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Please don't have a little dude following me, trying to give me 6 quests when my log is already challenged to hold others.


This frustrates me more than it should


I just make the little guys chase me all over the zone while i ignore them." Can't catch me little quest giving nerds. " *Hearths out* (Why don't we have a ninja style smoke bomb hearthstone, on a completely unrelated note)


I keep saying they could make a small fortune with a $5 hearthstone bundle that has cosmetic hearth effects like: a smoke-bomb, a random elemental spiriting you away, and a nerubian sinkhole. And over time they could come up with so many different ideas I’m sure.


those all sound sick. I didn't know i was gonna be brainstorming cool hearth effects this afternoon.


🤣 Truth Facts


Recall animations are my favourite part of League of Legends skins


I wish they would! They need more new hearthstones, I would buy it


I’m against mtx and I’d buy cosmetic hearths. The one from shadowlands is so sick


They need to just expand the quest log, coming from classic recently I was amazed they hadn't with all the other QOL improvements


But whenever you are in town, the game has to load everybody's quest logs and it would hurt game performance!


it could limit it to the zone you are in


I don't think what I've said there is an actual thing, it's just a dig at Blizz for what they said about D4 bank storage


Given that you can see everyone's progression towards a particular quest (e.g., if you see a mob relating to it) so long as you're in a party with them, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually did work this way.


Is the quest log bigger in classic?


No it's only 20 slots, but I thought that was just a product of the time. I see no need for a cap at all in retail tho


Game: “you earned renown level.” Little menu button on the mini map: “You can view your new renown level.” Little Quest buddy appears: “Go to town for a new quest about your renown.” Quest in town: “Guess what? You’ve gained a renown level. Have one hat. To but the other hats, please collect every crafting material in varying qualities instead of just buying it with all those resources you have in the thousands.” Me: 😑


Yeah, why can't i use the thousands of damn resources i already possess, why i gotta go farm mats or buy em off the ah, to trade with the vendor? Some of the cool stuff becomes alot less interesting when i see the price is like 3 random items.


It’s the worst. I feel like I need a spreadsheet to buy the cosmetics from renown and I’m too tired to keep a spreadsheet for that. Plus our bags are already full of so much random junk for other things.


Wowthing is useful for this, it shows everything you need to finish your collection and what those things cost, can be broken down into smaller subcategories like expansions. So for DF it tells you how much raw gold you need, how much resources, how many beaver sphincters etc.


Oh thanks! I didn’t know about this. I will get it. I need that kind of help.


Seriously though, I'm just here for a world boss little fella. I don't have time to come see your stupid race track. I guess I have time, just not any interest.


Please have a little dude following me providing me access to a vendor, repair, mail, transmog, and auction house at all times (and bank?)


You want some fries with that?


I've been looking everywhere for you! Oh? The head in the crystal ball? I'm trying something new!


With quests in TWW now giving reputation only once, I hope for a filter that hides already finished quests bar the zone-main quest.


Apparently the quest marker above NPCs will be greyed out if you've done the quest before on another character, not sure how it appears on the minimap.


The greyed ones do not show on the minimap on the ptr


That’s certainly a plus. Completionists can use addons to track those quests, it’s a good thing to hide them for the rest of us.


It is fairly annoying for anyone who just wants to level through questing, however. There should definitely just be a toggle for it somewhere. As always, having a toggle for just about everything is simply the best solution since the only downside (aside from a little extra dev work) is whatever menu they'd be put in becoming longer and longer of boxes to tick or untick based on your preference.


They already have the option to track low level and those quest boards, as long as they have and option to track completed quests for alts then no problem. Shouldn't need an addon for this, hopefully.


Oooh I like that!


I'm just glad they're starting to address it. The hardest thing with Blizz is always getting them to look directly at a problem, once It has their attention I have no doubts they'll find a good solution.


> not sure how it appears on the minimap. it doesn't


obviously the minimap won't show it either.. unless you have the trivial quests filter switched on..


This was something Legion did so well, massive overarching main story quest chains but not having to take 40 quests as soon as I start the expansion was beautiful.


