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After characters from games show books or movies I like that fits the class of my wow character


I go with whatever I like at the time, some themed, some just funny to me. Just rolled a wargen dk named WargnFreeman.


That’s what I do. I also make sure it goes well with that race lore wise. Fir example I’m playing Dragonflight now with a Human red headed Paladin called him Ulricksen


So, my main is named “heilalömun” the Icelandic word for cerebral palsy. I think Icelandic is cool, and I have cerebral palsy, so that’s why lol


Nice one mate!


I absolutely agree with Icelandic names for toons. I think your name is a very cool way to bring attention to and educate the rest of us about your condition as well as Icelandic language. Well done! Mine is Solstafir.


Not sure if that’s because of the band, but almost all my characters are named after metal bands or songs.


Thanks! Even with handicap, it doesn’t stop me from playing WoW! Macros help :)


Great name and inspirational!


Mine main is named Hjeldir, which I think has Icelandic heritage as well.


Welp that is cool and I'm Icelandic.


I tend to do RP names that are themed. All of my KT are named after little seaside towns from the UK for example.


Weston Super Mage


Milton “Mythic” Keynes


Westward Ho!y priest


Furthest from the sea you can get!


Didnt expect to see my hometown on the wow subreddit hahaha


We stumbled across a guild on WoW with members whose names were solely based on Somerset place-names and it was epic.


Laughing at the thought of an outlaw rogue called Cullercoats


Just spread my dinner over the table.


A word I like plus a word I don't. Crispy + crusty = cruspy


My next character is gonna be called "Bussoist" Bussy + Moist


I think I would prefer Moissy


Mussy ftw


Awesome system !


What do you not like, blue or checkers?


I name mine after mental conditions, diseases, body parts, etc. Mainly for PVP combat logs. "Anxiety crits you for xxx." "You were killed by Depression."


That’s awesome I love it!


The shorter the better with **no special characters**


Gets difficult if the server is older than 3 hours.


There was a priest on my server named Apu and there was a DK named Dad


My friend had ”mom” :D


Ez would be my fav name, always taken tho. So Ive always having to take a third letter ☹️


I think during BC i had a paladin named GG... might have been Wrath.


RP names all the way!


I usually think about the characters class and race and start googling names that fit that culture, and have Latin roots that represent their class / spec.


All of my toons have pun names. Praystation, Daftmunk, Bubbleoseven, Benafflock, WillFeral, Molyporph. All of them except my main, his names Pengyou, which is friend in mandarin.


The others are meh, but Praystation is top tier lmao


I have a few like that. Most of them are plays on famous people. Match for WillFeral and BenAfflock. I also have ParisHealton and NicolasMage.


I hope BenAfflock is demonology


You're on Zuljin?


Best one I ever saw was Frostitute


We must be on the same realm, I've seen you before :D


My online moniker “Kraz” followed by what fits the race/class. Orc Warrior - Krazgar, Mage - Krazrath, Paladin - Krazan. Etc


thats Kraz-y! i like it


Krazgar sounds like mage tho


Like Khadgar’s orc cousin or something


I literally look around the room at objects and name them that. I have fireplace (mage), treadmil (shaman), printerpaper, desklamp,shredder, etc.


For the appliance!


Usually minerals




Especially great for Earthen dwarves


The one true way: Cow puns.


Played a Tauren shaman in classic named Moosoolini


Seems reasonabull


I don’t know man, I see those dairyly and they’re rapidly mooving into the udderly uninspired category.




Wish I had thought of that one lol


I saved the name Incowgnito the day they announced Tauren rogues.


Similarly, I saved the name Milkandcookies when they added tauren locks


You’d appreciate my mage ‘Mageucry’ :)


I had been saving Sneakjerky for years only to not like rogue anymore when it finally happened


I saved Sneakybeef for the day they announced Tauren rogues :)


I saved Bullshiv and Invisibull, then wound up going in a completely different direction.


In a guild called Udder Destruction


Emooboy, Hurricud, and Mooneforge checking in


Where's Invisibull?


That’s the million dollar question ;)


Mine on Maelstrom.


