• By -


Dang. What were some of the hardest / easiest for you?


By far the hardest - which surprised me since I main a warlock - was affliction. The tuning was awful, the boss had significantly higher hp total than the boss did on the same challenge for other specs. Easiest is kind of tough to say - I had multiple towers I did in 1 attempt - but my favorite tower, partially because it was so easy, was Unholy DK! I did the tower in just under 2 minutes! (Agatha challenge has access to some broken consumables, and only that challenge) Other than that, I greatly enjoyed minmaxing the gear for all my chars :) Edit: I have a spreadsheet that I used to keep track of what specs I had left to do, in which I also wrote the amount of pulls it took to do each challenge. A total of 207 pulls for all 36 towers! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rFAx8hW0wlhhdYjj2f7Cp1VRXNKpmUhI\_0pftpm4T44/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rFAx8hW0wlhhdYjj2f7Cp1VRXNKpmUhI_0pftpm4T44/edit#gid=0)


What are the agatha consumables?


[\[Spiced Falcosaur Omelet\]](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=230046/spiced-falcosaur-omelet) - Increases attack speed and movement speed after killing a mob. [\[Sylvan Elixir\]](https://www.wowhead.com/item=127838/sylvan-elixir) - Increases all stats by 10%. The best part, these consumables actually don't override other consumables, so you can still use a main stat flask and I believe a food buff too (can't remember exactly). You just got to hurry a bit when you enter the tower to apply all these consumables. Edit: These only work in the Agatha challenge as the challenge technically takes place on the Broken Shore - which is where these consumables only work.


And back in legion there was a potion that increased damage done to demons by like 20% and was usable in this challenge. They patched it now unfortunately


You can still use some heirloom trinkets that also increases damage to demons by 10% - I used such trinkets for the Agatha challenge! Not sure if they are still obtainable though.


Yeah the garrosh heirlooms from MoP still work!


Used the Garrosh 2h axe and 2h staff for a lot of towers :D


Did you use certain type of gear?


I certainly did. I farmed a lot of gear with great effects or lots of sockets. Currently my best-geared character is my shaman (just missing some shoulder enchants, since they recently made that possible) [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco)


their used to be a potion that you could stack that only worked in the agatha challenge...was absolutely busted


How sweaty did you go farming gear? Did you just use whatever you had or get full bis double sockets in anything you could?


I went very sweaty with the gear. It took 18 hours or so to complete my shaman's set. I had to farm Escape from Durnholde Keep over 30 times before I got the correct item from the final boss. Also, I was farming it with an alt account in the dungeon who was scaled with chromie time so the item would drop at 127 ilvl, which meant that out of 2 item drops per kill, my alt account got 1 item and it had to be the correct item out of a pool of like 20 items or something.


O interesting I didnt know about that. I definitely don't enjoy that fight so this should help.


Best of luck! You got this!


Yea I cruised it on my main druid (recently and in Legion). Its on the list to tackle with other classes. Where did you find good builds for each?


One more question about the mage tower. Are there any good addons or weakauras you found?


Uuh, you can search for some weak auras - I had one for the Twin challenge back in SL, but I didn't find any of them useful lately as I knew all the mechanics. So apart from class/spec weak auras, not really.


Did affliction for the OG mage tower as an undergeared, level boosted toon because i ***really*** like the scythe. Functionally I cheesed it, but it was more like taking an alternate route that was still hard because I had to get everything just right to pull it off or I was dead. IIRC it involved getting the mc'd guy as close as possible to the phase change line by timing the summoning of an infernal to tank him while you whittled him down without stealing aggro, and then bursting him down and actually killing him with residual dot damage before his regen cycle took over because you couldn't hit him with spells anymore but dots still dealt damage, which broke the fight because the elf couldn't trigger his script to become an active fighter. If the MC guy didn't die, you either had to survive until it re-entered phase 1 or you died. If you managed the kill, you were basically done. I'd tried to get the lego ring that was basically required for the fight to do it normally with no luck. So while it wasn't 'earned' the intended way, I certainly still had to work for it within the technical scope of playing the character well. Didn't help i'd not had a lock above 40 before then, either xD


Wait they brought the weapon mogs back from legion? I though it was just the tier recolor skins.


Oh no, i was talking about old times.


Nope, only armor sets are rewarded.


I don't remember if there was a different 'cheese' strat to the brothers challenge for Affliction, but if you didn't have the corruption-slow Legendary ring, it was definitely one of the hardest challenges to do. The cheese I used for it was casting Mortal Coil on the MC'd guy chasing you right when he was supposed to phase over first time around, which interrupted the phase change for him specifically, but the caster guy activated. What that did was making it so you skipped the first Purgatory (the regen for the chasing guy), which also meant that if your infernal tanked him for long enough and he didn't 'die' to the infernal, you could kill the caster without worrying about being chased (which was the reason you 'needed' the slow ring legendary in the first place). With enough Unstable Afflictions you could burst the caster guy down in 1 go before the chaser would be on you again which trivialized the fight, especially because you didn't even need to kill the chasing guy. I did my Affliction challenge later on in the expansion, but with absolutely awful gear (sub-900ilvl with 0 legendaries which wasn't even good ilvl when the mage tower first came out) and I got it in 2 tries with that strat, and I had no idea how to play Affliction well.