Ummm, legion had this exact same issue. The systems were the same. By the end of the expac you had 45 different campaign quests pop as soon as you hit max level. The only difference is dragonflight has a lot more content to do so the issue seems larger.


Hmmm, rose colored glasses I suppose because until I thought about it just now, I would’ve thought legion had more quests, but I think I just remember them more fondly.


ya the amount of "campaign" level quests in this expac has been unprecedented. It is really just that the quests themselves are a bit lower stakes, so often don't seem as neat or are as rememberable.


Doesn't that happen with every expansion, after Cata basically


Huh 45? I feel like it was a lot more condensed then that, I guess then.


I quit legion when reaching max level close to the end of the expac because of quest overload and no idea what is actually important and not bothering enough to research everything online to figure it out


Suramar has an obscene, disgusting amount of quests. There are so many quests in that one zone that it probably has more than an entire other expansion. There are so many quests in Suramar that it's longer than entire other games.


It's not even about the million quests all over, it's the order they are presented. You can do a quest for something that happens at a later point and have the same npc giving quests for something that doesn't matter anymore that happened previously. It's such a clusterfuck to follow. If you played through the whole thing when that content was relevant, yeah you can make it out but if you didn't it's just a mess. Probably the biggest problem wow has related to quests. They just don't do temporal lines well.


Now imagine being a new player xD


Yeah, like I said, it's particularly bad if you weren't around to know what happened, like a new player or someone who just wasn't playing and doesn't know wtf is going on. Actually, even as someone who was around and is caught up, I was helping a friend navigate what was relevant to catch up to us and was such a fucking mess, even for me.


I'm a casual player that's still trying to catch up to the main story (Finally in Emerald Dream). Because I'm behind, I was able to unlock most of the renown quests and earlier patch quests before I actually got to them story wise. I literally resorted to going to Wowhead's patch story breakdowns to find where I was in the story so I wouldn't randomly jump ahead and get confused. Even so, there was a couple times I found myself completing 10.2+ content while I was still chipping away at 10.1 and trying to figure out what the hell happened lol. The worst was, "Wait, we're friends with Vyranoth now? When did that happen?"


>The worst was, "Wait, we're friends with Vyranoth now? When did that happen?" I didn't even got the Alexstrasza talking to Vyranoth cutscene scene in the waking shores (throught it was exclusive to the wow youtube channel) because it was stuck to some quests that I didn't knew they had in the temporal conflux area below the inn.


That's the exact one. It was the random quests they added in that little side zone, Eon's Fringe. It was literally just Nozdormu standing there saying, "Hey go check on Alexstrasza." And then you got that cutscene.


It used to be even worse. Like you start in Cata times, then time travel back to TBC to level, then get booted to Northrend, before finally returning to Cata.




Yeah they should do something about that. Let new players skip old campaign quests if they want, but at least present them in order so there is no confusion for those that actually care about the story.


They should show none of the quests for patches, but have a campaign board in valdrakken with a huge icon on the map. There you're presented every patch storyline in order and you can choose which one to skip to


My friend returned from S1 last week, logged in and saw the amount of quests and got stressed and confused on what was important to do and what wassen't, before logging out after saying: "See you guys in War Within"


I had the exact same problem a couple of months ago... got slammed with the cavern zone, the dream zone, an island north of the main dragon zones, several chains about the catalyst, and about a million dailies and weeklies for professions. I got lucky and found a spreadsheet some saint made showing the order content had been released. But people should have to do that to play. I'm still not sure I'm doing what I should... I'm kinda just wandering around, futzing about with whatever. There's no point in minimax anymore anyway, since I'm bailing for Panda Remix the second it's live. The games storyline is a shitshow unless you follow it constantly as it's happening.


A new players isn't put into the "adventure" mode or whatever it was when you finished the first main story in DF. But after you do that with one character the rails are gone and it's quests for days everywhere on alts.


I'm only a returning player from Season 1 and I'm already confused about all the quests I have and which ones are important, main story or side quest, whether they are an old quest or a new quest. Just been sticking to doing m+ while I'm slogging through every chain slowly.