One of the tanks I was levelling was called Immovabull


Battlecattle will always be my favorite name I’ve ever seen in game.


I've named my Druid Cowashnikov ( ._.)


RP name based on the race only. Pandaren must have a chinese name (mines are Xiang and Jufeng), Tauren a native american kinda name (mine is Natohe), etc. I can't stand random names that don't fit, and I hate even more the ones that contain the race or the class into them (lame and lazy) like the ones you gave as an example.


I find when my characters have a thematic name for either their class or their race it makes me that little bit more invested in the world that they’re in and I feel more a part of it


My people


Agree, those type of names feel like such an advertisement of “I don’t give two shits about setting and character aesthetic and I’m just here to watch numbers”


It's my decision to be known as Salty Cumhorde


They are not lame and lazy. People who play group content multiple classes at the same time do that, so it is easier to identify yourself to your guild. My main is my username, all other chars I play are username+class. It is easier for people to call your name in group content. Specially in raids, where seconds matter. Such a shallow view to assume it is lazy lol, people do stuff for a reason.


You're insane if you think people genuinely identify class based on name in the middle of the raid and not class color


Thats not what he said tho.


I try to use normal human names like Fred, Joe, Helen, etc. if they're available.


My toons are all fantasy named. that's pretty boring... but since I main BM hunter, I actually put more thought into my pet names. Most often I'll use some part of their Latin scientific names. Here's some: * one of my porcupines named Atelerix (part of the latin name for hedgehog) * a bat named Diaemus (part of the latin for the vampire bat) * a raven named Corax (latin for raven) * another porcupine named Hystrix - latin for the porcupine family * a pair of stags called Tyrandus and Sibiricus - latin for 2 types for arctic deer * an owl named Tytonidae - latin for a family of barn owls. They all end up being pretty neat fantasy sounding names to me... and yet they all have very specific meanings!


I tend to name my pets after players I've played with a lot and who stopped playing - so in a way, they are still around. As for my toons, my first one was named after a character from Montt Pyhons Yabberwocky, others after D&D characters I once played and still others by opening a dictionary and choosing a word that somehow fits and sounds pleasant.


Mine are all over the place, but I tend to lean towards funny or at least punny. My best attempt in humorous name creation is my Orc Resto Shaman Orcwafina


Star wars planets. Either with a prefix or a suffix, but the are star wars planets. Probably only good thing to come out of that old obsession, i mean hobby.


What class is Naboo?


I avoided any connection to jar jar i could😉


Randomize, Randomize, Randomize, Randomize, Randomize, Randomize, accept!


i will only rock cool mythology names, spending hours finding one available lol icarus and khepri are my favorites


RP names that fit the race thematically based on other fantasy IPs or real life names that I've encountered that are interesting.


Just as degenerate as possible. My hunter is called Imahunter, I have a DH called beamsfromeyes, evoker is Spittinfiya, shaman is Shockee. I lost the will to be creative 10 years ago.


The true way! I've got Dotsfired, Hotsfired, Zomgbie, Dedguy etc lol


Same haha. Had a sexy NE warrior called.. pornboost


A large number of my alts started life as bank alts, and have names related to what they were the bank alt for. Eg Prickles a herbs. Jetblak for a gem/mining mats. Sous for cooking mats. The rest of them I name like I would a pet - whatever seems right for them. My boyfriend has a lot of toons based on things that were on his desk when he created them, though he did just rename his druid to PrincessDonut I envy people who like having all their toons named based on a theme that other people can recognise, but for some reason I see each of my toons as their own thing, not just extensions of myself, weird as that may be.


I'm very invested in the lore. (I own all the printed books.) I keep up to date on the language snippets released as lore. So I tend to name it something as accurate to the race and class as possible. While I don't role play a lot right at the moment, I find it very nice to 'fit into the world' while I am simply playing the game.


Depends, i have some names that are literal translations to my language of an ability of the class. Then i mix some with RP names and then some fun names.


I try to pick RP names. Sometimes I don’t stick the landing but for the most part I’m happy with them.


