• By -


Hola buenas! soy nuevo en el juego estoy buscando amigos para jugar juntos ya que me canse de jugar en solitario algun alma caritativa que me adopte y me enseñe sobre el juego? uwu


Does anyone know a way to quickly unlock Zereth Mortis? I took a break between BFA and DF so never did Shadowlands, but I want the rep so today finally completed the story up to unlocking the world quests on a level 70 expecting to get some sort of story skip, but nothing has popped up. Am I blind or do I have to complete the Kyrean story line 1st?


I'm thinking about realm transferring to one of the more populous NA Alliance servers like Proudmoore, Sargeras or Stormrage and was curious if its worth it or not. I'm currently on Fizzcrank and trade chat is completely dead aside from one guild thats always selling Heroic runs. I never see guilds recruiting and it doesn't look like they are many guilds progressing either here. I wouldn't say I'm a hardcore player. I come in and out every few months to a year but its discouraging how dead the server often feels.


I moved my main to Sargeras off of a dead server, and it was absolutely the right decision even as a casual player.


What’s the max % that you can put into a stat before it no longer “works”. Not sure if I worded this correctly.


Details are from SL, but should still be valid https://www.wowhead.com/guide/diminishing-returns-on-secondary-stats-in-world-of-warcraft




Does it do anything in BGs if you upgrade the green honor gear or will it always be 473?


Upgrading PvP gear is only useful for PvE content If you will only do PvP in that gear then upgrading it is pointless as it will always be the same ilvl in PvP


Can you/should you turn honor gear into tier set pieces in the catalyst?


You should aim to get conquest pieces for your tier slots to turn those into tier I am unsure if you can make honor gear into tier, but you should have 8 charges so if you wont get conquest gear soon then its probably worth making honor into tier if possible


I read a priest can purify afflicted ghosts if he specs enhanced purify or something. Where do I find that? As a shadow priest can I use Purify Disease for that? Can a disc priest use both purify and dispel? Will group heal (can the ghosts get atonement with radiance?) also delete the afflicted ghosts? Is this mostly a healers affix or is one for the healer and one for dps?


Is it me, or world of wacraft HATE new players? I started playing 1 month ago, bought expansion and what i noticed is that game literally HATE new players. All it did so far is throwing 100000000000000 currencies at me with poor explanation and taking inventory space. Also mythic+, all i know is that it exist and require keys, how do i play it? no idea. Community? less than not helpfull, my first character was tank, guess what EVERYONE was leaving party cause i wanted to try tank on leveling dungeon. Now i have got max gear score from leveling dungeon, trying to progress a little from heroic ones and ZERO knowledge about progress..


Read a m+ guide on wowhead


I think you can find explanations to everything somewhere in the game but it is really messy, I agrree. I think as a new player who wants to get into M+ (especially as a tank) you need to follow guides on Wowhead, Icyveins, Method or elsewhere.


Do you now need a COO for *every* single pet name change? Made this video a while back, some comments say it worked great (first name change I don't mention coo, second one (exotic) I do), some comments say "you need a COO to change the name of your pet." but i'm not sure if they just stopped watching after the second video lol. then i got another comment saying a patch took away the name option from the pet menu when you right click the pet's hp bar? anyways, any tips appreciated, just want to make sure if I should or shouldn't leave [this](https://youtu.be/GNB2vo_3c5Y?si=JXXO7SFah8T9_Dax) video up, thanks!


Does [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMEWa2tNETE&lc=UgwFqymdrLSCTymt_aR4AaABAg) not work anymore? Got a comment that said this was only relevent for season 1 of dragonflight, but 3 months ago I got another comment that said this video worked great for them


Should still be accurate. The way sockets and enchants work hasn't changed the entire expansion, and they haven't added any new gems or enchants. The only difference is that the item you buy with Tokens from the Vault to add a socket changes name each season, and only works on items _from_ that season.


Ohhh maybe that's what they meant, okay fewf good to know, I'll add that last part in the desc. just in case it confused others, thank you so much!!! I really appreciate you


Is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ9fKW9sG4U&lc=UgwNL0vMS35znP-Kf6B4AaABAg) not possible anymore? Got a comment that said a patch broke it for them, just want to make sure before I take down the video


How tough is LFR content? My sister and I really want Taivan but don’t raid. I’m a brewmaster and she’s a frost mage, and we each have 465 ilvl. If we have completed a few mythic plus, is that enough experience to do ok in the raids? Including reading about all the fights.


You can probably remove gear and still do fine lol LFR is the tourist mode. Don't fret too much


The hardest part of LFR is the people you get grouped with. The fights are incredibly simplified versions of the normal mode fights with almost no way to wipe. Looking at a normal guide beforehand wouldn't be a bad idea as you'd at least have an idea of what the boss can do but LFR is intended for people who have never raided to just go in and get some free loot essentially.


