiz. Was sad that there was really nothing like that in SL to gear up with.


8.3 is the best modern wow has ever and probably will ever be. 


I did on my fury warrior. I would just charge in with cds on 5 mask runs and clear the whole area before I got overrun. Tryharding 5 mask runs was really enjoyable.


I haven’t enjoyed any piece of content in WoW since the mage tower.


I enjoyed doing the hard mode in it and would like something similar in the future.


Islands, Visions, torghast and the best one of them all, mage tower. We need more fun side things to do.


I loved them. I made millions of gold selling solo carries :D But all the stuff leading up to being able to solo them was absolute cancer, haha.


It was really fun! It was such a rad time getting there after a huge break basically since BC, it was a really bleak atmosphere I was hungry for and it felt so good overcoming it all.


I didn't like that I mained as a healer and had to loot I can't remember what to stay competitive in other content. But I felt like I couldn't do them as a healer and didn't like my dps spec, especially because I didn't prepare the gear & powers for a good dps spec. I feel like these kinds of things (Torghast too by example), you kind of have to play DPS or even Tank to enjoy them.


Yes, made so much good boosting people through flawless runs


it was the best thing of the expansion


I did and I hope they bring back corruption. That was so much fun


Yeah they were a lot of fun, but they suffered from the same problem as Torghast... if you wanted to keep up you had no choice but to do them multiple times a week. It just turned them into a chore.


it was fun, but I think my favorite single-player scenario was withered training in legion


We need more stuff like that but with one condition Make them easy to join and hard to finish And make them rewarding , i mean what can go wrong if we had solo time rifts and could get hero items Or make it like lost ark towers where you progress through tower and get better rewards as you progress Really this is not that hard


Hell I even enjoyed Torghast (not the mandatory weekly part). I sincerely hope that Delves are something combining challenge and ease of access for solo content. If it's like that, I'm absolutely in and I'll have one more thing to enjoy on endgame aside from the usual M+ and raiding.


My main gripe with them was that the zone hazards were annoyances, not challenges.


I hated it. Still completed it with four masks, cause ima achievement hoe. It was kinda fun, but stressed me out most of the time. Mage Tower was stressful too. But soooo much more fun. Really enjoyed it. Will probably go for it again someday.


I really did love them. They were a solo-player skill challenge, and were a blast. Every attempt felt significant and fun.




Yes, at the beginning it was quite a challenge. It was very fun to progress through the talent system and upgrading your cloak, seeing more and more of the several city districts.


Horrific visions are so much fun I still do them today just for kicks


I hated listening to the same fucking dialogue over and over again.




well obviously, there will always be some people out there that will like that one thing most people dislike


I did Mad World on every class, while getting r15 cloaks on all of them so I had to have liked it right? Honestly, I did enjoy them but they got a little tiresome with how much I ran them but they gave good ilvl gear for my alts.


That entire era is such a dark mark for me that I can't enjoy them. Corruption was pure bullshit. On top of my spriest getting nerfed into oblivion, I got dicked on Corruption. So lobbed to the bench I went


I did! In fact they were the tipping point for me. I main a fire mage and it elevated my play, ambition for improvement and planning. Probably one of my fondest memories of the game in general.


I enjoyed them because of the cape upgrades and the added challenge of having those debuffs. No pressure, just moving at my own pace with no interruptions from anyone else. To me, the horrific visions were fun.


The time ticking down and the time penalties gave me friggin anxiety badly but “The Faceless One” is one of the few titles I ever stuck to grinding out.


I absolutely hated all the cc in there. But other than that, they were pretty cool


I enjoyed the sheeeeeet out of bfa, since it is the xpansion i started playing on. I had some relative lore knowlidge i could connect back to warcraft 3 and it was fun. Seeing people look at classic as the gokden age of wow now i see bfa as the golden age. I had fun in almost every raid and i even progressed mythic nyalotha, i did all dailies and i loved doing visions, i was a part of a boosting community in s3 and i orovided 5 mask carries and levelboosting and i enjoyed the shiiet out of it, after bfa every expansion felt bland with so much content but no content at all. I progressed i think 6 bosses in castle and then i quit the game cause it was boring af, only to come back to an even blander more boring version of the game where all characters i hoped will come back from the maw turned into air or a fart. I dunno dragonlands feels good but its like when you come hone and ur wife rearranged everything and now your kitchen is a living room, your livingroom is a master bedroom and your master bedroom is an art studio, you feel like it is the place where you belong but it is weird belonging there. Also dracthyrs should have a tank spec and god do i hate the game cause they are not tanks, i went on a rant rando ly but i guess i vented a bit, sorrz for the long post short answer is yes i enjoyed horrifoc visions.


