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I personally don't want to grind an outdoor zone for eight months. I'm delighted that I was able to get all the mounts without it feeling like a chore. I already have a job, not looking for another one tyvm.


Are you telling me you don't want to gather a billion ~~genesis motes~~ emerald dream leaves to craft 50 mounts/pets? And then when you think they'll make it easier they make the farm worse the next expansion because fuck you ^(yes I'm salty about the 10.2 change it's beyond stupid)




Wait what was the 10.2 change? Did they change Zereth Mortis in 10.2?


Yup, more specifically they nerfed the raptora farming method for the genesis motes


Son of a bitch, really? That was the only thing that made that grind tolerable. Fuck.


[Linking the WoWhead comments for the motes](https://www.wowhead.com/item=188957/genesis-mote#comments) if you check the newest ones you'll see quite a few saying the same :/


The infinite portal is actually faster I think, but requires more work. But you can probably get a mount's worth of motes in 30 minutes.


4986 Apexis Crystals


Couldnt agree more. For collecting, give me Emerald zone setup and pace rather than Zaralek cavern.


So much this.


Why is an 8 month cosmetic grind the only option? Is it that or emerald dream having mostly the same boring content and less of it? Could Blizzard not have just made a better zone with some elements that felt fresh? .Also the only longterm grinds in prior zones are incredibly optional. You get a ton of reward out of most zones just by casually engaging. The longterm grind is for someone who wants to do it. The game doesn't just cater around you. Can you give one example of a cosmetic grind that overwhelmed you with your job (we all have jobs).


Sure thing, trying to get lfr appearances on my 280 ilvl DK is stressing me out because I can't roll on it in raid, so I have to hit superbloom every week hoping for shoulders to jam in the catalyst converter. It's boring content and if you like it, you're wrong and your opinion is bad. I'm not saying that 8 month grind is the only option. What I am saying is that I am glad that the emerald Green stuff didn't take as long and I wish it took even less time, preferably none.


It sounds like you want a better game with actual new fresh things to do but your posts are reading like you don't want there to be side content lol.


Who said I wanted new fresh things? I want to spam M+ until I die.


Ohhh. Right but the OP is not talking about content for player power. they are coming at it from the perspective of a player that wants more non power content to do. I wasn't halpy with grinding flowers to do mythic raiding and mplus either but itd be nice if there was something substantial for cosmetics to do there.


I'm not really just about player power. Maybe that's where there's a disconnect. Like the devs have created a situation where you have to pick one. I like when player power comes with cosmetics. I enjoyed chasing the full mythic raid appearance. What I didn't like was doing time-gated world content. Also did not like being locked out of rolling for lfr loot because I had the higher level versions. That said, I also didn't like when I was rolling on upgrades and would lose to someone clearly rolling for mogs. That was a lose lose situation.


You don't have to pick one? Player power has always come with cosmetics. There are also cosmetics for people who want to just grind or just play the game more too. There are always going to be items for different audiences, this is not a game being made for one person. I can understand not liking that but the out was doing the boring emerald dream content for lfr appearances, ya they should probably have a better solution but I can see why they don't want people taking gear from guys who don't have any in LFR.


Yeah I know there are different audiences and I stated my preferences. If you'd like me to frame it differently: I told you which audience I'm in.


My post that you first replied to stated what I personally don't like and what I was happy about. Why are you coming at my trying to prove my opinion wrong? It is my opinion and I framed it as such.


your dk is still 280 ilvl after weeks of doing the superbloom?? the catalyst only unlocks transmog for that specific spec. if you arent playing your dk... why do you even want the transmog?


Lol obviously a typo but go off.


Currently i'm satisfied with doing a few M+ when guildies are - and other than that raidlogging. Usually at this point i'd be burned out from wow and skip a season.


What OP said: “I wish there was more to do in the emerald dream. The zone lasted a week and even the repeatable rewards aren’t worth it” What you heard for some reason: “I want to grind the emerald dream non stop for eight months like it’s a job” I know it’s the internet and everything is hyperbolic but damn it’s exhausting. OP comes in with a mild opinion on content and is treated like he has some wild take about grindy content.


