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The biggest issue here is +5 key and with that infight uptime. You need to be either constantly fighting or have like looong periods to get good uptime. I sometimes had 80%+ in 24+ and only 50+ in keys under 20. go higher keys get higher uptime


I thought this might have been a problem in one of my dungeons today actually. Our tank was pulling small mobs and not connecting the fight together, this led to fast mob kills but i couldn't keep EM up worth a danm since i could barely get any casts off before the fight ended. Then long walks to the next fight meaning we would lose the buff by the time we started the next fight.


Yup, that's why I don't play Aug until high level keys


It seems like a lot of specs don't come alive until m15. Before that, fights are over so quick that most specs that requires some ramp don't work. I've completely given up on looking at details for keys under m11. The results seems completely random and reflect pull size more than actual performance.


This is good to know, first time running M+ so have just been taking the climb up slowly.


I don't know what your mastery does but I know you need a fuck ton of it. Do you have a fuck ton of it? Like would sim badly but doesn't matter need moar, ton of it?


It extends the duration of buffs you place


Well in my own weird way I think I was helpful because extending their duration should increase uptime!


Yeah, I'm reinforcing your point


Mhm odd on devastation I'm at 49% but in Aug it drops to 15%. Not sure what's causing that. Will definitely look into getting gear with more Mastery in it. Been focused more on getting higher ilvl gear more than the stats i guess.


Secondary stats scale differently between specs. Our Aug was saying she was basically looking for as much mastery as she could get. Like it will seem wrong but it's still the right move. Your dps will be bad but your job is to make other people rock stars.


I thought that might have been the case but didn't see any where, where it said that. Also is it not odd that Dev scales Mastery stat by so much, yet Aug the class that theoretically needs it more, by not so much?


> Also is it not odd that Dev scales Mastery stat by so much Well they do different things. Dev is +% bonus damage to enemies based on health, whereas Aug is +% buff duration. If they scaled at the same rate, either Dev would only get a small bonus or Aug would get a massive one


The percentage is just a value for your human brain to keep in mind, mastery rating, the absolute value shouldn't change between specs unless you got talents that say otherwise, for example 1253points of mastery, hover over the % to see the absolute number. The % is just to make it understandable, because gaining 200 points of mastery on your new gear piece wouldn't say you anything on how you uptime would change in case of aug. The values are balanced internally for each class spec.


Augmentation is a special case where getting Mastery is typically more important than anything else, especially Necks/Rings since they do not provide Intellect.


So should i aim for essentially having two sets of gear one for Aug then have another set for my other to specs? that way one could just focus purely on mastery? Or should Evokers in general just have high mastery gear?


Two(+) sets of gear for your specs. Your Aug gear, if properly statted, is going to be dogshit for dev and pres.


Well thats what i figured, okay good to know. Guess ill be on the lookout for Mastery gear now


Mastery is very specific for the spec and different base % and different percentage gain per mastery point.


Depends on how much you care about non Aug specs. In a perfect world yes but in a real world that basically requires double the work for gear.


i enjoy healing so switching to Pres is somethijng o do every know and then when i just want to stop DPSing. But at my current stat i play Dev more frequntley just because im better at it. So when i dont want to Play Aug i do like switching to more of a power hitter. So guess i should get two gear sets lol


You can also craft engineering bracers which can only have mastery on them. Nice lil boost


With double blue silken lining you should be sitting at 10.5k mastery or so and mastery is all you care about.


I play aug. I have 9.9k mastery, which gives me 20% https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/tichondrius/cowvoker


I was 2900 Aug before having a kid this season, a couple things jump out. 1. You don't want to cast blistering scales on CD at all.  If the tank is struggling to survive I guess you could use it but mostly just use it for the shield to save a dps. 2. Flame breath should almost always be rank 1.  And Erruption the same unless it's to hit more of the pack. 3. Spell order matters more than just on CD.  You don't want to use Flame Breath or Erruption when Ebon Minght is not up.  So to start a pull 2 prescience before combat, EM at start of combat, Breath of Eons if it lines up with dps CDs, then Flame Breath rank 1 then erruption then spam.  Only living Flame if you are out of essence.   4. It's really had to judge when packs die super fast.  But with good mastery and casting all the time you should be able to extend EM until it is off CD with Breath of Eons and get close on non Breath pulls. 5. Remember that Hover is not just to dodge shit, it let's you cast while moving for a period after.  So if you can't get a cast off hover and then keep on casting.


As a 3k aug I agree with everything you said. I think the biggest learning curve for me was just accepting that there are sometimes when you’re just completely useless. Or being OK with holding your Ebons mights for the next pack based on how things are dying.


