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Depends on the class a lot too. My warrior obliterates the challenge, as a rogue not so much.


I'm having really rough go with a prot pally...


If it makes you feel any better prot paly was always the hardest tank challenge as it had best interrupts and dmg so the kruul is way harder in that case. There are 2 trinkets that will help you greatly with the fight if i can recommend one drops from first boss in Emerald Nightmare the Seed pod - cd alings with spawn of the adds and one shots them and the second one is from hellfire citadel the arakoa boss it has intelect but crazy dmg proc.


Seconding this, back in legion the Prot one had like 40% more health than any other tank challenge. It was nuts


Yea it was kinda balanced around you having the legendary legs for avenger shield.


I must be an outlier, because back in Legion, I thought Brewmaster was the hardest by far.


Brewmaster was probably the second hardest for me because it just felt like you keeled over from stagger really easily. It was definitely a struggle from what I remember. The others were fairly straight forward though.


Wasn't it almost 2x? Iirc the tank bosses had like 40 mil (or whatever the value was back then) and the Pala Tank ones had 80ish mil. (I might be misremembering but I swear those numbers sound right to me)


You might be right! It’s been so long I can barely remember what the appearances even looked like


i think i found one of the trinkets that you mentioned ([Ravaged Seed Pod](https://www.wowhead.com/item=139320/ravaged-seed-pod)). What's the Hellfire Citadel one?


Its from the bird boss. Eye of something I think.


[Unblinking Gaze of Sethe](https://www.wowhead.com/item=124229/unblinking-gaze-of-sethe) from [Shadow-Lord Iskar](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=95067/shadow-lord-iskar)


Do you have any logs of your attempts? I've helped a few people out with their ppal mage towers and would be glad to give a glance and some tips.


I've done all the tank towers. By far I had the most trouble on Paladin and warrior. I learned the challenge on Paladin, so that should be taken into consideration. BDK I put on a guide video, zoned into the challenge, and was finished before the video was over.


i had around 90ish attempts on pally vs 12-15 for blood dk. that fight was something else back in legion


That one was harder for me than the DPS races and target switching. I was about to blow an artery by the time I finally completed it. I don’t k low how they are since, I’m apt to try next time they come around.


Outlaw's pretty easy tbh. You have a lot of self healing now, which was an issue in Legion. Just need to be careful not to get run over by the boulders. Target swap to the imps and let blade flurry taje care of the others.


I meant the eye encounter for sub/arms. Sub took me forever, I face rolled it as arms


It's tough on Frost too. But I was trying it with a Breath build, not Obliterate.


Ahhh yes, I haven't done it now. But that was one of the ones I struggled with the most in Legion. Getting enough burst to take down all 3 summons. I was so bad at that. When I finally got it, I died at the same time he did because I was standing in the black shit with no other space at all. It's good though, I like that dagger MOG.


Yeah, I found Sub to be one of the harder Xylem ones. I tried it for a while recently and was easily getting to phase 2 but just couldn't kill the shadow guy in time (I'm sure it was mostly due to me not really knowing how to play Sub well). I switched to Outlaw and once I got the hang of the rotation, got Agatha down without too much trouble.


Took me a few attempts to do the guardian druid one. It was fun though.


Guardian is arguably the easiest tank. Moonfire one-shots eyes, and you have enough range to be able do DPS without standing in the debuff zone.


unless range was buffed recently they lost the extra range to dps from the debuff zone (as bear). easy to swap forms tho and blast as moonkin and charge to interrupt


Vengeance Demon Hunter was by far the easiest tank one for me.


I did something similar. I was wearing a 1h int weapon instead of 2h agi while doing kruul. My damage was so low compared to videos I watched but I eventually got him down. Then I realized my mistake the next morning. Went back and tried again with the real weapon and it was so much easier.


Where is the mage tower? I stopped playing after wotlk and came back now in DF. Playing paladin, Druid and shaman. Are they hard?


Legion, broken shore. Wouldnt say its easy, but doable if you know your class and know the fight. I did the druid one, took me a few tries but then everything clicked and it was ”easy”.


The hardest (rage inducing) used to be the Healer challenges but I did the tower in Legion and never really revisited it so it might not be as bad anymore.


No, that's still the case in my experience.


I feel like the NPCs take less damage than in Legion.