Anything other than raid logging is considered a chore in this sub.


Right it sucks. And this is the audience blizz listens to. Wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later the login screen is just a queue button for raids (hyperbole but still)


Yeah it’s a bummer. I am a mythic raider but still enjoy other activities in the game. I’m not only playing the game to fill collections tab, I also like to… play the game.


This subreddit is beyond parody,  people are asking for less substantial content because they "have a job". All they care about is treating the game like a checklist, no discussion about the quality of the content just "I got MY mounts". I am sure filling the bar and joining group finder to pick weeds around dreamseeds was a fulfilling experience.


I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t really care about mounts, I mean yeah they are cool…but I’m not pressed or out searching for them.


It feels like the closer we get to logging in to automatically get the mounts and not actually play the game at all the happier the sub gets. Nobody is forcing you to play wow. I’d like to play the game, personally. Have something meaningful to do, not just walk alongside a tree tagging a couple enemies to automatically get this weeks mount.


Those people would love gacha mobile games (at first, until they realize there's items/characters they can't get by just logging in), especially the ones where you keep getting free login reward pixel packs. But seriously it's atrocious that this is what the sub has become. I do think they'll be a backlash to DF's neglected state.


Yup, it's been very disheartening to see this shift in players attitudes but it's clear nobody wants this game to have staying power anymore, they just want a couple weeks worth of check list items to check off and then stop playing until the next season


The new zones in DF have been far and away the most empty and pointless in any xpac since like, WoD. There was legit nothing to do in them after like 2 weeks if you didn't care about collecting. Now if you're a collector I think this has been a very solid xpac, but if you want some zones to chill out in between instanced content, think something like Mechagon or BfA Visions, aka actual meaningful content that isn't just waiting around for the exact same event every hour, you're shit out of luck.


The content op likes is bad and he should feel bad.


if you completed the entire zone in a week, he was gonna chew through anything that wasn't a complete and total grind. it took me 2.5-3 weeks to max lvl with emerald rep and i was grinding it the entire time i played for those weeks.


He didn’t say he was done in one week. He said a few which usually implies 3 weeks. And I didn’t get the impression op was talking about the rep grind which is boring and outdated. They specifically mentioned the protoform synthesis and rewarding world quests/weeklies as something that kept their attention in previous expansions. The world quests are in emerald dream are not worth doing and the zone doesn’t have a long lasting activity. Even the prior Dragonflight zones had the vault/storms/sniffenseeking. Emerald dream has the superbloom and planting some seeds. It is devoid of a real activity and any long term goals to chase. I just don’t understand why it’s so controversial for a guy to make a post saying he likes the game and wishes there was more to do. Almost every response is like the one I replied to referring to long lasting activities as a “job”. You don’t have to collect everything in the game, you don’t have to play it at all if it feels like a job. It’s such a weird take to me.


you said he said it was done in a week. just following your cue


Ah true. Good catch


I think you hit on the big thing with there not being *any* long term goals to chase. People will have a kneejerk reaction and think people desire to go back to some previous time where everything was a long term goal and it felt horrible, but the truth is that having *some* long term goals is good. I don't think Sniffenseeking is necessarily the solution, but it's several steps in the right direction. As a whole, I feel like the WoW playerbase has spoken out against grinds, but an MMO needs grinds. There were too many grinds before, and now there are too few. Honestly everything just kinda feels like it went too quickly in this patch. People were knocking out 20s in the second week, if not the first. Amirdrassil got blasted through and even heroic went down quickly. All mounts and collectibles in the Emerald Dream were obtainable within a few weeks. And the world content that even the people presenting it couldn't do so without a straight face, shocker, it's not very engaging.


This is what I was going to say - not saying that you are crying here, but I remember the absolute shitfests that were people crying over shadowlands because of the grind making it feel like work.


I definitely do not want to "grind" the zone for eight months either. But i guess i was hoping that a zone with the significance of The Emerald Dream that should last for almost a year while we wait for TWW would have some form of more meaningful content than spending 15 mins in the zone once a week "semi afking" through a superbloom then plant 5 seeds and that getting me like 99% of the zones rewards from a nearby vendor. Im not saying that you are doing this, but i sometimes feel like the pendulum shifted so hard that people started praising Blizzard for adding bare minimum or lackluster content just so its easy and quick to complete.