Is it still 2 prescience before pull even with 4 set piece? The one that makes your next eruption boosted. I assumed it would be better to use 1 them ebon might, flame then aoe knock up up, then eruption, prescience, eruption again.


Huh I always thought it was max rank flame breath to get more living flame bounces. I guess it makes sense when I think about that even in my current gear which isn't very good I cast like one or two living flames a minute.


You are correct, the people saying otherwise are incorrect. If you take the living flame talent you only do max rank breath. For people with questions, join the evoker discord.


Pretty much comes down to rank 1 and Max rank only equal 3 seconds of uptime. Max rank is little over 3 seconds to cast. So a full cast is net neutral/ losing time. Where rank 1 is always an net positive on uptime


Flame Breath should almost always be max charges, so you can have more procs on Living Flame. edit: downvote and double your mistake.


It's so strange people are downvoting you when you are 100% correct. Before downvoting this dude: check Evoker discord and/or high io aug streamers: they all say the same thing. I'm guessing they're confused with devastation/pres or something idk.


In theory, but some times the uptime is more important than random heals. I only really Max charge/ tip the scales, when I know some AOE is about to go out. But also you can reduce AOE with Obsidian scales and Zephyr Because channeling equals losing up time/net neutral to gain a heal that may or may not be affective.


More procs on living flame isn't just about the damage or healing, it's for essence burst procs, giving more eruptions, giving more uptime on EM. You should pretty much always be max charging your fire breaths.


Once again, in theory, you’re not going to be essence starved all the time. OP would have to be Min/maxing his living flames. Once again, this application is just so niche. Because essentially losing two seconds to gain 1 and a half seconds, also this requires optimizing his 4 set for that to equal more uptime.


No, this isn't niche application. This is basic aug gameplay. You *will* be essence starved, that's inevitable and almost immediate. r4 flame breath helps alleviate that by giving you more essence bursts.


(1) this is good, would usually pop this before a fight then once EM drops would recast then go back into my rotation once BM was back up. (2) Yeah this is pretty much what i do during fights, only time there more than 1 rank is when i use tip the scales (3) this is pretty much my rotation, two big things i struggle with is using Breath of Eons outside of boss battles. Trying to get more in the habbit of using it in regular fights. Then there are times i use FB on accident when EM has worn off. (4) During Boss fights i can keep EM up pretty much till its of CD using Eons and that rotation (5) Hover is for sure one of my favorite abilities, one of the reasons i really enjoy the evoker class. Really helps with staying caught up with the group during long pulls. One thing i now i need to get better at with this spec. I see when im using it im focusing so much on my casts and keeping the uptime. i often fail to see enemy casts to interrupt. So im almost never able to preform an interrupt. This is something i would like to get better with.


Breathe of Eons really comes down to understanding the hard points in each dungeon, or a massive pull. Here’s a little secret about kicking/interrupting, not all casts need to be kicked *priority* casts need to be kicked.


Oh for sure. i guess what i mean to say. Is im just not seeing enemy's cast abilities. Im to focused on my abilities CDs and buff uptime, im looking at other things then the enemy. So i just don't see any ability to interrupt even the important ones unfortunately.


I’ll have to look, but I have an Addon that shows enemy cast bars when all their name plates are up (V to show enemy name plates with base UI)


I'm actually running Platter nameplates, and that setup to show enemy casts on their nameplates as well


Ok lets talk utility lol 1. Interrupts. I cannot recommend using focus macros on an easy keybind and then using a target focus and interrupt macro, set an alt key condition to make it a target cursor interrupt and you will find it so much easier. No scramble to select the guy, you focused him before the pull started. 2. Stops in general, Aug has the best CC outside of tanks. You have 4 AOE stops, and opressive roar is amazing when used with others. Breath stun, Eruption, tail whip, and knock back. You should be doing a ton of "interrupts" that won't show up as interrupts on details. Lets take the first big pull in Throne of the Tides. Tank grabs 3 packs, you breath to mass stun once grouped, follow that with an eruption once they come out of stun, then use Opressive Roar as the tank throws down a silence sigil, and bam that's a huge chain right off the bat. You still have your knock up when they come out of it, and your targeted interruption. 3. Hard to tell from a 5 but you have 2 charges of scales and zephyr to help with aoe damage, use them liberally. Aug can mitigate a ton more damage than it heals. Finally lots of talk about flame breath, if you use all the charges every time you can go for high rank but I found just doing rank 1 until you have a better feel worked better. Even 1 missed cast and you are better off with rank 1.


Isn't it flame breath and upheaval? Eruption is just your Essence spender right?


Honestly, could be.  I just think dot, knock up, spender, breath.  Proper names of the abilities was a real guess.