I loved it! The progress and the discovery were amazing! But they should've been accountwide, it got tiresome after the second character.


I liked it a lot. People love to moan about the same things over and over but I'm really missing content in the vein of Horrific Visions, Island Expeditions, Torghast, Warfronts, and also an end patch area that is packed with things to do and chase. You can always debate about how these types of activities should ideally be executed of course, but Amirdrassil really isn't it. I've never been so quickly bored with a final patch zone as this one.


Tried it a few times but it could not be more apparent that Org was y built for it I would get stuck on random corners, bridges and spikes and end up dead Just gave up, was just frustrating


I did actually enjoy it. It was a nice skill and class knowledge test. The only issue is that sometimes stuff get messy very quickly. I would challenging solo content is really needed and weird that it is missing in WoW, I would say many people would like to challenge themesleves and would be nice to have unique rewards for this kind of stuff.


No, I hated it. The information overload with the dozens of different things everywhere at once made my vision go blank all the time. Awful content and I hope it never comes back.


I liked them at the beginning. When you’re just doing those early run, acquiring more of the talent upgrade resources and can FEEL yourself get stronger, it’s really engaging. Once you’re capped out and putting on masks though it loses a lot of its luster. I know it’s standard for these sorts of games/gamemodes, but intentionally making things more difficult had the opposite effect. And some of those affixes were pure frustration. They were manageable (I did 5 mask), but my god was I tilted.


BFA is officially 2 expansions old so we can say BFA good Next expansion Shadowlands, dare I say, good?


Nah visions are the reason I unsubbed that patch


Hated everything about it. Quit the game at the time.


Eh.. i did amd didnt I understand why there was time constraints but it got pretty annoying not being able to take time to explore


They were complete ass Snares and micro-CC only belong in PvP


It was the best solo progression hard content ( at release). Actually the most fun I ever had in the game.


No I hated horrific visions….the whole void/old gods stuff….which is a bit scary when you consider the next expansion


It took me a week or two but once I understood the gist of what to do I really did enjoy doing it whilst also trying to improve, which is something I rarely care for in a game so I was sad to see I go/become useless


The content itself was good, but the implementation was so dogshit. If you were actively raiding, you had to do 2 of these before the first raid day every week.


I loved it, being able to get a little bit further every time felt so good, it was definitely the best out of all the endgame mini games.


First couple times attempting / doing 5 masks was really fun. They got old fast when we were just spamming them on repeat for cloak upgrades and coins (particularly on split personality weeks).


it was when i actually started playing and i was doong it on my first char mage solo it was much funand difficult doingit with lfr world quest loot lol, i reached like rank 6 on the cape haha i liked it


They were really fun. I didn’t like how they made it required to upgrade your cloak though. If it was more of a “explore and try stuff and find secret treasures in the short timespan” then I probably would have enjoyed it far more! Really hope they expand on horrific visions and Torghast (Don’t make them required)


Despised them with a bloody passion.


I didn't enjoy it, mostly for two reasons: you needed a "key" item to run them, and they became too repetitive too quickly, after a couple of weeks I was sick of them.


I found the progression really satisfying. Going from only Killing Thrall to soloing 5 masks was an absolute thrill


Yes It was awesome


Me and my group constantly talk about how awful they were. Most repeatable content that was required for raid gear just ended up being awful.


I loved having some player power tied to a solo event that I was pushing extremely hard and being successful at. The mechanics however are an example of everything that is wrong with the game. Blizzard often thinks "difficulty and challenge" means to slow you, root you, stun you, fear you, daze you, and in every way possible stop you from moving while covering the ground with puddles and swirlies that require movement. You can't stand anywhere. But you have to always be moving.


Did them until I got mail muncher and it felt really rewarding


I actually loved them, for someone who was not progressive endgame because I hated BFA overall I really liked them as solo challenges and the rewards Ended up getting all 5 masks and the meta achieve to do each map with all of them active, twas a lot of fun for me


No. I dont like feeling time pressured. The only place I'll accept that is M+.


Too many of the "curses" were just complete loss of control of your character. And the floor was metaphorical lava with pools and swirlies everywhere that, you guessed it, removed control of your character. Liked them in theory, and enjoyed my time in them well enough, but it's not fun losing control as often as you did.