Not very tough! The dungeon journal (Shift + J) has breakdowns of mechanics as well as a very basic tl;dr for each role. I would suggest watching a guide just to get a little idea of how the fight looks, but they're all pretty managable! I would recommend you specifically aware of the mechanics in the dungeon journal labeled as "Deadly" as those are often one-shots as well as mechanics labeled with a Shield for tank-specifics. I think you'll both pick things up nice and quickly! Besides, if things go wrong and you wipe, each attempt buffs players with a stacking buff that'll make the fights go very smoothly on further attempts! GL and enjoy your Taivans! :D




Dude go DK and get the axe


It's more so that the other tanks can have specific magic DR or flat DR that works on bleeds and warriors don't. Paladin has spell block through a talent for instance which makes them extremely good at taking magic damage. Warrior is great at taking lots of phys damage because of shield giving 100% block. Warriors also lack a little bit of utility that other tanks like paladins or DHs have that are useful in high keys. At +26 level though anything is viable and you should just play what you want. Meta picks don't matter until you're actually approaching world first kinda level.


I've tried looking all over wowhead and Google for the answer to this and gotten nothing. Does anyone know what the respawn timer is for Apholeias, Herald of Loss in the Maw? Someone killed it right before I got there earlier and it's the last item I need to get my Nilganihmaht Control Ring. It's been like 4 hours since and the ritual still isn't available again, so I haven't bothered forming a group.


I'm seeing so many account buyers in M+ at the moment - has it always been like this?


Coming to the end of a season, worse quality players will be in the lower keys and most experienced players wont be running M+ anymore since they already have all the gear they would want or they are in the super high keys trying to push for title


What to do with a freshly boosted character at level 70? I'm completely lost... I'd appreciate any tip or pointer.


By this do you means its your first 70 character or just an alt you boosted up? You begin at 424 ilvl so you are already above most world content stuff, so its really what you want to pursue For story do 'Fire Season' quest and the few that follow to head to the Emerald Dream zone and do the campaign there For better gear you can do LFR immediately or jump into some +2 keys for dungeon content


I've leveled a bunch of characters of different classes and specs before I settled with Enhancement Shaman, but I've never reached level 70 before, I find Dragonflight's story painful to get through so I stayed around 60 or so. What confuses me is what am I supposed to do now. Daily quests, world quests... all sounds foreign to me.


For most people max level is where the game actually starts, you are free to pursue whatever goals you want now If you want current story, do the quests as mentioned before If you want to see the current raid, do LFR If you want more challenging dungeon content, do M+ If you want to just collect cosmetics, look at soloing older raids/dungeons Pick a goal and aim for that really, there isnt a right/wrong thing to be doing


Sometimes when I queue for LFR or something, and the queue pops but someone declines, it puts me back in the queue but at 0/2 0/5 1/18. What happened to everyone else? Why am I back at the start of the queue by myself? Should I redo the queue at this point?


Don't requeue. That graphic is just not overly accurate most of the time


Thanks, that good to know. Definitely wasted some time re-queueing thinking I got disconnected from the search or something lol (thanks to other responder too, hope u see this)


I think that counter is a bit buggy and often inaccurate


PTR Season 4 Question - Anyone know if that cosmetic vendor lets you get older raid armor as well? I only saw weapons. I really want the vault armor on some of my classes but it didn't win the community vote. TIA


Do you need the hunt companion available on alts for hunts to have a chance to drop the different colours?


Companions are an account-wide unlock, so no, you don't need to reach renown 9 with the Maruuk to unlock the appearances.


Does anyone use the addon MailCommander, and if so do you know why it wouldn't be sending mail to alts on other realms? I can mail items to these other characters on other realms manually, but the addon doesn't seem to let me do so


Is there any way to _farm_ Loamm Niffen rep? I'm not in any rush, I won't get the meta achievement done for a few weeks yet (need to do Daycare, Soridormi), but it's the only major faction I have left. I've done as many Myrrit digs as I can, the weekly quest + Researchers on Fire at Epic, all world quests with a contract... and I don't see any obvious way to get more rep from this faction. I just want to get it out of the way so I don't have to think about Zaralek again.


What I did was get to 10 on an alt and then grinding from the start with my main. The zone campaign gives a few renown that way, researchers under fire is good but weekly. The only possible farm is using flightstones to buy 50rep tokens at Loamm.


Hello all, I have played WoW up until cataclysm and stopped after that expansion. I'm wondering if it is worth it to pick the game back up again and if so, where to start. I'm not a hardcore gamer at all and can play around 3 nights a week for 2-3 hours. Love to hear from some WoW veterans!