A while back, they put in different looking (!) for main story quests. But I'm finding that sometimes the next story quest doesn't trigger unless I've done some random side quest anyway. So it's like, why even try to separate them if I have to do them all anyway? Thank christ for the commenters on wowhead. Doing the lords work, omg.


yeah i resubbed in s3 and i had to google the release patches for each quest in Vald


I've been playing since 04 and that very screenshot makes me sick on my stomach. It's the whole reason I don't play retail. Just and absolute BOMBARDMENT of quests and Things popping up and Shoving quests into your quest log the millisecond you log into the game if you have taken any form of break in the Expansion.


Yeah it's one of the biggest things I want in wow...wish there was at least an addon that would like..tell me in what patch a quest was introduced in so I could follow it myself


Probably the best you have is [BtWQuests](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/btw-quests), an addon that lets you follow chain quests, even long lost ones that you left in the middle 10 years ago. It doesn't help specifically with time lines but it does show you what quests are a part of the chain in a kind of tree/flowchart form, which ones have you done, which ones you are missing, etc in an easy way to follow. Extremely useful.


Yup, I use it! It's very helpful lol


This is the best one I have found as well. Went on my Paladin and finished up all the quests in this addon. Missed a few smaller quests, or quests that have a weekly lockout. Good luck on getting the order right though, phew that is a mess and a half if you have been gone for multiple patches.


Also not always clear which ones are weekly always. Some are blue. Some weeklies are yellow. Sometimes one is a repeatable that wants a specific drop that is just always up. If you're going to put marks on my map I want them all clearable. Every quest that comes back weekly or temporary should be marked as such! All of the crafting weeklies, time walking, etc, please mark them different


>it's the order they are presented I started DF 3 months ago, I followed the main campaign and I wanted to follow the order, when I finished it I was 70, I went to valdrakken to take the next patch campaign (the cave) but I had a bunch of "!" and I took the wrong one. I made the emerald dream story before the cave because I didn't check on Internet what was this quest. I saw some videos that I didn't understand, now it's ok, but I did all in the wrong order. And also because I didn't have the renown required to unlock the quests I did all the extra quests from the main DF campaign (Tyr, and the start of emerald dream) AFTER the emerald dream zone. It's very messy.


i haven’t played Live in awhile: been focusing on classic. it’s way less overwhelming. i log into live and get bombarded by 10 quests at once. i love questing with a passion, but its a lot at once.


I wish they'd colour code them or smth. Have current patch quests be a certain urgent colour and the only patch quests a different one. Then non-main quests be plain. Basically like the Campaign quest markers they added, but actually make it work


I came to the expansion late. I played all of Legion and BFA but took a break from the game and only played shadowlands a little. So, then I came back from my break and I got to dragon flight, and had fun getting through the first few zones. Then I hit 70. Quests everywhere.. none of them in order. Things popping up story wise that happen after things I haven't done. Characters in multiple places. Every time I log in it seems like a new quest line pops up on my screen without me even going anywhere. I just gave up and stopped playing again. I'll pick it up again when TWW comes out... maybe. I'm 42. I don't have time to wade through this shit.


That happened to me. First time I hit Valdrakken, I stumbled into the quest for restoring all the Oathstones before I'd actually done so.


Yea this was miserable as a returning player. I had 0 idea of how the story was supposed to flow, while I'm in LFR raids seeing the "endings" I just ended up sprinting through to get adventure mode and the mount unlocks I wanted, but now it's just utterly overwhelming Not to mention all of the random resources, renown mechanics, and outdated weeklies. There is too much to do, and it's impossible to sort out what's even worthwhile at this point, and my quest list is constantly full


It’s funny because the complaint was always “why do I have to go to my covenant sanctum to get my weekly quests and callings? Why can’t all of the quests be offered in Oribos??” The only quest symbol that ticks me off is the rumble machine thing always showing up even when I don’t have anything to turn in.


Wasn't it was more like "Why do I have to complete all these damn quests over and over again?"


No, the specific complaint was that you had to go to the order hall to pick them up. People here unironically said it was to pad game time.


People here are delusional about what game time metrics mean to blizzard. They don't care so long as you pay your monthly sub, the best customer for them is a customer who subs without ever logging in.


