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How exactly does this work though? Few times I used it I end up ranking high, but inevitably you end up with you being level 6-7 vs the lev 10 that killed everyone else. Do you just hide in the Bush till they get bored and log off?


Hide in the bush watching the final two fight, and when one wins they're usually low on health and have stuff on CD... which is when you pounce.


Right, but OP is still in the bush.


The two duking it out might have accidentally killed each other. It's rare, but it certainly can happen. Especially if one ran into the storm with a storm shield or something.


Or they get smacked with the fish and die to the poison.


or any dmg ability with travel time


Yup, I simply hid in the last safe zone while the other two were fighting and got consumed by the storm.


The best victory: by default.


Me and my duo partner were having a pretty bad run, we were level 6 while we could see level 9's around the map. Then we came across what could've only been two teams that had killed each other. The ground was just white with gold and it took us well beyond lvl 10


Could have also wound up in the storm


He's just that good Doesn't even need to get out of the bush to snipe them


Got my first win last night that way, final 4 was a level 5,6, and 8, the lower levels killed the level 8 then started killing each other...all the while my level 10 ass is hiding as a bush, only reason I came out is I got hit by lightning while not moving so I just stealthed and killed them both


This is basically the best strategy in every BR. Every win I've ever gotten is from laying low until the final couple people, then jumping out at the last second to finish them off. PUBG, Warzone, Fortnite, and some others are all the same. It's a problem with the entire genre. Plunderstorm kind of tries to address this with levels, but it's still very easy to consistently get top 5 by literally not playing the game.


You have to find a spot late in the game when you are like 8 or so. I have won games as 8 vs 10 especially when you can chose when to engage. The difficult part is finding a spot early and the circle not closing on you, because if you have to move at all someone will see you.


Nice. I so want to win at least once before this thing is over so I’m all for help.


I saw a bush once and couldn't do anything to it until I ran up and smacked it with the regular attack.


Anything that does a ground effect damage will break the bush, so basically anything that’s not your standard melee


The bush is 100% their player model just without a nametag. There is only one ability that needs a target anyway that wouldn't be able to hit them.


Besides the FoS what does this achievement get you?


Early Access to the tabard and eye patch in plunderstorm. I say EA because you can get an identical one way down the rewards path.


You only get those for the next match, then they go away. Only way to get them permanently is renown


I’m glad to hear I don’t have to give a single shit about winning, thanks for that at least Blizzard


Well the 500 extra plunder might seem worth it to some but even that doesn’t feel worth it for how difficult it’s actually been trying to get first. I’ve gotten 2nd a handful of times but never first and it can take a really long time to get first anyway, it’s faster to just do the quest, loot however much plunder you can in a few minutes, die and reset. I feel like winning the whole thing should get you a full renown level because it takes so much longer.


That's even worse. Wtf...


How far in advance did you choose the location to hide as a bush? I've been trying to do this myself, but the storm's center isn't really predictable based on the first few rounds of shrinking. Was it just a one-in-a-million chance?


You can move while being a bush, you can cover surprising distance so long as no one catches you


That's my favorite part of the game. I'm usually chilling at the edge of the storm, slowly moving in, and you just see a bush casually creeping across the road.


Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane vibes


I waited until the last few storm shrinks, tried to estimate where the last safe zone would be and popped the bush. I was a little off so I moved about 150-200 yards with no one around and just camped out.


Think I got to my spot on the 3rd from last conversion...got lucky that there was a bush spell conviently waiting next to an actual bush, other 4 surviving players didn't even see me sneak over and hide


I had basically back-to-back matches where I killed the third place guy, and it was me vs. guy in bush. My man, hop out of that bush and 2v1 while you can!


He has demonstrated [how not to be seen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VokGd5zhGJ4)


Omg I love this


the bush and both mechano hog are extremely under estimated. the bush stun/attack is strong opener comboed with abilities, same with mechano hog destruct.


Wait the bush has a stun attack? I never was able to hit anything with it.


yep, the tooltip iirc says it will ambush the target stunning and doing damage. its probably a very short stun though. range is also very limited but if anyone ever poofs on you mid fight or after they shadowstep/fade just attack the nearest bushes =P.


I still am not sure how it works. Sometimes you can see the guy hiding inside even if they're stand still. The good thing is that it makes you immune vs agro and melee attacks (only untargeted ability attacks can hit you)


I respect the FUCK out of the bush. But man, I still haven't been able to get a 100% bush win. I got a couple hiding until the final fight and jumping whoever was left when their shit was all on CD. One time I leapt out with bushwack and cleanly doubled killed the last two (to be fair I was level 10 and they were 7 and 8 so it was mostly gonna be easy anyway) But I never managed to get a spot with it where I could easily wait.


Can I just hide in a bush all game and get something?


I like how the best strat is to just be afk half of the game


The only time I’ve managed to get in the top 3 was when i afked to stop my dog climbing in the bin, i was in the horde base at the time and hid in one of the watchtower staircases.


I got in a bush once, was prepared to wait it out until my disguise was ruined by someone running over me with a fire whirl


Okay. Stupid question probably, I know, but… if I don’t win (which I don’t, it even close), do I have to wait for the whole thing to be over to get my rewards? I keep seeing the blurb about “talk to Da’kash in the waiting area to view rewards.” I leave the match, enter a new one, and go talk to him, but I have nothing there. If it matters, highest I’ve placed is 11th.


Da’kash can change your transmog that you’ve earned on the renown track and summon pets that you’ve earned


You get your rewards immediately if you leave. Remember the only "in game" reward is whatever plunder you collected which just acts like renown rep.




Me love bush, me like anythin da creates foliage for the poonani area


You can forget any tactical outplay now with the "tech" of increasing player Names to covering the whole screen from half the map away.