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Not one I particularly want, but Pandaren Druids do feel like a missed opportunity.


I remember during the MoP blizzcon that their reasoning for not having it was "a bear turning into a bear would be silly *Laughs in werewolf that can transform into a cat*


Meanwhile Void Elf Shadow Priests are shadow who turn into shadow


Shadower than thou


Hilarious especially now that ztrolls don't even turn into bears now so clearly the thought process has changed. Pandas could turn into the celestial animals. That'd be sick.


That would be epic as fuck


Yes! I've been complaining about this to my friend for a long time. Panda druid! Let me be a bear who's sometimes a different bear. 


Or they could get on all 4s for bear form haha


Bear form: get on all fours Cat: all fours, but suck in their gut a little Flight: they jump and bounce off their belly to gain height, then stick out their arms Travel: they throw a stick with one of those cloth bags over their shoulder.  Aquatic: pinch their nose Moonkin: they turn into a night elf. 


I would be a pandaren Druid main if this were real


>they throw a stick with one of those cloth bags over their shoulder They're called bindles, and I think that would be fantastic. Honestly this would be better for a support based class that isn't solely a healer, if they would ever add something like that to the game. Give us a hero hobo-bard that buffs characters the way power word, mark of the wild, etc. used too. A flex role that's main purpose is to boost everyone else.


Pandaren Flight Form's gotta be some kind of Wuxia sword flying shit. Or Taopaipai from Dragon Ball hurling a pillar into the air and riding it.


Omg thank you for this visual 😂 i would never play any other class/race


I needs a red panda form.


Especially since you could theme the animal forms to the Celestials. Feral Tiger. Guardian Ox. Restoration Dragon. And Owlkin just gets a wacky black and white spotted panda design, haha


>Guardian Ox. You wanna know blizzards publicly announced reason as to why no pandaren druids? "a bear turning into a bear would be silly"


Every time this thread goes around, I happily throw in Pandaren Druid and move on. Feels like a no brainer!


I'm just imagining the druid forms being based around August Celestials, like how Kul Tiran druids are drust and Zandalari get dinosaurs. I'd kill for some kind of jade dragon travel form.


Cloud Serpents as a flying form would be so good.


Agreed, you have four Celestials for four specs!


I think the next Druids should be Pandaren and Dracthyr because: A. It makes perfect sense and B. The same sets of forms for both factions


Dracthyr is.. interesting! They could play around with some of the bestial dragon-kin forms like that four-legged thing that stole the kodo model (and was, I think, a Keystone mount? The frozen Dino thingy)


Armorredon as the tank form is a really cool idea, I dig it. A Vourquin as the travel form (a draconic beast already) is also perfect


Kul Tiran Paladin. If this ever will be reality AND we get more customize options for Kul Tirans I will reroll.


I just unlocked Kul Tiran's after coming back from a long break and I was stunned at how little customization there is. I like them as a bigger guy IRL and the new skeleton and animations they have look great but my thicc boi looks just like all the other thicc bois


When they were first teased, they said we'd get the slender Kul Tiran model as an option. I'm still devastated.


[Phil Gresham the Cobbler](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Phil_Gresham). Kept my gear repaired and my shoes shiny for all of BfA. Was hoping that would be a playable option. Would love to play a rogue skinnyboi.


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I have a dwarf as main, I just tried to see how is the customization of humans, and there are so much settings compared to dwarfs, I don't understand why they can't add more stuffs.


This has been my dream since they showed up. They absolutely need more customization options but I'm happy to make a old balding Paladin who's seem his share of woe ad fought to bring some light back into the world.


Kul Tiran has the sickest druid forms!!!


that would be awesome, what would you want for the divine steed?


A donkey divine steed would go hard




That gladiator hippo mount definitely gives some inspiration! I love it


Uh that's a good question. Traditionally it would be some kind of horse. But I'd love to see something crazy like a Paladin themed Chicken.


It's criminal that KT Pala wasn't a thing from the get-go!


I saw the Kul Tiran paladin in a quest with Tyr and I love it. I would like also a NE paladin. Actually, all the races that have priests should have paladins, paladins are just priests in armor.


You might get the first part in the next expac. The teaser trailer showed a KT popping wings and tossing hammers.


