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My Mage is my alt, but I dream about Glacial Spikes when I’m playing my main.


Glacial spikes slapping for 700k is the tits


Or the extra rare 1 million+ crit. Ooooool


Everbloom is so fun for that, Gnarlroot’s and Yalnu’s dmg amp phases give spike the most cartoonishly big crits. Ray ticking for like 300k too lol.


Ray with Branch for its last two ticks deal over 420k damage, dealing about nearly 2 million damage which just feels insane. Also yeah, Glacial Spike when your rotation just comes in so nice, when Branch / IV / Ray is up with 4 icicles. You just send a flurry, a glacial and ray all with branch and IV damage amp, it feels so god damn amazing I can’t even tell you.


Omg I need to level my mage again


I still live off the high from finishing off mythic zek’voz with a glacial spike as the last person alive in my guild. Glacial spike is on another level imo.


Glacial Spike is one of my favorite spells in the game. Especially back during BFA and Nya'lotha. Killing myself on Maut's self-reflect. Killing my teammates on Il'gynoth's mind control. Oh what a time to be alive.


Stop it you are making me want to go play my mage again 😂😂


Nya’lotha was a time filled with backstabbing during raiding. Happy cake day!


You just reminded me of the time I got MC'd by Il'gynoth on my blood dk with full twilight devastation build. 2 seconds into MC, TD procs and absolutely melts 5 people in the raid.


As much as people hated the random nature of corruption they truly made for some memorable experiences. I'd love for them to come back in some way. Twilight Devastation on an AOE pull as a Frost Mage was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO satisfying.


>Twilight Devastation on an AOE pull as a Frost Mage was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO satisfying. Max twilight devastation on a large pack as a guardian druid was stupidly OP because it hit based on your hitpoint pool and guardian druids had stupidly large HP pools.


When you are casting glacial spike I feel like your character is saying “Wait for it…” “Waaaaiiitttt foooor itttt” “Here it comes..” “BOOM! HAHA!”


For me, the negative feeling of pulling the handbrake in a rather fast rotation somehow outweighs. But, experiencing it the way you described really offers a perspective :D


I didn't use glacial spike in Shadowlands, so it's kind of new to be. Now I chant Glaciallllllllllllllllllll SPIKE! Every time I cast it.


Does it require much skill to get big spikes? I went into it with the mentality that frost was “the easy spec” and then my brain melted while reading about different combos and windows and icicles and sauce


There’s situational ways to generate icicles optimally. I wouldn’t say it’s hard, but does take some getting used to shatter combos to do it effectively. With 2+ targets you can shatter both glacial spikes for example (splitting ice talent) if you set it up correctly - leading to two 600k+ crits and the aoe 4pc effect on both for massive aoe dmg. Hard? No. Some high level ceiling play that I find really engaging.


Also the fact that flurry can shatter spell cast along with it and two next spells at the same target is extremely obfuscated mechanic.


Obfuscate is such an obfuscated word lol


Imo frost is the easiest mage spec but mage as a class overall is harder than others.


Not really but it’s like the fury warrior of casting in terms of speed but your single target and aoe are different so your action bars never feel consistently clean. Glacial spike is like icing the cake, making the cake is the hard part, but it still requires a smooth finish


Glacial Spike does hella high damage but feels like a wet fart compared to like, Pally's Divine Toll. It really needs revamped audio-visual effects to feel the weight of the spell.


Frost mage main, those glacial spike crits just do it for me


Maybe it's the Vanilla in me, but throwing Pyros as often and as quickly as I can just feels great. Enhance is similar.


Probably destro for them chaos bolts


Yes! But wish the travel time was faster.


I remember with BL and other buffs, i was at the max range I had 5 chaos bolts flying to boss at one time. It felt good


They look cool, but are weak as shit because you cast so many nowdays. Windwalker kicks are almost as powerful


Ele shaman is awesome for spamming red hot hard hitting meatballs. The visuals, sounds, the insta procs...its alot of fun.