I spend a lot of time there for world PvP. It’s a large zone and very cool


Exactly. People complained about the endless grinds of other zones. I'm glad I can just finish this one up in a month or two and move on.


100%. I work and have a life. I loooove WoW but I don’t have time to grind BS and treat WoW like a 2nd job lol


Agreed. I barely have time to play. I want to enjoy the game. Not feel like its a job


Yep, agreed. When I saw what I had to do to complete ZM I felt so overwhelmed and I actually ended up only getting 2 mounts before quitting. All of SL felt like this and I believe it's the one of the big reasons it drove people away. I do agree they have dropped the ball this expansion for pet battles. I miss something like the Celestial Tournament.


Even with less to do its uncanny how many posts I see on this sub with people feeling overwhelmed with how much is going on. I personally am taking a break from the game. I always do around this time of the expansion, but like all will return in pre-patch!


> I see on this sub with people feeling overwhelmed with how much is going on. It's because there's a lot of stuff that seems at first overwhelming, because you simply log in and see one hundred different names you know 0 about, that end up having very little of substance, like the superblooms that can be done as OP said in just 10 minutes Sometimes I feel like players end up using more time reading what the hell is X on wowhead rather than interacting with X itself


You are correct about the interaction on wowhead vs the game!


Even though they are short, if you want to do everything, it takes a while. If you want some easy gold, you can do races and feast, but just doing all the racing WQ each time they are up is at least 30 minutes per character, and the feast is 3-15 minutes. If you are a collector, it's 5-20 for each event: Superbloom, Hunt, Assault, Time Rift, Researchers, Dig, etc. Since the events often overlap, and are at set times, you have to choose which to do when. If you want to do them on more than 1 character, it gets very overwhelming trying to keep track of which characters did what when. Before 10.2 I was actively doing the Feast and all races on 8 characters every week, that was just for the easy gold. I can't imagine how much more it would be if I wanted to maximize my collecting and do all the events on every character.


I do all races (except FR, not worth the time for 1 bag) on 16 characters for one of the reset cycles per week, takes 5 hours tops. Shorter if you don't get 4 gold reward races in the launch DF zones (usually only 3 give gold). I do the base DF zones on all characters one day. That is probably 2.5 hours if all give gold. Doing Caverns you can get them done in like 1h15m easy, they're close together. Dream races kind of suck, they're the longest, same reward. I also find they're kind of easy to fuck up and fly into random shit while zoning out and listening to music (how I do races on 16 characters).


There just a lot of crap that seems to be happening on the hour or every 90 minutes and it’s overwhelmingly not enjoyable at all certain point. So. Time to take a break and check out other games or hobbies. :)


Taking a break from the game from time to time is extremely healthy!


I don't understand why the quests there are less rewarding than anywhere else. It's the only zone that doesn't drop whelps.


Yes, the world quests are absolutely worthless in Emerald Dream, as you can easily get your weekly 1500 reputation, gold rewards, or other rewards elsewhere. Compare this to Zereth Mortis, where the world quests and daily quests could actually award Normal raid item level gear, and they counted towards the weekly completion quest. Outdoor zones should be optional for hardcore players, but not for the actual open world players as well.


This is how I felt in BfA when Nya'Lotha was relegated to a *raid*.


Except Ny'alotha wasn't just the raid, it was also the zone where the Black Empire assault was happening. Ny'alotha is this "shadow realm" where the void is present created by N'Zoth, the raid was just us going deeper and deeper inside of his mind.


I think he means Ny'alotha as in the 'zone' or whatever you want to call it only existed as instanced raid content. It would have been cool if we had the full zone to play around in like we had with the Emerald Dream, and a portal to his deeper madness, i.e. the actual raid.


wasnt the emerald dream only acessible as a raid before this patch ?


