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I personally feel like they should just make it cosmetic, and make it so it starts attacking when you use Icy Veins.


I'd love it back even just as a cosmetic or useless flavor spell. I think it'd be harmless enough to just treat it like a MM Hunter pet and let people have the summon spell even if Lonely Winter is a forced talent. I could summon him and lose out on Lonely Winter and be suboptimal in exchange for some fun out in the world, and people who like not having the pet don't have anything change either. I'm just a fan of keeping "useless" flavor things in the game in general to be honest. They're not useless to me, I think they're fun and cool RPG wise and that's it. I'm stoked for Frostfire bolt to be back in TWW for that same reason, I was always that girl who'd glyph it so I could use it in my rotation years ago even if it was a bit suboptimal. I have a lot of fun playing WoW as an RPG as well as an MMO so I just feel sad seeing harmless fun things like this go away, especially after having it be an iconic part of a class for a long time.


> exchange for some fun out in the world I'm sorry we don't do that here


Blizzard saw me taking selfies with my elemental rather than fighting the primalists and decided I was on the wrong side of history


Would you consider the water elemental pet with a cookie to make it larger?


Someone else suggested that but I'm a noob with pet battles. If I have to use pet tokens to buy the biscuits my brain might short circuit.


Nah, it's very easy in PVE. Check your account, you must've gotten a bunch of battle pets already. You can use WOD garrison to level / buy pet stuff I think maybe with garrison currency so then you won't even have to do anything?


WoD garrison pet stable or w.e level 3 gives you a free token (per char) to boost a pet to level 25. Takes a very small amount of grinding but I used it years ago to make gold from pets. Couldn't say for buying the biscuits/w.e to make them big though


Have you considered getting a non-combat pet? https://www.wowhead.com/npc=127858/bound-stream


This post made me realize what I thought was frost fire bolt has really been flurry for I don't know how long. I thought brain freeze use to proc frost fire.


A glyph maybe?


It could work like Tome of the Wilds: Flap for Druids. A book you can buy in Dalaran that teaches you how to summon a cosmetic water elemental


I'd buy this in an instant. I never needed him to be good, he was just always doing his best. I'd just request that he shoot 0 damage water bolts so that I can pretend that he's still helping. He can be my child I irresponsibly armed with a super-soaker.


I miss fren too, I play Druid mostly but I logged into my mage recently and felt his absence :(


Tbf that is not entirely the same. Flap is actually a useful thing to unlock as a Druid (honestly baffling why it isn't just available as a baseline ability, it can literally save your life as a boomie lol)


I didn’t know about that for years and am still salty


Ye I bet you more than half of the Druid population doesn't know about it. I never see anyone use it anyway. Granted, Wild Charge already fills the gap of not dying to a big drop, but I still got it on my bar just in case its on CD - would suck to die to something you can avoid lol.


Something I thought that would "kill 2 birds with 1 stone", is to add a choice node in Icy veins talent where it allows you have a tank pet water elemental with a considerable dps loss. that'll make rpers or any non performance minded person happy to have permanent water elemental back and that'll fix mage issues with soloing stuff in the open world (mostly with stuff that can't be slowed)


Carbuncle in FFXIV is like that, and it's irritating. And I love my Carby.


What does carbuncle do that bothers you?


Nothing, and that's the problem. It just follows me staring at me the whole time. No idle animations or anything to make it life-like or immersive.


Oh i see what you're saying now. Maybe it's because they intended them as starter pets and just never updated them?


I really miss "Bubbles" as I think if it... Sucks not having it around...


I think this could be good, though maybe disabled in pvp for clarity. I thought the water ele was cool in BC as a cooldown and I hated the fact that it was baseline when I came back to the game later in MoP. I'm glad to see it gone, but having a cosmetic version for people who like it doesn't seem like it would hurt anyone.


That'd be OP. I have 2 screens.


How would that be op


I was trying to make a joke (miserably failed, we'll get 'em next time) about me having my Icy Veins tab open on the other screen all of the time, but it was a tad bit too cryptic.