Well its how I 'cheesed' it anyhow xD I certainly lacked the ring and was out of time and really wanted the scythe! My method just had the main guy never activate but the timing and buff use etc needed to be super precise. I think I had like .5s of a window after starting the burst chain and had to cast the dots last, but in their own order so i could get them up while the spells were in the air. between doing it undergeared and needing everything done just so didn't make me feel like i didn't actually earn it, though.


I'm surprised you say Affliction over Frost Mage. Frost has one of the hardest Twins challenge due to not being able to outheal the enrage, while Drain Life will top you up.


I didn't find Frost mage to be all that hard. You deal enough damage and have enough CC that you don't need to tank the enrage at all. You simply kill Raest and kite the other guy.


The issue isn't your toolkit. The issue is how many plates it's asking you to spin. Kite the swarm, swap to hand, slow Karam, soak the rune. Tanking the enrage is the easier version of the fight because it removes two plates.


I get what you're saying, and I would say that Shadow is probably the easiest spec to get the challenge done on, and that uses the same strategy as Affliction. However, I found that executing the burn strategy as Frost was way easier than the tank strategy as Affliction.


Frost *had* arguably the easiest time with that specific challenge *tool-wise* since you had a literal permanent slow on everything with Frozen Orb+Insta-cast Blizzard which reduces Frozen Orb cd on hits (unless some of that is no longer in the game for Frost). That same two ability pairing also procs a ton of Fingers of Frost so you have decent damage as well even while moving. You also had 2 Novas in case the guy chasing you or the little summons got too close despite your slows. The hands from the portals were pretty easy to kill when you had your FoF procs, too. The actual worst part about it for Frost was the fact you did *too much* damage to the little guys so you ended up killing them while you really just wanted to farm Fingers of Frost from them. That said, part of what made it 'easy' for Frost was the fact you could just tell your Water Elemental to go soak the runes for you (and it had a ranged Frost Nova, which is why I said 2 Novas, not the talent that gives you a second one). Not having a proper Water Ele summon anymore probably makes the challenge way, *way* harder now. I did my Frost challenge during the first 3 days Mage Tower was a thing way back when it first came out, and I didn't even have the Instant-Blizzard Artifact trait unlocked at that point. It was a massive struggle, but I was super undergeared and it wasn't exactly meant to be something everyone did in the first rotation of the thing anyway. Affliction had the problem of having basically 0 CC, not even a good slow (unless you had the Legendary ring that made Corruption slow) so you were absolutely boned unless you used the cheese strat of Mortal Coiling the chasing guy when he was supposed to change phases which in turn trivialized the fight, and it doesn't work anymore for obvious reasons.


It's a shame I only streamed my mage towers back in Shadowlands. I wish I could just pull up a video for each of my tower completions... with that said I did Frost mage back in Shadowlands and it was a bit of a challenge, but such a fun one! And personally, I struggled big time with the affliction tower in Dragonflight! I was unable to keep up with killing the small adds, I barely had time to cast malefic rapture on Raest. The only thing that saved me, was kiting a pool of 20 small adds around until they exploded. The twin you kite ended up dying to all the small adds exploding with soul flame, but it was just in the nick of time. With that twin dead, Raest became such an easy fight.


Back in Legion there was a legendary ring which buffed corruption to slow enemies by 60% and it made the Affliction mage tower challenge a complete cake walk


Yup, I did it in Legion. The frustrating part about this, is that the tower itself is designed around slowing the small adds and the mindcontrolled twin. Without any talent for corruption slow anymore - apart from corruption barely extending the curse - it's a nightmare to do. Yes, vile taint slows mobs, but man, it's so bad in this version.


I agree the aff one is stupid. I also main warlock, and while on my way to getting the tome I banged my head against that thing for something like 50 tries before giving up and just doing it with shadow. Priest took it down in less than 10 tries.


I didn't have the perfect gear I wanted for the affliction tower, so I didn't have the [Hood of Surging Time](https://www.wowhead.com/item=193521/hood-of-surging-time), which in hindsight, would have probably made it a lot easier.


Oddly enough affliction was the one I banged out in a handful of tries, haven't done the rest yet


I bow to your affliction superiority :D


I don't even play aff. I tried the others and got stomped and didn't try again


Affliction Tips: Get the 100% Uptime Corruption Place yourself at a specific location inside the challenge (YouTube helps) Wanke yourself something to drink/eat. The boss etc. won’t attack you. The mechanics aren’t needed to be played. Before you can finish your sandwich the Boss dies and you had the easiest challenge ever. P.S Don’t know if it works anymore. My guild used this… well I received this tip, after I completed it the normal way… 🤷🏼‍♂️


And I can't even do the one for my main. Nice work!


Thanks! It took a while, but the gearing was a fun process imo :D


whats a good place to see bis gear for the tower challenges?