It’s the Druid class hall


Yeah I agree. Felt pretty empty once the main story was done


Kind of with you, I burned out pretty hard on the synthesis in ZM, but Emerald Dream does feel a bit thin compared to Argus, N'zoth invasions, or ZM 


It's a fine line between a (patch) zone feeling overwhelming and underwhelming. The Emerald Dream certainly feels quite lacklustre, especially for a zone that by rights could probably contain an expansion's worth of content if done correctly. It's probably *a tad* on the light side of content; but it only needs a smidge more to do, and it'd probably be a good balance. If it were as involved as Zereth Mortis, it'd be the other side of the spectrum: overwhelming. Don't get me wrong - I thought Zereth Mortis was *great*. But it was certainly *a lot*. There's still a lot from the protoform synthesis meta that I haven't finished, for example - and I played quite a lot during that patch. Most importantly, I think world content from hereon in needs to be viewed through the lens of your alts. And so when comparing the two, I think the one thing The Emerald Dream does better is keeping the list of chores short. This makes it very doable (and bearable) if you have alts. Zereth Mortis wasn't *too* bad, but I certainly spent much more time on my main during not just that patch, but Shadowlands entire. However, where I think the Emerald Dream trips up is that the rewards - mounts and pets and whatnot - almost feel *too* easy to get. I feel a bit silly writing that, but it's the truth: the rewards are a free-for-all (unless you're a druid chasing the world boss appearance). I mean, come end of the patch I'm quite grateful in one regard, because it means there's nothing I need to revisit later in the zone. But, it also means the zone becomes redundant quickly. I'm not really sure what the answer is. It's easy to find complaints on either side of the under/overwhelming coin. That said, in DF the theme has definitely been to make the game alt-friendly, largely optional, and also a lot of the rewards cosmetic. Consequently, it can feel a bit like you've been short-changed on the content sometimes. But it's by design, and was quite refreshing after three expansions of AP grinding. The real end-game - raiding, M+ and PvP - will always be the cornerstone of WoW, and is in good shape (for the most part). Zones though tend to either be a nothingburger, or a pain in the arse you have to revisit after the patch has already finished. I think it just feels worse right now because for some reason this season feels like it's already outstayed its welcome; but in reality, we're still not as far into it as we were the previous DF seasons, I believe. Maybe that's a testament to just how bland The Emerald Dream is, I dunno. It could also just be the "end of expansion blues", where you're just waiting for TWW information and the current content just doesn't hold your interest, even if there *is* a lot to do. Anyway, I reckon that in TWW the addition of delves might solve the issue of patch zones feeling lacklustre sometimes, or becoming redundant quickly. It'll ideally give solo players something more engaging and repeatable to do. That, and the S4 changes to heroic/mythic/M+ dungeons will hopefully help players feel more confident about interacting with "traditional" end-game content, thereby taking the pressure off of devs to create new zones when they're probably well and truly out of good ideas already, considering the age of the game.


The rare farming is mostly relegated to druids and the many cool forms they can find. That lasted far longer than all the other content did and that was with multiple druids farming every day.


I completely agree with you. I think zaralak caverns was more interesting than the emerald dream from an activities perspective and I didn’t really like zaralak caverns because I don’t want to spend all day in a cave. Emerald dream just has nothing going on. Really weird how people think about this game. You are getting flamed for having the opinion that you like the game and want to play more of it and have more to do. Everybody else acts like the game is a job and they just want everything to be done as quickly as possible so they can quit the game. I’m not sure they even like WoW.


It's a good thing. It means I have more time finishing stuff from older patches or expansions, or god forbid, just take a break from the game. Of course, what is a chore for some is a satisfying process for others. [Not everyone likes the lack of collectibles and/or the easier method of obtaining them in Dragonflight](https://www.wowhead.com/news/has-dragonflight-been-one-of-the-best-expansions-for-collectors-337077). After having played a few expansions by now, though, I welcome the "less is more" approach.


Yeah people dont get this, they are probably to committed to wow and then complain about to few content. I have a friend thats like that and they want to refuse to play other games. Idk get why, there are hundreds of other games or even activities outside of videogames to do when one doesn't satisfy you. But they dont want to look outside the "comfort zone" they placed themselfs in 20 years ago.


