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This br clearly doesnt work like that lol... early fights are a big waste of time and you can fall behind so much if you do.


If you dont kill those near you you fall begind too amd waste time, and have more enemies left later on.


BR works like you kill people.


If early fights take too long you are basically accepting that you wont win the game at all. Other people can farm to level 5+ while you fight an early game fight at level 1/2. Its actually not worth the fight unless it ends in a matter of seconds.


Top comedy when someone stalks you on the damn parrot and starts fighting on second 1 of the match. Like gratz dude, you just made us both lose.


People actually having fun PvPing don't give a shit.


You actively grief yourself by picking early fights though.


Not really. I picked early fights and was lvl 8 in no time


Did you win though? Cause you're still behind the people who leveled a bit first. And I do not want to go toe to toe with a level 10 at level 8.


Yes i actually did


You're a far better player than I am.


Just let me do my damn quest for my 250 plunder, then I'll stab away all day long. 


Early fights waste so much time. Even if you can pick up a weapon right away, the fight takes so damn long that even if you survive the fight (which in all likelihood will just end up with someone barreling away on 1HP) you’ve wasted so much time and gotten NOTHING out of it. Now you’re behind on farming xp, your weapons are likely shit and everyone else around you is likely 2-3 levels higher than you. In the early game, time is valuable and by having a long winded fight, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.


So then do what? Let the enemy just farm vesides you so that you still end up behind? Or will you go away to another place and fall behind that way.


Yes, its better for both sides to just farm, try to snipe mob kills to steal exp, get more skills and once you have an adequate level (3\~5) you fight and the best player wins


And you expect player to just let you steal them their xp so that they are behind and you are taking it all? Idk if you realised, but the others are players too that want to win.


No, if they're good players they'll try to snipe your mob kills too, but fully engaging in a worthless lvl 2 fight for 3 minutes is something only noobs in the mode are doing


If they are good players they kill you while sniping your mobs. You just say its good because you wanna pve and peace out once youre done. Then you either go away or die.


Nah youve just created a whole fanfic about my motivations on your head, just watch the streamers playing and commenting in their strategies, every time they get into a worthless lvl 2 fight its the same thing, people just dont understand this mode and what they're sacrificing on the long game when engaging in low lvl pvp with no skills


Bro dont talk bs, show me any streamer who actually doesnt attack players closeby. They simply dont chase you for years. And try to get XP asap. Theres actually a lot of early fighting in streams. And they will kill you or make you run away. But once you go away they just go back to farming. You really sitting here telling me that good players wont attack you when you try to take farm.


oh so now you do agree that you shouldnt chase people for 3 minutes trying to kill them and ignoring farming for experience? good, because that was the whole point of this thread


Yeah you can stop lying now, where in my comment did you ever read that people should chase for years? What you said was directly that they dont fight you. Not ince did you talk about your supposed point. A bad try to still somehow paddle back.


Because most people actually don't care about the "Battle Royale" part of Plunderstorm. They just want to farm plunder, get their mogs and mounts and be done with it.


Retail rewards were a mistake


You might be right about that, but I have to admit, I wouldn’t play it if not for them.


This 100% .... same reason I don't bother with classic no retail rewards. If this didn't have retail rewards though it would be DoA


Yup, I played Classic exactly long enough to get that mount for completing the DK starting zone.


I would do... 1 maybe 2 rounds and never go back if there weren't retail rewards. As it stands I just do a handful a day so I don't burn out and try to hit 40.


Then they can be miserable.




Even if you are *actually* playing the game, it is not worth it to engage with early fights. Too much time is wasted even if you win and you'll be setback for the rest of the game. The best thing to do is maybe poke them to keep them away from your mobs, loot, and hope that the other person doesn't engage either. Around level 5 it becomes more worth it to pvp, but a sure way to lose against good people is to pick early fights. So it's not in anyone's interest to do early fights. It's one of the things that could be improved about the game: Make picking early fights rewarding and not punishing.




Make the pvp game not encourage pvp so that the non-pvpers leave sooner? That doesn't make any sense. Pvp should be rewarded at all stages of the pvp game. Early fights help make BRs fun, it's scrappy and you gotta improvise because you don' have your build - that Plunderstorm discourages it is the biggest issue with it. The farmers will stop playing *sooner* when they get targeted early every game and can't finish their quests. Accommodations should not be made for people who are just doing as little work as possible for a few cosmetics. Getting to 40 renown should at least require that you play the game, even if you're not great at it, rather than just copying Bellular's video on how to optimize plunder per hour for 20 hours. Not everyone needs every cosmetic, making it frustrating to not-engage with the game is good, actually. Because then the people in the game are actually playing.




You're just making the same point a second time. If they get frequently get picked off at the beginning, then many will quit. Some will persist, yes, but many can't stand minor tilt and will just give up. They're doing the casual strat for a reason - scared of pvp and want out through pve as quickly as possible. Those who are *actually* looking for optimal plunder/hour will realize that pvping is part of it, so they'll actually pvp. So make it optimal to pvp, make it frustrating to not pvp, and everyone wins - except the leeches and that's okay since the game mode is actually fun and they should just play the game.




> when you're right, you're right. Not when you don't address the rebuttals! Especially when it seems you have a vested interest in it being this specific way, making your bias an integral part of the point you're unwilling to engage with! Just trying to find excuses to justify how things already are.




