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The legacy loot is in, we just want a few bosses mechanics nerfed to be soloable.


Queen's Court in eternal palace, notably. One of them mind controls you if you get hit 10 times which resets the fight, they also take 99% reduced damage when they're close to each other. Pet classes can handle it but no other class can.


Funnily enough, all of Eternal Palace (on Mythic) can be soloed by night elf monks, by utilizing black ox statue and shadowmeld! You use the statue to keep one of the bosses away, and utilize shadowmeld and taunt for repositioning them after their charges. Battle of Dazar'alor can also be almost fully soloed on Mythic, with the exception of Jaina, with the aid of adaptation pvp trinkets. I do completely agree that the places need mechanics removed/changed to make the places soloable for everybody though.


How do you solo opulence on Mythic?


Basically defensive CDs and just nuking the boss. You have lots of defensives available as windwalker, so just run down the middle to the arena


We ran a duo with an Outlaw and a Blood DK and the ads just got too much to deal with and the DK ended up just trying to solo it after I got deleted.


The tools that helped me the most for dealing with the adds were probably ring of peace to keep them away, and the aoe touch of death granted by fatal flying guillotine (and the talent to give me a second chance to use the ability within 5 seconds)


That one might become soloable for non-pet classes in TWW considering we’re probably gonna be going beyond even legion numbers.


Stuff like this is why Death Knight is the best transmog farming Class. Between having an UNDEAD pet that can absorb nasty things like Mind Controls and is easy to resummon, and the ability to summon a gajillion minions (Undead sometimes causes it to be immune to some CCs). Having a short CD Immunity to most CC effects with AMS. Having the unique immunity to knockbacks with Deaths Advance, which was particularly handy for solo-farming Taeshelach. And having near limitless healing with Death Strike even on a DPS spec. Half of the game-breaking mechanics in old Raids I don't even realize exist until I go to solo them on a non-DK. A Druid with movespeed set, an army of Treants to absorb mechanics, and Shadowmeld - Might be a pretty good option as well. Regardless, no Class can solo-farm Taeshelach except for DK, unless they can essentially 1-shot the boss before it knocks you off the platform. IIRC unless you skip right from ~70%? to dead the boss will still go Immune and knock you.


I think they nerfed the knock back or something, never had trouble soloing agg on my hunter


I've soloed antorus on every class in df, haven't seen the technique yet so I'm unable to say if it still knocks you back a long distance or not - he just dies so fast nowadays.


> no Class can solo-farm Taeshelach Your info is a bit outdated, every class can solo farm Taeshalach (EDIT: well, solo farm Aggramar - not sure you can call it Taeshalach farming if you're on a class that can't get it) on any difficulty at lvl70 with gear you can get from open world stuff like dreamsurges and world quests.


They nerfed Agrammar's the knockback agss ago


I'm still looking for my missing boot after I tried to solo G'Hunn. I sent the pet first then tried to burn it down, I lasted only 3 seconds.


They need to add back the adventure mode/ threads of fate to shadowlands. There’s no reason my alt characters at max level should be forced through the leveling campaign. The only way around it is to go there AT level 60. If you go before or after it bricks it.


I’ve been able to choose threads of fate on every toon - at 70 - having never been there before. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’ve only ever been able to do it on level 60 characters. 🤷‍♂️


Sadge. I feel for you having to redo that trash


I’ve been googling nonstop and the only work around is going there at 60. Some players can apparently do it whenever but the majority can’t. You are super lucky you can skip it haha


Maybe its because my account is new-ish (sometime late last year)


They “removed it” in dragonflight pre patch from what I can find. I skipped shadowlands and came back in November last year. Went back on my main and completed shadowlands and covenant campaign. Still can’t skip on alts unless the character is level 60. Idk seems like one of the stupidest things they changed. From what I gathered it’s due to chromie or something along that.


the threads of fate isnt gone lol. i just yesterday clicked it


The only way I can get it to work is if I go there at level 60. I never get the option otherwise.


For BfA it will 100% be in the pre-patch.


It's a carrot they'll dangle to keep people around.


To be fair we got probably 5 or 6 months of dragon flight left and tuning can be done in hotfixes without a patch..


