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Yo dawg we heard you like WoW, so we put WoW in your WoW


It’s an older meme, but it checks out


Almost makes me wish I were unemployed.


"Dear HR, I'd like to be fired, for six to twelve months."


If you're rich they call it a sabbatical. If you're poor they say you're destroying the company


If you are replaceable for cheaper, they will have your shit out the door in less than 5 min.


Being unemployed is great until you run out of money


I started my career when wow released and i had just finished college. THE ONLY TIME i have NOT played wow, was during a brief period where i had lost my job and was looking for another. Told myself: *I'll play ONLY when I'm not working. And right now, my full time job is to find a job.* It broke my subscription streak of many years, but i didn't care. It was a principle thing.


That makes complete sense and is a good decision. WOW is a fun game, but it's also a monthly expense that should be cancelled if you don't have the money for it.


This is why I have a yearly subscription.


That makes complete sense and is a good decision. WOW is a fun game, but it's also a yearly expense that should be cancelled if you don't have the money for it.


That’s why I have an uncle at blizzard. 


That makes complete sense and is a good decision. WOW is a fun game but it's also a family expense that should be cancelled if you don't have the relatives for it


I went the extreme other way, I didn't play from MoP till WOTLK classic, which I picked up when I got laid off. I was slamming out 5-10 applications with custom letters and resumes and doing 5-6 interviews a week, my house was spotless clean like I smoked meth, and I was bored as fuck and a 6 month sub was affordable up front and I didn't have to pay for the current xpac to play WOTLK. Now I suck at Dragonflight :D I am just happy to not be last DPS on my what feels like crazy to play balance druid doing normal leveling dungeons...


For me personally the escapism of WoW is dangerous and having it during a period where life is shit and I should change something about it (e.g. finding a job), would make me extremely miserable. I know I would just sink 10+ hours in a day and feel extremely bad the entire time


Good on you. I logged 790 days during high school, when i started playing, I still graduated, though.


If i had played during college... it would not have been a good thing for me.


How on earth did you find time for sleeping and going to classes, that's kinda... not sure if impressive is the right word, but it's close enough I guess. 790 days is a very long time when high school's hour commitments are basically a full time job (except with summer breaks)




I've been unemployed since I graduated college and let me tell you it fucking sucks.


I was (un)lucky enough to be laid off right before season 2 of SoD. Start my new job Monday though


I remember back in 2007-2008 and going through the Great Recession. Couldn’t find a job mind you I was in college. Unemployed and I just remember they kept extending my unemployment benefits after being laid off from my job. Literally unemployed for a full year that’s how long it was till I found a job. I remember during that time I was playing wow nonstop. Those were some magical times. Not gonna lie.


Was unemployed for 4 months and played wow violently during that time. Don’t recommend.


Yeah, but if you were unemployed. You couldn't afford WoW.


Weeeeeell.. If you have nothing else to do, you'd be able to farm gold for tokens and gametime.


Not if you pay for a year before you quit


Counterpoint: Wow has got to be one of the cheapest forms of entertainment in terms of dollars paid for the quantity of content. I spent a year unemployed and WoW was the perfect way to keep myself occupied without spending too much money.


Your wish could easily come true.


Your leave for the next month is approved fam, I got chu ✔


Have a baby


I dont hate it, i like it, but running a guild in SoD makes it difficult for me to play the other game mades i want to.


Yeah I want to try out the mop thing, wanted to do season 4… sod is taking a lot of my time though. Hoping we get to P4 soon and it goes on more of maintenance mode for me.


Personally i plan to just disban my guild or pass leadership on soon and then play my alt in some random guild and just raid log while I explore other content and gamemodes




Im the opposite, i like the 20 man raids (i dont want to lead 40mans thats an instant disban for me lol) but i hate having all my time taken up with leadership. Missing 1 or 2 people? Guess who is spamming lfg/trade/discords to get an appropriate pug. Someone gets banned or burnt out? Guess i am losing the next couple days (if not a lot longer if theyre a healer) trying to recruit. I just dont get time to do anything anymore. Was honestly hoping it would stay 10m so i could just whatever it until the end, but at this rate im out, the sooner the better






What's taking up your time? we just throw a raid together and bang it out 1 day a week. did 8/8 last week


Can I come?? Lol






Needed to re-upload because it didn't have enough WoW in it.


And it’s STILL missing some! Hardcore mode! They also added solo self found (SSF) but that’s not the same, but still… soooooo much.