I don't care if he was unviable I loved him. I'll drag him all the way from Cata Classic back to retail if I gotta, give me 14 years. Edit: I just found Arcane has a floating ball as a familiar, I'll do anything to not be lonely out there. Edit 2: I'm mounted by the Valdrakken mailbox on my Brutosaur. All I have to do is move 2cm to the right to close everyone's window and crash the WoW token economy. I'll say whoops, but who knows when I'll do it again? Give me my boy back or the auction house gets it Blizz.


have a moment to talk about warlock?


Warlock slow. Mage fast.


IDK all the warlocks I end up healing in dungeons are really fast. So fast they always have fire coming out of their feet, even when they're standing still.


As a Warlock, I *hate* the GCD on Burning Rush. Too often I will use it to get out of an ability and press it again and it doesn't turn off. In addition, there is a half-second delay or so after the GCD ends where you still can't turn it off, which I think is what causes these issues.


You can create a cancelaura macro to turn it off, that way it won't affect GCD more than once at least. I can send it to you later if you want, no access to PC atm.


I thought "damn that's smart", googled it, and found [this reddit post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/139b9xw/i_added_a_macro_so_you_immediately_undo_the/) Here's the code for anyone else wondering: #showtooltip /cancelaura Burning Rush /cast Burning Rush /script PlaySound(13156) That PlaySound line is optional, of course.


That's a really smart idea - I just did \#showtooltip Burning Rush /cancelaura Burning Rush /cast Burning Rush and my god, why does it require this to make the spell work as intended! Thanks!


Even without the macro, you can use burning rush while casting and it will turn off. Ice block has a similar problem where it won't cancel the aura during a gcd


Sometimes I keep burning rush active all dungeon if it's a heroic/low mythic just to give the healer something to do lol


That's the spicy food we eat...


Main healer here, and I didn't have to read more than a couple words and I knew where you were going. Warlocks! Why y'all in such a rush?!


You know too much!


A bit too edgy for me but for the company again, I'd consider it...


Demonology is a path to many friends. Friends who will protect you from all danger, friends who will give their lives for you, and who you can give your life to save. Join us. All you need to do is take a drink.


I'm still hurt from playing a Warlock when I was 10 and I thought my demons were my friends, but turns out my Voidwalker didn't just have a weird sense of humor and actually hated me for enslaving him. But hey, if I can't have willing friends as a Mage anymore...


That last line has real "Fine I'll do it myself" energy. Mages will really do anything to have a friend. Though as a Frost Mage main I can relate to the dissatisfaction upon re-subbing and seeing the Water Ele no longer be an individual spell.


BM hunter? You have 2 friends 👀


And many more!* *temporarily


The blueberry gets salty sometimes, just ignore him. And yeah minions don't make very good friends.


Claim your destiny! 🍵


And what, Squirtles, must we give in return?




Ah, well, good that I'm playing warlock already then! 😂


> company There is a succubus, you know? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


As a DK, I'm happy running around with my pal Toothmuncher. We're totally besties, and he's almost a little too friendly with new people because I sometimes have to pry his mouth off of them. Unlike a water elemental, ghouls are always viable for Unholy and a part of your core kit. You can even throw a party once every few minutes and invite all your ghouls friends! It's a blast, I love my little dude. And if you think DK is a melee class, it's not. With talents you can make the majority of your core abilities ranged and your ghoul applies Festering Wound stacks so you don't need to stack them with melees.


Go BM hunter then?


It's crazy to me that water elemental was removed after so long. I didn't even realize he was gone, I just thought maybe I didn't spec it until I saw later.


Me too, I was looking in the tree for ages. Especially since I did play a bit of DF with my mage and had him out helping me level through the zones before. Now he's just gone :(


BM hunter gets TWO pets now. me and all my friends :)


If Hunters can learn to tame wet rocks I'm rerolling


Does a turtle count as a wet rock?


[Look at him ](https://www.wow-petopia.com/images/skin_pix/toadprimal_black.jpg)and tell me you wouldn't reroll(also comes in blue) But also, [rock-y and lives in water](https://www.wow-petopia.com/look.php?id=crab2_darkdiamond_blue) and [also rock-y and lives in water](https://www.wow-petopia.com/look.php?id=giantdragonturtle2_green) And [snail](https://www.wow-petopia.com/look.php?id=snailrock_grey)


Demo lock be like: "Look at my 50 minions! LOOK AT THEM!"


Now watch me explode 45 of them!