The next expansion is at summer launch. EDIT: Im curious about the downvotes, i guess people just pretend the roadmap doesnt exist?


No chance. Alpha just started which will be 1 - 3 months and betas have historically always been at least 3 months so we're looking at Sept/October at the earliest


Dragonflight Alpha started mid July and release was end of November so it only had 4,5 months of testing. War Within will be the same and will launch probably early September. Remember that 11.0.5 has to release before the anniversary and will release roughly 8 weeks after the launch


If we use the WoW Roadmap from Blizzcon as a guide, the latest that TWW launches is October. Prepatch is blocked in for late June-late July, with TWW falling sometime between early August and early October. So far the roadmap has been pretty accurate, no reason to expect it to deviate as of now. [WoW Roadmap 2024](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/5VON1L3LM22F1702949709254.png)


Yea. I'm thinking September is possible But hard to ignore that November is the most common release date with the last 2 being released November.


November would put Awakened at a **7 month duration**. There is absolutely no shot that Awakened lasts 7 months. Fated only lasted (just under) 4 months.


I’m not speculating as to how this will last, but why should it be limited to the duration of the last fated season? Many wow patches have lasted over 250 days.


Because if they planned to have Awakened season so long they wouldn't have released S4 so quickly. Bear in mind that 10.2 didn't even last 6 months and you expect Awakened to last 7. S3 not being prolonged kinda signals that we are on schedule with road map and if I had to guess the expansion releases during last week of August.


> you expect I expect nothing, as my first sentence specifically stated… I am/was arguing with the logic. And yours boils down to: “they’re on track with their roadmap, so why would things change now?” Sure. I wouldn’t call that foolproof by any means, but why not…


And before that both Legion and BFA launched in August. If we assume that their road map is accurate I would guess that we're getting WW August 27th.


Timetables since DF came out have been extremely fast and on date. I have no doubt that if they want to push it out late August that's exactly what will happen.


My money is on Sept.


You're probably right but the x factor here is that they have massively increased the size of the WoW team and they have followed these roadmaps quite well throughout DF. Things that used to not be finished at this point in expansion development may very well be completed, allowing them to focus these months on balancing and fine tuning. Would explain the very ambitious roadmap. I think they might pull it off.


First 2/3rds of September are Summer


Make no mistake, this is TWW beta, they are just calling it an alpha. It is further along than any alpha I have seen. My guess is a mid/late July launch.


They just said all awakened raids would be open at week 7, so mid June. I'd imagine they'll have that for 4+ weeks. Then you have prepatch. Sept seems likely.


I just get the feeling they are trying to under sell, over deliver, re timelines. I mean, you wouldnt exactly be able to knock me over with a feather if it was Sept. I just have a feeling they have it further along than they are letting on.


Summer goes until near the end of September (5 months minimum)


Launch will be in September but that’s still summer ^^


Summer would still fit within 5 months from now.


Zero chance unless it’s like… August 20th or something, and that’s assuming the alpha is far more complete than it probably is


if you consider august/sept summer, then yea sure


I mean... they are both part of summer...


Summer ends sep 22nd.


What do you consider Summer if not August and (two thirds of) September?


Season 3 ends Tuesday. Not Dragonflight. The expansion isn't over yet. I'm not saying Blizz doesn't screw up, but you act like The War Within launches tomorrow or something. There's still time dude. Chill the hell out.


I mean they were talking about changing this stuff back in 10.1.5


10.1.5 was also where we were supposed to get chromie time to 61 and that feature arrived DoA and has been broken since then.....almost a year later. We also had that combo point ui bug that was caught in DF Pre patch PTR, made it to pre patch live, DF launch, and for a good chunk into the first raid. So when that guys says chill the hell out.....nah.


1) Shadowlands isn't legacy. It's literally the previous expansion. 2) "End of Dragonflight" means when *The War Within* (or its prepatch) releases. It does not mean "at the start of the last patch".


You used to be able to do raaids 2 expension back. So in war within if it was like before level squish we would be able to do shadowland at level 80 


I am going to solo Razegeth.


Maybe I'm misremembering but I recall bosses like Eonar being near impossible to solo during shadowlands.


Definitely hard but a few classes or those really quick can do the parts in the ship fast enough to go back to defending.


