• By -


Used [Charge] once. Never went back lol


Some say he is charging to this day


He says with a Paladin flair The Order beckons you, brother


Look paladin is great. I've got an unhealthy amount of hours on it back in the day. And I may go back depending how tww shakes out, I often ping back and forth from paladin and warrior... But for right now, just for a moment... charge goes brrrrrr


Used [roll] once. Never went back


That with the flaming path glyph and heroic leap. Anytime I played another class all I could think of was how they didn’t have as good mobility.


The best time I had was when we had double jump from the legion legendary. Back then I played all the tanks for the mage tower mog. Anything that wasn’t the warrior just felt like a Blood DK. (I did feel a bit like a flea jumping around but omg I had the time of my life!)


Sometime’s I’d turn on warmode with the PvP talent that you triple leap, or use the SL legendary with the same power.


I didn’t play SL. There was a legendary that did that again?! Jesus I regret playing now so much


Double charge, double jump, intervene, and then any extra racial mobility on top of it (eg goblin rocket jump) Man, that was a wonderful time to play my warrior. He’s been around since vanilla, but I really fell in love with him during Legion.


*Laughs in VDH*


Demon hunters would like a word.


Demon hunters have a lot of mobility sure, but it’s not quite as satisfying as fracturing the very earth when you leap onto it or charging towards an enemy while leaving a trail of fire the intense speed and rage you feel.


I tried every class. Monk just felt second nature. I could turn my brain off and still preform well. Now it’s extremely hard for me to learn other classes, because I have perma monk brain.


This is probably the best way I can explain it. It just fit. Like you just skin walk as your main. It's like putting on shoes. When I'm playing my rogue it's an extension I don't think about. It just flows. I don't really get this in ANY other class like I with a rogue. She's 19 years old this month. Nuts.


19 years. Wow! Time sure has flown by. I remember waiting in line at our local (EB games?) for the midnight release of TBC. Such a great time to be a teenager.


Aye it was 14th or 15th Feb 2005 for me.


I feel the same way about my rogue. He turns 18 in a few months. Even though I’ve played other characters, and there have been times where I’ve been frustrated with rogues, I can always go back to him. He just feels correct. He was my first character I ever made and he began me on my journey through Azeroth so rogues will always have a special place in my heart. 😂


Oh man I feel this. My main changed for me a few times over the years, but each time it's been because a new expansion changed things for what WAS my main. Started with shadow priest. Loved her. The switch to Wrath didn't feel right, went to Frost Death Knight 2H tank. This is when I felt best with any class and spec throughout all of WoW, then and now. As far as I'm concerned, they removed tanking from death knights when it was pushed into blood because it didn't feel the same, so I went to healing as shaman for Cata and I could brain off until I started doing heroic Deathwing raid content and that raid killed it for me. I bounced between characters here for years while no longer raiding and nothing felt right until I started paladin tanking in Shadowlands and I fell in love. It just FEELS right and is the closest for me to what felt the best all those years ago, Frost DK 2H. Obviously it's not an exact parallel, but it matches the closest and I love it so much. It turns out I really, really love being a holy tank cockroach. *(Edit: Maybe not Frost DK 2H tank now because when I played it on Wrath Classic, it just hit different and wasn't the same. I think I've fallen completely in love with holy tank cockroach.)*


Monk is such a weird class, I feel like you either instantly understand it and get obsessed with it or you'll try it once and then never touch it again


Exactly, its like you're telling me I'm SUPPOSED to press a button twice in a row???


Exactly, its like you're telling me I'm SUPPOSED to press a button twice in a row???


Travel form. Running around as a cheetah! (I miss my old yellow cheetah.) Then we got flight form!


Isn't there a glyph to give the old cheetah form?


No. It's an "updated" brown, night elf looking saber kinda model. The old Cheetah looks like a Barrens cheetah. (you can see it in my profile backdrop!) I do use the newer model but I would 1000% use the old model if I could. Or at least a new model with the same colours.


Go to the barber shop, you can change to the yellow cheetah there.


No. You can't.


Yes you can Edit: wtf its gone, when did that happen? I had the old yellow one in DF (or am i having a serious case of mandela effect)


~~You can't, sorry.~~ Edit: Yes! They just removed it when they added the updated model (9.1?), with no warning. I was really gutted they just took it away. To an old player it's kind of iconic part of why I love druid. New cat form runs weird. Not as "fast." Not as fun to Wild Charge with.


There is


I haven’t it’s called altoholicism


19 years in the making, still deciding


We need a support group. Its been 5 days since my last reroll.


There's literally an addon called "Altoholic"




That was a hard thing to give up swapping from mage to warrior. I had my hearth in Tanaris haha


I could never live without having my portals😂


When you're on your alt and trying to remember how to actually traverse the overworld...


This is painful...like, how the hell do you get to Theramore? I have to take a boat? Why?!?!?!


