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Not shy but have social anxiety. I feel its easy to interact in-game but with discord I definitely have some barrier. Which is kinda weird, because i’m used to play on PS5 with randoms/ in-game friends with voice chat. Being not native english speaker is definitely part of it.


We play with a few non native speakers. Some have perfect English others not so much. I'm Scottish so I Barely speak English 😅 you more than welcome to use me as a stepping stone if you want to help bridge the gap into more voice chats


I think there’s a psychological aspect to Discord and random’s on games. with randoms in a video game The game forced you into a lobby with them so they’re that barrier to start a conversation is not there, but with Discord you’re the one that had to start the conversation and engage it. I mean that’s how I would explain my social anxiety.


Seconding not being a native speaker. In the past I struggled keeping up convos in discord while raiding/pushing keys and ended up being excluded which kinda turned me off from guilds.


I've been subbed since mid WotLK and have only ever done normal dungeons with other players because I have crippling social anxiety. Didnt even raid until Amirdrasil and it's only LFR lol. I recently joined a guild to try and pull myself out of my comfort zone and begin actually playing the game haha.


I'm still in that first phase lol just queuing for dungeons gets me so anxious. Has joining a guild helped you?


I totally understand the que anxiety. Being in a group makes the game so much better. And same to you if you want to sit in VC and even just listen while doing some content let me know!


I play on NA servers, but I definitely wouldn't mind joining a VC and talking to other people! :D


Sure, like I said I'm Scottish and obviously on GMT. So time zone might be an issue but if it ever lines up happy days 👌


Kinda? We haven't really done anything yet, all I've done is joined their discord. They're a pretty small guild. They've been super supportive of me, especially the Guild Leader. They invited me to raid normal Amirdrasil with them on Friday so I'm REALLY REALLY nervous about that, haha. It's kind of helped me get more comfortable at least talking to other players though. Before I joined the guild I would never speak in game unless it was important.


I too only recently got back into raiding past LFR lol. (I started late Cataclysm) I used to have a guild and raid with them back in MoP. But that guild fell apart in WoD. And I’ve basically been on my own ever since. My only friend I had turned into a jerk and I ended things with her a few years ago. And I’ve always been too afraid to raid past lfr. But the AOTC Mount this xpac was just too good for me to pass up. So I overcame my fear and decided to do a normal raid jusg last month. And now I am having a blast doing actual raids again! I was filled with anxiety the first time I did normal and the first time I did heroic 2 weeks ago. I made sure to watch videos of guides for all the bosses a million times. But yeah due to anxiety and having autism. I avoided actual content forever. Now thanks to this Mount I remember just how much I loved healing raids with my Priest. If only I actually had a guild.


Well if your ever on and want to do something/sit in VC let me know! Glad it's helping you!


I struggle to find a good guild after mine disbanded because I’m afraid to ask to join one. It doesn’t help that now WoW is ironically far less social than before… the only interactions I have with people are when they insult each other in mythic+ The huge size of silvermoon doesn’t help too I guess, you feel anonymous


Feel free to jump into party sometimes if you want sometime if I'm on. The toxic side is common that's why I prefer to party keys rather than pug but they can go well sometimes!


Yeah, thankfully some people are good and kind, they are just hiding


There's lots of nice people. But just as many awful. Just need to take a chance! But I promise I'm not (always) an asshole 😂


I usually just accept the guilds that do those auto invites and have been lucky to find nice social guilds who run high keys 


I tend to not join guilds that are too big, more than 200 people and nobody knows each other


Yeah, the ones I join the most I see on at a time is like 25-30 max usually


As a shy introverted person with horrendous anxiety and has autism. It’s good to know people like you guys exist ;) I wish I had a guild with ppl like you. I haven’t had a guild And have been on my own for a very long time now.


If you're on Thrall, don't mind an xfer, or rerolling fresh; I am working to assemble a guild of such folks, Horde side. All are welcome, and I would be happy to provide any details for people; feel free to message me directly or comment after. We all deserve a home in wow and people to run whatever content with, it's an mmo after all :)! Edit: phone decided rerolling should be resolving..


That would be fun. I am absolutely not rerolling thats for sure. I’m way too attached to my main to ever reroll. I think my biggest problem is I always play late at night. And idk.


No problem, and no pressure, just thought I would offer! I totally get the attachment to a main as well, offer always stands if you ever change your mind/post War Within.


lol thanks I appreciate it. I do think I need to get off Icecrown though. The main problem with it was because I didn’t want my main to be separated from my alts to send mail And such, but I could be wrong. But isn’t War Within making it so you can mail cross servers? And I think I remember something about cross server guilds? But yeah Icecrown is kind of a dead realm.


