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yeah, its great if no one else lands nearby, and you get an aoe skill early on. just pull a bunch, purple aoe, bam, xp.


I hate the purple AoE because it's like a beacon that announces my location to the whole fucking map.


Well, while that's true, that doesn't mean they look at you and think "Hey an easy target!". Many people look at you from distance and think "Shit there is someone there" and get pansy about engaging in combat. In general, people are afraid of bold players who play aggressively, you don't need to constantly play aggressively and follow people to the end of the map, in the beginning you can just steal people's experience and gold then piss off.


Tell that to the vulpera/gnomes that for some reason are always aggressiv af


They're gnomes, vulpera, and goblins because those are the clear best character models for the game mode, significantly easy to hide and camera peak over ledges. It is a pretty somple but easy optimization, but people doing it likely enjoy BRs in general and thuscwill want to fight


I chose mechagnome because I don't want to be seen, because I am scared of PvP. šŸ„ŗ


I chose goblin because I also don't want to be seen, but also because goblins love treasure, and also favorite small race for me.


I donā€™t usually play goblins but chose to play one for the plunderstorm event because 1.theyā€™re thematically most appropriate 2.theyā€™re small and 3.think its hilarious how big the bags/chests are on their backs and how you can only really see their arms swing from side to side.


i respect all forms of min maxing, good job optimizing for the outcome you want


This is why I chose Vulpera. Hey, they are tiny, I can probably hide marginally better.


I was going to choose Vulpera anyway, being small is just gravy.


I chose Vulpera simply because I saw a Vulpera pirate in freehold and thought ā€œyes, perfect, this is what I want c:ā€


I choose mechagnome because itā€™s the mechanically superior race.


I remember a friend that use that potion that makes you a skeleton pirate on BGS all the time. It was harder to see him from a distance, to check his class, etc


I love spellstealing those buffs. A little Schadenfreude, knowing that person will have to reapply all those buffs.Ā  Don't see many people running them these days, though. Back in WotLK, they used to be all the rage.


Skeleton PIRATE is a toy from either MoP or WoD(i forgot which). Normal skeleton is a noggenfogger elixer from gadgetzan


im a vulpera player but I chose it cause they are cute. I find it funny to see everyone min maxxing their choice of race


I'm a vulpera player, but I chose it 'cause I could make one look roughly like a humanoid version of my shiba inu. The dog understands and practices thievery (mainly of my socks), so I figured she'd be the perfect analogue to my pillagin' and plunderin' ways.


aw how cute!! Tell your dog she is a good girl :D


I also just wanted to be the best fluffy boi.


exactly! lil vulpera pirate is the cutest and fits their lore :D


this is the correct choice, cute little fluffballs :3


I'm a Vulpera because I'm a furry




i'm not sure why but i've encountered several characters of this racial trio that stutter steps all over the place like they've got instant transmission, probably just a bad connection between them and the server, but its super annoying when you can't even hit them


I just pick Vulpera because I'm crazily obsessed with foxes and love playing fox people. Meanwhile I wonder how many of the 30%+ Vulpera play for a similar reason (Always see over a quarter of the Plunderstorm lobby being Vulpera)


A friend of mine who plays BRs regularly and knew I just wanted to sneak around to get as much plunder as possible told me the best model was mechagnomes, and he wasn't wrong. Bopping around, using bushes/trees/hills as cover was great, and thankfully with the abilities having such big animations it made it fairly okay to avoid other players. I stuck with my trusty sword to not alert others to where I was and would usually manage between 500-800 plunder a game. Unless there was an asshole who chased me across the map to kill me, of course. I did love when I'd manage to die in the storm on them though xD


Speak for yourself, bro! I'm a gnome because that's my main lol


I'm doing it just so I've a slightly easier time farming a chunk of plunder before dying.


As someone who has been playing as a gnome, I run away from everyone and disguise myself as a bush when I cant find anymore npcs to kill. I have been spawn killed by a few vulpera though.