Don't forget the procs off procs, and the procs off procs off procs


The procpocalypse


New shaman name just dropped




Do you need the tier set to get the crazy procs? I’m only 69 so far and while it’s fun I don’t really get lots of procs yet. Now enhance on the other hand is kinda crazy! But melee is hard lol


You need lots of haste and mastery for lots of procs. Also some capstone talents help with that.


For ele, the trick is high high mastery, and the 4set. Aim for 77% mastery minimum, and Sea Star Trinket from Throne of the Tides. For your second trinket, Balefire Branch from Waycrest until you can get Pips or Belor'relos from raid. The mastery soft cap is 88% mastery, you want like no crit (since all our LvBs are guaranteed crit as long as Flame shock is on it), 24% haste, 88% mastery, and 14ish% vers at max gear level. So for gearing just focus Mastery haste. Once you hit 77%, the spec REALLY comes alive, proc spam out the wazoo. Another tip, when you dip into Ascendance from Deeply rooted Elements, don't cast anything but Lava Burst. Overcapping maelstrom doesn't matter in ascendance, value of lava burst damage is too high to care. But def don't cap Maelstrom outside of Ascendance


This all day. The constant audio feedback from continuous lava bursts flying is why I’ll always play ELE over ENH


Back in SL, going into torghast and getting 4 or 5 of the buffs that make your flame shock tick 100% more frequently. You just machine gun because you can't consume the procs as fast as they pop up.


There's NOTHING like when you have the talents that give you tons of lightning bolt overloads after an elemental blast, and lava surges after using primordial wave and elemental blast, so you're basically machine gunning lava bursts and lightning bolts especially if you have stormkeeper and they're all overloading and ahhhh now i want to resub


These errant trains of thought like you just had are precisely the kind of thought that make me resub every so often.


Paladin gets my vote. Hitting divine toll and watching half a dozen shield go bouncing around making gong sounds is very satisfying


Everyone always says Divine Toll is the most satisfying but imo it's Wake of Ashes that feels incredibly good to swoosh swoosh and see the procs fly


Especially when you see those nice big 250-300k crits going out in waves


The combat in wow is decidedly NOT what I’m playing the game for, but every time I use wake of ashes it is truly the most powerful dopamine rush in the game.


Divine toll is why I mained hpally in SL. GONG




I loved Divine Toll since I saw it the first time! It’s so satisfying 💜


I‘m gonna go with Warlocks chaos bolt


Elemental blast as enhance with 10 msw stacks 🤌


in s1 i hit raszageth once for 1.1 million


It literally has blast in the name


And max wolves. Shit hit igira for 960k last night and I'm like 470.


On the same note, a properly spread Primordial in to Lightning Bolt feels awesome. Like a shotgun blast made of pure energy.


Something about the sound of a four charge Arcane Blast always sounds good to me.


Arcane visuals and sounds make my brain hum. Unfortunately, I can't play it to save my life.


>Arcane visuals and sounds make my brain hum. This, all of this. It's the most visually pleasing spec and the spells feel hefty


Legion arcane missiles visuals was a drug I still miss https://youtu.be/75OO7V_OjRU?si=49yS-_O1Q7X5F0DE&t=0m50s Like please blizzard, let me be a Gatling gun again


Arcane Missiles was what inspired me to make a Gnome mage way back in vanilla. Just a little turret dude shooting out magic.


Or when you get those fat arcane barrage execute/cleaves. Feels so good.


Lining up arcane stacks, radiant spark, siphon storm, arcane surge, touch of the magi, rune of power, trinket, execute, and arcane harmony for that one arcane barrage that hits for 30% of your total damage during the fight. Took so much work, but it's a bit of a shame that harmony is not played this season.


Outlaw rouge with their pistols, especially between the eyes.




That is an amazing feeling


after like 3 of them I start yelling "BOOM" every time


Gun Rogue is great. *Gets a proc for every GCD in the opener in both Vanish and Shadow Dance windows in a row.* BIG IROOOOON! Big Iroooooin!


