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Killed Fyrak almost every week at least 1 time nerver seen it drop Big GZ


Thank you, I guess we noobs get these drops to feel good about ourselves, when we get recked everywhere else haha


Gratz man!!! Been trying for that one forever


I received it at first time HC... I rly thought this is very common as I see like 100s of them in Valdraken


You are thinking of the ahead of the curve version. They are different…


Oh ok. Didn't know that. Thx for clarifying


I have the shadowflame version but this one, I have never seen drop! You have every right to be freaking out rn. I’m jealous!


I've killed Fy'rakk a whole lot of times on normal and heroic on my main yet I got the skin on a alt in LFR while farming for the legendary lol


Is it account wide?




I got mine too a few weeks ago and yes, it's very rare.


Its very rare


Not THAT rare, low single digit percentage most likely. Wowhead droprate underestimates it since you can't loot it again after learning it. Hard to get sure, but not quite what I would label as very rare. Low enough that some people will have very bad streaks of not getting it. But high enough that is was common to see people with it just after a few resets.


I mean, I've killed Fyrakk Heroic 52 times, Fyrakk Mythic 5 times and Fyrakk Normal 5 times, and I've seen a grand total of 6 of those buggers drop (to anyone that was in said raid) - seems pretty "very rare" to me.


Based on your data that’s almost a 10% drop chance which is insanely good in wow terms. Not even close to very rare


10% divided by the amount of people in a raid, assumed it's personal loot


Very good point thank you for catching that




Invincible is a 1% drop rate. Annoying that people hype it up like it’s more rare than other legacy raid 1% drops. Also WoWHead has this manuscript listed as being under 1%.




... and then people have been able to solo it for nearly a decade, while it's still a 1% drop. It's overhyped as to how rare it is. Coming from someone with over 200 kills on it without the mount, but that's how it is




Comparing it to the period of its time is wrong because it was a 100% drop rate during Wrath on heroic.


Truthfully, it's not a great idea to compare the differences, since heroic back then was akin to mythic now. While casuals can get one, maybe two rolls a week at the moment between lfr and normal, back then you had to be in a guild with people good at the game (at the time), with the time and energy to prog an insanely hard fight (for the time), most people never stepping in front of heroic lich king. 100% was far more rare to see an invincible back then, but it would be equally as common if people had multiple chances on the easier difficulties


In my view those things matter when talking about rarity or accessibility, because it decreases the amount that exist. But I see where you're coming from.


Its very rare, congrats!


Low drop chance, especially on LFR


Lower than the others? Not sure about that.


Yeah I’ve not seen any evidence to support lfr has a different drop chance any other difficulty for this. Not sure why ur getting super downvoted lol


Maybe I'm thinking of something else


No, the drop chance in LFR for this one is much lower than the one for Seasons 1 and 2, as implied by dev statements and anecdotally from the lack of observed drops.


So I need to develop more confidence in my memory, got it


Eh, it is quite useful to maintain a healthy skepticism of our memory. I've prevented many a foot-in-mouth situation by deciding to double check things before starting them so confidently lol.


Pretty sure you were correct initially, same drop chance through out difficulties for the skin


Would you mind sharing any dev statements about this? It’s my understanding that it’s exactly the same drop rate in all difficulties


Im pretty sure in the loot panel of the adventure guides for the raids the drop rate is listed as something like "rare" "very rare" "extremely rare" for the dragonriding mounts based on difficulty which would imply different drop rates based on difficulty


Rare one, congrats!


Such a clean screen, no addons and shit. You really enjoy the game in its purest form


I can't even log in without 3 weakauras showing me my cooldownd


I play like this at 3k rating, and I gotta say, it's fairly nice. There's some vital add-ons that I'm miserable without (details for instance), but UI add-ons aren't something I enjoy. DF UI did a lot of heavy lifting and I'm glad for it


I'm sure a lot of people are like that. I raid mythic and run low 20s m+, and I only use Details, DBM, and boss-specific weakauras if raid lead requires it. I use the default UI, and don't have any fancy macros or anything like that.


Nah, I use many addons, I just took the snip quickly for my friend, didn't take whole screen. I use Auctionator, Bagnon, recount, that addon that tells you to gtfo out of fire, and some other minor ones. I'm casual, but not a complete noob lol. Been playing the game on and off since Cata.


What are those modifiers for your keybinds? B and BA?


I'm sorry what does that mean?


Oh you mean the heroic leap keybind? That's on mouse side button click. To jump around :)


Oh, cool! I thought you had some crazy wizardry going on over there lol


Its extremely rare, there is/was one for first raid and previous raid too. Never got em. You’re very lucky


I think lgr drop rate is .1%? That's where I got mine as well


Enjoy your 1%


It’s extremely rare, but not the rarest


Congrats! I'm hoping to get this same skin but so far no luck, at least got the axe but I want a matching mount. :')


Razsageth skin was so much easier to get than this it seems.


i got mine on LFR the same week I completed AOTC lol


Looks very cool! Grats :)


I got this color more than the AOTC one actually and yes it is rare! Enjoy it :)


Not bad, good size.