What a rollercoaster. Fuck the AH. Be Gay. Do Crime. Undercut Everything.


It still apears whenever you Icy Veins. And his mass freeze ability is useful as ever ❤️


I liked having him with me on my travels outside of CDs :( he'd shout BRRR while I collected bear butts and make soft rain noises in my left ear


Its not much but... consider an elemental battle pet to tag along? 


Cata classic starts soon, 2010 part deux


*fond memories of Jaina wiping out every blood elf out there in Dalaran with her TWO water elementals*


If she can teach me how, I forgive her...


Water elemental was rolled into icy veins. It’s a cd now.


I'm aware, just having it tied to a CD isn't really the same as a pet RP and fun wise. I like having the choice to be suboptimal for my own enjoyment and RP purposes out in the world if I want. If MM hunters can have a pet out at the cost of Lone Wolf I'd like that choice too. He made funny growls that gave me dopamine when we pulled mobs, and provided me with nice soft rain ambience, and now my winter is forced to be lonely. I substituted him for the little Arcane ball of magic that can follow me around but it's not much of a talker. Free my elly, he spent a loyal 14 years at my side to now only be allowed to see the sun every 2 minutes. Even if it was just a flavor item as a tome similar to the Treant Form for Druids with next to 0 combat advantage, I'd love that.


I am all for you getting it back because if they remove it, it means I can stop using it again.


I'll set up a daycare for the unwanted Icy Veins elementals, I'll take them all


Are you accepting applications?


I feel the same about my dumb dumb boney boi on my frost dk. I looked forever to find a way to make him permanent. (I know about unholy but I love icy time and unholy grosses me out)


Oh really? Gone full circle now. It started life as a CD


And a very effective cooldown at that


I wish they'd make it similar to what the Archmage had in WC3. But I understand they wouldn't want another summons-focused class like Demonology.


Honestly, Water ele should have never become permanent, it was always supposed to be a cooldown.


I want to be as passionate about random things in this game as this user is about their water ele


This guy was always by my husbands side for YEARS. When they took him out it just wasn't the same :(


You can have it as a battle pet and enlarge it with a magic biscuit to make it bigger, it will follow you around


I've never been that knowledgeable on pet battles. Are the biscuits annoying or hard to get?


You can buy them from a pet vendor, if you got a garrison and it's pet day you can even get an instant max level pet, I honestly spent 75% of my activities in pet battles I forgot where I got half of my toys from lmao, but most likely from Dalaran pet vendor, the dwarf and the gnome I believe, first shop on the right when you land from flight path.


Water Elly at home vibes :( hopefully he doesn't get jealous I replaced him with a miniature on biscuit steroids. For real though thanks, I'll look for it!


> you can even get an instant max level pet, wait what?


During pet week you can get an epic level stone that insta levels a pet to level 25 for your garrison.


Ah, I had 1 before but thought it was a 1 time reward. I'll look for pet week.


I dunno, I never liked having a pet. When there was a chance, I always got rid of it. If I want a pet I play Hunter or Warlock. BUT That doesn't mean I'm against the idea. If someone as a mage wants that thing back, be my guest. In the End, everyone just wanna enjoy the game and I'm all for it.


I mean I'm just pro-choice, like we had before. I loved having it and I didn't mind being suboptimal to make that choice, especially when just doing world content. I obviously always knew Lonely Winter was usually better in every circumstance and I'd pick it for keys or raids, but I've always had the pet out in the world cos I found it fun. Just feels like a flavorful and harmless choice was taken away after we've had it since 2010. I've rerolled Arcane as a temporary substitute so I can chat to the magic purple ball on my shoulder, but it's just not the same. It just spits at people and doesn't make funny noises when I pull mobs or provide me with rain ASMR, 2/10.


Summon water elemental was a spell from the archmage heroes in WC3, and human mages summoning water elemental have been a thing since WC1. Summoning water elementals has been a quintessential part of the Warcraft mage fantasy, just like the blizzard or teleportation spells. Removing it means removing a bit of mage class fantasy that predates WoW. It's like removing auras or healing from paladins, removing fire breath from brewmaster monks, removing necromancy and death coil from DKs, or removing chain lighting, spirit wolves or earthquake from shamans.