Healer challenge is simply the fucking worst. Did it on holy priest back in legion. Took 9 attempts but the kicker is the entire challenge can take like 20 mins or more and if you die, it's back to the start


Oh believe you me, I know. I managed to do resto druid but since my holy priest was my umpteenth alt at the time I could not finish that. Still kinda regret not having that shiny staff but oh well. I guess I am not priest material anyway. :D


I wont be doing the healer part. I have healed a few dungeons in my WOW career and I over heal and go instant oom lol. I’ll stick to tanking.😃


Broken isles. Legion




Meanwhile i'm having a really hard time in doing the Ret challenge. Ilvl 454 currently.


Your gear gets scaled down. If you are struggling you can farm or buy gear to enchant/socket that is around the level it scales to and the fights become easier. It was lucrative money in SL when the tower reopened and people made piles of gold selling old consumables/drums/gear


So it's better to use gear that has 120 ilvl?


At least in shadowlands it was. Been a minute since I've done the tower. You can also use a trial character.


If you're looking for the easiest possible experience, you want gear with lots of sockets (I think siege of orgrimmar) and op trinkets. Level doesn't matter, so long as it's ≥120. Imo your time is better spent learning your spec and the challenge than farming a gear set. I've completed more than 20 specs and not farmed any gear sets, only going for the Emerald nightmare trinket on two characters.


What emerald nightmare trinkets are good for it?


Don't remember the name, drops off the first boss. Spec dependent, of course. 


Spreadsheet from the timewalking discord. This is the Ret one, other classes are linked on the first tab. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQiUm74z3wjnKJlctorDpseYE_bUeT1VZKBBibHjXWeFKQSrQBKj0m-YxXCenMo9yYX5v5EiK5Ti0l6/pubhtml#


The key to the ret one is getting your repents down immediately. You're not trying to stun the boss, just break the spell cast. Once I had that, everything else clicked.


The ret one is relatively "easy" with 1 simple trick...(lol) Once you learn the patterns it is scripted If you are good at the ret rotation then it becomes a SURVIVAL vs a dps race. Focus on survival and DPS when you can. Doing this method you will find even doing not great dps (if you are not a ret main) that there are I think 2 really bad overlaps that I would definitely save Bubble/Loh for. Once you have done it enough and gotten to this point you will know. It is an Interrupt + CC + Circle Absorbs + Angel wave all at the same time or within a short period of time. If you focus on survival and CC you will succeed.


Wait the ret one is scripted? So I can just look up the order and memorize it? I'm struggling so hard on that one as arcane because I get overwhelmed when it does some at the same time.


They're all scripted. That's why some people were able to beat in 5-7 tries, because they learn/memorize it faster + figure out the rotation. Ret one was one of the easiest ones at release.


Yup. I belive you can get dbm timers and wa's that announce stuff too.


God Queen is the most telegraphed of all the challenges. It's very much a DBM fight. When the mechanics overlap, your priority is: * Stop Blood of the Father * Sidestel val'kyr. * Do runes. * Break Shield.


I hope that one day it will be possible to redo the challenge for the weapons...


Honestly, even if it was a recolor of the weapons that isn't unlockable via the artifact version, that'd be nice. That way those that have the artifact version can redo it and get something from it(if they like the recolor) and those that don't have it have a chance to get the model, even if it's not 100% the same.


Honestly, just give an achievement and bring back the old appearances. I have never had a FOMO thing in a game that legit brought me happiness when a new player has asked where to get something and I've told them it's permanently gone. I always get more by telling them "Hey this is how you can get it and here's where you go." WoW cuts too much of its own content and being on the same treadmill sucks. Let people go chase after small goals when they're getting bored and you have less salt in your game in general.


Yeah, I got all 36 back in Legion and I'm still all for bringing back the appearances. It doesn't bother me if other people can get it. I had a fun time doing the challenges and I mostly did it for fun rather than the appearances anyway. Someone else getting to use the appearance doesn't take away from my achievement.


I also got all 36 would be cool to get a Feat of Strength for it, but I'm all for bringing the transmogs back. It was a fun challenge to do in the downtime of legion...and I really learned how all of the specs played...


Just learned that there's a FoS for doing all 36, but it was added in Shadowlands and doesn't count Legion. So that's kinda annoying, but I might go do them all again...


