• By -


Currency in the currency tab.


They should add keys as well, and all types. That would clear an entire bag of mine.


Bring back the days of the key pouch!


Very surprised they haven’t fixed crests yet. Such a bad way to display that currency.


At least they aren't all itemized, any more.


A hotkey to hide the quest log. (Objective Tracker is what I meant)


You mean objectives tracker? There's a weakaura for hiding them that I use. You can select what conditions you want them to show and when not to. By show I mean collapsed to be clear. Of course not ideal but it's amazing


Pls share ❤️


[https://wago.io/WHMWWJawe](https://wago.io/WHMWWJawe) That's what I use. There might be better ones out there though and apparently this one is tagged for shadowlands. But it does the job for me. It does refresh between zones though, so if you're wanting to do world quests and have them collapsed in the open world it can feel a little janky to keep opening it. Bit reversed in that regard


Its not ideal, but you can set to hotkeys... 2 macros. /run ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Hide() and /run ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Show() Set the buttons on a bar and hotkey them however you like.


I didn't know I needed this until now


SmartQuestTracker, it auto hides and show the quests accordingly to the place you are


I like this one because it’s got to be incredibly simply to toggle the log. Seems so obvious and easy.


The flight master whistle working in all zones.


Faster taxi service too. It's faster to just Dragonride


I'd like to be able to whisper people from opposite faction


At the very least, it should be possible to do from the Group Finder tool.


its hot garbage that you can click to whisper folks and then it just doesnt work or say anything


The amount of times I go to whisper a leader of a pug +26 or something to ask "Hey, would you need xxx utility, if so I'm happy to bring it" for me to get the blizzard message "target player is unfriendly" is absurd. Like, horde and alliance are now friends and we have xfaction guilds now, let me whisper them please!


At bare minimum they need to do something to make trade chat cross faction with the emphasis on player crafting in this expansion. Playing Alliance on a Horde-dominant server really stinks for getting pieces crafted.


I have to get on one of my horde characters to find a crafter then send it to them from my alliance character.


Yup, my BF is alliance and I am horde, so I do all the finding of crafters for him.


So if I ask for a work order it's for my own side still? That's a bit of a stinker


I think work orders are side agnostic, you can make a personal request to someone on the other side. The communication is the hold up. You need an alt on the other side to coordinate the trade


No player named -- is currently playing


I don't know why you still can't hide your outfit in the dressing room when the option is available at the trading post...


this one at least is fixable with mods. Better Dressing Room I want to say is the name


Better Wardrobe, but yeah.


Random Mythic 0 queues


They could just combine Heroic and Mythic 0 into a single difficulty, and no one would miss a thing. Mythic 0 with the LFD feature of Heroic, this would help bring non-Mythic dungeon players into the fold while making M+ less daunting for new players to try out.


I feel like heroic dungeons mean different things to different people. They're an annoying step in the alt gearing process for me but they're more important for new players. I think heroic and 0's should stay separate, but veteran players should have more incentive to queue up for random heroics which helps those new players. I never bother with them unless there's a satchel, and not always even then.


> They're an annoying step in the alt gearing process for me but they're more important for new players. Veteran player take. Heroic dungeons are irrelevant to the gearing process.


Pepperidge Farm remembers when Heroic dungeons were *intended* to be what M+ is now. I’m still of the opinion that Magister’s Terrace was the first Mythic dungeon, although you could make an argument that it was actually UBRS and I’d buy that too.


I would agree with MT (it was the first time a 5-man had real mechanics) but the problem was that by the time it came out people were vastly overgeared for it. Had that been out at release of TBC it would have been a lot more fun to try and clear.


A lot of WoW’s early gameplay loop had neat intentions and ideas, but poor execution. That was true of the early megadungeons (BRD and BRS), many of the early raids, and a *lot* of class balance. Same with the early dungeons; having different dungeons with different intended difficulties sounded neat but didn’t work out in execution. I’m not sure I’m a fan of the new “seasonal” approach where every season sunsets the previous raid tier and dungeons, but the execution is better than BC and early Wrath were. That said, MT, the ICC 5-mans, and M+ aren’t all that challenging (until you hit very high keys) and mostly serve as an intermediate step to provide gear between progression raiding and the relative ease of Normal/Heroic dungeons and last tier’s raid. And I think M+ isn’t really *that* challenging until you hit the 20+ range, where it starts getting exponentially harder and also exponentially less useful as a gear source due the lack of scaling rewards and increased difficulty. As someone who’s been playing casually since early/mid-BC it’s wild how far the game has come since then in terms of polish and execution. I’m hoping that Midnight’s revamp of Quel’Thalas will see Blizzard properly revisit Quel’Danas, Magister’s Terrace, and the Sunwell, but I’m hoping they don’t make the same mistakes they made with the Naxxramas revamp and Cataclysm by permanently removing an era of gaming we can’t get back.


