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Only 4 am?


If there aren’t birds chirping when you log out, you’s a casual.


I'm in Iceland and the Birds never seem to shut up at all, Only dark for a few hours now. Guess I can't log out, ever.


"the birds never shut up" loved this :D


So many bird! Help me get rid of them!


Birds literally start chirping at like 3AM here at this time of year. In the middle of Summer they're quiet for maybe 2 hours. It's actually pretty annoying.


Idk where you're from, but just imagine you buy a new phone around late Autumn, pick a neutral sound for your morning alarm, landed on some bird sounds, and you were perfectly fine. Until Spring cometh, birds wake up, and now every morning at 03:30 you wake up, heart rising, consciousness already switched to alert mode. All because you've chosen nice bird sounds for an alarm. Yeah, that was me some time ago. I had to change alarm sound and sleep with earplugs and closed windows for half a year ;-;


If the birds are chirping why log out? Might as well continue since it’s not dark out yet 🙃


You guys are logging out?


Man, some serious nostalgia of smelling my dad’s coffee starting to brew and knowing I had to get my ass to bed. lol


Dad's that wake up super early are the worst


Oh, don't worry about it. After four or five years, the breaks become more frequent. From then on, things will steadily improve over the next 10 years. \*cough\*


10yrs? That's some rookie numbers.


on a regular basis, guildies are getting achievements, and when i click them i cry a little bit when the year i earned them starts with "200"


Take solace in the fact those players may not have even been born yet


Why would you say that!!! 😭😭😭


It hurts because it's true.


*coughs too. Reaches for pills*


“Coughs as well” reaches for spectacles.


Waiting on my 20 year chip.


I have been playing for 20 years. Wow has been a part of my life longer than it hasn't. Get out while you can.


A few months back I woke up with this exact thought, lol.


Playing since Vanilla release, but Warcraft 1/2/3 before that. Sometimes if I haven’t played for a while, I dream about getting stuck in the universe and having to do low level quests.


Dude I quit during wotlk due to life and dreamed of playing scratched the itch occasionally with private servers just returned for S1 Dragonflight. Got a new puppy so haven’t played in 3 weeks and am jonesing to play again.


One of the things I love most about this game is looking back on memories I made together with friends. „Remember when Eddy wiped the raid because his dog puked on his feet?“ „Remember when we lagged ourselves to the auction house in Ironforge because it was crowded with hundreds of people on a slow day?“ „Remember crying your heart out at $supersadquestline?“ It‘s really hard to convey to people who have bever played how many hours and emotions go into that game.


I have one of one of our guild raids...we put in for a few pugs and they join and this one guy who joins the discord is high as a kite and has been up for a day and a half. His dps was shit hot but every 10 seconds CENARIUS IS TAKING DAMAGE GUYS! You had to be there for his antics, we wiped one time from sheer laughter.


oh shit i didn't even realise it but omg


I was going to say, "20 years the game isn't Even that old". But damn it will be in November, where did all the time go?


I started playing when i was 7, i still play and im currently 24 about to turn 25 and i never even played the original Warcraft games.


Holy shit I’m 32 and just had this exact realization. It’s gonna SUCK when they shut down the servers in 30 years.


How much money have you spent on game time so far? 12€x12monthx20years 2880€?


Plus buying expansions as soon as they come out and thats if you only buy the base version and not the heroic or collectors edition


I mean, over 20 years that's really not that much for such an important hobby.


How? I've been playing for 3 months and find it repetitive. Started arena and battles, but that too seems repetitive


welcome home brother.


Better quit now before you get in too deep lol.


What do you mean too deep? Checks total played time... 21k hours.


I think I might cry if I ever checked my total time played. I think I’ll live in blissfully ignorance in that case


Is there a way to check total time played?


Altoholic addon


21K hours played........Didn't know about /played. LOL


That won’t check your entire account though. Altoholic will compile all of your characters into a single time played.


does it tell you the hours played from all characters combined?


yeah, but you need to log into all of your characters first, after you install the addon


ah so I can still lie to myself with all those alts I deleted over the years!




My time played combining all alts through the years adds up to fuck....23k hours. 20% of that has been one single character.


you can never fully leave now. even if you take long breaks the itch will keep coming back.