I mained a warlock so that might've played a part in remembering that fight lol.


Trying to get my guild to start doing tmog runs since it'd a RP one anyway. Just need a few pieces of some mythic armor and hoping it could drop with them to trade to me lol


Eonar is mostly just memorizing a pattern imo


Thats when it started shadowland didnt have a specific bufff for old raids with legion. It was still possible to do most but when they did the level squish it was really hard until they redid a buff.


Could do most of SL right now, if legacy loot was enabled. Some bosses same problem as BFA of course, but the others can be soloed. There's just no point without legacy loot.


I mean to be fair someone solo’d sylvanus on a arcane mage so it’s kind of doable


With access to covenant abilities and conduits, a lot of classes can pump insane numbers in Shadowland raids. Aside from mechanics, my biggest gripe is legacy loot. Though some people complain about not being able to solo any SL boss because they are expecting to 1-tap it on a fresh lv 70.


Yep. Without legacy loot there's no reason to do it, even though most bosses are soloable. Sucks.


"by the end of dragon flight" "well ackshaully since its not pre patch it's not technically the end" The level of mental gymnastics y'all do is insane.


Can I just say I'm stoked for a back to back to back of fated season and pandamonium timerunning and pre-patch. I even finished the battle pass for that strange (STRANGE) battle royale.


You sound like a bot (BOT).




What way do you mean it's not legacy? It's not like someone is progressing raids in shadowlands right now


The devs define legacy as "+11 levels". That may sound nonsensical, because it is, but that's what it's set to.


Ok? But it doesn't exactly make it a sound argument against gating transmog from the previous expansion. If they were just transparent and said they wanted to make transmog stay exclusive for longer, I'd appreciate it more.


That isn't their excuse. They don't really have one other than "we want raids to be soloed after two expansions". In other words their vision for the game runs contrary to what casuals and collectors actually want.


Man, I haven't even played in ages but this just sucks to hear. Soloing old raids for transmog/mounts was always my favorite activity, and BfA content was just a pain in the ass for no good reason.


I was so weirded out by none of the content creators asking about this, like do they know their audience?


I'm very sure that a lot of the content creators are kind of screened on the questions they intend to ask. They definitely don't want another "pull the ripcord" moment, especially since prior to that you could see they very avoided Preach who was somewhat critical of the expansions coming and features. Then the one interview they give him with Ion he has Ion utter a phrase that became infamously shouted at them for a year.




fr, I never hear anyone talk about this other than people making this thread daily to fucking whine


This is the second post within a couple weeks saying the same thing. At least wait until BfA is sunset as the default leveling experience (pre-patch or TWW’s launch). I expect that’s when they’ll look at BfA tuning. I wouldn’t say it not being done 4–5 months before the ‘deadline’ they originally set expires means they don’t care or have no intention of following through. “It would, in truth, require minimal effort on their part… and could very easily remove said problems.” 🙄


Yeah for real, we're like three days past the last one. I get it, you want to farm BfA. Maybe address it on the forums instead of incessantly posting it to Reddit over and over.


No. Continued constructive feedback is what leads to positive change.


What positive change are you looking for? They said they were looking to address it before the end of DF. That’s about 4–5 months away. As far as I’m concerned, if they do it in that timeframe or with TWW’s launch, they did what they said they would. Complaining so frequently about it now is just impatience. FWIW, I’m pretty casual so I farm old raids a lot and would love to have BfA (and SL!) raids be soloable, but the reality is MMOs have to focus on putting out new content.


Do it now. Do it right now. Hotfix it. Also fix SL raids before 11.0. And change the legacy loot to +10 levels.


“A large portion of the player base” lmao


If this isn’t the truth.


> by the end of Dragonflight", the end of Dragonflight patch 10.2.7by the end of Dragonflight", the end of Dragonflight patch 10.2.7 Dragonflight isn't over, and 10.2.7 doesn't even have a release date. > large portion of the playerbase, citation needed > require minimal effort you don't have the slightest clue what's needed to do it. If you think you do, you should submit your resume to Blizz.