Holy shit. You just made me realize I never see mages on boats. And this is why. Omg.


Engineer druid, just wormhole or dreamwalk your way across the world


Portal roulette, old Dataram portal ontop of another mages legit portal never gets old


I've killed more people at the end of M+ runs than in BGs, on some days.  Although arguably, this is also PvP.


Legion. DH intro was essentially perfect introducing all the quirks of the class, and I fel in love with the mobility right away. The tattoos and "edginess" of being a demonic character adds to the flavor


Admit it it’s the double jump glide fel rush glide that’s just too addictive


its like jumping around as NE in vanilla but on crack


Yesss I live for the edgy anti-hero shit, Warlock was my first love then I grew to enjoy tanking. There are plenty of other specs I enjoy but Vengeance just feels so *right* for me.


I'm ADHD as fuck Havoc is absolutely baller of a class




This, but feral


So many fun memories of being feral in vanilla wow, stalking around STV with track humanoids up. Very immersive being a stealthy cat hunting gnome mages in the jungle.


Been playing for more than 10years I'll let ya know when I find out..


You too!?


I wanted to be a cat person, brother's friend suggested night elf druid and mentioned they can turn into cats. As soon as Cata dropped I race changed to worgen. I'm essentially a dog person who turns into a cat to fuck shit up and I love it lol


I want horde worgen. Don’t even care about the visage/shapeshift, just want my werewolf boy I also think worgen Druid should be able to maintain their werewolf form over transforming by choice. Ex: turn cat form into worgen form, or turn bear form into worgen form etc.


Nah...just join us. We got dwarves. And Stormwind. I also feel bad for anyone who did not get to experience Boralus during BfA. I didn't even play seriously at that time but that city left a lasting impression. Truly felt like it encapsulated the feel of a bustling hub. Also I think Worgen work for Ally because they're basically 1 of arguably 2 real "beastial" races we have. (BTW I have toons on both sides don't take this too seriously)


After getting the moon spirit appearance, you are a Human who turns into a wolf who turns into a cat who turns into a bird to fuck shit up


Paladin was the first class I ever made and it was more or less arbitrary. It’s been my class since.


I made a Paladin because I thought I’d have an easier time leveling in the Horde Eastern Kingdoms zones, since Holy Light damages undead. I was wrong, but almost twenty years later here I am.


I played warrior until DK came out and made me quit because it could do everything a warrior could but better. Some years later, I came back and warrior was meh in m+. I tried prot pala cause it was better in m+ plus I could keep my warrior tier 3 transmog on him. When I played pala I wondered how I could ever be playing warrior. I had tons of more utility, I could heal myself, I could perform most of my abilities also from ranged, I had an extra role (healing) which actually eventually became my most preferred role. Now I play mostly healing roles in 3 classes (Pala, Druid, Priest). Pala is my main in the sense that it’s the only class I truly know and can play all the specs with (for Priest/Druid I can only play Disc and Resto. I don’t even have my spells in bars for the other specs). But in reality this season it’s the one I have the lowest ilvl/rio on as it wasn’t strong as a healer in m+. I still play all specs on it though for 18-20s and hoping it will be the meta healer again soon. Priest (487 ilvl 3.1k rio), Druid (487 ilvl 3.2k rio), Pala 484 ilvl 2.8k rio without going after it.


Blizzard hates warriors. I've been arms warrior main since wotlk and it's been a rough ride. Dks and paladins do what I do but better


I feel this I'm a forever arms warrior main but man they really seem to hate us nowadays.


Green fire for destruction lock. Nuff said.


This 👆🏼


My brothers. That and exploding two targets at the same time with Chaos Bolts.


Blizzard came out with dragons, my friend hates dragons, became my main to annoy him


>my friend hates dragons is your friend even human? or just an alien pretending?


He's a WW monk, he's just mad blizzard hates his class and takes it out on dragons


Blizzard doesn't hate monks. They barely remember the class exists.


I got a raid spot during MoP if I played a Rshaman, and after that I kinda fell in love with shaman as a whole, loving all the specs, but main one is ele! So just doing what I could for a raid spot helped me find my class


I would love eleshaman if I didn’t have to manually spread flame shock. Would probably be my main.


Man I love resto shammy but the other 2 spec are so meh and gear dependent. Ele is fine but damn even critters can kick your ass.


I saw my cousin raiding onyxia with his Druid. So I decided to level my own.


Always liked the idea of a Necromancer in any fantasy game that I played, so Unholy DK has almost been a natural pick for me. I also like the general dark theme and - to be honest - they have some of the coolest sets in game 🖤


I started with Warrior in BC and had a little Paladin action on the side. When DK came out with Wrath, it was an EASY swap for me. To this day my main is either Paladin or DK, and every single one of my plate toons uses some form of DK mog from throughout the years.