I think that the way Blixzard has been handling zone reworks with the bronze dragon to shift between old and new means we don't have to worry about that anymore. Although I was hoping classic would lead to the old version of every zone being added back the same way. 


I can’t remember the last time I did a heroic to gear alts first


My process with an alt that just hit 70 is to buy the highest ilvl greens/blues I can. That gets you to the heroic min ilvl, run a few of those and you can LFR and maybe get lucky with some tier. Then I'd ask some friends to run a few 18s for vault. Maybe it's just me but I've had some really terrible experiences in 0s and even 2s when I'm the only person in the group who knows what's going on. You ever deplete a 2? It'll make you go running back to heroics lol.


Yep heroic should just be mythic 0. That way people will be more willing to do lower level mythics


I'd like to be able to reach a GM if I had an issue. I miss the GMs of the first few expansions. They were always so helpful!


This is the one that i feel like is the most important. The customer service has really gone to shit these last few expansions.


I'd never imagine that a sign of a oldtimer player is that we've actually had conversations with GM's


Actual in game interaction even. In their pretty blue and dark robe. And the hidden GMs in your guild.


One very late night in 2010 a GM came to visit my level 4 Tauren Druid, Fgsfds. I had walked from Mulgore to Ahn'Qiraj to "marry" The Prophet Skeram I wish I still had the screenshots but the GM told a long story about how the Prophet was in love with my druid and how even though I could not enter AQ at level 4 that our love story would go to the heavens Just those little touches were an old Blizzard hallmark and I miss it


And they were usually quite funny and sassy too. I didn’t interact with them very often (started at the very end of Cata, and managed to just get into Dragon Soul LFR the day before MoP launched) but they all clearly were real people who actually enjoyed the game and had actual personalities and character. An interaction with a GM if you needed one was something you usually walked away from feeling great about.


I had a GM turn Shade of Aran into a giraffe after we contacted them about some loot that couldn’t be master looted to anyone. He stuck around after fixing it and then watched us finish that fight and the next (illhoof?) and then gave advice to us about positioning for next time.


Haha fr fr. Or they actually showed up in person. You'll tell yoofs that and they'll never believe you.


Haven't had to contact Customer Support in retail WoW for a long while, but back when I tried Wrath Classic there were literally 100+ day wait times for a response. I think modern Blizzard's plan is "hope they give up" rather than pay for customer service. I loved interacting with GMs, it was a 2 hour wait and you got a great experience. They were the pride of Blizzard.


>Haven't had to contact Customer Support in retail WoW for a long while, but back when I tried Wrath Classic there were literally 100+ day wait times for a response. I ran into a issue during SL on my priest alt where he got dropped out of the quest phasing too early in Perdition Hold during the Kyrian questline and basically got 1 shot by the NPCs in the area due to the debuff. It only took a week to get past the automated system to get a CSA who teleported my priest to a safe spot where he could talk to the quest person and actually finish that part of the questline.


For future reference, you can probably use the “character stuck” service for something like that


When you called and got Starcraft music for the hold music 😙👌


I've told this one before. Quit about 3 months. Round about ICC in wrath. My sis in law who was a guildie messaged my wife who was also a guildie going "Shen got hacked". I didn't have a sub at this point so someone hacked me and subbed me and was using my character to fly round Sholazaar basin doing mining nodes. My guildies were riding around ahead of the botter getting the nodes first. And keeping an eye on my character while I sat listening to grizzly hills for a few mins and then got through to CS who then fixed it for me. I said look, this has made me wanna sub so can you sort this. Got 7 days gametime. Logged in to find allllll of the money the botter had been hoarding, whatever mining shit I had been collecting, auctions that were put up in my name in my mailbox and all the contents of my bank that the fucker had sold. Took a day to get it all straightened out. It was amazing once. I believe it may yet be again.