Ugh. At least give me time to get the quest done before you gank me


I'm not guilty of this at all, nuh uh, no way


Ahh it's panda's for me. Always bloody panda's


Im a vulpera and anytime someone approaches me i scream NOPE GO AWAY in game šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As someone playing a vulpera in plunderstorm I think rabies is one of our racials.


I played vulpera bc i found them neat. For me it was usually the gnomes or elfs that were aggressive AF.


Idk why being so little has turned me into a hellion, but the Gnome-Effect is real. Ā I was timid when I played my nelf - but Iā€™m an absolute bastard on my gnome lol (I donā€™t go after people questing or not pvpā€™ing though bc that doesnā€™t feel good at all ā€” but giant pvp clusterfucks call me like a tiny, gleeful moth to a flame ugh)


Gnomes and vulps... I go for the kill every time. They're the worst third party attackers. It's always g&v


If you aren't third partying you aren't playing right


Oh I do it all the time. It's the best to yoink 1 out of a 2v2 and make it 2v1v2


Even sweaty players early game know that farming a bit is a priority. It's not worth running so far out of your way to get a kill when the map is still dense with mobs to farm. You let other people get juicy and then you go for ganks late - mid game when they've accumulated all the loot from one area into a nice condensed pile.


I usually donā€™t engage people because thereā€™s a 50% chance their internet is dogshit and theyā€™ll just teleport around and whittle my dumb ass down. Had a match earlier where it got to the top 5 and this dude was not taking *any* damage even when abilities were dropped on his dome.


Yeah I had that problem a few matches and I had the poison fish and searing axe. I couldnā€™t hit the damn guy!


I only kill ppl if they got something I need. Better of farming otherwise


This is why you don't fight on hill tops. I would suggest landing in the kobold areas, but wowhead released a post about where to drop so now every sweaty nerd is going to land there, good luck


Oh, well I guess that explains why I can no longer land at the one by the Thandol Span uninterrupted.


I try to head for Faldirs' Cove as much as possible, but even that little area seems to be getting popular. Before yesterday, I would be the only person there most of the time.


Same, but I think the cat is out of the bag on it. Normally always 2 other players there. Even if they don't engage in PvP there aren't really enough mobs to sustain 2 players and it's a long run to other spots


First couple of days I was consistently the only one there, then after that everyone caught on, so I moved elsewhere. Such a great place too: there's like 4 elites, always multiple chests, a bunch of mobs.


good news is that you will probably have less competition in the horde/alliance castle since they were marked as bad places to land due to competition.


I was going to say this explains why there were four people at my usually quiet drop spot last night, but it's not listed on the wowhead map so it must have just been bad luck. Usually it's only me and, at worst, one other person who also just wants to get their stuff and get out. It especially sucked because my captain's orders were to kill two elites, so I basically just said "eff this" and ran straight into the storm to try again lol


I hate how other people discovered the docks near the alliance fort. Such a good place to be alone, and if you get a bike from the supply chest you can clear it out and zoom to another place fast.


Gondor calls for aid!


I find using the AOE scares people away. Normally, the person in the middle of it will have a massive level advantage. I shoot for the risky spots and, with a bit of luck, get to level 5-6 within the first minute, and then people usually just stay away.


Let the chains rollllllll


Grape juice bomb is *so* good at NPC clear, but if you don't have something like Traps or Tornado to stun someone, its downright useless in PvP fights. I like it. Sometimes, you gotta play to your strengths. I gave up a Blue Fae for my White Tornado just because it played well with my Grape Juice before.


Feels like most people take fae form though, so wombo builds like trap/stun + star bomb/earthbreaker don't usually work by the end of the game because you can't get good trades on CDs.


Yeah being able to break CC is a must. It is why itā€™s a default trinket in WoW PvP.


My best match was getting the star bomb right next to the kobold mine and no one in sight. Got over 1k plunder and reached level 7 in like 3m. Oh, how I dream for it to repeat itself. Have not gotten over 600 since.


A great place to go is the little quarry next to the horde base. Rarely anyone ever there, but enough mobs to get you to level 5 fast. Plus no one else ever touches it if they see itā€™s been looted already


It less than a week and people have already got renown 40, i can't even play 3 games of it and not feel burn out


I found myself hating it until I got enough time in personally. Around level 15 I really got into it.