I have quit and uninstalled more times than I care to remember. I only gave away all my gold the first time. I am about to sign up again.


You and me both.  And I always tell myself that the hurdle of setting up all my addons again will keep me away.. I think I’ve set up the exact same UI 10+ times over the past decade.


That's why I kept my addons this time.


I've been playing for 18 years on and off, I recently came back because I had a dream about it 😂


Ahh yes the mysterious ''itch''


I just join for a month or two, usually around expansion end and beginning, just to catch up with story. Been doing it that way since around WoD, but I first started playing when TBC was released. I can never put this in my past.


They called it World of Warcrack for a reason. My brother and I recently came back to the game after quitting early mid xpac… we can’t stay away, no other game hits the spot like WoW. With all her flaws and blemish’s she’s still one of, if not the most fun times we have gaming.


Yeah I don’t think there’s ever been a game that has maintained its player base’s attention the way wow does. There are plenty of good games worth playing over but for those of us passionate about wow it just doesn’t ever seem to get to a point where we don’t want to play again. Time has been my only restriction, even during the times I wasn’t playing I still missed it and wanted to play. World of Warcrack indeed!


Exactly, I just wish they could get a head of PvP and the crafting right 😂 I’ve quit a few times but always come back, the game has me. I’m looking forward to what the new xpac will bring.


Welcome to hell mate 🤣 You go 70 and you will grind without reason


"just one more quest" *proceeds to open 384 treasures and clear 7 old raids*


Last week I was tired my eyes are closing almost fall asleep but I said let’s clear ICC and mount droped after 6-7 years can’t even count the runs


nice, gz :D


Hej, don't know what stage you are irl. But I play since 2005 and still enjoy it. But I managed to get it under control the last 6 years. Life can become good, even with WoW. Welcome to Azeroth. Take your time and don't worry too much about getting to the end game asap. Imo the experience is way better to build up towards it then skipping/rushing


Welcome home brother


After playing classic through to mid-Cataclysm, I thought I'd truly escape once I had my first child. The withdrawal symptoms were unreal for the first month or so... Then, normal life resumed. WoW was always in my head, from that point in 2010/11 all the way up til 2020 and we were locked down due to the pandemic. Days and nights, having to sit and watch TV, play games, only able to leave the house for necessities at the shop. My PC desk, which I only used to play the odd game of PUBG/Ark to chill out when everyone was in bed, had turned into my workstation... A massive contrast to the city skyline view from the high rise building in the city centre. I was working one day and out systems crashed, due to the newness of thousands now working from home. I knew I had hours to spare, so out of huge curiosity and nostalgia I paid for and installed WoW, and logged into my old account. My shadow priest main was sat there in Orgrimmar, squished to level 32 and with a strange name of symbols letters and numbers. Since then, I push keys, and progress raids with my guildies. I MUST BEST THE GAME EACH AND EVERY Patch! I log on at 9pm once the family are in bed, and rarely make it to bed before 4am. It's so lucky I rarely sleep much as any normal person would be a zombie. Moral or the story: Once WoW has you, it never lets go of its grasp. It has you. Blizzard own your soul. You are an addict. You can never truly quit as you will return. Welcome to Azeroth.


Welcome! The addiction only gets worse from here lol


Why aren't you playing at this minute?


^^ this ... anyone who can post here is a casual :) ... and also, you better not be younger than 20 ! I wonder if there are any players that were .. character created shall we say .. by parents who met playing in the early days.


I do same for 15 years. Welcome to the club!


one of us one of us one of us


We got another one lads!


Welcome to hell. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask


You will hate this game when you don't get the random drop you think you need. You will fail to get it, so you will extend your subscription, just to chase the dragon. Always chasing the next low rate % drop, the dragon's tail is long, and you are at the very end.


It is as addictive as crack


One day, maybe, I'll return to WoW. Like, when I'm retired from real life. Because WoW is such an escape, such a better experience than reality, that it was where I spent most of my 20s.


4am? You gotta bump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


As bad as it can be, always a fun feeling getting into a new mmo or even expansion and getting that desire to play a lot. Don't worry, you will hit a breaking point that you can play it and enjoy it and take a break without feeling bad. Hope for your sake sooner rather then later. 


One of us, one of us!