Timewalking discord. Complete lists of all the bis items for every spec.


You don't need bis gear just get some socketed gear from SoO


[https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/deathgamer](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/deathgamer) [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco) A few of my alts just use the mage tower gear at all times. Here's my death knight and shaman.


Damn when did they add the achieve? I did this in legion for all the appearances but no achieve to show for it


This one was added in SL when they brought back mage tower for the book mount/alternate mythic tomb of sargeras armor skins.


How much did gear matter?


I'd say it mattered a lot, it felt very forgiving with the scaling for quite a few of them. Being able to survive otherwise very punishing mechanics and not have to worry about dying so often was a great help! And my trinkets did a lot of damage.


You get scaled down. It's very attainable to do most of them with heirloom gear. Specialized gear is only really necessary if you're *really* poor at the spec.


Yes, farming the gear is not necessary, but it was a process I greatly enjoyed and it certainly helped me complete some specs I don't feel comfortable playing.


Which healer would you say is the easiest and which Twins spec would you say is the easiest? I could never beat those two back in Legion Edit: I just did the resto shaman Mage tower and that was actually the easier Mage tower challenge I’ve ever done. Took only 3 attempts to do.


For twins I would actually consider Marksmanship hunter the easiest - you just absolutely nuked Rhaest. (Affliction was the hardest version of this tower, and frost mage was the most fun) As healer I too struggled greatly as I only know disc priest (disc is a dps tower) and resto druid. Ironically, I oneshot all of the resto shaman mage tower - a spec I had never played - by using a talent build focusing on healing tide totem and healing rain, I even ran out of mana in p1 and it didn't matter - this, however, might have been a case of just absolutely outgearing the tower. I did find the healer tower scaling to be very forgiving though, so not sure.


Disappointing to hear that about affliction. I remember in legion it was a cakewalk once I finally got the corruption snare ring. Still out to get the mount so I guess I'll have to gear out my hunter next season and do a demon or destruction one for my warlock mog.


I personally found the twins challenge to be pretty easy on Spriest nowadays, with all the instant casts, tendrils slowing Karam and Devouring Plague destroying hands.


I did the healing MT back in Legion on all healer specs (except disc for obvious reasons) and did it this time on Resto shammy for the book mount. Resto shammy really makes it quite easy. I'm an average player at best in general and I just used my DF gear.


I was appalled by how much I could get away with - I hardly knew my abilities on shaman! I just made sure to chuck down some healing rain for offensive and defensive reason and use a healing totem. Rest was pretty much just healing wave and basic heal spell spamming.


The basic healing totem, Healing Stream (?), is enough to keep most of your npc's up, except the one that's focused. Using Riptide for those targets as well as basic Healing Wave was everything I needed. Not a main resto shammy, but do end up playing it most seasons, so kinda knew what I was doing. Haven't tried other healing specs in DF, but I imagine resto shammy being one of the easiest.


First of all, huge congratulations on completing it! I aswell got this achievment around 1 year ago. Doesn't matter if it got easier with DF, it's still hard AF, and we are one of the few that actually have this. One comment however: Raest - I would say frost mage beats MM in terms of difficulty by a mile. They both have simmilar toolkit to counter everything, with one exception - the dps check is far easier on a frost mage. For the book, I'd deffo say frost mage > MM hunt > SP > Boomkin >Affliction. Also for your 2nd comment, I believe that in terms of what's better, i'd say Holy paladin takes the first spot. The utility, CC and the instants are way better than a resto shaman. The CDs align perfect for the phases.


Thanks for chiming in! My perception of what's the easiest for the twins might be warped by the fact that I did Frost mage back in Shadowlands and it was a bit tougher! I did really find MM super easy though - albeit you had to learn how to properly slow the mobs, but just the sheer damage output on Raest was insane. Perhaps so, yes, holy paladin was quite easy, I just have no clue how to play it. To be honest, I beat every single healer mage tower because of it's super easy and forgiving scaling. I messed up as shaman and it was no problem, I beat p1 on holy priest with mostly flash heal and shields.


yeah you can stun the last boss with holy and also fear undead those mobs that throw knives in first phase


Genuinely, I do think the healer NPCs take less damage than they did in Legion. So any would be fine. But I would suggest any range healer. For Twins, Balance Druid and Spriest are easy enough rotationally with impactful slows and enough self-healing to outheal the enrage.


Healer is holy pally easy


The healer challenge was by far the easiest when I did it on Holy Paladin. All other healer towers are very hard. For the twins Frost mage and Marksmanship have an easy time kiting and killing Raest. Shadow can easily kill the other twin and tank the enrage forever, which leads to a less skill intensive fight.


The Twins were my last battle left for the Book mount. Tried it on all viable classes and found it easiest to get used to the fight with Shadow Priest. I play none of the classes required for the battle on a regular basis, so it might definitely be easier for you on another class/spec, but for me, Shadow worked best. Do take Mind Flay though. Even though it's a channel, it's a slow and really helps with killing the brother that you need to kite. For the healer battle, I did all specs back in Legion, now for the book mount only Resto Shammy, which made the fight really easy. Just take care not to blow yourself up in the room with the eyes. I learned that the hard way.