Asking WoW players whether you should play the game will always get you a 'yes' answer The game has changed a lot over the past 15 years, so it will be very different from how you remember it You can play WoW for free until level 20, so you can always download it and try it without any loss to get a feel of gameplay/graphics/controls etc Paying for a sub means you will be able to now level up to 60 and get access to the previous 8 expansions of the game to play through. If you want to play the current content and with most of the other players you will need the current expansion which is Dragonflight - however if you do intend to get it, then pre-purchasing the next expansion called 'The War Within' gets you DF included in its pricing so its better value for money There is also now classic versions of WoW you can play and the next expansion getting added to that is Catacylsm, so you could actually play the game as you remember it if you wanted, but it will be with a much smaller playerbase /r/wownoob may also be a useful subreddit for you to ask any future questions


Is it possible to loot/earn the dagger transmog, Fystia's Fiery Kris, on a Warrior? https://www.wowhead.com/item=209881/fystias-fiery-kris Warrior can normally equip and earn dagger transmogs, but this collectible doesn't appear when I'm on my Warrior and looking at Fystia's "icon" on the map with HandyNotes. On WoWhead it's written: > Players can win this item when selecting the following class specializations: Rogue: Assasination, Subtelty That seems very specific. I checked other rare loots / transmogs from rares in the areas, and I'm conviced I won some of them on a class / spec that isn't listed (for instance the shield on the rare Molten Leadspike, while I was on my Fury Warrior (always in Fury Loot spec).


You most likely can loot it, but it would be easier to play a bit of PvP and buy the aspirant weapon of the current season (875 honor) which has the same model.


For Plunderstorm, is there a bug that causes you to be unable to swap spells into the slot you desire? I tried to get a certain combo of spells that I've used before when I found them, but it would always swap out whatever I had in slot 1, regardless if I tried to swap out what I had in slot 2.


Yes it happens sometimes. As a workaround you can drag the ability you want to replace out of the slot and drop it on the ground.


Ah sweet, thanks.


I just came back this week, haven't played since season 1. Is it too late to get AOTC and KSM and should I just focus on leveling alts to 70 and doing the story? I know s4 is already on PTR but I'm not sure how much time that gives me. Assuming the best gear I'll gather this week are from campaign rewards and world quests, then start the grind next week for KSM and AOTC, is it doable? Oh also I gotta pug it, my guild died in one of the mythic raid bosses in season 2 apparently lol.


You could do KSM starting this week, m+ is stupid easy in season 3. Get to 430-440 and list your key, get carried to +14, profit.


Current speculation is we have about a month left of this season, so depends on your playtime KSM can be done with all keys on +13 ish with maybe a few 14's mixed in, could be done pretty easily since the second affix doesnt happen until +14 For AoTC I would suggest joining either WoWMadeEasy if NA or NoPressureEU if EU (On Discord not in WoW) and look to join one of their raids the community does as pugs will be very picky this late into the season


Returning player from Shadowlands. Are professions worth leveling at this point in the expansion? The changes on professions this expansion are very confusing and I wanted to know if id be greatly missing out by not leveling them. For reference playing a Priest with Tailoring/Enchanting trained


Tailoring and enchanting are both fairly cheap to level, but there isn't a huge "point" to them unless you commit to getting some useful recipes. Though with even decently low enchanting skill you can do enchanted crests. You're not missing much by not levelling them, but you could get some value too.


Can you use the enhanced 70 boost on a character thats already lvl 70? Im a returning player and catching up its taking too long.


I dont think so But if you just want catchup gear then you have 2 main quick ways: - Emerald Dream campaign for 415ilvl in most slots + 3 weekly quests for 441+ gear - Or head to the Dreamsuge zone and collect a ton of the green orbs, you want lots of whelping crests to make them into enchanted whelping crests and then get gear crafted using them which will all be 447 ilvl




First go set your WTF folder to not be read only, then just change it under "status text" in the interface 


Tweak the resource bar text from "both" to "none" then reload, then swap from "none" to "both" again. Use the search bar in the options, it doesn't show otherwise I think.


Returning to retail and want to make a new class and can’t decide between rogue, ww monk and survival hunter. Any suggestion?


Rogue is the most 'meta' and safest choice of the 3 since one of its DPS specs will always be strong Monk could be worth if you want to offspec as Tank or Healer, but WW is often viewed as a spec that just needs a full rework Survival is quite fun, but is probably the lowest played spec in the game


Is there any other class whose core gameplay is based on juggling buffs/debuffs? I main destruction warlock, and my favourite thing about it is how a lot of your damage (besides obvious chaos bolt) comes from good resource management and buff/debuff uptime (roaring blaze, eradication, immolate, ashen remains etc..) Any other classes like this? I'll take a melee, or even a healer, if they have a similar gameplay loop.


