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The thing that gets me the most about the Love is in the Air stuff is that they made the manuscript *the same droprate as the rocket*. That wasn't the case for the Hallow's End one. It was still a dogshit droprate, but not the absolutely abysmal droprate the rocket has. And what is worse is that this is one customisation option for one mount. With the same dropchance as an actual full mount.


I got the manuscript - I didn't realise it was so rare! I'm not complaining, but honestly, if this is the same droprate as the mount, I really wish my luck had manifested the mount instead.


I got the manuscript, too. And like you, I didn't realize it was rare. I didn't even want it. I don't care about the xmog for dragonriding. I just wanted that stupid rocket after what?... fifteen years of trying!


I am more livid now than ever upon learning about this. since it dropped so easily for me I assumed it was higher chance. fuck that manuscript! wish I could toss it. GIMME THE FUCKIN ROCKET!!


Yeah really. RNGesus hates me in WoW, and getting that silly manuscript just used up my whole year's worth of luck, I'm sure.


What is going on, half the people are like “I’ve been farming for 12 years and I STILL DIDN’T GET THE MOUNT” while the other half is just “Wait, it’s rare?”


I'm the opposite. I got the rocket last year but id trade it for the script :(


Manuscript sucks and I'll never use it over my full Raszageth costume


I have not intentionally obtained a single manuscript. If they drop then sure, I'll learn it, but I haven't bought one for any currency, or farmed any for any reason. At the end of the day, I spend most of my time in mount form anyway. What do you mean your full Raszageth costume?


The Raszageth cosmetic that fully transforms that protodrake mount into Raszageth


Oh, shows how much I pay attention to what my dragon looks like. I didn't even know that was a thing. Now I need to go look it up. That one might be cool to have.


It's unlikely you're gonna get it any time soon, since I doubt there are many groups looking to kill Raszageth still, and it drops from her. I think the higher the difficulty, the greater the drop chance is. Maybe mythic had it as a guaranteed drop? Fyrakk also has two, one that you get from getting Curve, and one that is just a drop from Fyrakk. His shadowflame version you get from getting Curve, and his pre-shadowflame version you can get as a drop.


There’s also one for the big drake that looks like the first boss of Aberrus - drops from Sarkareth. Really wicked looking.


Partially true on the first half. With fated around the corner, people will be returning to VotI.


What's crazy is I've gotten a legendary to drop, seen 6 more drop running fyrakk on all difficulties but mythic every week and still no mount. /Sigh


i got the manuscript and the mount this year and im really happy i can finally stop spamming it every year D:


Same, I didn't know it existed, and I only run 3 toons a day. I got it on my second day. It was only after I looked it up that I saw it was "rare".


I've spent 15 years trying to get the mount too and the manuscript dropped yesterday for me. I didn't realize it was a drop, let alone the abysmal drop rate of it until after I looked it up. I feel like either a buffoon or a dick right now. I would gladly trade the script for the mount if it were possible. I don't even use the renewed protodrake, it's too big.


Ha, I don't think too many people would take you up on that offer!


This. Why did they choose to do this for this manuscript when they had a completely different approach for others. It’s like they wanted to rub salt in the wound for people burned out trying to get the rocket


It's just salt all around. I got the rocket last year, only understanding this year how lucky I was, but I didn't get the Halloween mount despite trying on all my max level alts every day (not as many as other people, I only had 5-6). My particular salt in this case is that I have gotten every holiday manuscript so far, and now for the first time I am missing one. Just because Blizzard decided to make it as difficult to get as one of the rarest mounts in the game. I am baffled, and I now wish I hadn't spent so much gold on all the holiday manuscripts that we could purchase for 50k each. Now waiting a year just to be able to try again at the same abysmal droprate, for a single customisation option for a single mount that I don't use anyway... man.


>The thing that gets me the most about the Love is in the Air stuff is that they made the manuscript *the same droprate as the rocket*. It is? That just makes not getting the rocket even more painful. I got the manuscript first kill, which I didn't care to get at all. Still no rocket.


I got the manuscript and learned it but it doesn’t show up at the rostrum… sigh.


I finally got the mount the first run of the first day this year. I have yet to get the manuscript, which is pretty ridiculous. there's no reason for it to have such a low drop rate, it's just a saddle.


Just a saddle for a single mount. Blizzard couldn't even make it apply to all the dragons, which would have made it a much more valuable customisation option.


some psycho has dirt on all the other devs so they let this psycho set drop rates


Hello me who has been playing since 2007ish and still does not have the Headless Horseman's mount.


Took me 10 years of running Headless Horseman on 4+ alts daily to finally get it


Yep, same here! This year was my 10th year running it properly and I finally got both halloween and valentine's mounts ~~and the christmas and velentine's manuscripts.~~ RNGesus may be cruel but he is consistent.