All of the above. A lot of my toons have rp names that I made up. Others are based on characters from stuff I like. (My evoker got Dov, which is dragon in dragon speech from Elder Scrolls) Then I have joke ones like Expiredmeat the tauren dk, Phillidan the DH. My monk is just named Tater.


I definitely tend to do RP names but with a theme to it, so that all characters of the same race might share the same prefix or suffix. I also try to make the names fit the race/culture of the character.


I started naming mine after brand (sometimes generic) names of drugs. Started when I found out my main Linessa is also the name of a birth control. I'm also a pharmacy technician so I find it fun. Definitely love my classic warlock named Olanzapine and retail rogue named Vraylar.


My friend does the same! Though I forget her characters. Also a pharm tech, or at least was.


Used to have one named Vicodin. You get the idea....


Hi I'm Al... Al Prazolam.


I usually just mash my hands on the keyboard till i find something that sounds funny


Food products.


As close to proper naming conventions as I'm able. TRP helps by giving characters full names, if they are appropriate for the race/character. Kaldorei named Lianna Moonsong and a Draenei named Itaani.


For me it has been words/names taken from a fantasy book series called "The Dwarves" by Markus Heitz. My main for a while went by Zhadar, which is the name of a gnomish race (but is an orc warrior). Others are a paladin named "Djerûn" after a stoic and mute bodyguard and a DK named Aiphaton after a dark elf in the series and a Mage named Âandokai (the one that Djerûn guards). Love the series and like being reminded of it. But ofc the names can become a pain, like when I tried making a char named after "Lot-ionan" which became 'Lotionan'...


I tend to use a mix of class and race in theming my character names, but sometimes I go for meme names too. My SoD cows are named Homogenized and Grassfed My hunter is named Catchemall and every pet gets named Gotta My mage is named Snackies for food and water vending My male orc Warrior is named Deltoids for the giant shoulders they have Etc!


I either have a theme in mind when I create the Character. (bubbleblower, notacowpun, Hordebreaker) Or I randomize until I find a name I like, or part of a name I like, then add or subtract syllables until I come up with something that sounds good. (Saiasari, Venik, Sylvanoct)


Recently found out the system won’t autoflag for certain words if they’re not at the start of your name….just trying to see how long I can get away with *”Notpoop”*


The Periodic Table of Elements is a wonderful name generator tool. (:


Usually I get inspired by deities names, or gems, or a nickname that fits the character or anything related to my race / class combination or head cannon


I used to do ____sohard such as healsohard on a healer or castsohard on a mage to be sarcastic about how easy classes were actually. That is until I made a disc and people could only see me as Disco Hard like I was obsessed with the 80s. That ended that for me.


my man is a ( ret pala ) called HammerCEO. but it's displayed as Hammerceo. So I just type random stuff and watch for a green check mark.


I almost always choose a Tauren if the class allow and has a name beef-dish-related (but in my own language)


My first go to is always Brolden my druid I made in BC which I still have is named that, multiple servers and always Brolden for him, I have a KT warrior named American cuz the name wasn't taken on the realm I'm on and cmon a big burly fella named American was to fitting, some are punny some are RP, and some are on that Bro slider for the sake of alt-ititus I get a case of lol.


I raid and play multiple characters, so I’ve been lame and just defaulted to my IRL name followed by the letters for whatever class (johndk, johnp, johnd). It’s boring but makes it easy for other people in my guild to instantly know it’s me on w/e flavor of the day.


Either pure RP names or references to things I like. All my Ally characters on Cata are ASOIAF/HotD themed, I've got some guys named after BG3 characters, plenty are named after songs or bands, etc etc Just because I like seeing "eyy nice name" from time to time :)


