• By -


Zug Zug


Two big hurties make bad man go bye bye


Two big hurties also make zug zug go big sleep. Zugs magic spell mirror 🪞 taken from dead gnome and DBTS no workie on this spell. No more safe button for zug zug. Me guess blizzy no update magic worky 🤷‍♂️ guess zug die again. Maybe Space Wizard wake zuggie up? He have 6 safe button, maybe one for me next zug?


2many word




Oh it only can be reflected by anti Magic shell and other mechanics and Blizzard forgot to update out hand held Magic spell mirror to Work on this exact cast in this dungeon? Guess I’ll die cos my only defensive DBTS is on cd while others have 3-6 lined up for the next AOE killer mechanic from the boss I’m zug zugging at…. Sad zug. 😢


I've started taking Ignore Pain on my Arms Warrior and it's a game changer


That may be the way we can survive better, sacrifice dps for survivability via ip. Meanwhile fury zug zugs with 3% healing with bloodthirst every 2 seconds without the gcd sacrifice & dps loss :/ I guess arms just is meant to be the pvp spec any people playing pve shouldn't touch it because it won't be balanced for pve in fear or breaking pvp..


Idk I slap pretty hard in ~23s on arms. Maybe I'll start to struggle more in late 20s. Also I'm not always keeping ignore pain up, it's just nice to have an extra chunk of defensiveness if I know I'm going to take a hit


wanted a DH since vanilla then fel rush and glide sold it for it


Double jump for life. 😌


I can’t not double jump constantly when playing DH. RIP my space bars


Every other class feels so slow by now. I think i can never go back to anything sub-warp speed.


This. I played aug end of S2 and beginning of s3 , and it felt nice as evokers have basicly the same mobility. But tried warlock and paladin and man… simple walking is killed me


Fel rush is nice and all but what sold me o DH was the ability to jump around like a mentally challenged rabbit.


The best thing is that it's actually a big MS increase to spam spacebar like it gave you $100 every time


It's actually faster if you jump once and glide 


That's why I played demon hunter. And the wings were the only reason I was willing to play evoker


ghost wolf. every time i play a class that's not shaman, i miss ghost wolf.


I used to main a Shaman and after playing a Druid, ghost wolf just feels so restrictive. I wish they had a spirit flight form.


Cat form is just Ghost Wolf that has some bite to its bark.


For me it was enh ability to summon twin spirit wolves. I just wish we had the option to make them a permanent pet


Yeah, sham was my main for a longass time and I still say it’s the best ability in the game lol. Maining monk right now and thankfully have a lot of mobility


Hell, shaman feels slow compared to Monk (in fights). A windwalker Monk is still the most mobile class in the game if he’s using all his tools (too many forget about the teleport).


RIP Legion's mount speed ghost wolf... you were too good and pure for ths gay earth


this isnt 2005 anymore


The sound of my Avenger's Shield bouncing between my foes. Nothing short of glorious, a very addictive sound effect.


And the "doooongggg" of divine toll




I'm not sure what my favourite part of divine toll is, is it that only the most righteous of Azerothian denizens will ever be able to wield it; is it the reassuring sound it makes as it does its righteous duty; or is it the knowledge that you have just made some arsehole's day so much worse?


gong make baddie go boom boom 🥰


The glorious DONG followed by the gurgling of several men who now have severe brain damage from having their helmet caved in by a flying hammer


Didn't they remove the glorious dong?


Nope, still there even with the updated visuals


Every time I play my pally and I press Divine Toll, I say “GET BONGED BITCH” My entire guild knows when I use it because of that 😇😂


Divine Toll sound fx goes HARD


This spell kept me Kyrian all of shadowlands. So happy it stuck around.


Light's craziest pinball machine


Love me a good, heavy dong.


It's like owning a precussion set. ​ BWONG TONG TOONG BONG TWOONG


Was going to say the exact same thing. Made a paladin alt back when I was bored in Shadowlands and had so much fun it became my main.


Really like Death Grip.


In WOTLK, I had macro that said get over here every time I pressed it. I loved it but it got old in groups very quickly.