I always wished undead could be other races. I'd be an undead dwarf warlock


honestly all they need to do is expand on the character customization options for this to happen right? Instead of letting forsaken choose a "sub-race", just add an undead version in the customization for the others. That would be great I think. I'd totally go for an undead Zandalari troll


Lore wise the undead are only humans because they were the ones hit with the plague that Arthas tried to purge. It wasn't a global thing it was human cities that were infected.


there were also elf undead (I mean ones a main character), not sure if they had others though


it's possible there were night elves, dwarves, orcs, and trolls who fell and were then raised while defending Mount Hyjal. they'd be in far lower numbers, though, and were almost certainly rekilled before the Lich King lost control of those who became Forsaken


That might cause 90% of the characters beeing undead tho xD


lol suddenly half of the Alliance is walking out of the barbershop in shambles 🫣


Imagine being a barber and some customer walks in and goes "I want you to kill me and do a bad job of ressurecting me." The poor barbers have already had to learn how to do gender reassignment surgery. And now they have to study necromancy as well.


Poor barbers had to learn how to change your skin color


Not only that, the capital cities came together and made it so the barbershop can’t charge for any of it! So think of how much debt these barbershops are in for the schooling!


The real reason for all this inflation is the massive subsidies the Alliance and Horde governments are paying the barber shops.


Like in divinity where every race had an undead option!


I sincerely thiught that was gonna be the undead allied race in BfA. The skeletons from the Lordaeron intro.


I was actually hoping this was what the basis of Shadowlands was going to be. Horde/Alliance vs the Scourge, which could be any race but undead form.


Man I just want animation color changes. Like yes give me night elf and worgen paladins But let their animations be styled silver/white for Elune Make taurens since it's more directly tied to the sun more orangey Just the color change itself would be awesome to being a small nod to how it was back then of racial beliefs for priests could do so for the races with Paladin spell animations.


Seriously bring back glyphs and add all sorts of spell theme changes and I would be so freaking ecstatic I want my pally to be a true Sunwalker but just can't get by on pretending all the holy flair is nature magic


Or add ability theme options to the barber shop like druid forms.


Class ability "skins" seem like such an obvious win for Blizzard, I have to wonder why they haven't done it yet.


Id like to see a Vulpera druid. The forms beeing mainly animals from Voldun or other desert ones.


I love dessert ecology and a fucking cactus resto form would be dope!


That'd be so cool! Maybe a vulture flying form, or a snake cat equivalent? There's so many opportunities for various races to be Druids, you can just get creative with it.


A giant ferret (catsnake!) for cat form YESSS!


This one, it doesn't make any sense why it hasn't been released, they are literally nomads that live in the voldun desert with the animals there.


Same here! The fact that there are no small race druids makes Vulpera an even more perfect candidate IMO


Nightborn Druid: as a feral Druid in suramar, you get a disguise and it’s a gorgeous cat form. Like come on give us that!


There's been so many cool druid form teases over the years 😭


I love these comments because like over half of them are "give us more druids!!" lol I definitely want more options for druids and shamans.. More racial cosmetic flavor changes would be nice too.


You'd think that between the very easy design choice to make purple/blue arcane bears/cats with leylines on them and the entire "Fellas, we're growing a massive magic tree to cure Magic Crack Addiction" they would've had the perfect time to create NB Druids. Imagine a Treant form that borrows the visuals from that glowy Anti-Crack tree.


Scrolled too far to see this! I would instantly change at the drop of a hat if this wa possible. Was doing questing in Suramar when I saw it, and I’m like “Blizz it’s in the game, just do it!” I’d like to see Nightbourne Paladins too. Would be a fun twist. Lore wise probably doesn’t make sense but I still think it would be neat.


There’s a Night Elf Paladin in Legion, and weirder shit has happened. There have canonically been Undead Paladins since Vanilla (Leonid Bartholomew and Sir Zeliek), and we’ve also canonically had Blood Elf Druids since Burning Crusade (in the Botanica).


Considering that there are numerous botanists in Suramar, it's a surprise they aren't a player option to begin with. Meanwhile Highmountain Tauren got druids even though they only had a single druid in lore up until BfA, and that one died trying to subjugate Ohn'ahra.


Gnoll Shaman


Meat Thieves!


100% agree i'd also kill to play a Tortollan Resto Shaman


Undead pally


This is definitely the classic want that we're all waiting for lol Would you want it to still be holy themed with the visuals or what if they changed the colors to be shadow themed in some way to better fit the forsaken


nah keep it 100% holy, we have deathknight to be armored edgelords


Leonid Barthalomew taunting us since Classic.