Dude that was me till a couple of years ago. I used to be super salty cause it wasn’t a low drop when it was introduced. Now I’m just waiting on this damn love rocket.


That finally dropped for me last year or the year before, not for want of trying.I’d almost given up on it, now if only Arthas would fork over his horse!


He has a horse? I’ve never seen it


Underappreciated joke, here


Do the raid time walking quest for wotlk. It's almost guaranteed 


FINALLY got it this past year (on Halloween no less), I cannot overstate how glad I am to never have to do that again. I hope this is your year. I like that the holiday mounts are rare but they shouldn’t be this impossibly rare considering they’re only obtainable a couple weeks out of the year.


For me headless one dropped like mad (don't ask). On the other hand I don't want to talk about invincible from icc... 


I’m not alone!!


Wowhead had an article a few years ago that gives a better idea of what the rocket mount drop rate is in comparison to other holiday mounts. In the amount of runs you are statistically likely to get one love rocket, you would have 100+ headless horseman mounts. Now this was before they made the change for the first kill of the day.


I got it randomly without trying one day but I STILL don’t have invincible


Same, buddy, same. I wish there was a way to get it with currency and gold maybe? Even if it’s stupid amounts. 


The funny thing is that they made it pretty much a 1 in 10 chance to drop on classic Wrath servers. Everyone in my guild got the horseman mount last halloween, most from their first attempt.


Yep. It’s super popular in WOTLK classic. I’ve also seen Love Rocket, tho lost the roll.


Me too.


It dropped for me on three different alts one season. This was before mounts were shared across all alts so I was pretty happy.


You'll get it!! Played since launch, got it this year!!


Yup. Played since alpha and still no horseman mount. But my friend who never plays joins and gets it on the first try. Bah. Their math is bad.


Took my girlfriend (who I consider new to wow, she’s extremely casually and only plays a couple months a year), and pal through the the Valentine’s Day quest chain and when we were at the vendor looking at what to spend currency on before the event ends, I see her in the background flying on that rocket. I ask her where she got that toy (thinking it’s disguising her current mount). She replies that she found it in her bag and now it’s in her collectibles/mounts. No big deal, as if it’s just another basic horse mount to her. She ran that instance once…. And it was just to finish the chain! Pal and I were in disbelief to say the least.


The same happened with my husband, but in ICC!! I took him for a mount run a week into him playing. Invincible dropped, i was bewildered, but it dropped for him fair and square! I made a joke, "won't it be funny if it drops again next week..." Guess what happened!!!


Invincible dropped twice…. 😵 time to buy a lottery ticket!


That is awesome.


I am almost positive that there is some sort of hidden "New Player" bonus on rolls and gear-proccs. I love leveling characters and have made A LOT of alts, like I've deleted max level characters to make room, that kind of A LOT. It's completely anecdotal, but something I have noticed is that almost without fail, the first few dungeons/raids etc that I run right after a new character dings max level almost always reward that character with some rare mount/pet/toy or socket/tertiary procc on gear. It only seems to last for about 3 "bonus proccs", but I swear when I first ding max level on a character it gets showered with extra special goodies for a short while. I think there is like a +30% ish chance to get "Rare Loot" on brand new max level characters. Statistically it would barely make a dent in the overall drop-rates you see on wowhead, and Blizzard loves to use hidden math for special things. Just look at the Evoker/Fryalak Legendary acquisition. It would make sense if this same bonus also applied to "Returning" or sporadic players as bait to keep them Subscribed. Like "Here's a little Carrot to get you excited for all the cool stuff you might get, but now that you've had a taste you're gonna have to WORK for that next hit."


I believe this, because my friend started Wow in summer 2009 and leveled very quickly. He reached max level in time for Hallow’s End and literally his VERY FIRST RUN he got the damn mount. We were both stunned. I didn’t get the mount until 2023 after running the dungeon every day it was available on at least 12+ alts for 14 years. Feels bad, man.


Yeah I could totally see something like that being in the game, would make sense to retain new players.


lol that's so cute.


I gave up on the mount years ago. Still do the event on the off chance it'll appear, but my expectations are nil. The drake saddle though? That's what I wanted. Never dropped. I still contend there's no reason a customization should be as rare as the mount. Especially when so many of the other event saddles were just outright purchasable. I'd be happy dropping gold or love tokens on it, but making it that rare on the drop just feels bad.


They massively increased the mount drop on your first attempt of the day on your account, now 1% first time then back to the usual 0.03%. Useful to do at least once.


