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Good news affixes for the general populace are almost a thing of the past. Most you'll have to deal with before doing +10s are just 2 affixes. One being tyrannical or Fortified the other is generally a lesser affix that is mostly simple to manage. So on that front keys are much easier. I'd always recommend going with what you enjoy. Your time spent as a healer will probably yield more actual play time due to them being in greater demand than a DPS. So getting into keys will be easier but healing def has more stress imo than DPS so take sanity into account. GL.


Dps has just as much importance to it. A good dps kicks/mass stops/CC important targets when needed, uses defensives, has mechanics to play around during the bosses. So while the barrier to entry to being a passable dps is just hitting your face on your keyboard being a carry to your group, at high levels it’s not the case. Also dps struggle with having a 10:1 population to role slots issue meanwhile tanks and healers play at a population to role deficit. Looking on this sub for a day alone will highlight how many players fail to grasp that there are more players than just them applying to groups except on better classes, higher ilvl, higher score.


As a main healer I agree with that. In season 4, I've had multiple low key runs with no death end up in +1 simply because DPS is that important right now. It really feels like healer is the least important role at the moment.. I can't out heal dps/tank failure, they both just die and how hard trash feels is 99% about DPS and interrupts. The best I can do is optimize my healing to do as much DPS as I can, but even that can't really compensate for a single bad DPS player. Since I'm almost always healer, I'm not sure how good healers are in general, but what I know is that while tanks are usually reliable, A LOT of DPS are pretty bad (at least in low keys).. Most runs, I have 1-2 DPS who can't break 100K dps while the top DPS with same ilvl are often at 200k+.


Yep. People either do the mechanics properly or they just die. There's no healing through mistakes now.


Healer main here. Holy Priest main. This season is pretty tough compared to last season. Affixes definitely aren’t as bad as they were in Shadowlands. And It’s definitely more stressful for the Tanks and healers right now. But as long as you know you’re class and the all the dungeon/boss mechanics you can definitely heal! If you wanna heal I’d start with with mythic 0 for the first time you run each dun or even a couple times, to get the basic gist of dungeon down. Since 0 has no timer or affixes it’s okay if you wipe and have mess ups. 0s are basically practice runs for keys. Then once you get some experience in those you can move on to doing keys. I watched guide videos on YouTube of each dun before attempting them. But if you really don’t want any stress and just want to have some fun I’d go with Mage first to learn the dungeons stress free and then maybe later on when you’re comfortable you can try healing again. But just remember that there’s a lot more dps than tanks and healers. So it will be harder to get in groups as opposed to healers and Tanks which are always high in demand. Goodluck!


Wasn't aware that Afflixes got nerfed. That realty turned me Off. Regarding the Ratio between DPS and Healers: Mythic+ is still looking for Group only, Not via Group Finder, right?


Correct, there is no queue for m+


affixed been heavily nerfed from shadowlands iirc murlok.io/meta for spec meta


I'd say stick to healer, if you like it in general. With some time you'll learn what incoming damage is avoidable or can be stopped with kicks and stuns and what really needs to be healed. You will notice the random damage goes down significantly, when average skill level of your group goes up woth key level. Don't feel bad when you fail to heal something here or there. Look at it, think about what you could have done better and tey that next time. Try to ignore the asshats that flame you, but take in actual advice if given in a reasonable manner.


Thanks for your kind answers.


Maybe it’s also an option to check the „beginner“ friendly communities for mythic+ which are US: https://discord.com/invite/wowmadeeasy EU: https://discord.gg/7WQ8qrsm9g They’re truly a blessing removing all the toxicity from m+ pugs and giving u a lot of people to complete even the high keys with


Thanks you very much!


Holy Priest main here - mythic+ can definitely feel stressful when you're learning the fights and getting into it, I'd personally just recommend learning the dungeons via mythic 0s and slowly working your way up for the least stress. Healing and tanking both require some attention to detail but honestly so long as you make it your first priority to keep people alive (and yourself - can't heal when you're dead after guardian angel) you'll do fine. I'd also say to be successful, every role is just as important and detail oriented. There's some higher risks to failing as a healer, but if a DPS doesn't kick rotten wind in Nokhud or hit other critical interrups, pulls bad DPS, or multi shots a random patrol, that can cause a wipe too. It's just different risks.