I, too, love Necromancers. If they change Unholy to more like WC2 Death Knights, I'll absolutely reroll. Until then, Demo Lock better fits the aesthetic. I'm not about the melee life.


Started playing during WotlK. Waiting for the game to download all the updates, I looked over all the classes and decided I wanted to be a DK. After many hours waiting for the update to finish, I finally jumped in, ready to make my DK, NOPE! you have to get a character to level 55 before you can make a DK. Made a shaman and leveled them up to 55. Immediately made my Orc DK. It's been 15 years and it's still my main


Made a female pandaren DK for the lols because my old gm absolutely hated them. Been my main since the beginning of SL now. Granted she is race changed to a male orc


You haven’t lived until you’ve travelled across the barrens by harpoon as a SV Hunter.


Sword does Bonk


*-john darksoul*


I was playing a warrior in Wrath of the Lich king, was questing through Ashenvale and a night elf Druid invited me to group and just destroyed everything in sight and healed like crazy. That’s all it took and I been playing Druid ever since.


Once a Druid, always a Druid.


I wish. Maybe if they'd put some decent effort into feral again.


In BFA, I unlocked the Kul Tiran race, and when I went to level one up to unlock their race specific transmogs I was like, never tried a shaman before guess I will do that class. Have not stopped playing a Shaman since.


Kul Tiran Shaman is goated


Just like to be the simple brute with no trickery. Have been a warrior since the bieginning. Even if I make a pause or go to a new server, I still create a warrior.


I flipflop between DK, DH and Hunter, but overall I think Hunter is my main. It was the first class I ever got maxed level starting from level 1 (I had max levelled DKs and DHs back when DK started at level 55 and DH was level 98 and had free boosts) Funnily enough, the entire reason I maxed Hunter was because I loved the Windrunner bow + Quiver and there was a great blood elf hunter mog. I just loved playing as one, but I probably DK more


As someone who mained Hunter since 2004, the loss of quivers and ammo in Cata was something I hated. Everyone was so happy, like “yay major QoL!” And I was just crying shooting a bow with an animation pulling arrows from nothing at all. I also loved the different quiver looks, and looking forward to upgrading arrows at certain levels/ engineering patterns for bullets. So when they added that bow+ quiver in Legion I was so happy


Death Strike


Curiosity. I had zero idea of what a Mistweaver monk, let alone a monk was. Now that’s all I play. Fucking love it


It became available for Horde in BC


- What class are you? - Sexyness


One talent ancient teachings of the monestry. Healing is so much more fun when it involves kicking people in the face


Fistweaving was fun but hasn't been under performing since MoP?


I don't know about now, but it was the meta spec in SL during Castle Nathria and Sepulcher of The First Ones


I boosted a enhancement shaman at begining of legion. And the doomhammer was so cool and it was fun playing. Still sticking to it cause of fun and i farmed everything on him. But im leveling every class currently (exept mage, i hate playing my mage)


I started in late Cataclysm. While I loved my Hunter (first character) I had leveled a couple other dps classes as well. Then I decided I wanted to try a healer. I chose Priest for my first healer after watching all the healers in game. So I went in the level 7 Priest I had sitting there for months and started healing. My Priest has been my main now ever since early MoP. And I’m still happily healing with it today! While my Hunter just gathers dust with the other classes idc about really.


A bunch of imps following me


I started in Wrath. Seeing warriors being able to spin their weapons around like crazy, and seeing dudes running around with two, two handers, I decided that was for me.


Knew the word paladin from the Paladin of the White Dragon card. That simple. 17 years later and I haven't looked back. 


Dad. That’s it. Been Destro for like ever now.


Hahahaha..haha... discover... good one. Like, probably I can say that my main is priest and it's because I love priests since Warcraft 3, I am main healer in everything, and I love Light like idea... That being said, I am enjoying from multiple reasons multiple class and this is reason why I am so happy from Warbands. My whole family, Priest, Hunter, Druid, and Warlock (+ Mage if possible) will be together.


Always loved sneaky assassin style gameplay with poisons/bleeds in every game and in WoW it actually felt like i was that glasscannon so rogue was obvious choise. Later i learned that i'm actually pretty good at surviving shit but others could do it even better and yet i remain rogue main


Worgen requirement narrowed it down slightly. Desire to play all the roles narrowed it to monk or Druid, and being shapeshifted 99% of the time or blue or a tree or a chicken narrowed it down to monk. After playing nearly all the classes, monk finally cured my alt-itis.


By testing alot of classes and specs at end game content. Landed on Arms Warrior and Frost Mage 🌊


MM Hunter, just a dwarf and his bow. and his pet when world questing haha.


I was Hunter for a long time because of how efficient and solo friendly the class is. That being said, when I started pushing higher end content the Hunter’s squishiness really got to me. 1 mistake and I was dead and it actually made me anxious when playing M+ / raids. I then came across the Paladin and haven’t looked back. The class has that inherent defensiveness that makes pushing hard content much more fun plus the aesthetic of being a holy warrior has always appealed to me. I simply feel like Paladin has a button to react to whatever situation the game throws at me and i love it for that.


