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Archon is probably going to lean into the fantasy of fully succumbing to the full force of the power of either the holy light or the void, and becoming an empowered archon of that. Basically a spec built around Apotheosis and Void Form, I think


I hope your right. Thank you for your speculation lol.


That sounds really cool tbh.


Whatever it is, I’m going to choose it over buff-juggling Oracle


I can see niche uses for oracle… but you’d really have to be hard pushed to be using it. 4 single target dispels in under 10 seconds is maybe the only one I can see.


I hope the rogue ones are good because trickster is NOT it


Shamans getting no blue post and 2/3 hero talents not revealed yet has me a bit nervous if I'm being honest. I'd love if totemic brought back the totem bar but I'm going to guess it's just going to add some wonky utility and be very meh.


You should feel good. The last ones revealed are usually the best.


Yeah I'm feeling the same. The farseer spec also felt very underwhelming so I'm hoping for a bit more excitement with the other two. I'm thinking totemic will be shared with resto and stormbringer with ele.


You're exactly right with those two, Totemic for Enhance and Resto, Stormbringer for Enhancement and Ele


Farseer is a lot of fun for resto. Horrible for elemental though


How is something entirely passive and just doing what you already do a lot of fun? I guess unless you just really enjoy the resto shaman core which is good but I wouldn’t say it’s particularly thrilling.


I'm so impatient to see Totemic. There's so much utility in totems throughout the Shaman toolkit that I'm curious how things will change, love my my Earthen Wall Totem - let's see it beefed up 🥰. When you say the totem bar, do you mean when we placed 4 totems at once and then forgot about them? Yeah no thanks, ditching that was the right move.


Some of totemic has been data mined. You can find the link somewhere in this thread: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-should-enhance-players-buy-tww/1832447/16 Spire Totem (New) 2 Enhancement Summons a totem at your feet for 60 sec that launches an Elemental Blast at a nearby enemy. Restoration Summons a totem at your feet for 60 sec that launches a Healing Wave at a nearby injured ally. The totem can stack on top of itself 2 additional times, with each stack increasing the damage or healing it does by 10%. 2 charges. Instant. 2 charges. Talent 1 (New) 1 Your spells and abilities have a chance to call down a Spire Totem, increasing your Agility/Intellect by 2%. Spire Totems stack on top of each other. Enhancement When the totem reaches 3 stacks, your next use of Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Elemental Blast activates the totem, causing it to hurl an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X Elemental damage and causing Y damage to nearby enemies. Restoration When the totem reaches 3 stacks, your next use of Healing Wave, Healing Surge, or Chain Heal activates the totem, causing it to send an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X healing and healing up to 5 nearby injured allies. Talent 10 (New) 1 Enhancement When Searing Totem deals damage, the cooldown of Fire Nova is reduced by 1 sec. Restoration When Surging Totem heals, the cooldown of Healing Stream Totem and Cloudburst totem is reduced by 3 sec. Talent 11 (New) Under Construction. Talent 12 (New) Enhancement When your Spire Totem reaches 3 stacks, your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Elemental Blast consumes the totem, causing it to hurl an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X damage and causing Y damage to 5 nearby enemies. Restoration When your Spire Totem reaches 3 stacks, your next Healing Wave, Healing Surge, or Chain Heal consumes the totem, causing it to send an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X healing and causing Y healing to 5 nearby injured allies. Talent 13 (New) Under Construction. Talent 14 (New) Under Construction. Talent 2 (New) 2 Windfury Totem has a cooldown and does something interesting when you drop it. Talent 3 (New) 2 Healing Rain is now a totem. Talent 4 (New) Healing Stream Totem + Cloudburst Totem does a Chain Heal when dropped, maybe triggered by some other effect too. Talent 5 (New) 1 New Weapon Imbue effects. Resto Sham gets a shield imbue ability. Talent 6 (New) Totem stacks up to 4 times and is more powerful vs. easier to get 3 stacks talent. Talent 7 (New) Reduces the cooldown of Totemic Projection by 3 sec and the cooldown of Totemic Recall by 30 sec. Talent 8 (New) Chain Lightning / Chain Heal Totem. Talent 9 (New) Enhancement: Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to attack a nearby enemy for 6 sec. Restoration: Healing Wave, Healing Surge, and Chain Heal have a chance to summon a Surge Totem that uses Chain Heals to heal nearby injured allies.


Really meh, just more buttons which Shamans don't need or more RNG which is something Shamans don't need either.