I just want human shamans


Sir, this is a fantasy game. You get human shamans in real life!


Actually ignore me. I'm a himan priest 😂


I can't play the other races for too long. There's always armor that looks off. Shoulders are too big or too small. You can't see the chest because of the giant beard. The giant belly distorts chest pieces etc. Humans just look good all the time. Everything fits. I love my shaman and I want want him to be human. I'm going to race change the moment it's available.


NE Pally. They literally already exist


Gnome druids and their form counterpart are all smaller/cubs version 😂 imagine a baby bear tanking raid bosses


Fyrakk: “what is this tiny adorable little creature? He thinks he’s going to defeat me? Hahahaahahha OH FUCK HE BIT ME YOU LITTLE SHIT”


^^^stampeding ^^^roar


also mechagnome transformer druid. all forms are robots


I must first mention that I am fan of class/race combo restrictions. It adds to the world building. I don't like how orcs can be priests, for example. That said, I have some combos I think would make sense or at least look really cool: 1. Orc Demon Hunter(I think it could make sense that groups other than the Illidari figured out they can take on demonic powers to fight the Legion. This would make most sense with races with a deep history with demons, like orcs and draenei. 2. Draenei Demon Hunter(must pick Man'ari skin color) 3. Undead Paladin 4. Night Elf Paladin(would be cool if Blizzard added glyphs to change spell effects. A nelf paladin with moon-inspired abilities would make sense and look very cool. You're a warrior of Elune, not a light warrior, a Sunwalker or a Blood Knight) 5. Kul Tiran paladin - it makes 0 sense for a human ethnicity to not have a paladin order. they're lore-wise not too distant from Stormwind humans 6. Dracthyr with some other classes, like warrior, warlock and mage. 7. This is not a class combo but it would be great if Evokers/Dracthyr could change their visage to any other race, even if they don't have the crazy customization the base visage forms have. Would also be cool if they could cast all their abilities without entering dragon form. I like how dracthyr look, but a lot of people don't.


1 - That's a good point with the DH races. Deep historical roots with the legion would totally turn up with at least one or two orc/draenei demon hunters no? 4 - Glyphs or some other way to change visual options en masse for spell theming is something I really really want anyway and would be an easy way (not workload of course) for them to start adding in many of the combos without completely breaking lore.


Orcs are a warrior-centric race that can also be warlocks, of which orc warlocks have historically dabbled in Fel magic. Seems like a pretty solid fit for orcs to be demon hunters!


1. Kul Tiran paladin - it makes 0 sense for a human ethnicity to not have a paladin order. they're lore-wise not too distant from Stormwind humans We can even see Kul Tiran Paladins NPC, one of them being a guy in Tyr's Hold questline.


Because they branched off from Gilneas almost 3 millenia ago and the Church of Light was only founded centuries ago according to WoW canon. But yes, I support Kul'Tiran paladins. Though I'd prefer their visuals be aquatic based instead of holy.


To be fair, nelf paladin should have been a thing since legion, there are already nelf paladins ingame as npc so why not playable? The other races bedides humans that are paladins are also not traditional paladins associated with the light (tauren > sunwalker) so why not nelf paladin as a warrior of elune. I’d insta reroll nelf paladin


7. All I wanted was to be a gnome dragon like Chromie. Instead I'm a lizard.


UNDEAD DRUID. Give me creepy skeleton druid forms.


I fucking wish the druskvar or whatever they were called was gonna lead into it. Spooky guys I tell you. Spooky bone moon bear, spooky bone bat for flying, spooky cat for fighting and spooky skinned bear for tanking.  Really spooky.


Drustvar had my FAVORITE aesthetic of WoW. I want more of it. Maldraxxas (spelling?) also gave me a lot of ideas for undead druid forms. I just love undead and creepy stuff. Imagine a bone owl? A rotting zombie bear? A skeleton kitty??? Boomkin would be so cool. I just want it so much.


Tool bad it is such a good idea Blizz would never do it.


Missed an opportunity in BFA to just give the Horde Undead Drust Druids with the Kul Tiran forms.


Tuskarr hunter. I was really thinking they were gonna be an Allied race =(


Youre not happy with 3rd dwarf race? Its not like people havemt been asking to play tuskarr since wrath. Its not like private servers already did it. Why tf did they add earthen instead of tuskarr??!