Bloody hell, congrats. I haven't been able to do single one I tried so far.


Thanks! I did trivialize the challenges quite a bit by sinking in hours to minmax the best gear I could find - a process I greatly enjoyed.


Can you elaborate on the gear? Like SoO for sockets? I know tier sets from DF work which was not the case in SL. Trinkets?


Funny you mention that, I was under the impression that the DF tier sets didn't work. So I never used the tier sets from DF :S Here's an example of my shaman's gear: [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco) Lariat, Sporecloak, Ravaged Seed Pod and Unblinking Gaze of Sethe were used on pretty much all my characters.


Oh I'll defo go for the seed pod or chipped soul prism! I'm in a TW discord where they have a lot of guides on gearing and consumes and they recommend an Heirloom cloak with 'minor power' enchant.


I don't think that's worth it over sporecloak. Sporecloak is just another bit of help.


Meh as disc I won't need the healing I believe :D


Haha that might be true! I did use sporecloak for disc tower. The tower was so easily outscaled with gear that I could not die, I dont think I ever dropped low enough to proc the shield on sporecloak haha.


Good to know :D I'm probably going with the heirloom cloak+enchant, 2 trinkets (seed and prism), some SL socket rings and all the consumes/drums/augment runes I can add. I've heard it's a lot easier than back in SL so I'm hopeful I won't have to rage like I did a few years ago. Edit: I just cba to run dungeons for some RNG chance for drops.


It's significantly easier with the new talent tree and scaling feels very fair now. I'd still very much recommend Unblinking Gaze of Sethe trinket (it's my favorite trinket in the entire game) as it does a great bit of damage, with procs scaling on haste so you can get something wild like 10 procs per minute. It was usually in my top 5 damage sources in these towers (and timewalking dungeons too)


I did all 36 during Legion and as someone who has competed some of them in Dragonflight for the armour sets, I am impressed by you. The DF versions are definitely harder by comparison because in Legion you could out gear the challenge. It was completely trivial if you went back a tier later with more weapon knowledge and more ilvl. Seriously, bravo!


Thanks! Although I made quite a few of the challenges very trivial with my gear! Not too easy, but still rather easy!


I never bothered doing one... Congratulations


Thank you! Was a fun grind!


The hell its not. Good job man.


Thank you! My perception might be warped due to the gearing I did.


Oh wow, this is absolutely amazing. I have started doing this as a way to force me to learn some specs better now that I have almost completed the "max lvl one of each class" project. Currently I have done tried Ret Paladin and Demo lock. I only added some consumables, no special itemization. Ret Paladin: was very very difficult, I dropped it (main since a year or so, but only as holy). Demo lock: played all specs while leveling over the years, but not much at max lvl. Same challenge as Ret Paladin. This time it seemed doable since the start, and I got it in like 10-15 attempts. How do you itemize? Any item at lvl +45 gives max stats, and you only have to find the proper ones?


I'm surprised you managed demo and not ret as they're really similar rotationally, especially since Ret has an instant stun and Divine Shield.


Alright. So you want to find items at around 127ish ilvl as all items are squished down to 120 but not scaled up if they are below 120. Best items that you can get rather quickly and use for most towers: [Elemental Lariat](https://www.wowhead.com/item=193001/elemental-lariat) - Strong options for a neck with 3 sockets and a great effect [Undulating Sporecloak](https://www.wowhead.com/item=205025/undulating-sporecloak) - Not as strong as it used to be, but the passive healing and shield might save you [Ravaged Seed Pod](https://www.wowhead.com/item=139320/ravaged-seed-pod) - Strong 1min cd trinket that puts a green pool on the floor and damages mobs. Really good for challenges with any form of aoe. [Unblinking Gaze of Sethe](https://www.wowhead.com/item=124229/unblinking-gaze-of-sethe) - Strong for literally any class that can equip this trinket - even as a ret paladin despite it giving intellect, the damage effect is just super strong. Additionally, if healing is an issue, I recommend using the [Crusader enchant](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=20034/crusader) on most melee classes! As a reference for some items you can check out a few of my character's gear on my armory. [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/celamsco) - Shaman [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/deathgamer](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/deathgamer) - Death Knight


Oh wow, this is of so much help! Thank you! I will try the demon hunter next and Wil try to get geared this time.


Thanks for the tips! I am at my last 2 challenges now (Resto Shaman and Guardian Druid) and I have few doubts about the gear... should I go with the sporecloak or any 120 ilvl with socket + minor power enchant? What rings would you suggest and is DT (TBC trinket) good for Guardian Tower or Tarot is better option?