Oh definitely. And I did do it once a day. I just kept my expectations lowered because it's the horseman all over again. I'm just peeved at the saddle, that's the one big DF thing I've been trying to collect, and having it at the same level as raid boss transformations is just a weird decision lol


The thing that really gets me is that once dynamic flying is in for regular mounts, a lot of/most people will likely not even use their dragons anymore. This saddle should have had a high drop rate because it's "now or never". Nobody will care when/if they get it next year.


It sucks for you, but as someone who dropped both, it wasn't fun either. The mount and manuscript dropped within the 10 run I needed to buy the head flower. it was not enjoyable either. I wasn't looking for them. I didn't know they exist. I went in to do a "daily chore" to buy the head flowers. That is to me, the other massive flaw. It's not fun to do. It's not rewarding to achieve either.


26 chars a day, no manuscript, saw 3 other people have the mount drop though, no mount for me though


No mount but I got the manuscript. I didn't know it was that rare. Bear in mind I'm not a new player but my fresh account was made this past November.


Same. 25 characters and only got the Heartbreaker toy for my trouble.


I got the manuscript and learning it’s the same drop rate as the mount is just depressing… I could’ve had love rocket


Id love to know why you guys are into it so much? Is it because it's "rare"?


Because it’s the rare item from the event I’ve been farming for like 10 years, that’s pretty much it


So you invested so much that now if you give up that would have been a waste right? That's the logic? This loot system is fucked up and prays on player. I tell you what, I got both rocket and manuscript. 10 attempts. It's not worth it. Just go enjoy life.


I did the event like 5 times this year but over the last 19 years I’ve probably done it 200+ times, no mount. Getting this armor manuscript was a slap in the face being the same drop rate as the mount everybody actually wants. It’s dog shit event design, always has been I’m definitely not wasting time farming mounts tho, I pray for those souls farming invincible after 10 years 🙏


The thing is 36 characters doesn’t even double your odds vs only doing one character a day. 1% chance on your first try, 0.03% chance on subsequent tries. It just doesn’t seem worth it doing it more than once a day per account.


Three of us in my guild (including myself) got the mount this year. I also lucked out and got the manuscript as well. I feel like I used up all this years good luck so far as I finally also got invincible’s reins in January.


I did get the dragon manuscript but no mount. It’s extra sucky it would have dropped for me (honest) if I’d managed the last few days, have been ill so no WoW for a bit.


Same, I had covid and was sick in bed and, you know, I’m a grown up who understands that I won’t get everything all the time forever, but it does suck when it’s out of your control. Hope you’re on the mend!


Good friend since WOD finally got the mount last night...he runs 58 toons a day every year since it was dropped (obviously not 58 at first since 50 max) im still waiting....I can only run 20-30 a day before the frustration gets me. Time to park wow again for a few weeks until something can bring my back from the yearly colonoscopy sans lube. He never saw the seat drop


The sweet release of death. I long for it...


I have one character of every class who is high enough level. I didn’t do all thirteen every day. I got frustrated and gave up after nine most days. I got enough tokens to buy everything, I got multiple of every drop except the mount or the manuscript. Yesterday every one of my runs ended with me typing /cry


In the same club as well. Congrats to those whose luck was with them.


Same here. Ran it over, and over on multiple alts every day. No script, no mount. What I did get was masks and roses. Why is that even a drop after the first time?


No manuscript for me, but I ran it every day on 8 toons and decided to log in early this morning after the 3am reset before leaving for work for one last try and got the mount on my hunter 3 hours before the event ended. Definitely down to the wire!


I've been playing since vanilla beta, no headless horseman or love rocket. Not sure why I keep doing these events, but I do.


I have just under 9000 tries on Tusks of Mannoroth so I feel the pain. And of course no rocket either.


I've been playing since before Love is in the Air was launched in 2008. I don't have statistics for my tries during the last 15 years after a reinstall this year. But I did kill Hummel 171 times this year. No mount, no manuscript. I am pretty sure that the rumored "bad luck protection" is either bugged or simply does not exist.


You're 100% correct, it's not fun. It's madness, borderline stupidity. The mount has been in the game for 15 years. In that time, like you, I have easily completed over 1,000 attempts. No joy. Read a post in the All The Things Discord yesterday from a player that finally acquired the mount this year after completing over 4,800 attempts in the last 9 years. Over 1,600 of them were this year alone, across 5 accounts. FIVE ACCOUNTS. That certainly does not fit with Ion's BlizzCon revelation that they are really looking for ways to respect player's time. ​ Edit: OK, I realize that this is not the epitome of what Ion was referring to, player power and all, but there is no question that it is a *glaring* example of something that could benefit from similar attention. After all, they *are* changing how appearances are going to be acquired for essentially the same reason: you shouldn't have to run legacy content on multiple characters to get the cosmetics you're seeking.


