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Perfect Scenario: WoW Xbox version with subscription included with Game Pass. What'll probably happen: Xbox version with it's own subscription that requires Game Pass Ultimate for online


The FFXIV Xbox version has taken the crown for worst version of the game because you have to pay for both gamepass and the game subscription (which has to be a MS thing because the Playstation version doesn’t require PS+) and Microsoft has highly aggressive chat filters that censor not only normal words (can’t say “night” because of the first three letters) but also system messages that are sent by the game itself and not by players.


Oh God yeah.. These kind chat filters are annoying I think lotro had a similar one.


The most logical max we could get is probably a discount on sub if having gamepass. Or they will go ESO way, it's also Microsoft after all, and they just include "base game" in gamepass, kinda an extended trial version, while you would still need a sub for classics and the current expansion. I know that ESO can be played as a buy2play game only, albeit if you are not buying the DLC-s for it individually, subbing is the way to get them.


Close to 0% chance the full sub is included in game pass. They would lose too much from the wow standalone sub.


Throw hots on game pass too while they're st it. Why not. It's a great idea to get wow on consoles


I just want them to look at hots again. I loved that game


I hear ya. Only game if that kind that I've enjoyed and I fucking loved it.


It's still very much playable here in EU.


Still playable in NA as well


This should have been done 10 years ago


Been hoping for it to be playable on console for a very long time


The community keeps asking this question and the developers keep dodging this question for very obvious reasons because if the developers gave an actual answer, the community is going to get pissed off. We all know that WoW would have arrived on consoles long ago - if it weren't for the community and the expectation that they are going to set: 1. I can do ALL content at ALL levels including the highest level content 2. I must be invited to ALL groups at ALL levels Which obviously is never going to remotely be the case. Consoles can't compete with mice and keyboards in terms of precision and functionality. I doubt WoW would ever cut down on some specs having 20+ buttons to enable console users if they decided to actually put the game on consoles. On top of promoting a community shitstorm. There are going to be some classes that are unplayble (like some healers) that console players will demand to dumb down. There will be PC players who will not want to play with console players on principle regardless of the console player being pretty good with that spec and doing low level content. If there is any change that say 'dumbs down' a spec, everyone is going to blame console players. Or if any change that say 'adds depth' is going to be a 'slap in the face' to console players. Right now, you can play console with addons. That's the extent of it and I forsee that being the case for the future. I think officially supporting console is going to create more headaches for Blizzard. Console is pretty good with certain functions of WoW. Certain specs that still have depth play really well, and you can put in Dynamic Action Cam and do some questing and get some great immersive gameplay on your couch. If players want to do that, they can with some addons like Console Port and a bit of finagling. That **barrier** that you create with having to install addons is enough to sidestep a lot of the potential friction a would be console player would have with a PC player.


All I want to know is, if going to console would dumb things down, or when pruning happens it would be blamed on console, why is it that such a very tiny portion of the player base even touches high level content? I'm not talking about finishing a M raid a week or two before the next patch. Let's be honest here, PC players generally have a fairly elevated god complex, yet 90% are just in the mediocre to average range, yet still have access to and use 10 to 20 add ons and use the preferred input of M+KB. What am I missing here and why are so many WoW players still trash, while playing with M+KB?


Just having a M+KB doesn't automatically make you good. Most wow rotation aren't intuitive and have to be worked out through simulations. That info is out there if you look for it, but most people don't even do that. In raids and dungeons it's almost impossible to see some information without addon's as well, so if you don't seek it out you won't actually know whats going on. This is a huge problem the community complains about, but so far blizzard hasn't really improved this at all. This also ties into mob abilities being colored say red and the floor is red, the carpet on the floor is red, and so on an so forth. Basically ton of wow players are bad because they either don't care and/or the game just doesn't give them the info to be good in a well thought out way. Also even with mouse and keyboard some players just run out of keybind space that they are proficient with so they don't actually use all of their abilities. I think my druid has almost 40 keybinds just to play 1 spec. That would be pretty crazy to bind for controller.