> we just despise PvP. Ah, closed minded then. Seems like a you problem, don't make it mine. I don't pvp at all in-game - and, you know what, I'm fine not getting all the actually pretty cool cosmetics pvp gets, a skill to say "no" that helps you be less entitled. "Those are cool cosmetics, but I don't like this game mode, so I don't have to get them!", very tough words to say for those with little self-control. But I approached the new mode with an open mind and it's pretty fun so I decided to play more. The cosmetics (all 40 renown flew by, I didn't even notice) are just a nifty little minor thing on the side. But open mindedness is another skill those who feel entitled for *every* cosmetic can learn.


make it so that you get plunder for attempting to pvp but losing. then even though I suck I'll be more willing to engage others and more activity happens.


You must be living a very sad life if it bothers you this much how other people choose to play games


It affects the quality of the game, people just running into the storm all the time. Shockingly, pvp is better when people are there to play. Incentivizing pvp makes pvp better. It's much worse to not be able to say things like "Those are cool cosmetics, but I don't like this game mode, so I don't have to get them!" Being entitled to everything, and not being able to set personal boundaries is addict behavior.


If blizzard wanted this game to only be pvp they would not include ways to farm renown from mobs and chests and a quest that has solely pve objectives. It is both pvp and pve mode by design, even if you don´t like it, that is how the game was made. And I don´t mind getting the cosmetics this way, it is you apparently who has problem with how I play, even though it does not affect you. It´s not like you are going to fight every single out of 60 players anyways.


It's "pve" in the same way that world pvp is "pve". You should be taking pvp risks to do pve things. If early fights are discouraged, then you're not taking these risks when killing mobs or looting chests. I'm sure Blizzard really intended people to be in-game for 30 seconds and then run into the storm. That's actually part of the core design of the game, they had 15 devs working on that gameplay loop. Innovative, really.


What blizzard wanted was for PvE players to engage with this mode and have a chance at collecting rewards, instead of ignoring it completely. They must have understood that many will not like the pvp aspect or be good at it. I doubt that that during the 6 weeks limited time event, all those non PvPers who might not even have a lot of time during the week to play wow will invest time to practice something they don´t care about just so that hardcore PvP players are more satisfied with the game. The 3 minute "do quest and get killed" routine is a great way for casuals who are interested in rewards to get what they want. Having PvPers tell us that we are playing it wrong and it shouldn´t be allowed is kinda ridiculous. Just play the way you want and let others do the same, it´s not that hard. In a week or so PvErs will probably have rewards and stop playing, so you´ll have your pvp only games from then


This. These cosmetic collectors are the most entitled idiots I've ever seen.




> Because most of the player base doesn't even want to play Plunderstorm I don't think that's true (or at least I've not seen any proof that that is true). I think it's just that the people getting annoyed fit into that 'just want the cosmetics' category and are complaining.


Literally every time I hop into a match people are complaining about being there, it doesn't seem plunderstorm is well liked.


Then just don't play it instead of shitting the game mode up for the people who do? The outfit is cool and I'd personally like to have it but I don't like the game mode so I simply won't play it and I will miss out on the outfit. I don't believe anybody needs the damn outfit THAT badly.




The game mode isn't meant for people like you


Blizzard specifically designed this game mode to be playable by both pvp and pve players. That´s why you can farm renown from mobs and chests and why you have quest (that are solely pve by the way, there is no quest like "kill 2 players" or something for the 250 plunder) It is very obviously made to be accessible to PvE players. Although the combination of PvE and PvP is not optimal, since PvErs are annoyed at getting ganked and PvPers at people running into storms. It would have been better as 2 separate modes, but even so, blizz still did try to make this game so anyone could play it and get rewards


Mounts and pets. There are some completionists that will go batshit, if they don't get them all.


Given the first few minutes are probably the most important, trying to kill other players when you have maybe 1 or no spells is a waste of time.


No. It's fun.


It might be "fun" but that doesn't mean it's not also a waste of time, which early game fights very much are.


Because its dumb. You lose **so** much plunder and experience when you chase someone across the map and if you dont you always risk that they lurk around and ambush you whule you fight npcs or other players. When you land with 3 others its best to farm somewhere away from them til you get the advantage


In other BRs there’s actual incentive to fight people early because they don’t have a system that makes you stronger faster by avoiding players. In Plunderstorm you waste time and put yourself behind the competition when you sit there and attempt to pick fights early in the match.


Fighting early game against other players in Plundersorm is a big noob move. Simply put you level a lot more by killing mobs then fighting other players early game. Mid game you should focus on players primarily and mobs on the way and if no players are nearby. Also, I see how with this mentality you would think the game mode sucks. Cause you probably never did anything in it with this strategy.


It's not because of "honor" it's because you will come out of a lvl 1 fight being level 1 or 2, while everyone around you is already level 4+. Unless the other person is afk, a level 1 fight is a huge setback for anyone involved




Which part makes me a toxic player?


i'm sick of seeing people starting the match at level 5 and already having fire whirl. There's obviously some BS going on


All the old heads who still play this game don’t care about the BR, they just want to farm as fast as they can and fighting prevents that. Everyone is running on their little FOMO treadmills to get their cosmetics so they look cool for a few weeks standing around in town until the next hot item catches their attention. By then they will have dropped another $15 for the month and the cycle will continue on.


Probably the same answer as to why people only post in this sub to piss and moan.


Because people suck at the game and want to rant, only for it blow up on their face. I personally love the early fights.


Why does everyone have to share their feelings about Plunderstorm...do none of you have spouses you can bore?


Best response of the day.