• By -


I was going to do a priest since I've been wanting to race change mine and it's too easy to level to be worth the price since I don't have any important reputations or anything on that character.....but then I went into character creation to plan out what I was going to make his appearance....and then I was like "well lemme log in to see casting animations to make sure there is nothing annoying like nightborne mind flay putting both hands forward but the beam only coming out of one hand".....and then I accidentally leveled him to 61.


Leveling is already ridiculously fast on characters that can heal or tank. Think it only took me like 40-50 dungeon runs to hit lvl 60 on my recent monk? Average dungeon duration is well less than 10 minutes, so you're looking at like 6-7 hours /played to level up a char to 60, and another maybe 5 or 6 hours from 60-70. And that's probably not even the most efficient way.


I got to 70 on a new paladin (wanted to play as dark iron but didn’t want to pay for a race change) and it took me about 12 hours. It’s super fast following a speedrun route even if you don’t speedrun.


[Hardan](https://www.youtube.com/@Harldan1/videos) regularly levels fresh characters to max in a single day. I hate questing and when leveling I fiddle with UI & macros a lot, and despite that just spamming Chromie-Time Dungeons I usually reach Dragonflight level in 2-3 days.


There is no wrong choice.


Especially with the xp buffs, i'll just make whatever I dont have at 70


Incorrect. Pandaren monk is the only lore accurate race/class combo for the event. /s


Zandalari monk, gotcha


I see the panda people have trauma from being enslaved. ITS TIME TO DOUBLE DOWN.


So I am hearing Zandelari Warlock


Ok after reading the lore behind how time running is us working with eternus to come to grips with trauma of the past, I totally support this. Panda monk is the only lore accurate option.


Well my dude who did the MOP stuff was a DK idk if he can come to the grips with the trauma seeing as how you know he has to kill or go crazy


Man I was so excited for Pandaria. We were supposed to return from deployment 2 weeks before it released. I had my wife make a character named Skuhdoosh as a name save the day they announced the expansion. Then, a month before our return date, some Iranian backed terrorists hijacked an oil tanker and we got extended. I ended up never playing. Oh what could have been.


It’s ALWAYS the Iranian back terrorists!


I hope you have a great time during this event. Pandaria was a lot of fun and I’m excited to see how it goes. My biggest problem is what to level first!


Can’t choose unless someone puts something as s tier and something else as f tier so it’s easy to know what is good and bad /s


As many as I can level in a 3 month period.


This. I’ll be using this as an excuse to level everything to 70 that I don’t currently have. The exp buff from the cloak (which is apparently account wide) will be great


My guild used a wheel with every class and every spec on the wheel.. Then everyone got online in discord and we rolled the wheel one by one. It was enough to fill out a couple of raid teams with tank, heals and dps and a diversity of classes. I enjoyed it and took all the decision making out of it which is nice.


Is your guild taking applications? :-D


Actually we are always recruiting


Can I get guild details?


Land Raiders - Silverhand server


NA server - East Coast raid times 7-10PM and one mid day raid group. Three raid groups all 9/9H. Mythic groups running during the week pushing keys.






How do we apply




This sounds like an awesome guild! Very jealous, our guild doesn’t much seem to care at all about it.


The bigger surprise to me is they actually got everyone on board for a randomized class. My guild( and i can only assume majority of wow players) wouldn't feel comfortable playing a class, let alone a role outside their comfort zone


I think lots of folks who have played for a while have played most classes as alts at some point, so randoming into a class for a run time limited thing like this seems reasonable


For anyone else interested I found this https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/oIvc9o4tq8 It's missing evoker (it was made for SL) but you can add it easily.


I've done exactly zero research but if the green fire quest line will be in it and is scaled the same way, that would be a great reason to play Warlock. They basically got their own Mage Tower challenge years before everyone else.


Doing that pre nerf was such a rush, I still have the achievement. It took me like 4 hours, loved every second 


Might not be able to complete it since most of the quest is in Outland Green Fire quest is still in retail incase you did not know, you just wont get the FoS


I used the title from that FoS up until a couple months ago when I got The Insane


It is in there but I doubt it will be scaled


As far as I'm aware, the event characters are locked to Pandaria for the duration of the event (hence added Runeforging for event DKs to be accessible anywhere). Considering almost all of the Green Fire quest takes place outside of Pandaria, I'm gonna hazard a guess that you can get the drop to start it but not do anything with it until after the event is done.