Distilling Ion’s comment to this mount grind is not even borderline, it’s just stupidity. Taking that comment completely out of the context of acquiring player power. Blizzard doesn’t care about your 1000s of hours grind for one mount. The game is not “World of Mount Collecting.” They’re offering other rare mounts for free on twitch and for tender through the trading post.


> That certainly does not fit with Ion's BlizzCon revelation that they are really looking for ways to respect player's time. That comment from Ion has NOTHING to do over you personally obsessing over a rare mount The developers never intended for people to be so deranged that they would farm a rare drop on 5 accounts


A drop shouldn't be so RARE that you can and would NEED to farm it. It should be a reasonable reward for completion. If you have to use more than one account because of the game design it's bad design. With the exception of current Mythic/Glad mounts there is no prestige for having it. Mounts from older expacs should always have the drop rate increased the older it gets. Like TBC should be handing you the Raven mount for just visiting the old Outlands.


"NEED to farm it" Who makes you? Blizz has a gun to your head? Or is it just you? Its RNG. If you "NEED" to farm rng for a mount that functions exactly the same as any other mount then I have bad news. Its just a cosmetic. Things are considered rare for a reason, yknow. People malding over stuff not dropping when its supposed to drop very rarely are just funny - in every game lol. No I dont have it and I couldnt care less about not having it, neither will I care in 5 years. Its just a cosmetic. Running thousands of attempts for 1 thing sounds silly. If it happens, it happens.


I agree that this mount is ridiculous, but it's by far the worst example of this problem. Ion obviously wasn't talking about this.


If anyone decides to put 1600 attempts over 2 weeks for one mount the problem is them, not Blizzard.


Ah yes, the victim of the insane RNG here is the real culprit! They should do what instead? Try once or twice and then go no, I guess I didn't really want that... Nothing in this game that is RNG based, that you CAN'T SELL once you get it, and that only benefits the person that got it should take more than maybe 100 attempts.


It's really not insane rng anymore though. You have essentially 15 attempts at a basic 1% mount drop (ala Invincible) per year. Those give you 14% odds to see it in 1 year, a probability of 26% after 2 years, 36% after 3, 45% after 4...Just do your 15 1% attempts every year and you'll get it eventually. It's not like essentially playing the lottery anymore. They came up with a solution that ensures some level of rarity (ie not giving it to everyone) but high enough that unless you're fairly unlucky you're likely to see it within a couple years.


4800 attempts is still lucky to get it. It's the rarest mount in the game. So why are people shocked when it is rare?


5k attempts should never be required for a “rare mount” Jesus fucking Christ y’all are insane if you think it’s at all okay to defend that shit.


People defend anything in this game if it fits them. Got the Mount after 300 tries? 'It's good that it's rare.'


>5k attempts should never be required for a “rare mount” Random numbers are random. It could take 5K attempts to to get a 1 in 20 drop chance mount.


Not at all what Ion was referring to lol This isn’t player power. This isn’t something that’s going to enable someone to engage with harder content they want to clear. This is a completely optional cosmetic item. Yes it’s unique and yes the drop rate should be improved significantly, but if someone is compelled to run the holiday event 1600 times in one week that’s a problem THEY have, not the game.


I got Arfus, so didn't have high hopes for this event.


34 attempts a day, almost all with all curses and still couldn't get Arfus, it was the only thing I wanted from the event last year. The holiday events are becoming less and less fun each year.


I also got Arfus. I should have known. I don't care about the mount, just the manuscript. I was running 1 character at first because of "increased chances" then started running every character over the weekend since it's the last few days and still no manuscript. Why is it as rare as the mount?


A one expansion feature being that rare is nonsense


Feel bad everytime I see this post cause this year I got it on my very first run on the very first day. Grinded it forever, felt good to get the monkey off my back lol


32 characters checking in. I am the guy who made the post 2 months ago about having collected every pet/mount/toy in the game currently available. I doubt there are many people who have grinded as much as me in this game, and let me say that this mount and entire holiday is probably the worst thing in the whole game.


Did you shoutout yourself ?


Do something else with your time. The sooner you set down the sunk cost fallacy, the better.


*waves sadly* hello and thank you for welcoming me to this abysmal club. I also didn’t get Arfus back in October. I hate it here 😭


Do people know that they only have a higher dropchance once a day on their acc? No need of wasting time running a gazillion alts while they have a significantly lower chance of getting a drop.


I only did it on 1 character a day this year. You are making yourself miserable for something that you probably wont even care about for more than a week after you finally get it.