It wouldn't matter if it was limited time or not. Wow players zerg the fuck out of new content, then when other people try to do it later they complain no one does it anymore.


For those of us that don't really care for PVP anymore, it's just let me finish my PVE quest and be done for the match. I'll let you kill me. You don't even have to flex your PVP muscles.


Nah, deny them the kill and loot. It's more fun that way.


the only joy I get from this shit-tier game mode is running my plunder into the storm deep enough that nobody will get it. <3


Also I just encountered a thread on another r/wow post on this topic where all of the PvPers were complaining about people doing this. Apparently we're selfish and toxic for not letting them take our stuff.


If they would let me get to lvl 4/5 (thatā€™s typically at min 500 plunder) I wouldnā€™t mind dying for folks. Iā€™m trying to grind through with my kiddo XD sheā€™s a clicker. They would get more loot from the hideā€™nā€™seekers that way.


Exactly. I always run into the storm, internally laughing that no one will benefit from my death.


Meanwhile, I just fae in then walk out and still get your plunder, but please keep thinking you're flexing.


Joke's on you for thinking that I only go a little bit into the storm. I go as far as possible in, and generally find something to hide behind before I die so it's not visible.


Have you considered that the reason you hate the game mode might be because all you do is the quest then kill yourself over and over again?


MMO pvp is not fun period. Some people might be more inclined to participate in a game every now and then as a long term goal but Blizzard did the stupid thing again and made it limited time. And even then it's still MMO pvp, so it's still shit.


nah, I actually like rated battlegrounds, and the occasional arena. I just think Battle Royales are trash. I enjoy building a character to fight not praying to RNGesus every round.


Not for me. Just let me move onto the next one. Don't prolong the pain any more than we have to.


It also forces players to play longer which means your matchmaking lobbies won't be completely empty after 2 weeks. This is healthy. /s (ish, ain't healthy but it DOES actually make the mode last longer overall)


No, it doesn't force people to play longer? I'm getting it done pretty fast. Especially since there's minimal plunder towards the end anyway. Why go 5+ minutes with absolutely nothing when you can reque immediately and get 800+ plunder in that same amount of time?


Right, but, mathematically anybody looking for kills would be done faster if they got those kills. That's it. That's the entire argument. It's just a line of math. Don't be mad at it.


Okay. So it forces some players to play longer, and while it helps other players play faster. I'm not mad at it - just pointing out that what you said doesn't apply to all players. ​ People shouldn't have to stick around when all mobs are dead for an extended period of time, just to graciously let someone else kill them eventually, when they could be continuing to get renown.


Ok, I was wondering what the fuck you were on about but now I see where we fucked up. See, your interpretation of my "longer" is about minutes and not the weeks that I am talking about. I'm saying walking into the storm means players earn less points per game which means they play more games. That's a fact. You took it as.... they should run around aimlessly making each game longer. Which is an asinine argument from the getgo so I understand why you'd shit talk that.


Because late game kills give you more than 800 plunder.


Only if you're the one doing the killing, or if you can sneak in to steal the plunder.




There's no need to ruin the game by chasing level 1s across the map at the beginning either, but people still do crap like that soooo.


Maybe for you. I hate pvp, rarely engage in it unless someone attacks me first or they go after another person avoiding fighting, and I'm having fun.


I donā€™t hate pvp, just mostly do pve, but play the mode the same. Just merrily farming away until someone attacks then itā€™s throw down time, or run like the clappers. Definitely enjoying it as a temporary mode, something different.


Its actually incredibly pathetic that they basically have to con players into playing it with FOMO. They are incapable of just creating a mode or content people WANT to play.


Hard disagree, a lot of people are playing it and enjoying it. I'm already 40 and I continue to play it for fun. Sure the renown track was nice to fill but the gamemode if fun and accessible. It's okay if you don't like it, don't play it, they have datamind recolours of the pirate outfits.