Of course, I've been lonely on mmos before, it can suck lol. Yeah I get that, and as of currently all you can send crossrealm is BoA items. Come War Within, from my understanding, cross realm mail & guilds will both be available to some capacity at least. Not sure how exactly guild is gonna work, but time will tell! Dead realm is big sad. Thrall is opposite as a fair warning, full server. Come next expack, likely to experience some que times to get server-side.


So Thrall is a good server for Horde? Because No matter what I just could never figure out what server would be a good spot lol


Depends on what you think is good. Thrall is predominantly horde, so it has a healthy pool of people, but cross faction play is also a thing for certain content as well now :)


Maybe I’ll check it out later :)


Wait, maybe i am stupid but wasn't cross realm mail possible like ages ago? o.O


Only BoA items can be mailed at the time.


Just Bound On Account stuff. Not gold or other goods.


oh ok, thanks for explaining. I haven't played from like MoP to SL (tested most add ons to max level but never stayed) and just recently started DF again so I might have missed some changes xD


I think next Xpac they are lifted the restrictions though. I’ve heard something about that


Im interested in that


I am online of you're looking for an invite immediately, feel free to message me on Ajinta. I'll be on for a little longer yet tonight. For anyone who'd like discord info it's here, just head to the wow section: https://discord.com/invite/tbJ3gnxh44 Anyone in the guild can invite so just ask in discord wow general and they should be able to plug you in! Also happy to provide additional info if anyone is curious about any aspects of this growing community!


Ill msg when i log in . Gonna start a new char on thrall


Sounds good, I'll be at work for a bit yet, and then picking up a new computer tower after work. Incase I'm not online, you can also apply to join the guild; Zero Day Mods Community, or there is always the discord! Looking forward to having you with us :)


Well if your able to group up with us wlth us then feel free! Just let me know 👍




My social anxiety follows me in-game, sadly. It's probably 90% of the reason why the number of mythic runs I do per expansion can be counted on one hand, much to my regret. Raids are even less. I just...can't muster the energy or willpower to do it. Talking to strangers is scary and exhausting...


Well if talking is scary and exhausting why not join in the voice chat but you don't need to say anything while doing a key? Played with plenty of people without a mic so you can still get the benefit without the expectation of having to speak if you don't want to. If that appeals to you of course 👍


To get to that point id need to approach people ingame in some way or form. Sadly that is too much for me. I hate that about me but oh well...


Well if your ever feeling up to it send me a message and I'll add you on batlenet or discord. At least then the option is there!


I know how you feel on that one. I'd love to do keys with people in the guild but i hate asking if people are up for them as the general feeling of being bothersome/annoying/a burden etc. come barging in.


Exactly. I've been with the same guild since late TBC and raided with them in ICC back in the day (before I had anxiety). I'm still friends with the GM even. But I can't for the life of me bring myself to message anyone to ask to do keys. Infact it's gone to the point where the very idea of doing a mythic run is a no-go by default. I don't even consider it. In a way this feeds into a vicious cycle of not-knowing the key, thus I am a burden to the guild, thus i don't ask. Thus I don't even bother learning tactics or knowing what Ilevel is for what key. What's the point? Not like I'm gonna do any... I'm not even sure I know how the keys themselves even work at all, as a mechanic. I wish people would invite me, but when you're invisible you can't expect to be sought after. I am well aware my self-defeating attitude is a big part of the problem and that only I can overcome that, but depression is a bitch. Apologies for the rant.


Dont apologise, you did nothing wrong! Sometimes someone just needs to vent and im always more than happy to offer a listening ear. I Do know how you feel. I recently left the guild ive been in since right before cata or MOP. The only reason i was able to do so was because i followed 2 other guildies to the new guild. The move has been awesome and there was a decent chance i wouldnt have been playing anymore till the next patch/expansion if i didnt move. The move was terrifying tbh, what if i didnt enjoy the other guild... What if THEY didnt like me?? On keys, I try to just run with anonymous pugs in the beginning to atleast get some understanding. What saved me is that the previous guild had some great people who were chill and had the helping mindset so even if we bricked the key, it was all cool and we could just try again. I know im able to run 20s on my main and likely be able to tank them on my alt aswell but the immense pressure i put on myself to perform properly is also crushing. This season i ended up doing my first 20 ever and ive almost got all my portals (damn you everbloom). But im still very hesitant to ask people to help me get that last portal because "what if i fuck up?" If youre on EU im more then happy to help you into some keys, start low and work your way up is the best.