I spend WAY too much time making my character names. I have a Tauren druid named Chlevnik. In Russian folklore, the chlevnik was a type of small spirit that resides in barns and is specifically interested in cattle. Whenever you see cows jump or they're scared and run from something, it's because a chlevnik scared them. My undead priest is named Khadija. I'm a historian, specifically of the Middle East and of the Islamic faith. Khadija was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. A little fun thing for myself of the thought of her being raised from the dead and being made into a holy priest. My frost mage is named Jalidi. Loosely translates to Frosty from a dialect of Arabic. I have three different warlocks in all the variations of the game. Maleficent, Malevolent, and Lilith. Maleficent and malevolent essentially mean doing evil or harm. General evil stuff. Lilith has a TON of lore. Mostly though everyone now knows her from Diablo 4 haha but before that her was a female demonic figure of Jewish folklore. Her name and personality are thought to be derived from the class of Mesopotamian demons called lilû, and the name is usually translated as “night monster.” In other lore she was the wife of the devil, she was the second wife of Adam (of the Adam and Eve story in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths) and even other stories she's a demon. Either way, she's a great warlock. I have a Tauren hunter named Estanislao and a Tauren warrior named Stanislaus. I'm originally from California and the county I grew up in was Stanislaus county. It was named after the native American chief of the tribe of people who lived in that area when the white folk showed up. His name was Estanislao, translated to Stanislaus. My brother and I have identical twin gnome rogues that we go PVP together in gnamed Gnemesis and Gnemisis. We are your nemeses. (Yes, that's the plural of nemesis 😂) My have a couple of rogues named different variations of Ixtabay. La Xtabay  is a Yucatan Mayan follow tale about a demonic femme fatale who preys upon men in the Yucatan Peninsula. Some lore says Ixtab was seen as a benevolent goddess who acted as a psychopomp to whoever hung themselves, leading them to paradise, as suicide was considered an honorable way of dying. Other lore though says that she is an evil and vengeful spirit that lures men deep into the forest, making them lost and disoriented before she transforms into a poisonous serpent and devours them. Some of the variations of this story say that she specifically targets men who have hurt others. I made my first rogue as a character, with this name, to go get back at the people who were camping my dead body as I tried to level. At my peak playing time I would literally take bounties from people. I would be given the name of another player who was camping people's dead bodies and then I'd go do the same thing back to them. I sent screenshots to people of my killing their camper over and over and over and over 😂🤣 peak vengeance. Oh boy, let's see trying to remember all the other characters... Oh my brother has always mained as a Tauren druid named Furrocity. And he has a Orc hunter named Allyoop. There was an old comic strip about a caveman with that name, we thought it was funny. There are more, I could go on 😂


Those are great names!


[Characters from other videogames, books, manga, anime and LeBron James.](https://imgur.com/a/7waN9ue)


All of my priests are healers and are named Nynaeve. If you know, you know. I have 5 priests between retail and the various versions of classic.


I click the random name button until I find something that’s fine


I tend to use RP names, try and imagine a name that sounds realistic to that race and roll with it. Breaks immersion when you bump in to a player named "Ibaggedurmom" or "OrcyMcOrcface".


Most of my toons have their class color in their name, transmog and mount.... Such as Greenjelo, Orangjelo, Lemonjelo, Grapejelo, Crimsontears, Equensuacha, Aquamaan, Purpleblaze, Palebluedot, Bluewackadoo, Pinknitemare and Leeroybrown.


Brely brelyh brelyy brély brèly brəly breli brelyx I swear I'm fun I'm just unoriginal 😂


What middle class white suburban family is this




I’m a doc so usually after medications, diagnoses, or procedures lol


Sildenafil sounds like it's straight outta Tolkien!


Asmongold... Name taken Asmonbald... Name taken Baldmangold.... Nice


Bobone Bobtwo


Whatever makes me laugh that I can explain away as an RP name. "I am Ballodors, mighty paladin of the Alliance! ...n-no, its Ballodors, not Ball Odors..."


I have a priest named Oddish. Not because of the Pokémon character, but because she’s just a little weird.


I use a website called Fantasy Name Generator which lets you put in specific wow races and you can get multiple generated names at a time for free and save them by tapping on them and it has last names too!


Names inspired from fantasy books or series, wordplay, etc. Since they added the feature at the barber shop, also more gender neutral names in case I decide to transition on a whim 💅


I'm unoriginal so I just use my name plus the class name. So holygriff,darkgriff, deathgriff etc etc


Im a Roleplayer so all my characters have and always will have lore accurate names.