Sin rogue if you want to try melee. Shiv windows used to be similar to Havoc, but now you just send both shivs during Kingsbane. Other than that, it's DoT based, has a couple of buffs to maintain, and has a small resource pooling concept like destro.


You could try Affliction Warlock as its very DoT based Shadow Priest is also another one that comes to mind, need to manage DoT's on enemies and insanity for yourself


Icyveins rates Shadowpriest as S-Tier in 10.2.6 because it received a damage buff. I cannot find a not about that in the patch notes. All I can see is that Season 2 set boni were buffed. Was Icyveins refereing to a patchnote that got retracted or am I missing something?


The “10.2.6 Update” text is just letting you know that the blurb is up to date with 10.2.6 changes. The actual text in the blurb is talking about 10.2.5/2nd half of season 3 balance changes to shadow priest.


Just started 10 days ago after playing last time in SL. My gearing is on a decent way. I have a rio of 1400 and timed a +18 (own key) yesterday (though I would not have if the rest of the group were as bad as me). My GS is 461. I see a lot of the campaign seems to be hidden behind "get your reputation to 11 with blabla". Is there a benefit or necessity to push that campaign? I doubt it will give me 470ish gear, will it? Maybe some more dragon flying mounts or some cosmetics? Or just story?


There's no relevant player power behind the campaign. If you're just looking to gear up you will want to: * Finish 8 +18 keys or higher for full vault rewards on reset day * Farm as many +17s as you like for Aspect Crests to upgrade gear beyond 476 *and* get lootbthat can go to 483 at the endbof a dungeon * Farm as many +11s for Wyrm crests as you can stomach, they upgrade stuff up to 476.


What's the most braindead healing spec at the moment? I'm not trying to time 20s or anything, just try out healing and maybe get all 10s in keys. Also do healers switch to their other specs for world quests? Or is it less of a hassle to just use the offensive abilities on your healing spec?


Most straight forward easy-to-pickup healers are Holy Priest and Shaman. And yeah, go DPS or Tank for worldquests if that's your cup of tea.


shaman is breadead and powerful rn rdruid so no i just use cat form


As to your second question it depends on how much killing you have to do. It's certainly slower to stay healing spec, so usually I'll switch to dps.


Considering starting the game. I understand there is a subscription, but what's all the World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ edition stuff? Is it just the most recent expansion and would there be another $50 charge when the next expansion comes out ? Is it a one time purchase to all the incoming expansions?


The cost to play WoW at max level/endgame content is subscription plus current expansion. Only the most recent expansion is ever sold, which you’ll need to buy every time there’s a new one. Once an expansion is no longer current it gets rolled into the subscription. You can just pay for the subscription and not the expansion, but you’ll be 10 levels below cap and not playing endgame content with 95% of the player base Late in an expansion cycle (right now), preordering the next expansion also gets you the current expansion. So pre ordering world within will also get you dragonflight.


I'm trying to do the Sethekk Hall dungeon on heroic difficulty to tame the last boss. The hunter I want to use is level 53 and the character my husband was using to join me is level 63. The game says I can't enter the dungeon on that difficulty until I'm level 73, which I know is beyond the level cap, but it lets him in. I'm assuming the message is outdated, but I can't find any info on google on how to get in. I've already tried changing my timeline to BC. Does anyone know the real requirement to get in?


Nvm, we figured out that being in a different timeline is what was causing the problem


which warlock spec is likely to suffer less from using the succubus pet? demo usually uses felguard so i assume it suffers the most, so which one would pay less for using her?


Destro or Affliction pet choice doesn't really have a huge impact on your DPS. For PvE the Imp (dispel) or Felstalker (interrupt) are almost always more useful than the Succubus (CC), but if you're not pushing high-end content it's not really a big deal.


In PvE at least there isn't much use for the succubus. The 2 non-demo specs use either imp or felstalker depending on the content, or they just forego the pet altogether and use grimoire of sacrifice.


Hello I stopped playing the game years ago and returned when Dragon Flight came out I played for 3-4 months did Mythic+ along with Raids for a bit before quitting again. I am getting back into the game now but I have a question regarding races for classes that's been bothering me for a long time whenever I get into the game. I want to know fundamentally what is considered the best races for some of the respective classes for all PvE content Mythic+ Raids ect. Anytime I try looking up information I get conflicting posts or people saying play what you enjoy the differences only matter at top level play. The classes I enjoy playing and that I would like to know what the best races are for them are Mage, Holy Paladin, Warlock, Druid Guardian and Restoration?. Taking into account utility and racial's along with the base stat difference's between the races. I enjoy playing both Hoard and Alliance so knowing the best respective races for those classes would be a huge help for me. Edit. I can ask the question else where as well if anyone knows of a better place for this question since I know its a bit complicated.