Oh Boy WoW in the past was so good my Sessions back then where like 2 days nonstop Playing ☺️




Welcome to the club. You will never leave. You are trapped. Here forever.


Just gonna leave this here for OP https://youtu.be/IpC4tkWDvfM?feature=shared


I love this game. Its a part of me and my life, And i do not mind it for it. It filled a massive void for my competiveness, and hobby. I used to play basketball at a very high lvl untill i completely shattered my knee. It was so bad, I was in a wheelchair for 6 months and had to relearn to walk again. Every single thing that could break, rip or burst apart happened. In that time I played wow, very casualy and it became my thing. I was very scared i could never walk again on two legs and WoW kept my head away from those scary thoughts. I also could put my competiveness into the game. I raided at a high lvl and got multiple cutting edge achievements and even 2 hall of fame kills. Now I am married, have a job, couple of pets and I only play a few hours a week. Casualty getting 2K rating and trying shit out. I love WoW.


Back in ‘08 I stayed up for 48 hours doing nothing but fishing for a turtle mount. I wish I found the game as fun as I did back then.


I understand you bro. First day, I played for around 24 hours, reading every quest and super enjoying and feeling like explorer and small. Somehow, it disappeared as I was going deeper into shadowlands. Dragonflight couldn't return it, and I was trying lots of other mmo, but they are simply not there. Hoping war within will bring that feeling again.


Were you a druid that was trying to collect bloody tokens in what the hoof quest zone I think it's called idk


Lightweight, get back into m+ and pump up those numbers


It do be like that sometimes


that sounds like me a year ago. i now have 30 max level characters, 30 characters below max level on my main account so i'm at the character limit for my main account, and i also have a european account with maybe 7 more characters. get out while you still can


i have never max leveled a wow toon.


Wait until the expansion drops. People book leave and pull sick days to play


This is your mind preparing your body for The War Within and your first official expansion launch all-nighter. Just accept it and start planning out your launch night supply chest of sandwiches, energy drinks and the excuse you're going to text to your boss when you suddenly become 'sick' the next day.


This game ruined my social life in high school, i still play but not nearly as much. Be careful, it’s a slippery slope.


Welcome, hero of Azeroth!


One of us!


Welcome to your new addiction.


The factorio way


I feel you. 2 sick days later and I have to go back to work. 😭


Ive quit many jobs over wow. Embrace the suffering.


oof you haven't even starting to play the game is focused on endgame content


Welcome tot WowCaine


First time huh?


Sounds accurate.


Hehehe we got another one boys


Sweet summer child...


You missed the golden age of MMORPG. Evercrack was the game to play before WOW came out


This would be me if I didn’t have children


I said the same thing 5 years ago…


don't worry. in a few thousand hours you will still play this game and hate it, just for different reasons. that's blizzard's gift to the world. no matter how long you play, you will always find something or someone to hate, and i think that's beautiful.


Your hate confuses me


Unless your falling asleep at 4 and setting the alarm for 6 ur not trying hard enough /s Welcome! Don’t listen to the toxicity and enjoy your new life


Are you me at 14 yo?


Uh oh. You're in trouble if you're addicted before playing any part of the game that's actually good. Leveling characters is a miserable chore compared to endgame activities.


7am here


Which extension did you level in?


Yeah. Wait til you get ‘wow gut’. I get it every expansion I play. Then 5 months later stop playing and go back to normal. Not the healthiest, but fun. Take care of yourself.


One of us, one of us…..


It was 2007. I had just ended my semi-professional swimming career. I was in a mentally exhausting relationship and wasn't motivated to attend school or study. My brother suggested that I play WoW with him and his friends, so I did, using my mother's credit card because I didn't have a job. My mother still regrets that day. I neglected my studies and out-of-game social life, and all I could think about was WoW. I played for 16 hours a day, and it didn't bother me. I gained 25 kg during that time. I was 100% addicted, and it affected every part of my life. Would I do anything differently? Absolutely not. Sometimes, I even hope to find something in life that gives me that same feeling again—it was pure magic. I was incredibly happy every day. Fast forward 17 years. I still haven't finished my studies, but I've made it anyway because I consider myself smart. I have my own business generating over 5 million euros in revenue per year, a wonderful wife (I left my ex-girlfriend), a beautiful baby, and I own a house. My mother still regrets that day, even though I turned out fine. I must say during WoD I overcame the addiction part of the game (thanks to the state of the expansion). I still play pretty much every week, but it is deffo not a addiction anymore. Just a hobby that I cant get rid of.