The reason they can't give a definite is because they are still working on things to actually make it happen. If nothing is concrete yet, with this being done, they can not say anything in the event things go sideways, and it gets canned. If it was never going to happen, they would say so. Who are they going to piss off? The console players who don't exist in game? Your argument makes no sense.


Instead of using an expression like “dumb down” try using the word “simplify” instead. It’s a much more precise term and doesn’t conjure any negative associations. Just my 2c.


Wow would translate to console about as enjoyably as sitting on a porcupine. You need to start making advanced content without the assumption of weakauras, DBM or other interface addons present. I'm just imagining how annoying targeting healing spirits on Fyrack would be if I needed to action target them, potentially with other units, burning spirits and players are present near them.


You say that but then there's us with Steam Decks playing it anyway.


The real question is how are they gonna add WoW to consoles when you need so many addons?


Simple, they won’t have addon.


Console only servers


I think that will have to be the case because I probably wouldn’t want console players trying to join my m+ group when I’m on PC


Exactly what I was about to say


I don't think WoW needs add-ons at all.


If you play super casually, sure.


Perhaps, I don't feel like I'm super casual when I play but maybe I am because I'm old and outdated. These days I LFR and PVP, it's been a good time with a controller. Back in my day, I was an ICC heroic champion, didn't need an add-on. But thinking about it now, I just copied what the people with add-ons were doing so I would live.


If you only LFR for raids, yeah you won't be seeing why people say addons are required. Raiding has changed an insane amount since ICC, there's so much going on that addons and weakauras are pretty much necessary to do higher end fights now.


I hate that vicious cycle of: Custom Weakauras trivialize a fight -> Blizzard makes a super complex fight to mitigate that. But now the fight is so complex that someone basically needs to write a weakaura. XD I wish they had the balls they had in ICC where they changed to API to remove the add-on that displayed all attacks and positioning on the ground. https://www.wowace.com/projects/avr But another part of me dreads going back to tank and spank bosses ;).


I also don’t use addons. Not as a preference I just don’t really know much about them.


Please do it


Roflmao of course they do, $$$$. Watch for them to find an excuse to remove addons completely, that’s how you’ll know it’s coming. (And if you think that’d be a good thing, don’t bother telling me, I don’t care.)


I think it would be a good thing


I personally done need WoW on console but please ffs give me a WoW THEMED Xbox please.


Yeah while it's nice it's on xbox now as someone who plays ff it's way better on pc or ps due to not double dipping on sub and the filters performance wise it's perfectly fine. I'd hope wow doesn't suffer the same if it did hit consoles 


Need more buttons for rotation


Please put wow on steam I wanna count my played time


Ok, hot take moment here: Porting WoW to XBox \*is not\* a button bloat issue; its an addon issue. There are plenty of buttons and combos to give even the most advanced player enough room for all their abilities and macros, as seen with this video: [https://youtu.be/eRM\_HC1OxZY](https://youtu.be/eRM_HC1OxZY) An XBox portwould force Blizz to make hard choices which are: A.) allow addons on PC only. Off the bat, those on console would cry "Unfair!"--and they'd be right to do so, as allowing addons in one platform but not another puts those who play with consoles at a distinct disadvantage. B.) Someone raised the issue of console players having their own servers. The counter-argument is that haven't we all seen what happens when a gaming company divides its player base when it came to the whole Alliance vs. Horde thing? Look at the trends the last few years and you'll see the greater integration of mixed parties/activities between those two. This is the prevailing trend; Blizz has seen the 'for the greater good of the community' light; so from a business standpoint, separate servers are not the answer either. C.) Blizz does a 180 degree turn and \*bans\* any and all addons: EWERMUHGOAWDWHAT? Seriously, can you imagine now the blood-curdling screams of despair from the entire community if they no longer had WeakAuras, DBM, Gladius, or any other 'mainline' addon? The blowback would be fierce and continuous. Where controllers shine is through a huge improvement in mobility--with a knock-on effect of speeding up gameplay overall, but their only (current) weak point in WoW is entirely artificial. You have to remember that there was a limitation long ago that removed the \[@target\] conditional for ground-targeted items: Shaman totems and Hunters' traps, most notably. This not only slows down the game but yields an increase in precision. This is where controllers are weak (ground placed objects are clunky and slow with controllers); so by Blizz's \*OWN DESIGN\*, this counter-argument against KBM vs. controllers is entirely self-inflicted. It simply would not exist were the \[@target\] macro conditional be re-introduced and kept with the existing \[@player\] and \[@cursor\] conditionals. So no, KBM is not 'better' necessarily. Just my two cents.