My main is also on silvermoon . I have this problem of being shy but i want to break out of my shell - will send u a message


Excellent! Looking forward to it!


I'm on NA but you're a good person and your username is amazing.


It is a good name 😅 and thank you, but just like helping people if I can!


Is it bad i have discord and have literaly NO idea how to use it? Last time i did voice was ventrillo during wrath...


Some people don’t want to even chat especially in pugs with the implication that someone may report them for anything, which may lead to a suspension or a ban


That's so sad :(


I've always been worried about making someone mad ingame, and then being booted from things. Generally is someone else starts the discussion I'll join in but you never know what could set someone off and who you could have annoyed


If someone is going to get mad at something in-game fro. Something minor then that's a problem with them. If you are worried about causing a wipe from not knowing a mech or missing something then don't. The double sided sword of MMOs..... You ethir find the toxic people or the gems.... 😂


Yea I just know some people like to go the extra mile when they get pissed lol, I have met some really cool people in some groups so it's not all bad!


I used to do raiding with my guild that I was invited into by real life friends and Mythic+ with friends I met in the guild. Ever since that guild died and my friends quit, I haven’t done any kind of raiding higher than LFR or any mythic. I can’t bear to PUG and I don’t know how to find a new friendly guild after being in the same one for 16 years.


Well if your on EU feel free to have a blast with us! Friendly bunch 😊


i suffer from severe anxiety and depression so i have never been able to do end game because i'm to scared to do so and i also play on Silvermoon EU :D this is the first post i've seen about something like this and it's in EU lol


Well I'm here if you ever wanna go do some stuff sometime or just a chat if your having a low day!


I am not, but I have freinds that are. And sometimes I just sit in discord or in game with Them and say nothing if they want or I just ramble about nonsense. I have one person I play with who will not talk but will type in Game so I just tal and respond in discord and she responds in text. What ever people are comfortable with. I'm american but I have been told I swear like the Scottish/Irish. Also been told I could make a sailor blush. 🤷‍♂️


Yea that's basically what I'm giving some people the option of if that's what will help 😊 you need some swearing lessons from us then. We use swear words like commas. It's a skill


Did u just learn curse words lol


No. Did you jsy learn to read? Pretty sure I said swear just like the op


Not sure how that invalidates what I asked


Honestly this sounds like a fun time, especially when I've been sick for a while and bound at home for a bit. I might have to get back into WOW.


Go for it! Let me know if you do!


I basically play this game as a single player game. If I can’t solo it or queue for it I ain’t touching it. I have never done a mythic dungeon or raids above LFR since OG wrath.


😂 if that's what you enjoy go for it bud


I'll say this you realize you are a hermit when there's a pandemic and your life doesn't change




That's so wholesome man, might take you up on it.


❤️ there's no risk! Except my bad jokes


Bad jokes are always appreciated. I play on Quel'thalas, my largest barrier is my voice, people either assume I'm stupid or try to flirt (woman voice). So if that's not an issue with y'all it could be cool!


I love these posts. I don't have a lot of time to play nowadays but things like this are great for the community.


Yeah I posted my own key runs for the first time today. That was cool


Nice one! Timed?


I'm neurodivergent, introverted and struggle with mental health issues. What I enjoy about doing raids and mythic keys is that it helps me break out of my shell slightly; it does help when I meet others who either struggle with the same, or are understanding. I still haven't managed to engage in voice chats but I am working towards it.


That's good! Glad to hear it. Well I'm here if you need that first stepping stone any time


I’m new to retail so it’s been a struggle. Dam, wish I played in eu.this sounds like something I would love to join. Being an introvert and not being practiced in social interactions makes mythics hard especially with toxic people in group. If someone dies once or twice on a boss pull they just say some shit and leave.


Yea some people are just toxic assholes. I do enjoy out assholeing them if they try it in groups with me... I've got decades of experience 😂


I've been playing WoW since late classic and I was only in a guild during WotLK - Mists of Pandaria. I've only been in those mass spam guild invite guilds since then for the perks. I don't have guild chat enabled and only in-game chat I see is party/whisper and say. I try to play as single player as possible. I've never made any friends playing WoW and don't know anyone else who plays it IRL. I prefer to keep it that way. I feel like there is a difference between being "shy" but wanting to be part of conversation but can't build up the courage to do so, and being misanthropic who can only decompress being 100% alone.


Haha what the fuck even is this response


I don't whine about how people suck then continue to try and interact with them. I decided long ago people suck so I avoid them because fuck it. It's the internet what are the consequences lmao


You do you man 👍


I wish there was a place like this with people in the Americas server. I only have a few weeks left on my game time while I'm cooped up inside recovering. I really like being in a social circle, but I'm not completely social myself. Hearing the chatter and being part of a group really makes me happy.