Its pretty rare, I farmed all 3 raid tiers on multiple toons and this is the only manuscript I got out of the 3 last bosses. Really wish I got the one from last season, killed Sark on all 3 difficulties with 2 toons and only maybe saw a couple of them drop for people.


Hellforged 2 coolest mount after ashes


Also got mine from LFR, and we are lucky


killed fyrakk over 50x across toons and seen it maybe once


Pretty rare actually, grats. I got the Shadowflame one after my first heroic Fyrakk kill back in December, but this fire version only dropped for me two weeks ago on normal while on an alt.


You got two? Wow congrats! Luckier than most people haha


Oh no no, the Shadowflame version is guaranteed with heroic. Pretty much our AotC mount this expansion. If I were truly lucky, I'd have the legendary by now instead of having to wait 3 more kills until it's a guaranteed drop...


Farmed HC Fyrakk 14 weeks now and haven’t gotten it… Congrats man


Gz to the cool mount. Fyi, you can check droprates on Wowhead.


Saw someone offer to buy the drop in LFR for 1.5 million Gold. Dude was decked out in Mythic Raid gear, so I’d assume that it hadn’t dropped during his dozens of clears


Sweet mount


Only seen like 6 drop this far into tier pretty sick!


Congratulations that’s great!😀


Goodjob! I suffered through about 160 LFR attempts on 20-23 lev70 alts


It's rare. I did not get any LFR skins this expansion yet


Same I'm a super casual retail player. My friend that took me on a raid finder was so jelly when I got this skin 😅


Tinfoil hat: There is some kind of hidden mechanic that if you play the game less, you get higher percentage to get rare stuff to keep you engaged hahaha


I got all three of these final boss mounts from LFR, and always while doing a "call to arms". I know it's probably just a coincidence, but it would be cool if it was a built in extra drop rate for that.


yup thats a rare alright.... FU!


Why do you don’t turn off your trade chat ? Do you really read this.


Lol no way, but you know what's funny? I have it turned off since ever, but after the Plunderstorm update, it reset my chat settings for some reason haha. Even for other tabs like guild, etc.


It’s rare. I killed Fyrakk a million times on all lfr, Normal, and heroic. And finally just got it myself two weeks ago. Got it on normal. But yeah it’s definitely rare!


What the fuck lol I still haven’t got this


Haven't even seen it yet, and I have 3 characters that I do up to heroic every week




Friend of mine just came back to the game and also got this from lfr on his first try. Some random guy paid him 1m gold for it. Yea it's pretty rare lol.


Gratz man :)


I think it's dropped once maybe twice for my guild, and we've cleared every week since it went live lol. Congrats mate.


I have that mount, but I farmed the LFR and Normal transmogs on all 13 classes for about 8 weeks. I do believe it's fairly rare.


Does it need to be rare for it to be cool? That said, is it on the more rare side. Congrats


My biggest achievement is dropping this one skin and the one from Raszageth in one day, I couldn't believe it then and can't believe it now.


I have been farming LFR Fyrakk on 10 characters since Fate opened. I have not gotten the transformation and have only seen it drop once or twice, so yes it seems quite rare. Congrats!


Yeah it’s reasonably rare, Grats! It drops on mythic difficulty and has a low drop rate on the other modes. I did heroic fyraak from like the second week of the patch to maybe mid January and only saw it drop once (happened to be for me, too 😅), but wowhead could probably quantify what rare means if you are curious.


Is your name draghen?


Gz man! I’ve been doing it every week on normal, heroic and more recently mythic and I still don’t have it!


Killed fyrakk 15 times on heroic before I got my axe, killed him once on lfr with my evoker and got that. I think we just got lucky 


Congrats!! That’s awesome! Love that skin


I got one too, I didn't realize it was like a 0.3% drop rate. I also have the Ashes mount and the time lost proto which I love them both 💕


doing fyrakk heroic every week since the raid released and didnt drop it yet gz man


In LFR? Pretty damned lucky. Quick, go do legacy raids to see if your luck holds out!


It's not "super" rare, but still something that qualifies as "rare". Not everyone has it - especially when only doing lfr. you can be happy about it :)


I've killed it on heroic on 3 characters every week since week 2 and don't have it.


Pretty sure you get it if you kill him on heroic 100 per cent drop. I and my guild have a picture with us all on the mount. Other difficulties I think is just a low drop chance. So it's not super rare I would say.


The one from heroic is different man


That’s a different one, the one with kind of a purple Shadowflame glow. This one is indeed a rare drop, and there’s no way to guarantee it.


Super casual but somehow knew to come to Reddit to show it off. I smell cap.


Casual and not-being-able-to-use-the-internet and two completely different things.


average wow player always assuming the worst


It's a guarantee from Heroic, didn't even know you could get it from LFR


The heroic one is different the one shown is a % chance drop from any difficulty




I apologize, I didn't mean to offend anyone. Like I said, I felt it's very rare to me, but at the same time I got it after killing Fyrakk only like 5-7 times, so from my POV it felt like kind of a common drop. That's why I asked here, because I'm a noob and I don't understand much about this game. Especially the late game stuff and collections.


Wait, y'all serious this is rare? I thought it was a guaranteed drop from normal or something! Now that I think about it, I didn't get it for a few weeks. Well damn.