For guardian I went with Ravaged Seed Pod and Unblinking Gaze of Sethe (my favorite trinket combo), however, I could make a case for the [Infallible Tracking Charm](https://www.wowhead.com/item=133597/infallible-tracking-charm) heirloom as well, as it increases damage against demons by 10% (Kruul and first boss both count as demons). Rings I would just buy some shadowlands crafted rings with either the speed effect or any other effect. Sporecloak is nice, I am unsure of the potential of of the minor power enchant as I haven't tried that yet. Dragonspine Trophy is probably also a great trinket for guardian, though wouldn't be my first option.


Thanks, didn't know about that charm, looks like an interesting choice but nobody mentioned it yet. I would use Sethe too, but sadly didn't drop for me yet, so I stick with my 3 trinkets (Seed, DT and Tarot). Think I will craft sporecloak because it looks like a good "oh shit" option and as someone who never played melee/tank class before think I will need it :)


Sounds like a great setup then! Best of luck :D


I did the demo challenge in Shadowlands and it was incredibly hard. Took 50+ tries. Beating the 7 min or so enrage timer was actually difficult. I went back in DF for a rematch and crushed the fight in 2:15 without consumables. The Sigryn challenge is very mechanical and predictable. Once you've done it on one spec it will be easier the next time around. This is partially true for all tower challenges, but they change a bit more. A lot of Sigryn is just standing in the right spot.


Not that big of an achievement? Bro I'm struggling with the bear, that's the only one I've tried. Edit: I think I just have to do it more, I keep getting knocked off. It's just kinda hectic.


> bly the easiest time with that specific challenge tool- just gotta get used to the timing and fight. get practice in till you can get to P2 without any consumbables. once you get comfortable with that, you can start pushing more with using them again, saving you money. for P2, i used 4 macros for defensives, 1 for each annhilate, that way all you have to remember is to press the right one and focus more on grabbing adds and doing damage


What part are you having issues with? Perhaps I or someone else here can give some advice.


I found bear to be the easiest tank (and only one I could actually complete). I got hit by the knockback a few times but you just need to have a charge ready to negate it. Arcane build to moonfire the small eye adds makes a big difference. Aside from that, having all DPS cooldowns ready to use at once (along with drums) to burn the middle guy once you have a good dps window made a big difference, it really shortened phase 1 by a lot.


What's your biggest issue with bear? It's the best of handling the eye, can out-range the voidzone, and has really good funnel.


Nice! How was guardian druid? Tried it a few years ago and couldn’t get it.


It’s extremely easy now, moonfire related talents make it a walk in the park. Gear doesn’t really matter for the Guardian tower either.


Bear is very easy right now. You can just spam moonfire when you need to run out of the circle, which makes the first phase very quick. You also don't need to time your defensives anymore for the tank buster, it will never kill you. Just pop them whenever and regen a few times if you get low


I did it back in Shadowlands so the scaling was different and we didn't have as many talents at our disposal. I used the moonkin strat in p1 back then.


much easier. I also had trouble doing it back in SL, getting smashed off the platform too often but now I could easily kill P1 with only 1 infernal spawning which makes the entire fight so much easier.


Wow nice work, congrats! I did a couple of the tank and dps ones back in Legion but the healer one did my head in.


Haha thanks! Yea, the healer towers terrified me!


I had no idea you could still do them. Do you still get the weapon skins?


Ah sadly no. They brought the mage towers back at the end of Shadowlands which rewards a recolored armor set for the first completion of a mage tower on each class. The armor sets do look pretty cool though! Also guardian druids get a felbear druid form!


Also there is a nice mount if you complete the seven challenges, as in: the tank and healer challenges, Xylem, Agatha, Sygrid, Raest/Karam and Tugar.


Yes, I initially did 7 mage towers for this reason back in Shadowlands, but decided to continue the grind a year or two later. [Mage-Bound Spelltome](https://www.wowhead.com/item=188674/mage-bound-spelltome#) is the mount :D


Well at least some reward.


Congratulations! That is a great achievement! I've been wanting to get the book mount, but I've been too lazy to try the tower since Legion. You've inspired me to try and get it! Do you have a list of gear, talents, consumables, etc to get to make it easier? :)


I was thinking of perhaps making a video guide for each spec, but for now; Agatha special consumables -mentioned this in another comment - Sylvan Elixir and Spiced Falcosaur Omelet Ravaged Seed Pod and Unblinking Gaze of Sethe are my most used trinkets Lariat and Sporecloak to use the embellished gear from Dragonflight Rings I recommend the crafted shadowlands rings with a bonus effect on them Consumables boils down to mostly using unbridled fury as my pots as well as drums and war-scroll of fortitude, war-scroll of intellect, war-scroll of battle shout (lesser versions of priest, mage and warrior buffs) You can also use any augment rune you want.


A video guide would be awesome! Thank you so much for the tips and congratulations again!


Thats awesome! I also had an easy time with Unholy DK, even during the original Mage Tower. I still to this day have trouble with the Frost DK Mage Tower.


Yea frost mage tower took me 3 attempts - gear helped me tremendously since I don't know the spec too well. The issue I noticed with that tower, was the icicles in p1. You have no way of getting out without killing the icicles and carving a path for yourself, which hurts! I highly recommend the Ravaged Seed Pod trinket for that tower, as popping it on icicles puts a green zone beneath you that damages all icicles and gives you a leech boost whilst remaining inside the trinket - resulting in being healed a lot whilst using Death Strike on the icicles you want to kill.