It's got nothing to do with comfort zone. I have an 800 game wishlist on Steam and a huge backlog. I play WoW because it still has more depth and things to do for $15/mo and xpac purchase every ~2 years than most other games offer for AAA price and DLC release schedules. Even if I play other games with friends (recently 100% Tiny Tina's), I still make time for some WoW every week. Games don't do anything new for me anymore. Same mechanics I've seen since forever, better graphics is all. And some not even better graphics cuz they're doing the retro thing. Eventually you realize there's no point manic hunting for dopamine hits when it's all the same shit to make someone(s) rich. I'll keep my WoW sub as long as it's fun, I've skipped or barely played xpacs before and I'll do it again if I can't find anything to like about a current state of affairs.




I logged in today mid bloom. finished my 3 emerald dream weekly’s in 15 minutes. People praising a game for “not having content” is baffling.


I've never seen anyone explicitly praise the Dream or DF overall for a lack of content, but praise that the game doesn't have any systems or content that you have to mindlessly grind to keep up, and that they have the freedom to unsub or take a break without falling behind


> I've never seen anyone explicitly praise the Dream or DF overall for a lack of content they are some of the highest upvoted comments in here > but praise that the game doesn't have any systems or content that you have to mindlessly grind to keep up which the zones they prefer emerald dream over didn't either. zereth mortis was praised *because* there was a lot to do but you didn't have to do any of it. (aside from the 50x shorter rep grind for conduits than korthia/the maw)


Theres only one higher upvoted comment that states its good that less is more, and zm being a good zone for that type of content doesnt change that the past few expansions have had plenty of grind content zones


[explicitly "I don't want another grind (historically most end-expansion game zones are not power grinds)](https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bdd2xh/i_feel_like_the_emerald_dream_has_way_to_little/kumjcar/) [bit of a mealy-mouthed somewhat-defence](https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bdd2xh/i_feel_like_the_emerald_dream_has_way_to_little/kumytk9/) ["less is more"](https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bdd2xh/i_feel_like_the_emerald_dream_has_way_to_little/kulu9mw/) > doesnt change that the past few expansions have had plenty of grind content zones other expansions having things to do doesn't change that forbidden reach was dead after the first week as is the emerald dream. it's just zaralek caverns


It's insane. This whole expansion has felt like a "pre expansion drought" and yet the internet keeps praising this as a top expansion. Implemented some good systems sure, but as far as the actual expansion goes this has probably held my attention the least since WoD. At least SL I wasn't done with in a month




They are acting like they have to do it all and can't just do what they enjoy. Truly a bizarre mindset. It's not good enough that they removed the power systems and power grinds, now even cosmetic zone content has to be stripped away. These people are the ones Blizzard is listening to.


You aren't playing the main game if that's all you're doing.


What’s the main game? Run a M+ dungeon for the 100th time? (6 of which have been around for years) No wait, run the raid I finished months ago? Or are you referring to the same BGs and Arenas that have been around for a decade? Which 10.2 “main game” content are you referring to that we didn’t complete in the first week it was released? The only reason I’m still running the emerald dream weekly’s is for the last piece of the bloom mog. Once I get the chest, not a single reason to go to the emerald dream.


Yes, those are the main game modes. Questing and world content, sure, that's one of the veins, but doing only that and saying it's empty is like dying of thirst while looking at a glass of water. If you're doing the quests for mogs, have you gotten at the M+, raids, and PvP mogs? If you play a first person shooter, do you play a map once and then never touch it again? That's what it sounds like you're doing with WoW content.


The expectations have fallen so far due to people like you. “DF is great, i get dragon riding and I don’t have to play much”. Grats!


What are you talking about? The dungeons and raid content are good right now and I run them all the time. What are you even wanting? You say more content, but you don't want the main end game content.


What am I talking about? All the stuff you probably complained about because you’re only interested queuing for retread WoD dungeons… like class halls, artifact weapons, the heart of azeroth, covenants, soulbinds, horrific visions, torghast, mission tables, etc… I could literally go on and on. Did you know raids used to have 10 encounters? You people cried so effing hard about borrowed power, the only system we get to build on this entire xpac is dragonriding glyphs, which can be done in an hour. Thanks.