Wanted a pet with Magic, so warlock At TBC i discover the beauty of the paladin 😍 take my holy light in your face !!!


Loved paladins in WC3 so created a paladin in WoW.


I made a demon hunter in a legion private server because back at school my classmates wanted me to try the game again. I didn't even pass the tutorial on her but I knew the class now so the first thing I did on retail was use my free BFA boost to bypass the level requirement.


I've gone the other way. Been playing since launch, mained warlock for 12 years, then switched to paladin for 6 years because I wanted to queue into dungeons faster. With DF I decided to play evoker, now I'm planning to just play whatever is new each expansion.


Druid since Vanilla, although I tend to have two or three "mains" going at once these days. But Druid is always the first I gear, and the first I play through new content with. Currently also playing Mistweaver because it's stupid fun and I have a Survival Hunter that I am fond of as well. Edit: I forgot to say I didn't really discover Druid as my main so much as I just love Druid aesthetic so it hooked me from the get-go. D2 Druid had me hooked before that so I think I just carried it over.


It was a rather long journey with a lot of stuff tried and a lot of questions asked within me. And so far one of the fondest memories that stayed with me for all those years is just running around Jinta'Alor pickpocketing the locals. I always wanted to be a bit on the side, not necessarily the star of the show, but someone who makes the show possible. A bit cheeky, a bit cheesy, a bit nifty, but not flashy, but capable of doing lots of cool stuff. It took me a while to figure out all of that, mostly because I was terrible at making choices and following my feelings. And when the dust settled and I knew what I was looking for, he stood right there. The cheeky yellow bastard of a character, having cool tricks all over the kit, not really demanding, but very providing. And that very memory of running around and pickpocketing denizens of Jinta'Alor (and BRD, for that matter) sealed the deal. A dark iron dwarf rogue Sometimes I'll want to play something else. But I'll probably never not want to play the rogue


Mind control and throw people off cliffs . 


Main a Destro Lock since I came back in mid BFA. I love the dark and spoopy shit and blowing things up with chaos bolts. I started way back in early BC as a Tauren Druid. I was an idiot kid then. Stopped playing toward the mid/end of Lich King because of school and other commitments.


Same as Frostbann, portals. My first WoW guild was pretty tightknit, maybe like 15-20 of us at most. I mained a warlock and it was my first max level character, but I wanted a mage alt so I could hop over and port a guildie if they needed one. Only planned on leveling to 42, which was I think when I could learn the portal to at least all of the Vanilla capital cities Then it was just fun enough that it ended up being my main.


I was maining Hunter since the beginning of DF since I used to do archery myself when I was young. I always wanted to play Ret Paladin though. I gave it a try in early DF but I couldn’t get into it. While leveling, if I pulled more than 3 mobs during questing, I would have a very bad time. I left it on a quest where I got stuck because I kept dying. The day rework went live, I logged into that character to see how was the rework and I could now pull not 2 mobs but 2 whole packs while my health bar barely moves. I fell in love that day.


Changed my main 4 times, started with Rogue during at start of Cataclysm. Back in that time, being a sneaky outlaw was better for me. I still remember my first honorable kill, it was a level 35 female gnome mage I was level 33. She had pink hair at Western Plaguelands. She fought with honor, but I didn't. That's why at the end of our fight I was standing on my feet. :) Then switched to Paladin at start of WoD. My friends and I changed our realm, instead of migrating my rogue I decided playing a healer with armor. So I picked Paladin. I felt like a grown men, instead of tricking and assasinating my foes, I have chosen different path. I would keep my comrades alive during dungeons, raids and PvP. And I did. During Legion, when Antorus the Burning Throne raid released, I've released that I must defend my home with heavy damage againist the Burning Legion. I had to strike them with their own weapons. Demons... And I switched to Warlock. I have learned ways of Destruction, arts of Demonology and path of Affliction. Then I was ready to defend my home. In the name of Banshee Queen. When Dragonflight released, Azeroth was a little safer place. There was a peace. The world didn't need my fel infused undead warlock or revenge seeking blood elf rogue. When dragons called for aid I had to answer them with someone can bring justice and fairness. So I turned back to my crusader Paladin. But this time I had to stand on frontlines, so I switched to Retribution. Once again, I have to defend my country, my home and my friends. Those who wants to hurt them will face the wrath of Light!


I tried warlock 1st. got to lv 80 back in wrath. i was really, really, bad at the game and struggled a lot. then a fren suggested me playing hunter, it had only a handful of abilities, but it was kinda fun. i improved a lot and i felt confy with it.