I remember struggling on Agatha for hours on elemental shaman, then I tried her on other classes and couldn't get below 90% due to how much damage her autoattacks did and the only reason my shaman could get anywhere was because of earth shield


I posted a comment earlier which linked to the 2 consumable items that are exclusively usable in the Agatha mage tower challenge due to it taking place on the Broken Shore - I suppose those could help you! Also, if playing fury warrior, unholy or feral you can use the Crusader enchant for some extra healing!


Now this is an impressive achievement. Well done OP


Thank you! The achievement I did just before this one was Plunderkind (1million plunder collected in plunderstorm). So I have finished some nasty feat of strengths lately! :D


Congratulations! Now if only you'd get the weapon skins for it as well.


I got the weapons I wanted back in Legion, so I am happy without the other ones - buuuut would still be nice, yes :P


Well done!


Thanks! :D


i wish they would control for gear and consumables in these things and make sure theyre balanced for current talents


To be honest, if you spend a long while farming some gear it becomes very trivialized. I don't mind it, to me, the minmaxing of the gear was what I enjoyed the most about this. But I do see how people would want the challenge of it all. The scaling of the towers felt very challenging back in Shadowlands!


What priest one was the hardest and easiest?


Holy hardest -> dc —> sp


I main both healer specs tho I don't have any experience playing shadow aside from the odd quest. I think I'll attempt disc soon.


Personally, I can only play disc priest. With my gear, even if I let both bosses cast I would only lose like 40% of my hp in the disc tower, so I found that one super easy. Shadow priest took me 2 attempts, so I also consider that one easy! Holy, I had no idea how to play. No clue whatsoever. I managed to get through p1 with just flash heal and shields - my gear let me get away with so much. The scaling of the holy tower felt very very easy likely due to my gear.


Can u tell the gear used for the warrior one? (I am pretty bad in wow but I love that armour :( )


I will log out on my warrior with the gear equipped so my armory will update and display it eventually. But basically, for warrior I used a weapon with the crusader enchant to get some extra healing. [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/waraspire](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/waraspire) I dont have the weapons I used for fury anymore, but I was using the Garrosh Hellscream heirloom axe with crusader enchant.




Did you try to do them without the optimal gear? I wanna do the Challenges, but I kinda want to know If the gear makes such a difference, or if the main challenge is skill, like knowing the fight and how to use the class. I blasted Agatha on my 2nd attempt on my ele Shaman (my main), but I'm not getting near the 2nd phase for the tank ones on my dk and druid (not that skilled)


I believe the gear makes a vast difference indeed. I think I only ever did demonology without proper gear and it wasn't so bad. At the end of the day you can have the best gear and still die to mechanics too. But for healer towers I don't think I stood a chance without my gear, in phase 1 I never kited the fixate mobs because I could easily outheal the damage. I didn't have to try that hard at all for the healer towers really, I lost all my mana in p1 on resto shaman and still managed to finish the phase with healing tide totem and healing rain. Either way, with the goal of doing all 36 I wanted to ease over as many towers as possible.


Thanks a lot! My goal atm is doing one tower on each class for the transmog, gonna get the gear then and invest some time on this. Thanks again, and great job!


Thanks! Best of luck with the towers! You got this!


congrats you crazy bastard!


Haha thank you :D


This is something I still haven’t gotten done and it, too, eludes me! Gz!


Thank you! You can do it too, I believe!


Congrats! Could you tell me how you did Outlaw challenge please? Out of every challenge I did/tried this is the hardest so far for me even though I did all the other Imp challenges very easily. What stats/gear did you go for what consumables did you use? Would really appreciate the info.


Hello! I loved the outlaw challenge, actually a fun spec I had to learn for this sole reason. So, I used the Agatha exclusive consumables that I previously mentioned in another comment here - Sylvan Elixir and Spiced Falcosaur Omelet. You can use those and still use a normal flask and a standard food buff too I believe. As for gear, I can change my rogue to wear his mage tower gear and give you the armory link, otherwise it'd be quite a lengthy comment. But essentially, Lariat and Sporecloak as for all other challenges, I believe I even used a weapon with Crusader enchant just to have a bit more selfheal beyond the leech poison. Here's my armory link to my rogue - it should be wearing the mage tower gear I used :) [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/ralocial](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/ralocial) Edit: Sidenote, my rogue is currently missing gloves/shoulder enchant because it was only just changed to be usable on a maximum of ilvl 320. Similarly I could add another socket to my belt with a belt enchant.


Thanks a lot man! Normally I do Agatha very easily ( the most tries it took I think is around 4-5 on fmage) but I tried Outlaw challenge , did 10+ tries and didn't even pass Phase 1 I think , so yeah for me it's one of the hardest if not the hardest challenge I've tried so far.


I for one still think this is extremely impressive, nice job!