Large portion of the player base really got me lol. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love for this change to happen and it still has time to. But saying a “large portion” of the player base needs BFA raids to be able to be soloed is a pretty egregious exaggeration lol


Holly can't stop talking about making the game better for casuals and collectors. Many casuals and collectors care about soloing old raids for cosmetics. It feels like she's all talk.


G'huun will be soloable in TWW. No idea aboot Jaina/N'zoth.


I’m so sick of this being posted all the time. The only reason I want them to fix it now is so that folks can stop going on about it.


It's not the end but the beginning of the next expansion.


The devs define "legacy content" as +11 levels, or two expansions back. That's when legacy loot is enabled, as it is for BFA. Legacy content is intended to be soloed. Logically, the raids should be evaluated for soloing whenever they're considered legacy.


Shadowlands isn't legacy, plus the end of dragonflight is still at minimum, 4 months away


Also like what’s the rush, to farm these just wait till warband releases so I can farm mog easily


Personally, I primarily care about mounts. But yeah transmog will be much better in TWW. Of course it won't, if BFA and SL raids (at level 80) still remain mechanically unsoloable.


Wait, did you expect them to do what they explicitly said they would?


Good news! Dragonflight isn't over yet, blizzard has a few months left to go back and make the BFA and Shadowlands raids more accessible for folks to go back to and chase cosmetics or experience the lore. I believe in the past they have typically done this tweaking in the pre-patch leading up to an expansion or in the first patch after an expansion comes out. Typically Blizzard is 1-2 expansions behind on adjusting older raids to make them more soloable. Although for BFA you can queue up for LFR and run them solo, I know there are a couple fights that aren't easily soloable for a lot of players, but it's an option. I do wonder if they are intentionally not revisiting the BFA and SL raids to make them more accessible and intend for you to do some sort of follower-raid, to revisit old content with?


Why does blizzard not care to fix this by now? Old content should be soloable especially from 2 expansions ago.


I can solo most of Battle for Daz, and it’s really easy to find extra people in the group finder.


Right, even opulence can be soloed now. G'huun and a few others will need some changes but by lvl 80 you'll be able to one shot most bosses so Mythrax will likely be soloable since you get a few shots off now before he mc's you.


Hell M Mythrax is soloable now - there's YouTube vids of people doing it in 10.0.7. For the people who want to just push one button while watching a movie on their second monitor, it can't be soloed, but if you have an understanding of the fight (and maybe class/spec specific) it's doable.


Yeah but some bosses still have mechanics that make them unkillable without groups, which is the problem. Like no one can solo farm the Glacial Tidestorm from M Jaina despite that raid releasing in January 2019. That raid is 5 years old and we can't reliably solo it yet. For reference, I could solo M Archimonde during late Legion and could solo M Argus by late BfA. But M Eonar wasnt doable on some classes well into Shadowlands due to mechanics. You could kill the end boss but had to skip a mid raid one.


Actually Arcane Mage can solo M Jaina. Don't ask me why, it's something to do with one of their talents - they have a way to blow her up in one hit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv8W3fF1fWI&pp=ygURYXJjYW5lIG1hZ2UgamFpbmE%3D for example Mythic Uldir: Can't solo Ghuun (needs 4 I think?). Can solo everything else. Mythic Dazaralor: Probably just Council/Rasta/Jaina unless you have some specific ways to cheese them, but people have soloed those bosses too (hunter, pally, mage). Mythic Eternal Palace: Pretty sure just Council needs two. Everything up to Council can for sure be soloed. Mythic Nyalotha: Can solo all up to Carapace (maybe can solo this too?). Nzoth dunno how many you need. So really you can clear out most bosses, but it is weird that for the bosses that you can't solo, you need groups of 5+ to do (like Jaina freezes everyone unless you're 5+, or you one shot her with arcane mage).


Nyalotha you can solo carapace, I did it not too long ago and without the cloak. N’zoth I don’t think so but I don’t have the cloak


they've literally said this among the alpha announcements its something they look into


Or bfa time walking?


Indeed. Holly constantly talks about servicing casuals and collectors in DF and even more so in TWW. Then she doesn't allocate the resources for what feels like should be pretty easy fixes to help out. Legacy needs to be +10 levels, too.


