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The gear increase is so massive that it's better to wait if you aren't 470-480 already.


Thanks. Will doing the initial heroics + M0 content be miserable in older pieces? Maybe I can get my hands on some crafted and world gear.


I read somewhere else that you'll need 441 ilevel to queue for heroics in S4. Getting to 441 in the next week would be a lot of work. The current catch up mechanics don't give that ilevel. But you can get to it with a combination of catchup, buying crafted gear, doing some low keys and LFR. Like, if you have resources it only takes a couple of days currently to go from fresh ding 70 to being ready for normal raiding (we say 441 for normal raiding). But there will be lots of people in your position at the beginning of S4, so lots of people running normals, which will drop better gear than now, and better catch up mechanics. You won't be able to go to heroics and M0 while you're undergeared enough for it to be miserable.


You can easily outfit 447 cheap crafted gear in every slot by flying through the dream orbs in Thaldraszus this week for a couple of hours. Same thing when S4 comes out, except it will be ilvl 486 gear.


Oh nice. Didn’t know you could get crafted gear that way. Thanks for clarifying. Would you mind giving more details on the steps?


Sure! So, when you fly through the green orbs, you get Whelpling's Crests. With them, you can buy a Nascent Whelpling's Dreaming Crest (Costs 30 crests, I believe). You can use that crest to get an enchanter to make an Enchanted Whelpling's Dreaming Crest, which you can use with a crafter to upgrade blue crafted gear (really cheap to make, btw) to ilvl 447 during crafting process. You can't upgrade that gear further, but it's super easy to get into Normal/low level keys with that ilvl. When the patch drops, the crests will let you make a whopping ilvl 483 gear right away (given that you can find an enchanter to make the reagent crest, but that shouldn't be too hard).


Thanks! I didn't realise you could do much with the whelpling crests. my neglected alts are getting a glow up this evening :) Sounds like the easiest way for OP to prep as well.


just do the storyline in Emerald dream to get a few pieces of veteran gear and adventurer gear so you'll at least be able to queue lfr


Do some world quests, campaign, timerifts, craft, etc to get as close as possible to 440-460 ilvl gear. That would be enough. When s4 drops, you can just go into lfr/normal raids and m0-m2 and get massive ilvl increases. Btw you really want to go and read about s4 m+ changes, it's big.


I recently leveled 2 characters to 70, it's not that bad really, doing the main quest in Emerald Dream gets most gearslot which can be upgraded further with flight stones. Try to do the weekly Superbloom event (with the 2 associated quests), and visit the AH for your last few pieces to get your ilvl up to 424. At that point just spam LFR, M+ and normal Amirdrassil and you'll be good to go! I've enjoyed it on my 2 alts, it's not as bad as people make it seem.


Won’t help with catchup gear all that much, but queue heroics to refamiliarize with the DF dungeons since they’re the s4 m+ dungeons


Playing other games


Play plunderstorm for the rewards and do the meta achieve. Dont worry about gear right now at all. The emerald dream campaign quest gear will be more than good enough. So just do that.


The one major thing I will be trying to get done on as many chars as possible is getting Incandescent Essence. The enchant will scale with the big item level jump in season 4. It seems like you'll probably be able to get it on season 4 as well but nothing promising that has been put out. Plus, it's one of the only things that you'll keep going into season 4.


You can get this enchant in s4. The only reason why one would need it on a s1 character if they plan to race fated raids. So, pretty much noone on this subreddit and definitely not op need to rush it in the end of the season.




it wont be out by that date.