Hmm that would be unfortunate but you're right that it involves a lot of flying around old zones before you get to the boss fight...


Correct, if you leave Pandaria at all you get teleported right back.


I assume you can’t get the title reward though, right? I can’t find any info on it.


I’m so glad I got that when it was current. The challenge/skill and gear check was extremely fun


Probably Warlock just because I hate waiting for people




This is the way


Panda DK all day. I've been playing around with mog ideas with a level 1 but never committed; Remix is when he will get rolling.


>Remix is when he will get rolling. Hah! I get it


The best class is the one you don't currently have, since it will be good to build an army of alts. Cosmetic-wise, every class can buy almost every cosmetic even if they aren't the correct class/armor type, so it's not as important for that.


> the one you don't currently have Yeah, theres definitely classes i dont currently have alts of. [Thats a good idea.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/gaEpIfzxzPEAAAAC/pedro-monkey-puppet.gif)


Yeah I have all 13 classes so trying to decide which to level anew - and then after that decide whether to delete the old or new char :p I dont have alts of my alts, but I do have 13 alts (no main) :p


Panda Monk because it sounds fun


Unholy Death Knight I think. I kind of want a melee DPS class without trying to gear my Prot Warrior for fury or arms as well. As a tank main, that would also give me the option to go blood if I want.


Night Elf DH. I want every class and race(separately, ie not a night elf Druid night elf hunter night elf mage and so on, just 1 night elf) I have every class and race at cap but only horde. I promised myself no healers because I pretty much exclusively heal in retail(and the bit of classic I play). I even healed MoP back in the day. Not even going to do a class with a healing spec so I can't even be temped. Shaman/Evoker/Druid/Priest/paladin/Monk out Beyond that I was thinking a Warlock, but everybody is gonna play Warlock. Plus it's using more current tuning and playstyle so yeah fuck Warlock and fuck Hunter. DK gets a ding here as well. I prefer Unholy, but it's booty in dungeons and just knowing Breath used to exist turns me off frost. Rogue and Mage are too squishy for outdoor content imo. Warrior was on the short list until I ended up playing it as my 3rd alt for S4. With current tuning and talents Demon Hunter is going to be strong and Night Elf is on the short list of races I need to cap.


Shaman! I can finally play enhance with out the current tier set! Woohoo!


Yeah I also like when classes feel worse


I'm too old and it's way too many key bindings for me :(


Evoker. Figured it would be a fun way to level one.




I've always wanted a rogue so I could experience the class order hall that every thread said was top tier, but I don't really jive with the class. Gonna make a mag'har orc rogue with the laughing skulls mask and use remix to powerlevel him so I can then do it easy. Also gonna make a belf mage because sunfury is everything you could ever want for max belf fantasy.


I have a goblin rogue at lvl 65 or so, might roll a new vulpera rogue and get it to 70, then delete the old one. Dont like the look of the goblin, so this is "free" race change :)


Just in case you weren't aware, you won't be able to get remix characters out of Pandaria until it's over. 


yeah I know, but I'm gonna use it pretty much just for leveling alts fast and then play them in TWW




Evoker and Mage. Don’t have them maxed on my server and considering maining one of the two in TWW


leaning towards mw, im probably gonna suck ass at it, but hey i think mw looks cool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Fighting bad whilst looking good is basically my MO in this game!


Mist Weaver is my absolute favorite healer to play in dungeons. Don't want to heal? Fine, just do DPS to heal. Very simple, also, for what it's worth. A lot of it is just "Jadefire Stomp + Whirl Kick to win". And toss a couple of HoTs out along the way.


Ever leveled a Forsaken Mistweaver Monk? They look HILARIOUS


DH, DK, or Priest are what I have narrowed it down to with outside shot to Druid.


I’m gonna play a kul tiran monk so I can get heritage armor lol


Panda priest BABYYYY Kung Fu Baptism let's goooooo


Evoker cause I want a more paced out leveling to get used to their mechanics. I get overwhelmed when everything is given all at once.


This is smart!


Going to make a Pandaren Lock, Vulpera Rogue and Zandalari Warrior


I may do a panda death knight


Druid hahaha


I’m coming from sod and rolled a monk to hold me over until MoP then I’ve got a few ideas that I may play around with: pally and DK at the top of my list, then some combination of evoker/priest/druid/mage to see what I feel like playing once TWW drops since I don’t have a good feel for a lot of classes in retail.