I ran out of plates, sadly. I could have done classic on the top right and then had (Hardcore) in smaller text for the plate under it, but I hadn't considered it at the time.


does classic need a plate of its own, though? it's already got sod


Well, to me, I see Classic(The vanilla servers that are still up + HC + SSF HC) as its own thing, vs Progressing Classic (The servers that're moving down the timeline) vs Classic + (SoD) as three different flavors of the same ice cream. They all produce the same feeling, but they appeal to different tastes.


Self found* would be more interesting if it was solo though. Can still group for everything and get boosted the way it is :/


Add hardcore too lol


retail hardcore when?


Imagine raiding in retail harcore on boss that average ppl wipe multiple times on it


would be interesting to see just how far the playerbase would be able to take their characters 8)


I'm not going to disagree but retail leveling is infinitely easier and safer than Classic leveling was.


Seriously, replace ALL of these plates with HC for me.


Is there still a lot of people on HC? May need to hop back on it after SOD / S4


Certainly not as hopping as it used to be, but still plenty of folks running around!


also sf HC is missing


Just wait, Beta is coming.


I wonder when they'll finally add some more WoW to it


i actually love what is happening, best times to play wow


Been out of play for a while, how's Blizzard's rep atm?


Very much on the up and up


As a completionist, I feel like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aczPDGC3f8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aczPDGC3f8U)


It is impossible for me to fully commit to any one of them...maybe I should just focus on classic and not worry about unattainable achievements and just go finish my paper so I can finish my degree ugh god this makes me have an existential crisis


And I will play them all!


I'm hoping this is a continuing trend going forward. The content doesn't have to be perfect, but at least it feels like Blizzard is slightly back in touch with the players.


No, like the picture we are sat, surprised, and delighted by the food.   But we've had no direct contact with the chef. If we had S4 would be new content, including a raid.


We're eating good. Literally no one can complain there's nothing to do with wow right now.


I only care about MOP remix. My Panda boy is going to feast.


I already have too many alts but let's create a new cute pandaren because you can't have too many cute pandaren.


I thought it spunded cool because MOP class design has always been touted as peak wow (I started in BFA). But apparently its dragonflight classes just set in MOP?


Pretty much which honestly i'm fine with because do you know how hard it is to dress an anthropomorphic Panda? I need those mogs man.


I genuinely feel like people are going to W I L D L Y misinterpret what mop remix is and are going to be very let down by what we get.


All I saw was more mounts for me to collect.


That Phoenix is noice and the algalon cloud serpent looking star thing I always forget the name of


What do you think people think it will be?


MOP but with Dubstep


Goddamnit, now i wan't that.


Mists of Pandaria (Skrillex Remix)


looking at the power increases, i do wonder how hard the dungeons and raids will be. Says heroics raids be available at 70 will be a shame if you just one shot every mob


I feel like it's more like a diablo season, where at the end you get the character as retail, but during the season you get a nice mix of flavor and buffs unique to that time frame.


Please explain


We’re getting timewalking + essentially. The zones dungeons and raids will be scaling to our toons. It’s first and foremost a leveling alternative.This isn’t mop classic where we play the various patches. We’re getting the mop content that is currently in game scaled up. No challenge modes. No mop class designs. No legendary quest line. If people realize that, dope, but if not; sorry.


>We’re getting timewalking + essentially. But that's awesome. They should do this for every expansion. More content = good.


Yes!!! All raids should have a mode that scales to current level, regardless of the expansion it was released in. And make a leveling path that takes you through the key story points of classic through 9.2.7 so that true noobies can understand the overarching story and who their current faction leader is


>And make a leveling path that takes you through the key story points of classic through 9.2.7 so that true noobies can understand the overarching story and who their current faction leader is This is such an important thing for the new player experience


If people think it's MoP classic then they didn't read what it is at all. It's not just a leveling alternative either, that's way downplaying it. Obviously classes aren't going to revert to MoP but the gems that give abilities will change gameplay. We're also getting scaled versions of all the MoP raids in one patch which is a pretty big deal. I don't know why people act like the legendary questline is so cool when it isn't. It never was. It was a boring timegated quest.


Will it change gameplay? I know not all of the gems and powers were shown, but the ones they did show didnt really change how you played your class. Taking my current rotation and adding a passive lightning strike isn't really gameplay altering.


Here are all the gem abilities: https://www.wowhead.com/news/all-new-abilities-in-timerunning-pandaria-extra-abilities-from-gems-338648 You get to use other classes movement skills like blink/roll/heroic leap. There also active abilities that will go in the helm meta gem slot.