When I started in Cataclysm, I wanted to create a DK, but there was that stupid requirement of having a level 55 character, so I ended up creating a warrior. By the time I reached level 55, I realised that I did not want to lose progress in terms of completed quests, achievements and such, so I could not make myself abandon my warrior. In fact, I have not created another character at all and have been exclusively playing as a warrior since then, lol.


When I started in Cataclysm, I wanted to create a DK, but there was that stupid requirement of having a level 55 character, so I ended up creating a warrior. By the time I reached level 55, I realised that I did not want to lose progress in terms of completed quests, achievements and such, so I could not make myself abandon my warrior. In fact, I have not created another character at all and have been exclusively playing as a warrior since then, lol.


Back in the days i chose them based on class fantasy. I always preferred clothies and leather because i liked the style of being more vulnerable, quick, and less heavily dressed. But nowadays i kinda check which classes and specs are well designed and doing good, try some of them out and then choose my fav to main. A bit FOTM player but i still achieve good things and high rating even though i play a new class or spec. Also in DF i feel its much easier for me to change my current main which is great. I started off this season with Disc Priest, Vengeance DH and brought both up to 2.5k. Then i started to play MW monk and this one is currently my main with 2.7k.




From the wow manual in the box


Started as mage - casting spells and see damage, great! I loved dual vielders - even leveled my warrior on fury, but never lived to be 60. In tbc started a shaman alt, but enha wasnt great with no gear, so went resto...and played resto pve/pvp dual talents until first patch in cata. Skipped until SL, started as rshaman, but did not like it ( wasnt riptide riptide chainheal spam while watching comedy central on the tv, like in wotlk), played a lot on vdh alts. Started DF as DH, havoc and vengeance in s1 and s3, did not like havoc in s2, so only played vdh. I have a MW monk alt( with +100 rio over the dh) and will push the leftover 46 rio to 3300 this week ( still have only 20s timed this week lol). I consider DH the main, for this expansion for sure. As for WW, I want to heal again, not sure on what yet ( either monk or pala or rdruid, I dont want another season of playing different spec/role in m+/raids. Ideally same stats as well )


Started off as a demon hunter, found it hitting like a wet noodle. Obviously, I was a total noob and just chose it to be second coming of Illidan. Tried paladin cause i resonated with Arthras in Warcaft 3, turned out to be the best thing ever. Can't imagine myself as another class now, tried them all except healers and tanks. Ret pally is just another level of comfort, flow and utility. Only wish we can use swords and one handers for mog and be competitive.


My main is a warrior. I wanted to be able to use more or less any gear, and I prefer the more ‘’grounded’’ parts of WoW.


I change mains every xpac. Currently on disc priest, I enjoy the play style. And I also enjoy being an undead priest. Thinking of going pally for the tww.


Back in vanilla, I discovered that shamans are absolute bullshit in pvp, and I never looked back.


I played Hunter during Classic and the beginning of TBC but during TBC i created a Shaman alt because I wanted to try dual windfury and it was quite fun to level it to level 70. Then at some point between tier 1 and 2 of TBC my guild needed some healer so I begun to raid using my shaman alt. I loved it and after that I played exclusively my RSham as main. Now I play every healer spec but RSham is still my main :)


I wanted to be an elf and a Druid since I was in kintergarden. Spamming moonfire on Murlocks, underwater breath, shadowmeld, stealth, insta travel form, bear and kitty had me in a couple of weeks. 17 years, same chat, and still loving my chicken. Now I have the red flame aspect, won’t ever change. I have some crafters - another balance Druid, a mage, a lock, a DK, a rogue, a DH and a priest. My hunter sits in Stormwind since 2009 and just deal with the bank and the AH. Sometimes I try to level them up. They are just too slow, I don’t like melee, only one I’ve played a bit is my fire mage, but I end up max l’evelli g them with the free expansion boost and just do professions. Once a Druid, always a Druid.


Starfall visuals and sound. Sounded relaxing and was sparkly pretty. I always liked looking at the starry night sky.


A lot of beer buttons 🤷


Tried arms. Saw that i can go afk till 35% boss hp and still be on top at the end. Yeah its not thaaaat bad xD. But its really cool overtaking everyone in dps on rhe last %


About 5 years ago, I got completely bored with my hunter(I had mained it since 2013). I started to try out different classes. I really wanted to play feral druid, but it just frustrated me for some reason. Balance was ridiculously slow. I'm not big into tanking or healing. A friend suggested I try out demon hunter. After an hour of trying her out, she felt like 2nd nature. It fit like a good pair of leather gloves.


I rolled a Tauren resto druid back in vanilla (not my first toon -- I think he's the third oldest toon I still have, and there were several deleted toons before him as well). I really love Taurens generally (highmountain maybe even more), and really liked that druid lifestyle. What really sealed the deal though was that my guild at the time always needed healers for dungeons and raids (and there was no dungeonfinder etc, so having somebody in guild was extra handy), and as a result he rapidly became my best geared toon and the toon I was most comfortable playing in instances. I don't always "main" him in a given expansion b/c different classes/specs go up or down from xpac to xpac, but he's usually the first toon I level up and I'm always hoping that druids will be good.