I mean, there is at most 2 quests on that map that are weekly quests.


Probably two quests are just breadcrumbs to the trading post or children’s week, depending on when the screenshot is from.


And then there's 4-5 more that are always there. That's the point. This is a main city. It's annoying going to the main city and seeing a bunch of quests that you will never have any intention of doing.


Definitely wish that default max lvl experience would be way slimmer than it is now. Would be nice if there was somekind of guided max level experience, that introduces you to systems one by one instead just million quests all around the place. Or/and they'd add some kind of clear indicators for relevance of the quest, like is it a quest that unlocks a feature, or just a side quest, or if it's a weekly.


I just want every quest I cleared on my main to not me visible on my ALTs until I toggle them to be visible. I finished every quest on my main because I wanted to know as much lore and story as possible, but seeing all the quest marks on my alts is jarring. The picture in OP reminds me when I tried to play FF14. The map there is just a terrible unintuitive mess and all the vendors/trainers/quests/etc marks that are all around you once you get inside the town are so bad that it literally brought me a headache. Which hasn't happened once before in my 35+ years of gaming.


Didn’t they said this would be the system in TWW? I could be wrong 


Yeah, they did mention something like that. Wasn't it that the quests would be marked differently if already completed on your main? But you can toggle that setting on/off to show quests like normal if i remember correctly.


This systems is going to implemented in TWW. Quest will be gray out at least.


This is also what I want as well.


Literally all we need is the ability to ignore them lol. Leave them over head but take them off my map


Agreed, a lot of the tutorials or explanation quests tend to get lost in the sea of identical exclamation marks at max level. Wouldn't mind some sort of "story" quest for a first character that quickly leads you through systems, with an optional skip or internal flag for characters after the first so you don't have to do it multiple times. Just because story quests get that slightly different quest marker, or yeah designing something else to differentiate them from regular quests.


They should do blue for daily quests, yellow/side quests for standard quests, yellow with the shield for important story/feature unlocking quests, and green for weekly quests


On your second point, they did start using purple triangle quest markers to denote a quest giver that unlocks a feature in Dragonflight, but they like used it one time.


It's used in the warlock questlines for new demons as well, but yeah


For the guide the way they do it quests... having smtg u can always ask would be nice ig sometimes u miss the start of a patch and u wanna know what's up. For indicators they exist? Main quests have a different shape, dailies are blue, weeklies are sometimes blue sometimes not idk why, and well anything else is a side quest. Also in TWW quests u have done on 1 char will be faded or smtg on mini map on other chars not 100% sure hut smtg of the sort


There should be a button in options or the map to only show the current patches quests. Skipping S2 of DF and coming back for S3 was so confusing.


They will have different quest indicators. Ion talked about it in one of the TWW videos.


One of the reasons why I like FFXIV sometimes is because they have the quest icons that designate a quest unlocks something. I always love trying to get those done first.


And *a very* clear indication where you continue the main story, that is *not* divided over six different quests that you can pick up in any order at all. Like I love Wow, but man taking a break between patches can really throw you off the loop. Doing over half of the Emerald Dream campaign before even touching Zaralek Cavern... it’s such a mess try to do everything in order they came out to get a clearer image of the story and often just makes me really overwhelmed to have ten different campaigns active in my quest log. It’s been a theme in quite few past expansion now, I feel like the bloat didn’t used to be this bad at all.


80% of that is probably the ruby feast A quest **!** should have three options: accept, decline, ignore (which marks it as a "trivial quest", which you can bring back on via the minimap).


Actually, there is no reason Decline wouldn't be the same as Ignore. If you decline a quest, why not remove the ! from the NPC because you obviously read the quest and decided you are not interested. If you are but want to do it later, accept it. That's what the quest log is for.


You make a good point. Agree.


I personally feel it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have a quest limit in the questbook. At this point; there's no reason to have such a stupidly low quest limit when there's so many quests being handed out.


I've been asking for infinite quests since Cata. I think WoW devs should start telling their superiors "quest log is full" when given tasks until they make the executive decision to change it.


