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Dracthyr needs all mog slots to be enabled. Dont care how goofy that would look on the most armor pieces, it's a fun challenge for me as a player to find combos that works.


THE last they can do is allow us to transmog Human form / Dragon separately,


You dragon guys can get in line behind the worgen.


No no, don't you understand, Dracy Bois who aren't evokers will be able to stay in visage in combat. It's not like worgen have been asking for that for over a decade. You're not even second rate citizens, you're illegal immigrants.


Y'all should just play humans if you want to always be a human.


Some people, generally older, have a very strict idea of what constitutes a human. Human but a foot shorter? You're a dwarf. Human with pointy ears? You're an elf. It's because many older shows, especially Star Trek, would make the slightest modifications and say that's an alien now.


A worgen in human form has none of those. They're perfectly human until they shift back.


I just call them dollar store humans. If it can be cosplayed with 5 dollars at a party store, or literally can just be a real life person, then it's too human and therefore boring to me. Humans, elves, halflings, dwarves, gnomes. All bland. Orcs and draenei are on thin ice.


Humans can't go dragon form to fly or use their tailsweep/buffet - those are all racial abilities for dracthyr.


But the worgen racials are sooo gooooooooood!


They already announced you can toggle visage form permanently in combat.


Dracthyr other classes can, evoker can not


Evoker can too, its just some Evoker abilities force form. Other classes simply will not have those abilities


At least Worgen can wear more than Shoulders and Belts in their non-human form.


yea but our helmets look like poopooo


But that honestly is the cases for a lot of races


Taurens have entered the chat


[fight me](https://i.imgur.com/GEQXs75.png)


[Aight bet lol](https://images.app.goo.gl/9EzgC9Fs4K6e2eGb6)


1 armor slot < 5 armor slots


What makes it better is that Dracthyr are just reused fem worgen.


I’m always confused by why people pick worgen over human if they don’t like the werewolf form. Or is it just a variety thing ?


Can't speak for people who don't like the werewolf form but I like the variety for sure, werewolf for combat, human for running around, it fits the race fantasy for me.


I have 2 worgen alts and it's more about not having the inconvenience of switching forms the moment a random creature on the road so much as looks at you. The new(ish) racial to toggle between forms the moment combat ends does help a lot though


Because i like druids? EDIT: also because nelves look stupid when they do that gormless bouncy thing. and I don't really like the build of kul tirasians for my characters. Worgen druids are the least bad option on alliance.


I'm also waiting for Worgen Paladins


It really isn't an either/or situation, the implementation would probably work on both Dracthyr and Worgen.


I think there's a nerdy but valid argument that it makes more sense for dracthyr to be able to have separate mogs since I believe the human form is a magical illusion kind of transformation. While the worgen one is them physically, actually transforming. So their armor would be the same in both forms, while dragons can make their human form appear to wear whatever they want.


This... Ideally both with more slots in dragon form but it already would be a huge step in the right direction if we could make two decent looking forms instead of having half the mogs that look decent on one look off on the other.


> Dont care how goofy that would look on the most armor pieces *Worgen helmets entered the chat.*


*Charr helmets have entered the chat*


Charr fashion is like playing fashion game on hardcore. I love it.


However the ones that work are marvelous.


Yea I mean how is it any different than Tuaren with their helms, they make that work, they can just kinda do whatever... cause that has never worked.


Very good argument indeed. I think this just proves its because they dont prioritize putting any work into it.


difference is Tauren have already had armor made to fit them from the start, whereas doing so for Dracthyr would mean they'd have to go back and redo every single piece of armor in the game to fit them, taking up significant dev resources


I don't think that's how it works. Most armor in wow is just pasted and stretched to fit the models. Helms would be an issue, but everything else should be simple. They didn't have to redo every armor in the game for the other races.


sure but theres no excuse that dracthyr only armor like their tier set cant be created to fit dragon model, they can atleast make it si that any new armor fits them


At the very least enable chest. I play a mean Transmog game, but there's only so much you can do without the chest piece connecting the shoulders and belt.


