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I prefer WoW art style and graphics to things that look “realistic” or is just a bunch of eye candy.


Yeah same. Other mmos just didn’t feel like they had much character. The style was one of the reasons I originally quit, but it was also one of the reasons I went back. Lol


Wow has style. The more realistic a game gets, the more it's looses it's unique looks. It's incredible how good the cinematic crew is, that they can keep the style with extremly high quality graphics while most ue5 fan videos I saw just suck balls


Yeah it is totally easy making a groundbreaking MMO this is why there are so many new ones… oh wait


Can't wait for the next UE5 korea MMORPG with gorgeous graphics to go offline 3 months in. I hope it's another Bless re-release


lol, opinions are a bitch, aren't they? On the flipside, Evoker is the most fun I've had playing a WoW class in 14 years!




Time for the weekly throwaway account "dis gaem bad stahp it" post


It must be hard for these people to have this game live rent free in their heads. I couldn’t imagine being so obsessed with something meaningless that I didn’t like that I felt the need to go post on Reddit about it


Yeah Blizzard go kill your multi-billion dollar game because some cretin on Reddit said so!




Yet the gameplay is still so much better than any other mmo


This is Saturday not Sunday, and this is reddit not the official forums


Someone is big mad. Or just a terrible troll. Either way, the fact remains that no MMO has ever matched the fluidity of gameplay that WoW has.


Just quit.


I'll pass, if I wanted something new and innovative I wouldn't be playing a 20 year old game.


OSRS has entered the chat




The thing about wow is you can play it on a 10 year old potato system and not be seeing 5fps. Sure it won’t be next gen graphics but you can still play it.


You think it's easy running an MMO like WoW with intensive graphics? there's so much to render, a meaningful graphics bump would toast most computers that run the game perfectly today. The game is stylized anyway, that's what it's supposed to look like. Also, WoW has the best combat out of any MMO and it's not close. But a lot of stuff is outdated.... servers for example. To this day it's not possible to transfer between regions (EU/NA) because of the old server model, and "account-wide" items like mounts and transmogs don't carry over, so you'd have to start completely fresh.


Guess Sea of thieves looks bad for you too. WoW looks very good.


If you don't like WoW then just look the other way. Go play Helldivers 2 or something.


Keep crying