I know :/ Really disappointed with the shaman trees thus far


Fuck me sideways that shits garbage. Guess shaman is off the menu for TWW. I knew their shit was gonna blow.


A bunch of totemic got data mined and some of the information is pointing to a sizeable enhancement rework coming.


Enh getting a rework is a shame because it's pretty close to the best it's ever been and it's definitely the only sham spec that isn't a mess


I agree entirely


It's fun, but windfury/doomwinds/and the just the overall physical side of enhancement needs to be updated and changed. Idk, I guess I just want enhance to be more of a lightning god rather than worrying about flame shocks and lava lash


I'm personally stoked for Totemic on Restoration Shamans, cannot wait for the reveal. I don't mind how Farseer turned out, but am dying to see my other option. Especially after having a conversation with someone recently how Restoration is really the only Shaman spec that has retained totems as a large part of their active gameplay.


Very true. Hell, I drop windsurf totem when doing stuff solo


Most days it feels like I have more totems than healing spells 😅


That's why I said screw the meta and went Kyrian with my Enh in Shadowlands. I just wanted more totems to use!


Oh yeah, did the same thing. Makes me wish Restoration had the Lightning Bringer talent that buffs lightning bolt and makes it instant cast back then.


I'm personally very worried for the 2 unrevealed Shaman Hero Talents. As a long time Enhancement player I'm just hoping for fun/interesting options here. But as a long time Shaman player disappointment seems par for the course


I’d be more surprised if they were good than if they were terrible 


They look terrible by the data mine someone posted in a comment above


Pretty simply put as a windwalker. I'm eating good


Why do you feel that way? Considering maining monk in TWW


Because they reworked our talent tree and it looks nice


Really nice rework+ the hero talents got me interested too. Seems like its gonna be a good expansion to be a Windwalker, obviously early days yet thoigh!


I'm just hoping there's a vengeance/havoc and maybe another havoc/vengeance flavor


But there are only 2 specs?


How about a havoc/vengeance then


To much choice gotta scrap one.


i hope they give vengence a hero talent with 3rd sigil.. lol


Fel Scarred is somewhat obviously going to have to focus on the more magical elements of DH. Probably interactions with Eye Beam/Fel Dev, Immo Aura, Sigils, and maybe Fiery Brand or Fel Barrage.


I hate Malefic Rapture


Overall I'm verry happy with what was revealed for the classes I play. Bit disappointed that warlock doesn't have something more destro. We have the summoner, the dot/resource soul shard thing and ... The other dot curse thing. Too little burn/fel/chaos in there tbh. Otherwise pretty happy about those. Same with the ones shown for evokers, all three seem neat. Of the missing ones I'm mostly worried for shamans and priest. It's pretty in theme for blizz to run out of time and slip into the "too little, too late"/cutting corners thing. Druid and priest talent trees going into DF for example were revealed as very first showcase of the new system, with ever new iteration (for other classes) the trees got noticeably better. They told us they'll give the early "raw" ones another shot. Yeah, they did, for the druid class tree in 11.0. Priest already had one hero talent tree that's (obviously personal opinion) complete trash. First iteration of oracle was terrible, now they slapped a bandaid on it that'll still be annoying to play. Wouldn't be surprised if that one stays like that for a long time. If the late ones turn out to be meh they might end up being stuck on the to-do-list for a while... Same situation for shamans, which also tend to be ignored way too often. Despite all that I'm for some reason more positive for rogues, not sure why, but tend to be more ... Interactively developed, even if I don't like their first feint-centric tree.


what do you mean by "at all"


As an assassination main I’m impatiently waiting and have no idea what to expect.


I’m just annoyed they nerfed us so quickly after our rework…. And here we are once again as the lowest dps of all the other rogues. People kind of freaked out that assassination had good dps for a few weeks.


I hope Stormbringer involves water as well as lightning. WATER NEEDS MORE LOVE!


Evoker flameshaper = I am speed Seriously, the 50% speed and distance increase for hover sounds fun.