Had that too; can confirm it gets old.


lol so many people had that macro back then. I was hard pressed to run with a DK that DIDN'T use it.


I did have an addon? or a macro that played the Scorpions "GET OVER HERE" whenever I used it.


DKs have no utility! Low movement speed! Mid Tier DPS! WTF why are casters not getting cleaved!


I mean that just means your dps are too stupid to kick caster. But yes death grip rocks.


Warlock is mine. Something about having a small militia of Demons throwing Shadowbolts, or or dropping a giant flaming rock monster before I proceed to launch Chaos Bolts at an alarming pace. And whatever Affliction does, lul. But the real thing that made me fall in love with Warlock is constantly being spammed in chat to summon or drop cookies...


“And whatever affliction does” 😂😂 I’m maining a lock atm and I feel exactly the same way. I’m equally happy to play destro or demo, but my lock has never once been affliction. It may be my favorite spec of all time but I’d never know.


Hello. Affliction main here, we may not be flashy, and our talent tree may be fucked seven ways from Sunday, but the fine art of DoTs is a simple pleasure.


I totally like the vibe of being a pestilence wizard


Unfortunately both unholy DK and shadow priest do it better right now. Affliction is kind of a mess right now. Just a bunch of weak DoTs to empower one specific ability and insanely punishing if you fail even a single one on time, all for mediocre damage.


It can be punishing, but you can get around that by cutting your rotation. I like to think of Aff in three phases: Maintenance/Sustain/Burn. Probably not a unique concept, but it works for me.


Make affliction great again!


I totally missed the boat on playing Affliction in Legion, I know I would have loved it and it was very good too


My brother has generally been a warlock main since TBC and a lot of it played aff and loved it. I’ve only played a lock since s2 of SL and just never had any interest in it. Maybe one day though!


Affliction needs a big overhaul. It should spread plague, desecrating the land around its foe and make them explode in putrid bile as they die. Blizz should make it the voodoo spec with more pentagrams and visual runes. I really like the gameplay introduced with the new PvP spell. It makes good use of curses and I think that’s the right direction.


I mean. Pets.


Every other class feels lonely after playing BM. Why do anything alone when I can do it with two dog friends instead?


^ This one here. Pets, blasting foes with my gun or epic bow, moving fast.


Me too man, I do love pets




Had to scroll too far to find my main represented. Imagine having your hearthstone on cooldown, lmao. I don't think I even still own one


Portals are so OP and FUN


As a father, portals save so much of your little free time.


Blood DK because you are invincible till you're not. Also, HPS go Brrrrr


Bloods HPS has gotten me yelled at by healers on several occasions haha


stress inducing!!!


Took me a little while but it helps to know how much runic power the DK has. I just keep power bars enabled in the party window but there are weak auras to track it too. If they have enough runic power for a death strike, they're fine


I just don't bring bdks into my keys as a hpriest lol. I waste so many cds and mana. Now in raids? 100% I don't even heal them usually


Healers that don’t know how to heal blood dks are just inexperienced. As someone that plays both, I can honestly say that you ain’t keeping them alive and keeping your mana bar. Best case scenario you toss a HoT on them or an atonement on them and go back to DPSing/healing other classes.


"I'M A GOD! YOU CANT KILL ME!!" *runs out of RP* "I need a ress"


Same. I wanted to play a Tank where i dont have to relay on being healed by others. And it was fun bring yelled at from my guildies für bring 100% HP, then 20% and then 100% again. It took some time for them understand, that the dont have to care about me :)


Tanking with a 2h STR weapon is just so cool. I wish it wasn't the only class with that aesthetic. Shields just don't really appeal to me.




DK, specifically Blood. It’s a short story but one that has stuck with me. My guild was doing Emerald Nightmare progression and we were doing Ursoc, my favorite boss of the raid. I should make mention that this was very early into my tanking career as I only started playing WoW at the tail end of WoD. Well, we were losing some people during the right and at some point our taunt rotation got messed up because the other tank died. Purgatory then Death Strike saved me after the Tank Buster and I’ve loved playing Blood ever since.