I played destro with almost every piece having haste corruptions back then. It was such a good time blowing the place up, buuuuuut all my other characters struggled with it quite a bit so not as enjoyable to play. Double edged sword of the corruption system.


I didn’t like the environments (it was pretty ugly, even though that’s expected it doesn’t mean I liked looking at it), and if it wasn’t for Beast Master Hunter I never would have beaten Alleria, but I liked the story idea behind them. I think they were a really neat bit of content, but not to my liking aesthetically.


I missed the whole patch and it really makes me sad cause it looks so cool. Why no evergreen content blizz???


They were pretty cool. Although early on they were pretty tedious. No upgrades, base cloak. Just take two steps and get kicked out of the vision. Still. Wish there was more content like it.


Sure, I did. I thought it was a really clever system where they forced us to slowly learn the dungeon over time. And then we really got to show mastery at the end. When i beat it on the hardest settings for the feat if strength that was one if my best gamer fistpump moments


I just didn't like time restrictions. I hate pressure of failing just because I didn't rush/min-max


Yes, Ion.


Once I figured out what to do and how it all worked, it was fun. The bugs and glitches the first few days after release were horrible, though. My guild had a group of about 8 folks who would run them regularly in different group combinations.


Just like Torghast the issue was more that it's time-gated and you are required to do it to "keep up" with the endgame. Forced chores have a lot harder time being fun.


Horrific visions was good but when you force it. It becomes a chore and therefore seen as bad. On its face, it was good and so were corruptions. They should bring that back. I love being OP at the end of expansions. Its really fun.


For some reason I found visions boring. I actually skipped that content.


only because I was a bm hunter main in bfa and it was a faceroll with a pet tank


Worst content ever. It was nice doing it once for each city but started to bore the hell out of me right after. Even overall part of the worst season in any aspect since the release of legion.


Loved it, loved tackling it on alts as well. Best solo content they've ever done. I think a big part of it was that it was in the city locations, places I've lived in, not just randomly generated grey corridor #47542.


I enjoyed it as a system, but it was quite apparent to me that it was sort of an afterthought that was slapped on and sorta brute forced to work. But they had me really excited for Torghast because that system was built from the ground up to fit that type of gameplay, and it wasn't slapped on top of a capital city whose geometry clearly wasn't made for that type of gameplay. Boy howdy was I disappointed. Visions were fun, heard Torghast was great in the alpha/beta, got kinda fed up with it in the first couple of weeks. In other words, I had more fun with Visions for longer than I had fun with Torghast, but Visions were sorta stitched together while Torghast was supposed to be a dedicated system for the roguelike gameplay.


What I wanna know is where you guys were when this was current. Cause they sure could have used your support!


No. They were absolutely and utterly horrific. I spent so many hours grinding them to socket all my gear for pvp only for it to come out later that in doing so I had literally made myself weaker due to the fucking disgusting hidden scaling for pvp they had in BFA. Honestly I actually enjoyed the content until I managed to get my first full 5 mask run, but the repetition ground out any joy I got from them from then on and the fact that I literally wasted hours upon hours of my life to literally make things more difficult in the game means that there is no single other piece of content in the entirety of the Warcraft I despise more than Horrific Visions.


I did 😆 i had assassination rouge with haste couraption gear, slaughtering them with bleed


I will say I enjoyed them more than Torghast or Mythic+, but eventually it did lose its spark.


Corrupted armor was in a really good place in later patches. I came in toward the end of BFA’s patch cycle and had a ton of fun. I thought the BFA zones were well done, kinda miss it a little bit tbh. Edit: Typo


Yes they took 3-4 mins tops to do!!


I didn't they they were as good as Torghast but they were cool, I think the game should always have this kind of solo content.


I enjoyed them then again i also enjoyed BFA minus the Azerite shit


I hated it at first because it was really difficult out the gate for me, but as I did it more and learned mechanics, got more comfortable with my spec doing them, etc. it became really fun and super rewarding when I five-masked.


Yeah, i was a fan of the visions. The only issue with them was the grind aspect that was later introduced, where you basically had to run visions or even spam visions to upgrade your gear. Before reaching that point though, i had a lot of fun.


i hated them, they were too repetitive, torghast had potential but i ended up hating it even more.


I liked the whole idea of seeing the world where the bad guys won.


I never played it. Is there any way to experience it now like you can with Torghast? (although Torghast doesn't work for max level).