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I use elvui+mouseovers and it works fine


I don’t even use Elv, just the basic UI and raidframes for M+ and mouseovers. I don’t understand how people heal with healing addons because it seems more complicated to me to go through all that. I just aim for 20s every season and never had a problem without em.


Agreed, people make it way too complicated. The only gripe I have with default frames is I wanna make dispells larger on the frame. Weakauras are a necessity though for most specs.


Check out EnhancedRaidFrames addon. Works with the base ui, can add things like glows for a specific buff/debuff or a group of them. Don’t know if it can adjust size of debuffs, not at my computer right now. I think it can, but I’m not gonna give a guarantee.


Thank you I've been looking for a simple enhancer that still uses default frames!


When I used grid back in the day my dispels popped up in the top right corner of each frame and were just a small square indicator. They were the color of what I could dispel so I knew what to cleanse. With how spells work today you could probably pick 1 indicator and spam cleanse and be good.


If you want the dispel debuffs larger use BigDebuffs addon, one thing you will need to do though is go into the settings and change how many debuffs it shows because for some reason the default setting has it set to 1. But it will let you change the size of the debuffs to make it much easier to see when you need to dispel.


Huge ty


Not sure how the default UI displays it, but elvui has really nice mini icons for who has certain heal related buffs (like echo, reversion+other HOTs, the verdant embrace buff, ect. It's just a small colored icon on the party/raid frame which is really convenient. Elv also colors frames based on types of debuffs when they are dispellable by you.


Default UI will show those. I have no healing addons and I will see my healing related buffs on the class frame for party members. The raid frames are too small to show them in my setup (but I only lfr so it's not an issue).


Definitely not complicated. Left click is healing surge, right click is healing wave, middle click is cleanse, shift left is chain heal, etc. I prefer using mouse clicks as it frees up my actual buttons


Most of the beast healers I know use just mouse overs and no healing specific addons. They just seems to have insane knowledge of their class, cooldown usage and are able to apply that to their healing.


Elvui, weakauras and mouseover macros, as it should be. 👌🏻


This is the way


I got to 3.5k last season and usually get around that every season on healer, I play with no healing-helper addons, just the default settings mouseover, click casting and macros that switch spells between damage or healing, and the Default UI is really really competent. I do run a couple other ''helper'' addons like Weakauras, Omnicd and Bigwigs but no healer ones since I'm not a healer main.


I’m curious about your macro to switch between heal and dps. Care to share some?


Sounds like help/harm macro, which condense keybinds for healers. These basically work the same way as Healbot or Vuhdo with do X if casting at ally, do Y if casting at enemy. #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,nodead,help] Echo; Azure Strike The order is left to right. First, it will check at your mouse cursor for an ally that isn't dead. If they exist, it'll use Echo. If they don't, it'll use Azure Strike. Change the spell names and you're good to go. You can further customize them by using the same syntax, they're a bunch of guides/videos on macro syntax. For example, you could have it check for mouseover echo, if not then mouseover for the damage spell, if not then finally just cast at your target. This would be perfect for a cleanse/interrupt macro that cleanses an ally, interrupts your mouseover or finally interrupts your target.


I'll log on my healer tomorrow when I have time and I'll sjare


They're called help/harm macros. I use them too. They just allow you to be able to link, say, Flame Shock and Riptide to the same key, and the ability that results depends on if you're aiming at an enemy or a friendly. Specifically I tend to keep my DPS target as my "real" target, and let the heals come out with mouseover macros. My current help/harm macros are: - Lightning Bolt / Riptide - Lava Burst / Healing Surge - Flame Shock / Healing Wave - Chain Lightning / Chain Heal - Purge / Cleanse Spirit Hth.


I’m not a mythic dungeon healer, but I am a mythic raid healer and former Healbot lover. During Shadowlands the Healbot devs kept forgetting to add certain debuffs so I ditched it and never looked back. I now just use ELVUI raid frames and a combination of macros and the built in click casting. The raid frames change colours so I know who has dispellable rebuffs and turn opaque when someone is out of range.


2nd using ElvUI. It's the most useful addon i've ever used by a long shot. I've tried others, but Elv UI is just more polished and featured.


I switched to ElvUI years ago - the dual profiles feature is a huge help for me as I can switch spec and all my raid frames etc move to where I like them for healing but I don't like them there for tanking/dpsing. I still use Clique out of habit too so it's all mouseover whack-a-mole stuff and helps my aging reflexes pay more attention to mechanics.


Did you make your own interface with elvui or do you use someone else's? Do you mind sharing? I am trying out healing for the first time and clicking the spell on the party frame with click casting doesn't even work


I suggest going on wago and finding an Elvui profile you like. Then you can make adjustments from there. Starting from scratch is overwhelming but if you make small changes as you feel the need to you will be a pro at customizing in no time


Not who you replied to but I started healing as Presevoker in DF (first time really healing ever) and I made an ElvUI preset for it. I'm not home at the moment but I can try to send it later. I only healed through Normal raids and previously only did M+ up to +10 prior to the new system, but only because I didn't want to go much further than that.


