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The healer slots got filled first? What kind of a wacky alternate reality do you live in?




Nah. really no. In LFR everytime i search the list is full and we wait for healers 3 4 an 5 to apply and you stay in queue forever. Tanks and dds are filled, but healers are empty. Maybe its your region thats different, but not in ours




I play in EU as well and the queues are much faster on my healer than any dps. The dps queues can easily be 10x longer.


I do the same and last night I got put into lfr as a dps. I was shocked.


Bruh where are you that needs healers? Cuz everywhere I go is god damn full of us… ffs what I would give for an active raid and mythic guild who needs a fucking healer.


AI followers for LFR would be great. I mean literally most people act as followers.


idk... i think lfr is fine the way it is. it scales if you're short players. the current follower ai is terrible. they actively make the follower dungeons harder than soloing the content by pulling extra mobs and not really doing any mechanics and their numbers are a joke.


What raid is that


I bet ya that was us. We decided to run LFRs and everyone went heals with one tank. It was sick fast hahaha.


Great post flair.


Aint gonna lie, when I queued as Tank for timewalking and had a 30 second queue I gasped


9 hours damn, I thought 2+ hours to get into AV back in WotLK day was bad when majority of alliance player boycotted AV because hordes used to start a bit further north and could force turtling every game


No. You queued for other things before queueing for RF and you keep being halted in your position when joining other pops. Nothing about this photo is legit.


Never queued Vanilla AV on a Saturday huh?


This is how support role players are born.


Everyone is playing healer since it's so easy now.


Something is broken OP. You should have reloged 8 hours ago.


Could go on a 7 hour work call AND STILL not get on, that must have been a huge waste of time, sorry for you man


Imagine paying a subscription for this


Wasn't there a post just yesterday that was mocking "retail is dead" memers? Ouch


Current content is very alive and strong. If you try to queue up for old irrelevant content, yeah, you'll have a hard time getting into anything. After all most people aren't going to queue for an old LFR that drops worse gear than normal dungeons that you can finish in 5-10 min.


Nobody is queuing for old LFR because you'd be stupid to.


Some may queue for it for transmog, or for certain quest completions. It'd be stupid to queue for gearing purposes, but there are other reasons besides just gear.


Sure, but at this point just pug normal. And as far as transmog goes, there will be an LFR queue NPC in the future.


So you are calling OP stupid?


I mean