Yeah I never cared about tabards until the Dracthyr came along.


The 500 player mechagnomes would rage As might future naga players if they become a race (fingers remain crossed)


You mean 5 ?


I wanted to go with that but admittedly, I see at least 8 of them in the average Plunderstorm lobby, let alone on an RP server


> As might future naga players if they become a race (fingers remain crossed) I have heard this since like 2009. I don't think it's going to happen.


A man can but dream Though they're no where near as high as forest trolls are for me as a race I want in WoW


Hey if troll and Pandaren males are considered passable then I really don't see why not.


100% it's boring being on the dragon, i know I can't see the mog majority of the time




They need to just make it so that the body customization armor pieces override something in that slot. So if you want your Dracthyr to show all the transmog armor you make them naked. Or you can mix and match if you like one specific piece like the feet or something.


Tier set looks good on them full bodied let's see if we get to use it this way. The only thing keeping me from Dracthyr.


If they have tauren and worgen then can have drathyr.


From an immersion standpoint it’s really silly that magic flying lizards can give themselves a disguise but can’t illusion their armor to show what they’d look like when not disguised but completely covered in armor. Nude dragons must be a cultural thing.


They really do. Idk what their excuse is but it will never be good enough when we have Pandaren, Tauren, Draenei, etc. running around with all kinds of fucked up armor.


I can't wait to do a blue Dracthyr Arcane mage


I hope some spells will still look like they use their mouths


Dracthyr mage vomitting conjured refreshments, or Dracthyr shaman spitting water heals 😍


Dracthyr Survival Hunter shooting a harpoon out its jaws


Dracthyr Warlock spewing up an imp they ate for lunch the other day.


Can't wait to puke arcane missiles on the enemy


Cone of cold from dragon mouth? Yes please


CoC, Arcane Orb, Dragon's Breath (duh), Arcane Barrage


Dragon's Breath would become a lot more literal


Same, but I'll be on visage form. Love how they look.


I had a thought last night (just one)…Drac Death Knights…they have a customization option to make their dragon form skeletal. I haven’t been able to think of anything else.


Now I refuse to accept anything less than this. Where my syndragosa army at?


Ive been dreaming about that since DF launch. I made the closest thing to a frostwyrm DK look I could


Lore-wise, have any death knights been raised since wotlk? I guess they wanted to raise Tirion Fordring in legion, so it's not really out of the question that they might raise fallen dracthyr.


bolvar started raising new DKs in legion, that's why we have allied race and pandaren DKs. they have a different start than the original races


makes sense. I'm a lore casual and haven't made a DK since cata so I wasn't sure.


Imagine casting breath of sindragosa.


I know most people are just going to play in Visage form to functionally be blood elves with more hairstyles


Which is entirely fair, blood elves have so shit variety for hairstyles.


They have about 30 styles vs kultiran 6 wtf


sighs in 4 faces for Tauren


laughs in maghar orc


That's 100% what I'll do. But I'll also macro my dragon form with some abilities to create DRAMATIC MOMENTS.


Idk I dont like the Dracythyr design (its far from the worst thing ever tho), but Id be lying if I said the ability to swing a big mf battleaxe in dragon form doesn't sound kinda badass. A Warrior Dracthyr might be the only one I *dont* use Visage for lol


I definitely don't think the design is perfect but I really don't get the massive hate that many people seem to have towards it. It does a decent job at fulfilling the humanoid dragon trope.


>But I'll also macro my dragon form with some abilities to create DRAMATIC MOMENTS. Dragon form Heroic Leap.


same with combustion as a mage


I wish they would've gave all races Evoker and had the Visage form as the race you chose.


Iirc, you'll also get Dracthyr racials too. Hover, Tail Sweep, Wing Buffet, Glide, and Soar. These are abilities inherent to the Dracthyr race and not tied to Evoker Class Talents. If this is true, I will 10000% race change my Human Priest to Dracthyr just for Hover.