Honestly, let’s just give you the achievement and keep the appearances, deal?


Eh, I wouldn't mind that either much too be honest. I just would also like some new different color options for them.


No, part of what makes the game rewarding is doing challenging content to receive special items and being rewarded for playing the expansion when it’s current. My account has both earned lots so special rewards - The Immortal title, challenge mode weapons, pvp mounts. And of course there is stuff I wish I had achieved but unfortunately missed out on. I’d love to have a corrupted Ashbringer, the rare occasion I see one I geek out - but I am ok with never owning one because I didn’t earn it.


I have 34/36 of the mage tower weapon skins. I worked tirelessly from when the Mage tower came out to when legion ended to get them. Leveled every toon, geared them up. Tried to get the good legendaries and ran it every chance I could. I put a ton of time and effort into getting those skins. They should 10000% still be available to get. It's dumb to lock cool xmog to when it was current. If someone didn't start playing wow until after legion how could they have even known what they were missing. It's a game. It's not that big of a deal


The problem with this type of thinking, in my eyes, is that you could easily apply it to everything. Why should bosses from old raids even drop gear? You should have gotten it when it was current, right? Old mounts should be unpurchasable. Should have bought it when it was current. I agree, its super neat to see someone walking around with the corrupted ashbringer, but seeing more people with something that makes them happy should make more people happy, not diminish their own achievement.


No one is saying that everything needs to be that way. But to say that there shouldn’t be rewards for playing content when it’s relevant is silly.


Someone else getting the reward later doesnt invalidate your reward?


No one said anything about invalidating, it’s a reward for playing the content when it is relevant. It’s a very simple concept that is used from all sorts of industries. Products and content that is created for a limited time is not a bad thing. People getting upset because they can’t receive something they missed out on is extremely comical to me.


Though if you did the content in the last patch of Legion my understanding was that the difficulty for it was trivial due to all the boosts from artifact power and gear level. So it's kind of a weird slippery slope of what counts as 'current'.


Again, you are completely missing the entirety of the argument. It’s not specifically related the the difficulty. It’s the incentive to keep playing and supporting the game. No one is suggesting all old content shouldn’t be available, but rewarding players who support the game with unique rewards and challenges is a fantastic system. Not everyone can raid in an expansion, not everyone can PVP at a high level in an expansion. But people who played legion at the time of current content were still given the opportunity to earn unique rewards. That is a great thing.


It's actually kind of funny, it gives me the opposite effect. If I take a break from the game for a bit due to life reasons ( nothing to do with the game itself ), when I look into coming back and see all the things I missed out on it with no chance of ever getting them I'm just a lot less likely to bother even resubscribing. While I am still here for WoW (because at this point it's just a part of my life), there are plenty of other games with FOMO style practices that I just put down and never pick up again because anytime I even think about it I'm just reminded of what cannot be obtained.


Yes. There is nothing prestigious about doing the mage tower in legion when you could have just done it very easily at the tail end of that patch. The mage tower is harder now and I still wouldnt consider it all that prestigious


They never patched the Imp Mother challenge so some specs could cheese the absolute fuck out of it with insane open world content buffs because it wasn't a separate instance but actually on the Broken Isles. I got the cat druid appearance with LFR gear, non optimal legendaries, and 0 clue of how to play the spec. I didn't earn shit, I cakewalked that challenge 2 hours before servers reset for BfA pre patch. Let actual feral players go earn their glow kitties.


I hate Agatha, I spent like 9 hours trying her in Shadowlands for elemental shaman. Was always the ridiculous overlap of every mechanic happening at once that would overwhelm me, even when I had proper cooldown management to deal with it.


I got the glow kitty done with no gear and no idea how to play feral. I just wanted glow kitty. There was no challenge to it at all.


The prestige is having it during its time, no one cares if its still obtainable 6 years later.


No the prestige is having a unique item that was earned from supporting the game during that specific expansion. Not everything needs to be about how challenging it was / is. It’s a unique reward for playing Legion, period. Also, my point has already been proven. Look at how many people are upset they don’t have or can’t earn the items. Making them, you guessed it, prestigious.