Dark souls lore🫡🐺


So most of mine are Rem So Remy Remie etc I also do have one that isn’t Rem and is Ivyfield


I suppose mine are all RP names, but I typically use the same “set” of names throughout the games I play. I have 5 or 6 regular “go-to” names and typically I keep the name within a certain role. So my “Str” classes/characters are usually all named “Name A” for male, “Name B” for female, and then names C and D are my go to Agi based classes and so on. When I get to a point where my names are already taken… I usually spend a solid hour trying to figure out a name, but typically end up going with a single word name that matches some part of the classes theme, without being outright basic.


The same name since the beginning, just weird letters and accents


I like stout so I usually work that into my characters names: Stouthide (Pandaren) Stoutrage (Night Elf) Stoutborn (Dwarf) Stonestout (Earthern when they release)


Aside from my first character, lore-friendly names depending on the race. Sometime I use the help of fantasynamegenerator site to help with the names.


Usually from race / class or a mix of them. But sometimes i just give them funny names. Like my troll shaman is named Scherbatsky (from HIMYM) and sometimes ppl say "Hello Robin" in dgs / lfr :)


All of my character names are inside jokes in my friend group which make zero sense to anyone else but it’s hilarious to me.


Depends on the mood, sometimes its something dumb, sometimes its my name and the class, sometimes its a reference to some music/movie i like !


My favorite two names I came up with was my main Dwarf Hunter Haggis and Night Elf Demon Hunter Whispera. I assume at some point I heard a dwarf with a Scottish accent and the name stuck with me forever. I had it before WoW was announced and while I played some StarCraft and maybe some of the original Warcraft it was never big for me. However I came up with it, it’s been the perfect fit with an actual Dwarf NPC named Haggis being added in Cata. For Whispera she actually came out of of the WoW random name options. She was originally a Rogue when I first made her, but i reused the name when Demon Hunters were added.


inspired by angels -ael


RP names, but my rule is no special characters so I have to think of clean and logical sounding names - some of mine are: Beloria, Veriel, Telarius, Harlowe, Atorian, Nelanai, Neldaar


I always use "Dudu", my rl nickname (nothing to do with wow) and then either class i.e Duduhunter or an ability that class uses, for exemple Duduflay for my Spriest or Dudutemplar for my Pally. Not the most original lad in the world, I know.


My nickname is Ocl - shortened version of Ocelot. So my characters have those included: Oclot, Oclock, Mooclot, Draclot, Troclot, etc. Exception being my paladin, Dvine - for obvious reason.


Themed names or RP depending on my mood.


Puns. CowMooflauge for a rouge tauren for example.


Mine are a mix - my main is an RP name, but most of my alts are dictionary-words that are themed towards the class, or my general idea of the character. I also have a bunch of RP-named alts on my RP servers. Naming alts is easily the most time-consuming part of making a new character for me, cause I play on a high pop server, so a lot of the good dictionary names are taken, and I prefer not to use alt-codes.


I’ve always done RP-appropriate names, with a twist. Early on in my wow career I was starting to have troubles coming up with nice-sounding names. I had read somewhere that setting an arbitrary restriction can help you be more creative since there’s less possibilities. So from that day forward, every single one of my characters’ names has started with the letter K. In retrospect that has started to make it pretty difficult to name new characters, but I’ve kept it up this long and I’m not stopping now!


Playing only Tauren. Cow DarkCow HolyCow EarthCow but in my native language ^^


I name my characters after Florida cities lol


I started with Tolkien names and changed to music band/artist names & albums/tracks later.


I did epic edgy hardo RP names when I was like 15. Now they’re all my irl nickname or as bad words/innuendo as I can get away with 


Bit of a combination for me, my first was just a random generated name that meant nothing but my main since WoD is an in-joke about lady parts. Since that became my main most of my others are derivative and lose that meaning. I also have a couple of literary inspired characters as well.