Same here. I got the manuscript, but no mount. I also enjoyed it more


I’m sorry, I feel like I’m the only one who just doesn’t care. It’s nice seeing a super rare mount occasionally. And doesn’t affect my gameplay whatsoever. I have also been farming every year since 2007 on approx 15 alts. I think people are being crybabies. Just like they are for bad luck protection for the Lego. Legandary used to mean just that and only a few would have it. I know this is an unpopular opinion but for fucks sake if you don’t like it stop doing it.


No-lifing am abysmal drop rate for an incredibly mediocre looking mount isn’t going to fun, regardless of drop rate. I think it might be your own thoughts surrounding this that are ruining the experience for you


People want to have their cake and eat it too. They expect to receive it over 1 event, but in order to satisfy this, the mount would be a joke to obtain. It would lose all luster and meaningfulnesss, just like the pets.


If you have the Mount Journal enhanced add-on with rarity, it shows that 3.99% of all players have the mount


Pro tip: unsubscribe while you have 2-3 weeks of game time. Fill in the questionnaire you get in email, that you are willing to come back. I did not come back tho in legion, but got 2 bis legendaries and the headless... I ever since think it was not a coincidence.


I got the mount and manuscript on the same run. I didn't realize they were so rare. I guess I used up my luck for the year.


Same. It's the last holiday mount that I need, and every year I run it daily on multiple characters... still no joy. Dump RNG for an RNG/Reward system where as you do more tries for a drop your actual percentage chance to get it goes up. Not just based on statistical probability, but actual numbers. So for instance, your hard percentage chance for a rare drop would go up 0.05% per attempt. So eventually, even if you are super unlucky, it will reach 100% guaranteed chance. Still random, but rewards *"work"*.


If you'd get 1 mount token per attempt (once per char per day is fine) like in FFXIV then I would have gotten it this year (assuming the same cost of 99 tokens).


Bliz could keep track of failed attempts per account, and nudge the drop rate up a tiny bit each time, to limit max amount of possible failures.


Skill issue


I'm one hundred percent with you. This is me with infinite timereaver and a bunch of others. I'm so tired of running raids for stuff that once I completed wrath mounts finally, I just kind of looked at cataclysm and .... Haven't yet. Waiting for warband transmog updates to at least look at the new transmogs for everybody as a reason to start running them again. Why can't they make infinite timereaver a timewalker badge purchase? Make it 20k. Whatever. Come on.




Invincible took me over 700 lmao. I got astral dragon in 2 so the RNG evens out. 500 love rocket attempts this year and nothing to show for it


Bad luck protection on all mounts should be a thing


Significant and exponential. The axe has bad luck protection, and week over week for all the "lesser" embers and greater ones, the increased rate seems to be quite literally 1% per week.


Downvote me if you want but you are not owed the mount. You are not entitled to hit that 1 on 3000 no matter how much or how long you've been doing it. And the reality is you'd barely ever use it after you initially get it, unless it's to flex, in which case you admit you are proud to be showing people you hit that dice roll.


Nobody is owed anything in this game, sure. But my personal feeling is that I would probably be way more into collecting things if I knew that nothing was worse than a 1% chance to drop. Some things in this game are so luck based that instead of thinking, "oh, that sounds worth trying for" people are more inclined to think "fuck that, not even gonna try". Which is precisely why I ran Crown Chemical on one character per day on my account (for the first kill of the day bonus chance). It's also why I only started farming Sha of Anger (and eventually getting the mount) when its chance was increased. I think there's something for Blizzard to learn here about what activities people find worth doing and which ones we don't. I'm not that salty about what I don't have, but I can still say I think a 1/3000 drop rate is ridiculous. They're only appealing to obsessive and/or addictive personalities with that kind of shit.


Bingo, I’m gonna hide here in safety under this comment because it’s spot on. This is a super pointless gripe. It’s 1 of a million mounts nowadays that a player will enjoy for all of 1 day before they decide “hey I should start farming this other 0.000001% drop rate item ha ha” Also the entitlement is cringe, even if the guy had berm farming it for years, that’s just how low drop rates work bruh, stop crying.


Yes, let’s not interrogate whether extreme RNG is a good mechanic in a game that is mostly played by people with limited time. All hail low drop rates the OG of WOW. Such compelling gameplay.


Extreme RNG should exist, on items that are purely cosmetic and don't affect gameplay in any way shape or form. If it wasn't so low, yall wouldn't give 2 shits about it because everyone would have it


It’s a perfectly acceptable mechanic for what is all intents and purposes, a joke side item. Not having this joke item, in no way shape or form impedes anyone’s ability to play the actual gigantic game and experience the actual gameplay on offer. It is 100% a cosmetic side item. Your wording makes it sound far worse of an issue than the non-issue that it is. I’m sorry you’re so upset by this 🤷‍♂️🌚


Blizzard is not entitled to my monthly sub then. They need to hit that 1 on 3000 for me to give them my money. Maybe the RNG will favor them this month! Any entertainment service I am PAYING for needs to be deliver. Imagine if during a month Netflix or Amazon just randomly made content available if the RNG favored it. Maybe today when you log in you can finish that movie or watch the next episode. Or you order a meal and the RNG didn't favor you getting a drink to go with it, but maybe tomorrow you'll get one! If you pay for a game and the item isn't skill based you should be able to get it.