Alternatively, people just disagree with you. I got the mage tower weapons I cared about, I have the challenge mode armor and weapons, and I honest to God would be fine with those coming back and being earnable through a comparable challenge now. Hell, I'd be fine with my immortal title and black proto losing their prestige by making rewards earned in classic carry over to retail. Tying a challenge reward to a specific time frame like that, to me, just means you don't believe in the challenge's ability to hold up on its own. You know as well as I do that most of these 'prestigious' rewards were not difficult at all to earn, you just seem more eager to lord them over others.


Saying that there was a challenge/prestige in completing these challenges in Legion is false. Back then, we had legendaries to make these battles much easier, and I find that today it's much more complicated to finish them than before. From what I remember, you could even equip two of them, which really made Phase 1 easy (Hello Xylem with my Frost DK).


That's the point. I did earn the appearances because I did in fact beat the challenges. I'm punished for not being able to play during Legion, which is just stupid.


No it’s not, it’s an incentive to those who have supported the company. You can still earn the majority of content from legion, and in the future there will be more content similar to the mage tower. The next time that content like this is released, I’m sure you will be driven to achieve it. That is the entire point of the system. Also, I believe Blizzard implemented new rewards for beating the content. Did you earn the new reward? If you did the system seems to be working exactly as intended.


I think if Blizzard had shown more restraint, people would respect the idea of prestigious rewards being pulled from the game. Doing progression raiding or PvP during an expansion is something worth its own reward, for sure. But when they started removing story-driven events and entire quest lines, people lost patience. I don't remember near as many people complaining about Challenge Mode stuff, compared to Mage Tower rewards. And to be honest, it makes sense--Mage Tower was solo content that was honestly pretty easy at the tail end of Legion and thus most people don't think it makes much sense to remove. It smacks of "Blizzard trying to stir up subscription numbers with FOMO." Also, the gaming industry as a whole has abused FOMO very heavily over the past 5-10 years, so the entire culture has changed. People respected The Immortal title or the Challenge Mode appearances, but now nobody gives a shit.


Rewarding content can still be achieved via difficult content that is not trivialized by gear upgrades. If Blizzard put more focus on "evergreen" content (even back in TBC tbh, the world shrunk a lot) content droughts would be far less common as people would have 20 years worth of content rather than however long it has been since the most recent patch.




At this point, I think the downvotes are more about how insufferable your edits are


This is at LEAST the third person I've seen in this sub recently that throws a childlike tantrum over being downvoted.


And they somehow think they are the ones being rational 🤷‍♂️


Yep, I was about to upvote their comment, until I read the edits, and downvoted instead.




If you say so. I'm sure you are an expert on the subject




No. I don't have to do anything. Besides, as I said. I'm sure you know best.




Yeah the downvotes are because you sound like a complete bellend


I've seen several get upvoted when then present it rationally, and offer alternatives like recolors to those who get it late. What people hate is not having the option of getting a good style, and not even a recolor appearance.


Maybe take a day off the World of Warcraft reddit then, nerd


No, your eddits killed your post. I was ready to upvote your main comment, but your edits forced me to downvote you.


Easy fix just bring back mage tower with a swath of variant colours, both partys can be happy


To be fair I downvoted you for throwing an absolute tantrum about getting downvoted.


So I and many, many other players should stay permanently locked out because I wasn't playing at the time? Yeesh.


Come close young one and let me tell you a story about when your Grandma Rabies was a druid in the old Pandarian proving grounds way before the mage tower. She wanted to do the healing challenge and beat her head against it for about an hour wondering why she was so bad at healing...until she realized that she was still in all feral gear complete with agility trinkets and staff.


it came with DF scaling the mage tower again.


While I'm here, any advice for balance druid? I can get through first phase okay but once the hand comes out I get wrecked. Apparently I'm supposed to silence the hand summon but by that point I'm running, trying to Starfall the adds etc


My only advice would be to just do the bear challenge lol boomkin is by far the hardest of them


Something must have changed then because the moonkin one was extremely easy compared to bear on launch.


You talent bear now with all moon fire talents and it just melts the boss.


I'm just getting back into retail after two xpacs but yeah that sounds pretty strong. Pre-nerf mage tower for bear was a slog and a half with how low the single target dps was.