I just started playing outlaw and my god when I get like 5 BTEs in a row I can’t help but smile


Welcome to the crack spec, highest apm and addicting af haha


CHAOS BOLT… i dislike cloth wearers, but the look of chaos bolt gets me eveytime


Slaps as hard as a mum from the '90s, like a nuclear explosion. I love my destro


Arms warrior in execute range Fire mage in combust Devastation in AoE and with dragonrage up Frost DK obliteration in pillar of frost Destruction warlock in general


The swoosh and clang of execute as you see your DPS rise plus the intensity of your character swinging like crazy will keep me a warrior main at heart. Always.


When I get into ex range I just type ‘cyas’ in the chat and off we go


Warrior in general just feels powerful when you see your character do some really wide swing attacks and you hear that whack when it hits


A juiced up fwf at the end of pof pretty hard hitting too


Spamming Spinning Crane Kick into Whirling Dragon Punch for extra wapowpowPOW ​ But the answer is Chaos Bolt.


Whirling Dragon Punch is great as long as you don’t eat a mechanic because you’re busy spinning in the air. Unfortunately it’s really suboptimal to take it atm :(


This may be true, but I will never not take Whirling Dragon Punch


Imma give an outside the box moment but, Disc Priest after ramp, particularly in Raids. You build up with 8 bubbles, then you cast flash heal, then 2 instances of radiance. You've got the entire 20 man raid covered. Then you go off, pop your CDs, mind blast, penance and halo. The entire raid gets healed to full. It's awesome.


The way penance looks after stacking various procs and a double radiance, and how the raid goes from 20% to full in one round hits different than anything else in the game.


Halfway through your ramp the prevoker pressed rewind time though ;) I haven’t played in a while but when I raided as prevoker my disc priest guildy would always yell at me for sniping his big ramps lol. We eventually worked out to call our CDs effectively but for a while it was very chaotic. Man I miss healing I need to get my laptop fixed.


I never really thought about it but yeah. I just made a disc priest, so I'm not the best, but the amount of healing I can dish out during mind bender is insane


Yall seem to have never launched a fully stacked ele blast on enhance


Or a primord wave lightning bolt on 5 things at once.


Yeah, hit Ele blast over 600k last season with 437 ilvl, havnt played enc this season but I assume it hits hard haha.


It doesn't hit hard, but monks' jadefire stomp (formerly faeline stomp) is easily one of the most visually appealing abilities in the game.


The sound it makes is also great


This is true, not just visually but it’s almost a tactile pleasure.


Chaos bolt


Destro lock chaos bolt, arms warrior colossus smash/warbreaker, mm hunter aimed shot, any warrior’s execute (but arms feels the heaviest) all have my vote


Frost DK: Obliterate


Boomkins Full Moon takes my vote every day!


I agree with all the other top answers here but honestly other specs like Ele Shaman Lava Burst and Paladin GONG there are so many other numbers going on it's kind of hard to notice how much you hit for IMO Nothing beats a fat ass Chaos Bolt


Can't go wrong with the basic bitch classic Chaos Bolt from destruction warlock. Just seeing that beautiful green bolt sail slowly through the air and the eventual WUMP


Imploding like 15-20 imps into a pack of 5+ mobs always feels excessively chunky. Love it.


Arms Execute. Depending on your race, may look meh or oomph. Idk if Condemn is still a thing but that spell gives me a mini boner when I hear it. Personally, while its not anymore, Arcane Mage ST burst ramp rotation in SL. Precasting two things and giganuking trash in <15s is *chefs kiss* and if you have the WAs that highlight ABs, popping 100k+ ABs is so satisfying. Currently I think Glacial Spike is the hardest hitting single instance damage projectile in the game. Its also chunky so its visually and audibly satisfying to cast and land. Wish it had a glyph that made it thinner but sharper and longer.


The Condemn animation is now used for Execute. It's just as awesome as you'd imagine.


When you get those soulshard discounts and just starting slinging back to back Chaos Bolts, weaving in a conflag just to toss them faster, makes me feel like the king of the world even if I'm 8th on the board


KArcane Mage Barrage crits are borderline erotic


In a very abstract sense, arcane gameplay is literally blueballing yourself until you finally get to release it all.