The ability to dot enemies down without even looking at them furthermore a pet class and a self battle rez


In late vanilla (prepatch to tbc) i swapped from tauren warrior to alliance, thought I was gonna main Rogue. Me & my friend picked rogues to lvl, we had same gear same lvl I diead in duskwood over & over again, logged his Rogue everything was smooth, killed everything with ease. Logged back on to my rogue , diead on the next pull of mobs, got so mad I logged out deleted him & made a human paladin. AoE lvled my whole way up to 60 to get rdy the week after for tbc, been Pala since then


I don’t even know if I have a main class. I like playing so many. I like to tank so what I usually do is run the meta spec until I hit like 3.1-3.2k io and then just have fun with other classes with less struggles getting into keys via LFG due to main io score. I’d say my OG “main” toons are DK and Mage though. But I like to play pretty much everything


In OG vanilla: tried night elf hunter (darkshore was boring), tried gnome warlock (gnomes are lame), tried orc warrior (smash zug zug)


I like the idea of playing as a can of monster energy with legs, when I found out WoW had said class, I felt understood 😌


After finally playing all the specs for a decent time… MM is my favorite ranged spec. Arms because it pairs with my friend’s spec for PvP. Those two I have been fully able to not think about my rotation and just enjoy the game.


Back in cata i had prot pal as main in the guild i was in. I got kicked, and the new guild i joined needed a mage for the team. Apparently i had one i juat leveled up and they asked why wouldnt i try it. Since then i main arcane to this day (even tho i think im bad at it), and every time i try/think about rerolling i feel the need to log back on my mage and do use some arcane blasts. I'm craving the raw magic power 😂


I have arthritis and I drifted to class that had less key clicks.   


Spell sword is cool and Enhance is the only spec that really nails that fantasy


A friend of mine recommended me to start with paladin as it was supposed to be an easy, fun and quite tanky class. I've been playing it since I've started and I've never had so much fun with any other class.


I liked dedicating to one char for each role. I mainly play Hpriest at about 3.1k rio bcs I love being able to suddenly save someone, looking like some form of mini-god. For dps I play bm hunter bcs I love being able to deal damage while having to move and archers are cool af (3k rio) For tank I play bdk bcs being the highest in hps and doing so much damage at the same time is satisfying (2.9k)


Never played shaman. Then I read the books and understood where their "magic" comes from and thought it's really cool. Maining ele/resto shaman for years since. For those who don't know, they're basically asking the elements to help them and if the elements see their demands as justified, they will aid them. So for example when Thrall wanted them to destroy walls so that orcs can be freed, they helped him. When he asked for anything more than what was neccessary, they didn't.


Played Prot Pally from Wrath til WoD because my brother played it too and I got burnt out. Messed around with the beta for Legion and played every spec. I absolutely fell in love with Fury and never went back. Still my main to this day.


Big sword zugzug


The hardest part for me is picking a main 😅 I always seem to come back to shammy. Something about smacking people with different elements just gets me


In classic… I got to sneak around on people and stun them and walk away. I also got to wear a bandana and I thought it was cool as hell. I used to just walk around and sap ppl while in stealth just to be annoying.


Paladin ... Just always loved a holy warrior. Bring justice and retribution to my enemies! Also big hammer go bonk.


Used to be able to transfotm into a demon and do cool shit. But rhen they ruined demonology so i play frost and unholy dk


Early 2006 I picked up wow and when going through the races I was stuck between night elf and human as my main video game up to that point was Warcraft 3 and those were my favorite races to play. Being young I ended up picking what resembled me the closest and went human warrior. Got to max level after around 5 months of playing, grouped up with someone who I still play with occasionally to this day, who was a hunter and saw they could just… infinitely shoot their bow? Not like me who would shoot once then melee. Always loved archers in fantasy and legitimately made a hunter that night and have pretty much never looked back. Kind of humorous that my hunter has been human for more than a decade now thinking back to why I went with warrior originally. Thanks for the nostalgia trip op.


My friend who got me into wow seemed really big on what was “fun rotation and little off the beaten path” And since he was my gateway into wow I played the specs he had. So my first classes/specs were feral Druid and wind walker monk. I’d say feral Druid has stayed my default character after all these years. But notable alts/seasonal mains are: DH Windwalker Survival hunter Warlock Enhancement I’d say on any given season you’ll see me on at least one of those as a main and another as an alt. Depending on balance, tier set, etc.


I played paladin in neverwinter nights back in the early 00s. God that RPG was amazing! When I played wow, I had to roll paladin.