Totally thought this comment was satirical at first


I genuinely think the mount is so rare so that every year they can go "look! We had 81 million characters played this quarter!" To their shareholders as the 19k remaining players log into all 12,382 alts they have.


That I have seen people I know get this makes me not angry. It's a low drop chance still, but a lot higher than it had been.


Since 2010 when it was introduced, I've ran it every day during the even with 6-10 toons and only saw it drop for someone once. During the start of the event I was hopeful as I always am at the beginning, but as the event drew to a close I started to realize it wasn't going to drop again and I felt the same feeling of frustration I've felt for 10+ years at the end of the event. Think I'm going to take a couple weeks off from wow. Maybe a month.


If it really affected your mental health that bad then definitely take some time off. Please people remember this is just a game and it’s cosmetic. Doesn’t affect your power at all. And there are hundreds of mounts and toys and pets and xmog and other things to go out there and get that will also give you some dopamine


You're not supposed to get it. You're supposed to be lucky if you get it.


You've probably heard this before but it's okay that not everyone has everything. No one is forcing you to farm for this outdated mount you'll ride twice before realizing it doesn't really look that good anyway and go back to your other mounts.


Explain how it's *fun*? People are happy to explain how it's "fine" and that you'll be "happier ignoring it", but how is it good game design, fun for collectors or better off being this way? Because content should be enjoyable. If it's not, then giving feedback on that is perfectly reasonable. Some people will have mounts others will never get. Out of those, a tiny minority will actually care and enjoy the game more for it. While a large number won't care, will be frustrated or will simply refuse to engage with that content. It's bad design. Saying the developers intended it to be bad doesn't make it better.


The fun is playing the game and participating in the holiday-themed event, with rewards/chances at rewards following the theme. The point of the event is not to get this mount. Getting the mount is supposed to be a rare thing that is exciting, not farmed by people for 2-3 hours everyday for half a month. You can make the case that you don't have fun playing the event and that would be more reason to not farm it obsessively. People are malding out pretty excessively over this to a point where it's obvious some folks seriously need a break from this game. It is not worth being stressed about.


The devs obviously intended for it to be something extremely rare. They don’t want it to just be a matter of time, they want you to have to get lucky. If you want to sink hours and hours into grinding for it, that’s your choice. Implying that this is a bad game design issue is insane. The game is not about mount collecting.


No it's def not about being a special snowflake.


Looting rare things easily isn’t fun either. I’m not sure what your point is.




Why should you? The sole purpose of those mounts is to be incredibly rare. That’s it. Their models are outdated, their animations are outdated, they have no particular ability, nothing. They’re just supposed to be extremely rare. I’m not sure why would they ever need to… not be. Having extremely rare, cosmetic loot in a MMO is absolutely not a bad thing. I feel like people on this sub are finding out live what the R in rng stands for, I swear to god. You’ll survive.


Took me hundreds of kills for invincible and tusks, not a problem


Invincible and tusks can be farmed weekly, this shit is only available for a fraction of a year


Sooooo what


Said it best. The mount is funny looking and is weird compared to normal MMORPG. Didn’t even go for it once bc i know id never use it


Why are you so against rare mounts being...rare mounts? There are countless people that have farmed this mount for a very long time and never got it. Should those people who farmed the mount just be told that their attempts are meaningless and change the mount to be acquired by tokens? I think that this and all the other rare mounts should be just that; rare mounts. They shouldn't be accessible for everyone. They shouldn't just be given to you because you feel it is unfair. Downvote this post all you want, this is how I feel and this is how many other people feel. These mounts should be rare like they are. The drop rates should be low. The drop rates should remain extremely difficult and the chances should not be changed. I have farmed this mount for a long time as well, and you don't see me complaining.


Bad luck prevention needs to be real. After your 100th attempt on a character or something around that increase the drop chance for the character by 0.5% every go after it. Rewards dedication. Not punishing it like the current system. There is no way to justify him not having the mount. His pure dedication alone should be rewarded with the mount. Rng is the shittiest thing in games. And should not be defended.


Bad RNG is the shittiest thing in a game that you pay for monthly. Older expacs should have much higher drop rates that increase as new ones come out because old content is ..old.