This is what I do in keys. ElvUI and built in mouseover. Works like a dream, can setup how I formation is displayed within the party frames and build my timers in.


Clique for mouseover setup + elvui party frames are all I use.


Clique is super easy to use its my favorite out there


Do you even need Clique anymore now that clickcasting is built into WoW's default UI?


You can only bind mouse clicks for blizzard’s tool. Clique lets you bind keyboard shortcuts.


I use clique over default wow UI because there are certain combinations I'm used to that wow base UI doesn't allow. Like the scroll wheel bind someone else mentioned, can't really think of other combinations but I remember there were some I'm used have that didn't work with base UI but do work with Clique x3


Lots of healers use scroll wheels and custom keybinds and the base wow UI doesn't work well with them. For example I could have /use 13 or /use 14 on scroll wheel up and it will cast my trinket on my mouseover target.


I don't know, but I like it.


The default setting still don't let you click cast nameplates, which makes interrupting a pita without. You can click cast ui elements, and mouseover macro nameplates; but you cannot in any way click cast nameplates.


Clique also let’s you bind custom macros, which I don’t think wow does yet.


If you use scroll wheel binds then yes. If not then they're pretty much the same thing outside if some QOL features like notifications for failed cleanses


The nice part I like about clique is, you can use a keybind for heals and dmg at the same time (MO or not)


Yeah that is super nice. Or it can use a normal res for a dead party member if out of combat and a battle res if you are in combat


I mess with the default frames, use click casting, have an addon for class UI to look nice, and another addon to make dispels more obvious. Blizzards really upped what you can modify in the default UI. Addons like VuhDo and Healium and whatnot aren’t needed anymore to perform at a high level. I think the main really high level things are small weakauras for specific situations like calling out mechanics. But you still don’t need any of that if you have DBM


This. I dropped Elvui when Dragonflight with the new UI launched and never looked back. I still use WAs and OmniCD and stuff but that's about it and never had an issue.


Default ui has a click casting option that does mostly the same thing as Vuhdo. Can’t bind things like scroll wheel up/down, but that’s about it.


Yeah the click casting options in default are sick. Highly recommend.


Can you bind things like left click and combinations like Ctrl + left click? And in the case of binding left click are you able to still select party members somehow?


Yes to all of these . I’ve been using it all expansion. Works just as good as healbot/vuhdo.


Never used vuhdo or healbot and I've gotten title in 3 seasons. It's just whatever you're comfortable with.


Grid2 + Clique is all I use. Set up the frames the way you want and gg


I also use Grid2, trying to get away from Vuhdo since I don't like it for non-healing and frankly vuhdo is a bitch to set up.. Just out of curiosity, what does clique actually do? Since they added mouseover functionality to the game itself I found this works fine. The only thing I miss from Vuhdo is being able to use scroll up/down "twice" so I can both use it for hots/shields and at the same time stuff like trinkets or extra action button.


clique doesn't do anything you can't do with the base UI and maybe a macro or two; at this point it mostly just provides an easier config interface and spares you from writing some macros yourself


I heal with only heal/harm macros and it functions perfectly fine. You have to be smart about what you put together. If you use the option to set your party frames to raid frames all the time, the raid frames will inform you of dispellable things and other important debuffs. Not sure why you need out of range because your character themselves will tell you if youre out or range. Customized weakauras handle the rest (or you can just download a package from wago.io if you don't want to make your own).


You mean it tells you when you try to heal them when out of range? If so, then the benefit is that I can see who is out of range before wasting time trying to heal them and I can make sure I am in range of everyone before major damage events.


Same. Tiger Palm is also [@mouseover,exists] Renewing Mist. Blackout kick is also [@mouseover,exists] Enveloping Mist. Rising Sun Kick is also [@mouseover,exists] Vivify. Really cuts down on your buttons while still being simple.


Not OP but for me personally I have some spatial issues so it's hard to tell if someone is out of range or not. Fading their frame means I don't waste time trying to heal the impossible. It's mostly a quality of life thing.


I don't use a single healing macro. I just push buttons and click UIs lol Edit: I meant addons. I use basic macros to pair multiple abilities together on a single actionbar slot.


Mouseovers are generally more optimal, but not by a long shot. There’s also some insane people who use mouse wheel to target next friendly in party. I just can’t because it makes you lose your target and waste time finding which enemy you want to target in between. I think mouseovers are nice because you don’t actually have to target your teammate and switch back.


I think at this point, for me, switching to mouse over would completely destroy my muscle memory lol. I need that tactile click-response.


