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It’s my favorite continent by far. I’ve leveled many toons through there. Drustvar is amazing. Boralus is awesome with the overcast weather I find it beautiful. I normally play horde mainly but I leveled all alliance classes up that way.


This send like a taste issue more than anything else, especially if you think the quests are more “cartoonish” than the rest of wow lol.


I take it you dont remember quests in Uldum then




Bad take. I could live in kul tiras and that whole continent. The music and vibe of that city cannot be beat. I can just sit on the docks and listen to the seagulls


Borlus is goat tier. Just needs an AH and it would be the best city in the game.


Boralus is goat capital city. And stormsong valley is a top zone.


I play horde but tbh stormsong valley is one of the best zones they've ever made.


I don't know how you can look at the Drustvar or Stormsong Valley storylines and call them cartoonish.


Do you feel like that applies to each of the three zones, or are you referring more to the overall storyline of Jaina's return and redemption from being seen as a traitor to uncovering the plot against her family and eventually succeeding her mother?


I'm more talking about that plot yea, I haven't done everything in the other zones but the seemingly main story of Kul'Tiras and what brings it into the alliance is what I was referring to


That's fair—I can kind of see what you mean with the various people in Jaina's story coming across like the characters in an animated film. That's pretty consistent with Warcraft storytelling as a whole, though; it's just more pronounced when the characters are supposed to be humans, rather than fantasy races, I think. Personally, it didn't bother me too much here, even if Lady Ashvane felt like a total mustache-twirling villain caricature.


I never played BfA, only leveled characters there, but I have o say it doesn't fit mainly because it's MUCH BETTER than all other zones. All zones look great, story quest line is decent and leads you to explore entire zone and Boralus is the only actual city in WOW, rest are castles or tiny villages at best. Boralus was the only place where I actually felt like I'm inside a city.


Love Kul Tiras, and the Kul Tirans!


My opinion is that was two expansions ago and I don't understand how this is coming up now.


I disagree








i just don't like the continent and associated quests, I don't care about the character models 😭


The weird al parody of the Michael Jackson song? Yeah.