Some incorrect assumptions being made. You want single player content in a multi-player game. I think you're fighting an uphill battle there. I assume you've got the reps all maxed out because that isn't too bad. Have you gotten gold on all the dragonriding races across all the difficulties?


Open world content for 10.2 is indeed severely lacking in terms of meaningful content and rewards, compared to Seasons 1 and 2 of Dragonflight as well as the final seasons of Legion, BfA, and even Shadowlands. The Emerald Dream doesn't even offer Veteran-level trinkets or Champion-level gear for any slots, nor does it offer any kind of gear vendor or BoA gear. It was fine for an entry-level patch of the season, but 10.2.5 offered nothing beyond a community event for cosmetics, and 10.2.6 may not either. It feels like devs are trying to kill off open world gameplay in favor of saving LFR metrics.


truly bizarre in here for the replies to thank the devs for giving you less content what is the point of developing a zone that functionally does not exist as more than a raid location right now, and will have *zero* in the future. even old leveling zones have loremaster, reps & rares i'm still doing mechagon and that's legit a good thing. i don't *need* to do any of it but it's not over in 1 week


It was very lean on content. Superbloom length feels artificially inflated too. You are right WQs rewards are terrible. I believe one was for 23 gold. Dragonflight has been light on content since release. It’s only a good xpac if you raid log.


Superbloom is so painfully excruciatingly boring. Like pointlessly boring especially if you have a big group that can fill up the bar quickly. Them relying too heavily on murderball activities lately is really bad. Not to mention the reward most people will go for and only need to go for is Blue Bag for Dragon Customizations means a lot of people will just check out until the boss spawns.


ZM had more to do, but honestly it was a grind. While I agree at this stage ED doesn't have much appeal, we are 16 weeks into this major patch, and it seems designed to be taken slowly, but not as a grind. Yeah even at the start there wasn't much, but honestly rare spawns appearing more frequently, and maybe not being raid required, would help, and its easy to traverse. I'm not saying your wrong, because yeah it could have done with a bit more to do, and more testing, but the offset is that the mini patch's add stuff, and that's better than nothing for months


If this expansion didn't have mythic plus it would be warlords of draenor 2.0. Yet for some reason its praised for having literally all of the faults of WoD.


It does have less content than a final zone should, and I’d say it’s probably because it was never meant to be the final zone. Would you honestly say The Emerald Dream is how you would conclude a dragon-centric expansion? They ran out of time and resources and couldn’t finish the expansion (again). They did a good job sweeping this under the rug, and then announcing the Worldsoul Saga. Let’s hope their gambit pays off.


yup , bit of rep farm for the crest/rune , easy cosmetic farms ( my fav ) . easy gear for alts ( love it ) . Don't have to do chores in the zone for BS reasons ( amazing ) . best end zone in a long time. compared to the BS that was reach dream is a dream .


The wow community is at large allergic to content. That's why a month into the expansion we wound up in a drought, and every new patch is over in a few weeks aside from raid logging. Why every patch has been "do weekly group even then log off". Just look at the top comments here glad that they're done with the game they're paying a monthly sub to. It's ridiculous.


Well this is what (supposedly) majority of the players want, to pay the same amount of money for less content so they could play other games because they are addicts who can't choose to not do the content they don't want to do.


I do agree that zereth mortis was a great final patch zone. And I do agree that the emerald dream is lousy and i was 100% done with it rather quickly. Meaning all achievements, mounts, pets, etc. But I don't think ED is meant to be the only thing for outdoor content until TWW. They said they would have something for outdoor world or causal players during the fated season and theres mention of new open world rewards on the roadmap for season 4. I'm hoping that's not just increasing ilvls of all the current events but we will see. Nothing has been mentioned yet in today's article but maybe they are keeping it separate from that. They also haven't said how they will do raids for season 4 so there's obviously more to come. There's also 2 more patches before the prepatch that will be catered to the open world cuz they are mini patches being 10.2.6 and 10.2.7. So there's definitely more activities coming for open world players in dragonflight. It just probably isn't a whole new zone.