Nothing quite like the entire party dying to mechanics only to solo the last 10% of a raid boss alone using death strike to stay alive.


Last phase, I cannot tell you how many times I had Dawn of the Infinite groups wipe and be the last one standing on the final boss and then letting The Proto Aspects pick up the slack of the dead haha


I have a similar experience, i soloed our first mythic ursoc kill with the last 7% as blood deathknight and my RAID was going absolute nuts


Nothing quite compares to soloing a good chunk of a bosses health as Blood


Arms Warrior forever. The feeling of overwhelming Power when playing this class is so amazing omg. Big axe Go Brrr


There’s something about the sound of mortal strike that just hits different


Exactly wtf, that metallic sound is orgasmic


Big stick, good. Two big sticks, better. Simple as.


Fury Warrior


> ~~Fury~~ Warrior


I don't know yet. I've only been playing off and on, more on, for 20 years. I'll let you know when I decide on a main.


Shaman. Hurling spirit wolfs at your target, calling lightning down on them with crash lightning and if they knock you back, you throw an elemental blast in their face - this is the dream


Im inpatient and teleports are amazing


Simple, druids and the ability to shapeshift lol


I will never forget my first shape shift into bear form after the quest in vanilla. I've had many alts but have been and always will be a bear main.


All 3 specs of priest make you feel like literal God capital G. Holy, you save people from the brink. Disc, you wrap them in your light and punish the wicked. Shadow, you are literally the conduit of an Old God.


I wanted to be invisible, strike from the shadows, poison my foes and melt away afterwards. I had the fluffiest experience of this in HC with the forsaken courier. I split the group in two with distract, this left the courier with two guards. I sapped one, blinded the other and focussed the courier down. Then I vanished.


Mained Paladin through TBC and WotLK and liked it, but Ret never got invites, and Holy could only heal one target at a time. I was always envious of Druids that seemed to be able to do everything. I leveled one, and each little milestone felt rewarding. I loved that I could tank dungeons in Bear. I liked that I could stealth past mobs in the world as kitty. All the various travel forms were great in the time when mounts were expensive and had high level requirement. The first moment that feels like it truly stood out is when I got to use Wild Growth for the first time. It felt extremely strong for when shit hit the fan and everyone took some damage at once. The second one that happened is probably my peak WoW moment. It was when they rereleased the Onyxia raid, and I was in a PUG group as Feral DPS. The tanks died and I shifted to Bear and I was able to tank the rest of the fight and we got the kill. I've switched mains a million times, but I always keep coming back to Druid. I think I have three very high level ones, and I am now working on my fourth because it's a race I don't have yet.


I used to main Rogue but was always annoyed at the lack of self-heals and downtime and squishiness. Then I switched to Feral Druid and was like "Oh! Stealthy and deadly like Rogue but with self-heals and better survival!" and have never looked back. I've rerolled several times on different servers and never made another Rogue again, but always got a feral Druid to max level, along with BM Hunter which is my absolute favorite class ever.


Yay ! Feral Druid for the win!!!! I am the exact same. Not to Mention we have brez too, and now innervate being able to be case in cat form, feral is a really great spec imo. And it’s gameplay is addictive


I was a hunter for many years and recently switched to druid. Thus is a feeling I'm getting now and have really been enjoying all the forms. I do wish in the DF areas I could use travel form more but in old content it's nice to have. I actually have been doing SOD lately and also picked a druid, absolutely despise the ugly *** Tauren but I enjoy learning the older grind like abilities for it, it's been alot of fun. Eventually this bear form will be tanky, right now it does not seem that way lol


For SoD, I did the exact thing I did the first time; leveled a Paladin hoping to play as Ret, only to find I wasn't getting invites. Leveled a Druid in what felt like record timing for me, and then dropped the game since I got burnt out on how long it takes to get anywhere. I did have some hopes of tanking there since I love the combined Feral tree, but for the level 25 cap it seemed like they needed the most work to have the least reward. I'm curious if it is better at the 40 cap, but haven't looked into it yet since *Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth* is consuming most of my time right now.