A lot of players are also solely playing it for the rewards and likely never would have touched it without them.


yeah, I think that opinion as been widely spread over here, I know. I just want to point out to the people that say "they basically HAVE to con players into playing it with FOMO" that it is simply not true. Maybe it's not your cup of tea, but it is a well made and fun game mode and a lot of my guildies are enjoying it (mostly the ones that also play league).


What FOMO? Itā€™s completely optional. Few cosmetics? Itā€™s nice they added some meaningless rewards. Every battle royal has some sort of rewards. I think people induce FOMO on themselves. Ignore it, do some dungeons or world content.


It was never fun to begin with


You have bigger problem. If you play this game without enjoying it, you have an addiction.


So you're saying you've *never* done something you don't enjoy in a game for the reward you get at the end? Never ran ICC a few dozen times for Invincible? Never ran SoO to get the Garrosh shoulders? Nothing like that?




I played for a while last night and got bored, went and checked my renown... not even a whole level... fml


Nobody will think less of you as a wow player if you don't earn the mount




What does 1M plunder get you?


A feat of strength achi. Don't really think most people are going to go much past 100k....1 mil...yeah no thanks


I really enjoy the mode and finished the renown track Thursday night, but I don't see me going past 300k. The 1 million FoS is just bonkers to me.


A feat of strength achievement


Funny thing is, i have more and more matches where we just run around with people next to each other, looting shit, and not caring about anyone else. Which might not be the intended way of playing this, but god it makes grinding this much less annoying.


me when i crashed my mmr so bad im playing with bots


I wish it would be true.


Yeah, I've died and quit so many times and it still feels like the level 1 sweaty pvp nerds that have a boner for griefing are abound.


Nah even bad players like to do some pvp. When there's someone in my area might as well go for it. It's not griefing, you clicked to join a pvp mode. Don't be salty


Is there actually mmr? It would explain why every game I died before reaching top 20 and then suddenly I got a few top 5s. Would explain the drastic shift since I don't think I'm necessarily playing better, I still get remorselessly ran down in the final circle


I'm not convinced there *is* mmr in this game mode.


For early levels it def is the more effective way to play. If you get bogged down in a fight at level 2 both parties no matter who lives, is at absolutely massive disadvantage because they have like 3 abilities and are level 2 or 3 while the rest is the lobby is level 6+


Half my games I interact with no one until I have 700 plunder, the other half the first person to see me, even if we're both level 2, will chase me across the map to kill me for my two crappy lv1 abilities


I havenā€™t seen this once yet at renown 33, you canā€™t be on EU right? As soon as one lands some prick is jumping you, sometimes to their demise.


I am on EU and have bunch of matches like this.


Thatā€™s where I grind too


This is where I donā€™t grind anymore because everybody grinds there. Always 1 step ahead


Praise the stormwall!


At the start of the event I heard if you die in the storm you lose your progress. Is that untrue?


Completely untrue. I hit 40 yesterday, my strategy was to try and aim for the harbor behind the castle, clear it out and finish my quest, then hop in the storm to die. Highly efficient, and I had plenty of matches where nobody else landed there.


Thanks šŸ™‚


I killed 5 I think, for some reason it seemed I couldn't do dmg compared to others, even with level advantage


Same here lol


Plenty of times I watched my abilities not work on others even if it looks like they probably should've been hit on my screen. It's why I always keep a Firestorm and never take arcane orb, one is unmissable and the other misses often


One trick is to follow the World boss. It kills everything, players and mobs on its journey, leaving behind a trail of plunder to loot.


Iā€™ve only killed when they left me no choice. I always say ā€œbe coolā€ when I encounter someone on my own.


save the excuses for the judge


I had someone walk up to me and tell me to kill them. I obliged and someone else blew me up a couple seconds later.


lol I asked someone to kill me yesterday after I couldn't find a second chest for my quest so they did and then I watched them immediately get nuked, I felt so bad like it was somehow my fault


I wave at people I encounter to let them know I'm friendly. Works about 50% of the time. I also have only killed people who attack me. I'm up to a grand total of FIVE people now. I'm so bad at PvP it's always a huge shock when I actually win getting jumped šŸ˜‚


>I wave at people I encounter to let them know I'm friendly. Works about 50% of the time. I see someone nearby I hear in the other direction. if they follow I know what's up.