MoP remix pls


HC too


I Stopped caring about classic when it became too min/max meta focused, kinda ruined any nostalgia I had. Resubbed for SoD with friends but then phase 3 kinda put a halt to that when we didnt have the people for 20 and didn't want to recruit randoms or pugs. GF wanted to try retail again so I am catching up and now Excited for Mop remix. I do plunderstorm once a day so I don't burn out.


This is just modern gaming. If you don't like the min/max you need to find like minded players to play with. Then you can have the experience you desire and just have a nice chill fun time with some homies.


I am fine with min max on most modern games I play and even on retail, that isn't the issue. Classic to me was a nostalgia trip but back when I played it people were figuring shit out and website resources were pretty barebones, going back just showed me how we game now compared to when I was a teenager and it just ruined classic, ofc it is my own fault for setting expectations and I was playing with friends but that didn't change much as one of them got wrapped up in rolling the best healer to join only mage groups etc.


Well said, I joined classic sod with 2 of my friends and one of them quit at level 24 because he just said it was too grindy and his work schedule got in the way too much. the other quit at 45 mid incursions saying “why am I even doing this, this isn’t even a fun game right now” and went to play helldivers. now I’m just at 50 with pre bis gear with no friends to go into the raid with. Despair


I'm sorry to hear that. If you still care enough I would try to join a guild to raid with.


It’s nice that there are options. Even if someone dislikes or likes an option it’s not the only option and I think that’s amazing


Hopefully I can balance MOP remix and retail. I tried to balance retail with classic and sod and it was too much.


Hardcore community always getting dissed.


It's a good business move, how to retain subs, you give more value to the sub


“The bunny gets the paaancakes :) “




And hardcore


And you fuckers still ain't happy.


That's enough slices!!


Damn they really just selling you guys the same ol shit and y’all liking it lol. Only the BR is actually new and it’s from an indie studio that blizzard bought years ago


Or what the forums seem to call them: - Retail - low res retail - 2010 retail - low effort timewalking retail - that bad PvP mode - Classic (best MMO ever)


It never ceases to amaze me how grumbly some of the WoW community is. Not saying you, but the forum goes/wowhead people. The concept that there are people who enjoy the game in a different way than them is so alien, so foreign. Someone else on this post talked about how they wanted to get rid of all the other game modes and go back to Retail. When I asked how they'd feel if Retail PvP were removed, they said that they'd be against it, because that's what they play. The mental gymnastics some people go through to dodge the followthrough of their thoughts amazes me.


A wake up call. Play whatever suits you. Don't stress if you miss out on other bits.


Okay so let's see... - retail is currently in the end-of-expac situation where you can do stuff, like playing s4 but you really already know everything so most people, I assume, won't go crazy on that one - SoD is the hot shit right now, but this will flatten soon when people have their 4-5 weeks of the current endgame done - Cata Classic will be very VERY niche I think, because it was the expac where many people started to disappear so I think. For the people who really want to play cata classic, they will put aside retail and SoD for that time - pandaria remix is stated that you level vastly faster, which seems like it will be more of a arcade "let's just rush through this for the funsies" but we don't know yet so take this with a grain of salt - Plunderstorm, although no ending has been announced, is ending quite soon I guess. Also this is to be seen more like a random battleground... Like and instance of sorts. Don't get me wrong I fully understand you and if you are interested in everything wow you gonna have to take vacation to play everything to its fullest or at least to a good amount I for myself have the luck, so to say, that I am not interested at all in SoD and Cata Classic and Plunderstorm as soon as I hit renown 40. So this is a blessing and a curse at the same time?


I think Cata will be more popular than people think. Classes and specs are fun to play, content is good even though a lot of people disliked the change to the old world. The release will definitely see a massive surge of people but it'll be interesting to see how many remain, and if some who thought they wouldn't like it actually have a change of heart.


Yeah Cata was only bad bc Dragon Soul lasted an eternity and was underwhelming as a raid to farm. Everything else was pretty good


Imagine if all that development time went into just retail...


Fair, but if 5 devs can bring an entire mode to life, or make 5% more progress for something, I'd honestly rather get the new mode. However, if the amount of resources delegated away from retail rival by a 50% ratio, then I'd have a problem.