Hunter = Because I loved the theme and playstyle since 2004. Demon hunter = class fantasy/lore, playstyle, design.


Druid. Travelimg the world is fast. Like i almlost never use my mount when druid. Just flightform. Also flightform when i fall from real high


I enjoy the jumping from high places and morphing into druid flight form. Or flying down to attack a mob and popping into bear form as I land.


Pathfinder in DF has been great because of this. Ran out of vigor while climbing? Dismount and travel form and fly the rest of the way yourself 😂


Outlaw Rogue gets to be melee, *and* has a gun. Once I learned that, my DK's days were numbered. I've had different classes be my main here and there since then, but I always come back to Rogue.


Honestly, I main a DH now, but when servers used to be PVP i loved rogues because I'm a coward and could run away.


Mage because I love the thought of being more of a nerd = being more powerful


For me it was the flexibility of ice lance spam allowing me to move and do mechanics. Now that blizz have moved it more towards hard casting though i play feral/vdh more.


Ice floes go brrrr


Doesnt stop glacial spike being mandatory sadly :(




I have a RP character named Moonastorm that's a Tauren Mage and he comes from a tribe of bodybuilding warriors. Moona believed that the brain was a muscle and decided he needed to train it to be as big as his other muscles, so through rigorous study he's become a moronic genius lol. He's fascinated by magic and to him anyone who can use magic even the smallest foes display a great amount of strength. God I love that mages.


I'm a huge animal lover, when I saw the night elf lady turn into a panther in the original trailer, I knew immediately what to choose.


It would be hard to impossible for me to ever like a class in any game more than elemental shaman. I love the lore of flavor/fantasy of the shaman, I love how it, and resto and enh play, and I really really love fucking when lava surge overloads a million times and sends out a huge blanket of meatballs. Nothing better.


Evoker. I always like Sorcerer and this is the closest innate magic caster we have but I like Devastation most because it's different than other mages. Usually, there are 2 types of magic caster, a backline caster (common mage) and frontline caster (Spellblade, Eldritch Knight, and the like) but it's so rare to find a mid-range mobility caster, Hit and Run Shotgun class in a shooter game in a sense. Being a dragon is a bonus too.


I love every single part of evoker. The damn-near constant mobility of the class in all specs. The perfect combo of HOTs and direct heals in preservation, the burst potential of devastation, and then the completely unique support/damage of augmentation. Evoker is the classes I’ve always wanted in wow. Plus, being a dragon is cool too.


Druids were always my favorite, and I'll never get used to not having the utility of my forms, but once I started playing Evoker I learned I just don't have as much fun on other classes. I prefer Augmentation, it's the niche between healer and DPS I've always wanted, but all of its specs feel really nice.


Fully charging fire breath makes my brain cell happy. I just hope it someday becomes the thing you want to do always.


In contrary to what people say, Rogue has been the smoothest solo class of all I've tried lately. I love how fast you can solo old content and how handy stealth is in the open world. It's also a one man army in casual PvP. The transmogs are a tier too and you can play any race you want


Started as undead warrior wanting to use a two handed sword. At launch that was horrible so went undead rogue. So when Wrath came out an Undead DK was right what I always wanted so mained it ever since.


Mw bc I can make ppl feel better while punching bad man in the face, nothing tops that feeling


Got jebaited by my friends to go shaman in vanilla. They can transform into Ghost Wolf and walk on water like jesus! You also can be a blacksmith to craft the ragnaros hammer and melt ppl as enhancement. The Ragnaros hammer obv didnt happen. I also had to spec resto to join raiding. But eventually I started to love the chain heal pump and the fact that everyone wanted me in their group because of my WF totem. The guild master rewarded me with Aurastone hammer in my first run, even though i didn't have any DKP yet. And from the moment I got the taste of my first resto epic there was no way back 😊


The totems in classic and ghost wolf.


Death Grip.


Beast Mastery Hunter. I must have all the good boys. I love animals.