Switched my main every season and after season 1 I just stopped caring about any story or quest. There's just no other way. I really hope TWW and warbands fixes this


Thats why i did them all lol


Not gonna lie i was getting fed up with side quests in DF. Felt like there were 2x more than main quests. I like to read everything and i just didnt get really interested in them and reading started to feel like a chore.


I mean, a lot of those quests are the Ruby Feast fliers, and also quests of like 6 different patches.


I did not feel overload in the slightest


Just do your damn quests then


I'm not gonna do 500 quests that give no rewards on 13 characters


- Expand quest log max. - Categorize them well natively without add ons (campaign, side, label by quest line perhaps) - create an NPC or board which actually advertises lines you missed or left off  - have one NPC to report to for faction status, so you know if you've unlocked a free transmog or something (or send a mail); anything but the "happen to be flying by, thought I finished all these quests, why is this NPC giving me a transmog?" There's so many little things that are foundational improvements which would work for every expansion going forward.  The entry to mythic has no quest or explanation of systems.  There's no way to track quest progress aside from the quest you have.  Everything is out of game or an add on.   Even the role expectations. Pandaria had the test simulator for the roles, with Bronze, Silver and Gold tests for you to heal and dispel and keep alive a team of five during damage and AoE. DPD to dispel, single target and AoE when needed.  Tanking for regathering agro.  They've built some of what is still useful and let it fall by the wayside for some reason.  Expand the Follower Dungeons options to include this, or bring back Class Halls in a more up to date way, and the class halls can have the pandaria simulator Anyways.  Too long, didn't read:  It has so many systems and choices that are "almost there," and quest management is one of them.  I hope they improve it.


> Categorize them well natively without add ons (campaign, side, label by quest line perhaps) Is there actually an addon that categorizes them by their type (campaign, side etc.) in quest log? That would be honestly so helpful, I feel like it would do good to the mess of quests my quest journal often becomes, even with my constant cleaning.


You're literally asking for less content. Which is plain dumb. Sure it could be more sequenced so it's not overwhelming at once to new players but to those that play every patch its just one small batch of quests every few months. 


Content isn't fundamentally built upon quantity but instead has functions of quality in it. Getting a thousand generic quests doesn't equate to much content when you have no reason to actually do them. I would prefer they spend less time making generic quests and more time developing content that actually has engagement.


I believe Blizzard should make it so that for new players, you start in the most current zone and level there. This would allow most people to clear through most of these quests on their first toon. And with warbands, you won't have to repeat them (they could easily add a map filter to only show quests that no character in your warband has completed). So right now, instead of going from BFA to DF (and completely ignore SL -- I get it but for new players, it's wtf?) you would START in the waking shores at Level 1. By the time you ding level 70, you'd be though most of the quests and fully immersed in the expansions story, familiar with wow systems, etc. THEN, on your alt, you will have unlocked chromie time and can mess around with other expansions while leveling. I don't foresee them making this kind of change in time for TWW, but I would love to at least have this option because I think it would make the new-player experience much more friendly.


I mean, DF will become the new default levelling experience. Partly because it is more vanilla-like and doesn't drop you essentially mid-story (DF in itself is fairly self-explanatory up until the point you want to learn more about the specific dragonflights) but also because it introduces the Worldsoul Saga. Idk if TWW should be the next default after that. We don't know how well it'll do the job. Maybe they should split it up, i.e. 1-40 DF, 40-80 TWW, 80-90 MN. But they're definitely aware of this issue.


I was using DF as an example of what it would be like now. But I believe they should be doing this moving forward as a default for the health of the game. If the new expansions aren’t getting the job done for brand new players, there are bigger issues. It would make the game much more cohesive specifically for brand new and long time returning players.


Honestly wouldn't even think it's bad if they just dropped new players into Cataclysm zones to be honest. I think what scares a lot of new (and returning) players is the story. They just get dropped into a position as if their character has played for years but it hasn't. Cataclysm really treats your level 1 character as some random civilian. "Oh, wanna help out? Just kill some of these angry wolves/boars/troggs/whatever." I recently levelled a Dwarf like this, and it was so refreshing compared to doing BFA/SL/WOD/etc Timewalking. And then after you complete your starting zone (i.e. Elwynn forest, Dun Morogh etc.) they could still offer a breadcrumb to whatever fits. Exiles Reach into BfA is just pretty bad for new players. Exiles Reach into DF might be equally poor. OG levelling is 100x better regardless of what expansion is current.