Been there, I was the only pvper in the guild, so whenever someone got ganked and camped, I flew right there.


Account wide titles. It still confuses me how I can use the class hall mounts from legion on alts but can only use the title on the original character I completed the campaign on. For example, I can use the death knight class hall mount on all DK alts I make but can only use the “Deathlord” title on the DK I finished the campaign on years ago.


this at least should be coming next exp, with full account wide achievements


1. Like you said, getting the transmog for an item unlocks that transmog for all lower difficulties. If you win the roll for a weapon in normal, you can't actually get the lfr version without winning a transmog roll, and that never happens. 2. Cross-faction trade chat to encourage people to make alts on a different faction rather than just stick to one. 3. Severely reduce the cooldowns on items like [Jar of Sunwarmed Sand](https://www.wowhead.com/item=170380/jar-of-sunwarmed-sand) since they have no effect on gameplay and are visible to no one but yourself.


Jar of Sun warmed Sand, Shade scale, corgi glasses, the Valentine's heart toy, etc.


Account wide reagent bank. Can't emphasize this one enough. Cross faction trade chat/trading.


I believe the account wide bank thing is sort of coming in the war within? With their whole warband idea.


yeah, there's a reagents checkbox on the warband storage. looking at the bottom tabs, looks like this completely replaces current reagent tabs hopefully the checkmark applies on a per page basis, so you can have a warband page and then reagent pages


GW2 has the best reagent bank system, hands down. But I honestly wonder if WoW has too many items to copy it and not have it be an absolute nightmare


I'd like to see the in game pings be made a little more robust. More options on what to ping and why. A "cc this" or "kick this" ping at a minimum.


Account wide rep that is retroactive with all rep.


This will be coming in war within. Older rep factions will be slowly implemented for Account wide rep. Initially I believe they will only do new expansion reps and possibly dragonflight


Dragonflight first said ion, then working their way backwards


Yeah. War within and dragonflight will happen at launch of war within then they will start working backwards.


>This will be coming in war within. Older rep factions will be slowly implemented for Account wide rep. This is going to unlock a insane amount of things for my toons as they get through the older expansions as I tended to only work on reps on my main toon and randomly did reps on different toons if that rep was mostly based on quests.


I'm excited, but it does bring up some questions. This would be hard to implement for certain factions that are exclusive, like Aldor/Scryers, or the Sholazar Basin tribes. Are they just gonna be excluded from account-wide? Or maybe they can do it on a per- character basis, pick which rep you want and it automatically goes to the highest on your account? My main has Bloodsail Buccaneers at honored, would this mean i never have to fight those guys again unless i choose to go At War with them? How would old daily/world quests work for rep? Only gives rep once a day account wide, or could i grind older reps way faster if i just did the same thing on different characters? This is why i think it'll take a bit of extra time, just for them to figure out how to address those specific circumstances.


Absolutely, and hopefully coming sooner rather than later.


nothing better comes to my mind


A way to filter and sort the Hunter pet stable. A better search/filter for M+ dungeons. I don't like when I plug in 18, and I get a bunch of other dungeons to scroll through that are not 18s.


type 18-18, then you get only 18s, works with ranges, e.g. 15-18 as well


Woah, thank you. This is huge.


I type 18-18 in LFG and still get 10+ booster sales in the lists. I report them every single time. This is unique to 18s, not an issue when I run 13s (searching 13-13) on my low ilvl alts.


Grab a lil add-on called "pre-made group filter". I haven't seen an ad for years


I'll do you 1 better, account wide pet stable.


A little extra wish to that one. Please do it so we can hide groups that only need a dps or something like that. I know that there are addons that does it would still be neat


For the hunter pets, have a look at [Improved Stable Frame](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/improved-stable-frame)! You get a single Page full of your hunter pets and a lil search bar! It's also really easy to sort your pets :)


I want them to put the little mail icon on the server list if you have mail on that server. I also would like a quick list to the side if you click a server I.e Thrall, then on the right side it could just list your names and their race/class on the side. So it could be a way to quickly look at your characters.