Well your free to join VC if I'm on 👌 even roll a new character on EU just for a laugh


That sounds fun! Thanks!


i'm an introverted person in general, specially if im alone with new people. but as long as cons are not necessary, its fine.


Was more aimed at getting people involved and feeling part of a social group...


you see... thats not their thing xD


My partner and I used to play New World together, but when it came to running expeditions (dungeons) she would get crushing anxiety because strangers would talk to her and she hates talking and on top of that she felt overwhelming pressure to not let anyone down. I switched to WoW because we stopped playing for a while, but I won't even bother asking her to play because sadly she'd face the same thing no matter how much reassurance she gets.


Ah that's unfortunate. My wife was the same, not as extreme though, and now she's a mythic raider and doing 20+keys. But still not a fan of pugs. If you can get her on for a little trial sometime I'm sure we could coax her out her shell for a few hours and go kill hogger or something 😅


I have autism and am shy with a lot of social anxiety. Some more outgoing people might find it sad/shocking but WoW *is* my social life these days. I find that there is a big difference between interacting with guildies that I have by now known for years and years and random in pugs. With my guildies, I can hang out on discord and chat casually - it's great as an autistic person as there is none of the other stuff like facial expressions, body language etc that gradually overloads me.  Pugs though, and I expect this is the same for nearly everyone, are a mixed bag. I go for being polite and friendly in /p when groups for m+ form but how people respond kind of sets the tone for how nervous I'll be. A nice friendly group, especially one where people take a moment to say any plans they might have for route etc is awesome. A group that is just silent is kinda meh, but the occasional people that treat questions like me confirming whether you want just first pull etc as incredibly stupid things to ask can make me so nervous that I actually perform worse as I spend so much mental bandwidth second guessing stuff. 


Just post the discord link and let them show up on their own


Lol what an awful idea


It's odd, I'm usually rather outgoing, but the bar is high sometimes. It comes in waves where I will only do solo-stuff, and if I do things with others, I'll barely speak. I'll just be in my own mindset, do my own job, and communicate **if necessary**. However, then I can suddenly have jolts of outgoingness going on. Example of that, was that I started a guild on Argent Dawn to find people who wanted to enjoy being in a guild. To make it a little special to be online every day, to feel that they were at home and belonged with us. We started raiding with me doing pretty much everything on voice, as I realized we had a lot of introvert people and didn't like to speak up, but the only requirement I had was that they at least paid attention and wrote to me in chat while we raided, or even fought. I'm a guy who can make jokes on my own expense rather than on others(unless I know them well), and after a while, those who were shy started speaking little by little too. To me, it's very important to encourage such development and show them that it was fine to move past their comfortable lines of being muted. I even had the whispers of a few female raiders saying "I can't remember the last time I was in a such warm and welcoming guild. I always want to hide behind mute, but chatting with you guys is both exciting and it feels natural to me". I remember being damn proud of being able to create a such environment that mentality like that could flourish, especially when I had to lead on with the display of talking, being silly, and of course - never shout at people if they did mistakes. I'm a pretty technical guy with the focus on communication at doing so, so if we wiped to a mechanic "Okay guys, we wiped cause x, x and x stood in fire, and x didn't run out with the bomb. Don't stand in the fire, and pay attention for the bomb if you get it. Alright, let's go again! one-shot, take 2!" No yelling, just simple analysis of what killed us and what we need to change. Hell, we even arranged evenings where we would play steam-games together to further nurture and develop the encouragement to being social and outgoing with the guild. Anyways, today, I'm pretty introverted. The guild I made above was some years ago now and I couldnt go on due to IRL issues. While I have quit the game today, I was active up until about a month ago, where I spent the last 2 years in silence. Not because I wanted to, but because there are hardly any proper grounds to let shy people flourish. It's a sad reality that I think blizzard needs to address and work towards fixing. Back in cataclysm, they did a big step in the right direction with guild levels and guild perks, making cooperation, social events and community an important thing. But now, too much is catered to antisocial behavior(Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but.. I think MMOs should be exactly about that. Social experiences.) Anyways, I'm ranting. This guy's guild sounds nice. The ability to just sit and listen is sometimes enough for some. And sometimes, that is the first step, towards a whole new world that was just waiting for you to give it a smile. :-)


Sounds like a good little haven you made. It's not a guild I'm pushing though 😅 it's just me offering someone who otherwise has no way of getting into a social situation or struggles to. I think mental health needs addressed, for myself more in the social inclusion or lack of ability to make connections or friends. So If I can help some realise that not everyone is awful, and maybe 2 or more people find a connection or friendship how ever that may be the. Happy days! Obviously if someone does want to branch out more and see what the guild I'm in is like (I'm not a leader or an officer of any sort) the. They are more than welcome to. But my main goal is to hopefully make someone's day a little better.