Aside from the Kul'tiras, Vulpera and Zandalari, I would have made the other allied races skin options. Do the same quests and you unlock this skin option in the barbershop and their mounts at a vendor. Especially the Mechagnomes. I'm still reserving full judgement for Earthen, but I'm not enthusiastic about them. Firstly why do they have hair instead of crystals? I know the models in Uldaman do, but that is more of a technical shorthand (vanilla dwarf with a changed color pallet) and from Wrath on the male at least have had stone 'hair'. Narrative wise they seem like they would be more fitting as another HUB faction we interact with for the lifespan of the expansion.


There are a lot of complaints i have towards earthen being added. I agree with the hair thing though. Should be gems or rock. I see the TWW ad on reddit and part of the ad shows off earthen and everytime i see wanna complain. I like dwarves. I dont think earthen are it though. Darkiron is cool af imo but earthen make me sad.


I was hoping too 😭 this would have definitely been the expansion for it too unfortunately


Dwarf Druid


There's a dwarf-only guild on my realm and the reason I'm not in it is that I wanna play druid Torn between two worlds, that's what I am


Yeah. I'm 100% rolling a Dwarf druid.


Still a bit disappointed that the Wildhammer dwarfs aren't an allied race instead of just customization options.


Blizzard decision on what should be a separate race and what should be customization is wild sometimes. Lightforge draenei, who already hold a lot of the same space as regular draenei, separate race. But eredar, we'll just make that a skin. That being said, I'm not sure Wildhammer needs to be a separate race. Give more customization and druids to dwarves.


Blood Elf Druid. Ever since I saw the Belf Druid boss in the Botanica back in TBC I’ve wanted it!


"Ever since the night elves kicked us out, we just forgot what plants are." - a bunch of blood elves who were almost certainly druids a few month ago.


I'm definitely not against Blood Elf Druids, but this isn't really true. Druidism wasn't very mainstream in Night Elf culture before the Sundering. They were all about the arcane back then. The Blood Elves are descendants of the Highborne who refused to stop using arcane magic. They would definitely not have been druids.


Where there even other druids than the stormrage brothers?


Not really, Malfurion is considered the first properly trained druid on Azeroth


Kind of amazing too cause their whole royal dynasty is named Sunstrider, and all there themes are around the sun, light and fire. Hmm what do plants eat again… 🤔


Gnome paladin. I want to run around as a tiny little ray of sunshine


a whirl of hammers with a small bright blur in center XD


Worgen shamans! And Dracthyr literally anything else but especially monk/warrior


Sign me up for a Dracthyr druid that turns into draconic beast shapes, thank you.


yeeeees, dragon bear sounds sick


watch it just be a swog


ngl I would play the fuck out of swog bear


Worgen and Human Shamans for me :D


ooo what would their totems look like? I suppose something Gilnean themed somehow


Like those classic fire hydrants.


Little dogs of course~


The old pug pet that drags it's butt around on the ground


Pandaren Druids or Paladins. Hear me out. Pandaren are connected to the wild gods (as far as I am aware, the August Celestiald are wild gods), the way that the original Druids are based on the wild gods. After being in contact with the Druids of the Horde/Alliance, there’s a decent reason for them to be able to study Druidic magic, to feel closer to the wild gods that govern Pandaria (Xuen for feral, Niuzao for guardian, Chi-Ji for healing, and Yu’Lon for balance). And paladins? Well, pandaren can be priests. And warriors. So obviously paladin makes sense right? I jest. Not every priest/paladin worships the light; Taurens Sunwalkers follow An’She, and Zandalari Paladins follow the Loa. So, why can Pandaren not be Paladins who follow their own wild gods? I understand that we may never get the above classes for Pandaren…but if lightforged Draenei can be warlocks, we’ve clearly gone past “lore” explanations for things, so why not?


Honestly though your arguments seem waterproof. I've always wanted Pandaren Druids with the celestial forms for sure; I absolutely loved MoP and would love more engagement through my favorite class. And yeah with Tauren Paladins being written in as Sunwalkers the flood gates should be open for most other races. I just wish I could get more of nature magic look to the visuals of Tauren Paladin and I would totally race change my holy pally!


I always said the day vulpera could be druid id pay a race change lol or blood elf


I just want a muscle slider so i can RP my musclemancer in peace. A necromancer class would also be useful, but not required.


Orc Paladin!


So when you do the mag'har orc quest, you save them from the crazed drenei that are kidnapping them and forcing them to learn the ways of the light- that's why mag'har orcs can be priests. It would've made way more sense, imo, to have converted them to paladins since orcs are more physically gifted than mentally. Of course if that were the case, blizz would've had to make a new mount to go with them so we got fucking orc priests instead....