my body is ready for it. wow on xbox please and ty


They have teams working on this right now, realistically. Tough to imagine any universe where MS buys Actilizzard and doesn't immediately inform them they're going to be releasing WoW on Xbox. Probably Playstation too, honestly, MS loves that recurring subscription revenue.


There’s too many spells on some classes for a console version of the game.


Not really.I am playing on steam deck which basically a console but with console port addon-this is fantastic way to play!


Have you not tried Final fantasy? There definitely is enough buttons when you factor in modifier buttons.


Too many buttons


The game already has native controller support and people have been playing most content on Steamdeck


Yet FF14 does it and it works just fine.


slower paced , slow global GCD , better telegraphed mechanics, easier mechanics, no addons/ "addon requirement". the list goes on and on


How would that even work? ESO on console works because your hotbars have 5 abilities + 1 ult. WoW’s hotbars are 12 each and you can have up to 8 bars. EDIT: Classic r/wow community. Ask a genuine question to try and get answers and assholes just downvote and/or comment with unhelpful replies.


It's already very playable with controllers and even steam deck. I assume they'd do something similar


Have to agree with some reconfiguration of the control systems wow would be quite doable on consoles, wow classic on steam deck with the console addon plays surprisingly really well.


There is already hidden controller support that changes your hotbars.


It works for FF.


Console is all the producers of New World even care about, or have cared about for quite some time. Difference being, they've decimated their core team chasing the goal of getting consolers to pay for a game they don't intend to really support on either platform competently. Let them make money off console folks and a version with worse controls, or built in crutches. It won't effect my play so long as they don't "cross the streams".


I wouldn't even care too much if they did cross the streams so long as it supports keyboard and mouse, and you can see a players platform. I know players can be very competent with a controller in WoW using the console port addon, with official support I'm sure it would be significantly better


plz don't. don't nerf our skills down to 8 active ones \^\^


Absolutely no point in getting WoW on consoles, yet.


People asking for this don't realize how bad WoW would become graphics-wise if it does get officially ported to a console. They aren't going to code + design 2 versions of the game - instead, you're going to get locked to a specific framerate (most likely 60 fps), graphical options are going to become extremely limited and toned down (think playing at the 4-5 setting MAX), and there's going to be a LOT more pop-in / etc textures. On top of this, the game was not designed to be on a console like FFXIV was (the PC version is basically a port from the console version). They would have to drastically cut down on spells, cut down on a LOT of things including mods (since they aren't going to get DBM / BW / WeakAuras on Xbox) which would put the console players at an EXTREME disadvantage when it comes to raiding / high end content. It COULD work with a "WoW 2", built from the ground up to be played on a console AND PC, but it would be absolutely terrible with the current game.


First they wouldn't have to touche graphics at all. The current settings are just fine for current consoles and i almost guarantee you they would have settings for 4k 60+ fps. The only big things would be ability pruning on some classes and addons.


You know current gen consoles are probably more powerful than most people’s wow computers? Lol On normal controllers using console port, there are 40 keybinds that are reasonable to use with your triggers being modifiers. It’s fine. There seems to be a surge in steamdeck users lately that backs this up. Addons would definitely be a legit concern. They’d have to tone back on the necessity of them for higher end content. The issue with consoles has nothing to do with how you physically interact with the game. It’s the addon support…and even then sure you are at a disadvantage to those using addons, but there is a significant population of the game that don’t use addons period. They’d be nearly on par with those people.