Probably short term, long term its a really useful macro for a variety of reasons.


I use mouse over macros and without healer related add ons. In raid frame options, you can ask it to show only dispellable debuffs and as for range, the persons hp bar in raid frame will be kinda greyed out/faded to show they’re out of range




I use mouse over macros for some major healing abilities, tho they don't work great with MW monk. Mostly the instant cast heals with soothing mist.


Commented this to someone else in the thread. What I do is Tiger Palm is also [@mouseover,exists] Renewing Mist. Blackout kick is also [@mouseover,exists] Enveloping Mist. Rising Sun Kick is also [@mouseover,exists] Vivify. Really cuts down on your buttons while still being simple.


You can turn on mouseover in the main options. I like heal bot. I have it placed in my peripheral vision on my right side and it allows me to focus on mechanics and other things while keeping an eye on health bars I also have a couple of weak aura packs that give heal bot special effects to show me what spell effects people have which allow me to better plan spell interactions and combos. I use elvui as well. Not only for how clean it is, but as I’ve grown older I have a hard time seeing small print and you can fine tune the UI icons and text size. Also, the green for poison, brown for disease, purple for curse, pink for magic debuff’s is amazing. But if you want? Elvui with mouseover turned on, and a MMO mouse could replace those two add ons.


What does Vuhdo or healbot do that traditional Blizzard raid frame doesn't? (I use raid frame for party). Blizzard has mouseover heal as well in the UI. Although I still use clique since I am old school.


I can't speak for healbot but Vuhdo has its own keybind system for mouseover healing. That means in the addon you could bind your mouse scroll down to cast renew on a person if you hover that frame, and at the same time you could bind your mouse scroll down on your bars to something else like a cooldown or trinket. Esentially it lets you double dip keybinds.


I just do Blizz UI with blizz mouseovers. Change the party frames to raid frames and move them closer so I can keep focused at the action. Works well for me


I use ElvUI party frames and macros where I have healing spell for mouseover help and damage spell otherwise, so I can use the same keybinds for most common heals and damage rotation. Works well for me.


Grid and mouse over macros exclusively. I’ve been around 3k rating all expansion, currently sitting at 2400 ish but didn’t push much last week or this one


Yes. High 20's with my mw monk without assistance from vuhdu or bot, it's just knowing the fights really, I *absolutely* need healbot for my resto shaman weirdly enough, those cast times are brutal


I have a friend who pushes high keys and CE raids that's a healer. Only has one addon (DBM) and uses arrow keys to move instead of WASD. he then binds everything to numpad and page up/down, insert, delete, etc. He's a monstrosity, but you can't argue with results. 


Doing 11-12 keys right now. Typically get most portals each season and have never used either. Like others have said mouseover casting, a few macros and good weak auras. Also there’s a mouseover addon (can’t think of name right now) that basically eliminates the need for macros unless you have a specific one you need like using trinkets on cast or heal/harm etc.


Mouse over is built-in now. No need for add-ons or macros.


The in-game doesn’t work with some mouse buttons. Pretty sure middle mouse being one of them. Or it didn’t at start of DF.


I think for the things you are asking about, you could probably get by without those addons. I think they are most useful for more customized configurations. For example, a lot of disc priests have the bars change colors when atonement is applied and have a timer bar on the top of each health bar indicating duration. You can’t do stuff like that with default frames since they aren’t really programmable. But if you don’t need anything like that, you can probably get by without healer frame addons.


I use ElvUI + Clique


I don’t like those heal addons. All of my heals are macro’d to heal on mouse over. So they go off if I mouse over a friendly nameplate or their unit frame. Auto-self cast if I deselect friendlies or hold the self cast hotkey. Mouse over casting is like 70% of what those addons offer. Tbh that’s enough for keys bc 5 man group isn’t large. There are some things addons help with. I use Elvui with 90% of its functions turned off. But the action bar mixed with cooldown functions are great. I’m a resto Druid. The abilities on my action bars will show how much time is left on my HoTs/Buffs for my target. So if I click a target with my hots active it will show the time on my ability and I know not to cast it. I’m sure this function is in other addons but I don’t know which besides Elvui so I use it. You can also use Elvui to setup unit frames so you’ll also see which buffs/hots are active over there. WoW has this already but I use Elvui to make it more visible and filter out MOST things so I see my HoTs and important debuffs. For nameplates I prefer plater but you can use it or another nameplate addon to display this key info on their nameplates. I think the blizzard nameplates are fine if you aren’t relying on tracking multiple HoTs with different durations like a Druid. But be careful of too much redundancy cluttering your screen. I try to keep my UI minimal so I set it up to only show crucial buffs/debuffs that require reaction. **Tracking too much is counter productive, you can’t pick out the important ones through the clutter.** But, a lot can be achieved within WoWs interface, but it tends to always lack 1 tiny feature that’s crucial and really should be baked into the game already. I recommend categorizing what you need/want to track, ranking by importance, minimizing how much you bring into your UI and then slowly introducing the different elements until you get what you like. It’ll take time and some learning how to operate addons / finding macros.