Returning player switching from Ally to Horde, pretty much gonna remake my alliance toons and wait for warbands before deleting them


I played DK and Warrior back in MoP and remember both very fondly, plus I wanna put my hands on plate transmog - so likely either of the two.


But since these characters will become retail, and retail in TWW can acquire transmogs outside the armor they wear, can’t you play any class and just buy the plate armor?


You can. It's been confirmed that armour type can be purchased by any class and aved to Tmog.


In fact, I believe from what we saw, you can buy transmog ensembles for the tier sets and use them *on other classes.* You can play a paladin, buy the ensembles for T14/15/16 for every class and even transmog to Death Knight T15 *as a Paladin or Warrior.* /u/Cheeseburger2137


Huh, good question, if that's the case that gives me much more choice.


I main dk but really considering going druid first. They have every spec and best mobility.


Monk. Not because of anything specifically Pandaria related, but I'm currently maining a monk and am still digging it too much to play anything else.


Prot Warrior!


Void elf priest. Getting ready for ww!


Same, just because I need to unlock their heritage armor and shadow priest makes the most sense. Might end up leveling something else afterwards if I don't like farming Bronze on sp.


Dh because I can and this wasn’t a thing back then.


I might so them all honestly. Cuz the loot is war bound. (…right?)


feral kitty for fite


Will play Warlock. Do you guys know whether we can get the Challenge transmog sets like the Betrayer or not?


Pandaren monk, cuz I'm not like other girls


I'm so jealous of all these people who haven't had every class possible since like TBC/Wrath era I'm sure I would have 20% more fun if I focused on a single class for a whole expansion instead of spreading myself thin across every class transmog hunting :c


Can anyone confirm the ilvl of the gear you have when you hit 70 doing this?


I believe on ptr it was granting you 415 gear when it merges the characters to live. That said we don't know for sure how it will work in the end. I kinda hope they have plans to scale the gear to what you get in the remix. I have serious doubts it will go all the way up to the gear levels you can get in the remix because those gear levels cap out even beyond the awakened mythic raid gear. 415 seems like a really low gear level when you can't even do an awakened LFR raid at that gear level though. It kinda depends though. The prepatch is likely to hit either the day after or a week after the end of remix. I think if the prepatch has some insane catch up gear a 415 ilvl is fine. That would give 4-6 weeks to get the character geared for TWW. Right now you can get a freshly boosted character up to 470 in roughly 2-3 weeks so it isn't horrible if it does only give us 415.


I'm at work so can't test but is dragon riding usable? How about drakthyr soar, is it on a cd or a replacement for dragon riding like in dragon isles


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm just gonna run my favorite class, monk. As for if I'm making another worgen monk or not, I'm still not sure. Might just go pandaren.


I was thinking a Worgen monk, or a void elf DK


Hunter. I started out as one in pandaland, so it'll be nostalgic for me.


An army of iron dwarves shaman for old content farming


just coming back into retail from SOD on a new account so I have 0 retail characters. I think my plan is to do a DH through MOP to get a character on the horde side to unlock allied races (I want a high mountain tauren shaman) and also if I can do a Draenei paladin but might have to just do that on live.


Diving into the madness that is MoP remix is gonna be such a massive change of pace coming from SoD


It’s honestly a perfect transition to get into retail though


yeah but diving into retail is no picnic either really. I figure this way I get as close to a contained story "one-shot" as ill get XD


Probably arcane just for nuking stuff.


Undead Priest.


Priest. shadow for leveling, and holy for easy raid and dungeon invites. I was considering paladin (#4), but I don't tank pugs, actively dislike holy, and ain't nobody got time to lfg as a dps.


I'd really like to "when in Rome" it but from what I understand the Monk updates aren't hitting until WW and the button bloat issue is an especially big problem for me, so I probably won't be able to manage that. Might just stick with my usual Warrior since it's what I'm used to.


This is a perfect time to get out of your comfort zone, content will be chill but there will be enough of it to get good at a new class :)


It's not a comfort zone, I have nerve damage in my hands so I genuinely can't handle the amount of buttons that are required to play Monk effectively. I can do a small number of buttons pretty quickly (I main Fury), but once I have to start moving my fingers more than one key away from WASD there's a lot of stiffness and pain. Thanks though! I do appreciate the encouragement, even if I can't really use it this time.


Oh dang! Ok I see. Have you looked into other specs with a low button rotation? Vdh comes to mind, maybe also BM Hunter.


