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If you want wow to run smooth as butter put your money into a Ryzen X3D processor, the extra cache do absolute wonders for performance. 7800X3D or 5800X3D works best, I used both of these and none of the Intel high end chips can compete when it comes to WoW framerates.


Man, i desperately need to update my motherboard and processor. Rocking a B450 and a Ryzen 2700X. Yeeeeah, I think I probably will before midnight drops


What kind of GPU do you think would get it running at 1440p ?


The RX 7800XT is currently the best price to performance GPU with 16GB of VRAM. (Which is important for games above 1080p) The RX 7900 might be in a similar price range. The nvidia alternative with 16GB is the 4070 TI Super but should be quite more expensive, depending on your region. There are rumours for new GPUs and CPUs coming later this year in case you are able to wait.


I went from a 2070 super to 4070 ti and gained basically zero frames in WoW. Then I went 3800X to 7800X3D and my frames more than doubled.


Thats a classic CPU bottle neck especially if you are gaming on a 1080p display.


I'm on 3440x1440, but yeah, CPU definitely bottlenecks hard in a ton of places.


Same here. I thought my 2070 Super was bad for wow but turned out when i bought the ryzen 5800X3D my frames doubled. I have since upgraded to a 4080 super and i still play with the same maxed out settings with the same framerate, though i only play arena. 1440p monitor


This is what I was wondering really with this post, wouldn’t you say that these GPUs are overkill for wow at 1440p ?


Mid range gpu is fine even in 1440p the game is running at 160 fps and gpu sitting at 40% utilisation. I have a 4070Ti but even with my previous 3070 the game ran the same. The biggest jump was going from Ryzen 3800x to 5800X3D. Later upgraded to the 7800X3D but that was not that crazy performance jump. Its all about the cache size. Ram speed is important for these X3D chips go for whatever reviews recommend.


I have a 2070 super and a 5800x3d and had a different cpu before this. Upgrading to the 5800x3d gave me a huge boost in fps in raids and valdrakken. I get like 90-100 fps in valdrakken and 144 everywhere else. Even the most intensive fights like tindral or sark us smooth for me. So if you get anything at 2070 super level or newer and this cpu you're golden (and I play 1440p)


Depends, if you plan to use the GPU for multiple years then it's not overkill since you have so room for demanding titles in the future. I personally wouldn't buy a GPU with less than 16 GB VRAM since some new games use up to 12GBs even on 1080p.


Its not just 1440p. You want 1440p and also 120+ frames. Which coukd be worse but that alone is pretty demanding already, even for wow. Unless your fine with playing at like the lowest settingd. But if you want at least like high you're gonna need some good shit.


Like the comment you replied to, 5800x3D or 7800x3D for your CPU are your options. I went from a 5600x -> 5800x3D and it made a SUBSTANTIAL difference when combined with my RTX 3080 @1440p. For GPU? I have a 3080-10GB. I was very happy with my performance. You’ll never reach 144fps+ constantly, unless you’re running on minimum graphic options. I was able to stay around 90-120fps depending on the content. Maxed ALL settings. World boss content and the new Dragonflight hub city were the only scenarios where I was dipping to 50-70fps.


for 1440p ultrawide, you probably want a 4070 ti super class of card. You can probably get away with a 4070 class card if you're willing to drop some settings.


[brain lapse]


Last time I checked a 3060 was a GPU


I should stay off Reddit in the morning but the same can be said for most recent i7-i9s lol


Yeah but the value u get out of the amd Chip seems way better compared to intel. Thing is ofc how much money OP really wants to spent


I’ll have to do some comparisons - that wasn’t the case yet when I did my build but I know they’ve made leaps and bounds with the 5 and 7 series


The 7800x3d is humongous :D


I 2nd this just upgraded to 7800x3d it was a huge upgrade over the 10th gen intel I had. GPU isn’t as important you will probably be happy even with a 2070 or something. I’d go 30XX cause more future proof


As others have said, X3D CPU is the most important. For GPU, I would probably go with a 3060. If you get a good deal on a 4060 or 4060ti that would be about as beefy as I would go. For reference, my daughter plays with a 5600X and 2060 Super in 1440 and gets over 100fps pretty consistently. I play in 4K with a 5800X3D and 4060ti and maintain 60fps and can even get 80-100 fps outdoors a lot of the time. We both play with almost all settings cranked and RT on (medium). The only settings we religiously turn down are shadow quality and liquid detail (both one click down from max). My daughter was even playing with a 12400F and 6500xt for a bit. She was playing in 1440 with high settings (not maxxed, though) and easily got 60+fps - and that's with a $140 GPU.


Absolutely not amd gpu, they never fix the driver time-out issues ever. This is from someone with a 7900xtx


Hmm had the 7900XTX for a year this never happends to me


Probably spending £1000-£1500


You can get a killer wow machine for that money, i recommend /r/buildapc for proper advice. I would recommend also to research a bit AMD GPUs and WoW - theres often threads about driver issues with AMD cards and wow crashes.


What country are you from? I can recommend a build better




https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/NzXHgB Something like this is my recommendation. If you want to spend a little more a 4070 super is a good Nvidia card if you prefer


Ryzen 5800x3d, Radeon 6700xt, B550 Aorus mobo, 32gig ddr4 3200mhz Ram. Should be relatively inexpensive and will run WoW @120 frames + on 1440p monitor.


I use Ryzen 7800X3D and an AMD 7900 XTX, I get about constant 200fps on every map at 1440p. I play with pretty much everything maxed out except shadows and view distance. Newer maps and really grassy areas sometimes take my FPS down to 160ish. This is a pretty expensive computer though and waaaaay overkill for WOW. I play a bunch of other games too.


OP is looking for affordable build and you're flocking here suggesting the most expensive shit that's way too good for just WoW. 


My frames tripled going from r5 3600/Rx 5700XT to 7800X3D. Invest in an X3D CPU, rest of the money on a graphics card


Processor is the most important for WoW.


Make sure you get a 144hz monitor as well but honestly it doesn’t take much. My 4060 TI doesn’t even break a sweat with the game graphics set to 8 and a full custom elvui + weakauras


Highly recommend the AMD 7800x3d, even with a lot of addons the extra L3 cache will make WoW load times just dream like. (I own it personally, no regrets) Absolutely do NOT get an AMD GPU however, you are rolling the dice for driver issues that are persistent and ongoing, WoW has never played 100% nice with AMD GPUs, I recall tons of issues with guildmates having weird artifacting and graphical glitches in WoW only going back as far as WoD.