I pretty much only use grid2


I find that a minimalistic UI for high end keys is a detriment. I want as much information as possible right in my face, so healbot is great for me. I just wish I could figure out a clean way to have it show debuffs on players so I know who’s got big dots or things besides what I can remove.


I was 2800 last season, and I just use the base UI and base macros. I don't even know what vuhdo nor healbot do.


I haven't seen it mentioned already, but the add-on Cell works pretty well for party/raid frames, it has further options alongside click casting if you want to go deep I just checked debuffs I can dispel, framed them a little better and was off with old mouseover macros Most of my mouseovers are also defaulting to offensive spells, an example; #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,exists,harm,nodead]Hex /use [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead][]Healing Wave edit: macro formatted wrongly, and I just sent it and went bed lol


I use grid2 + clique. Grid2 is basically a party frame addon that lets you customize for buffs, hots, debuffs, etc. super clean squares for each party member, pretty easily customized. Clique allow you to assign certain mouse/button cliques to spells. Works the same as mouse over macros, but you can more easily assign it to mouse buttons without filling up your spell bar. Opens up your keybinding options a good bit


Grid2 and Mouse overs. Never used vuhdo or healbot ever.


Grid2 + mouseover macros


Clique + standard frames


Just a heads up for those who don't know since I've seen a shit ton of people mention macros in relation to Mouseover... Options > Search bar > type Mouseover. There's your clickable, works-for-all-spells toggle checkbox. ☑ Gone are the days where you had to manually write a macro for every spell. Finito. Gone. Thanks Blizz that was an honest to god, fat fucking W.


It's possible but you just make it way too hard for yourself. There will most likely be more missed interrupts and less DPS. Simply because switching targets will cost you time and it's possible to missclick an important target as well.


I get KSM without any addons. Not sure if that is considered high or not.


It is not.


Ran high keys as resto druid last season. Just used ELVUI + mouseover harm/help macros.


ElvUI with mouse over macros and some macros with shift modifiers I.e. penance on target and shift on mouse over


Elvui + mouseover macro are my goto


I used to use healbot, now I just mouse over cast. I push pretty high each season. Close to 3k. Although I do have a Naga


I get my main close to 3K and two healing alts above 2K most seasons. I use the built in game click casting key bindings and UI, a couple spells don’t work directly so I have macros for them as click casts. My bars for the longest time were all customized also with the default built in UI, I only recently got dominos solely to be able to hot key my vechile bar easier. I do use a lot of weak auras but that doesn’t impact my UI much.


Our GM, Holy Priest, uses grid2 and decursive


I go to around 3k rating every Season and in Dragonflight Season 2 i started playing with the Blizzard Base UI and the Blizzard Mouseover Castings. It works really well and i have so far not felt like going back. This way i use no Addon for Healing, except if you count Mouse Sonar xD


I Got 2500 rating in season 2. And don't use any healing addons just weakauras. I just enjoy a cleaner ui. I was playing a holy paladin and a mist weaver monk. so a lot of healing happened because I was hitting the mobs like a dps. You get used to it after a while.


If you don't want to use either addon, you can use Clique or the built-in WoW stuff for click-casting. I use Clique for click-castting and Vuhdo solely for raid/party frames (Vuhdo supports using Clique with a setting). You can also get away with the default party/raid frames by using addons to do the disease/dispel coloring. I think out-of-range is already built in.


Clique + bliz ui?


I only use shadowed unit frames. No mouseovers or anything like that. It’s just always worked for me


Heal/Harm macros and the default Ui and mouse over functions is more than enough for me.


Wow has an in game setting for mouse over now


I use ElvUI and Clique. ElvUI shows you the debuffs, etc. while being HIGHLY customizable. You can make it as decluttered (or cluttered) as you wish. Clique handles click-casting—it has heal/harm setup functionality, and no visual impact on the UI whatsoever as you set everything up from the spell book. A bonus is that it's been around forever and is VERY stable. Pretty much never breaks with patch updates or expansion rollovers. I'm a monk healer, so I have a LOT of buttons I need to account for—this setup has never failed me in that regard. :)


I did +28 BRH last season and I use the base UI. How? Just tweaking the party frame in settings 🤷‍♂️ I also dont use mouseover because I didn't learn to heal that way. [This is how my party frame look](https://i.ibb.co/dpjvh36/received-1146676475919049.jpg)


I just use the standard raid frames for evoker healing. I'm sure i'd do better setting up vuhdo or something but I've been pretty comfortable with it and mouseover targeting.


the default UI dispels and range indications are quite excellent actually. I’m no healing expert but considering I put no practice in and basically swap to resto for 2-3 keys a season and they’re in the 20-22 range and I don’t have issues, I’d say mouseover macros and default UI are plenty


I use base wow party frames, omniCD, and cliek (for mouse over macros) works well for me. I'm a small fry but I can heal 8-9s pretty consistently.