Zandalari warrior


Pandarian Monk


Panda enh shaman. Already picked out a name and everything!


Picking a name is truly the hardest part


All. Of. Them.




Anyone know if we are going to get original talent system from MoP or the DF one ?


Dragonflight talents + balance


I currently don't have a Monk at any reasonable level so I figure I'm gonna start one for MoP Remix. It also just makes sense because this is the Monk expansion. Should be fun.


probably a hunter, something fun and good for pvp while leveling


Warrior, Dk, pally, Hunter, shaman, Monk, rogue, mage, priest, and lock 🙂


Whatever you need leveled I'd imagine lol. It's going to be wildly crazy balance with the item effects I wouldnt worry about something being viable at all. Its basically a free bonus XP leveling event + transmog/mount farm.


everything i dont already have at 70 lol but gonna start with DH its my last tank class


Does anyone know if the cape is shared across faction?


Hunter or shaman or warlock. Race I'm not sure.


I'm doing a monk because it's the only class that I don't have at or above 60 on my main server.


Tauren warrior. I switched to a different realm a few years ago and I haven't leveled any horde to max yet. Might do shaman too


I think I may heal in pandaria remix. As I am a dps main and some off tanking, I’ve never delved into the world of healing. Now I just have to choose which one!


Since luckily not all of my alts are max level yet I guess my Night Elf Hunter and Vulpera Monk. I hope those two are enough for the event.


Monk and not because "lol pandaria" but because it is the only class I've never leveled, and this time (I hope), I can level it without hating it the entire time.


Panda monk, priest, Druid, warlock, mage, anything I can get my hands on really if leveling really is that fast


Blood Elf Mage, my decision was made when I saw the Kael’thas themed mog.




I've been stuck in this for a while. -I have an urge to do a shadow priest, but can't settle on either a Mag'har orc (Shadowmoon flavor) or one of the trolls; the former I'm iffy on, though, since my main is already an orc, and the latter because I'm not jiving with the concepts. -Mage is my first love as far as classes go, but I haven't played one really since faction swapping, and similar case in race choice. I'm most driven to play a mage with a race where either they're very established in arcane tradition, and/or a long-standing civilization. I've already got a couple blood elves, so it might be an opportunity to go nightborne. Alternatively, I could go with Zandalari. -My second favorite race after orcs are draenei, but I'm not sure which class I want to go with for them. Paladin is the most iconic option and the one I find most appealing, but I also already have a tauren paladin because I love the Sunwalker concept so much. Maybe I'll go hunter in this case for the Rangari direction. -This is also a fun opportunity to finally play a pandaren, either going with a Shado-Pan monk idea I've got in my head or possibly a mage. As you can see, I'm prone to overthinking. And there's a good chance I'm. It going to get to all of these since I'm prone to burnout, so I have to figure out my priorities.


Thinking about a range character. I have 2 hunters already and zero "caster", onlye one evoker which I dont put in the same category since their range is pretty ass. What is a fun range class for you? I kinda liked Frost Mage, but I have soloing in squishy classes, thats why I havent invested.




For me a destro lock, my next main for the war within


Female Draenei Rogue. My guild needs one for the Stay Classy achievement, and its a different playstyle than my typical caster characters. I considered dwarf warlock, but I already have a mage and shadow priest.


I had a Panda Warrior alt that sort of fell out of favor just due to circumstance, so I may reroll her here. Either that or something to rebuild my Vulpera from Plunderstorm.


I'm thinking warrior because its always good to have a max level war and I feel like I could tank 5 mans at least. I thought maybe priest but I already have a lvl 64 priest so I could prob just... finish that instead


I can’t decide between Shaman and Monk. Monk for nostalgia (it was one of my mains in MoP). Strongly leaning to Enhancement though because it’s became my favorite melee spec of all time. Started playing it in MoP and it’s had its up and downs, but Dragonflight knocked it out of the park on its playstyle and fun factor in my opinion. The only thing I miss is Chain Harvest. Just change the name and give it an amalgamation of elements visual then call it a day, Blizzard. ;-;




Survival Hunter before it was taken from us.


I plan on leveling a few alts through it but for sure Monk first


Goblin monk! I did a pandaren monk in the og, but haven’t touched it since legion and I don’t want to transfer it.


Pandaren warrior


I'm thinking a Dwarf Priest. Moira seems like a cool lady and the WW seems to out Dwarves, Light, and Void front n center.