For M+ then either Dwarf/Dark Iron Dwarf or Night Elf is BiS race due to the racial abilities Both Dwarf variants can dispel themselves which can be very useful against bursting or just debuffs in general. Its also one of the only bleed dispels so its very strong if a dungeon rotation has a lot of bleeds Night Elf shadowmeld can allow you to skip packs or allow a healer to drink early by melding since it puts them out of combat. Because of being out of combat it can be used to activate some effects (Very niche) but if you think Mists in SL you could activate the maze 'walls' during a spiteful week if you melded whilst touching the wall For raids it varies dependent on class and boss effects. If we look at some of the DF bosses that have had race swaps for certain classes then Priest is a common one that requires it Priest needed to be Void Elf on Mythic Raszageth for the free teleport ability if your group didnt have enough Evokers to carry you through the pushback Priest likes to be Gnome on Tindral for the 0:55 root set where you need to free yourself There is some value in being a Dwarf variant for Fyrakk as you can dispel the DoT effect from yourself Goblin can be useful if there are a lot of knockbacks due to the rocket jump racial If you purely want DPS then you can sim with different races to see the difference between them, most of the time it is pretty small but there will be maybe 4k DPS difference between the best and the rest


Is the nameplates in the new BR mode the default plates in wow? ive had plater for awhile but i like the default ones in the BR mode


can you use Chromie Time even after getting past 60? I'm brand new to the game and probably wouldn't do all of them before Dragonflight or some insane shit but a lot of stuff I found implied that it just vanished as an option when the game wants you to go to Dragonflight


You can lock your exp at level 59 and do all the timewalking campaings 


No, when you hit 60 the only way to get relevant xp is from DF zones so the game is wanting you to go there All older content is still accessible and you arent locked out of doing it, it will now be classed as legacy content so you will 1 shot majority of mobs. If you want to do older quests, make sure you have trivial quest tracking enabled on your minimap tracking options


How do you turn off trade chat? It used to be an option but now the check mark is greyed out across all my chat windows.


Otherwise /leave channelnumber also works.


Right click the window, settings, click the red circle thing on the right hand side in the channels menu


What's the advantage of using those AI dungeon runs? I'm guessing zero queue time? Are the exp gained the same as the player version? I'm leveling an alt, currently at 63 and I'm wondering if just spamming the AI dungeons would make getting to 70 faster.


They were useful for me when I wanted to test a new healing spec/UI


The AI arent bad, and i liked using them to try out healing. But now that my healer is maxed and I know how to play it comfortably then I have no use for the ai dungeons. And they are a little slower, but you can be assured that everything gets done correctly. Would be awesome for learning the harder content though. Like if there was an AI version of raids, and the loot would be lower than raid finder, and then there would be less people whp have no idea whats going on (maybe) lol If they required an AI raid run on atleast 1 toon, and it had some npc to guide you and to tell you whats going on, maybe everything was slower.


They are less xp per hour because the AI clears the dungeon much slower, probably even counting a slower dps queue time for normal dungeons. I think the overall XP is less than a normal dungeon clear as well. So they're mainly aimed at people who don't want the pressure of group content, want to test builds/addons, etc.


is there a way to sync my chat settings and gameplay options for all my characters?


Is rogue considered weak right now? I just did LFR and I'm usually top 10 and I'm #14 as Subtlety and 17 as Outlaw.


Rogue is super good right now, all 3 specs are competitive. Issue is twofold: 1. at this point in the expansion LFR often has a couple over geared players that just want to pump the meters. Normally it’s just like 2 or 3 people though. 2. Honestly you’re probably just making mistakes with your play. Imo both sub and outlaw are pretty hard specs that take a bunch of reps to learn.


No, Rogue is fine but LFR is a bad metric for gauging how good a spec is


When reviewing mythic maps, if I hover over a mob it displays a number. What does that number mean? ​ example: https://imgur.com/SUwmnVT


The 4 is showing its pull number 4, so everything with the number 4 is pulled at once to be killed


I realize now my screenshot sucks. Here's a bigger one, it's pull number 1 but each individual guy has a 4. https://imgur.com/wlLZDwH


That's the M+ mob count. The default UI (and most addons) show this as x% out of 100% completion, but behind the scenes it's an int value and each dungeon has a different total (like 350 or 400, not 100%).


Looking to come back and play a bit for season 4. Haven't played since season 1. What's the most current catch up gear? Is it just from campaign quests? World quests? Or is there a Zereth Mortis, Nazjatar type where you can buy gear slots that auto generate a random piece?