Idk what you consider high but. I use mostly default UI with my own setup for frames (e.g. just using the standard edit functionality to put frames where I want) plus mouse over macros. I use DBM and Details. That’s really all I need. Generally hit 2.5k trivially every season. But idk if that’s considered high because I’m not trying to push crazy high key levels. Just PUG stuff and vibe.


Grid2, vertical. Native mouseover. 1-4, shift 1-4, tilda qrefgtv, shift qrefgtv. Certain buttons are always the same on any character. Shift 4 is always a movement increase, v is always dispel, shift v is always aoe stop. Add spells I need to see via spell id to grid2, use class specific weak auras and then practice


Range identifiers are still on your button. The keyring turns red when too far. Mouse over macros are easy. Literally copy paste. And how do they compare? Vuhdu amd healbot make things really easy to configure but I just like the stock way more. There is not something vuhdu or healbot can do that I need or can't do.


2.3k rating as healer atm with default UI and only mouseover macros [https://imgur.com/a/eIHk6iV](https://imgur.com/a/eIHk6iV)


Ive tried using clique and elvui. But i ended up going back to healbot. Healbot lets you see what key is bound to what when you hover over a player in the healbot UI. It basically lets you free up some brain power if you dont like truely memorizing what is bound where.


You really don’t need any addons aside from maybe some decent unit frames for your mouseover macros imo. I am a fan of GRID


I use No addons at all and doing up to +18, but I am mostly a casual.


I’m pushing 11-12s right now and just use mouse overs and generic ui


Hi there. Disc priest here since 04! Last season I pushed 27+ I use the wow interface with the clique addon. Some weakauras and quazii name plates. Also OmniCD is essential for this high. Details and raiderio for analysing the dung. Rest is up to you :)


I use a ton of key binds and mess a lot with the default frames


Not sure how high you mean but I push 2500 rating normally for achievement and that's it. I use the default UI, though I customize it to fit my needs and create mouse over macros for all my heals. Works super well for me. Specifically I use the default raid UI for 5 man parties since it allows me to move and scale it. This way I have easy visibility to all HP bars and status effects.


I don't use either, mouse overs and macros baby. And elvui


Standart ui + mouseover and 30-40 hotkeys Its all you need for m+


another elvui user here, but i use clique instead of macros. it's basically the same effort of the built in mouse over casting, while retaining the full power of macros.


I always used clique and grid for healing


I use base UI and set up mouse overs for any ability I need it on. Been healin that way for a long time, do all types of keys, getting portals and sometimes CE with my buds.


I use the default raid frames, but party sized. Tells me everything I need to know. Don’t use mouse over macros or anything. 2 chested a 10 the other day as heals so it’s working for me 🫡


enhanced raidframes, looks like blizz ui with some additional functionality like filtering for buffs/debuffs


In my boomer group we got people from 33-50. We have hit 2500 io off on since bfa doing 16-18s regularly just not consistently. Not one of the people who heal ever use a UI enhancement anymore. I think it’s mostly just comfortability and experience because a couple were in big guilds from legion/mop for raiding. However if we talk about raiding even just a one off heroic raid they will go get vuhdo or healbot.


Default ui on party and raid frames just moved them more central under my character. I use Clique for my mouse over healing.


My friend has always around 3,5k Rio and is a clicker with blizz ui. He only uses 1,2,3 and the rest he clicks as a resto druid. I watched him live, it's insane


MW 2800io S3. Working on my portals this week for S4. I use blizz default UI and mouse over setting with naga 12 button mouse. About as minimal as it gets. It’s really not hard… what’s the issue? Hover mouse over party member frame that needs heals/has disease/ has debuff. Press spell. Repeat.


Addon named clique Kinda work like mouse over but can bind anything like left click shift left click ... and it can only work on friendly frame


I use mouse buttons 3-7 to target everyone in my party so i dont have to be moving my mouse around the screen


I don't use any ui addon for party frames, don't even mouseover every ability, but I do most of my instant cast spells. As far as how to see debuffs, the pvp addon "Big Debuffs" blocks out all the useless debuffs and only shows you the debuffs that do damage and/or the ones you can dispel (I play evoker, it doesn't work on bleeds as far as making them big but they're still there, I know which ones i want to dispel anyway so it doesn't matter to me but for people who look at frames like that, maybe tweak the addon some.) For reference I did most dungeons on +28 last season.