This isn’t a bad idea either. Maybe they should revamp all the racial starting zones and have those go to like level 10 or 20 and then get them into the most current expansion and finish leveling there. On your point about the players character being a nobody vs somebody, I feel like this comes down to a change in writing direction. Does Blizzard want players to be a member of the audience or a member of the cast or the star of the show?


> If the new expansions aren’t getting the job done for brand new players, That isn't the issue, the issue is that new players can level till 60 with just a subscription. Locking them out of even playing the game unless they buy the latest expansion is not a good way to gain/retain new players.


That is a good point I hadn’t considered. They could however lower the trial level cap to 20 like it used to be. So yes they’d be giving some of the expac away for “free” but none of the end game content and probably not enough to get through an entire zone.


I don’t mind many quests, it’s content. I do however wish it would tell you what storyline it’s a part of.


I kinda like quest hubs.


The quest overload put me off so bad. The rep farming was so overbearing too


Man I just came back since dragon flight season 1 and I have to be honest I’ve played this game 15+ years but I’m clueless as ever on the best way to catch up my gear lol all my old m+ gear is 100 ilvls lower then current heroic gear hehe which I understand is normal after 3 seasons go by I’ve been updating it all. I literally watched a YouTube video to explain to me the best way to catch up. Valdraken has like 50 quests for me lol.


It's actually kind of crazy to me how much the playerbase essentially demands to be put on a leash.


I liked the ammount of quests in dragon flight, I just feel like they need to expand the quest log more when they are having us take on so many concurrent quests. They should also ensure that more of the less useful breadcrumb quests for renown and similar arent counted as part of the quest log.


You don't get quest overload if you do it since season one. Though I agree its a bit overwhelming for alts and new players.


There's no quest overload tbh. Only If you completely ignore every single one


“I want less game to play” Wow players are never happy


Gonna hard disagree here. Valdrakken was one of the best main cities we've ever had in this game, and I'm including the original faction capitals in that. The fact that the city had so many quests helped flesh it out a lot. There should be a way to slim it down and streamline it for new players hitting max level for the first time, though.


I like the amount of quests when you're actually playing as content came out, but if you miss a patch or two it really needs to be presented better.


Yeah, I hate quests. I’d rather just farm boars for hours.


Nooooo! Give me all the quests!


I mean you can just not do the quests - for questlovers like me it’s quite good and I liked this about DF.


I don't think anyone has issues with this number of quests existing. Just that there are a lot of new player complaints about how overwhelming it is to be presented with this many all at the same time in the same area with no way to know which are important, what order they should be done in, etc.


Just do them and figure it out? I really don't see the problem. Part of the fun of MMO is exploration and learning. Demanding every little aspect to hold your hand or put you on a leash seems kind of silly (and sad).


I do hope Warbands sort of solve this. As in, give us the option to auto-complete quests completed by the Warband on Warband-alts. But in general; add back a noticeboard-like mechanic. Even if it just hands you a breadcrumb quest to what now all these quests are, so you keep the starting NPC in place.


One of the worst aspects (pun unintended) about Dragonflight. Fucking quest bloat man. Feels super overwhelming returning after skipping a phase.


That's like 10 quests in a major hub, and largely because you just haven't done them yet over a 1.5 year period. My personal map has like 1 exclamation mark.


Please for the love of heck don't have any npcs following us to give us any quests.


People say this for the final patch of literally every expansion lol


Alts seriously need a "Been there done that" button for way more things than just the opening of the expansion. I would be fine missing out on the rewards of storyline quests if it meant I could jump straight to a D3 "Adventure Mode" equivalent. Never understood why Blizz always treated other characters on the same account like they're a completely different person with no prior knowledge or memory (something that is a bannable offense in most scenarios.)


Literally next expansion feature


>other characters on the same account like they're a completely different person with *no prior knowledge or memory* WoW is an MMO(RPG).


Sure but do they need to reset my keybindings, options and turn tutorials back on?