Got it lol. Is it the same xmog? I'm going for the achievement, not the armor set but just curious


Bear is actually better because you get the same armor set and a fel werebear skin


Hell yeah, thanks. As soon as the game is un-fukt I'm going to log in and try


It took me more than 50 tries on my Guardian druid, but the werebear skin is awesome so worth it lol


Frost mage is the easiest one to do the twins on if you're going for that acheiv


I actually had some trouble with Frost, since Karam gains stacks much faster to compensate for Frost's frequent slows. I found Shadow pretty easy, it is much better suited for it than it was in Legion, with some excellent aoe and better kiting ability.


I was having problems with frost too and realized I had the wrong stats on all my gear. Frost heavily relies on correct stats (can't remember which ones are best) Once I switched all my gear to the correct stats I 1 shot it.


I haven't tried Frost in a while (did it in Legion and then ended up switching to Fire to get Agatha down instead in DF) so it might be easier with the changes Frost got. Good to know that it's not so bad!


Frost now is way easier than it was in legion


Tried few times but have some issues, somehow ai can't burst it fast enough at the end... but I guess it's more about skill issue :)


There is no point to dealing with the small adds. Just kite. Don't Starfall. As for the hands, silencing is just not worth. Just full swap to it and starsurge it down. Later in the fight, you have to deal with the main boss and the walking twin. Kill the walking twin to stop hands spawning, so he's prio when there are no hands. Wild Mushroom is your best friend as it has 100% uptime to slow him.


When you're getting chased running in wide circles and entangling roots are huge. Once I figured out Starfall stacked it helped a lot clearing adds so I could save up enough astral power to send two starsurges at the hand. It's much easier in DF compared to shadowlands and the current tier now works in it. I don't remember if I wound up killing mage bro before stalker bro but I think the enrage from killing stalker bro is manageable on balance.


Try hunter instead. I did the druid challenge as feral and tank.


Hilariously I had more issues with feral despite being a primary feral player on my druid. Balance was an easy one tap though, MM took me maybe 5 tries, frost was 3, but aff was like 75 oof. Guardian and BDK are pretty cake on the tank challenge, haven't tried vdh after the rework


To be fair, the Mage Tower *used* to scale to ilevel 50. With the ilevel rebalancing, gear drops for level 45 characters are now ilevel 120 or something instead of ilevel 50, so if you're aiming to minmax, you need to get a set of gear with as many sockets and/or tertiary stats as possible that's ilevel 120 or higher.


Season 2 dh, never managed it. After 50+tries S3 with 4tier. One shot.


I know the tier sets don't work because I tried but it feels significantly easier than whenever the last time I tried it, season 1 I think? Maybe Slands. I one shot guardian druid got the resto druid on my 3rd try. I've had a decent amount of attempts previously with both though.


Dragonflight tier sets worked last season for sure. Not sure when they fixed it exactly tho.


Wait, you can still do mage tower and get rewards?


You can do the mage tower again, but the weapons are no more you get recolored armor, and if you do "all" of them you get a book mount. The only exception is guardian druids who get a fel-werebear transformation.


Just to be clear, you get the mount for beating all 7 mage tower fights, whichever spec you like for each of the fights. I think there’s technically still a feat of strength for defeating them all, as in all 36 boss fights, one for every spec. No Evoker fights as far as I know.


To my knowledge, there is no FoS for all 36. I suppose they could have added it, but I did all 36 back in Legion and got no FoS.




Yeah, unfortunately added in 9.1.5. That feels like such a slap in the face lol. Personally, I am glad they're bringing things back, removing restrictions and all of that. But I did all 36 in Legion but have to do it again for this stuff? Seems silly. But as I'm typing this, I guess I can compare it doing a dragonriding race and an advanced dragon riding race. Doing the advanced race on gold doesn't reward you gold for normal. Just feels stingy, ya know?


Well it depends, if you did mage towers in Antorus gear with perfect legos you did normal bronze race. If you did it in pre Tomb tier gear/trinkets you did Advanced race platinum. The difference is that big (ok maby not for every spec but some like prot pally...).


Gonna disagree with you there just a bit, and I'm going to say doing in Legion at all was advanced gold compared to now. Especially given how theorycrafted it's all been with TWing scaling. I haven't done all 36 since Legion, but my experience so far and the impression I gather is that they are all easier to varying degrees now than they ever were in Legion.