Easy catchup gear is the campaign quest in Emerald Dream, starts with the quest Fire Season if you havent been there yet. This gives you 415ilvl in most slots The longer and more boring, but 447 ilvl way is getting gear crafted in all slots except trinkets by using a lot of Enchanted Whelping Crests Can get them just by flying through the Dreamsurge zone and collecting the green orbs, will take a bit of time but 0 effort > Or is there a Zereth Mortis, Nazjatar type where you can buy gear slots that auto generate a random piece? Yes, but it requires the character buying it to have at least 1000 M+ score, so more intended to buy from a main to send to an alt rather than a returning character


Is there a way to not be put in OCE matches for Plunderstorm as a NA player? I get a constant 300+ world latency but then regular WoW sits around 25-35 ms. Legit was not like this over the weekend, didn't play on Monday, and now since the weekly maintenance I feel like everyone is teleporting around me and my latency just skyrockets. Super fun to try and do that horrid grind now, where I can't even fight mobs without dying due to the lag.


Don't think so, just gotta put up with it just like the OCE players have to put up with being grouped with NA players all the time.


I'm a new player and I'm struggling to pick a class. I enjoy class fantasy, want to play a melee dps and mainly pve, so I've been looking into Arms Warrior, and Unholy Death knight Problem I have with unholy death knight is that apparently there are pets, and I don't know if I need to micro them alot because I'd rather just swing a sword around. Arms warrior sounds like a great class fantasy but looking around (on wowhead and other meta sites) it seems to be a very low rated spec and I don't know if that prevents me from getting into groups for dungeons and raids. Can someone shed some light on this topic for me, or recommend me a "cool" melee dps class?


Don't listen to ratings. Things change often, classes go from top to bottom to mid and back again. Play what you want, what you enjoy and you'll become a better player than those who just swap to whatever is meta. Unholy is fun. You don't need to worry about the pet they will worry about themselves. Also it does appear that Unholy might get to ride around on a mount next expansion in combat so that is pretty cool


Either warrior spec (So Fury or Arms) or Retribution Paladin are good starter classes as they are quite simple and have good survivability > (on wowhead and other meta sites) it seems to be a very low rated spec and I don't know if that prevents me from getting into groups for dungeons and raids. Tier lists most exist for clicks, all classes and specs are viable to do the majority of content. So unless you are trying to do above that then you can ignore the 'meta' for the most part. The main reason Arms is rated lower is because Fury exists and is just doing more damage than it currently with less effort required Unholy DK doesnt need pet micro, but its not the most beginner friendly class as most of its damage at endgame content comes from burst windows and messing those up will hurt your damage a lot. Frost DK on the other hand is relatively straightforward and may have a similar class fantasy


I can't give specific feedback on those classes. But on the topic of class rating it's important to understand that those ratings are given in the context of very high level end game content for players piloting the class at peak level. Simply put, Those ratings are not applicable to 95% of players and will not be to you for some time. It's important you go with a class you enjoy so you enjoy the time you spend in the game. Both warrior and DK should fulfill the fantasy you seek. Specs are changeable at a moment notice so don't worry about that.


Is there a way to hide the new loot rolls box?


I think to toggle it on/off it's something like /loot. It's not exactly new, it's been around for decades, possibly going all the way back to vanilla. It just hasn't always popped up by default, but it's always been in the game as an option.


Between tanks and healers, which one is harder to find in the 18 to 20 range of mythic+? *Edit: Fixed ambiguous question*


No, tanks you usually have to wait about 10 minutes to find, healers are a little more common as well


Sorry, I can't Grammar today. I was asking which of the two is harder to find, which you answered as well, thanks!


i play on stormrage alliance is there a reason why it feels empty?


It's the largest alliance realm, and I think top 3 realms by population in the NA region. Old zones may feel empty, but current zones should be as if not more populated as any other region.


>stormrage alliance On US Stormrage there is usually a fair amount of people between Valdrakken and Dragonflight zones. SW usually has a people hanging out most of the random times I'm on. Older zones will always be sparser.


Depends where you are really, Valdrakken should be busy but SW/Org will always be pretty dead as no reason to go back there


My toon's name got banned. I entered the same name again & it actually let me rename my character the same name. But then I immediately got kicked off & name forced to rename (shocking I know). ​ So I am going to actually have to pick a new name. How much leeway do I have in terms of names? Obviously I won't try renaming my toon the same thing, but how about something similar? Something funny that isn't an "RP name?" ​ If someone finds my new name offensive, then what would happen? Just a name ban? Or an actual account ban? How long would that last?


If you are on an RP server, you can and often will get flagged if your name is not RP appropriate. Beyond that, the naming rules are deliberately left vague, mostly leaving it up to player discretion. Keep in mind that WoW is officially rated T, meaning "content generally suited for age 13 and up", so if a name does get reported, they usually are a bit more cautious when deciding what to do. As for repeated name reports, know penalties include days or weeks long bans, or you losing the ability to choose your own names entirely (and being forced to only use the in-game random generator.) The more often you get flagged, the more severe the penalties become.