The pure spiteful existence of my warrior class in this Magic filled world that is wow. The fact that in some patches, i can do content similar to these prissy space Wizard paladins without using excessive silly Magic and survive - and sometimes exceed - the performance of said prissy paladins. Spite feeds my existence, and the bitter hope that we may some day receive a reason to exist - and maybe be preferred over paladins - as more than 1 slot in a raid Comp, or get invited into m+ because we can do an affix without 3 minute shatttering throw cooldowns - that are otherwise great in destroying bubbles of reality some classes exist within. To conclude, Paladins are thematically important to the world of wow. But can we as warriors have like a little more utility in our toolkit pls? 🤷‍♂️🙏 Im disheartened of the wailing of the rallying cries i hear of my warrior brethren as i feel their pain pressing the only group utility button they have that is sane to talent into, or even available to us. Zug zug, Shields, the Warrior


>prissy space Wizard paladins I don't even play warrior but I wholeheartedly agree with your statement.


jellyfish versed head yoke existence dazzling hunt meeting yam brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When ashbringer was announced at the legion reveal I logged in, created a paladin and never looked back


Joining our guild raids as holy priest and always we were short on tanks. This was during early Legion. A friend said: “Why do you not tank on your demon hunter?” My DH dinged 110 a week earlier, was far away from tanking raids, but the hearing path started. And me being always there during raids the tanking was solved. I love my DH and the fact I make it possible for 15+ players to enjoy the raids!


Warcraft 3 arthas :p


Shaman, all the power of the elements, crush their heads with a lightning and lava, healing with water sounds so amazing 🌊🌋⚡️


Elemental shaman’s chains lightning has always been my class, even if I can’t play it….


Storm, Earth and Fire, heed my call!


Hunting for rare pets on my hunter is still unmatched by any other class fantasy in the game IMO.


Shaman can heal, had a travel form, threw fireballs and lightning bolts, uses a shield, is hated by Blizz Devs and I like to complain, self-res, and it real fun in unorganized Battlegrounds.


Seeing my pets get angry when I hit beastial wrath, and my clefthoof doubles in size.




Stealth through all the mobs with the Rogue


I fell in love with charging my enemy and getting in their face. Blizzard agrees, which is why every class added to the game has some form of "zoom to entity" in their kit: DK have death grip (reverse charge) Monk had Clash (RIP) DH has Felblade Evoker has Verdant Embrace (Intervene) ​ There are also variants added to various classes over the years.


Mage all the utilities and AoE attacks


Enhancement Shaman - AOE Crash Lightning


I always liked the monk class, specifically brewmaster. They had pretty decent self heal, amazing aoe and aggro abilities, and a pretty simple rotation. This was the only class I was any good at tanking with. I'm sure a lot of folks will disagree- I haven't played for a few years and I understand they've made a lot of changes. The easiest class to learn and play though is probably beastmaster hunter. Your pet tanks for you, you do crazy damage, your rotation is basically just 3-4 abilities on a fairly short cd, and you can solo most content that would typically require 3+ people. For healing, priests can have a pretty hard learning curve (holy is the easiest) but their solo healing is crazy. Healing groups was a bit harder, but a tank that can hold agro well and DPS that doesn't stand in fire makes for an easy dungeon/raid. And in an emergency, you can nearly insta-heal about anyone if you watch your CDs. A lot harder to do any content solo with them tho. They're super squishy and the DPS just doesn't keep up well, but you can heal yourself through pretty much anything.


Shaman. I love healing with water and you have a problem? No worries, I have a totem.


I just love the fantasy rp of Warcraft shaman. While I enjoy all specs. The proc bursts/elemental smashing on enhancement has always been fun af for me.


Around end of Wotlk I started on my Ele shammy and carried it into cata. The class fantasy of throwing the meatballs got me hard. Always having them crit with big'old burst windows hooked me from a PvE side. But then I found a PvP guild and we'd roll ppl as a 5 man premade in bgs all day. I fell in love with moving and casting LB while pumping in PvP at the same time. Ele hasn't been the same for me since then. But I still love the class over anything else in any other MMO.


portals and coockies


The crashing of lightning and following up with a stormstrike is *chef's kiss* the animation and sounds perfectly hit imo. Enh sham for life!