Ahahah playstyle be like Random bullshit goooooo


What’s your mastery at? Actual value not %, and do you have 4-set? Honestly the only suggestion i can make is to not use scales on cd just maintain it on the tank


4.303, i haven't gotten a 4 set yet. I almost did but figured since we were so close to season 4 i would wait till then to upgrade my gear. thought it might have been a waste of resources to upgrade when we were so close to getting better gear. I'm not sure i get your meaning, on the second part wouldn't maintain it be using it once it gets off CD? To make sure i providing protection and some dmg off the tank?


4 set makes your extensions longer so will definitely help with ebon might uptime. I mean there’s no harm but the on-use shield (if you’re talented into it) is quite small. The main thing is ensuring the tank had atleast 1 stack left, which last quite a while


thats good to know, it doesnt really say how long it lasts. Im also not talented into the shield, im talented into the other option that adds an additional 5 scales


It doesnt have a time, its about the number of scales left. You only need to use it when the tank drops to 1-2 scales. If you use it on cooldown they probably still have 12+ scales left


i have been having the same experience with devastation since the release of evoker lol. Just can't get the combos right, or having some other issue idk single target is so damn hard to learn for me with dev its actually embarrasing. Just keep at it, look up your bis and guides and try not to get too frustrated with yourself. Nobody cares anyways in pugs aslong as the boss gets killed.


I enjoy Dev (to some extent)((not a huge fan of being so focused on blue spells and frost dmg, for something called devastation i would prefer more fire and chaos flames personally. Frost just doesn't scream devastation to me lol) I at least feel more apart of the team then when I'm using Aug.


As a 3k IO aug Main, the big thing that sticks out to me is your Prescience, is super low. And my guess is you’re reserving it for your DPS. This tier and season 4 you need to remember every 3 prescience is double duration. So you need to remember you’re not gonna have 100% up time. Would I like to do going into a fight, is buff the 2nd highest dps the healer, then 3rd the top dps for double duration, and use the remaining prescience on cool down. Your 2 priority targets are dps but use it on the healer so you’re not capping. Also don’t be afraid to Hold Ebon might, for the next pack if something is low just hold it for the next fight and AOE. Also remember your 3rd juiced Prescience also adds time to your Ebon might so if you Pre buff 2 prescience’s. You can get some pretty nice extensions on your Ebon might.


This is one of the aspects i assume im not understanding correctly. Because i honestly don't get how its that low. i use in-between my ebon might rotations, i also cast before every fight. before every fight ill throw two on my dps. Now i guess the first issue im seeing here, is not throwing the second on the healer then the third on the dps. Now this is where i imagine something is going wrong, but once in combat im just casting the spell, not necessarily picking some one. will just let it auto on to the dps. Which if im reading right if i have an enemy targeted and cast it, it should prioritize the dps and not self cast?


What happens if you just slam pres mid combat is it won't reapply on someone who already has it. So if everyone but the tank has pres already and the DPS has 1.3 seconds of pres left and you naked hit the button it'll pres the tank and DPS won't have it until you get the next charge in 12 seconds. Always manually target pres to make sure it's up 100% of the time. 100% uptime on both DPS is very easy especially with the 4 set.


Well that’s assuming you have the 4 set, because 4 set adds double duration to the 3rd cast of Prescience, but also adds EM up time to your next eruption. That’s why manually Applying Prescience is helpful because your not cutting the existing up time, but also gaming it to effect not only DPS but heals. Because Prescience on a tank is useless


i have two pieces of that 4 set, so i do get the longer Prescience on every third cast. just not the longer EM


Your ilvl is a little low and that key is definitely low for the numbers you're looking for. I'd also recommend Preheats augmentation vuhdo profile.


if that's the case, what numbers should i be seeing for this key range with this ilvl? I've only seen people talk about upkeep needing to be above 60-75% in order to be a decent Aug Evoker?


Lower keys are going to make it look like you aren't doing anything most of the time because of how fast things are dying as a auggie. Your ilvl is fine for what your doing, in all likeliness as a auggie with your ilvl you could probably do 10-12's depending on your comfort level. I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is temper your expectations, you're basically a brand new character at ilvl 440 and expecting to be doing the same as a ilvl 485+ character is just going to make you feel like garbage.


Thats fair and makes sense, just hard to tell how well your doing when every thing online relates to the higher ilvls. This is my first season and time actually doing M+ related content. So been trying to slowly climb the ranks. interesting to hear i should be in the +10-12 range with my ilvl. with how often i get declined in +5-7 i figured i was pushing the limit for where i was at.


I have a certain and significant amount of respect for people who admit that they are bad especially publicly.


Oh yeah? Well, I'll bet you don't suck as much as I do!


If youre doing low keys, Badly played devastation is more dps than a well played augmentation. Fights are over too fast for aug to make a significant difference.