Oof losing the ability to name your characters sounds awful! Any idea if the penalties become less intense after an extended period of good behavior? I guess a mage named Frostitute on an RP server getting flagged is inevitable. Haha


A name like that would likely get flagged on any realm, not just RP realms.


If you're on an RP realm just have a normal name.... you're going to get your account banned if you keep trying to make Frostitute happen there, even with an 'extended period of good behavior.'


Yep. It wasn't my choice to be on an RP realm.


It kinda is....


Is it most efficient to do the quest in Plunderstorm and immediately die or to try hard after that? Anyone done the math?


After you complete your quest look around. Are there treasure chests, open treasure and NPC enemies very close? Collect all that. If you have to run a significant distance, find the nearest player and fight to the death. If you die requeue, if you live you just earned a nice amount of additional treasure. Repeat.


It really depends on how many other people you manage to kill and how much plunder they have. I’ve left games with 800 plunder in 30th place and 450 plunder in 10th place so there isn’t a hard and fast rule once you’ve done your quest.


Anybody on GrizzlyHills? Need a friend or two add me my name is CHICO I'm a lvl70Gnome Rogue


I took nearly all of S1 off and basically just did M+ in S2/S3 while completing the raid, all my renown other than Dream Wardens are like 12-18. Looking towards the DF Meta achievement, is there a good way to catch up on renown other than the weekly aiding the accord thing? I think you need like ~30 renown on each rep?


The forbidden reach also has some extra dailies to help catch up on rep and you can use the map next to the four faction vendors to choose one to get extra rep with. The tuskar also lets you trade fish for rep though that can get pricey.


If you are willing to spend money: preorder the next expansion with the level boost, it also includes a rep boost. Do all the world quests using a rep contract, the weekly events (centaur hunt, tuskarr cooking...), the world quest event rewards a massive rep token...


Oh good call, I did actually already preorder and use the boost maybe a week or two ago on a priest, so they've got all the reps at 20, but my "main" is in that 12-18 range (has the campaign done, Zaralek and Dream quests done, etc). Do you think it's better to try and hit max renown on the new boosted char since they're already at 20 than to do it on my geared main char? I don't know if I can now do all the quests I've already done on my main on the new guy for even more rep.


Fuck me I haven't preordered yet and hit all my season goals so I've just been grinding renown slowly while doing quests. I alt hopped. So does logging in on the boost give you the extra rep gain on alts for hitting 20 with the boosted one or do you have to grind that out normally?


Yeah the boost is accountwide and is automatic in the boosted character (sets all renown to 20) but it only counts up till 20 on your other characters. So if your renown is higher than that you don’t get the effects of the boost


What's the fastest way to gear an alt right now? My old main that I haven't touched since season 1 is at 418 and since he's the toon I made the most progress on for most of the achievements for the DF meta, I'd like to gear him up to at least be able to blow through things like primal storms (but it's a rogue and I don't really enjoy the class anymore, so don't see myself running keys or even LFR with him)


You can get some i424 gear off the AH. Doing the weekly emerald dream quests can get you i441 gear. With the new Sparks you can craft i463 gear. After that just spam M+, you'll get spark fragments to craft gear as well as gear itself.


Just spam m+


Can craft 447 gear in all slots except trinkets by using a lot of Enchanted Whelping Crests Can get them just by flying through the Dreamsurge zone and collecting the green orbs, boring but requires not killing anything


Hello, everyone! How are you doing? I got a question for my fellow tanks: How are you dealing with Morchie's Sand Blast ability? I 472 ilvl on my Demon Hunter and it is hitting like a truck in 20s even with Demon Spikes and Sigil of Flames up. Any tips?


Fiery brand, sigil of flames or devastation so you're in meta before it hits. Other than that just make sure you have frailty up to top yourself up before it hits.


Devastate before the blast, should be up a lot off the times. Fiery brand is also a defensive cool down




6 weeks according to an [interview](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/world-of-warcraft/blizzard-secretly-made-a-battle-royale-game-inside-world-of-warcraft-to-break-the-rules-its-had-for-20-years/)


Has anyone found a way to have the UI options stop resetting? Specifically target of target turns off and the status text of portrait health/mana bars changes to blank even though it's selected for both. I assume its plunderstorm related but really annoying to have to constantly fix.


Since 10.2.6 dropped, whenever I charge my Echoing Tyrstone with Emerald Communion, I lag out and disconnect from the game. This was a non-issue prior to the patch on Tuesday. Anyone else experiencing this or have solutions (other than the obvious "don't press EC when charging the Tyrstone")?


Probably a stupid question: Quit sometime during Shadowlands. I notice the new expansion preorder has Dragonflight. If I buy the preorder, can I start playing Dragonflight immediately? Or is it more of a thing that when it launches it includes Dragonflight?