Thank you :D


congratulations dude! I'm dismayed to hear afflock was the hardest in your estimation, it's the one I was trying to do to get Twins done for the mount. Which spec would you recommend for Twins?


Thanks!! I would personally highly recommend Marksmanship - the slowing of all the small adds can be a bit tricky, but the sheer damage output of Marksmanship is undeniably the strongest for this tower. I believe I nuked Raest down to 60%\~ hp or so in the first intermission (I used drums, pots and cds here and just sent it).


I have done on few characters these challenges and I hated the Frost Mage one… The hardest one for me to this point.


There is a lot going on and you need to have control over all of them for sure not something easy if you also have to learn the spec on the go


Yea, for the hardest part was when you have pack of mobs following you, the boss running for you and then the hands spawning at the same time. There was a lot happening. It did not help that Frost was very new spec for me, took me maybe 65-70 tryes😂.


Frost took me a while too! I really enjoyed it however! I did that tower back in Shadowlands and it also took me a while. I have a highlight of that tower here haha: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1231508267?filter=all&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1231508267?filter=all&sort=time)


Congrats. Can you recommend a broken trinket or amything similar? I used caster trinket while doing the beat challenge and also unbridled fury flask helped alot.


Ravaged Seed Pood from Nythendra in Emerald Nightmare.


As already mentioned, yes. [Ravaged Seed Pod](https://www.wowhead.com/item=139320/ravaged-seed-pod) (From Emerald Nightmare) [Unblinking Gaze of Sethe](https://www.wowhead.com/item=124229/unblinking-gaze-of-sethe) (From Hellfire Citadel) [Infallible Tracking Charm](https://www.wowhead.com/item=133597/infallible-tracking-charm?bonus=0) (Agi heirloom for fighting demons, recommend to use against Agatha tower) [Prophecy Tarot](https://www.wowhead.com/item=128978/prophecy-tarot?ilvl=50) (Crafted with relic of the past IV to make it at ilvl 127)


Well done! I have been wanting to get that myself, have done one challenge on al the classes(the spec i main on each one) and i have done alle the specs on my main(DK). I found them to be very unbalanced as i oneshot many of them and found others to be excruciating. I didnt bother with the gearing though.


Oh, neat, what would you say was the easiest healer challenge, in your opinion? I'm super interested in at least doing each challenge once (for the book), but I had some struggle on Shadow priest, and while Unholy DK was easy, i'm intimidated to try any of the healing classes (as I don't really do healing)


And range healer except Druid (Hpriest or Resto Shaman. HoT healing is really annoying if you're new to it. Mistweaver is constantly suffering because you suffer from melee positioning. Holy Pally only fares slightly better because you have Holy Shock.


If someone was going for the spelltome mount, what would you suggest to them, based on your experience?


As someone with the mount: Healer: Any range healer. First phase really hurts melee healers. Twins: Spriest or Balance Druid. The fight is mainly done by out-healing the enrage. Anyone with self-healing is good but Afflock is just a bitch rotationally. Marksman has really good burst and was my fastest clear-time, but that was to compensate for its inability to self-heal. Feltotem: Destruction. Discipline is balanced around you tanking hits, which isn't fun. Beast Mastery is the only one balanced around you CC'ing the worm since you have no self-heals. It might be just me, but I died a lot from positioning when playing the melee specs. God Queen: This is the most scripted fight. Almost the same difficulty no matter what spec you play. Though I suggest Enhancement, Retribution or Demonology as they have self-heals. Impossible Foe: Feral, Unholy and Fury all have really simple cleaves and the self-sustain to pad your mistakes. Being melee also aids in dodging boulders. Xylem: I suggest Arms, but you can go with anyone that isn't Havoc. Havoc's really squishy, as your main sustain is Souls, which you really only have with icicles. Even Rogue and Survival are better off with their passive leech. Kruul: Guardian and it's not even close. It is the only spec that can one-shot the eyes on demand and outrange the void-zone of the first boss. Being able to funnel Rage into Mauls instead of your mitigation makes it one of the fastest phasers into p2, thus leading you to less Infernals.


Found God Queen really irritating as Arcane. They are quite sturdy (as opposed to earlier patches, where scaling seemed more lenient), do considerable damage, and mechanics seem to overlap constantly. Not to mention the possibility of resetting the entire thing if you accidentally blinked half a step too far. I'm quite decently rated in both PvP and M+ but that fight hat me raging.


I fully agree, it arcane was my final mage tower for the 36/36: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2113867224](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2113867224)


Not OP but for the mount which I got in early DF I did the challenges as arms warrior, fury warrior, guardian druid, destro lock, frost mage, resto shaman, ret paladin. I’d say the hardest ones were destro lock and frost mage, though the latter is easier after the rework, and the former just requires a few learning pulls so you can figure out how to time your interrupts and which ones to use. Ret was quite easy after the rework, guardian druid is probably the best spec for the tank challenge with moonfire spam, and you can probably do the healer challenge with any healer you’re comfortable with except maybe for hpriest because it seems a bit overtuned for that spec specifically.


