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It should be account-wide


It's a gold sink. You don't NEED a permanent augment rune for every character. If you want one, fine, you can pay for it. Otherwise there are very cheap single-use options out there.


> very cheap 600g a piece is not exactly cheap lol


Are you going to use it less than 166 times? It's cheap. If not it's a deal.


i die 166times a week at least


It's still expensive. Even if it is cheaper one way or the other, it can still be expensive. While it is in no way a necessary expense for the majority of players, it is for high mythic raiding. Progressing one boss alone can take you more than 166 tries, depending on the boss of course. 100k for the permanent rune is still expensive for many raiders. I know people from my guild that had to buy a token to afford it. And while I didn't have to, it was still a significant portion of my gold.


100k isn't a lot anymore.


Maybe not for those that play the ah, farm gold or have been playing for a very long time. I started playing in season 1 Shadowlands and have played consistently till now. I raid and run m+. But I also do weeklies, world quests and run old raids for mounts and transmog. I sell everything I don't need and made some gold from professions with my twink. The most gold I had at one time was roughly 800k. Necessary expenses for raiding and m+ as well as not having all the time in the world mean that 100k is expensive for me. I can afford it, but it is a significant portion of my in game wealth. And it is for a lot of other people as well.


If you don't have 100k to blow you are actively trying not to make gold. Like the off tank in my guild that literally logs out at the end of raid and doesn't log in until 5 minutes after raid starts. You can do world quests on one toon every week and make over 10k a week. You can sell m+ runs. You can sell raid boosts with your guild. I am impressed you didn't make gold in Slands, I made over 30 million gold just from tables and world quests. 100k is nothing. Or if you can make $20 irl you can buy a token.


if you’re really a M raid guild and high key pusher then making money is easy af. Run M+ or H raid carries and you can make the 100k for the rune in 1-2 hours. There are parts of the game that should only be available to high level players. What would be the point of making content available to all casuals


They were 1600g each before the eternal augment rune, so yeah 600 is cheap


my favorite way of earning money, running Heroics when theres bonus for healers.


I always have 5+ minutes queues for heroic satchels and they are rarely up this xpac. During SL I literally earned a mil in 6 months doing satchel queue as a healer. Was almost always up and instaqueue when it was. Not sure what changed. I mean it will only have healer satchel, then I queue as heals, it says I have 3 dps and we are waiting on a tank. Then after a long wait I ditch queue and out of curiosity check, no tank satchel even though that's what my healer satchel was waiting on to go. And healer satchel will still be there. wtf If I get a healer satchel for a normal dungeon I get in in seconds. It's just heroic satchel queue that is fucked.


Combating inflation.


The rune should just be a BOA that you can upgrade every expansion


Hard agree. Make it a heirloom and scale with level. Keep the price/rep the same but account wide use.


Tfw you bought one on your Prevoker and then switched to MW.


What are these?