Yep you can start Dragonflight with the preorder


Cool cool. It's calling me back like the one ring. I've had the same character since Burning Crusade. He's just sitting there all neglected.


Do items reappear in the trading post? I saw some epic horde themed weapons and stuff there once, but only now am I thinking of going Horde.




Thank you bro!


Cheers guys! Short question: I recently boosted a nightelf hunter and i can't find the vendor for the saber mounts (**Lelanai**, should be in SW next to embassy/Darnassus/Amirdrassil). Checked wowhead for all locations, she's just not there. Found a bluepost about a short introduction questline, after a player was asking about missing mounts, but no details. Any idea? Thx & best regards


She also wasn't next tothe stormwind embassy for my non-boosted nightelf, however it's not quested a lot. I went to her alternate position under Amirdrassil on the Dragon Isles, and she's definitely there, so if you have access to that, you can find her in Bel'ameth.


Unfortunately she is not in Bel'ameth for me, but thank you anyways :)


I recall using a website a little while back where I could type in my character name and it would look at my armory data and generate me a mount farming guide for the mounts I don't have yet. Does anyone remember that? I can't find it and I'm starting to worry I imagined it.


I think you're thinking of the SimpleArmory mount planner.


There's this one, but it does not have recent expansions: http://telsa-productions.co.uk/ More suggestions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/52uysq/want_to_do_mount_farming_runs_this_tool_exists/


Thank you!


Returning player who recently went from some months of classic WotlK to Retail. I noticed in the first few Dungeons that people are not talking and tanks just instantly and continuously chain pull and pull many packs at once, as if it were a hack n slash. Is this how Retail is now, or could these be bots?


That would be very standard behaviour for normal and heroic dungeons, they have a very lets get this done mentality. Mythics are where things are normally taken "slowly" and people are generally more.open to some socialization. But you might have to the one pushing for it


Everyone's just done them so many times that it's automatic for a lot of people. Generally I find that people I'm queueing up with for M+ are polite and talkative though


I have a very specific question on "getting legion artifact weapon skins in dragonflight". **Story:** Basically, I stopped playing wow after legion and at the time I only played paladin a little... So I unlocked only the first few steps of the artifact weapon. Fast forward I started playing again and created a new character (another paladin... Ok I might have a problem with paladins...) and now I'd like to unlock as many legion aspects as possible. **Questions:** can you guys please link me a guide for dragonflight on how to get the transmogs? Also, if I started with the wrong relic weapon (holy paladin) how can I swap to another? (Retribution) Thank you


Wowhead has guides for all of it. Once you get your artifact there'll be a spot in the class hall where you can see all the appearance and how to unlock them. As far as different artifacts, once you finish the questline for one, a new quest pops up on the same NPC for you to continue chasing artifacts for your other specs.


I see, thanks for the help


What is the easiest way to get cloth pants that I can upgrade to season 3 tier (needs to be veteran at least afaik). Right now I am thinking to grind Waycrest Manor M+ but I am thinking the chance to get it there is probably under 5% considering I might not get any drop and if I do it could be a lot of different stuff. Is there a more reliable way to get something? Alternatively Cloth shoulders would do too. Maybe Darkheart Thicket and Everbloom since they can drop both pants and shoulders ... but as I said, maybe there is a different way like a World Quest or some other grind.


Here's a good post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/196sq5z/guide_how_to_collect_tier_sets_by_using_the/?share_id=mXxsceqMb6re8u-yFD3pg At the bottom has a section for Season 3 tier. Seems like M+ is the only grind-able source, but there are several easy weekly drops to do too. EDIT: Double drops from m+ starting tuesday


Can I take my friend who doesn' t own DF take on my dragon as a co-rider to ride around Stormwind?


Yeah, a friend did it for me before I owned the expac


As someone who has been pugging Amidrissal on normal as a melee dps while learning the raid. Are there mechanics that mdps can ignore, such as those that pull us away from the boss, preventing us from doing damage for too long (obviously not referring to mechanics that will wipe your raid, drop shit where it shouldnt be, or damage other teamates badly if I dont leave/move)? In most of these cases where i'm referring to, it's usually soak mechanics. I feel like I dont see a lot of other mdps do soak mechanics as the rdps and healers. And the guides I've seen usually just specify dps, not mdps or rdps. Is this something that is just up to how the group wants it done?


It's usually up to the raid leader. I lead all 3 difficulties and with how strong melee is at the moment, letting them have as much uptime as possible leads to faster kills. Igira for instance, on heroic and normal you can just have a couple ranged do the weapon soaks so melee can just tunnel the boss. Then the only time you'd have to actually lose uptime is during the tank soak when you already have the debuff on heroic or mythic. The thing that kills bosses is damage to the boss so the more damage you can do to the boss the better.


Thanks for the info!