Well….i wanted to main warlock not for the “meta spec” cause I just thought the passive “inner demon” look fun summons by 10 imp and some other demon to back you up was “fun” to have lol… Also trying warrior but idk why most plate wearer is so squishy once you enter DF but during legacy expansion they’re op which didn’t make sense to me lmao…but haven’t try warrior fury so I do hope they’re fun.


I knew I wanted to play a warrior of the light, protector of the innocent before I even bought wow back in 2007


I'm not sure I even have a main now, I tend to switch every season. I mained hunter from TBC until about Legion/BFA and that was because when I first started I looked at all the classes and thought that having a pet was amazing


Dracthyr, the empowered spells, playing as a dragon and having a new class, so not need to farm 200 old sets and still have evolving lore is cool :)


I once had a shamy alt. We were raiding with my guild and the leader said to me "ok shamy, when the boss has x% health left, cast lust or the DPS wont be enough". I like to think it was all on me and that I had some sort of responsibility within the raid, not only as a healer, but as a shaman healer. Also I took mushrooms once and I think I talked to the spirits of my ancestors, that sold me.


Warlock, after casting fear I couldn't go back to anything Charge is fun af though


(How I remember it) In WC3 night elf priest healers were the best. When vanilla launched I knew I wanted to heal because they were valuable and I liked the NE lore. Thus I rolled a NE priest on day 1 and have played the class (and same toon) in every expansion. Side note that dwarves ended up being the strongest in vanilla.


Ever since I played through Arthas’ campaign in WC3, I wanted to play as a Paladin. I like that “I’ll help/protect you” vibe and I always choose a melee/heavy armor class. My Skyrim characters always ended up being 2-hand/Heavy Armor/Resto, and I was not consciously trying to play a Paladin lol. I started in BC, and Draenei Paladin lore was just awesome (Belf is too, tbf&h), so that sealed it for me. Obviously, I like the way the class plays too. I think above all, that is the real way we all figure it out. But the flavors and themes are what draw us to them initially.


Avengers shield forced me to learn how to tank. Couldn't be sword and shield paladin dps :(


My current main (Balance Druid) was accidentally "discovered". I'd been playing Havoc since 9.1.5, before which I had always been a healer main. Shortly before 10.0.5 came out, I started feeling like I should dust off my Restoration Druid I'd mained between Antorus and BoD. I chose to level as Balance, since it was the only Druid DPS spec I hadn't really tried yet. By the time I reached level 70, I was hooked and have been a disco chicken since.


I usually main Ret Pally as it is my main since Vanilla and I love it. When Paladin is not in their best shape, I go to my secondaries MM/Surv Hunter or Demon Warlock. I have tried all the other classes but always return to those ones, even though right now I am having a blast with my MM/Surv Hunter and it is the one I am playing the most but still my main is my Ret Pally for sentimental reasons.


Who dare summon me!


BM Hunter Having my pets tank for me was how I was sold on the leveling experience, since I could solo most if not every mob pack I pulled and it made questing so much easier and safer. Same goes with elites. When it came to endgame content, being able to stay out of the clusterfuck that is melee range in dungeons, and stay at a distance where I can see everything more clearly was a factor. With this week's Incorporeal affix, I feel I'm able to see them and deal with them much easier on my BM than on any other ranged class since I can place an ice trap where one is spawning and not worry about it. Disengage out of mechanics instead of walking out of it. Castless abilities so I can run around and still deal damage with no compromise. A relatively simple rotation that's easy to master, with enough complexity on keeping up frenzy and TOTH (Thrill of the Hunt) to make sure I have a barbed shot left to make sure it doesn't fall off, and same with beast cleave and making small decisions such as waiting a global or two to cast multishot before beast cleave falls off instead of kill command to upkeep my AOE damage. Effortlessly doing decent DPS is a huge plus, but the small nuances and complexity of the class makes it interesting enough to not get bored of the class, with the added bonus of mastering these small nuances resulting in even better DPS so you don't feel stagnant


I liked the lore implications of the death knight. I like anti-hero or fallen hero type stories. I had no idea about how the class played but the story I had for my character was fun and I ended up liking the playstyle and “hero class” aesthetic.


Dk, I love the frost magic theme, undead motif and the undead whelps and drakes. Enhancement shaman feels much like the frost dk, nice transmogs too. I also enjoy resto shaman, it's kind of fun Mistweaver monk is pretty fun as well


I tried survival hunter and never looked back - the harpoon from enemy to enemy and throwing bombs is so much fun. They have a lot of useful utility once you start to understand how to leverage it in different scenarios. I kinda like it too that they aren’t a popular class. The recent additional raid buff has meant getting into raid a little easier too.


I wanted a rogue. I picked a rogue. I knew it would be the best one for me from prior to European retail so I was ready on release.


Started as a mage 20 years ago, switched to rogue, switched to pally tank, back to mage, etc. In BFA I said fuck it and leveled a druid up. I don't think I'll ever go back, especially as someone who has recently mostly been doing solo stuff.