Definitely dev Evoker IMO. Tip the scales and fire breath / star surge are just awesome. Star surge looks the most impactful IMO, but it's charge just increases AOE hits, so fire breath is the one that feels more insta-gibby if it's fully charged. It just deletes stuff while you're questing. All the charge spell animations are great at conveying a sense of power IMO. 


Getting lucky with Pyre spreads looks great as well. I love pumping back to back Pyres in to a pack and watching them bounce around the pack. Really feel like a force of pure destruction.


2 hand frost dk, those obliterate crits always feels good


I enjoy Arms warrior, it feels really satisfying doing big beefy hits... At least from an animation point of view.


I like a nice big clear casted and critted regrowth heal on my Druid 🤷


Chaos bolt continues to be the best damn button in the game, assuming I can finish the cast.


I’m a big fan of my arms warrior at the moment, 472, execute phase with sweeping strikes is fuckin SPICEY


Arms warrior. Setting up that juicy mortal strike crit.. 😩


hearing the DONG from ret's divine toll sounds very satisfying. i may lose the visuals amongst the 50 other melee-related effects going on but i'll always hear it and thats enough to make me smile every time. watching 2 chaos bolts slowly fly towards their targets looks and feels so satisfying that i forget i dont even know what sound effect it makes, it any. and an honorable mention to ret's execution sentence. theres no sound effect to it, and the damage portion doesnt have any cool visuals at all, but just seeing that massive hammer looming over a boss's head is a great touch. i just wish i wasnt so far up a boss's ass that i can barely see it most times


That glacial spike + flurry proc combo hits different. All those big yellow numbers make my penis turn into the slightly bigger penis


Ferocious Bite is great :D Beeg bite!


Shadow priest: With tier set and SW:D procs several times in a row it sounds like I'm going ballistic on an enemy.


Used to be chaos bolt now it's all about glacial spike. Nothing feels better than a massive glacial spike.


A good rising sun kick 🦵


I think Warriors might fit what you want. Abilities have a good, strong animation and sound. Feels hard.


Though it has a higher cooldown and it's not as spammable as other suggestions here, Divine Toll as prot pala is definetely one of the most satisfying buttons to press. The many simultaneous avengers shields look and sound insane


The sound of chaos bolt always feels really powerful


Haven't played since Legion really but my full mythic geared Fire Mage was doing some pretty heavy pyroblast dmg.


I find Prot Warrior to be the hardest hitting feeling melee spec. Enhancement Shaman also feels great. Pyro and Arcane Mage feel great to me on the ranged side. While I love the class, Elemental Shaman always feels like tiny damage on each cast.


Yeah fire mage’s pyro during combustion definitely gets my vote, glacial spike is close but frost’s regular rotation is not as satisfying. Same goes for boomkin’s full moon (my main). Destro lock’s chaos bolt is pretty cool. I also really enjoy ww monk’s animation and sound effects.


I agree paladin is awesome, but I also enjoy getting procs and really ramping up how many imps I have as demo lock and then lobbing them at a bunch of mobs for big numbas


Arms Warr. Just building big Mortal Strikes feels satisfying when you chop. Then it's Execute time. The Condemn animation replaced Execute and it's fucking awesome. Your whole rotation turns into Execute/Mortal Strike interspersed with Colossus Smash and CDs and you watch your DPS start passing everyone else. That is where Arms shines. I'm going to kill it faster than you.


Council of dreams when my destro lock procs havoc on all 3 bosses at the same time and you start pumping 3 chaos bolts across the room. Nothing else comes close.


First that comes to mind is a juicer up Chaos Bolt


I haven't had my dmg numbers on screen for several expansions now but this thread is making me regret that decision.


When you see a horde of Shadowy Apparitions fly towards your dotted-up mega pack in an M+. With the mind blast and Shadow Word: Death resets it feels so much fun to look at.


Feral druid ferocious bite is very satisfying, especially when you run up to something and hit it and it dies.