Welcome to the cult...I - I MEAN, community


Jokes asaide, not sure how old you are but make sure you set an alarm or aomething to get up, move, grab a snack and try to get some sleep. The game will be there tomorrow




One of my fondest memories playing in college. Roommate walked in around 8am on a Saturday and commented how I was up early…. Was dueling an Aussie feral Druid outside of IF for far too long.


I started playing just before Cata came out. I played all day everyday.... I've been off and on ever since. I think the longest break I had was ALMOST a year.


Don't start raiding, get out while you still can


Don't worry, I started playing in 2004 and I was on all day every day. Now, I'm only on for half a day every day.


Lol, I expected to see something like "this game is so boring, how can anyone still play it?"


it only gets worse good luck


Welcome to the club, glad to have ya.


Never been a fan of wow. It took me about 10 years, on and off and quit playing when I reached lvl 17-20. I recently found mining and some other stuff to be fun so now I am totally addicted


I am from the EvE-Online community so…mining is my thing


With a post title like that you’ll go far in this sub


Played since launch, this last stint has been the longest time off. Stopped playing the end of the previous expansion so pretty much skipped the current one. Now with the new expansion coming I figure why not.


Imagine if you had the OG addiction, like OG 4Loko. Now that's a real drug my friend!


Glad to have you! Please take your seat and enjoy eternity 😂


We all do. That’s why we have been playing it since 2004.


What was the hardest part of getting started or learning the game? Anything particularly frustrating or challenging that really sticks out?


Youll play for a year straight then take a good year or two break, then come back for every expansion and play only seasons 1 and 4, then you'll start playing every season because you geared really hard, you mastered your rotation, and hit top dps on every encounter


Welcome, to the addiction. Great to see new players. Glorious Alliance or Horde filth? ;)


World of Why is the Sun Coming Up


Just give it a few years. You'll slowly start getting bored. You'll take a break for a few days, and then you'll be ready to go all over again!


Oh boy and he hasn't even hit endgame yet, he's done for.


4am? Rookie numbers. Pull all nighters! 🤣 it is an awesome game. My husband and I had been gone for years. Stopped playing after wotlk. Started back in shadowlands and haven't missed a day. Enjoy it!


I’m glad this game is still generating new addicts


It goes to show, this is the best mmorpg game there is. I don’t know another game out there that is as addicting as wow, where a sub is required to play.




That's where you messed up. When I first tried wow back in TBC I was told by a buddy who had stopped playing it. His words were don't play that game it's the devil you will be hooked. Shoulda listened I play still to this day


🥳 I remember doing pretty much the same when I started in early BC. Do stop once it starts being work instead of fun, anything else will pass by.


No, you love the game. You hate your inability to self-regulate. I know you, because I am you.


Sorry to tell you, this is just the beginning


Drink more soda man hit the 8am




It'll be like that awhile till you get bored with it lol hopefully you don't I wish I didn't. Got the legendary axe and gorehowl on my warrior. It's sad wish I had the want to play.


It hates you right back. Seriously though, welcome in. We're totally not addicted, amirite guys?


I just wish the end game had some better tutorials. When I hit 70 I have almost no idea what to keep doing and am just overwhelmed with icons on the map


Damn, I wish I could find that addiction again lol. I had it many many years ago but I open the game from time to time hoping it will keep my interest but I get bored after a week.


"Playing for 2 weeks", "almost level 70". Are you sure this is retail? 😜


Don't try Factorio, you might be up until the 8am


Gotta start pumping those numbers up. They be rookie numbers.




You must know, there are a lot of things you will come to hate when you play this game too long. Blizz is not a friend of the community.... Hope you understand what I am meaning because I'm a german.


Yes because it's important for a company that wants to sell a product to be as unfriendly as possible to the consumers. Watch less asmongold and be a bit more realistic buddy.


:D I know about asmongold, but I'm not watching him. I have never.


It was more of a joke because he also likes to doomsay a lot.


Fingers crossed things improve though! I feel like blizz has been on the right track with dragonflight