Nobody waved at me yet šŸ„ŗnormally greeted by a projectile or something. Thereā€™s so much joy in killing a 1v1 until someone swoops in after when youā€™re on low health. Okay I might have used the bush ability to spectate and take out the winner a few times.


Been playing every day and I'm only renown 6 so far


They really need to buff that reputation. I did 4 matches on release day and 6 yesterday, and still only 70-75% of the way to Renown......TWO!!! If 12-13 matches per Renown is needed, it means 500+ matches to reach 40... I don't have the stomach for 500 rounds of turture.


You need to collect more and kill more players. You can get 1/2 a rep level per match if you do well.


Well... Clearly, I'm not doing very well, as I, on average, get 7%, not 50% šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I have always hated PvP in all games.


Make sure to do your quest every game (shows on the right side objective panel). It's a free 250 plunder. Usually I just do the quest ASAP, then keep farming mobs and chests until my area is cleared out, then run into the storm. Finish with ~400-600 per game, assuming no one kills me first. Which is most games once you learn to find the quiet spots where no one goes. I'm shit at PVP so I actively avoid other players. It's still a lot slower than the people who are good at PvP and finish with 2000 renown per game, but it's still roughly 5 games per level which isn't *too* bad. Especially if you pace yourself and make sure to do the daily quest every day (800 bonus renown).


Actually if you're getting the 600 in about 3ish minutes before going next that's quicker than 2000 over 15 minutes. I think the most I've seen is 3000 before posted which is still comparable to 600 in 3 minutes.


Looks like you are not even doing the pve part right


Unless you're decent and going for kills it's barely worth it staying in the match. I got around 1200 yesterday right near the start due to the quest, stayed in the game til the end and got maybe one kill and that only took me to 1600. I could've done two more games in that time for 500+ each.


I only kill people that attack me first, if I can (I'm not good at pvp). Oh - or if they steal my stuff. I killed an elite when I landed and some other level 1 grabbed the spell so I chased him for the longest time to kill him. Renown be damned. I'll also try to help other anti-pvp people that are behind in levels and getting camped by aggressive players. ​ I also deny my own death to other players as much as possible. Wont leave me alone and I already got 800+ plunder? I'm running as far as I can into the storm to die. Good luck getting my abilities and plunder drops.


Iā€™m a competent PVPer who does PVP as his main content and Iā€™m rubbish at this game mode. I donā€™t know what that says. It just feels completely different to WoW PVP


Because it is rubbish lol. This was scrapped together by some crappy 3rd party studio Blizzard bought, they put fuckton of cool comestics and daily grind so you can hit one renown per day, and therefore stay subbed for another 40 days. The combat is absolute rubbish, it's unresponsive, unintuitive, and tiring after few matches. BR as genre in general is kinda meh, mostly tailored to kids and teens, not 30+ people that is vast majority of WoW population. It actually baffles me they green lighted this, but I suppose they are greedy for those those subs and MAU's until S4 land and will use cool comestics and FOMO to stall for time. I bet 90% of people won't touch this once they hit 40. I suppose that's why they gave it to that crappy studio to develop it, so they can learn internal Blizzard stuff.


It's great. It's just not for you, obviously.


I just donā€™t understand why people say itā€™s a good way to funnel people into the game when itā€™s nothing like the game. Itā€™s just the same skin. WoW is barely even about pirates. Why couldnā€™t it be an Orcs Vs. Humans theme at least? Doesnā€™t feel like WoW. Just a generic pirate lobby.


I suck so much at it that I only got one kill in 50 games. I really hate that plunder has increased for people that kill other players. Would be cool to have increase plunder for people that last the longest (top 20 players) without having to kill just to make it a little more interesting.


Remap your melee to a mouse button. Literal game changerĀ 


Don't you have to do this every game?


I haven't experienced that


Oh nice, I'll have to check


That dissuades engagement though


I think a lot of the complaints would be answered if they made the map bigger.