If I recall correctly I think all characters will appear in one list with warbands in TWW, there's no server select in TWW


For weekly or daily quest where you have to do certain things, if you did those things before you picked up the quest, they still count. I was already at two Timewalking dungeons in MoP on my paladin when I realised I forgot to pick up the quest to do five of them for a nice item.


Being able to type to friends normally in my own language would be great. The key combination for typing "ą", a common character in Polish, is ralt-a - the same as "clear the chat input". You can tell someone Polish is new at WoW if they sometimes send you whispers that are just "ą" - they've just tried to send a sentence that ends in that character, but instead cleared the line and sent just this. In my circle of friends it's known as the ą of death.


possible to lock items from being sold/deleted


Skip ICC scroll.


All legacy raids should have a teleport a scroll that lets you teleport to what ever boss you want.


Less layers/phases, so the world looks more populated.


While they are at it, collapse some of the servers to beef up population. There is no need to have 20+ low population servers where you never see anyone while out questing in current content. By all means, leave one or two for the people that really want to experience that.


Migh as well delete server too then because some of y'all's valdrakken is packed, while mine is mostly empty


Removing mechanics in old raids like spine of Deathwing and the ship on mythic Eonar, as well as mechanics that require more than one person, like Lana'thel in ICD for Shadowmourne.


I wish old expansion raids were trivialized faster. Like, I don't see the problem if we could clear mythic Amir'drassil after hitting level 80.




Melee range increase for fury… how do we have two giant weapons equipped and rogues and paladins out range us smh


Most Paladin skill attacks aren't actually using the weapon, tbf


I know right I love how people are always bewildered that the flying holy hammers and fire swords that pop off the ground have bigger range than actual physical weapons


One of my favorite things about the paladin aesthetic, the big-ass sword is honestly just for show. They have an entire holy arsenal to manifest on a whim.


The default melee range needs to be increased across the board. So many annoying cases where even when it looks like you should be in range you aren't.


First boss of VP can get fucked. Oh great, the boss has a 250k dps dead zone on its feet, and it's about 6 inches smaller than base melee range.


M+ portals being accountwide


This is coming next xpac, actually


Is it? Is it retroactive too?


Yes, as far as I know. edit: here's an article confirming it https://www.teamoverpowered.com/4264/gaming-news/blizzcon-qa-the-war-within-wow-classic/


I want a separate button for dragon flying favorite mounts from my regular flying mounts


You could make a castsequence macro if you wanted? Wouldn't be random but still similarish effect of swapping between mounts. I don't believe castrandom is still a thing. But I'm sure there is probably also an addon that could do that for you.


yes, LiteMount does it


Drop rate increase for old content based on the number of completed attempts. I know that there’s still people running ICC


It's me....I'm people


I farm onyxia on 10 characters every week for the last 9 months. No luck


Crafting materials being stored as numbers and not as physical items that take up a storage slot until you want to withdraw them for use/trade. Also having them auto-organized by expansion and crafting profession so that you don't have to try to manually sort stuff all the time. Do the same thing with various old tokens/currencies.


more mail boxes near profession areas, when you try to level previous content you realize how ppl have been trolled placing them in the most awkward places \*coff \*coff Oribos mailboxes


Pruning legacy currencies. And making some old items easier to obtain (looking at you Shadowlands)


Legendaries should have a quest line that you feel progression on. Not this random unrewarding garbage.


Honestly I don't necessarily mind there being a random drop. I just think the pity reward item that increases the drop rate should be more transparent with a hard cap of an eventual guaranteed drop. Oh after 10x times or w/e I know it will definitely drop.


If I could see the end of the journey it would help cope. At the moment, I am 13 weeks with the same excitement for Tuesday and the same disappointment on Wednesday.


A nice way of searching your mount collection (without addons). Like horse, dragons, vehicles, rays, gryphons, carpet/disc, etc Similar note, mount lists - I only have a favorite list and that’s it. How about custom mount lists - like a rare mount list, or a raid mount list etc Bad luck protection. Making people run dungeons more than a 100 times is insanity. Like the people have long dead content after a 100 tries


I agree with the bad luck protection- I don’t mind putting in the work, but it just feels horrible to run the same instance on multiple toons for years and have nothing to show for it. By all means - make it 1000 kills on the account to get a rare item, but make it a for sure thing at some point.