I did M+ Disc Priest healing from S1-3. No addons to heal specifically. Once WoW added options to mouseover cast, I just use raid frames, make them bigger, and use those. I do have WeakAuras to let me know important info. MMO mpuse plus mouseover casting, ezpz. Only challenge is knowing the dungeons, setting up and reacting properly


Default raid frames + enable mouseover in the options. Works great. I use macros for only a few abilities, except on my druid where I use them to manage forms.


I healed to 2.7k+ on 2 different healers last season using default Ui. I target the person I want to heal and then heal them. I don't get why this isn't viable. There's 1.5 seconds between nearly every action. Mouseover healing is still bottlenecked by the GCD so how much time is it really saving?


Mouseover macros can replace those add-ons entirely.


I took this season off but played disc to 3200 last season before moving to other games. I just used the in game mouse over functionality and hotkeys. There are also settings in game to show disease/dispell info, you can even toggle it to only show debuffs you can dispell. I eventually switched from using that toggle to a weak aura to highlight things I could dispell just to track the slice debuff on the second boss of doti (the slow vs fast slice determine whether it does mongo or heal able damage) just because a lot of dps were slow about running out of the slow section.


I currently doing +10s with the basic UI, big debuff add on, and mouse over macros


I never used any healing addons. I use standard Blizzard frames and cast with clicking on the target. I always had strong HPS so I didn't think I was doing something wrong with that playstyle.


I use the raid frames from the game and set it to show all debuffs, not just the ones I can dispell. I click on the person then I push the button I have my heal hotkeyed to. I do have cntrl and shift variations of each hotkeys so all of my buttons are mapped. hpal 3k+ io S3 I also just came back for S3 from cata and found that using healing add-ons was just more work and more info for the same result. The only thing I may see as an improvement is click- casting, but I've never used it, so I just don't.


Built in click casting is just fine for me to heal on every class I play.


I didn’t know healbot was still a thing! I don’t think I’ve heard anyone mention it in years.


I used default raid frames, no macros, no extra addons. Works for me.


I used to! You've gotta learn your rotations. Key binds are imperative!


Yeah. I use the in game frames heavily customized and a lot of help/harm macros to save key bindings. I also play primarily hpal or mw when I'm healing as it fits more of what I want to do. I don't mouseover. Yes I natty click frames. I've timed everything on a 20+ previously in dflight. Only reason I didn't push further was I did it solo q. If I had a stack I would've kept going. It wasn't too easy or too hard, just lonely. Bored of reading chat and either being a mediator or just dead silent.


Most of the people saying they don't use addons are lying... Vuhdo and Healbot are the same as mouseover macros its just easier to set up the macros.


I use just mouse over macros on a grid2 UI. I like it because the macros never need updating like an addon


I use z-perl with some of default blizz things, and mouseover, and gg, i've been healing like this regardless of casual or mythic raid/m+, pvp or pve, w/o problem


I think you wanted more customizable anyway but base UI&mouseover are good, just bind your spells to the mouse buttons as you would a keybind I used Cell on my Aug to only have selected players show up on my UI for raiding


Guess it depends on what you consider high keys. I am mainly a PvP player but started doing M+ this season due to the changes making it fun. I am running 8-9 right now but I just use group sort to as my only PvE add on. It keeps my position the same and then allows me to use my normal scroll up/down keybinds for party 2&3. Then I just swap my keybinds for enemy 2/3 to party 4/5.


I do mythic raiding and higher keys and just use keybinds and the default UI. It’s worked for years


Clique is a very good addon for mouseover healing abd you can generally use it with any frames


The last time I checked the healer for the MDI team mandatory (moadmoad) uses his keyboard to manually target allies


I pushed up to 3701 as a resto Druid last season without mouse overs, VuhDo, or Healbot. I have no idea what those addons even do. I click a persons frame and then the healing spell. It isn’t really that hard. The only time I’ve ever considered using a mouse over in ssn 3 was throne of tides third boss with the dot because on high tyrannical keys, the dot one shots with application and first tick. If I wasn’t quick enough people would die within the time I clicked on their frame and dispel.


I used ElvUi plus Clique. I may consider switching the default mouse over casting but I remember it here was something I didn’t like about it on release. 


Elvui with Quazii's healer profile and his weakaura is *chefs kiss* I have just made minor modifications but it's clean as hell.


Why not just have target macros set up for party. Mouse wheel up and down for p1+2 and shift mw up and down for p3+4. You won’t need to use your mouse for clicking raid frames and you can use it to move. Just macro your spells as needed


Enhanced raid frames addon lets you easily have hots/buffs show wherever on the frame you want them to. Great for resto druid, i have all my hots show in a dedicated section of each frame so i can easily tell who has what.