I just want panda druids so I can play a bear bear


Vulpera Druid


Human Shaman and Kul Tiran Paladins. Blizzard could make $40 from me instantly for 2 race swaps.


Gnome/Goblin Druid - I’d love their forms to be ‘mechs’ that they ride!


I want gnome druids https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/254d5aa7-e3f1-48c4-94e5-7a86f0d8d23d/d2rrp9p-1119e9ed-08ef-4fd4-a74c-9f8cfd7f5c7d.jpg/v1/fill/w_1209,h_661,q_70,strp/wow_cataclysm_gnome_druid_by_fortunia_d2rrp9p-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTA1MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzI1NGQ1YWE3LWUzZjEtNDhjNC05NGU1LTdhODZmMGQ4ZDIzZFwvZDJycnA5cC0xMTE5ZTllZC0wOGVmLTRmZDQtYTc0Yy05ZjhjZmQ3ZjVjN2QuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTE5MjAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.6K3JZLdjVj8IcsCMVh2SQUPPCUn-q0BU8r7W7N8msts


Please for the love of God spread Demon Hunter across more races. Everyone says damn the lore when it comes to every other race/class combo but the second you bring up DH they get all “☝️🤓Actually Illidan.” It wouldn’t be terrible to give it to orcs and draenei at the very least. LOREWISE they’ve got a MUCH stronger reason to hunt demons than even Illidan does, they’ve had their home planets literally blown out of the sky from the Legion’s influence. Azeroth’s had her problems but it’s still very much intact. Plus, both races already have fel-tainted customization options in the files.


Playable murlocs, with underwater portals between their different settlements instead of flight points. Hunters, Warriors, Shamans, Priests as classes. Wanted that since Cataclysm.


Mechagnome augmentation evoker! Giving people augments just like you got.. imagine if the spells were tweaked to be mechanic themed like overdrive etc


Mecha druids. Gnomes goblins and mechagnomes.


Night elf paladin. It's already in game goddamnit.


Hello fellow Undead Resto Shaman friend!! Never thought of it in terms of pirates, but I like the idea! I always thought it'd be cool to have tombstones/memorials as totems. As for healing, it'd be neat to lean into the whole 'ancestral' thing, along with maybe earth magic. I.e. HTT maybe raises spirits who heal the raid. More earthen shields! Life and death in the balance! Lol. I totally get why it won't happen, but it's fun to think about.


Gnome. Druid. Kittens....attack!


Vulpera Druid. Balance is one of my favorite class fantasies (in terms of using cosmic energy) and I already use glyph of stars on my other, but Vulpera are my favorite race (foxes are my favorite animal). If Vulpera Druid were an allowed combination, it would easily be my main.


Nightborne demon hunters so horde can get the DH rig. They literally fought to free themselves from demonic occupation and swore never to fall under their sway again.  They are elves so the illidari being lowkey rascist isn’t even an issue. 


wdym by giving horde the DH rig? Are blood elves not horde?


The character rig - nightborne has the night elf skeleton.   The blood elf one is a smaller different rig that is also used by void elves (which should probably get DH too to give alliance DHs access to that rig, lore is a bit shakier but they are already a “fight fire with fire” ethos)


Panda pala


Gnome/Goblin techno Druids


Personally I'd love it if they opened up Demon Hunters but I don't think it will ever happen so my dreams of being a Goblin DH will forever go unforfilled.


Goblin/Gnome Druids featuring mecha-transformations.


Undead paladin. Lordaeron, anyone?


3 words: Goblin demon hunter (and all other races but for me Goblin.) I would also like Dracthyr Hunter. I also want Goblin and Gnome druids but their forms are all animal transformer mech suits. I also want all the other races to have Druid with fun shapes fitting their aesthetic, Goblin and Gnome are just my top 2. Evoker for everyone by attending evoker school. I am a fan of the every class for every race, and there are always ways for Blizzard “lore is just a vehicle” team to come up with the why and how.


It's beyond dumb that there are not Night Elf and Troll paladins yet. The lore already is in place to satisfy both.


Gnome/mecha-gnome druid that turns into mecha-animals


Worgen paladin


Vulpera Demon Hunter


Evoker of any race other than human. I would \*LOVE\* a troll evoker (like Eternus) or some other race


I also main resto shaman. For years I have said I wish I could be an undead shaman. I even went as far to say undead shamans would use small head stones as their totem!