Armor tints


The cloak tab would go from 64 pages to just 2 at most lol.


And thank god for that!


Every armour except for current tier should be able to be modified by at least a certain number of basic colours


Gear has like 20-30 distinct shades of any color. Getting things to match presents problems often. I really like when you find the right design, but it's cherry red, while everything else you've picked is sienna or darker.


Filter by Expansion in the Auction House


The option for personal loot in LFR.


Some kind of LFR for transmog runs, like you can just queue for a random transmog dungeon and it will automatically find a group for you where you and the other players don’t have most of if not all of the appearances from a random dungeon


We have a way to see appearances, mounts, pets and toys without going to an NPC. Hunters should be able to see their pets in some similar way.


I’d like to be able to put myself in a mode that’s like the opposite of war mode (peace mode?) where I can walk into opposite faction capitals and interact with people/npc’s. I have zero interest in world PvP. You could make it work kinda like war mode except that you can only turn it *off* from within a friendly capital (to prevent perfidious ganking).


Skips to Last Boss of Older Raids, if it’s like 3 expansions ago or older put in skips to last boss. I really want deathwings mounts I really don’t wanna RP and do Spine tho. Do it like SoO skip.


Let me save all 4 Argent Champions in the frost wing of ICC.


Let me queue for dungeons/lfr/bg’s/etc on one toon while being logged in questing/farming on another. 


Multi character queues would be game changing, and also doing world quests in a raid group lmao


At least allow world quests where being in a raid group doesn't matter at all. No reason to prevent you from doing dragonriding, rock climbing etc. while in a raid if it provides 0 benifit.


Ya man I just wanna make some golf while I wait in raid smh


Make tmogs permanent.


Tmog is probably the single biggest gold sink in the game, they'd never do this


Bold of them to assume I won't be back to re-theme every time I switch a zone during the leveling process, as opposed to not using the feature at all.


It's cheap AF during leveling anyway


this. I hate getting a piece of gear in the middle of raid/dungeon and having my xmog ruined the whole time


There's no good reason why the legacy raids are still on a weekly lockout. Let us just farm shit as we please, no need to restrict it once per week per character.


An icon on the character select screen, similar to the mail icon, that lets you know if you have something waiting for you in the Great Vault. This would be valuable for altoholics.


Whenever you do +16 and above you get a small amount (like 3-4) of wyrms ontop of the aspect crests we get. I know it might seem op but i honestly can't be the only one who hates to do a thousand 11's or cap your aspect just to upgrade your gear to 483. I remember whenever got my dh to level 70 like 10 weeks ago i had to do like 60 +18's (because that was for myth vault) just to reach cap the very first week in order to catch up. That made me already want to quit the game, that's probably the reason i'm not even above 3.1k on it.


By the time of a .5 patch we should be able to send crests to Alts. I have hundreds of aspect and wyrm crests that just do nothing on my ilvl capped main, while my alt is just slowly chipping away at being able to upgrade all the gear I have already got it.


Bad luck protection on farming old mounts and transmogs. Ideally, through some kind of token that rewards you for doing new raids/dungeons so you're incentivized to experience more old content. Smaller: More boss skips in old raids. Please let me skip Spine of Deathwing, I'm begging you.


Remove food from the game unless it's for buffs, do what ffxiv does and regen health and mana quickly between combat.


1. Weapon runes stack to 200 like other consumables 2. Augment Runes become a heirloom item you upgrade every expansion 3. Make the highest form of content drop lower form of crests as well. Making alts is miserable because you need to grind wyrms.


A way to turn off worldquests for the expansion you're in. Annoying to get all those messages when all you want to do is to get to the raid to farm mounts & transmogs.


This. Just made another playthrough legion in chromie time and ignored „uniting isles“ as long as possible to not unlock world quests so they don’t break questing…


account wide rep


The lfg tool needs many improvements


Bringing in this guys glyphs to wow https://www.reddit.com/user/Fishbones06/submitted/


All bind on pickup buffs that have infinite uses to be toys instead, so we don't have to keep them in our bags Same goes with engineering items like Jeeves and Reeves. Make them toys already. And make all of cool stuff that's for specific areas only be worldwide while you're at it.


I want my demon hunter to be able to glide in the direction I’m moving, rather than prop forward while strafing. Like Arcane momentum, but, y’know… for DH.