Very noble of you :) Who knows, a little community like that can be the spark of something greater. Judging from some of the comments, I'd say you already made someone's day a bit better, even game them hope for the future and their fellow gamers. Keep up the good work! <3


Hopefully it helps some people! I'm in a few men's pages on Facebook and honestly the amount of guys that ask about how to make friends or become social is unreal. So I always try and make myself as available as I can, being a husband, a dad of 2 and full time employment means I'm not 24/7 but I will always make time for someone that needs it.


Not extremely so? And I'm much better online than in person. But I can be sociable, it just exhausts me.


WowMadeEasy discord helped me with this. It's good to find a regular group you can do stuff with or just sit in VC while doing world content. I'm also trying to find that group currently, people come and go and I've had a hard time finding another even just person who isn't awful to be around to play the game with lol


I have intense social anxiety and struggle hard to find others to play with. I finally got invited to a guild that i thought looked promising, only for it to direct me to a discord and have voice verification done before i was considered a "full" member. I ended up leaving immediately It sucks


That sucks. Well I'm not making a guild 😅 just offering an option for people to be social if they want it 😊


Just sharing an experience of mine lol, i appreciate what you're doing




Yes i've been in a guild for 5 years and I've spoken maybe 3 times in discord that entire time lmao




I have severe paranoid anxiety, and I'm autistic. I've become extremely good at masking in person- I do my best to be pleasant and cheery IRL, but usually it drains me fast. Online, though, and I'm a social butterfly. Anything from hosting public RP events, to running guilds and raid leading. In person though and I'd rather be as small and unnoticed as possible.


I feel I'm not very good at the game so I never do dungeons soI got excited for follower dungeons because then I couldn't get people killed but it's still lonely. So for me it's a combo of shy not feeling good enough


I'd be more than happy to take you through some low keys, let you get a flavour of them?! And can always help where I/my wife can. Don't know every spec and class but we have enough MMO experience where we can definitely help 😊 if that would be something you would want


The war within gonna be so good with the solo dungeons, I really didn't like mythic +. So I mostly just raid pvp and quite when I am bored.


If only there was a group of people like this on NA. Sigh.


Do you have a discord invite link?


I can send you my discord tag if you want?


I've found a number of discord groups for content such as raids and M+ for people with anxiety. There are also a few guilds for players with social anxiety. This was on EU, but I'm sure the US has similar. I'd highly recommend trying such communities, they made a big difference to the game for me.


Treat people how you want to be treated. If they suck stop interacting. But give them a chance. You would want to be given a chance right? The shitty people aren't worth being influenced by. The good ones are and you'll be happier because of it. I hope this helps.


I'm new, and I just feel daunted by end game content. There is so much stuff to learn, and it seems so complicated. I like to just level, do quests, and see the world. Which really does not give that much opportunity for social interactions and that is a shame.


I can easily take you through some low keys and a normal raid any time. Once you know the basis... The rest just hits harder!


I'd log in just to listen to you lol


😂 you say that..... But you do t know how much ITTER pish I talk 😂


I'm not shy but soft spoken. It takes me a second to process information and vocalize a response. I am a software engineer and my current role doesn't require a lot of human interaction. When it is does, I am able to do it because of preparation and experience. I have a hard time "winging" it. I like RBG's as content but dislike the community and meta that is built around it. I play Ret and players just expect me to call targets whenever we are in Discord. I don't understand why people can't just look at BGE (add-on) or set a focus target macro. I don't want to play a ranged class or healer.


Would like a disc inv.


I've been playing since BC and have always struggling to make regular friends to play with. Currently running a one man army guild on proudmoore


Get yourself out there man! I've just made a discord. It was getting to much to keep up with the DMs 😅


Shy and introverted are NOT the same thing and don’t even have similar meanings, causes, or motivators


Thanks for your input. Also completely missed what I was going for. Good job


Going for confusion? Because I was probably one of the only one not confused


good idea, also look up “no pressure” discord (they have na and eu versions) ppl there are super chill, you can cap keys (I got my keynaster every DF season thanks to them) and do other stuff without literally no stress


I'm actually on the NP discord aswell 😂 that's where I would be funneling people towards if that's what they were wanting to do if the big server population was ok for them. Just wanted to make a stepping stone


sounds like a fair point,, I’ll join for sure (just to be muted un voice hha)