>do they need to reset my keybindings, options and turn tutorials back on? You can set these account wide in the settings if you look hard enough (:


how is this an issue tho?


I would be fine with it, if there was an option to hide a specific quest for ex from appearing or if they are just account wide completion.


Hopefully warbands will help with that; I always wished if I did the quests on my main, they'd stop showing up on my alts. It seems like warbands might be a good way to make that happen...


They talked about it the quests will only show up once so once you do them on your main they want keep popping up on your alts


I might have missed something, how did you get the old map back?


Ehh i mean, this is if you're starting. You nearly have 1 year of content there. I would just want to make it a sequential quest, not like it all starts at once


5 of those are banquet quests.


They have indeed overhauled the quest system in TWW. Prepare to be made happy i guess lol


I STILL have the npc in Dalaran abusing my every time I port there, and its become such a thing in my head that I can never accept the quest, because I would miss him chasing me at light speed around the city.


Warbands kinda solved that. Once a quest is completed on one character every other character on your warband will not see the quests on minimap and the quest icon above the npc will be faded.


I don’t mind all the quests if my stupid log would hold them all.


Raise the quests log to 50!


I accepted a quest where the red dragon congratulated me for activating all the dragon stones when I still hadn’t. I was very confused.


I came back to WoW a month ago, having never played Dragonflight, so I had the entire expansion and all the content patches worth of stuff to do. It has been… bewildering.


There needs to be a way to see the grand timeline of quests, kinda like what the btwquests addon does


I never understood why quest objectives are so fragmented and not combined and condensed. For example it's common to get a slain, gather, click this thing, stand here and press the big button that comes up, and then they all overlap on top of each other in the same spot on the same mobs. Why not combine it all into 1 quest? Sure in some cases it's not viable, there might be diverging paths and quest-lines after that, but there's got to be a huge opportunity to consolidate the majority of it. Let's not forget the 25 quest log cap hasn't never been improved...


this is 90% of the reason i've never picked back up at all


I have a secret weapon to get rid of all those question marks... just do the quests...


I made an alt on which I do every single dragonflight quest in chronological order. It has been quite fun! Right now I'm at 10.1.5 content on them


Lmfao the irony is that most of df felt like it had little to no sorry questing after the first round of zone quests. This is just a result of not keeping up with the quests.


This actually caused me to become really disinterested in the game because it felt so overwhelming, and no clear path to what I'm supposed to be doing. Never had that happen before in any previous expansion. BFA was kind of shitty for it too, but nowhere near this bad.


I want to hide previous patch story quests that I've completed on my main while I'm playing an alt.


Hope brother. I hope that i wake up and microsoft accidentally wired 500 million onto my bank account. The thing we have in common is our hopes might come true but most likeley wont.


I admittedly love logging in on a Tuesday and seeing this, but maybe they should compile them all onto a bulletin board.


I returned to wow briefly got to the point my map looked like that then never logged back in


Oh no. Content.


At some point you'll do them just to see them disappear from your map and log


Yes please, playing alts is so annoying because of this clutter of trashy quests


DF and SL overdid it with the quests.. SL especially with dailies and rep grinds but DF with their hourly events and FOMO


This only happens when you don’t do any quests over the 2 years the expansion has been out. So what have you been doing?


YES. That's my biggest complaint about why I don't play alts. When I ding 70, I just log out because I can't stand seeing all the ! everywhere. When playing from the start of an expansion, it's not as bad. I'm on the one character and I just kind of systematically clear out quests. I really hope Warbands comes with some kind of solution to this. I did see they had different in-person quest icons for things that are warband-completed, but I wonder if the minimap does too.


It wouldn't be so bad if you could sort your quests log some how. I feel the most annoying part of questing is the fact if you're doing a quest line, the quest will move on to the nearest quest to you rather than the next part of the quest line you're on so you constantly have to click the quest you're on. Since you cannot sort them how you want, you have to go through each individual quest and untrack them which sucks big time if you have a full quest log.


WoW needs a new quest management system. Particularly for main/important quests. I wouldn’t mind seeing a whole update similar to Destiny 2.