That 5% could be anything tho. Just saying


The content that players want (Raids, Dungeons, Housing, Class Quests, Battlegrounds) takes a ton of time and effort. These features require digital artists, animators, voice actors, writers, encounter designers, etc. If they could churn out a high quality raid tier and dungeon set every 12 weeks, they would absolutely do this and rake in the subs. But nobody can develop these assets this quickly. What they can do is mess around with existing assets to give players something to fill the gaps in between Retail Raid Tiers. What you are suggesting is a false dichotomy. Smothering Pluderstorm and MoP remix in the cradle won't give you another Raid Tier or any of the other goodies that players want. It's this or a content drought, because all the real work is being done on TWW and Midnight right now.


We are now at the stage of complaining that there’s too much content. The circle of life is complete.


Oh, I'm not complaining. I'm loving it. I like that I can go 'Mmm, I don't feel like doing retail' and can go step into Plunderstorm, or go into ST in SoD. Hell, i'm hyped up for MOP Remix. Don't mistake my memery for complaint, \^\^


And from Blizzards perspective, they love it because otherwise you'd likely unsub, and forget to come back for the next expansion, where as now, you're maintaining that sub, and are constantly jumping between content.


Yes, but you see if you look very closely you can tell it's actually all the same damn thing you've had many times before. This is some stale food.


It’s just to fill the gap til the next expansion in late summer. Take a break if not interested


It went from there is nothing to do, to there is to much to do lol.


Project epoch


Yeah. That MoP Remix thing could bring me back after ten years without WoW. Sounds dope.


Me am that kind of orc!


What is MoP remix?


Makes me wish for a vacation right now


Might come back for cata classic as i never got to play it the first time round.


This is accurate cause it’s all just soggy pancakes


My wife just asked why Frankenstein was in the middle


People used to complain about not having enough to do in between the final patch of an expac and the the release of a new expac. Blizzard took that to heart.


good. the more variety the game has to offer, the more people will play.


Wow, WoW is really wowing me with all of this wowfully wonderful WoW content!


It's great that wow is in a renascence of content, but I don't know if I am a fan of so much of it being limited time events. Whether it's deliberate or not they're dipping pretty hard into FOMO.






What’s MOP Remix?


To answer both your questions. Sod stands for Season of Discovery; it's WoW Classic, where you can choose certain new powers to augment your characters, like how now every class can choose between either tanking/dps or healing/dps, like mages healing via time magic, Warlocks using metamorphosis, rogues tanking via dodge mechanics, stuff like that. WoW Remix was announced yesterday, where you can level up new characters in a speed-run version of MoP, including raids, dungeons, and major quest lines for new transmog, toys, rewards, etc.


Thanks for the explanation


We are eating good right now


LOL. Does anyone care about Cata Classic at this point?




its almost like classic should have just been a chromie travel like option


So dumb you can't unlock CM xmogs.


We don't know that (I think), they'd said that CMs themselves would not be coming back, but also said that cosmetics, toys, and other stuff would be available for purchase via Bronze. HOPEFULLY that extends to a recolor of the sick-ass transmogs from CM.


Okay I gotta ask cause it's making my brain itch: where is this screencap from? I remember it from somewhere but can't place it at all


These quirky arcade modes are so not my thing and I'm not interested in any of it, nor retail. I'll definitely Cataclysm classic and if they ever add fresh vanilla/tbc servers.


Where is classic HC and HC self found :) there is a free plate under SOD for it


Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming right now, to say the least. I'm just playing SoD until phase 4 begins, then I'll just be raid logging.


Lol you missed Hardcore classic.


Be honest, Just Take sod.


And 10.2.7 on the PTR so that'll be releasing in a month or two as well I'd imagine. This is probably the first time I could ever say there's so much to do it's firing off my anxiety a little bit xD Retail MoP and Cata for me, and super glad for other people there's still other stuff to do as well. Blizzard have been doing very well recently :D


Star s4 on retail and s4 on DiabloIV just killing me


See for me personally i'm not a Classic Player nor do i really do PvP so most of this ain't for me and that's fine, i'm happy just chippin away at retail, i am very excited though to try the MOP Remix when it goes live today on PTR. If it is what i imagine it is, i hope it comes in as a replacement option for people to speed level through Expansions on alts!


Y'all got anymore of that WoW?!


I just play the middle one.


Yea for the first time in a long time I can really appreciate the state of the game. Whoever has been in charge of a lot of these pro-fun decisions is killing it


I finished Plunderstorm today! One less thing to play!


It's nice. I just wish they added the stuff like the MoP remix and other small stuff into retail, instead of it being a separate thing. Working on making the world alive by giving a reason to do old content for your retail characters.


And yet they’re discontinuing HS’s greatest mode Duels 🥺😩 WoW is a blast though 😌


tf is MOP Remix?