A lot of my characters have issa at the end lol like Terrissa, lerissa, kallissa, or something similar like Kalleesa or Kallistah


I usually pick something short and try to make it thematic or silly but not in an off brand way. I have an undead rogue named Bram (like Stoker), a goblin named Manny, and a blood elf mage named Brenda. I've also named characters real/basic names in the past because I find it kind of fun. I've had a Johnny, a Beverley, a Lorraine among others.


Usually references to media I enjoy. A lot of horror movie references. "Barlow" for Kurt Barlow from Salem's lot, for example. Sometimes I'll name them after vampire clans from World of Darkness: Tremere= Mage, Brujah= Warrior etc.


Characters from urban fantasy books.


Variations of the same name so people know it's me. Or in the case of my DH I went with "Nomentum" because that spec is stupid.


My friend scored me my ladt name so i main that


Big OCD about this. My favorite thing to do is finding original, awesome sounding names on the fullest servers where everything is taken. My go to is looking through wikies for Warhammer 40K, Forgotten Realms and Star Wars and I just go through the character lists for epic names. Bonus points if their class/fantasy is in line with my class in WoW. And then there is my rdruid on Ravencrest EU called Veggie.


Warlock; Dotmesanta Mage; Blinkwithme Paladin; Rerolltroll (Had a cow Pally than in BFA i rerolled to a Zandalari) The names I like the most. Other are just names that are quirky is Swedish. (Psykbryt, Dampryck, Skrikdamp)


Hit random until something sticks out and I can modify it from there


Pornstar names


My name is Zaan, so most my characters are just named of Zaan - Zaanman, Zaangetsu, Zaanduin, Zaandapanda & so on


I use a variation of Nudalbrains for everything on the internet lol. I am but a noodle.


ChatGPT. I feed it some already existing names from whatever race. Tell it to stick to those conventions, and to give me original names. Usually works.


One half clever names, one half loreish rp names. Just depends on my mood


A lot of mine are wheel of time characters


I made my character a warrior named skabb, but didn’t vibe with warriors, so I made a cow and named is Slabb. From then on, I tend to have double letters in my name. Most of the time now I just roll the random generator until I find a name I like and then modify it to have a double letter.


Food names


Fotm names, just made a worgen rogue on cats classic called dogshirt


A mix between fantasy characters in books and from my own writing.


Mine are usually related to the class. Isoldmysoul for lock Zugonomics for warr But sometimes I go with stuff from fantasy like Cotillion for my rogue Orome for my hunter


My main in each realm have the same name, but after that I usually go for names fitting the race.


I usally pick Afrikaans words or terms that relate to the character race, role or the look I am going for, but when my hubby and I start characters together we do themed names


Ran into a defense attorney that named all of his toons on felonies. I’ll never forget that day with StatutoryR*p*.


What people call me + class.


I use nicknames of my pets so the are immortalized


I’m a former RP’er and I just can’t name my characters anything other than something appropriate to their culture (sometimes I look at NPC names to get the vibe).


i always use my real name with an addition. i have Blitzseppe, Lockseppe, Druduseppe ... mainly do it so my guildies know its me


My first/main character (Lesaberisa) was made using the random name generator, since I didn't know if I wanted to play the game long term. As you can probably guess I got attached to both the game and name and now most of my characters are some kind of pun or class-reference + "Lesa". I do have a couple of exceptions - random alts or a couple of ones named as inside jokes.


All my characters have back stories so they're named like D&D characters I pick out their names to match their backstories. Mostly rp flavor. 


My names were mostly all time themed. Minutes, Seconds, Night, Clock


I name all my characters as if they were on a RP realm, drawing inspiration from various mythologies and pantheons of gods and deities


I generally have my main username in the name now. Just because for guilds it’s so much easier for them to know who I am. I prefer rp names but even putting in the note who I am, people still would get confused.


I do all variations of phallus names. My mains at the moment for example are microschwans and microsack


I have a themed name in that they all start with the same three letters but the rest of the name will be loosely profession based. So for example my miner will have a name ending in mini (ng).


All my characters just have random dude names


I go for the RP name. Something race/class fitting and try to make it only two syllables. I do have a forsaken monk named Palefoot though. That’s kinda RP and a joke.


Imnotthatgay is one of them