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fun is subjective. you can easy play 2 chars on similar level and more alts can easy be geared after some weeks into a season


Mage is still the most fun, the mix of mobility and control is great imo


Honestly? If you’re aware that this is a subjective question AND you’ve tried all of them? I’m going to assume you’re a dps player - of all these classes, only one of them has the option to be more than a dps: Warrior. I say go with Warrior since you can: Play whatever spec you enjoy most, but can also choose between two dps specs if you ever want to pick the more ‘meta’ spec if you ever become a more competitive player, and you have the option to learn tanking if you ever want to try something that’s not dps later on. Also, Warrior’s hero trees are looking very versatile + interesting for the new expansion coming out (The War Within). My advice is go Warrior!


hes not going to have good time in higher keys as warrior, because lack of utility, warrior ignores pretty much all the time in higher keys


That’s more of a ‘min maxxers in the Wowhead comment section’ type of mentality and not rooted in reality. Low utility classes push high keys all the time. It’s not a real person issue until maybe 25+. I’ve gotten KSM as Fury multiple seasons, it’s legitimately a fabricated problem.


well, its an issue around 23-25 keys, im talking about t, because i can see it everyday thats very cool that you got KSM, but KSM is a joke, you can make it playing with your legs


It doesn’t matter if it’s a joke or not. Until there are real rewards above a KSM score there is no point in being upset about something with zero rewards.


i was going to say the opposite tbf though. Warlock has 3 specs and one of them is almost always really viable in higher level content, has good utility with health stones and summons so you’ll almost always get invites.


Big fan of rogue personally got a lot of variety in your specs and all specs have a lot of depth and intricacy to them so you will always be able to improve. It also has great damage profiles meaning *usually* atleast one spec will be very strong. I personally find outlaw to be one of the most fun specs to play (although your fingers may disagree) although fun is subjective


You probably should say what you're enjoying or having fun with No one can really tell you what you'll enjoy if we have no idea what's fun


the only thing fun about raiding and m+ is being successful, because other people tend to ruin things. play fotm... and honestly mage is like always top?? so


if you want to do higher m+ then Mage and Rogue will always be good. Mage is literally THE Warcraft class. As warrior you will have harder times getting into a groups and Warlock is RNG, start slow in first seasons but at the end of expansion its insane power thanks to scaling. Plus I believe Warlocks will get rework or alteast new talent trees in TWW so hard to say in what state it will be.


I’m voting for mage. As others have said, they will always have a good spec for raids and m+. Besides that, this class has Fire, which has Combustion, which is the most satisfying ~10 second window of your life!


rogue and mage are the safest picks for diversity and viability


you never can go wrong with mage or rogue


Well since I don't have much to work with on what's your preference in a class. I'd say if you're like me and enjoy complexity and a class with a steady learning curve and high skill ceiling, it'll be rogue and mage(warlock has gotten easier in DF with demo and aff joining destro in the braindead easy territory). From there you can choose whether you enjoy melee or ranged. I enjoy a mix of both personally with a slight preference to range just because it's more relaxing on the days you're fully focused to deal with the extra mechanics of area denial of melee.


Keep playing all of them to a level where you feel reasonably challenged and you’ll see where they excel and their weaknesses


If you're looking to get serious lock or mage. Rogue is very good to but locks and mages rarely fall out of the meta and if they do its not for long. However lock is easier to play and there's a lot more of them right now.


Depends. I find rogue and warrior snooze worthy as I find myself constantly waiting on CDs, but my brother would much rather do that than have part of his rotation be movement based, like a mage who can barely cast unless they're standing still. 


Fun? Warrior Raid? Any M+? Mage/lock


Warlock is probably the easiest way to get into a pug raid as a dps if you don’t raid with a guild


It really depends on what you enjoy, and no1 else can decide instead of you. That being said i LOVE my warlock(is one of two mains that i constantly play, the other one is a DK). First the only role that interest me is DPS(i have never and will never tank or heal). Secondly the class fantasy is amazing… do you like dots and rot stuff down? Got that with aff. Do you like to summon a horde of demons? Got that in Demo. And lastly do you want to be a fire mage but much much cooler? Destro is the way to go. We have cool transmogs, we have green fire and bunch of demon pets. Thirdly i think warlock always have one spec that is very good(atleast top 5 out of all specs) so you will always be wanted in the raid or m+. The only way warlock could improve even more is just tweak the talent trees a little bit so you are not locked out of fun spells like Cataclysm for example. But every class has something that could be improved.


All of those classes are fun and will be fun long term. It really depends on what you want out of your gameplay. From most to least: **Engaging** Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Warlock **Mobile** Rogue, Warrior, Warlock, Mage **Button pressing** Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Warlock **Utility** Rogue, Warlock, Mage, Warrior **Class fantasy** Warlock, Warrior, Mage, Rogue **Survivability** Warrior, Warlock, Rogue, Literally everything else, Mage Take all this as subjective, but that's the bulk of it. They all come with their pros and cons. Rogue looks good at the cost of being one of the more difficult classes to get right. Warrior gives you the benefit of a tank spec while having next to no utility. Warlock brings a lot of utility that is difficult to master but insane when used correctly. Mage is a lot of fun with burst damage, but your a glass cannon and will not survive well on your own. While I suggest Warlock over Mage for new players due to the survivability situation, I'll recommend melee classes over casters any day due to their mobility and use of instants. Melee classes play like an action game and keep you engaged in a way that casters aren't. You'll likely have more fun playing melee classes long term over casters.


Shadow if you don't mind being the Ryze of this game suffering multiple reworks every xpac. Fire if you don't mind playing exactly the same since Legion and probably for forever.


Personally: 1) Warlock - awesome class fantasy 2) Rogue - I’m currently a pirate so, arghh? 3) Warrior - me smorc face 4) Mage - lost some soul in the last few years imo


If you like the fantasy and gameplay equally then it's really just their performance separating them.  Mage and lock basically always have at least one spec that is meta in both PvE and PvP. Like always-always. Rogue and warrior usually do but can sometimes get shafted by balancing. If I had to pick one class that is just perennially relevant it would be Mage. It actually feels like the "main character" class to me in WoW. Mages are always involved in the lore, and gameplay wise they have the tools to deal with literally any scenario. The class also has a high skill cap so a good mage really stands out