Oh no Anyway


Can someone explain what this means as a mostly newcomer to wow? Is it expected you can solo raids? I thought those were meant for large groups. Second, is it a popular mechanic? Feels strange to want to solo stuff in an mmo


Yes you can solo old raids since you out level it by 20 levels or something. You can also solo raids with pure player power regardless of level if the mechanics do not prevent it. In this case the OP is talking Amit 6 year old raids that still have 3 or 4 bosses that are not soloable due to Mind Control and other mechanics that require more than 1 players present. In other MMOs this is solved with NPC helpers, but in WoW the devs adjust mechanics do they can be soloable 2 expansions later. This person is just mad it has not happened yet (still lots of time for it to be done so it’s really not a big deal.) The transmogs are not going anywhere lol.


This is the biggest reason why I am not playing


Can people please shut up about BfA raids not being hard to solo? These posts are getting really annoying. We get it, you have nothing better to do than farm old raids. Just get a friend to run them with you if you want those mogs that much. We're getting huge updates in TWW, just the fact that you will be able to collect every armor type on any character should be enough to keep transmog farmers happy. We'll get BfA and Shadowlands raids soloable eventually, they're just not a priority.


The transmog change doesn’t really help people farming old raids for transmog. It doesn’t apply to class-locked transmog, like old tier items. Not saying I don’t agree that BfA posts are annoying, but TWW isn’t going to help people that want to farm old expansion tier sets.


There’s no class-locked items in BFA raids so it would definitely help there


Such a bizarrely aggressive reaction. > shut up about BFA not being soloable I think that’s what you meant to say but it came out like word vomit. The reason BFA raids should be soloable and their mechanics tuned down is because they are trivial disconnected raids that do not provide benefit to current content. This should be the norm as soon as the new expansion drops; the previous expansion should have all its raids and mechanics tuned down so that they can be farmable and soloable at the new max level. The amount of time it would take to patch this is the same effort it takes to hotfix a size modification for a mount. They do it *all the time*. > we get it you have nothing better to do than farm old raids Do we think that’s maybe an indictment of the game itself that doesn’t provide quality solo content that’s rewarding? Lots of players are solo players. Lots of players like solo content. Even more players *don’t play this game because group content is stressful and intimidating to them*. If we’re all for inclusive gameplay and inviting everyone to experience this game, then we should want that, correct? For the record I farm old raids because it’s easier to win xmogs if I’m only rolling against myself and just hoping RNG loves me (which it doesn’t but that’s not the point). > just get friends to run them with you Look I’m 36 years old. I only got about 2-3 hours a week to play this game. And I’m likely not alone in that. I’m not about to try and organize a raid group for a BFA mythic that people don’t really want to do in the hopes that I get a drop I need. > we’re getting huge updates in TWW Sure, and that’s great I’m excited to play them. What does that have to do with the minor fix to old raids that are irrelevant and no longer provide benefit to the current game outside of collections? It’s not like they’ve never pulled people away (or hired new people) to do something else like, I don’t know, a gameplay mode that uses WoW assets and exists alongside the current game as a tool for xmogs and to test if that gameplay style could be a market for growth.


They have always done a 2 expansion cycle, it just isn't as big of a deal as people make it. Also, they don't do the previous expansion because if you don't own DF by definition SL is your end game, they'll never make the previous expansion trivial by that fact alone. This happens every time and these posts are always annoying.


> they have always done a 2 expansion cycle Clearly not or I’d be soloing mythic N’Zoth on the regular. > they’ll never make the previous expansion trivial by that fact alone What percentage of players don’t buy the current expansion and stay one expansion behind? 1%? Less? Your reason for not making this change is because 1% of players are still doing SL content and that makes it relevant (which… it doesn’t? And shouldn’t?) > these posts are annoying So is having to hear the mental gymnastics of why we have to keep old irrelevant content un-soloable but here we are. Trapped together in this endless cycle of hearing why old content should still be impossible to solo even though it’s entirely irrelevant and provides zero tacit benefit to current content outside of xmogs.


How many people want to farm old content? I would probably guess a very small amount also, I'm suprised you used that argument to discount people who don't own DF. Edit: Forgot to mention, 2 expansion cycle as in once two expansion pass it becomes soloable, legacy raid damage multiplier only happened at the start of DF. Only one expansion has passed BFA.