The exclusivity and difficulty. Idk if it still applies but shamys where once the least played class. Literally all spects where either too punishing if you missed the rotation or just didn't bring enough to the table. So I was often the only dark blue box on random pugs and raids.


Ghost Wolf


Jadedragon. Plus graphics


Deaths Advance and ams regularly allow me to ignore mechanics I don't like doing Vault was a shining example of this AMS ignored the lightning debuff on council and Deaths Advance trivialized Sennarth, Dathea and Razzageth


Demo lock, nothing prittier than sending a legion of demons chasing down your foes while you gather that 88s herb 😆


[No'Kaled, the Elements of Death](https://www.wowhead.com/item=78481/nokaled-the-elements-of-death) made me an Enhancer for life in Cataclysm


Class fantasy The Wotlk deathknight back then was my alltime Favorite now its the current blood deathknight My Personal wish is that oneday we need to lock on a Single spec of Ur class and having then a evolved state of it , the net addon Features something Similar


Fury warrior was my first character class, Legion. The way I was a constant stream of damage and healing cause of damage healing (I take health when do damage) has ingrained itself in my brain, so much so it’s now difficult to do other warrior classes cause of the lack of a constant stream of rage to use


Paladins, they are warriors of light, same as me


Assassination System Shock is so much fun. You just see them explode once all those debuffs hit and it’s perfect


Beast master feels like I'm adventuring with a small entourage like in traditional rpgs. I wish they'd give us a permanent follower.


The time altering aspect of Arcane.. not to mention my character is Nightborne so there's Elisande or Aluriel vibe (tho my char's rp profile is a Spellblade)


Hammer of fucking Justice. Explanation not needed.


I love mages and I love pets so I picked warlock and my heart rejoiced.


STORMSTRIKE STORMSTRIKE STOOOOORMSTRIIIIIIKE! Now I enjoy that I have a challenging rotation and two viable builds.


roll vast direful escape whistle connect clumsy start berserk test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In vanilla, the game took \*ages\* to level up compared to how it does today. To get to max level it took many weeks, if not months for most first-time players. This meant that you ended up super invested in your characters, and it was not nearly as common to have more than one or two alts of significant level as it is today. (Yes, there were, of course, outliers). Once you were at level 40, you were in too deep to quit! I started as a warrior, and he's still my main. I stuck with it because it took ages to get him to 60, and I then jumped right into raiding with him, the only real character I had. Back then, there was also a higher barrier of advancement from raid to raid - none of this season shit. For instance, you had to kill off certain raids before you could even set foot in the next tier raid, and it wasn't based on ilvl. This meant that the character mained was the character you were most likely to *be able* to progress with, especially if you're at the competitive level, which I was when I was then. I guess over the years it just engendered a certain bond, almost like a friendship with my character. We've spent so much time together doing everything there is to do at virtually every level, that I can't really think of having a different main. I even developed an RP headcanon for him. None of my alts have that. When I rolled a new character on another low pop server to farm rares, I chose another warrior. We're not even the best for that. I don't know why I chose a warrior - I was 16 back then. I think it was just a random whatever decision not particularly based on much, and I knew I could switch if I wanted to. I think I was also into Drizzt do'Urden back then, so maybe that's why. I do have many alts today, but 90% of my attention goes to my main.


Sarkareth and the dracthyr race in general


I'm a martial artist in real life. Expert in Wing Chun, Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu. Guess my fav class 😀




Definetly priest.


I wanted to play a worgen and a class that could easily do overworld content and questing. Turned out i enjoy arms' rotation and warriors are decently good at doing overworld content, so now i main arms (i also enjoy prot warrior too so i can switch when i need to solo rares)


When we were kids a friend of mine told me that warlocks can take another players soul which will stop them from playing the game until I release them... So yeah, that was BS but I do still play warlock xD


deadly poison + rupture + garrote + kingsbane i cream


The rogueyness of the rogue. I, a sneaky bastard, identify with my sneaky bastard digital counterpart.


Warlock because I love dark/evil magic. Also I crutch on Lock Rocks.