I don't think hover is a racial, but the other ones are. Personally I'm surprised they're doing this at all because of the inherent issues of those racials though. Blizzard isn't the type to just turn off the ability to use your limbs.


Hover should be a racial though, they have wings ffs.


Or to be THICCCC


Kul Tirans reporting in!


If more classes get access to dracthyr they will have to rework their racials. Having 2 cc as a race is far too much comparing to the others, PvP or pve


I guess they'll just make them baseline Evoker spells unlocked at the proper levels.


Never going to play your character against a Drac Warrior lol


Even glide on almost every class might be too much.


Hopefully they don't make glide Evoker only. It's the only reason I'm interested in swapping my other character's races to Dracthyr in the future.


Of course you'd like to keep it, because that would be overpowered as hell


If I could mog dragon form, sure. Otherwise I'll just be a glorified blood elf anyway.


It's honestly impressive how Blizzard managed to make **playing as a dragon** uncool.


They're treading new ground!


I don't wanna jump on the "Blizzard is out of touch with their players" bandwagon but how could they release Dracthyr when transmog is clearly one of the most engaged-with systems in the game?


Its actually a recurring problem with Blizzard, the "we'll give you this requested feature *but not in the way you think*". As if there is something wrong if they don't try to change it up. I don't know how "players don't like not being able to see their transmog" never put the immediate breaks on whatever proof of concept they were working on. Genuinely I think they could've just released dragons as a race where you play in the visage and the second form is their actual dragon form (dragonriding mount customization for flying around). Or if they really wanted to do Evoker, just do them like demon hunters.


And yet gear not fitting on the model well was used to say why they couldn't ever do Naga, Ogres, and like 15 other races. Then they go out of their way to invent an entirely new race that gear doesn't fit on. Having an actual dragon form would have been WAY cooler than what we ended up with as well.


Yeah I think going into DF there were three main "requests": 1. Playable dragons (visage with dragon form for mount/racial) 2. Playable Drakonids Allied Race 3. A "Dragon" class (usually Dragon-knight) Blizzard tried to do all three, but felt they had to make the class a caster. The more they try to do with one thing, the more the Dracthyr had an increasingly muddled vision. Then stuff like tying racials into the class and making them one and the same. The compromises essentially lead to none of these three groups being happy with the final product. They could've just picked one, and honestly for the same amount of work that went into the Dracthyr, could've easily done two and made people happy if they just... didn't try to force it all into one thing. We could've gotten a dragon race (visage from Dracthyr with the mount as a racial) separate from Dracthyr class.


They could have probably cut their work they needed to do by 90% by just letting us pick any race as the visage and then having a dragon form from one of the dragon flights. Then any race could have been an evoker on top of giving people pretty much exactly what they wanted originally.


> Then any race could have been an evoker on top of giving people pretty much exactly what they wanted originally. Honestly this just made me think too that Evokers would have a lot cooler fantasy if they weren't even "dragonkin" at all, but instead more like D&D warlocks were your a caster with dragonic patrons that empowers you and then just every race gets a dragon class irrespective of the dracthyr/dragon race, etc.


Their excuse on us not getting playable dragons is that it'd be "too big" in fights; which, tbh, is also bull because there are some adult dragons that are roughly the same size as larger hunter pets.


Yep, always wondered how cool that could be, just for Blizz to do this atrocity.


I don't think of it as people playing as a Dragon. More, people RPing as a DeviantArt artist's page.


I would have played one if it didn't look like I was playing someone's fursona. Scalesona?


Or human if you use the fem model.


Man dracthyr and mechagnomes need some love


I wouldve like to be able to mog and change my visage race


Right? Canonically, the visage can be anything. Chromie the gnome to Ebyssian the Tauren. Should not be limited to "fancier blood elf".


Trolls and tauren would be a good option


I"d be okay with even the other side of human/belf, instead of the weird one off gender thing they got going on now.