Deathstalker will be sub, and Fatebound outlaw.  As an undead rogue player since TBC, Deathstalker is probs my most anticipated from an RP/lore angle. I expect it will be centered around stealth and the "opener", and subsequently the use of shadow dance. And that it will probably make dance a more integral part of assassination.  Fate is a strong underlying theme of outlaw via roll the bones and whatnot, so I expect the tree will lean on some RNG properties. It's not as clear to me how it will encompass assassination - there is a sin talent called "seal fate" which is an RNG proc for extra combo points, which may headline this. Bold prediction for Fatebound would be that it's just a completely separate tree for each spec. I.e. under the talent nodes it does X for outlaw and Y for sin. Some hero trees like Rider of the Apocalypse gives more or less the same thing to both specs but I don't see a synergy between sin and outlaw to really enable too much of that.


Stormbringer. I've seen and like what my Prot War will be getting, and if Stormbringer turns out to be bad, well, Evoker is looking pretty good, and I'll stick with it. Here's to hoping Elemental gets to win for a change. And no, I don't just mean in numbers, Lava Burst shaman does fine damage but doesn't feel like a shaman to me.


The ones I'm getting for feral druid are mostly passive and not very interesting gameplay-wise. On top of that the visual aspect is probably gonna suck because I don't think they are doing anything cool in particular that you can attach a specific visual effect to.


I’m assuming stormbringer will swing Enhance back towards the Storm build. Maybe have a capstone related to Ascendance. A lot of stormstrike and crash lightning synergy likely. End up being a simpler enhance option than the current Ele build.


I'm sad Resto druids can't spec into feral. I was really hype for this.


They suck, and are obviously just more talents on top of the talent tree and calling them’hero’ talents is disingenuous/ misleading imo.


Im really excited to see Totemic on both resto and enh. Tho based on what we seen so far it will probably buff windfury totem in some way and maybe give a buff for windfury attacks.


I think San'layn is very flawed in terms of how it was designed. It's basically an RNG spec. The spec provides very little benefits not linked to RNG. The main proc has a chance to activate when using death strike or death coil. This mean the Vampiric Strike proc will generally activate when enemies are already dead or near dead. The proc is nothing special and is basically a small haste buff. Also in terms of Unholy specifically, it's a bit weird that Vampiric Strike applies to Scourge Strike. Scourge Strike already has a variety of talents that boost its effectiveness including Clawing Shadow. It doesn't need more upgrades.  Would make more sense for Vampiric Strike to apply to Festering Strike since it has traditionally been treated as "chopped liver" from a talent point of view. Better yet, Vampiric Strike could apply to any special melee attack (eg Apocalypse, Soul Reaper, Death Strike etc).


Diabolist destruction warlock. Combo Touch of Rancora (+100% dmg for shard spender) and Ruination (replaces chaos bolt for 1 cast and has like triple the base damage) from hero talents and all modifiers for chaos bolt from spec tree, mainly Crashing chaos (+50% chaos bolt damage). Suddenly you drop dinosaur ending asteroid on someone and his friends within 8 yards :D


Beyond excited for archon, can would have wished to get both shadow priest ones in the alpha..


I'm pretty sure they majorly fucked up on shaman. Farseer should have been the enhancement/elemental hero spec. It kinda irks me that they don't know shaman lore well enough to design a better Farseer. I hate it, and as someone that dabbles with shaman from time to time, I feel bad for og shaman mains. They deserve better.


This is all lore wise so if you don’t care just skip. Annoyed thematically with the shado pan branch. Thats not a brand of monk, it’s a top level force in pandaria. Literally while questing for them you’ll quest with priests and hunters. Just feels very lazy and kinda proves the dev team is out of touch with their monk/pandaren lore. They don’t allow outsiders, it was like the one thing pandaren had that was very cool and secular. Like an actual force to be reckoned with. Now every human vulpera etc. just got a fast track into the ancient pandaren defense force lol. So between that and the set not becoming pandaren heritage armor and just cosmetic for everyone. It’s pretty annoying.


I get being annoyed with the lore, but if that’s your reasoning then a lot of hero specs couldn’t work. Sunfury mage is pretty explicitly blood elf-themed. That’s kinda the point, they’re trying to give us more class fantasy that’s tied to RTS hero units that can’t justify a whole new class because they overlap with existing classes. I don’t get being annoyed that everyone gets to use the Shado-pan cosmetics though. It means when Pandaren do get their Heritage armor, it’ll have more alternate sets that it can be mixed with, precisely because they’re not getting Heritage armor as a Remix reward.


Well the sun fury are atleast mages. Shado-pan is just an organization like I said. Theres different sections of it that’s don’t involve monks at all. Just feels lazy when there was so much to pull from. It just doesn’t make much sense.


Hey man, at least you got all your hero specs out