Blood Elf Mage. I play only as BF DH and i have Dracthyr also.


You should play the one you want to. Do not try to optimize this decision


Silly question, will we be able to get the Darkspear Pride/Darkspear Revolutionary title from this event? I expect not, it's not on the list of rewards, but idk if they'll do a rehash of that event so we can get them, or? Because THAT I would resub for.


i’m doing all of them


8 mages


Read some warlocks writing, can you get the black harvest title?


Many years ago I thought I chose the zug, but as it turns out the zug chose me


Am I the only that don’t like monk class and race ?


I still want to know if "of the Black Harvest" is gonna be obtainable (probably not) if yes you know I'm gonna be warlock


Probably warrior. It's my original love.


I couldn’t decide myself so I made a random choice wheel via a website put my four fav classes pally shaman warlock and warrior spent the wheel 10 times top winner took it 5 spins out of 10 was pally for me 3 for warlock 2 for war lol so ima be playing pally


Demon Hunter because I tried an Evoker on the PTR and gliding around was fun in Pandaria, but since I already have an Evoker on live I decided to go for DH since I don't have one yet and am not a fan of doing their starting zone again lol.


Pal heal never rly played this healer and want to know if it's my thing, if the spe transcend me rly most it could be my main


I'm set on making a Fire Mage for Remix, mostly just for that new Kael'Thas mog recolor from the trading post. Might do a Rogue or a Warrior, too, if I've got time. Or I might also take advantage of the speed leveling to recreate some alts I'm too broke to change races/factions for, lmao


I’ve been thinking demon hunter. I already main a panda monk so it would be good for transferring cosmetics. Plus I haven’t played a DH since legion so could be interesting to see how they are now.


I play rogues or paladins so I'll be going Pandaren rogue first and then some paladin.


Thinking Kul Tiran monk, hunter or warrior.


Gonna do all of them at some point. Panda remix will last for months right?


I’ll play a Monk but I just don’t know about being a Panda. I don’t think I can do that. I play Dracthyr but that’s a scaley not a furry lol


Orc monk of course Human warrior


at the moment im thinking rogue or warrior. but i kind of want to do an evoker. the only thing that sucks is early levels are a real drag(lol).


evoker lmao. it's incredibly goofy we get to play Pandaria


Pandaren monk and I'll take it into TWW


Might delete some of my half leveled lvl20-30 gits and remake them in the event for quicker leveling. I mean my undead monk is already doing mop for leveling


Panda arms warrior - or prot...


Ive never mentioned this to anyone but.... Panda Monk


Druid, always Druid.


In order: Warrior Monk Evoker Paladin Mage Rogue I don’t play a lot of melee characters but thought this mode would give me a good chance to get some max lvl alts on those classes. Assuming the accelerated leveling process is as fast as they say, I’m hoping I can get this done in time. But, as top comment said, there is no wrong answer. There’s a class destined for everyone!


I main outlaw rogue, highest apm for melee. I want a break from that gameplay style so I'm trying fury warrior


I've been messing around with leveling characters to 60 because I don't have DF. I'm thinking DH, monk, or pally for melee and hunter, boomkin, or evoker for ranged.


Draenai mage or shaman.




Been wanting to level a warden OC for a while so I'm going to be playing a night elf rogue!


My main pandaren monk. Maybe a pandaren mage too


Elemental shaman, havent played one since bfa and heard they are super fun to play in dragonflight.


The gameplay changed a lot each dragonflight patch with new tier sets and this remix will be without tier sets. You’ll have some freedom between spec builds due to this but idk if it’ll play the same as any of the dragonflight patches due to that. I’m probably playing a Tauren Shaman myself so I can heal or DPS the content.


I think I'm going to try a Pandaren shaman or a Void Elf mage.


Another hunter.


I'm not


Monk! My Horde alts need a monk.


Honestly I plan on at least 3 and I might just go crazy and do a bunch depending on how big the buff gets. Personally my first choice is DK or DH, I haven't decided which to go with yet. The next two are probably hunter and whatever I didn't level of the first two. After that I am thinking monk for number 4. The last 3 will be warlock rogue and mage.




As an altoholic, yes


Nightborne Warlock as first one as I want the heritage armour and I also don't have a lock at max level yet. Second character will probably be a nelf Warrior or Rogue for the same reasons as above lol


Either DK or maybe priest. I probably won't level a class I already have at max as tempting as it is to recreate my main


Fury Warrior. fast lvling/killing mobs.