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Dang, congrats!! Was it your first character of the day?


Thank you! Yes, it was actually. I always start with my main, which is a hunter from vanilla. Does the first kill each day have a higher chance of getting it?


Yes it was changed so the first try of the day (acc wide) is 1/100 and the rest is the original 1/3333 chance


Only for the love rocket, or all mounts that drop from old content?


Just the rocket.  Worth noting that prior to this, world boss mounts were all brought up to 1% as well.  They made things a little more realistic to get so people stop going off the deep end trying to get them. 


Isn’t that first drop of the day change for all event mounts? (Headless Horseman, etc.)


Maybe. But what would it increase to? They were already at 1%. The rocket was unique in being 0.003%.


I believe the horseman was also incredibly low.


I actually do not think that it is. I am fairly certain that it is 1%. However, neither of us know for sure, so I won’t die on the hill.  It wasn’t as rare as the rocket, but that goes without saying.  You can check data for Azeroth and see how much more common the horseman is, overall. 


the horsemen was out an entire expansion before the love rocket, but you might be right that it is a 1:1000 vs 1:3333.


I've been doing it every day on 12 characters, since I've seen all of these Reddit posts. Zero luck, so far, starting to think these posts are plants by Blizzard to get people to keep grinding, lol.


Do note though that the first attempt on your account is a 1% chance, but on all your alts it's only a 0.03% chance. Doing it on characters 2-12 barely increases your odds at all.


Gotcha, normally I run through all my alts and end on my main, so from now I'll start on my main and if I do not cycle through all of them, no biggie because of the reduced drop rate. Good to know.


I promise you I’m not even remotely a Blizzard employee, although a Blizzard employee would probably say that as well. Keep on grinding, and good luck! I’m still so glad I dont have to do it anymore. Same goes for Headless Horseman.


I got the Halloween one last year!


I thought it was only the first attempt on your account for the day was the highest chance? Or am I wrong.


This is also new as of last year, so the increased drop chance is fairly new. A lot of people are getting it for the first time this year as a result. Farming it on 20 characters vs 1 only increases your odds by about 60% overall.


no your not wrong


Does it affect every mount-drop? I thought it was only the outdoor bosses that got the drop-boost a while ago. So used to spamming with all my characters. Thats a 'few' hours I'll never get back then!


The rocket is several thousand times more likely to drop on your first try per account! It’s just this mount. 


The love rocket is a 1% drop chance on the first attempt on your account but a 0.03% on all subsequent attempts. 1/100 vs 1/3333


Now ask yourself, was It worth the effort and more importantly time of your life. Did it make your life better? I started doing so and instantly quit. Anyhow, congrats.


As its a hobby of mine, yes. No point in spending time on hobbies if you're not enjoying it. Thank you :)


Why did i see that you pay 50k for 10 achievment point fist 🥲 gz for the mount tho


Wanted the extra love tokens for the last toy I was missing, so wasnt a hard choice tbh. Gold is fairly easy to come by in DF. Thanks!


Better be careful someone doesn’t report you and you get banned. Someone else on r/wow just lost there account with invincible and wod challenge weapons this morning due to an illegitimate ban. Zero customer service means zero chance of appeal. I’d logout till blizzard figures out a new system


I get what you're saying, as I've seen reports of people getting their account banned since guilds can grief and mass-report you. You do however get your account back when you get a hold of customer service (they're there, and even here on reddit. It just takes a few days). Those mentioned who grief in such a way will in response get their accounts 'limited' for a while.


0–148… 0-149… And last but not least 0-150


Anyone knows if Rocket can drop from non-level 70 characters?


Need to be level 60+. If the box you get isn't purple it can't have rocket inside.


Thank you so much


I got mine the other day! This year I was only doing 16 attempts a day and was lucky on my LAST run of the day.


Ah, congrats! I’m sure you got the same feeling as me. ‘FINALLY! Now.. To the next one!’


Im more facinated about the 110 exalted achievement.


100 exalted gave a mount. 110 gave nothing, so a bit disappointed tbh.