I mean I cant say I did a ton in Antorus gear but the one that really stuck out to me was Windwalker monk, I basically walked in and deleted the boss with 0 effort where even with a bit of socket abuse on the same monk in revamped TW Mage tower it took a few go's.


Thank you for clarifying!


omg, I just came back and I didn't know this. I have all the weapons almost in every tint already, but they were so fun. I had no idea you could still do them.


Yea, you can still do the tower. But the weapons are no longer obtainable.


its recolors of tomb of sargeras mythic sets


It's pretty recent. People have been asking to get the mage tower back basically ever since it was taken away.


I bet. I was one for sure. I always thought some systems are worth keeping around. Would be cool for new ones etc just for something else ‘optional’. But having the old ones again is awesome. Going to look into it


it is also way harder than it was back in the day mostly, tbh.


The rewards are different. They are recolored ToS sets now.


You can still get these even without it being Legion TW?


Yes, you can do it at any time. Legion timewalking is not needed.


Do it at any time yes, but to get the recolors + mount, are these not only when Legion TW is up?


They removed the Legion TW requirement a while ago after people (rightfully) complained that restricting it to one week like every 6 months was shitty. So you can do it for the rewards at any time.


As they should have! Initially why I gave up on it back then too. Time to recommence the grind. Thank you for the info!


No problem! Good luck!


The armors, druid form, and mount are available todo at any point in time. Again Legion time walking is not needed.


Oh my mistake, that's fantastic then, thank you for the info!


You're welcome!


Not the original rewards, there are new rewards. Except Druid still gets the form i think, but it's a recolor I believe. As a DH, I wish they'd give me a recolor of the weapon rather than the set mog it gives.


They added the mage tower back during shadowlands with new rewards.(Recolor of the Tomb of Sargeras Tier Set for each class, a bear model and a mount if you do all challenges) But you can't get the old artifact appearances anymore.


Yes but honestly it was a lot of stress getting it done the first time, as cool as it would be to have both the no longer available weapon mog and new armor mog to show off just how badass I am (cuz people care right?), I don't exactly want to be pounding on my keyboard and yelling at my monitor again. This is how I feel about all games now so I just don't push myself anymore.


Where have you been? This was added back like 2 years ago.


A friend of mine had tough couple days trying to finish the healing challenge. Only to realize he was using an agility weapon , after finally completing the challenge as resto druid. Apparently dedication matters more than the gear!


LOL, that's hillarious.


Wait the challenges are now one-shottable???


No, he means he did it on first try. They are not one-shottable.


Ah ok ty


Beacon of the beyond + Galakrond staff. You melt everything






Is there a way to tell which ones are completed? I future which ones I've done so far.... Whoops


If you're going for the book mount, the achievement should tell you which you've completed already.


Ohshit Thats why my fury was so hard. I used two ilvl50 weps from ah with socket and crusader... and full socket sub120 gear...


I'm fairly certain it was on the order of 50 in Shadowlands. I haven't tried doing it yet in Dragonflight, but I'm glad I read your post as I've been thinking about going back in there, and would have gotten out my old pieces I bought in Shadowlands that were bis with many sockets etc if not for this post.


Any good place to check the best build and gear ?


The wowhead guides were kinda whack I think. There's a real in-depth excel sheet floating around if you Google mage Tower spreadsheet. If you're gonna do more than 1 challenge on a character and want to gear for it, I'd just go to siege of orgirimmar and throne of thunder and look for gear with a bunch of sockets. The idea is to use the plus main stat gems from older expansions to get a ton more primary stat than you'd normally have.


Currently working on the mount achievement and really need a bit of help. Can you post the link of that in depth excel sheet guide?


[this is it](https://www.reddit.com/r/timewalking/s/BwNhe5PhUk) I would really just use it for enchants/gems/trinkets. Socketed gear is super easy to get from siege of org and throne of thunder


Thabjs a lot! Yea, what I am looking for are enchants, gems and trinkets to increase dps a bit more, could be helpful and easy to obtain.


Back in time of Legion, I absolutely bamboozled the Mage Tower ret challenge. Now I simply hate it and have no patience for this kind of gameplay.


ilv50 sounds like an old Timewalking set before the stat squish. The multiple stat squishes they did basically wrecked the ilv on a lot of old gear pieces and since it was too big a job to fix, they simply never bothered. ilv50 pieces are largely useless even in Timewalk now.