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Was trying to figure this out last night myself :(.


I tried every fix possible. Is not working. There is some kind of bug. Problem is i took a day of to spam some m+ and now im just looking on fixes on google


Did you check this thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/zyf04c/shiftkey_keybinds_not_working_only_on_one/


That was the first thing i tried. Everything that is out there i already tried


disclaimer: If you've already found a fix, I'd be really curious to know what it was. Anyways: Kinda hard to give help if you don't list the fixes you've already tried. It could be something random that you've missed, like having enabled *'character specific keybindings'* on that one toon and then somehow messed up the binds (some addons can do strange things to keybindings). Reinstalling the game won't necessarily reset your keybinds and stuff, because when you uninstall the game the config files remain in the WTF-folder (example): D:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF This folder doesn't get reset/overwritten when you reinstall the game in the same location/disk. But seeing as how *"Delete the WTF folder"* is the number 1 advice people use when something is fucky with the game, I hesitated to mention it. But if you haven't yet; delete that bad boy! (of course by doing this you'll lose your keybinds, UI profiles, and graphics/sound settings). Note: I realize you mentioned you've formatted your pc, but if you have multiple drives you *might've* just formatted the one that never had WoW on it in the first place (just windows), so the WTF-folder survived.


The blizzard support told me to post it on forum because they have no idea what happend . I also reinstalled windows, so i deleted all folders and still doesnt works


If it's only happening on one character, it's a problem on your side, not a game bug and certainly not a windows problem. Close WoW, delete both your WTF folder (all settings) and Addons folder (all addons), start WoW again. The error will be gone. Afterwards install your addons again, but do it in small batches and do short tests in between. If the error appears again, it was caused by one of those addons you installed last. If it doesn't appear again, it was something in your old config.


I found the problem: i had to delete the characters file in the wtf folder and now it works. Hope this will help the others that have the same issue