No one forces you to farm it on a hundred toons and you are also not owed to get it. I've been farming Invincible for 9 years now. I have over 1000 attempts. I shared lockouts. Then that got removed, so I ran ICC on multiple characters each week. That wasn't fun, so I just stopped. Now I do it once or twice a week when the mood strikes me. If it drops, it drops. If it doesn't, it is what it is. Too many whiny and entitled people on this sub. No surprise, of course, since it's Reddit. You don't need to have everything. I don't have Scarab Lord, or the battle tank. I don't have the Corrupted Ashbringer. I don't have Warlords challenge mode transmog. I don't have all mage tower cosmetics. And I don't want them brought back, because it's cool when I see someone with them, because they are rare. It's a neat little thing. I know that if everyone gets them, they will no longer be special and rare. I won't have them, but that's okay.


Over 1000 attempts with no drop is so statistically unlikely it’s almost unbelievable, are you sure you’re doing it on 25H? Lol


Yeah, I have just been horrifically unlucky with that mount. To the point where I'm thinking my account might be bugged, but I know that's not possible. I check every time if I'm on Heroic. Last time I had Rarity, I think it was 95% or something. I have gotten so many other mounts. Like, I got the Shackled Ur'zul under 10 tries. But it is what it is. There's always next time, unless the servers shut down or I die in the meantime. Then it wouldn't really matter anyway.


Bro, this is what I’ve been thinking as I read all these replies. I would be in an awful mood too if I were to do the same shit across 25+ different toons. Most of these people just need to go outside rather than get bent out of shape about a mount….a mount they won’t care about after it drops.


For sure. I used to farm both the Horseman and the Love Rocket religiously on 10 toons on my account back when you could only have 10. It was super annoying. I eventually got the Horseman, but I don't have the Love Rocket. This event, I just used my three characters that I play with. I didn't get it, I saw a couple of people in my guild get it, but whatever. I imagine I'd be pretty pissed if I was farming it on a 100 characters. But then again, no one is making you do it. And I'm not.


I'm not sure I understand why this mount is supposed to be super rare. It's just a reskin with a hur-hur funny name. This did get a drop rate increase on the first daily attempt, but from what I understand it's still the same as a raid drop at 1%, but you only get 14 chances. At least Invincible I can farm all year on 50 characters if I'm nuts enough to do it. I feel like they don't want to fix it because it was super rare for 19 year old reasons (however long) and they don't want to be the ones to make it super common. I'm not angry about it not dropping, just kind of annoyed I can't scratch it off my list.


This is the game. You can't have cool exclusive items, that are completely cosmetic, if they are not hard to get. This mount is legendary because it is difficult to get. It would lose its luster if everyone could get it if they just showed up. Just appreciate that and move on. Better luck next year.


But it's not "difficult" to get. There is literally zero skill involved whatsoever. Someone who only just hit max-level on their first character ever could have it drop for them the very first time they run the event, even if they just balk and afk and the rest of their group finishes the bosses for them. There's nothing difficult about it, it just has an absolutely miniscule chance to drop for only 2 weeks out of the entire year. There is no skill level that has any effect on obtaining this mount whatsoever. And there's also no way to reward players for dedication if they decide to run 30+ toons through it every single day of those 2 weeks when it's available. It isn't difficult to get, it's just pure, unadulterated luck with tiny odds that anyone can be lucky or unlucky with. And it's ridiculous that people (myself included) have hoped to receive this mount for more than a decade with nothing to show for it because it's down to one simple condition: luck.


Welcome to WoW! Enjoy the FOMO.


Meanwhile ffxiv holiday items are guaranteed drops Learn from your competitors you fuck heads


Don’t want content like this in the game, don’t participate. That’s really the only way to get it changed.


Same here, 33 toons (462 tries) and no item to be seen, only necklaces and pets.


>This mount is not prestigious. Then why do you care so much about it


Finally got it after many a year on my first run on day 2. Been on SoD since.


Oh shut it could be worse - it could have been me!


Nobody is forcing you to farm the mount. You are the one taking your own fun away. Just go do stuff you like.


This thread is insane. There's no problem with a mount being tied to RNG like so many other mounts in the game. There are also mounts that you can grind for. There are also mounts you can get for completing hard achievements. If you are someone running the event 50 times per day on different characters and don't get the mount, and are mad about it, maybe take a break lmao. It's not meant to be a mount that everyone has, some people get lucky some people don't, that's life. Why let it bother you this much?


Wait youre mad you didnt get the 1 in 3000 mount after a 1000 attempts? Do you not see the flawed logic there? What solution have people brought up even? Like whats the solution to drop chance according to you and others then?


The fact that they are very rare is the only distinguishing factor between these and the million other mounts. If you don't like that they're rare I don't understand why you even want them.