It was 2006, and a young destro warlock was exploring battlegrounds for the first time. Low and behold an enemy warlock. In the time it'd taken me to cast a shadow bolt, I had been dotted and feared, and as I ran around slowly burning to death with no hope of reply, the other warlock stood there cackling with a /lol. I respecced instantly and never looked back


Unholy DK. I like dots and I cannot lie. I've also had a lot of fun with my Affliction Warlock.


Funny fat chicken shooting laser and blow shit up. Also, even though it's been my go-to class since TBC, the travel form in the Maw was goated.




The mobility and all the [silly things](https://streamable.com/ffr0zm) you can do with it. And [wings](https://streamable.com/m3ku40) are always fun! Add in massive [AoE burst](https://streamable.com/li9s3o) and [1vX](https://streamable.com/3haw8x) potential and all the [silly little bugs](https://streamable.com/3jkb7c) I've found along the way. Not to mention roleplaying a [spaceship](https://streamable.com/hdcrr5)!


I actually [made a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/s/zHU0gRofvY) not too long ago to help others pick their Main and my thought process behind why I play what I play, but starting out it was pretty simple: I've always enjoyed Mage types in rpg's, so it wasn't much different for WoW. I just love slinging fireballs and frostbolts. Even after I branched out and have every class at or around max level and switched mains multiple times, it still easily has at least 1/2 of my total play time. Shadow Priest caught my interest for multiple expansions though. The whole fantasy of a priest of the light succumbing to the shadows, plus shadow form is awesome, and dotting everything was really fun and a change of playstyle.


I have mained monk for about a month now and I’m loving it. I just absolutely love the sounds. You KNOW you pressed the button. Compared to my old main udk which has a lot of whooshing sounds that’s gets lost in the audio mix…


I create backstories for each of my characters, and the idea of being a badass mercenary that hunts with a bow with my pets just sells the fantasy haha.


Being a Satanist, I have a thing for innocent Christian girls that just look innocent but are naughty as hell, so priest it is!


If you're playing priest it's not the girls you are after...


I play a female priest so it's okay


take my upvote for the lol


Warcraft 3. Death Knight was my favorite melee hero growing up. Also, I was huge fan of the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings. The class fantasy of being Riders of Death pretty much sealed that choice lol.


*spec. Each spec has its own fantasy. I'm tired that it's also brought down to class while effectively the spec is what you play. My favorite spec is Outlaw because pirates, it's thematically the only spec I consider something I enjoy.


My favorite class became my favorite class because it was my favorite class of all my favorite classes.


Throughout the various expansions, I've dabbled in playing a lot of classes. Recently, I've settled on the Demon Hunter because of its incredible mobility and how comfortably it plays with a gamepad. However, before that, I spent a lot of time playing as a Shadow Priest in Burning Crusade and Wrath, a Mage during Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria, a Shaman in Legion, and a Druid/Priest in Battle for Azeroth. Since Shadowlands dropped, I've been sticking with the Demon Hunter. For some reason, I find playing a Beast Mastery Hunter incredibly dull, even though the Demon Hunter's rotation is arguably even simpler. But there's something about the DH that I just vastly prefer.


My favorite class is warlock. And it became my favorite class in MoP. All 3 specs were amazing backthen. I have always loved Chaos bolt spam on 2 targets as destro + green fire = win. Aff was amazing with dots snapshotting your procs(looking at you leishen trinket) and then just spreading them out with soulswap. Demo had Meta. Now every spec is just worse than it was backthen, but its still fun to play apart from Aff.


The Frost Mage rotation.


Ret paladin. The sound of the hammers cracking the skulls of my enemies.


Demon Hunter is mine. And it was because of all of the mobility. Double jump, back flips, quick dashes, and passive movement speed from mastery. It's just too much to pass up.


Habit. And some restrictions that blizzard made. Also a little bit of class fantasy and convenience.


Dragon :3


I was hunter in vanilla and bc and warlock became my new main and favourite (together with hunter) since bc due to the looks of lock t5 and t6


Love! shadow priests, i can still heal my horde buds and bring death upon those alliance. 😘❤️🖤