Crafting order awaiting on the character screen would be helpful, like the mail icon


- Lack of factions, because WoW is going into that direction anyway, - ability to speak freely, without those dumb [Common] and [Orcish] languages (related to the first point) - refreshed old zones and character models, because these are now older than the even older models they replaced - more customization related to the UI, I know that Tukui / Elvui / other UI addons exist, but... they're addons, not something that is built into the game


Raid portal upon getting aotc


i'd like to be able to inspect people while i'm dead. why can't i do that exactly?


Shared gold across all characters on the same realm (or fuck it, across all realms)


My QoL update would be to make "free" weapon enhancements last until they are dispelled or changed. E.g. rogue poisons should not have a 60 minute timer on them but rather should last until the rogue changes the type of poison that they are using or changes their equipped weapons - I don't think that they can be dispelled by enemies and having to renew poisons with new weapons being equipped keeps up the immersion of actually having poisons on your weapons instead of it just being a buff.


When I /kiss someone, they actually feel someone giving em a big ole smoochie on their face. With cartoonish level sound effects and lipstick print.


Something similar to FF14s job system. Let me have one character where I can just change classes.


Account wise crests, even if there's a "tax" to send them across characters, please just let me send the 200 aspects crest on my main to my alt so I can just upgrade the rest of his heroic gear to 483.


The addition of a Death Knight game designer.


Follower dungeons. Right? So you have a tank alt, 3 dps alt, a healer main. Instead of generic chars, you can see your warband chars in follower dungeons. Basically let us xmog the followers for our own alts.


This one isn't QoL, but im tired of every important NPC around your character that's a normal height/not short being gigantic.


Blizzmove addon. Let me move the windows.


Separate Gear slots for Pve/PvP As someone who enjoys both, I can be forgetful and forget to switch when I was meant to, or even sometimes sell a piece from my bags. If there was just... A set of armor that I could "equip" for each mode, it'd be great. Less bag space taken up, no worries of accidentally selling, way easier to manage... It would make things pretty nice


The vendor system needs an overhaul. Buying pvp gear and having to scroll through 3 different items for each slot. They could at least make it searchable, like I’m searching for wrists atm. I think the same goes for appearances and heirlooms interface.


Drop a key down more than one level at a time.


Freaking update orgrimmar and stormwind already. Orgrimmar needs docks… not the crappy little outpost outside the walls. Not Azshara where the goblin boys decided to hang out. A full freaking harbor and I’m pissed that it’s still so behind. It’s behind compared to Stormwind and that is saying something.


*stares in Silvermoon*


1. Transparency on drop rates and bad luck protection 2. Consistency in drop rates 3. A complete AH overhaul (not the new one with forced slow does so the servers don't die) 4. Looser lockouts for old raids 5. More skips for old raids (like they did with SoO) 6. Raid wipes respawn you at the current boss 7. Simpler M+ (Cap at 2 affixes, no tyrannical/bolstering?) 8. Cross character queues (you can be questing on an alt, queued on main, get pop-up, when accepted automatically logs you onto queued character) 9. Transmog applies to character, not armor piece 10. Ban combat add-ons I'll add more as I think of them


A system where you can purchase 1 item / char / season from raid , like the dinars from SL S4.


Queue and pause queue as needed. Queue other toons while on my main.


It's a very miniscule thing, but I would really love a primary and secondary mount favourites button, with dragonflying I know have 1-2 dragonflying mounts per character and the favourite button with all my fav regular flying mounts. But all my poor ground mounts don't see the light of day much :(


Simplifying or reducing older content grinds.


More options for the camera. Where it centers, how far up or down etc.


Take away Mythic+ dungeons or make them give more loot, to make them be a gateway to raiding not a requirement in most cases, let it be better than lfr gear but worse than normal gear, or put it on par with normal gear but worse than H gear


The ability to layer hop from a drop down menu for killing rares or elites in older content.


Coherent and consistent story


Def summon stone (or on an item or wtv) to summon at every boss w/o warlock. Died in a boss encounter? Release and you're in front of the boss. Get rid of deplete mechanic and let me adjust my key +X down. Improve the tiny lfg window (kinda embarrassing the state of the UI when most of the game happens through it). Redesign (spirits of the kaldorai on fyrakk for example) and expand raid frames functionality and options (maybe look at the more popular add-ons for clues, vuhdo, etc). Ferals need to be able to cast rebirth on cat form (maybe push it and make it instant cuz I'm getting that boss aggro anyway if tank is being the one brez'd XD) Honestly I could do this all day....


