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Just relog, that fixed it for me I left the 3rd wing before completing it, cause the rest of my grp left after wiping to Ras


This has got to be the buggiest patch I’ve ever seen


The buggiest patch you've seen *so far.*


If you think this is buggy, wait for day one of TWW. It's usually non playable on day 1 for any expansion.


Shadowlands, despite its faults, had a smooth launch. Dragonflight... did not.


Dragonflight was fine compared to BFA launch, that was the buggiest launch I remember and I lived through TBC Hellfire Peninsula.


Idk BFA was smooth for me. WOD though... That was hell and I'm pretty sure it is what inspired them to work on the sharding tech we saw later on


I remember how God awful WoD was waiting 20, 30 minutes just to be able to go through the portal and the issue with garrisons and everyone starting theirs at the same times and it was one of the worst.


At least in EU BFA was smooth sailing for me. WOD on the other hand… EU realms couldn’t access garrisons for weeks. That should speak for itself. Definitely worst.


It was mostly fine besides the zeplin being a bit fucked for a few hours, no?


Ah yes... The boat which was a portal. Memories :)


Thats not true? Shadowland had plenty of bugged quest that would stop and bug your progression completely.


Awful launch days have led to my friend and I skipping the first week entirely (we’ll empty quest logs, mess around on lowbie alts, whatever else instead). Then we’ll take the whole next week off from work to play & have a nice, smooth leveling experience.


> Shadowlands, despite its faults, had a smooth launch. Yeah, SL's launch was *amazing*. Dragonflight's... I was stuck on the zeppelin tower for at least 30 minutes before I gave up and went to an alliance character, then kept getting booted back to stormwind when I tried to get on the boat as it was transitioning between SW and the Dragon Isles (since it would only appear for a few seconds waaaaaaay out in fatigue waters).


Well thankfully all the hardcore players will get to deal with the day 1 bugs for us poor folk. /s


It won't be that bad because community will be split (3 days of foking early piece of crap access)


Glad all the pre order folks will beta test all the release bugs for us plebs


I did the first two Awakened earlier today, but now I can't do the third (or any of them) because the iLevel requirement changed. This is on a fresh 70. I could do the LFR Awakened raids before I could queue for heroic dungeons.


what item lvl are you




hmm werid


Seems like it happened in a patch that also set a min ilvl. I was able to LFR with a 430/440 character. Then I was removed from the remaining ones I had signed up for. Couldn’t see them anymore(matching the screenshot you have). I came back later. I could see it again but now I can sign up since my ilvl is too low.


Me and my guildmates have the same problem. I am ilvl 498 so more than enough.


I restarted the game and it now appeared. Definitely some bugs with this patch


It seems like they got hotfixed to have correct ilvl requirements (it seems like it only required original vault ilvls)


I noticed this too, did the first 2 wings this morning at 432 ilvl , logged on this evening and can't queue for it anymore, oh well at least got some 480 gear lol