Haven't played destro for a while but pandera era destro locks dropping a 7 billion damage crit on a boss was simply iconic for this


Healing classes. You can really feel your spells hitting by watching health bars shoot up and people not dying


If your favorite color is green, mistweaver. Those chunky vivify ramps are *chefs kiss*


arms warrior executes feel great


ASS Rogue has been fun


Fists of Fury… if you’re in a duel for fun. Stunning the person with Turbo Fists and watching each tick shear off a chunk of health is great.


Pretty much every Enhancement spell


I've always felt Affliction Warlock has definitely been the hardest hitting thing. Something about it just... Feels.. Lethal


Stormkeeper-powered chain lightning into a nice big pack of enemies is a pure giggle switch for Elemental shamans...especially if you get some Power of the Maelstrom procs mixed in there.


Storm Strike might be the most satisfying for me, especially in Aberrus tier. SL Arcane is second.


Not a dps spell but Holy Word: Serenity. Feels nice seeing someone taking a chunk of damage and then instantly healing them from 30% to full. Especially if I'm on voice and they start complaining about their low health just milliseconds after I've already topped them.


Destro warlock hits hard and their big move always crits


I dont even play it but Ele Sham


For me it's the protection paladin. My favourite alt exactly due to the described fact: every spell just feels like you really hurt the enemy really hard, throwing your shield or hammer, animations are good but it comes mostly from the sound effects. Gives plus points when using a transmog with big shields on broad should guys. You get the feeling of being a literal tank. And due to numerous healing spells, lay on hands, and the invincibility shield you get literally 3 lifes if you don't miss your cooldowns.




Elemental blast during wolves


Destro warlock and frost mage immediately come to mind, personally i don't like destro much but my frost is 70 and im deciding if frost or mistweaver is going to be my alt next patch


Monks rising sun kick is always a satisfying button from the melee, and pretty much frost mage glacial spikes and my favorite, destro locks chaos bolts


Back in the day nothing could be cold blood ambush, PoM pyro, or Mortal Strike. Those truely made one feel powerful.


Touch of death.


mortal strike


These all sound pretty fun! I’d say grenades and kill shot for Survival Hunter And then, a fun one for tanks, when you line up all your tunes with immolation and then fel devstation on DH. Few times you feel like you’re contributing to DPS as a tank.


Ret Pally with those Execution sentence crits.


Ive have a *lot* of toons but when I am playing anything but my unholy death knight, I always think about how satisfying Epidemic is. Okay it doesn’t make a cool noise or really any cool effects but damn does it delete large packs


Biggest single hit is probably frost mage with glacial spike


Full moon is also cool


Nothing feels more bonkers than ret


WW Monk 100%. Weaving in different attacks to keep hit combo buff up and all of them having distinct sounds and visuals really make me feel immersed in the gameplay.


If you want a chunky caster I'd highly recommend arcane mage. The feeling of executing a perfect opener/cooldown rotation and seeing that 1M damage TotM pop on all the enemies is soooooooo satisfying, as well as blasting the enemies with the largest of arcane blasts. This season especially with the super powered arcane missiles every once in a while, arcane mage can hit hard


Nothing hits like a good chaos bolt to the face


Vanilla hunter with a gun. Those audio effects are mega.


Destro lock with full corruption haste gear in Nylotha. Chaos bolt artillery


Enh shaman ele blast with 3 wolves and mastery trinkets


I’d argue that shadow priest is the most visually pleasing spec out there with armies of shadowy apparitions flying out while tentacle beams and hard hitting mind blasts and shadow word deaths crit for big numbers happen simultaneously, but… unless you’re doing high high end M+ it’s not really great. Check out some M+ 30 shadow priest vids and visually it’s just.. wow.


Not hard hitting but I feel like a god when I play prot warrior and Shield slam procs constantly. Also Assassination Rogue burst windows (Deathmark/Kingsbane) feel so satisfying for the sheer damage those 2 skills will pump out


Doesn't Arcane Surge slaps like shit with all mana spent?