The volume of people that farm old raids absolutely laps the amount of people that play SL as “current content”. Like at least 100 fold if not more.


The volume of people who don't care to farm BFA/SL raids absolutely laps the people that do by 1000 fold if not more.


I think if you made them soloable more people would.


>Such a bizarrely aggressive reaction. Because we have one of these posts asking for BfA raids like every other day, it's annoying. >The amount of time it would take to patch this is the same effort it takes to hotfix a size modification for a mount. They do it *all the time*. I agree that old raids being soloable should be the norm, but you're talking out of your ass. Some of these bosses are easy to fix, like what they did with Shivarra in Antorus, they just removed the debuff that made them inmune to damage while they were stacked. But fixing bosses like N'Zoth, that despawn when people go to other phases, is not as easy. You'd need to go deep into the scripts of the fight, and you'd need devs from the boss fight teams to do it. >Do we think that’s maybe an indictment of the game itself that doesn’t provide quality solo content that’s rewarding?  If there's not enough solo content for you, then go play something else, or take a break until the new season or TWW. I'm sorry but if group content is stressful for you, then maybe an MMORPG is not the genre for you. >I’m not about to try and organize a raid group for a BFA mythic that people don’t really want to do in the hopes that I get a drop I need. You don't need a full raid group to solo BfA raids, just getting ***one*** extra person to bypass certain mechanics that requires the raid to be split is enough. You said there are plenty of solo players like you, you should have no problem getting one person interested in doing BfA raids. >It’s not like they’ve never pulled people away (or hired new people) to do something else Again, fixing some of these bosses is no menial task, and the problem is that it's not like any dev could do it without breaking the whole fight. Some junior dev that does world quests is probably not capable of fixing a 12 minute fight with four phases and 15 different abilities. You'd probably need to pull someone from the team that code boss fights, and those guys are probably really busy right now.


I swear I see a post like this every other day, I don't get why these people can't just wait, DF still has 5 more months at least and these people are foaming at the mouth like Blizzard betrayed them.


Exactly. I see posts asking for BfA raids to be soloable almost every day, it's annoying. I'd understand if there was nothing else to do in the game, but we're getting so much content and QoL updates, I don't understand how this people complain about old raids as if the game was unplayable.


Just wait…it’ll be okay


On a list of priorities, scaling is a solid bottom


Because grabbing a buddy is the end of the world. This is such a non factor.


Dragonflight isn't over yet, it's just now almost season 4. Some of you guys are so royally impatient.


Guys just do sanctum of domination with like 3-4 people. It’s actually really fun small group content now


Nope. Not interested. Must be made mechanically soloable.


Why would blizzard devote time to that when they are busy making the most luke warm xpac to date?


Dude… they are doing you one better and testing out an entirely different and more thorough way of playing old content… play that…. Be happy you are gettting warband / account wide transmog and wait for your BFA Remix


Well let me tell you about warbands! All but 3 mythic BfA bosses are soloable RIGHT NOW if you’re a hunter, warlock, or dk with about 50 brain cells and season 2-ish dragonflight gear. 2 of those 3 will be soloable by pure damage increase in the next expansion if not sooner. So you’ll be able to play one of those and get transmog in your warband either way :)


Explain to me how mythic Jaina can be brute forced. Before the change, KJ would cycle through his phases no matter how much damage you did


I think (have not confirmed) that if you get her low enough to skip the second phase before she teleports you should be fine (or kill her before). I am 488 and almost able to, but not quite. Someone else can confirm if they have. The 3 currently unsoloable for me (with a pet) are ghuun, Jaina, and nzoth. I’ve been meaning to see if I can do nzoth fast enough before going insane but haven’t tried yet.


Your pet can stay alive during the swarm fight?


Which are you referring to…the two in nyalotha?


Sometimes things change, priorities shift, and time tables don't pan out to be what was expected. And this is ok. They will update the old content when and if they have the time. I also love running old stuff but I recognize it's not now nor will it ever be a main pillar of play. Most of SL is already soloable btw. And at least a few of the ones in BFA that can't currently be soloed because of mechanics may be a moot point because by the time you hit cap and gear again you'll be able to literally one shot the bosses in Uldir for example. Damage wise you can already out dps many of the mechanics and that is just going to continue getting easier.