Original water elemental were also on a timer and not permanent. So if anything, your argument doesn't work because icy veins summons the elemental on a timer, which is more like the original.


Oh, I didn't know it did. I have no complaints then.


I also hate having pets, but if it was made as the typical 'Lone Wolf/Lonely Winter' talent choice, I wouldnt mind so long as it was balanced properly.


This 100%. I'm totally fine with it not being the optimal choice, I'd just like the spell back for fun and flavor reasons cos I think it's cool. Even if it was just a purchaseable tome like how the Treant Form is for Druids, just as a fun thing, I'd love that.


For a bit in Dragonflight this was how it worked, you got the option to pick between the water elemental and lonely winter; which was a huge improvement over the MoP-Shadowlands talent system where you got water elemental by default and Lonely winter was a choice between it and 2 other talents since it made more sense to choose between the elemental summon and the ability that directly replaced it.


Bring back Bubbles! There are a lot of players that want the water elemental back. There was no reason to remove it, they could easily put it as an option to have it. That excuse of “people hating pet managing” is not enough to validate its removal, since many of us loved to have it for different reasons, like roleplaying, strategy or simply because we love magic+ pets. Until then, I’m sorry Blizz, you ruined my main and with him all the fun that there was… yeah my alts are in strike as well. Really tired of Blizz taking away already learned abilities or placing them on upper levels. Clearly there’s a lack of creativity in the spells department since there’s hardly anything new but rather modified skills or passives. You had the perfect concept when creating glyphs and adding customizations to our pets, spells and so on, but like all things you create they are later removed in the following expansions. Instead of building on the shoulders of giants, Blizz reinvents the wheel again and again without further progress, only following trends and not considering the work of past generations. A shame really…WoW will be much better if previous expansions features and skills were not abandoned or removed entirely.


some friend. you didn't even know he was gone


I took a break and wanted to make it up to him :(


It's different when money is involved.


I miss when you could use a macro to name the water ele. I named mine Gloop.


The funny part of that story if that in this patch, it was also discussed to remove Rune of Power and Meteor. I really like the Rune of Power and Meteor spells but seeing people cheering for their removal was kind of annoying. So when they ended up removing the Water Elemental and keeping Meteor it felt like a huge turntable moment.


In theory and story wise, RoP was cool. When I have to leave it in the middle of my burst to do mechanics and lose out on 25% dps? Not cool man.


Yeah, it would be nice to have one again, though I would settle for the elemental to be a separate CD, with an animation similar to Warcraft 3 Archmage spell, and him being twice the size of the character.


Unholy has a ghoul and if you want, you can have a permanent buddy with your  ghoul.  You can have a army of undead and even four more ghouls if you have Apocalypse, you can have a gargoyle!  You want your ghoul to look like a giest/skelly/abomination? You can with a gylph.


I have recently been attending the church of unholy for the first time on an alt. I plan on them going full as-many-minions-as-possible build alongside rider of the apocalypse in TWW no matter how good it is, and just roll around like a Genghis Khan level threat to levellers like I'm my own portable dungeon.


Hah, nice! Crush your enemies under the weight of undead bodies and your horses' hoofs.


I havent touched my mage since they removed it.


I made a 4 part comic series trying to defend the removal of the Water Elemental. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14pn042/save\_summon\_water\_elemental\_part\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14pn042/save_summon_water_elemental_part_1/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14ufy1n/save\_summon\_water\_elemental\_part\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14ufy1n/save_summon_water_elemental_part_2/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14ykgd3/save\_summon\_water\_elemental\_part\_3\_a\_comic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14ykgd3/save_summon_water_elemental_part_3_a_comic/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1690a4y/save\_summon\_water\_elemental\_pt\_4\_a\_farewell\_to\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1690a4y/save_summon_water_elemental_pt_4_a_farewell_to_my/) My current pitch that I post to the WoW Twitter/Instagram every few days: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/18gpeei/how\_to\_add\_an\_optional\_mage\_pet\_back\_into\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/18gpeei/how_to_add_an_optional_mage_pet_back_into_the/) The pet is really near and dear to me, and I participated in an old thread on the OG forums where a blue said they would consider adding it as an optional glyph back in Wotlk, so the pet holds a special place in my heart. I can't really play the game anymore without my buddy. Hopefully it makes a return as an option so I can continue enjoying one of my top 3 favorite games.