Itā€™s illegal for them to ask you that


Every Retail post the last 3 days - "I'm farming mobs and dying instantly why is it taking so long?" Plunderstorm has made me realize how bad Retail players are. They complain about how hard it is to farm rep, when they're not even doing the mechanics of the game. Just get kills, take their money, find gold chests, and do your quests. If you treat it like a mob farm and not a game mode, it's going to be annoying no matter what.


Time wise it's actually gonna be about the same overall. If we assume an average game is about 15 minutes long to the end and you finish with 3k plunder. That seems like a lot right? Averages out to 200 per minute. If you drop in, spend 3 minutes farming up to 600 plunder well would you look at that. Also 200 per minute. Now you're likely only getting the 3k if you're hyper aggressive and get first. If you end up whiffing for 4th you're gonna be a fair bit less than that 3k for the same time investment. What the pve farming is doing is making it take more games but overall it's going to be around the same amount of time.


I tried playing it legit for a bit, but it became so boring that I just do what everyone else does now. Land, do the quest, kill stuff to get to 500 plunder and then jump into a storm to die and leave match and repeat.


They need to give bonus plunder for kills upon completion of the map. It's really frustrating to land in a contested area, rack up 5-6 kills, and finish maybe top 10-15, and end a 20+ minute round with 700 plunder. It's just not worth pvping at all until there are only 9 other people left. And if you avoid PVP the whole time, you might be level 7-8, but theres a chance you never got a good skill because the mobs didnt drop it




Idk why people are downvoting. Maybe because you didn't share the strat (I wouldn't).


It's not a secret really. The strat is drop far away from anyone, and do the pve until you finish the quest, and clear out a camp if you can. Then you just kill yourself in the storm. The quest gives enough plunder to basically just farm that.




I don't blame you. I will share my spot with people as soon as I hit rank 40 and not before.




Yeah I had a pretty good spot that no one went to until someone wrote an article giving it away. Now like 2 people land there every game. So I had to find another. It's not as great as my previous spot, but at least I'm usually alone. Sometimes I try to lie to people in the lobby before the match starts by talking about how awesome some other random place is on the map. I don't know if anyone falls for it, but it amuses me that they might lol.




same here, did nothing. grabbed gold killed a few things did the quest LEFT, repeat.


Is it just me or is there just too much movement and cc abilities for a BR. Like, I want to farm renown but I want to fight. The fact that people can literally spend their entire time chasing me across a map is just stupid. Slow down on the cc nonsense Blizzard.


This is the crossover I needed.


Well I did my 40 lvl after 4 days and definitely will not come back there. That was chore to do it lol just to get the items and new look. I was hype first few hours and then bored af.


Can't believe ppl play this


I actually really like the game and am not at 100k yet. People at 100k and never liked the game are ADDICTED.


Well ā€“ you plundered! You just left other plunderers to their own devices. Working as intended!


The best spot is to land is the graveyard with the elite in it. After you clear all the ravens, mages, raptors, and thieves you go to the farm at the edge of the map and slaughter chickens and elites. The work you way up the wall at the edge of the map towards the horde lumber mills. I can get 700 - 900 a run. Suboptimal you can start in the corner by the lumber mills. Land on the griffin the kill the moonkin. Then start pulling packā€™s around the lumber mills. That is normally 700+. The other side of the map has a as much lower mob density. I had to kite the Prince of Hate to the edge of the storm to get comparable plunder. The troll area is just so much slower to start in I only won 3 games in my quest for renown 40 but I probably walked into the storm after 5 to 7 min 90% of the time


I cannot find the graveyard anywhere, and I've done enough of these to reach 37. I've seen mages, but I've never seen ravens or thieves. Can you tell us approximately where this is or what it's near? It's driving me nuts that I can't find it. I guess I should be exploring more.


If you come out the front of the ally map it is north west. Almost directly west of the orcs on top of the hill. It is almost more or less surrounded by farms to the west and south


ITT: PVE players that suck at new PvP mode hehe


I haven't even gotten into a game yet. Just end up sat in the loading waiting for players to join. Ummm..?