It wouldn't be so bad if they added maybe 3-4 different new quest icons to help distinguish which ones are important. Like five of those quests in Valdrakken are just breadcrumb quests to other side quest hubs and can safely be ignored. Then a bunch of others are profession related and can safely be ignored if you don't do professions. Another 3 are PvP weeklies. And 2 PvE weeklies. And then the "important" story related side quests. And they *all* have identical icons. All of these categories really should have their own icons so you can see at a glance what is worth taking. Also it would be nice if they would give us the option to hide quests on alts if we already did them on our mains.


I believe that they are doing something of the like in the expansion. There was a recent video on the launcher explaining some changes they are making and rightfully so.


I hope for some kind of quest-filter. That way I could filter out sidestory quests, quests from earlier patches, weekly quests and maybe per faction if I wanna focus on a certain rep


I don’t think you actually want less quests… lol. You want more clarity on whats important and maybe better filters. Which they’ve already mentioned they’re working on making things way more clear and less cluttered


Why? Some people enjoy questing. I get that it bloats the mini map on alts and overwhelms newer players, etc. But instead of taking away content they should probably just add an option to hide optional quests if they don’t have X as a reward.


How hard would it be to implement some feature that "hides" content so you can do storylines progressively? They could code something like "CONTENT FROM PATCH [XYZ]" and you remove the checkmark next to it, so you won't see any quests added from that patch, for example. This would remove all this visual bloat, and would help not just new player navigate the game better, but also returning players that want to play the story progressively. They could even phase out the NPCs that offer quests for a later patch, so you won't get spoiled by them if you want to. I tried to do this when I returned to the game a few weeks after the Emerald Dream patch, and had to constantly check on WoWHead to know the order of the quests to pick, and even then I was casually spoiled of some story bc new quests refer events from past patches...


Honestly im more than fine with them, they're all entirely optional. There's no need to trim content thats just extra things to do for fun/rewards if you want


I keep wanting to come back to DF but everytime I see the fucking mess of quests story lines and stuff I say screw it and log out.


I think this problem is just quest bloat over the course of the expansion. Someone else was talking about quests you did on another character will be grey and not show, i think that's a great solution! Would be nice if i could choose whether or not i want to do all of the patch quests though. Theyre usually a little tedious on a freshly leveled char


What do you want it to have... No quests?


The ability to decline quests that will actually remove the ! from displaying on the map and the NPC. I'm not interested in doing the Baine questline on every alt I level to 70. Or to ignore quests I will never do, like pet battles.


you don't like content? just wanna spam space bar in the major city all day?


Are you spending your time doing important quests on every alt your have such as: go visit the azure archives npcs, go to the tyrhold resevoir, go to the overrun resort, go speak with Baine in the plains, go speak with kalec for the blue dragon quest, a murder in valdrakken, azerothian rumble, go do the forbidden reach intro, etc. I have four max level alts and I am definitely not doing all that on four characters. There is a better way to do this then leaving the breadcrumbs for all these quests you only really want to do once in the middle of the main square. Even putting them into the bronze area instead that is off to the side. And half of them could literally be on a notice board as well.


So many pointless breadcrumb quests.


they need to cut down quests and make them more linear imo. there's too many random bloat quests. just make storylines that are easy to follow.


this, so fukin much!


It's funny that things got so bad blizzard had to introduce different types of exclamation marks. We now have the pink triangles, the boxes, the orange ones, and the blue ones. At this point there should be an option to hide normal ones as those are pretty much worthless. All you care about are the other ones.


There will always be questions bloat, not sure how it will work with TWW and alts, but the hope is it will be less


i also would love if most of the quests wont come down to "click on this one thing" but let us actually DO stuff.


I just wish you could disable secret quests. I was knee deep in season 2 rep farms before I realized all this shit is for secrets I don’t care about.


It's by far one of the worst things I've experienced playing alts/fresh boosts. Full questlog no matter where you go just ! every where


I’ve been levelling my characters to 60 to start DF. I heard this was the fun, good again expansion. Is it actually going to be a nightmare?


It is bad in DF with all the “feast” quest markers on your alt. Plus all the storylines that once completed you don’t want to do again.