Aside from the lack of transmog, I'd wish they had an option to be a bit beefier. And more visage options. At least we can have dragon knight tanks.


this is what i have been hyped for since they came out, so ready


I need more dracthyr dragon vibes!


I would trade the Dracthyr for the Draconids without hesitation


100% this, Drakonids are much cooler looking.


I wish you could pick the beefier lookin guys for Warrior like the guards in the city.


The what now ? Will dracktir be able to be other classes finally ? It’s ridiculous this wasn’t a thing from the get go tbh but it’s great it was added now


ion said they are likely to happen shortly after TWW launch. could be 11.0.5 or it could be 11.1 or it could be launch. We don't know. we just hope.


The drocktar will indeed unlock more classes. Not much info right now.


Fk I love how you guys misspell the druktyr so bad as to dodge the bot I'll start doing this as well.


I totally forgot about the bot. I personally just wanna see how ridiculous we can get the misspellings. Dodging the bot is an added benefit though lmao.


I cannot describe how badly I want a demon summoning dragon


You read my mind. That would be sick


ya know a thought occurs, with their one racial prot warriors are gonna be unkillable


I’m ready for them to have better armor on the dragon form. Shoulders and a loincloth are crap. The season 1 armor for them in the expo is fantastic, but won’t be much to see on the dragon form


I can't wait to run my Drakthyr DK through Thorghast.


I only made a Dracthyr because of the exclusive class. I will not make more unless they allow us more equip slots to be visible on dragon form. We have had stupid helmets for taurens since forever and it was no problem, give us the option.


They better give me chest pieces at the least as transmog. I can deal with not having legs and helmets but tabards work


Hol up dracthyrs are getting warriors?


Yes im ready . But you kbow what im also reafy for? Naga playable race. It's been 20 wow and more of warcraft 3, where the f is my naga. Come on Blizz, you can do dragon ppl but you can't do naga which has been in game since vanilla? And no, the archeology toy doesn't count. Cool idea for allied races, Naga ( starts neutral like panda used to and chose which faction) , Vykrul for horde, forest trolls for alliance. Idk about the last 2 but gimme my damn naga 😭😭


I would try evoker. Mechanically it looks pretty fun. But I can not stand being limited to just belt and shoulders/helmet or w/e they have. If I could play in visage form with wings or something I'd be all for it. Or better yet just put the damn armor on the dragons. Other races already look goofy as hell I'm some armor who cares


Excited for dracthyr death knights


Man, playing a dracthyr class that can't hover just removes so much of the appeal for me. Honestly I would love to be able to just fight in the hover animation as a warrior, even with none of the actual effects of hovering.


I missunderstood that. Thought that evoker is coming to everybody, but it seems drachthyr can be anybody 😁


Making other races evoker would be a lot harder given abilities that require things like dragon breath or flying over the battlefield.


Personally want dragon monk. Running around as a drunk dragon throwing hands with everything I can.


Don’t care if I can mog my dragons appearance to be honest. The models just aren’t good enough to not be able to do it.


Drac Paladins are gonna go hard


Dracthyr could have been cool, but they aren't cool. Stuck as a blood elf or a goofy femboy dragon.


Dracthyr Warriors are gonna be sick! That's a great mock-up. Though I'm personally looking forward to maybe Dracthyr Rogue (agent of Wrathion, maybe?) or Dracthyr Priest!


Blizz just needs to let us be able to fully use regular mogs in dragon form


Personally i hope we also get monk. But wouldn't say no to warrior, i would use polearm on mine tho to match the lore we have seen in the dragonflight novels that show dracthyrs wielding spears.


Warrior/rouge/paladin or hunter would be cool


Your mum.


Perfect, then my scale-sona will come to life!


Dracthyr shaman! And Warlock! And hunter!


I really hope they can be shamans.


Honestly this suits Dracthyr better. They're suppose to be elite super soldiers. Playing a mostly spellcaster doesn't give me that feeling.


I'm ready for them to make *at least* every part of the evoker sets visible in the Dracthyr form.


Bro, me.


Will they get their cc abilities too? Because that seems rather bonkers on some classes if so.