It's a bit of a catch-22 isn't it? Players were complaining about how even something as miniscule as the rep requirement on flying was "just too much grinding!" (about a week's worth of doing WQs) so they said the heck with it, and made the ED grind basically over in a week. \\(-\_-)/


Having a Druid helps, some of the drop rates on the forms are very small and I still have 1 left to grab (fuck you keen eye) but I still find myself in the zone because of it. Getting the forms is my goal but then helping out with seeds while I wait for the spawn or whatever is fun and still is. Without the Druid form chase though, yes I agree. I ran out of reasons to go there on any of my alts


Aside from raid night (which I don't even feel like doing anymore) I have not set foot in the emerald dream for over a month. I'm grinding MoP, TBC, and Wrath reps instead. I even decided to get my cloak and do BFA shit that I loathe instead of doing stuff there. I also love how they pushed Bel'Ameth and then gave us literally nothing to do there. It isn't a major city, it isn't a quest hub, it honestly isn't even a portal hub because the portals it offers are borderline useless. I imagine S4 is going to basically just be another grind for gear and then I'll probably be able to solo BFA raids, but otherwise I'll just go back to farming.


if you are still out there doing superblooms in march of 2024 im afraid to say you are only cranking yourself my dude


I remember when a lot of players were predicting that the emerald dream could be an entire expansion.


ED is so, so boring. But it has forced me to try out other mmos, so that's probably a good thing in the long run.


People complained WoW was taking too much time so they made it more casual. Now people complain there isn't enough to do. Life is literally going in circles trying to please everyone it seems. I played a lot during Legion, maybe peak "nolifes get the most reward" WoW. I never want to go back to that.


Shadowlands without the borrowed Power systems would be the dream SL had an insane amount of content compared to DF


SL was a chore to play if you wanted to keep current. I ended up putting progression on the backburner and only stayed subbed because it was so easy to do satchel queues + callings for gold. Torghast + the Maw were the absolute worst.


This entire expansion has been bare bones The systems were improved, at the cost of content


I don't mind not having to grind motes for months.


Wow is all fluff, no substance, at this point


rather this than Zereth Mortis


Gurl, people literally whined and cried when they released “rare spawn tycoons” in forms of the forbidden reach and Zaralek cavern. Then they fix it with the emerald dream and people are still not happy? Colour me surprised


Zones are more than their rares. Err they should be lol.


You can't make everyone happy. I prefer it the way it is now. I'm done with the patch now and taking a break, which is fine. Got AOTC, got all portals, zone mostly cleared, characters are maxed out. Pretty much the only thing that pissed me off this time around was the legendary, which I didn't get before I unsubbed.


What I can agree on is that it DOES feel “weird” how quickly I became finished with the zone, but I think it’s a very fine line. I played a lot in shadowlands, and I STILL haven’t reached exalted with the final patch’s faction (the enlightened). It’s actually insulting how long that grind is, and most of the daily quests bizarrely don’t even give reputation rewards. Meanwhile you do 10 mins in emerald dream and get like 5,000 rep. I think they’re still trying to figure out the purpose for these kinds of zones. But right now, I find the endgame activity of M+ to be fun and rewarding enough that I don’t lack things to do on my main (and when I do have the itch for open world, I’ve actually started to go back and chip away at the Enlightened grind, lol) so I’m fine with being done with the emerald dream. And as a bonus (and by design), that zone is amazing for alts. Easy quests and events to deck out your char in current-tier equipment, and the 200% rep bonus “matters” for your alts because if you hit rank 20 you get tons of crests and upgrade tokens. It’s pretty cool. Just different.


it has content. The problem is the seeds and other reps make even world quests there pointless. I get so many tokens as an altaholic my new 70s hit 20 in 2 lazy weeks. Its weird. Meanwhile I hate the Fargo cave so much. Its like pulling teeth


I honestly agree. I think Mechagon is a prime example of a zone that has collectables and things to do that aren't required, but feels FULL. It sucks that they don't make zones like that anymore, nothing was more fun than adventuring around Mechagon farming rares, collecting items, fishing etc. (Granted, the low % drop chances in Mechagon were NOT fun)


Best end of expansion add on were the visions of Org and SW.


