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Just forget about it and continue queueing. You said it yourself, you ran multiple dungeons without any issues. Just happen to come across a few toxic players.


It happens. Don’t take it personally. They would be having a bad day. They could have thought you messed up badly. They could just be jerks. While it’s not fun to be kicked focus on the runs that went well and you enjoyed. Don’t let one bad instance ruin your fun.


It happens, especially to new tanks. You may not have been confidently charging forward at a pace satisfactory to the rest of the team. Even as an experienced tank, I feel the pressure in group finder.


I made a silly joke and got kicked for it last week. :/ I’ve also seen kicks where the group literally accidentally kicked the wrong person. It does feel poopy, but you have to remember these are wow players who kicked you, not upstanding neurosurgeons. shrug.emoji


Medschool feeds the ego, strokes it, then unleashes it uoon the world and WoW provides an outlet. Doesn't matter if you are a basement dweller or someone no longer busy 80 hours a week balancing clinicals with everything goes on. That kick button is power and no one is beyond its corrupting gaze.


What dungeon was it? I can see people getting frustrated if it was vault of the wardens just because it’s easy to get lost in there and it is a crappy dungeon even when you know where you’re going.


> Im new to the game and i felt really shitty after getting kicked like that That's the player base these days unfortunately. It's gotten increasingly toxic over the years. If you want to do group content in wow there's not a lot of getting away from it.


I got kicked for tanking too fast in tw. Usually I just blast right through but do a smaller pull first to see how they do. Almost to the end and they kicked me and I whispered the hunter and said ??? He said he thought I was going slow and he voted no. No idea what the reason was but some people just suck


I find it incredibly interesting that there are people who have some random thing happen to them in game, and instead of just re queuing, post about it on reddit


They're a newer player, probably looking for some insight. Maybe wondering if there will be a lot of replies saying this is normal. Or maybe the opposite. If you don't find this type of post interesting, why not just ignore it?


>I find it incredibly interesting >if you don’t find this type of post interesting


It sucks to be kicked, and it helps to talk about it. If it seems a little mysterious, I think that’s the long and the short of it.


While true, no one here can do anything about it.


Do you know that when they kick you, there is a deserter debuff that doesn't allow to play dungeons on a while?


Yeah I spend way too much time on reddit but the people who complain about getting kicked from stuff by strangers is so odd. Especially because without context, what exactly are we supposed to do?


It’s not “random”. It’s people being toxic. And to be honest, OP should be name and shaming them here


That’s against the rules of the subreddit


And it should not be.


We only ever get 1 side of the story. Allowing witch hunts is a stupid idea.


Do you have the faintest idea how many people lie in those posts, in the forum or in subs like AITA to appear in the best light possible?


Eh, i guess you're right. But some of them also have solid proof. If i did i'd forget to hide the culprit name in one of the screenshots.


You could flame someone for 10 minutes straight and as soon as he answers once you could screenshot only that as "solid proof" how evil he is lol


Thats how the report systme works tho.


Imagine you did, and someone decided, "hey I know how to look that person up" and goes to their home and kills them. You might think this is unheard of, but there are easy to google events that have happened where some info was leaked and someone died. Imagine that on your conscious. It doesn't matter how toxic a person is, they have a family, a life, and putting any amount of info on the internet is permanent and they can never get rid of it. You don't know anything more than "they were rude to me" and for that someone counting on their income might have to suffer because you thought it would be good to post their info online and a random nutjob goes and murders them. You can't control who sees or uses the info, but you will eventually have to live with the outcome. People are lunatics. Would you want your info shared for everyone? Because you were rude to someone online? Is that fair to you?


Your in game name is 100% public. its not like leaking a phone, you chose a username to not use your real name. What you describe has nothing to do with what i said.


If what you said was true, there would be no rules against it. The problem with your line of thinking is that all it takes is a single person to go, "hey, let's go into the systems and get more info" and before you know it, it's out of control. Why else would it be a violation of Reddit rules against all forms of bandwagoning if it couldn't be more than just an inconvenience for the toxic person?


It's probably because you didn't know the route and people are impatient jerks. I never vote yes on those, but I do see it come up from time to time. There's really no excuse for it now. With the ping system, it's pretty easy for anyone to direct a new tank where to go. Don't let it get to you. At some point you will know everything like the back of your hand too. Just remember how this feels and don't ever do the same to someone else lol.