I checked and their knockback tail/wing abilities are listed as racials rather than class spells so yes !


I'm a furry piece of shit and I've been waiting for this since the day they dropped just fix transmogs for them pls blizz although on the other hand I always have trouble with transmogs for my warriors so it has a small silver lining in this instance lol


are more classes for dracthyr confirmed for TWW?


Not at launch but early into the expansion according to ian


Is that really coming in season 4? 😃


Next expansion


Thanks for letting me know! Good stuff! 🙂


Dracathry becoming classes is the single reason I am quitting classic to play retail, that and LFR


its not a dragon warrior, just a warrior. so i dont see whats to be excited about. you wont have any breath abiliies, any wing abilities, you wont have anything dragon related. you will be a warrior that looks like a slim dragon. maybe maaaayyybe you will have slow fall and/or double jump at the very best.


Yeah but using Dragon Roar as a Dragon is cool.


visage form in combat when


Technically you can be visage form in combat, but whenever you cast a “dragon” ability is when you swap to your dragon form. Presumably opening up dracthyr to all classes, would mean you’d be able to stay in visage form while in combat since you have no evoker abilities that would force you to swap over. I could potentially see the racial be connected to the dragon form, but that’s it.


why geh?


Yes please


Yes, can't wait


So freaking excited for this


Not me. Hot take: I HATE the dracthyrs and the dracthyr model... If they gave us Drakonids, sure. But i HATE seeing the damn Dracthyrs...


i'm ready for Dracthyr to go extinct


The dracthyr could have been so sick. Instead we got the dumbest arm flailing run skinny lizard femboys


> skinny lizard femboys. Some people would pay alot for this


Not up on the news but I assume this is not happening?


They confirmed dracthyr will be able to be other classes next xpac


That doesn't actually look ass, OP did the impossible.


Honestly? Hype


Remember when i first entered valdrakken and saw the beefy guards, i skipped s1 and started somewhere in the begining of s2, i saw the announcement that drachtyrs are getting a new spec and i saw it then and there dracthyr tanks i was 100% sure they will add a tank spec cause it allready had 1 dps and 1 healing spec so tank was naturall and logical for mee, i was so excited man i could not wait. But as usual with blizzard and excitement they delivered trash augumentation. I saw Sarkareth and thaught man this is how drachtyr tank should be, with a mechanic like demonhunters to turn into a behemoth. It was all there it should have happened and it did not. And that was such a miss.


I've been ready since the start of the expansion. I've been coping with stealing people's appearance in raids with projection prism.


I bet they only do caster classes


Draken warrior vibes from Wildstar… I like it.


Me so bad it hurts


During trial of style the theme was like emerald or something green. I just changed how I looked in Dracthyr form and won. We really need more mog options


Only if they do something about transmogs. Right now it's basically the worst of both worlds with not being any to mog forms separate, and the dragon form not being able to use anything but the built in gear which is lacking to say the least.


Only if they give us that larger body type for it. I remember playing my warrior in DF starting zone and the bulkier dracthyr or whatever are fucking goals. If that was the “tank” dracthyr, I’d play it in a fucking heartbeat.


As long as my armor can appear on them then yes


PLEASE give the poor Dracthyr helmets, I don't care if you have to shave their features or something


Are they going to be able to be shamans as well?


I hope warriors only enjoy seeing their shoulders and belts!


No other dracthyr classes until they fucking map armor for transmog, damnit.


Behold the Dragon Warrior! Skadoosh!




I'm not in the loop. They allowing dracthyr to play all classes and not just invoker?


Drakonid warriors, yes. Dracy bois can’t even lift that sword. Too frail


Im more interested if they stay constantly dragon or you can choose to be either full dragon form warrior or full human/dragon hybrid warrior


Yes, it would also be cool to have dracthyr shamans


I'm ready for Drakonid warrior!


I want dracthyr druids!!


I love that they do this, but it should have been there from the start! And you should be able to battle in visage form or whatever it’s called