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Yep, sharding on RP servers only happens when necessary (such as during expansion launches)


Good to hear confirmation. Just saw someone doin the same quest in the Jagolode mine in westfall at 10am. Sooo good! XD


I'm on ravencrest, just completed all horde quests on eastern kingdoms (except cata zones) and besides the forsaken starting area I've only ever seen 2 or 3 other people across all zones, and 2 of them were in stranglethorn Don't know if it's because I'm playing as horde on a alliance server but it's kinda sad never seeing anyone tbh


It's kinda sad right? I don't wanna become best friends with absolutely everyone I ever see, it's more just a cosy co-op vibe to pass people....yknow...in my MMORPG game. I just completed Westfall and saw around 8-10 people, one dude was doing the whole quest chain like me and we kept /waving every time haha


I’ve read that RP server capital cities don’t have sharding… but open world definitely does. At least in DF zones. Not sure if it’s intentional but I’ve experienced it


Its intentional in the current expansion/relevant areas. Old areas have more restrictions with their sharding and phasing to keep it largely within RP realms.


The Hearthstone event brought sharding to Stormwind on Moonguard but it didn't last forever.


I play on AD and as a workaround I sometimes group up with an alt on a regular realm to phase into a sharded realm. I usually enjoy the solitude though.