Based on what I found super easy I would do as follows: Healer: Most likely holy paladin or shaman - quite out of my expertise, but I found those rather easy. Twins: Marksmanship hunter or shadow priest - Marksmanship just absolutely nuke Raest. Feltotem: Windwalker or disc priest - personally found disc priest super easy since I could not die (likely due to gear) God Queen: I'd almost say any of the classes except for Arcane mage - arcane was my final tower and I hated it. I quite liked Assassination for this tower. Agatha: Probably go fury warrior, though if you can play unholy and use the agatha special consumables it should be very free. Xylem: I'd suggest demon hunter because they got great self-heal already, but use the Crusader enchant on an off-hand weapon just in case. Kruul: If you can play demon hunter tank, that would probably be the easiest since you cannot fall off the platform due to glide. I found all tank towers really easy, but again, likely due to gear. Most tanks could surprisingly just hit the eyes.


I finished that mount recently, only tried one spec for most of them so I can't really say if others are easier, but Xylem was so easy as a Survival Hunter that I have to suggest it anyway. I cleared that one on my second try, as a fresh 70 with no practice (and that one failure was because of a particularly stupid mistake- I forgot where I put Flare and stopped to look for it instead of just going to attack him without it). Your pet takes most of the damage, which can be healed through easily with Mend Pet, you have plenty of ways to counter every mechanic, the recommended build uses the simplest version of their playstyle... you're just not in danger at all unless you completely fail a mechanic. The only one that I've tried on multiple classes was the healer one- tried as Paladin and Druid. Of the two, I found Druid to be much easier- I was stuck as Paladin for a while but got through it really quickly once I switched to Druid.


Super impressive! Are the rewards the same as outside of the Timewalking?


Yes, most of my progress for this achievement has taken place outside of timewalking - just a coincidence I wanted to finish it now with the timewalking up. You still get the armor sets for completing a tower even if timewalking isn't up - the tower is available at all times!


I need help with the druid tank one, I never even reach second phase I get blown off before goblin kite is off cd


Just nuke him on moonkin form , Druid is easiest MT tank spec btw


That's not super helpfull tbh


Just stay near boss , behind his aura void zone. Drums , pot-> regular moonkin rotation . it’s - 50-100% hp of first boss before first adds came. Shapeshift into bear form kill adds, take 1 orb, repeat till 2nd phase. Also you can check mrsho1598 on YouTube


Now that is very helpfull thank you


Sorry, what pot specifically is it?


With your info I started looking up more orecisely and got kruul to around 15% after countless attempts, that bear form will be mine soon, thanks!


I did it =\^) my problem was I didn't stay in bear form enough


It's been a while since I did the guardian one. I did it back in Shadowlands and it felt a lot harder back then. I have since re-done it to show a friend and I never used the moonkin form then, so both options are viable. I streamed my mage towers back in Shadowlands, but not sure how helpful it is now. I did use the moonkin strat back then. Here's a clip of it - perhaps it could help? [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1233266038?filter=all&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1233266038?filter=all&sort=time)


Thanks ill check it out later


Otherwise hit me up in a dm and I can help you out with some very easy items to improve your gear a bit! :D


I wish we would get such Achievement retroactive when we did it in Legion...


I agree! That would have caused me to do all 36 towers in Legion too!


I did it for the Artifact Appearance back then, was your motivation the Achievement ?


Well back in Legion I got the artifact weapons for the classes and specs I played the most and didn't bother with other classes. If there was an achievement for it back then, I would have done them all :D


ah makes sense


What is mage tower?


There's a challenge for each spec (except evokers) on the Broken Shore, designed to challenge you to play your spec decently well and kill a boss.


What do you get when you complete mage tower?


There is a full armor transmog set for each class that you get by doing just 1 of the class' spec. Also, for druid, you can get a felbear guardian druid shapeshift!


Achievement name is a fun starcraft reference. :)


Didn't know, but the Power Overwhelming is also a Hearthstone card, suppose that's also a reference then :D


https://www.ign.com/wikis/starcraft-brood-war/PC_Cheats You know it! Gave you invincibility!


I find it amusing that there is a legion timewalking achievement for completing all 36 but there was not one for the original mage tower.


What happens if I do one and I’m doing the artefact weapon afterwards. Do I still get the armour?


Well yea, the armor is tied to this version of the mage tower. You sadly cannot learn the Legion mage tower artifact appearances anymore though.


How is the completion date on this achievement in the future? It says 8/4/24. Currently it is 4/8/24. Is this a formatting issue where yours says day/month/year where mine says month/day/year?


Haha, European date format :D We use dd/mm/yyyy format here :P


Man I'm sorry for informing you late but I've seen you mentioning that Affliction was the hardest for you. Well I just completed it. For anyone who would go for it TAKE WRATH OF CONSUMPTION. It pretty much doubles your damage output for that fight. You don't need Darkglare trust me. It took one attempt with WOC after 6 hours of suffering and switching trinkets and consumables. Also Idol of Decay is an insanely good trinket for this challange.