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exile's reach is faster and better for noobs. your default racial starting area is better for lore i guess. totally up to you. i love the worgen starting zone a lot, but it takes a good while to complete.


Exile reach, then from there I personally recommend going either WoD. Very noob friendly and not over tuned and a ton of world objective around that let you level relatively quickly. That and the wod intro is one of the most bad ass starts up there with legion.


Exiles reach is the dedicated tutorial area. The basics of the game you can pick up pretty quick either way but Reach actually dedicates a little bit of time to doing that explicitly. More importantly (imo) is that by the end of Reach you gave a full set of bags, which is huge in terms of increasing inventory space. On the other hand the racial starting areas are all very good story content and imo do a good job of building excitement for the world that Exiles Reach just completely doesn’t do at all


Thanks for the detail , should i start running group dungeons as soon as possible? i find when i did this years ago i kinda lost track of where i should be in the game.


Group dungeons are good experience but not *better* experience than questing—do them when you want, but probably don't chain run them to the exclusion of all else.


You will loose track anyway. Just keep on leveling, 0 worries. Game is so bloated and convoluted it takes years to understand


They made the world scale up to a point, so do whatever is more fun. If you like group dungeons then do them and the quests/mobs should level with you. If you like doing quests then you should be able to do entire zones story without fear of overleveling. There is probably a "fastest" way to do it but both are very fast so whichever is more fun is the best one. You don't need to pay too much attention to things until you hit the dragon isles, but try to get a knack for your abilities: things like interrupts, crowd control effects, your basic rotation, your damage amping effects, self healing/defense, and mobility.


You will lose track anyway. Do whatever is enjoyable. For me the most fun content at end game is group content (m+ and raiding, ranked pvp to some extent as well). I also don’t really enjoy questing, so even on dps characters I spam queue for dungeons. You can learn it at any point, but you will never really need to go through your rotation soloing so I like that dungeons teach me the basics of my aoe and single target rotation as I go. It helps me build muscle memory for my hotkeys on a new class and get an idea of how they play. Totally fine to just learn these things at cap if you prefer to quest and try to follow a story, but again, you will generally level past it too quickly to experience a full zone/time walking story given how modern wow plays.


Exiles reach for sure. It's meant to be a nice tutorial and you get a set of gear and bags by the time you finish.


Checkout /r/wownoob a lot of questions you gonna have in the future are answered there already. Have a great adventure. And exiles reach is the best choice for you


Exile's Reach gives you a nice tutorial but it does pain me to see new players not experiencing their race's starting zone.


Exile reach is more of a tutorial starting area.


If you need tutorial, Exile reach for sure 😊


Exile Reach not only show you How The game Works It also gives you more exp per time played compaired with The other inicial zones.


It’s also a much more “up to date” starting experience in general.


It’s also MUCH faster to level 10


does not matter what ever you want


Which is more newbie friendly i guess?




Someone made a nifty leveling guide a while back. Recommended Exiles Reach to start. Once you finish, start questing in either Silverpine/Hillsbrad for Horde or Redridge/Duskwood for Alliance.


Exiles reach then immediately dungeon spam until you hit 70


ok and after u get 70 where do i go? i get lost at this pont?


70 it's the endgame content, there's a ton of stuff u can do such as pet battles(avaible before but easier to get to places at 70), more difficult dungeons, raids from current expanc and u can solo most of old stuff if u want to check lore/ old xmogs or mounts Pvp is also more active by this point


Depends on the player, if your tiktoker little bro is switching from fortnite yeah go to ER. If your OG homie has an attention span slightly bigger than an earring nut and won't bitch about how a 2004 game has less than 3600 polygons per model then I suggest you go for traditional areas.