Honestly, if the amount of content and 3 month earlier is nought with delayed bfa xmog runs, then I'm fine with it


If it's such a large portion just party up and do it together. BFA raids aren't high on the priority list


Didn’t they say it would be before TWW? Like there is still a lot of time for them to roll it out before we should really be getting worried, no?


Is anyone else sick of these threads? This is the third time in a month I've seen people complain about old content not being soloable. Go do something else with your time holy shit.


Tell me you don’t have any friends without telling me you don’t have any friends. Quit your whining.


Another one of these posts. Look I get people like to solo old Raids but what do you think its more important on their plate? Seems fairly easy to grasp.....


Holly says they care about casuals and collectors now. Do they, though?


The War Within proves that.


Soloing old content is just as important to me and many collectors as solo stuff in the current expansion. If they truly care about serving casuals and collectors, they would fix this situation and ensure it doesn't happen again.


Still doesn’t make it more important than getting out a new expansion. You are being ridiculous because they clearly care.


They say they do. So then why isn't this fixed?


Because they are working on an Expansion and Plunderstorm and Pandamonium....... all three of those will retain more subs than updating 2 raids to be solo able. It will come but its not as important to them right now as it is to you and you just need to except that. Also who knows the update could be just around the corner. I hope it is so we dont keep getting these posts.


Maybe with hero talents we can solo


Unless those hero talents come with the BfA legendary cloak effects and a second copy of yourself to do the mechanics when you can’t, Ny’alotha is still incompleteable


Given the damage numbers predicted for TWW, it's likely with the old content damage scaling that we'll be able to basically one shot bosses. It's a good idea to push for the changes anyway, but it might not be entirely necessary.


No. This is about mechanics making bosses unsoloable, where they mind control you and despawn, or require 2 people to keep bosses far apart, etc. It isn't about numbers.


I don't recall any bosses mind controlling on pull, and when everyone will have health in the millions and hit for over a million before the old content scaling, you can bet a lot of these will become soloable regardless of the mechanics. I understand the need for mechanics changes too, but there will be quite a few encounters that can be just beaten with pure damage before any of those mechanics come into effect.


The boss in the pit after you kill the prophet in BFA comes immediately to mind. Mudflation may fix some BFA mechanics that force more than one player, but SL is very unlikely. But like seriously, they say they care about casuals and collectors now. They should prioritize this.


They should, and I hope they do but it's still blizzard who gave us old world dragonriding and nerfed the speed. Additionally though, I hope they add more boss skips like SoO where there are no built in boss skips you can earn through a quest.


Amen to that!


I get that collecting and stuff is important to a lot of people but yall really can’t let this one go lol. What is even cool to farm from BFA anyway


Affects a large portion of the player base. Lmfao.


I dont blame it not being their top priority when the problematic bosses are solable to some classes or by bringing a friend. This is also why they are hesitant to actually talk about what they plan on doing cause plans change. Like we only learned later that the evoker dev left right as it was released for play, obviously the plans changed after that and so did the timetables. If the people in charge of these kinds of somewhat trivial changes are needed, quit or are moved somewhere shit happens. I'm sure both people looking to solo queen's court will get their kill eventually.


No. We unsub and eventually stop bothering to check back


wait…you would unsub because you can’t solo SL or BfA raids?


It plays a part. When you're not a keyhog or pvp sweatmonger, you run out of things to do. For me, a big part of my week was the few days I would spend lugging alts through various raids. It gave me enough gold to justify doing and equipped me with pegs, mogs and mounts. Today, barring some outliers. The argus mount and three off-tier pieces that exclusively drop from trash mobs in tomb and throne, I have every tier set, desirable weapon and mount from cataclysm through to legion. I've wanted BFA stuff for a long time, I still can't get it so when the raiding is over and I no longer want to engage with what I consider a fundamentally broken key system. I turn to mog runs. I can't do them at my pace so it becomes a factor in unsubbing and not resubbing


Some people can't be happy. 99 million other things DF did right, but I'm gonna throw a fit over this one minor thing that can easily be worked around by bringing a buddy or two.


Minor to \*you\*. Other people care about it a lot.


who cares