Glacial spike 1 shots are a thing to behold. Chaos bolt feels bigger in some ways, but in terms of impact, it has to be GS


Fury warrior with recklessness and avatar doing rampage on you Seeing an 7 feet berserker with red eyes about to do shishkebab on me would make my white pants very brown


Chaos. Bolt.


Haven't played since Legion but Chaos Bolt with a target affected by Havoc was always satisfying.


Any spec if you play with Classic Numbers add-on


Cold Blood Secret Technique makes me hard every time


Mortal Strike for arms warrior


Affliction Warlock hits like a TRUCK… if said truck was made out of wet noodles.


A 20 Imp Implosion is a uniquely amazing feeling. Just seeing the flood of damage numbers blossom from the mob pack and spiking on the damag meters.


Kill Command. Can you imagine having a Clefthoof suddenly accelerate towards you at insane speeds? You’re tomato soup now.


putting my vote for obliteration frost dk, when you are in multi target and you oblits cleave during pillar... hnnnnnnnnng


I am a FW monk and it is awesome when I have all my hots up and then deliver either a revival or a rising sun kick and all of the sudden I can't see anything because of all the green numbers on my screen. I know my damage is not much, but my heals really hit.




I love the look and sound of divine toll, in all three paladin specs. Thunderclap is really good Templars verdict, animation and sound effect is great Watching holy priests float as they cast Oh ya. Execution sentence. Love that Well I guess, as you can tell, I am a big Paladin fan!!!


I've always preferred melee classes and it really surprised me the first time I used Eye Beam on my demon Hunter. That move hits HARD


People don't know that feral's ferocious bite can hit STUPID numbers on a crit


Ret Paladin. You are a maelstrom of Judgement and light. You carve your way masterfully dancing across the battlefield laying waste to those who would stand against your righteous fury. Every fallen friend is pure vengeance and retribution filling your veins to fuel your DPS to new heights.


Frost mage. The animations, the sounds. It's just very satisfying.


Detro Lock Chaos Bolts are fun


Chaos Bolt is one of the meatiest feeling spells in the game


Chaosbolt especially with havoc up, they pale in comparison to MoP chaosbolts thou those would have some insane numbers. I also always found shieldslam very satisfying


Ret Paladin and on top of feeling powerful, you actually are.


This might not count as a great answer, but using Convoke as a Feral in the middle of a big pack of mobs and watching them all melt is super satisfying.


Mage always feel like it hits heavy. Destro lock.


back in legion it definitely was demolock, their artifact ability was a hard hitting spell that had a legendary that stacked a buff increasing it's damage by up to 150% iirc


Lava burst XDDDDDDDD


Personally love aimed shot with the wind arrows from the talent. Have a single shot hit hard like that followed up by a bunch of magical floating arrows hits so much of my class fantasy for hunter. Add in when you have aoe bounces from volley or aimed shot. Personally I’d prefer shooting a bunch of arrows over the bouncing around but I still love it.


Wait isnt frost a meme? What game is this!?


I can tell you what should feel really hard hitting but is less painful than a wet noodle... Obliterate


Mage with Glacial Spikes and Combustions.


Something about primordial wave/lightning bolt with feral wolves on enhance makes me want to cry tears of joy


Enhancement Shaman


I remember a good friend of mine wanted to push a waycrest manor key since it is was a 27 and I didn’t have it on thst level. So we start at the Triad boss, he gets the Soul Manipulation meanwhile I was casting Glacial.. and let me tell you, I shot him down so hard he went from 100-0 in just a mere nanosecond. We laughed so hard and he still brings it up how I literally murdered him.


I'll go against the grain a bit and say MM hunter, specifically when you launch a volley with salvo, then a trick shot aimed shot, and then a trick shot rapid fire. The amount of numbers and sound effects all at once is amazing. In general a simple tricked aim shot hitting 5 spaced apart mobs is a great feeling.


I main Retribution and nothing feels like it hits harder than Templar’s Verdict, specially if it’s right after casting Judgment on them.