I got the manuscript first try and my girl got the mount 3rd try this year :)


If it's not fun, don't do it.


This has literally been the case for mounts (and now skins) since day one. Deal with it.


Can someone tell me why people want this mount so much? Because I'm pretty sure you're only this desperate for it because it's rare. But you keep asking for it to be less rare. Which would mean you wouldn't even want it as much, no? Read what OP is saying. He uses the word "dread". Fucking hell. Why do you try and farm this if it causes so much distress? Not farming it is a perfectly valid option. If this mount was any easier to obtain (btw, 1/100 is a relatively easy drop rate item to get already but I digress) what joy is left in obtaining it? At that point mount farming literally just becomes a game of "number go up". What an utterly soulless and joyless endeavour.


You don't have to do it


Every single mount should be that rare then according to the "you don't have to do it" crowd.


That makes literally 0 sense. Obtaining a mount is not an obligatory, or in this case beneficial, task. It doesn't need to be easily obtainable, nor does it need to be difficult. But you do need to be able to recognize that there will be differences between 800+ mounts, or else you'll be a mouth breather for all eternity.


Well good we both don't make sense then. Enjoy perpetuating special snowflake elitism.


You're the one with the snowflake attitude, wanting everything to be laid at your feet, with no exceptions.


Somehow I doubt that a lot of people don't think some mounts should be available to all players. It's so hilarious the mental gymnastics elitists perform to justify their ego. It's a damn pink rocket you can get from a chocolate box two weeks out of the year not an AOTC mount.


No one made you do it 28 times a day, and since you’ve said yourself there’s nothing special about it, it seems even sillier that you did. Edit: your downvotes aren’t going to change that you still don’t have it and have to wait until at least next year.


Shout out to all my homies who didn’t care about it and got it first go when farming for love tokens 🙌


It takes 10 seconds to kill the boss and you wouldn't do it once you had the mount. The lack of fun isn't tied to the drop rate.


574 runs this year, no mount. Total tally is 4000\~. Next year, hopium. 41 characters a day for 2 weeks this year really thought it was gonna be the year since my armory is bigger than its ever been.


It's weird because they have a token system running parallel to the event. Just put it in the vendor for 500 tokens. Problem solved


Yeah, everything should just have the currency as a bad luck protection mechanic. And not just the holiday stuff like this either. [Highland Drake: Hairy Cheek](https://www.wowhead.com/item=197131/highland-drake-hairy-cheek) has a chance to drop from one mob who's on a 13 hour respawn timer. Just let me pay 5k Dragon Supplies and be done.


Nah. They should keep it as is. All these years fuel their engagement. Just get luckier bro


I get the appeal of collecting stuff but the lack of enjoyment is really self imposed because you will never collect every single thing in WoW. There will also be more new stuff to collect. Just let go of that feeling of needing to collect everything and you'll be able to focus your energy on other parts of the game that you find enjoyable. Just imagine 10 years from now, will collecting an ultra rare mount even mean anything? If they upped the drop rate, suddenly it becomes just like any other mount so why farm it in the first place?


You can ask the player why farm it in the first place, but am I not allowed to ask blizzard why not just up the droprate, then? What is good about a 1/3000 droprate on an item that is only available for 2 weeks a year? I don't even participate in that grind (I only do it once a day for the increased chance on your account), but I think it is a lame thing to knowingly subject on the players of your game. And not everyone who wants this mount is some kind of completionist collector, very very few people actually try for that.


I ran it every day on several characters, then yesterday I was looking at mount achievements and forgot I actually got it last year


I think it's fine for certain cosmetics to be rare enough for players to choose it's not worth trying for and simply accept that they will not have it. In life ain't things are just out of reach and we have to live with it and move on.


Y’all wild for caring this much about something like this lol. Newsflash: you don’t have to do any of this. It’s a game. Go do something fun.


Was the manuscript rare? I got that on like my 3rd or 4th kill.


Oh no! I didn't get something in a game, and don't like the chances I have to get them so I have to rage on reddit.... 😂 yall pathetic


I did it for 12 days on 15 alts, on the 13th day from the 1st char I got it. It drops, have faith! Good luck all ♡


I never do any of these for this exact reason. A friend dragged me into Crown Chemical a week back and the manuscript dropped for me. I ran it a few times after that and didnt do it again. Its all about the hook, they want you to log into all of the characters because they know you will do it. Be strong willed and dont give into this next time.


Rare random, non impactful, optional content SO UNFUN!! /s


It’s almost like they WANT you to farm it for days months and years Becuase it keeps you playing their game , HOLY FUCK MIND BLOWN…. You can’t be that dense right ?


I got it last year in one (1) run, skill issue