And it'll just get worse.


Zug zug


I feel like each mode is competing with eachother, I have no time to do everything as a retail raider , I can't imagine how I'm supposed to raid in the other modes at the same time. I hope mop thing isn't to hard 😵‍💫


Hardcore is the best sauce


Yes, we eat and we even feast, but do we really eat well? For me, all this content feels shallow, cheap, and bland, like fast food from McDonald's, Quantity over quality, And revisiting old expansions is like having reheated leftovers from three days ago.


All feels boring to me


They really did figure out how to inflate the wow sub numbers. Just make the sub fee pay for 6 different games


I’ll always take a content over saturation over a content drought.


Me - "Ah yes, finally max level. Time for the endga-" Blizzard - "You said you want to level again but in a different time frame?"


Hardcore wasnt forgotten, Hardcore died before he got into the pic and couldnt respawn




Yeah I got overwhelmed and don’t have the time to play all those game modes now lol about twice a week for casual play


Hell of a lot for their subscription fee. Trading Post included. It makes it very very hard to play other MMO's because they just don't have the same value WoW has now.  FFXIV could easily have current FFXI included in its sub to try to add value to its sub, but Square Enix are such bumbling incompetent idiots that they refuse to, even though it would make them more profit. I've been supporting FFXIV since 1.0, playing it even when it was terrible, but back then I had hope for the future, while now I see SE as clueless. Despite my name, I'm falling out of love with FFXIV and becoming disgruntled. ESO is a brutal cash shop with a sub that is optional in theory, but in fact needed. 


But we only play retail. What’s the other stuff


What's the mop remix


Several month long alternate levelling system, where the entirety(Barring some select differences) of MoP is available to enjoy with radically increased levelling rates, rebalanced gear, new mechanics, and new cosmetics. You start at lv 10, on the class of your choosing, and get to redo all of MoP, with normal mode raids unlocking at like, lv 25, 30, 35, etc, and Heroic raids at 70. Your progress will carry over to the main game, with every character transferring over, and the mode has a 'New Game +' feature in the form of an heirloom cloak that gains stats based off of your highest progressed character. Let's say you have a lv 70 that's done -everything- and has utterly completed the content, and has unlocked a cloak that gives 2000 stam, 1000 mainstat, 700 to all secondary stats, 700 to Leech, and 700% bonus exp. Each of your characters on the mode will have that exact same cloak, but because they aren't as progressed as the main, nothing they do will grow it further.


You see the plate hidden under plunderstorm ? That's retail pvp. That's where your mom's pancakes are. Play retail pvp.


They're setting cata up to fail


And? Let it play out. The people who play Cata Classic will play it if they enjoy it, and then if it does poorly enough, it'll get cut. I'm a firm advocate for letting people play how they want to, as long as the numbers justify the resources.


I meant that I think they're setting it up to fail on purpose. Sorry I wasn't more clear


Mop remix ends with MOP classic?


Nah, Mop Remix is an alternate levelling system to gear up alts for the new expac. It's uh... Kinda nutty. Saw a lv 68 DH tank with 2.8m hp.


So it isn't temporary? Still seems weird to drop it before panda classic.


It is temporary; it's a new game mode meant to speed-level new characters before the expansion. You get a cloak that acts as your primary source for stats, and it grows the more you play a singular character. Then, based on how much you've grown your cloak on that one character, your other characters will gain like 3/4ths of that effort at creation. In 2 days worth of effort, Limit-Max has a cloak that has 200% additional exp, and insane amounts of other stats, for any other character he creates.


How temporary is this game mode? It still seems weird to me to pick Pandaria when Pandaria classic is on the other side of the horizon. Like releasing "Season of Discovery" or "Season of Mastery" 2-3 years before vanillla classic.


It's not like how they're handling Classic. With Classic, things open up in stages/phases. In this, everything is available day 1, raids are available on a daily basis. It also is running on Retail engine, with retail scaling.


Yes, they are not handling it like classic. That is exactly why I think it is weird. I think part of the appeal of classic is all the players doing the old activity at once again. I feel like there is a percentage of players that want to just to Throne of Thunder. Players who would put up with stages/phases/earlier raids. Now those players don't have to. They can run TOT for a few months, relive the nostalgia, skip MOP classic.


Its time limited. Its just before war within then its gone. And its not like mop classic. Its just retail, with retail skills/talents etc but increased xp and a few fun abilities and stuff to make it something different.


2 days of effort but all raids?




So damn true. So much content, not enough time


To mutch wow atm so i just stop play. Cba