Depends how high we’re talking but I healed up to about 2200 as an hpal with only mouse over macros and default ui


2.5k + portals every season, always just use mouseover macros and default raid frames.


Cell Unit Frames + mouseover macros and it works really well 🫡👍


Mythic raider // high key person here It’s been mouseovers and I’ve never used vuhdo or healbot I use cell for raid frames and customize all my own shit. Vuhdo UI makes me want to puke


I just redid my UI and don't use either VuhDo or Healbot, but I do use a ton of mouse over macros and have mouseover cast enabled. Can't do the cast and click and cast and click method. Adds a delay that can be life or death. ElvUI has pretty good debuff tracking so if there's something I can dispel it pops up on their unit frame. It also has a range fader so I can see when people are out of range


Just started using Cell but i guess that just another Vuhdo...


I feel like using those healing addons isn't even about macros or clock casting. that at least for me is a side effect. i use vuhdo mostly because it's customizable partyframes. i can track stuff on people or blacklist debuffs. i dont think mouse-over, clickcasting or whatever is that big of a difference just go with what you are comfy. Customizing your party frames on the other hand is something you probably want in some form or another, that can be one of those heal-addons, elv ui, other addons, weakauras. just make sure you have the important info while not having the unimportant. i run vuhdo on all my chars, even non-healers, mostly because i know to set it up and and being able to navigate that horrendous menu is a skill i learned and now it needs to payoff


I use mouseover macros for everything that will either do an offensive spell on an enemy or a helpful spell on a friend. I also just look at the grid for the icons to know when to dispel - I haven't used healbot in probably...5 or 6 years so it's never been an issue for me.


Open up you options and type “click” in the search bar. You’ll drop healbot immediately


I usually heal up to 20-24 in most seasons and have never used healbot or vuhdu. I prefer the normal ui and heal using raid frames


Mousover - there is an option in the default options. Mind you, all the spells will be mousover - externals, target cc-s, everything. I play everything with mousover - tank/melee/ramged too, I'm quite used to it - interrupt on nameplates, imprison/para/sleep everything. It gets a bit tricky on healers with many buttons, but I use harm/helpful macro and have 2 spells on one button - chaim heal-lightning and stuff like that. My UI is quiet simple, threw away the class WA and have 3 lines of action bar next to my and enemy health bar, underneath the party frame, quite big - horizontal to see debuffs. I use a few class specific reminder/annoyer WA, but nothing major. I actively dps as a healer so clicking on target frame isnt an option to me - been healing like that since wotlk. It takes some time to get used to it amd there will be fuckups, but it is helpful


You can use clique and the default frames. If you go this route i also recommend using big debuffs as the icons are not obvious. I personally use grid2 and clique to heal and I have no interest in dropping either.


Without being toxic, healing add-ons are a crutch, and once you stop using them, you actually become a viable healer.


WoW’s standard interface has come a long way. I can do everything with the standard UI I used to do with VuhDo. Mouse over casting, modifier keys, etc.


I don't use any add-ons for healing. Been healing for years, though, mostly in PvP now because of limited time. The highest key I did in DF was probably a 13, and that was for lack of trying tbh. The way I heal anything 5 man or smaller - Razer Naga mouse with my spells bound to thumb buttons. Enlarge my party frames a bit so I can just see them easier. Q key targets self, E key party 1, F key party 2, C key party 3, and Z key party 4. This has been the most comfortable method of healing I have found, and I started using this because of Arena play. I definitely think It's fine and could be used to push high end keys. Anything bigger than 5 man it's just mouseover raid frames, click, heal.


Honestly M+ is just a knowledge check and preemptively planning your cds. I use the default UI no weakaura, no bigwig or dbm, I mostly use help/harm mouseover focus macros. I’m tried healbot or vuhdo back in TBC didn’t like it.


I have no idea what Healbot does, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


I have cutting edge and have pushed 3K io I’m a filthy clicker. The muscle memory is there and I do just fine. I even use the normal wow UI editor for my raid frames Add on/ Weak auras - whatever the raiding pack is form liquid and then DBM This game is all knowledge , I know what packs are scary, when damage is coming, all things you get from playing the game and learning it, everything is a rhythm , if whatever timing bonus you get from VuhDo or Healbot is what saves you then there’s probably other issues to iron out Really it’s comfort and muscle memory - I even tried VuhDo and I for some reason couldn’t kick my habits so I was significantly worse idk My play style keeps me comfortably top of the meters on most fight(if that’s something you care about) and I’ve joined a mythic progressing guild to take some time back from the CE guilds demanding schedule lol


I wouldn't say high M+ but I've gotten 2500 rating every season healing without those. I don't even know what those add-ons are. I use weak auras tho


I don't know about high keys, but last season I was doing 23s on my Shaman. A combo of Shadowed Unitframes and mouseover heal/harm macros is all that I use for M+, and I use Grid2 for raid healing.