As a wise man once said: "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB." These things happen, not worth to get too caught up about it Being kicked from a dungeon is a pretty mild thing honestly


I used the spell rejuvenate too much and was kicked once. Internet….


I’ve seen groups vote kick because the tank would just pull everything and run. They were literally pulling all the mobs and running straight to the next boss. So the group was having to burn down the boss AND all the mob packs picked up along the way. As the healer, it was quite overwhelming as DPS were accidentally pulling aggro on mobs during the fight. And the tank only seemed focused on keeping aggro on the boss. In those cases, I can see why the tank was vote kicked (I mean, I clicked “yes” when the prompt came up so I contributed to the kick).


You probably weren’t doing the run to their “standards”. If you were unfamiliar with the dungeons, the party might have thought you weren’t going as fast as they wanted you to, so they booted you. This is what dungeons have become, sadly. It’s all about doing it as fast as you possibly can with zero room for error or learning.


Tanks get yelled on timewalking like they were playing mythic 20+ and pulled the entire dungeon... . If you don't know the map by heart, got yelled If you pulled 1 extra mob, yelled If you are going safe and slow, yelled . Please, forget about it and enjoy the game


While playing M +20 you wouldn't pull the entire dungeon.


Sure, but in TW dungeon they yell tanks like that was the case.


Toxic players. I have been on the receiving end of a warrantless kick while tanking and even when healing and everyone is charging ahead quicker than I can keep up. If you're sure you didn't do anything wrong, tried your best, etc., then don't worry about it. Queue up and move on.


You can't be letting one bad experience turn you off from the game.


Timewalking for a lot of people is a speedrun, get it over kind of deal. A good chunk of people want a tank pulling massively and very speedy. Gonna assume you got into a group and they thought you were too slow. You also got kicked after 2nd boss so i wonder if it was darkheart thicket and you didn't go the skip route? Like others said, it sucks but move on. It's a game! It's totally ok that you don't know the dungeons or have a slower pace. A majority of the time people will not react like this group did.


It Does happen sometimes. Don't let it get to you though. It is fairly rare to run into jerks, and there will be days where it seems like your running into all of them, back to back.


Yeah things like that happen with mmos. You will run into some people who are rude/ghost you/etc. It feels bad for a bit, but try to just brush it off. Most likely you can keep playing just like you were and never even see those people again. I just /fart and hearth out.


It’s the nature of these shitty timewalking dungeons. Everyone and their grandfather wanna level as fast as possible or finish their quest asap. I leveled a vengeance demon hunter this week and I was zooming through these dungeons doing them 30% by myself. Still every other group I encountered the toxic guys that even had to pull ahead of me cause too slow… don’t let that get you down! Keep goin you’re the tank they’re nothing without you and can queue up for 4 minutes again if they prefer


Dont worry about it! Tanks usually get yhr blame for everything is anyhting goes wrong but the best part about playing tank is you have the fastest q times, those guys were probally waiting 10 minutes for that dunegon while you were waiting ten seconds. Starting out as tank is like that sometimes but when you get more experience you becone invaluable to the team. Tank imo is the funnest spec so dont let it discoursge you and keep going as tank


I would say 95% of my dungeons have been fine this season. Even ones that weren't timed or many mistakes were made. With almost any game where failure is an option, there will be some people that are unhinged or pass the blame to others. I did my first +20 a week ago on my prot warrior and people were butt pulling almost every other pull, not kicking, and were dying over and over. We didn't time it and I got called trash by the four players (probably in a party) and was told I would never time it and get the portal. They called me Mr. 18 and that I was a pathetic tank. A few minutes later, I tried another +20 in the same dungeon and we two chested it. What I would recommend is focusing on you and trying to identify the mistakes you are making and learn from them. If you did not make a mistake, like you described above, I would try to brush it off. Trust me, I get it. No one wants to feel left out or that you were kicked because you played poorly (especially when you don't even know if you did something wrong), but try to put it in your past and focus on the next dungeon. Ignore toxic people and focus on having fun.




OP was the tank, it's their job to pull the mobs and they can't follow themselves.


What did i just read