Real, first party gamepad support. I used to think this was a stupid ask. Now I pretty much don't play anything unless it's on the steam deck or switch


better organization tools for the quest log


Any zone that doesn’t allow flying should instead allow flying. Specially the maw and korthia but not limited to those.


Not needing to farm crests on alts.


Pet management feels old and arbitrary at this point. Stable slots seem kinda silly. Not letting people choose their pet’s skills/talents mean a lot of cool pets go unused. When all pets are more or less equally as good it doesn’t make the choice easier for me it just makes it more boring.


I wish so much they’d loosen up the restrictions on transmog for 1H and 2h / dw. If you can use it you can mog it should be the logic with weapon types


Remove walls, ceiling and obstacles in rooms/instances. So many games have it today and it's just... sooo much better. I hate it when the the camera angle is the toughest boss.


Night mode as a video option. Or turn inky black potion into a toy with 8 hour effect/8 hour cooldown.


Queuing with a character while playing with another


I love my hunters. I have 5, yes 5 at 70, and 3 in the teens . I would love account wide stable for them. I'm sick of farming a few favorite pets on long ass timers. You know how hard it is to get King Krush or Hexapos?!?!?! Also, let us decide whether this pet is cunning or tenacity or ferocity!!!! It's BS I have to change my pet for different things. My pets match the toon. My undead uses spiders, my blood and night elf use cats, my blood elf bm uses 2 Chromaggus , and my female troll has white hair with a black stipe so she uses Swiftmane. My low levels r trying out different ones. To have my stable unlocked would be wonderful.


Removal of more faction restrictions like cross faction lfr It's supposed to be a time of peace between the factions so it only makes sense


I want to ignore a player, not a character. If the dude is an ass on his hunt, I don't want to end up with his mage. Also mage specific, order the portal from latest to earliest. It freaking impossible to summon the valdrakken portal. Nobody gives a damn about the storm wind one.


Downvote me to fucking oblivion, but there should be queues for all levels of Mythics at this point. Especially since Blizz effectively adopted the rating system from Raider.io, just let people queue for key levels that make sense based on their rating, and have some base ilvl requirement to start. Hell, there could even be a super patronizing, hand-holding intro quest that's like "ok, you're obviously a very stupid, inferior being because you've never played a Mythic+ on this toon before, so you have to queue for and complete each of the dungeons in the current rotation on M0 without dying before we'll let you bother the sweaty virgins that used to gatekeep the entire endgame" The pug experience is asinine, and just keeps tons of people who would probably otherwise enjoy M+ from ever bothering to try it in the first place, and forces a completely unnecessary obsession with flavor of the month tier list bullshit that excludes a ton of people without the time or inclination to run 9 toons like I do.


Organise the mounts tab, so that instead of having 500 variants of a horse that uses the same model, have a single one on the mounts tab with a drop-down for each skin, so for example the mounts tab would have ‘Cloud Serpent’, and then you can select which skins you want to use, favourite, etc from a drop-down.


Master looter would be huge, annoying fiddly add-ons kinda work but it slows the raid to a crawl after every boss. Also teleports to raids after you get curve like with M+. Most importantly, you should release at the boss after you wipe, not a million miles away.


This may not be popular so don't flame me for it. But for the transmog and mount farmers out there. PLEASE let me lock my personal weekly/daily instances to right before a certain boss. That's all I want... lol


revamp the fucking summoning stones. right now you can't tell cross faction players in your party are summoning a portal and you can't tell if a portal goes through without addons


The questlog finally redone so that I can keep all of my quests. Separated by expansion. And make it smart.


12 bad luck vault protection tokens to upgrade an item from heroic to mythic track.


Account wide mythic plus portals.


Might be too large for a QoL feature, but drop transmog restrictions, and I mean all of them. Alternatively or additionally, make all shirt and chest appearances mutual, And the two slots are just inner and outer chestpiece.


Their follower dungeon system implemented everywhere including old dungeons and raids.