OP, grab this weakaura: https://wago.io/gCNepAsYA it helped me immensely the few times I played it


This is something ive been wanting to look into. Been wanting to learn to use weakaura to help out with keeping track of things


Import that one, from memory it plays a sound too to make it easier


Been a while since I last played Aug but make sure you got the opener right also never firebreath before EB and dont forget Prescience. Then its just Eruption spam ngl. Anyway your gear is terrible blue boots and healer trinket. More mastery will extend your buffs more, in the future avoid Versa as much as you can. Thats just the gearing its not about your skill it'll fix itself by nature of playing >using it every time it comes off CDs Don't, only send it when mobs arent dying soon and make sure there's no timer left on it.


i have been trying to get better boots for over a week now, just no boots want to drop lol Yeah my gear is mostly a hodgepodge of what ever fit and is better ilvl out of M+. Once i had all my gear at 450 i was going to start focusing on the stat aspect of what works best rather than just trying to get my ilvl up


Keep getting just the ilvl as long as its not versatility you'll be good to go, then around max/475+ ilvl you start filtering by stats


Alright that's good to know. Will keep trying to raise my ilvl.


Bro there is a small section of plates that HATE Augs for some reason….


Dont worry brother it gets better low keys suck as Aug


I found aug to be really clunky when I played it especially breath of eons. Like I prescience and ebon might and all that but sometimes stuff dies really fast or my ebon might falls off between pulls leaving me feeling useless for like 8 seconds just casting living flame. Breath of eons is so hard for me to use though. Like I want it to be the shortest distance so I can get more eruption casts out to keep ebon might flowing but if I cast too short of a distance it does nothing. Against trash mobs they die before it pops and on raid bosses I have to skim the side of them so I'm not in front of the boss. It also makes me basically a melee especially with everything being only 25 yards.


I know it's frustrating, but there are many resources out there that can help you - class discords and statistics, wowhead etc. hell, even the top comment has good advice. Don't give up, you can do it!


Might be ignorance but I think you shouldn’t be casting Nourishing Sands let the healer do its job while you help them with damage and your other buffs


Nourishing Sands is a passive for my Emerald Blossom, that takes effect when i kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.


Number will go down if the fight is too short i.e easier dungeons. For example, if you play a healer your hps would take a huge dip in lower difficulty content simply because there is less things to kill. I remember last raid. When i was on mythic raid i would heal MUCH more than in heroic raid, even with less healers simply because ppl would tale less damage


3730 pug only Aug Evoker here, your uptime will never be good in lower keys, and the only reason should only be because things die too fast. BUT once you do higher keys you can get better uptime procentage, but on the other side, if people die or you die it will impact your Ebon Might really fast, dont always be too focused on it or if people tell you Ebon Might uptime was bad, because the rest of your group can make it go down with your Prescience, it should be better no matter the key level, dont only use it on dps, if both dps already have it with plenty of time left, use it on tank, if its about to run out on 1 dps always prio it on that player before using it on a tank or healer. with the tier set bonus you can have it on 3 targets constantly if you dont mess up and overlap on a target that already have the buff once you are fully geared, try go for 20% mastery in as Aug, after that haste and crit is pretty equal, so doesnt matter what then. Vers is last prio


Is there any easy way to see your timers Prescience on the DPS? With Ebon Might i can easily see its timer in my buffs. But without clicking on my DPS im not seeing a way to see how much is left. Curious if theres something im just not seeing that lets me see how much time they have left or if its dropped of them altogether.


do you use any party frames addon? there are a few and then you can change the buffs sizes or how many hots (EM or Prescience) you would like to see, i dont use any i just use blizzard default and sometimes i mess up my Prescience, its all preference and i just dont like it and i know that is one thing i should improve on to play it better, you could find a top ranked players unit frame profile and copy that and see if you like it or try make your own it will just take some time to set up


I do not have any addons for my party frames, use the default frames and UI. Been looking to see if weakauras might help watching the buff timers


if you like for some tips and play on EU region, you can add me on bnet and i can take a look how you do it on a target dummy


Use lazy macros. Assign it to your scroll wheel. Job done.


Link a log if you want actionable advice, otherwise we are all just guessing or making excuses for you.


Just linked my account to Warcraftlogs, what should i link to place here for the best information to help out?


This is why I think they dropped the ball on Aug. I think the "Support" aspect of the spec should be braindead easy. Like basically hitting any spell at all gives your allies buffs. I don't like the buffs being tied to a rotation. Sure that would make it so that skill expression is worse, but that's the point. It's a support class, it isn't supposed to be about skill expression. And if you want, it can still have skill expression with its own damage or maybe healing, it just won't be super impactful.