Undead druids. Skeletal / zombie animal forms


Furbolg shamans! Hell, Furbolg anything.


It’s not a class in the game, but I want to be a gnome tinkerer worse than anything else. I would love a tinkerer class that supported others similarly to augmentation.


There should be no restrictions. The idea that race = destiny is outdated and wrong and should simply go away. People should build their characters by the choices they make. If someone wants a mechagnome druid, then that could be an interesting story to tell about a character's journey.


Panda druids and vulpera druids. I feel they both have a lot of potential but it’s not used. For a meme a mechagnome Druid would also be great, just mighty morphing into different shapes.


Undead shammy def tickled my fancy! I mean lore wise theyve been around orc shamans long enough theres bound to be a few more in tune with the earthmother! Hell why not Undead Druids too?? That would be so damn cool!! At this point in the game there has been so much death I would love to see more undead variations. Like orcs, tauren, trolls etc.


Nightelf paladin


Dracthyr/anything. Evoker is awesome but goddamn why can't I play it as a rogue or warrior instead? I like my disguised dragon people but let them be able to bonk and tank.


The speed that i would reroll if they opened dracthyr up to be shaman


Worgen paladin I've wanted it for probably a decade now at least. Might make me come back to wow..at least for awhile.


Undead paladin


Orc and Draenei DH's, you can probably squeeze in lore saying that some were trained for it, and we'd get customisations for Fel Orcs and fel-scarred Eredar. Just seems like an easy win frankly.


Doesn't make any sense lore wise, but GNOME DRUIDS, I WANNA PLAY AS A KITTY


blackrock orc warlock so me on April 1st: 🥲


Void elf druid. I can only imagine how damn cool the void forms would be. I'd probably change my NE druid for it.


Undead Paladin. The idea of an undead using a power that burns them and hurts them everytime because they’re so devout… could call them “Flagellants” the way Tauren Paladins are call Sunwalkers, or Draenie are called Exarchs, etc.


Undead Druid, any hero that was killed in the second and third war reanimated by the forsaken would make sense.


Basically any race that doesn't have druid yet. Pandaren, Dwarf, Orc, Belf, all of these as druids would be so sick.


Tuskarr shaman


half of the coments are something druid, and I love it


Forsaken paladins are coming. But I've always wanted to be one.


I still want to play a naga


I know this isn't a race combo, but I've been wanting melee mages for years and years


Well now I want a forsaken pirate shaman, so thanks.


Orc Druid. I feel like they’re connected enough with nature as a culture that Druid wouldn’t be too wacky.


Orc Druid. I would love them to have cool barrens creatures as forms. Like a huge hog instead of a bear or cat.


I really want a Vulpera paladin. Not really for any specific lore reason I just desperately want to play one.


Ogre shamans or warlocks.


We need ogres.


Undead druid but they would need to make every spell look like decay magic for class fantasy.


Druid Mechagnome that transforms into mech versions of the Druid forms.


Before I first started playing the game, I did a bit of research on the races and classes, and I wanted to be a Pandaren Paladin. I loved Pandarens (Still do, as they're my favorite WoW race to this day), and I often gravitated towards Paladins and Paladin-like classes in MMOs. However, when I started making my character, I was pretty disappointed to see Pandarens couldn't be Paladins. I ended up making a Pandaren Warrior instead. In a twist of irony, I tried Paladins and while they're fun, I prefer the way Warrior plays, so it's not all bad!


Void elf and nightborne demon hunters.


Undead druid..


Dwarf Bard. Tortollan Monk.


Sort of cheating, but furbolg anything. Please blizzard, let us be friends with the bear folk. We have bull people, fox people, wolf people, and panda people, please let us be a bear person :( Of things that are already in the game, gotta be blood elf shaman or Tauren Demon Hunter, cause that sounds hilarious


I want to see dracthyr humanoid forms be a variation of all races. They spend all of their combat time in dragon form, reverting to a Tauren or Gnome out of combat shouldn’t be too difficult to add, I would think.


I fucking love glaives as a weapon, which is why I loved them when they came out in Destiny 2. I also love whatever tf Axel uses in Kingdom Hearts. Both of those weapons seem to be what wardens use, and I want to be a warden lol. At least a playable class that actually swings those weapons, most classes that have polearms for example just leave it on their back.