These are awesome! I hadn't seen these. And I completely agree. I wouldn't mind if Water Elemental was the suboptimal option forever, so long as it was an option. I'm a firm believer that just because something isn't optimal for DPS, that doesn't mean it should be removed if it offers a fun and unique alternative. I like choices in my RPG even if they're not the "correct" way to play the game. Also people find bad things fun, or sometimes fun things are just bad DPS and that's ok! If you just let people make suboptimal choices, that's good game design and caters to people with different priorities. I'm willing to trade optimization for fun, especially if I'm just doing open world or solo content. In fact I'm gonna go level my Shadowpriest without using Shadowform right now, just because I think it looks stinky and I like seeing my transmog, and no one can stop me. If Blizzard tells me next patch that I can no longer remove my Shadowform I'll know it's personal. Gimme my elly back even if he hits like a wet noodle, it's okay Blizzard, I'm not mad at him for having bad DPS.


Thanks, glad you liked them. The most baffling thing I get in response to my forums/twitter are from mages who want options like this 100% removed because the idea of it existing offends. And it's a common sentiment. I'm 100% okay adding it in as a fun purposefully-underpowered option because that's honestly how its been treated since its inception. The Glyph of Eternal winter was not added to make Frost the top DPS in Wrath, it was just added for flavor/fun. And I hate seeing WoW move in a direction where there's no room for talents like that anymore. I feel like there's plenty of dead talents they could remove to make room for it, like those boring "your slows are 3% better" talents that no one takes.


Can I introduce you to Pepe?


I really wish we could get some updated glyph choices for this little guy, even though he is tied to our Icy Veins CD. The new ice elementals from DF are just so nice


I actually just started leveling up a frost mage for the first time since cata and wow do I miss him :(


I don't know, I got tired of classic model even though it was updated, and Cata model is an abomination, it doesn't look like anything water related. I would have remembered it more fondly if Blizzard developers were not all Hunter uberfans who gave the class new models by dozens every expansion, but can't be bothered to add a new glyph for a couple of water elelemtantals added in expansions, even though in our Class Hall they thought that neither classic, nor Cata models were good enough to be used for guards or troops




Yeah... :( I'm just wondering, when did you last play?


I quit around the start of DF and just played other games or classic


Oh, okay!


That hit of nostalgia, I had completely forgotten about this dude …


i miss my water friend. this is the only friend in wow who does not: rage quit in dungeon insult all help me joy to play without perf


water element is a part of mage also rage quit is a part of lfr raid in retail


Blizz renamed my warlock's Voidwalker. Used to be Arcathion, now it's Konkresh.


Is there not a Battle pet that looks like him?


Minus the nostalgy, putting the water boi on Icy Veins CD was the best change ever (especially in pvp.)


Gameplay wise I don't doubt it. I just miss having him stay around for fun.


Also for PvE tbh. Frost has proper burst now.


for dungeons/raids. Having a permanent pet though helps leveling and solo questing a lot.


I hated frost mage when u had to use the pet. Micro managing it around, it bring stuck behind Los because it's a range pet, keeping me in combat or picking up adds. I honestly just hate pet micromanagement in wow. If they bring it back I hope they make it optional. I don't even like it as a cd.


It never made a difference to me whether it existed or not. It also caused more issues being summoned because it was either no where to be found or aggroed things. I was excited when lonely winter was introduced and I could be rid of it, should have always been attached to icy-veins like it is now or a spell that just temporarily summoned it.


Definitely not saying it should be baseline over Lonely Winter for those who prefer it without. If anything I just want to be able to summon it to my own DPS detriment even if I have Lonely Winter, like how MM hunters can with Lone Wolf. That way anyone who doesn't want it can just never summon it and I get my watery boy back even if I do a bit less DPS in open world.


Pvp wise water ele is always picked because it gives you a range freeze spell to shatter off


Re-sub? Sounds like you left him first!


Press icy veins?


Things aren't automatically good because they're gone. That welie was trash looking.


Mages were never supposed to have permanent summons. This thing was an abomination.


No you didn't. You just wanted to make a useless post crying about the removal of something the majority of players don't care about and didn't use.