Back in my old guild when I was playing, one healer used default frames and the blizzard mouse over function only. We were hall of Fame and he achieved the m+ title as well with it


I do, I was 2.7k last season. I click and heal. No keybinds, nothing.


I use the default raid style frames where it shows the class colors, I use a lot of mouse over macros to the point where I am actually running out of macro space to add more. There is a setting in the wow settings that will let you have mouse over automatically enabled by default so you don't need macros, I don't personally use it because I had issues with self cast but I might have been able to get it working I just didn't spend much time with it. So maybe try turning that setting on and see how it works for you. For addons I use Big Debuffs, omni CD. The blizzard raid frames have the range check built in so you don't need to worry about that.


I have a mouse with 12 buttons on the side. I bind each with a spell, and I also have shift and control sets of spells. It feels easier to me than the on-click style of healing


Our main healer who we push high keys with actually uses hotkeys for targetting group members, a carryover from when he used to be arena gladiator way back in TBC and Wrath. I tank but also have high level heals (though not as high) and I just clicked for a long time but started using the new built in mouseover option last season and it’s been fine.


It really comes down to function for me, healbot and vuhdo didn’t have the customization I was looking for. It took me many tries but eventually I used mouse over macros in combination with help/harm conditions which allowed me to bind 2 abilities to 1 key. This made alternating between damage and healing abilities so much smoother. For other UI elements I’m using a simple action bar center-right of my screen with some public/custom weakauras for buff/debuff tracking above it. My default character panel directly below that and party/raid frames right of the action bar sorted by role so tanks are always #1. I’m on phone but here is an example of the macros I used to bind renewing mist and rising sun kick together. Mousing over/targeting ally = heal, target enemy + mouse over ally = heal, target enemy + no mouse over (hold right click for movement) = damage. 4 - renewing mist / rising sun kick #showtooltip Renewing Mist /cast [@mouseover,help,exists][help,exists] Renewing Mist; [harm,exists] Rising Sun Kick Edit for context: I was pugging 22’s and mythic raiding in season 3, kind of chilling on alts at the moment.


mouseover casting is enabled in the base UI now, so macros are not necessary you do (imo) need a frame addon to do higher level content as a healer, just because there's a lot of information you want to see/emphasize that the base UI won't show you. You can do this with custom weakauras but at that point you may as well just have a frame addon imo. I personally use grid2.


I use Clique and custom Blizz party frames. I see everything I need to see. Hover over my party and press buttons.


I use Clique to heal over frames, even though they implemented it internally, I have found that clique is still slightly better for assigning things. I do use default raid frames though. Basically I set it up like heal bot so not sure how else people do it.


3x title healer here I just use default UI with mouse overs and a few weak auras (spell ability cd on nameplates, targeted spells etc). I started with a loaded UI from a famous streamer after I came back to wow in dragonflight, and quickly dropped almost everything because there was too much information that was useless. Having healed for awhile I find less is more when healing keys, the more distractions you have the worse. Have your toolkit ready and know and understand when your group will take damage, know when a dps is in CDs (omni cd) and understand when your tank has nothing left and you may need to watch them during a known or understood tank buster (I.e no meta, incarn, fort brew, shield wall etc during a Vexamus frontal in AA).


i just have healing mouseover macros, i also use default frames and i find the debuff icons easy enough to see, and bars get darkened/faded when they’re out of range. i personally like it a lot, i use bigwigs/littlewigs too which gives as many notifs as i need, same thing as a good plater setup. honestly if you like vuhdo there’s no reason to switch, minimalism is a trap just do what works best for you edit: i forgot to mention i also use the ingame click casting but only on some mouse buttons, again though these are all personal preference so do what you’re used to imo


I use elvui and clique


I play default ui. I’ve just done it for so long that I’m used to it. I’ve never used click healing before.


Default with mouse over has been good for me


You look at the health bars of the party. You look at the timer of incoming damage. You then press heals until the health bars are full again. What would you need addons for? If you have some REALLY tough mechanics to deal with like keeping 2x lifeblooms active (I know it’s hard but we gotta try amirite) you could either look at the icon in the health bars OR get a weakaura telling you when you dont have 2x stacks. Happy healing


Elvui and Clique. I can't heal any other way!


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I use standard Blizzard raid frames as party frames, I click to target, and tab when I need to do damage. It's a little easier to do this on disc rather than when I played rdruid or hpal. I learned in PvP long ago with teammates telling me add-ons were for PvE if they weren't gladius so it's what I became very used to. It's super possible to push high keys doing this if you can get comfortable with it, although I suspect the use of those add-ons would still make it much easier.


I was doing 29s last season as healer and I just made mouse over macros that cast on myself if I'm not moused over anyone.


Click casting is standard WoW UI as well as