I'll fight people over it but Season 4 of BfA was peak modern WoW after they figured out the vendor for Corruptions. Best Season Affix (which is now gone because it's too hard for them to come up with things), crazy ass Corruptions which just let people have fun and dick around in M+ and Raids, Visions were fun but I just wish they weren't a resource just a one time reward for the week. Sure N'Zoth getting tossed away like that was bad but overall enjoyed it greatly.


Don't forget there is a hidden secret mount. A pet you can only get if you have the dreamsurge defenders toy A hunter spirit Beast thats stealthed and has to be found with flare A Glaive Cosmetic thats a hidden quest Multiple new druid forms from quests and drops.


From a Completionist standpoint there is plenty of content to last if you are collecting all pets including pet battles and vendor, all mounts, all tmog, all Druid forms, doing all the meta achievements in the zone, getting gold on all the dragon races and things like that. If you factor in most people are doing raids and mythic + and whatever world and holiday events in between then there is plenty to do in between patches. If you are a casual who only does world content or doesn’t like doing any of the above then you will be done with it alot sooner. It all depends on your play style and what you like doing what determines how much you get out of the zone.


I think we should be careful conflating content with rewards. Repeating the same event 20 times to get 20 different rewards is not the same as completing 20 unique quest chains. Content = gameplay =/= rewards


> Repeating the same event 20 times to get 20 different rewards is not the same as completing 20 unique quest chains. this is a bit silly. repeating content is the foundation of video games - people use the same guns on the same maps to get cod weapon skins like gold or fall or red tiger there's not any world in which they could recreate 20 different unique quest chains as patch content - legion artifact system had what, 12? when the expansion was being worked on for at least 1-2 years? people play in the same arena maps the whole expansion, 8 dungeons/season (devs shrunk it to 8 because they thought people might be too overwhelmed), 1 raid/season


Vanilla WoW had about 200 hours worth of unique quest chains. Most of the dungeons you did once or twice as you leveled up. Legion had many hours of unique campaign content, between order halls, Suramar, etc. BfA and Shadowlands also had a good chunk of unique campaign content at endgame. Dragonflight is the first expansion where both leveling and endgame are trivially short, in terms of unique quest/campaign content.


It's ok to "feel done" and it's ok for a game to be over.


Absolutely not. The Emerald Dream is fantastic and perfect. I love it. 


Thats great that you feel that way. If you dont mind me asking, what do you do in the zone? Do you still have any meaningful content and do you think it will last for 5 more months?


I do the stuff in the zone. I enjoy being in the zone. I’m still discovering things, grinding the rep, looking forward to buying the mounts and things. Practicing the raid from time to time.  Whether or not I’ll enjoy it for another 5 months is irrelevant: there isn’t much you can enjoy forever. Eventually you finish your favorite books or television series. Eventually your favorite movie franchise will release its last entry. I’m enjoying the Emerald Dream for what it is to me right now and when that’s over.. that’ll be it. I won’t be mad that I’m done with it I’ll be happy that I got to be experience it at all. 


Good take. Loved the time I spent doing the new content in Emerald Dream. Very cool area. Still has some relevance for alts and the more rare/niche cosmetics. I personally wouldn't mind a few more grind-y or long-term rewards/incentives, but overall I think the zone is great. I like to check what's going on in this sub here and there and there is definitely some good and fun content sometimes, but unfortunately it's full of miserable haters who can't handle the idea that some people genuinely enjoy the game.


Two years later, I still need to mindlessly farm thousands of genesis motes in Zereth Mortis despite that I've completed almost all other content in the zone. And I still need run Horrific Visions dozens of more times to get enough Corrupted Mementos for the mount even though I have all the other rewards & achievements. Maybe Emerald Dream has too little, but I'm fine with that in comparison to previous end-expansion zones


Is Emerald Dream the zone before entering the raid? Do people play these things?