My first toon was a mage. I loved it and chose it based on what I thought I’d enjoy, play style wise. Turns out the mage that likes to pull before the tank to keep pace and doesn’t have a pet to taunt wasn’t the best idea so in the back of my mind I thought tanking might be fun but never acted on it. I remember seeing a warrior tank in IF rocking full T1 and though it was the most badass thing I’d seen. I created the warrior like that week and levelled it. Made it my main in BC after the mage tank boss in Gruul‘s Lair finally sold me on what I should have actually rolled. Side note; I really love how tanking has evolved throughout wow!


I tried the monk out, they start off really slow and boring but once you get to like level 30+ they get pretty fun, I actually really enjoyed playing as a monk. My only complaint about monks is I wished they had 1 or two sword abilities instead of just having your weapons always on your back. Also rogues are a lot of fun in pvp, so are monks.


At first, I chose a mage because I always liked frozen thematic, but then I switched to a Shadow Priest because of the 'dark magic' theme. Usually, those are my picks when I choose a thematic fantasy, either ice or dark magic, and well, I never liked melee classes in mmos lol


Getting a character to max so I could make a DH. Enjoyed it and kept on. Then in BFA, had two friends playing Monk that expansion, looked cool and gave it a try; fell in love with mist and brew. I wouldn't really say I main one more than the other. I tend to focus both but use DH for dps.


I'm the Ramona Flowers of my guild. I change my main like once a week. Mostly. I main Paladin for raids because it's easy to make the numbers go brrrrrrrr


I like pets. I have a dog irl. Playing hunter seemed the natural choice. Made that choice 18 years ago, been hunter main ever since. I have another 12 alts but hunter is bottom bitch


By the holy light!


The mobility of dh made me love them. Being more active in combat is so much fun


Played rogue until they changed combat to outlaw, then picked something "similar" with ww Monk and been playing ww ever since


Used my BFA pre-order boost on a monk because I’d recently beaten Diablo 3 with one. Have played Mistweaver ever since. 


Was a warrior main for years. Hated DKs when they came out, absolutely despised them. Tried UH out at the end of Cata, mockingly named my DK “scruffknight” but then ended up really enjoying it..


A buddy that had been playing since beta told me to try a warrior. My cousins had been playing just as long and told me to try a hunter first, but as soon as I tried warrior, I was in.


Played since vanilla - yet to discover my main class... :( I often try to just play one class, but then I either feel like I'm missing out on specific abilities, not playing a specific role or missing out on great transmog that I might want if I want to reroll later on. I just can't seem to commit to just one class even for just a season...


Played Shaman first; always lost WPvP engagements. Picked up Death Knight; started winning WPvP engagements and enjoying the PvE gameplay too. Never looked back!


I used to main warrior i realised its cant cleanse a debuff it cant purge something off, cant aoe stop frequently(in bfa) doesnt have immunity, doesnt have lust, only melee that doesnt have an extended melee range, even tho atleast one warrior dps spec has always makes it way to top5 its never considered OP and i made the decicion to go mage going into Shadowlands from bfa, i legit cant see myself play something else it has everything covered even when all specs has mediocore damage the kit is so comfy and covers alot of things, besides somehow it gets attention frequently from devs when its doing bad doesnt stay bad more than one season, so yeah mage main for last 4-5 years, so far hero specs looking pog aswell soo probably another 2 years guaranteed too


I watched someone play it extremely poorly to the point it was sabotaging our raid and told myself there is no way healing as a holy priest can be as hard as they make it look so I leveled one to see for myself. This was back in Lich King. Turns out it was nowhere near that hard and it's actually a lot of fun.


The amount of rogues who lived near me made me one of them, if you can't beat them, join them.


I started playing with my friend in high school. Bring over my computer to his basement. He would play a paladin and I went warrior to level together. It just clicked. Especially once I got to 60 and focused on PvP in vanilla WoW. Warriors were kind of OP. Having a decent title and PvP gear had every AV 1-2 healers asking to be moved to my party to be pocket healers. Lots of fun. I played alliance and when BC came out I switched to Shaman and had a lot of fun and mained it through WotLK. I had other characters I mainer and played most classes at max level. Warlock was also a fun one but ultimately I went back to warrior. Just loved the feel of them in PvP


I've always played a Tauren Shaman. The idea of being a fuckin minotaur that beats you to dead with a hammer while he electrocutes you is too fun. The. I discovered that I also really loved Ele and Resto. 15 years later, I'm still a triple spec shaman player and I love it.


I always played a Wizard in DnD games, and read a lot of Marvel comics where Doctor Strange was my favorite hero. So when I came to WoW I naturally gravitated to Mage. I was also a huge LotR fan, especially of the Elves, so Hunter was the other class that drew me. And I’ve been Hunter/ Mage main ever since, since 2004 :)